Great Depression Lessons For The Coming Hard Times

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we're going to look at six lessons we can learn from the people who went through the great depression principles that can help us in our modern homesteads or even if we live in the city hey everybody chad cruz are here with health and homestead and by the way if you like this video please hit the subscribe button and um give the hit the like button it really helps us out as we continue to produce new films now i want to begin by sharing with you a story that kind of kind of lays the foundation for this great depression now a number of years ago i watched a documentary film that showed the country distinction between those who lived in the in the city and those who lived in the country during the great depression and they were interviewing different people who had been in both circumstances and one group as they were in the city they interviewed a man and he talked about watching he was just a boy at the time and how he watched his neighbors be evicted how they were kicked out of their house there they were outside the snow began to fall upon them and their furniture having no idea where to go and how he as a child felt so utterly helpless and there was nothing that he could do to help them and also how people during the great depression would have to wait in breadlines and back then how would they wait in red lights perfectly calm perfectly patient waiting their turn wearing suits if we went through it again today do you think it would be like that no but contrast this with the people in the country that this man was interviewed he summed it up perfectly he said listen before the great depression it was very difficult during the great depression it was very difficult and after the great depression it was very difficult but he said but we always had plenty of food because they raised their own provisions they grew their own food and that's the first point that we're looking at the first of our six points is number one learn to raise your own provisions now i know this seems old school it seems like from a bygone era but people are getting back into it and they're finding that not only is it this financially beneficial but also that it's super fulfilling at the same time so number one our first point is learn to raise your own provisions number two is always have an emergency fund now if you don't have an emergency fund right now slowly begin to make your way up to having one uh you've probably heard of dave ramsey dave ramsey the most popular financial guy in the world probably uh he suggests having a minimum to begin with of a thousand dollar emergency fund and then over time after you get rid of your debts try to get up to three to six months of expenses saved up that's not necessarily three to six months of how much you make but three to six months of expenses saved up so just in case there is another crash i mean we just went through it basically my income for a time just stopped and it's a blessing to be able to have that because then you can make it for a time it's very helpful to have that number three learning to be a diyer a do-it-yourselfer meaning one of the greatest things of noble self-sufficiency is learning to do things on your own things that you think man i can't do it i mean we live in a time right now where you can be apprenticed to anything on youtube right i mean literally you can watch some guy do anything some lady do anything and you can learn from them so learning to maybe fix something around the house maybe change your garbage disposal when it breaks down rather than calling in a plumber or you know dealing with a toilet when it has some simple little problem now we get it there are certain things that you'll probably have to call people up for but in general learning to do this this is something that during the great depression people had as much as possible to take care of themselves number four do not buy things that you don't have cash for listen if you don't have cash for something just don't buy it i mean the one thing probably that you may not buy with cash is your house but learn to save up for a car learn to save up for the next phone you think that's crazy why would i why would i pay cash for a phone when i can pay you know 30 a month or i don't even know how much it costs but because we just pay cash and you think oh you got to have a lot of money to do that no you just don't buy as many things and you wait until you actually have the money to do it the billionaires love it they love it when you go on the layaway program you you pay a few dollars a month and then they get to they get to wrap the rest in their pocket right and so listen you'll be better off not paying somebody else extra money for the stuff you have that's that's where a lot of corporations make most of their money is when you are in debt and so learn to be like someone from the great depression that didn't buy anything unless they had the cash now my great-grandmother actually she lost a house during the great depression and she decided never to do that again she actually waited to buy her next house until she had cash now it'd be great if we could all do that but obviously most of us don't do that today but if you can hey knock yourself out that's awesome let's go on to number five take whatever job you can get and do your best lean into that job do whatever you can to be a prize employee and if you are that kind of person you will be hired if you were one of those individuals and maybe you weren't in the past maybe in the past you hated working and you were just there to like to check in check out and have them hand you a check but if if they see you that way i mean how how how are people going to make it to higher levels when when they see you don't care about the company so learn to be a hard worker learn to be industrious learn to be diligent and take the job and do the best that you can there and if you're faithful with the job that you're at you may be you know you may go up to a higher level after that time number six our final point now i think this is actually one of the greatest lessons from those who lived through the great depression number one is that when they actually did get through it those who all lived through it most people did live through it they may have gone through some very difficult times one of the things you see that even when they became they were very self-reliant they learned to work hard they many of them learn to be quite successful and make money in life and many of them even became very successful maybe even millionaires but one of the things about them you often see is that or i should say did see is that they what they didn't act like they had a lot of money they still lived frugally even when they were more successful we live in kind of like the bling the season of bling the time interest history where where if if you make more money man you get a bigger house and if you make more money you get a bigger house and you get a more fancy car well i remember being young and and the guy who owned the the diamond store in town he drove like an old ford and he lived in the same neighborhood as us folks who lived a simple lifestyle and so learning from these people that even when you have more you don't have to act like you have more you can live a simple life you can be you can be more giving help people out in the community and it's not like stuff makes you happy anyway it's really the simple things of of life nature spending time with family and even your relationship with god to actually give you peace joy and happiness in life so learn from these six tips and once again if you like this video please hit the subscribe button god bless and have a great day
Channel: Health And Homestead
Views: 141,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great depression, finances, lessons, coming collapse, bugout, prepper, preper, apocalypse, lessons from the, lessons from the great depression, homesteading, chad kreuzer, country living, country living sda, sda country living
Id: kgIibe3zdJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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