EMERGENCY HAUL-OUT: Things go from bad to worse.... (Episode 258)

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[Music] welcome to another episode of parlay Revival our circum navigation of New Zealand had gotten off to a horrible start when the deck rip clean off the hull while flying our spa it is is so horrible but now we were faced with another disaster an awful knocking sound coming straight out of our Sail Drive something's going clunk clunk clun clunk clunk inside the sail drive as an engineer I was going through the process of elimination but up until now had not been able to find the cause of the knocking noise I hate it when I have no answers but I don't know why the S Drive is making this noise but the next thing to eliminate was the whole clutch assembly itself so out it came so we're about to arrive in pie here I've had the whole con Cy assembly out everything's just spinning so nicely bearings look perfect both sides so with the clutch assembly looking to be okay my attention turned back to the propeller and the lower unit what could possibly be making this noise my plan was to get the props spinning as we moted with the other engine with a clutch assembly removed if the sound persist assist that completely eliminates a clutch assembly the problem is the prop kept folding as soon as we mowed ahead so we were having trouble getting it to spin the shaft to see if that was the culprit or not the props folded itself tor's going to jump in right now and just see what's going on baby hold the letter hold the letter okay so we're going to start moving then flick it flick it up to give it a little jump start if you can [Music] it's making that noise that's it Well Done Tori huh it's making that noise that's the prop something down there yes you've eliminated something good stuff something to do with the prop or the blower in well done thanks well done Tori okay Tor spun the prop there's no clone clut cone clutch assembly even in it um we can haul out right here in opua Rees is the yard manager and we met him in Tonga super cool guy so I think we've got a plan in place I just have to ring Yanmar and just triple check that the sd60 will just bolt straight in place of where this sd50 was let's go I'm just going to put it back together for now so I can get into the marina on two engines and she goes for now so the sd60 you heard me just mention was previously offered to us by Grant one of our followers from Oakland So the plan was to send Ollie and Tori on a road trip to go pick it up while the rest of us got ready to do an emergency haul out with parlay back at the H back at work guys listen day five baby let's go the sailing education go oh it's great it's awesome we're learning slowly you a s yet uh no yeah we're going to get ready to duck that not quite you know all said can do it with his eyes closed to see see how he goes yeah no and then you P oh that's for ktie told me no I'll show you again so it's under but then you go back over yourself yeah like that yeah and then back through exactly oh can sometimes do a little um slip up there so that it's just bang and you're pulling it through yeah why are you such a better teacher so if there's a cleat or Ballard and you get a loop on the end you don't really don't want to just put it straight over because if the boat Mo moves forward and then back it can come undone so you always go through the middle of a cleat and then wrap the ends over like that and that won't come undone um only there's a chance that you have to throw the throw the line so you make a few coils in your dominant hand and then make a few more and take it in your other hand like that and then you're throwing that and releasing that at the same time if I do this right I should be able to go right up over the solar panels you ready went to the back solar panel you want to practice stand on so we don't lose the L yeah oh excellent good job Sor we nearly that's really good though that was a 5 m [Music] throw jump come on so I think we're just going to crack on with some more troubleshooting so we got the dive set up we're going to go under and we're going to take the prop off the problem is the bolts are lock tied on and we're going to be in the water with nothing to really hold ourselves remember we've already established that it is either the prop or the lower unit everything above there has been disconnected so we're just trying to figure out what exactly it is we're just going to go down with one tank we'll just share it we're only going half a meter deep um but the key to this is holding that bag underneath when I'm working Katie's going to come down with me for this Marina water I can't wait and catch anything I drop uhhuh and just hold it direct like open like that under exactly what I'm doing cuz there's all sorts of parts to this folding prop wow can't see ah so here's the game plan 4 mm Allen key three bolts that takes the anode off anode in the bag there's three 6 mil Allen bolts they come off they're going to be loc tied so they're going to be super hard then there's these pins I got to knock those pins out I got a little Hammer there tap the pins out and then three blades will come off and then there's another 6 mil bolt which is holding the main locking nut that is a 24 mil that's that big socket there just snap the wood and then if we do get that one off then the whole thing's going to come off watch out for the yeah all done the folding prop off underwat woohoo when I picked that no wonder you were like sinking I was like sinking like a stud you were I was like what's wrong and he's like it's a lot heavier than I thought bye what did you do oh sh don't want to talk about it but I will yeah j's got a beer here and he's got a cup full of WD40 which we were rinsing out the socket that I just used underwater and he just grabbed the cup did you swallow some no oh no I knew immediately was just hear this wash it down Jes there you go I tasted like do you want some mouthwash or something it it was actually it's actually CLR which is calcium lime and rust remover aren't your teeth calcium sorry Joe ah it's all rinsed out now I'm going to put the um cone clutch and everything back in the sour Drive put it all back together we got no prop on now we're going to run it put it in gear out of gear see if it's making any clunking noises if it is then it's that bottom end of the S Drive leg also in about 20 minutes Eric Duce is coming to the boat this is the original videographer for parlay I met him in the BVI he was um salvaging boats and filming things and stuff when he was there I met him at the bar he ended up coming on P for must have been 6 months but he did like the first three maybe four episodes of P Revival who's a good boy Mar if you don't say anything see who he goes for that's true now so I got so much respect and love for this guy I haven't seen him since he left the boat all those years ago but anyway I'm going to try and get this back together before he comes let's go I'm a truth oh oh my gosh you going to gear yeah can hear it yeah no there we go props off and it's still making that noise so there's something wrong inside the lower unit in the leg of that s Drive the only thing it can be all right now we know what we got to do hey long time no see wow it's been too long that's been it's been crazy what's your name hi I'm Bailey baile nice to meet you I recognize him now nice to meet you nice to meet youed yeah okay morning guys okay so there's a good chance that we're able to haul out today the guys picked up the sd60 last night so we just drove for the last 8 hours to grab this part for the engine that Colin needs and the guy Grant ended up giving it to us he wouldn't take my money so um Grant I know you're watching thank you so much it was running perfectly um when he ripped it out of his boat so hopefully it's still the same I'm going to put new prop seals and stuff in here and obviously fill it with fresh oil and give it a bit of a birthday but um whole different clutch design the sd50 that we have in the boat uses a cone clutch and they're so prone to slipping meaning you go in and out of gear and it doesn't really turn the prop uh this has clutch plates so whole different design um so it would be a nice upgrade for us and it's 2015 so a couple years newer than uh the ones we have down there anyway first thing we going to do is take this off because uh on his boat was a leopard 48 um he had the prop shafts facing forward like that and the prop in forward was pulling the boat uh on our boat uh the props are on the other side and pushing when we're in forward so um I'm going to have to spin this around 180° regardless but pretty exciting to have this all happen so [Music] quickly see this oil is milky but we just found where's that piece CH a whole bunch of braided line and if some of that braid got in there there would have been some water in the oil and it's emulsified and you have milky milky oil we'll put new um new oil and new seals ready yep oh yeah baby that was easy so it's looking like we're about to haul out I've just marked up where the bulkheads are this is the primary bulkhead with the Masters definitely we're going on a trailer so I definitely want one of the pads under here um this is where the end of the salon is yeah with the doors open and this is the engine room one so three pads on each side should be super well supported as you know these are the strongest bulkheads on any Lagoon 450 on the planet manifestations we got we will Hollow today our hul out will go smoothly our circum navigation will continue positive affirmations put it out there so that everything happens this is really helpful we can [Music] just all right it's time moving over to the hall out slip only got one engine so and there's a mad current the Tide's obviously going out and all the water in the bay here is just hidden out to seea so it's gonna be really hard for me to get off the dock with one engine did you just call it an engine yeah what do you call it but um fair not we have Shane the dock Master pulling us around what up Shane hey Colin Budd [Music] [Music] Che Shane all good is guys all right it's happening time to haul out we got the trailer under got three pads each Hull with the foam on top so feel pretty good about it [Music] wonderful okay this is the culprit to all our issues we don't know what's going on in there feels okay right yeah same sound as the other side there's no play in it but so we got to take uh drain all the oil get this off get it all out pull the prop shaft out have a little inspection let's [Music] goo found it broken tooth there it is um look every time it get gets to there it's probably going clunk clunk clunk that's good news man we found it yeah how long will it take to get one is the well might able to steal it straight out of that one upstairs possibly yeah that's just a at least get us going Splash today there you go okay what do we got here guys I reckon if that fits for gold that looks way better it's different these gears are different these have got a curve in them and that's a way bigger drive down the bottom there so with this sd60 had exactly the same prop shaft it would have been possible to swap them out and literally get right back in the water to continue our circum navigation this is the sd60 it's even worse so they need to either machine this and put a sleeve over it or fill it and then machine it down but we don't want to put that straight back in and put new seals on it because it will leak water and we'll end up with the same problem with emulsified oil so it was looking like I had to replace the whole Sail Drive unless I could just swap out the legs here she comes this one has that to right here we go this is the sd50 leg okay sd50 sd60 very very different so that's out of the question it's not that I didn't want to replace the wholesale Drive I just hadn't heard back from Yanmar yet and I wasn't even sure if the sd60 would fit exactly in the same place as the sd50 so many of the parts look different to me at first glance it's got a bigger drive more teeth it's got a thin Drive less teeth on the spline and all we wanted was to get back in the water as soon as possible to continue our circum navigation of New Zealand as we had a long way to go so now we got to try to see if that is going to fit on the end of that engine so the first thing I got to do is unbolt bell housing undo the engine mounts move the engine forward that's it we are free here we go split so now I just take these bolts up and then this thing will come [Music] out fck get out [Music] just rest right nothing even looks the [Music] same way bigger it's got like a square head on it shift assembly is different this is different this is longer oh yeah yeah this is looks higher than this you got to be kidding yeah [Music] oh
Channel: Sailing Parlay Revival
Views: 245,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colin MacRae below deck, Colin macrae engineer below deck, below deck sailing, parlay revival, sailing parlay revival, sailing around the world, sailing, sailing zatara, sailing la vagabonde, sailing uma, sailing New Zealand, sailing Auckland, sailing bay of islands, bay of islands, Opua marina, bay of islands marina, circumnavigation, boat restoration, boat repairs, sailboat repair, fiberglass repair, Saildrive repair, sd50 saildrive, sd60 saildrive, slipping saildrive
Id: u2zrVC1nh4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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