EMIRATES Boeing 777 Takeoff during Storm Ciara - 90km/h windgusts at Frankfurt

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[Music] no nothing out of the ordinary anything out of the ordinary max take off white okay are you happy to go yes all right let's go all right let's go girls okay so welcome aboard the continuation flight of 9935 we've landed in frankfurt we've had a few days rest and my colleagues in the flight deck ellen you've met and heidi they're doing the pre-departure setup so ellen has asked me to come down and do the walk around the walk round is basically the exterior inspection we do that before every flight and basically what we do as pilots is we want to ensure to ourselves that our aircraft is satisfactory to our satisfactory for flight when selling speaks to the engineer she'll speak to him in the flight deck on the ground she'll tell him we're ready to go and he'll go and you'll do the final walk around so if you just want to follow me i'll tell you how we do our walk around so here is an example of an access panel that is correct that's closed and locked the nose gear doors open and you'll see the headset there is how the ground engineer communicates to us on the flight deck we're quite heavy today as we depart out of frankfort off to mexico it's about 12 hours and six minutes we're loaded with pharmaceuticals so you'll notice unlike frankfurt that the strut is quite compressed that's that's normal the condition of the tires fairly similar to what you would be looking like on your car making sure that the tread is good there's no bald patches and always looking for any sort of leaks and as i come down i'm looking at the antennas to make sure that the antennas are in good condition hey guys walk around's all good the exterior's all fine i'm satisfied that she's good for flight thank you welcome so it's the boca 2 whiskey departure as we briefed earlier um but we'll be crossing the runway somewhere at some point at probably mike seven and then mike over to mike six for the abuka too whiskey departure any threats you see on the flight today uh possibility of some wind shear it's gusty conditions today and uh yeah i agree so uh anything else you can think of no no we've uh discussed the windshield escape we've mitigated with the figures so i agree yeah a straightforward departure here it's quite quiet atc is pretty good weather's other than wind it's it's still pretty good it's vmc so um bokeh two whiskey msa we discussed was uh 4300 feet uh el navinov departure i'll hand fly maybe to about 500 feet just because it's windy and then i'll turn the auto pilot on okay and um that's it questions no questions we're ready to go want to push yeah let's call five franklin apron emirates 9935 stands zero five zero five request push and start and it's 9995 good evening okay so you can release the parking brake brakes release time zero three zero three okay so starting push could be back for engine starting ground to fly the clear to start the engines right starting engine number one and number two one and two and see what's roger start left all right so stabilize we have two good starts thanks for the pushback see where the hand signals on the right hand side have a good night thank you so much see you next time it's nine nine three five for taxi underground one to one decimal eight zero five goodbye one two one eight zero five i wrote 9935 oh a taxi ride on romeo emirates 9935 all right good left right turn on romeo first all right happy for the storm off yeah thank you all right another uh we can access intersection lima 3 runway 25 center emirates 9935 all right so right on romeo and then romeo5 hold short check clear left clear right five five go all right so romeo seven then romeo five check another go around yeah i want to take five soon correct correct um left one four three okay we will hold short sierra two three parking brake is set check look at that straight up the windsock two miles ahead crossing right to left no level indications six seven four we are in the club one four three seven taxiwayer mike mike eight would have two holding point two five is four 9042 romeo five runway two five left nine zero four two tower hello where is departures emirates 9935 passing three thousand four hundred climbing flight level seven zero ninety five [Applause] right [Applause] [Applause] five collapse one director boca execute lincoln raider hello this is 10800 300 to 4 000. [Applause] let me take level 1 0 request hike speed climb high speed i speak approved thank you very much dynamite zero seven one speed intervention check high speeds approved yeah after takeoff checklist after takeoff check this complete thank you bye so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] time level two hundred then right now three five of 200 check [Applause] emirates one and three five conductors with avoider on one to seven decimal three six five one two seven there's more three six five and we're at seven nine three five [Applause] control emirates number three five climbing flight level two zero zero cameras one nine three five below identify classified two three [Applause] [Applause] contact the tower one two four nine eight seven five goodbye twenty four nine five [Applause] level two five zero to be level of b mobami hi guys we've reached our cruising altitude of 30 000 feet just about to approach dusseldorf right now the departure is quite interesting the winds were gusting to 49 knots the lighter aircraft were going around so um we had a little bit of a wait before departure and then we did the oboka ii whiskey departure and root of fight now is taking us over uh shortly over into amsterdam and then over the north sea and then we'll have the united kingdom to our left and then uh norway further north eventually over the atlantic all right so this is uh our root of flight is over here this yellow line currently we are the blue dots they give us direct routing to the boundary over here loneam which is uh into the scottish and the london airspace london then scottish and then our root of fight takes us all the way north over the norwegian sea iceland then greenland there's a bit of terrain over greenland 13 300 feet is our uh msa this is quite high it's very nice during the daytime if you could see it during the daytime it's beautiful and then into canada and minneapolis detroit i believe we hit detroit at some point right uh minneapolis tulsa houston and then into uh mexico and then our alternative is cancun no sorry i'll also do this uh acapulco that's right down here and then we can go to karetero which is right down there so we have several options and then i'll pan on my pen out so as you can see we still have a long way to go hi guys my name is heidi welcome we're flying through to mexico city today and as part of the flight we'll be doing a north atlantic crossing so part of the north atlantic crossing we track via latitude and longitude waypoints so now ellen and i will be checking some tracking distances all right so we are in true plan all right so position osborne to 63 north west 10. it's a track of 313 and 186 miles stand by check and then 66 north 20 west track of three one three i'm sorry three zero nine and three one six miles check 67 north 30 west track 289 247 miles check 67 north 40 west track of 275 235 miles check 66 north 50 west track of 261 247 miles tick and then position clabby 249 track 252 miles check we are just approaching the north atlantic oceanic entry point of osborne so prior to entering into the north atlantic we need an oceanic clearance so we'll be today doing it via cpdlc i've set it up here so it has our flight number uae 9935 we'll be requesting it with rykovic the oceanic entry point is osborne we'll be requesting at flat level three zero zero and our time at osborne will be 2123 zulu and we are requesting speed of math days well eight three so we can send that through and here we have our oceanic clearance to uh mexico via osbourne random route 63 north 10 west 66 north 20 west 67 north 30 west 67 north 40 west 66 north 50 west then clavi maintain flight level 300 mach 83 i'm happy to accept checked so now that we've accepted the oceanic clearance we can proceed across the north atlantic towards north america so in about 15 minutes we're going to enter the iceland oceanic airspace where we'll contact iceland radio on hr frequency and obtain a cell call check so that's basically a cell called a backup to the cplc message that we sent earlier so that way we have communication in case we lose cpdlc okay so a quick update as to where we are if you look on the navigation display here this triangle is our current position so we are approaching the wave point osborn which is the start of our oceanic entry so if we look at the ipad we're around about here approaching osborne and we will be flying through the iceland airspace overhead iceland for the next two hours conditions have been relatively smooth so far and there doesn't look to be any weather up ahead
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 658,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotsview, Emirates, Emirates Airlines, Emirates Boeing, Emirates Boeing 777, Emirates 777, Emirates Skycargo, Skycargo, Cockpit Emirates, Cockpit Emirates Boeing, Cockpit Emirates 777, Cockpit Emirates Boeing 777, Flight Deck Emirates, Flight Deck Emirates Boeing, Flight Deck Emirates Boeing 777, Flight Deck Emirates 777, Trip Report Emirates, Trip Report Emirates 777, Female Pilot, Women Pilot, Emirates Pilot, Emirates Female Pilot
Id: Jg-xXLdNlbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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