5 Mysterious Glitches In Reality That Cannot Be Explained
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
Views: 1,230,457
Rating: 4.4134707 out of 5
Keywords: mysterious, glitches, in, reality, that, cannot, be, explained, glitches in real life, glitches in real life caught on tape, glitches in real life stories, glitches in real life 2019, glitches in the matrix, glitches in the matrixs, glitches in the matrixs compilation, glitch in the matrixs compilation, glitch in the matrix, glitch in the matrixs on camera, glitch in the matrixs 2019, time travel, time traveler, time traveler interview, time traveler caught on tape
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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