ELIZABETH & ME Repairing a generator \ Small engine

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[Music] hey guys welcome to the shop this week we got a different video for you not machine just a general repair video so something to me and my wife can do together so I hope you're doing all right guys so what a happier is a 5500 50 watt troy bilt gas-powered generator now this generator doesn't run at least that's what I was told I was given this generator by a co-worker he had used it for years and said I'll be you know of course it was working until it didn't he went out and bought a new one asked me if I wanted this one so I said of course now fixed a lot of small engines over the years I'm gonna take you through the process that I used to fix them and I'm gonna have my wife Elizabeth helping with some of the things just to maybe speed things up and expand her knowledge a little bit so let's do a quick inspection on this I'll tell you you know some of the things that I know and started all right so I'd really know nothing about this other than he told me that it wouldn't run and the first thing that you always want to check on them you know if you get a mystery motor or you know even if your lawn mower doesn't run you know all these small engines are basically the same you know if they're just gas gasoline engine and you know they require a lot of the same things to run so you can use this information on just about anything really first thing you want to check is the oil you know if it's been run low on oil or out of oil you might as well just you know part it out recycle it throw it away whatever so first thing you know we'll check the oil I have not checked the oil in this thing you want to make sure they're on level ground which this is not but it does have oil in it and it doesn't look you know it's not completely black then what I do pull the engine over just by hand does it feel like it has compression and this one you know feels feels good so that tells me that this is a good candidate to try to start your repairs let me show you what I look for next all right so it's got oil in it and it's got compression it's either chances are a firing issue it's got a bad sparkplug or it's got what I call drugs and the gas tank dirt water pouring debris that shouldn't be there and I worked on these things for about three years and from my experience nine times out of ten when these things don't run it's because of the person they've got their gas jug sitting outside it gets rained on or their equipment sitting outside it gets rained on nine times out of ten its water at least that's what I find let me bring you over here let's look in this gas tank I also want to show you a gas cap on this thing which is pre notorious all right so these gas lids were notorious for letting water and stuff get in they got a little vent hole in them and if these got rained on you know they this is it's all faded now but it has a level indicator in it and a float these were horrible about letting water get inside the gas tank in wow this thing does have a bunch of dirt let me get you a shot of what I'm seeing and then we'll start tearing into this thing all right so looking down on this gas tank you can see what that is all dirt and crud so chances are it's a carburetor or fuel issue I mean this shouldn't have anything in it but it does so we're gonna have to pull this tank off of it and start cleaning out the fuel system holy standard consumer-grade you know this is just a Briggs and Stratton motor you may have a rotor tiller a lawnmower you know anything that gas-powered engine small and most of them are the same so a lot of this will apply to about any little small gas engine definitely doesn't smell good old gas has a really sweet smell to it and this is definitely smells bad get Elizabeth to wash this gas tank out and we'll tear into the carburetor you've got to take this stuff off any way to access the carburetor this here is the air filter and it'll be you know a good chance to check it and see if it's failed also no reason to to not pay attention to everything when you do a job like this [Music] doesn't look new but it also doesn't look like it's been had oil on it or anything so you know that is definitely serviceable this cover off swinging this Corvette linkage and stuff around if it's a carbon rock really common around here for mice to build nests and the air there into the air housing here engine cooling and I've seen a lot of small engines get ruined from mice nests [Music] let's get some female torques holding on which do not have any female Torx bits vice grips good good there's only one hole for the linkage to go in here so that's pretty easy and there we go two carburetors off and now we can you can clean this out we'll also pull a spark plug out and look at it you know we're already in here so why not and make sure this thing's got to you know we've got fire okay so the spark plug actually looks pretty good we can check and see if this thing has fire it's a block to ground it pulling the rope and seeing if we get a spark or gap so make sure you switches on and everything is good I'm gonna pull the rope spark plug grounded hopefully against the block and just lay in there it's course hooked up we're gonna pull the rope and see if we see any spark nice what did see some you anyway so we'll just assume that you know that's functioning to clean out this gas jug all we gas tank all we've done is put some fresh gas in it you know try to get any things big out of it that's almost impossible they're kind of hard to clean we put fresh gas in it she's gonna shake it around a bit and hit drain it and do it a couple times okay so if you don't clean these gas jugs out good you're just wasting their gas tanks out good you're just wasting your time because all the effort that you put into cleaning the carburetor and stuff will be fouled the first time you put gas in it if this is not thorough because usually it's the source of the issue we're gonna do this a couple times then once we're done compressed air you open it up let it dry blow it out compressed air to get all the small bits of debris out and then I suggest an inline fuel filter when you put it back together which I don't have one okay so before I taking a carburetor apart always try to get it as clean as I can on the outside we don't transfer you know a transfer is a little dirt in as possible and especially if you're doing this job for for someone else you don't want yeah you don't want to look like you don't want it to look like you've done a half job clean them up good oh wow see what's inside be careful Terri gaskets I think this one has o-rings but if you get this old stinky gas on you and it's hard to get off gloves Wow let me get you a good shot Oh what's in the bottom there down in there people really overestimate help difficult this is it's not not that hard to do but to look at all that debris down in there that's uh that is from give dirty gas jug dirty gas jug rust you know stuff like that so all that has to come out this motor cannot run at least will with any of that stuff in so I'm gonna go a little pick scrape all this out pull the float off and start blowing out all the small offices just use the tip and stroke that stuff least she's pull the float out of here and single valve all this will get sprayed off things that spray this with carburetor cleaner real we'll go through every little hole make sure you it's all good and clean any little hole I see all I'm doing just putting this up to it trying to spray it out careful not to spray this stuff in my face or or her face it's like spraying liquid fire in your eye bones [Music] lots of little holes and stuff you got to go look for that and instead of the throat of the carburetor here because careful with the compressed air you can blow out needle seats like for the for the float and stuff on some carburetor so don't get carried away [Music] back together the same way it came apart a lot of carburetors would be you know a little different so there's no reason to go in detail you just got to pay attention to what you're doing and make sure everything's clean that please pick two now that car burger is clean and I just need to finish the gas tank and reassemble and dry so we please know thing that yes yeah yeah I mean of all times those gas caps will get rust and stuff on the stems and the stuff will fall down into the gas tank again and you'll be doing it again all of this make sure your gaskets are knocked or these stem off really good to back together all these are motors are really basic [Music] probably wouldn't hurt the use compressed air to blow out your filters all right hmm choke on you know I don't care if this fixes it or not fixing it with a lady like this is the right way to do it and if you're not doing it this way you're doing it wrong free generator can't beat that and that probably took basic I think the main thing is just to get everything as clean as you can possibly clean it when you think everything's clean clean it again there you go well now that I know that this thing runs you know I can safely you know spend a little money on it change the oil and stuff in it put a new spark plug and air filter all that good stuff give it a good good clean and you know things got some rust on it you know the the guy that owned it said that he traveled back and forth that this was in the back of his truck and you know he built a log cabin with it what he told me you can see that it's got some some rust and stuff so it's it's definitely not a new generator but you know with a little maintenance this thing will last me forever so it was good it was good to fix it with my wife Elizabeth so thank you Elizabeth I appreciate it [Applause] you guys I think that's about it this week I hope you got something from this video that you use in your own life you know they're not always that easy to repair but you know sometimes you get lucky Paul do you that celebrate Easter I hope you enjoyed some time with your family that was kind of a playing on this videos to spend a little time with my wife and stuff really appreciate you watching thanks my viewers patrons and subscribers I really appreciate it thanks for watching guys we really appreciate it [Music]
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 44,426
Rating: 4.9459653 out of 5
Keywords: Repair, generator, lawnmower, fix, pretty, motor repair, metal lathe, lady, how to, carburetor, Milling, metal lahte, machine shop, metal work, machinist, cutter grinder, tips, cnc, welding, repair, rebuild, beautiful, awesome, lathe operation, homemade, sharpening, motorcycle, heavy duty, machines, HSS, metal shaper, AVE, Abom79, powerful, restore, funny, tools, custom, girls, fail, success, rust removal, crash, blacksmith, precision, farm, drill, weld, surface grinder, truck, shaper, amazing, skilled
Id: AOO-dF8LjpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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