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I have returned I know I've been MIA for an uncomfortably long time but as you probably gathered from the title I moved to Japan I've been living here for a little over a month now and I'm finally able to make videos again including this obligatory I move to Japan video also I wanted to make sure I had most of my Essential furniture otherwise it'd be the saddest apartment tour hello here's my living room um H there's nothing also here's my bedroom I'm sleeping on a futon that's it I figured I could use this time to answer some questions you might have so I guess I should start with why did you move to Japan as some of you may know I was invited by Geeks plus to join their lineup of influencers working and living in Japan so the same stuff I'm doing now except now I'm in Japan which of course sounded like a once- in a-lifetime opportunity but at the time since I'd never lived outside of the US before I was like well maybe I should visit first and then side and then Japan closed its borders for a while and eventually the fomo got to me so bad I decided the test visit didn't even matter and I needed to be there which leads to the next question how did you get in I got a work visa with geeks plus as my sponsor for said Visa it required some document filling and paperwork filing and waiting but as soon as borders opened up for work visas I was ready to go and I booked it out of California as fast as I could before Japan could shut its doors on me again what was the moving process like in a word tedious very tedious and expensive lots and lots of paperwork for virtually everything having Japanese speakers assisting with all of my appointments was a huge help of course but it still took a while opening a bank account and getting a new phone number doesn't sound like it'd be an all day process but it was 9 hours as a matter of fact but I'd say it's been worth the trouble so far where in Japan did you move move Tokyo how long will you live in Japan for uh I don't really know ideally a few years at least depending on how well things go do you know any Japanese before I moved here I knew pretty much nothing aside from a few basic phrases currently I can read Katakana and hiana because I started studying those characters beforehand but I still can't read kanji that one's going to take a while probably however I am taking Japanese lessons weekly so I'm slowly learning how to speak and understand it better will your content be changing SL are you switching to Vlog Style videos no not really so fun fact about myself is I'm really bad at recording Vlog Style videos or just any video content that requires me to talk at a camera I just can't do it especially not in public I feel awkward just taking pictures of my food in public so I'm going to continue with drawing about my experiences but I'll be incorporating more video footage into my content in between all the drawings drawings because there's just some things I can't capture in drawing form if there's ever a video where I go somewhere and I need to talk into a camera I'll just borrow the Geeks plus camera crew because they're professionals and if it were left in my hands it would end up looking like horror movie found footage so yeah literally the same stuff I've been doing except with more video footage spliced in if the topic calls for it and of course if there's anything in particular you'd like for me to check out or make a video about I am open to suggestions what did you do with all your stuff my beautiful beautiful prince my pin collection my charms my figurines my pink furniture I really cherish the time we had together I'm sorry that I have to leave you behind like this I'm going to miss waking up to seeing you adorning my walls I'm going to Miss admiring your beauty and the Artistry behind every single one of you Emily it's so cold and dark in this room I know I'm sorry please sleep well I promise I'll come back for you so please wait for [Music] me storage unit I'm keeping all my stuff in a storage unit how's Japan been so far so far it has been an amazing experience I arrived just in time for Sakura season so I got to see the sakura trees in bloom I've eaten some incredible food met some amazing people and I've just been an awe at all the beautiful and fun things I've seen so far being in such a new environment is going to give me a lot of new material to work with and I'm so excited to share these experiences with you another Plus is that I'm much closer to my parents now in the past 2 years I'd only gotten to see my mom once and my dad not at all but now it'll be much easier to see them now that we're in the same time zone and they're only a short flight away will you be collaborating with other Geeks plus YouTubers I would certainly like to and by the time this video is out I'll have already recorded some stuff with some of them so I suppose the answer to that is yes can we see your new place okay okay it's the moment you've been waiting for time for a scuff Department tour filmed by your truly oh but first so as you know moving to a new place in a foreign country costs money and I have been on Hiatus for way longer than I am comfortable with so we got a sponsor baby this announcement video is sponsored by hooe the developer of genin impact as we all know and just R you thought your heart had no more room to spare for any more hot characters they've got a new game coming out called honky star rail if you're interested in a more space themed storyline honky star rail follows an Interstellar Adventure where you can travel battle and explore with dozens of gorgeous characters and it's Hoover so you know the character designs are going to be nuts take for example March 7th why is that her name because she has Amnesia and knows nothing about herself except that she awoke from a drifting piece of Eternal ice sad stuff but hey she's super cute look at her go as for usual they've got some top tier animated cutcenes and music to give you an immersive Grand space fantasy experience currently they have an ongoing second closed beta test so if you're interested click the link in the description to get a chance to join the test before June 7th you can also pre-register to get a chance to win a PlayStation 5 before June 15th thank you again to honky star wheel for sponsoring this video and uh I guess technically this move okay I'm really hoping the quality is uh decent for this video but if it isn't then I'm sorry but welcome to my apartment uh this is the first thing you see when you enter there is an umbrella stand on the left corner uh you can tell which one my favorite umbrella is and I only bring it out for special occasions over here we have a ton of storage uh which is super convenient because I don't have to like leave my shoes out all over the floor and then trip over them so you got little compartments for shoes and then there's even an extra compartment for more shoes if I feel so inclined and then down here is the hallway with some nice shiny floors on the left hand side you have even more storage uh so this is one of my favorite things about this apartment there's just so much storage I I love it so you know it's to uh to keep your place clutter-free I keep a lot of my well it's kind of cluttered in this one but I keep all my masks here and this one there is nothing but there's shelving if I ever need it uh I keep a lot of like extra bedding and some plushies I don't know what to do with and the one I use the most is actually this one because this is where I keep all of my bags uh it's a little messy but it's very useful I I use it a lot and let's explore the very first room which just so happens to be the bedroom W um so I know the uh the the comforter looks comically small compared to the rest of the bed but that is because this originally came from the single futon that I was sleeping on earlier uh when I first moved in but it was so comfortable and I gotten so used to it that I I ended up just moving it over to the bed so the other comforter I bought I think that's the comforter is right here I just I haven't unpacked it because I've been using this one but yeah that's a bed these are my curtains that's the AC that's my comically small bed stand nightstand I didn't know it was going to be that small but it's okay it's pretty useful I keep some books on the bottom um and then I can charge my phone at the top at night uh uh this is the mirror I'm so sorry I'm still in my pajamas um this is my dresser thing uh it's got a bunch of stuff on it um and aside from here I keep my clothes in this closet let me turn the light on uh inside is a wall scroll a Gambar do Chan wall scroll by yum and this is where I keep my clothes and on the bottom here is where I keep my luggage uh I I I got these really cute heart-shaped pink hangers I love them very much uh but yeah this is where I keep all the clothes where I have to hang it um let's see let's move on to the next room in this room we have the throne the porcelain Throne uh this this is where you poop and we have a Kiki delivery service what is this called a toilet rug bathroom mat if we got one of those it's very nice and comfy soft on your feet next we have the regular bathroom uh so here's all my stuff uh regular bathroom hello it's me and my pajamas again um We Have a Kiki delivery service hand towel uh we have more storage I keep my face masks and bath bombs in here uh what's down here I think there like more bath salts uh and this is where I do my laundry yeah I there's not much else to say about that this is my dirty laundry and this is the wet room the bathroom the the uh the place where you take a bath and it's really nice and comfy uh in here I have hangers in here for when I do the laundry and I want to hang my clothes outside but also if it happens to rain and you still want to do laundry there is a drier function in this wet room you just like you press that and then you set it for however long you want the fan running for and then it dries your clothes for you so that's what those rods are for so occasionally I'll dry my clothes in here as well uh there's a mirror here for some reason it gets fogged up when I shower so it's not like I I ever use it for anything um ah okay and next I'm going to take you to my living room there's a door here and the nice thing about these doors is you can make them click into place so they don't move and it stays open it's really cool uh let's see I guess first I'll show you the kitchen which is right over here uh the reason why there's three trash cans is uh depending on which prefecture you're in I think you have to sort your trash like you have to separate your trash accordingly so we have a trash can for uh recyclables for burbles for bottles and cans and then cardboard boxes are their own separate thing that you have to like bag up together and like tie with the string which is what I have over here and then I take it to the garbage room downstairs so it was a it was a little confusing at first but it's very easy once you get the hang of it uh so this is my kitchen the sink uh dishwashing gloves because I have very sensitive hands um some decorations I got these Little Cuties in aabra that one's my favorite uh up here we have more storage of course so I keep my mugs and glasses in here and then I keep keep my bowls plates and miso soup bowls appear um yeah a lot of it's pink not surprisingly um more kitchen stuff this is also more kitchen stuff and some pink pots and pans I received as a gift uh you keep your oils and spices and stuff in here this is like the back door at least are the back door area this is where I keep uh tea and coffee stuff uh here's the toaster oven microwave and this is the refrigerator I have to go grocery shopping today so there actually is not a whole lot in here except for like a ton of salad dressing and sauces but that is the refrigerator and then this is where you answer the gate or front door um this is for the bath and in the living room there's the couch that I got from Ikea and a bunch of plushies usually it's a lot Messier but I set them all all nice and pretty specifically for the room tour uh the cute little kiwi plushies the long cat and pom pom Pudin are all from crane games and then bungus the bear is from Ikea and then this little guy I got at a chawa pop-up shop um here's the coffee table it's it's a very cozy setup and then the TV is over here and over here um Shameless plug time uh I have a gamer Subs collab coming out on June 1st I think this video should be uploaded a few days before then but yeah these will be these are have been a long time coming they kind of took a while but these are coming out June 1st so so be on the lookout for that yeah um anyways over here is um my dining table but I don't really use it for eating because I usually eat on the couch so I use it as a desk and to keep my Japanese cloth book and stuff cuz it won't fit on my computer desk and of course these are my lovely pink curtains I would open them and show you the outside but I don't really want to dox myself by accident and here's the AC there's an AC unit in I think every room which is very convenient because it's been getting super hot and humid lately this is my office I have more pink curtains of course another AC unit and this is my setup uh I know it looks very empty because I had to leave all of my prints and decorative stuff back in California so I am slowly collecting things to uh decorate my place with but so far all I have are these super cute prints by uh best roll ever on Twitter I think they go by a different name on Instagram but I'll I'll I'll put the name below but it's so cute it's supposed to look like a little cafe menu and then this is supposed to look like like Sakura spring tea time ah it's so cute I love it and then the other print oh I Haven it clicked in sorry ah the other print I have is the Sophie print by ocean in space but yeah aside from that my walls are Barren and empty uh but this lovely chair um was sent to me by secret Labs or sorry secret lab my bad uh I had to leave my old computer chair behind in California obviously I couldn't lug that over here with me so they sent me this chair and it's super comfy and I love it very much so thank you thank you thank you thank you secret lab uh here is my planner and uh like my little bullet Journal thing and then this is where I keep like notes and uh occasionally I'll like storyboard and that as as well and what there's not much else in here to show you except for my closet thing I kind of I want to figure out if I can get like shelving in here um but yeah everything's like on the bottom cuz I don't keep my clothes in here obviously uh in this corner I just keep an assortment of of different like little merch items I buy but then I don't know what to do with like these udum uh acrylic s these and this this little Kaaya plush I got in aiava um let's see more journals I keep my washi tape in here I brought those over with me as well when I moved and then this is where I keep oops I keep all of my stickers and my washi tape and I separate them based on category yes I have one section dedicated to Strawberry stickers but uh keep my washi tape here these are gifts for our friends for when I fly back and then over here um are folders just to like help me file stuff and then extra notebooks and yeah I think that's about it for this room um there's not much else to look at in here and yeah that's about it so I'll give you one more scan of what the the place looks like yep that's my apartment I hope this room tour was okay all right you can leave now goodbye welcome to the end of the video I haven't done one of these fan art showcase endings since September of last year but since then I've received so much gorgeous fan art I just had to do another one of these I don't even think I managed to collect all of them so next video I'll show the ones I might have missed one question I feel like a lot of people are going to ask that I didn't include is when will The Border reopen in Japan for tourists and the answer to that is I have no idea it all depends on the government and when they would like to open the borders but hopefully soon cuz I know a lot of you guys want to visit um anyways thank you for watching my Gamers Subs cup will be out on June 1st and my trash taste episode is out uh okay bye I'll see you in like mid June oh okay wait never mind there's still quite a bit of fan art left okay um guess I'll just sit here and todle my thumbs a bit while it goes on for a bit more um hope you guys are having a good weekend uh all right and I I think I think that's good okay goodbye
Channel: Emirichu
Views: 3,571,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G2X4U0EqHdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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