Elite Dangerous - Fleet Carriers In Action - First Look

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hi guys and girls I'm obsidian aunt and welcome back to League dangerous today we're taking a look at the flea carriers over on the beta servers and we just head into their system here die so die so whatever it's called in order to purchase one of these big massive carriers now outside the station at the back of the station you can see the drydock and in the drydock is indeed a fleet carrier has supposedly been under construction this is using the same model that you will actually get when you purchase them with the same type of model so yet you can see the three carriers are actually quite large now in this video I'm actually going to go through perched in one of these we're going to have a look at some of the services what they all about and most importantly I think for a lot of people what we're going to see the total costs of purchasing and outfit in a carrier as well as the current upkeep costs which are pretty significant indeed so inside the stations if you come to one of the stations that actually have a carrier seller or carrier vendor we can see we have the ability to purchase one of these so as we know the cost of these is 5 billion I do have them and a little bit of space as well so it's your bail to outfit these actually went through and sold all my assets on the beta server here before making the video so we're doing a relatively well now free carriers our massive ships used as a mobile base of operations offering multiple hangar bays and various services you can purchase a carrier through this contact who have represents the Burke operation over on the right here we've got a codex entry this is basically a manual on how to use the year fleet carriers let's have a very quick look at that before you make the purchase just to see at what type of info it actually gives us so we've got an introduction to the fleet carrier which is the same as what I just read out we've also got no you how to purchase option now which is odd to consider when we've already at that screen a fleet carrier management summaries a navigation budget all the rest of it we're not gonna go and look at all of this right now because we actually don't want to purchase that carrier but it's nice to know it's there so before we purchase we can name the carrier and once you've done that and gone ahead and made the purchase the carrier will actually appear somewhere in the current system I'd believe of the current system is actually full I don't know the the amount of carriers that could be in any one system but as long as there's space here the carrier will appear around a random body in at the current system outstanding commands are on behalf of the brewer corporation and we offer Houston series congratulations you are now the proud owner of a Drake class carrier factory actually calls it a Drake class carrier I suggest at some point there might be alternative models perhaps so let's have a look where the carrier actually is now the thing that surprised me is that this was actually only what 30 minutes into the beta being life and already we can see a whole ton of carriers in this system so I think system maps are going to get very very busy hopefully at some point there'd be a way to filter these out because it's gonna look very noisy on some systems so this is my carrier we can see the facilities that are enabled and ones that are disabled they're disabled because they haven't actually been installed yet but we can plot a route here and then fly to the carrier let's go have a look so it turns out that my carrier was actually parked in a very nice location here right in the inside of a ring system there's a nicer but a footage we get in a minute where we can see the Sun and at the planet as well but as you can see the carrier was instantly very very busy I'm actually in solo mode here so all of this is NPC traffic but nonetheless these ships come and go given the impression and it's a very busy area now when they carrier itself we've got a number of options most notably among these are the carrier services which are effectively the same as station services and will account for everything that we actually have installed on the carrier itself we also have the carrier management option which you can access through the carrier services screen but for some reason it wasn't actually working until I logged off and logged back on again so meanwhile I just used the carrier management through the right panel of the ship and you can do this remotely you don't have to be docked here to use this but it will bring you to the same system now over on the right you can see the amount of fuel over on the Left we have a bunch of options first let's have a look at navigation may shows the current system we can open the galaxy map and protocols to any system that we actually want so you can actually jump directly to a particular star system er we'd go in here to the Maya star them you can just choose that on the carrier option or you can go into the star system and choose a specific location now I did have some trouble with this because I assume it's due to server load when I chose an option or a destination option here it wasn't possible to actually cancel it so we could choose that right there just proven the fact that we can instantly jump these 300,000 light seconds into that system but for some reason it wasn't actually your working when I tried to set another location just watcher this here see it stays red so I shouldn't is down to a server load but also brought some other problems which was see at the end of the video so keep an eye out for that we do have a little bit of an issue with one of the carrier ends up now heading back to the interface screen here we've had to look at the navigation we could see our destination is locked in 59 minutes until jump and 56 minutes until the pants are locked down now here is the video interest in screen this is the budget screen with a compass back to this in just a minute another screen is commodity trading now there's a bunch of people who wanted to see how this actually works so it can actually choose any one of these particular products and then choose to place a buy or a sell order and pretty much every single commodity is listed here including some of the very expensive ones such as void opals and at low temperature diamonds we can see those right here so let's place a buy order for a void opals you can actually buy these for whichever question actually like one thing you'll notice straight away is there's a negative carrier balance it's actually minus at the purchase price here and over on the right just fade out the bottom right you can see the carrier balance is zero and that's because I haven't actually funded the carrier yet so we need to head on over to the budget screen and deposit some money in there so everything you actually do with each carrier comes out of this fund you can put in pretty much as much as you actually like but as usual we've got some other useless interfaces here we have to hold down the plus key we can't actually type in a figure and there's no sliders to drag so yeah it does speed up a bit but if you want to put a billion in here or more you're gonna be sitting here for a little while sure it's only seconds but it's no frustrating I'm gonna put a few hundred million in anyway so let's get to it in the end I decided 100 million was enough because that took long enough I think place had cut in there as well so bank to the sell order screen or the buy order screen in this particular case so from what I can see you can set these to whatever you want you can set them to just 5% of the galactic average and you can go all the way up to 1000 percent of the galactic average but again you're stuck with these same a plus minus option here again doesn't matter if you click on the buy price button there you can't type any figures in there's no way to slide the figure so you just have to click and Oh click and hold and wait and keep waiting until eventually you get to the price that you want so the idea here is an ultimately you'll park up in a location where people will be selling of willing to sell to you there void opals or their holo temperature diamonds or which other ever commodity you wish to buy now you can see the allocated credits increasing down the bottom for this commodity there's just one unit here obviously I can choose how many units I want and that will then be multiplied by the price and actually cents this will all be deducted out of the carrier balance upfront so yeah that will be taken immediately and then be used to pay at the seller to the person who actually that sold me the void opals so let's move on to these services screen this is where we can add or remove services to the station the ones in yellow already active and are they are the core ones the ones in orange are optional so 40 million up front here an active this costs nine million and credits per week and if we suspend it it still costs four and a half million credits so if you want to go away from the game and suspend the carrier to try and keep the running cost cheap it's still going to cost you four and a half million but four per week with your plan or not just to keep the refilled service so open yeah I'm very hesitant there because I can't believe these prices and you're gonna see more of that as we get in I take a little while before they actually activate so let's buy the repair option here we're gonna fully outfit this carrier nine million per week for the repair crew again a suspended net is four and a half million we have got enough money though so we're gonna need to deposit some more at quit it's out of my balance here so repair crew now installed don't put gonna need to fund even more here I've only got a 500 million into the carrier but I see how it goes next up is the armory upfront cost 95 million you get a million credits per week to run this yes so it's basically 50% discounted if you suspend it so each of these services actually deduct some of the total amount of space in the carrier that uses 250 units the redemption office uses 50 units upfront cost 150 million and a twelve million credits per week assume the thing is that most people are not going to be running all of these services at least I suspect that's what frontier thinking that people are actually going to go ahead and only use the services that they want they buy and making customized carrying carriers that only user specific services rather then absolutely everything but nonetheless five hundred million five hundred and twenty million credits to install the shipyard here and an amazing absolutely astoundingly unbelievable 42 a million credits per week to actually keep that active and running so that's the shipyard installed outfitting us a nice around at 390 million credits to install 36 million credits per week to actually run this and to be perfectly honest if you're gonna have a shipyard you're probably also going to have outfits and even if you don't have anything else on your ship the secure warehouse this is for your own personal inventory space 165 million and 18 million credits per week to keep this active and most people are going to have this this faceit personal storage is a very good option but these prices I think I'm gonna Stu be thinking twice about this now do keep in mind that of course all these figures here are down to the fact it's in a beta these are by no means are the final figures they could be far less when the actual gain goes live the point here is that frontier might be thinking of haggling with the players let's knock it down by a few million but to be honest these prices these fees these upkeep's are so far out of the ballpark that it's unbelievable and reducing them by 10 percent twenty percent just isn't gonna cut it I've really got a need to go down by 80 percent 90 percent somewhere in of that region because this just makes no sense whatsoever let's have a look at the figures and bring them up on the screen but first let's take a look at the decommissioning screen now keep in mind that at this point I've spent about six point three billion on the carrier let's see how much we actually give back so if we were to scrap the carrier now we'd get a refund value of the four billion so that's a loss a net loss or a total loss of 2.3 billion credits straight off the bat and this will actually go down the more we use the carrier the more wear and tear it gets to the lower is actually valued add and the further away from the purchase system would the carrier vendor systems the lower this fee will actually be so yeah you're not getting much money back on that the total of the carrier now it's possible that this may not be including all the services it may just be the base cost of the carrier and then I should actually sell the services individually at before I actually sell a carrier if you do retain the services or send them back you get a 50% return on the original cost in terms of the upkeep costs this is the service screen that shows us how much we have to pay out per week now you can see the weekly upkeep here is 44 million credits but we have to keep in mind that today is Tuesday and these server tick when this fee is going to be deducted is Thursday so this is basically two days or maybe two and a bit days of upkeep the full of weekly cost is actually quite a bit higher let's put those figures on the screen so the total weekly upkeep cost is 147 million credits per week that is a very very high indeed and it actually works out to over seven million seven billion credits per year in humph keep costs now keep in mind I will say this again and I do believe that frontier don't feel that players should be fully outfitted in a carrier unless they can afford to do so instead I think frontier actually want people to a customize our character for deer that just a handful of services that they actually want but even then even if you just go for a shipyard and don't fit in or and shipyard to be fuelled in the upper keep costs are going to be significant after all just for the core cost of the carrier that's 10 million per week and refueled is 9 million per week so if those are the only two services you wanted you're still going to be playing at 19 a million credits per week shipyard on its own he is a 42 million courteous and don't forget you need to have the shipyard installed if you want to actually transfer your other fleets or your other ships into the carrier now I'm not going to go too much on about the cost of the upkeep right here in this video I'm going to save it for another video but to be fully aware that I think these prices are totally over the top and not just by 10 percent or 20 percent they are actually significantly out of range of what I feel is reasonable even if they were reduced by 50 percent it would still be too much anyway I don't want to let these upkeep costs override the rest of the video or the entirety of the video but it's probably a bit too late for that let's move on to the rest of the features here now this is the shipyard we can stock it with various types of ships you can see they've all packaged up at the Falcon delacey gives you an anaconda as some crate phantoms a crate marked two-hander pythons for pythons for crates full freight phantoms and the three anacondas areas so we purchased these in blocks this look at this one here at 321 million and what it's a price for buying these individually so I took a look over at coriolis this doesn't include any discounts on the ships but buy these individually in the game you'll be paying 321 million at 360 1890 kritis unless if you don't actually go to Xinhua to Desura and get a large discount so essentially what this means is that a carrier owner will not be able to make any profit on setting ships so in short what this means is that to have a shipyard installed on your carrier it will cost 42 million crisps per week and you have no way from that shipyard to actually pay back that upkeep costs now there is of course the argument that you do get the added convenience of having a shipyard on your carrier maybe this is a benefit for your friends or via squadron or for your player group in that regards it is a big benefit but you won't be making a profit on ships out or so yeah the carriers are not a trading platform in that regards it seems to me what you're paying for here is the convenience of having a shipyard wherever you want it to be located so the outfit in stock this works exactly the same way as a shipyard you buy modules in bulk so we got what we got here he's analytical devices we can see these are 111 buddy I have impressed ease up individualís but I am going to assume that it works the same as the shipyard that basically you're buying hold of these and their original cost price and as you can see here there are multiple categories here and each category does have a various tiers where you can buy different qualities of item so with that pretty much covers all the available services that you could have fitted to your carrier I'm gonna make another video where we look at it from the passenger point of view the user point of view but let's wrap this video up now off with a jump now I want to actually stop the jump to the Maia system because it's a little bit too far away and obviously I would have no fuel left at this particular point huh but it wouldn't cancel so there was no way to stop this or prevent this jump from happening I've no idea at the moment whether or not I'm about to refuel at the other end hopefully there's a refinery economy there it does look like there is one right near the my system and that would amount to buy enough fuel to get ourselves back into the bubble but for now our we're going to leave it right here we'll be back with another bunch of videos looking at the other aspects of free carriers I'm gonna actually leave you off with at the jump sequence now I tried to film this from the outside but a few minutes before the jump sequence goes live the landing pads actually locked down which means your ship actually descends down into the hangar bay and that's what's happening right here it meant that I wasn't actually able to film this from the outside but what I will leave you with is that the audio sound of the jump sequence and what it looks like from inside the carrier I'll be back very soon with those other videos [Music] [Music] final checks on County [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ObsidianAnt
Views: 513,340
Rating: 4.8860698 out of 5
Keywords: Elite: Dangerous, Elite Dangerous, Elite, Elite: Dangerous Horizons, Horizons, space sim, space game, elite, gameplay, preview, updates, content, galaxy, exploring, exploration, david braben, frontier, elite 2, Frontier Developments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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