Comparing The Largest Player Owned Ships In Space Games

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I'm not normally a fan of the Ant, but I do appreciate this comparrison!

It's also really interesting to see how the different games handle the different 'megaship' style, and how the different games handle it. For example, I had no idea that training for, and building a titan, we're talking *years* of gameplay. That's crazy, and I love it.

I love that NMS has different ownable megaships - the carrier equivelant that can't be destroyed, and mission capable megaships and combat capable variants. That's cool, I dig that :)

I also dig that NMS carriers are based on fuel upkeep, not credit upkeep, and think that would be a much better design choice for FDev to consider.

I think it's pretty telling that none of the compared games have persistant player-owned megaships, and based on what FDev's original teaser, there seem to be two different concepts that they were trying to implement

  • Mobile persisting starports - fleet carriers
  • Specialist instance-specific 'role' megaships - like Capital Ships that you could summon to assist you.

I certainly hope we see the expansion of the persistent megaship concept. I'd enjoy being able to own multiple megaships and have them do Megaship sized missions that I as a player would be able to support via scenarios. Hell, if players could pick up missions to support other CMDR megaships (think like micro CGs) then we can see a real new dimension to the game and growth of player based interaction.

"X corp would like you to move 10000 units of Ships to Colonia" - a simple wider version of the delivery mission for a hauler megaship.

"Y industries would like you to collect 6000 units of mined tritium" - take your megaship to a ring, and either protect NPC freighters in the rings, respond to "mission signal sources" to defend NPCs on the way back, or contribute directly mining yourself.

"Z Empire League would like you to kill 500 ships of faction X" - take your combat capable megaship to a war system, and engage in combat zones. Whilst it's orbiting the same body as you, it can enter your instance and deploy fighters and turrets like capital ships.

FDev are laying a good technological groundwork for player owned, persisting, mobile assets. I cannot commend that enough (Even whilst providing feedback about the precise implementation) and think it's a great direction for the game. I hope they continue to expand on it with the addition of different megaships players can own, and tying them into the BGS, Mission System, and each different aspect of gameplay.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ctri 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi guys and girls I'm obsidian hands with introduction of fleet carriers into early dangerous the game man now joins the ranks of other space games that allow you to own a super massive ships carriers of course are the largest player and ships in a linked and in this video I'd like to take a step back and see how they compared to the largest own ships in other space games out there naturally we have to keep in mind that there are some distinct differences between the games themselves but nonetheless I feel that this is well worth taking a look at so in this video won't be compared into the largest ships from the four best known space games out there these are no man's sky and League dangerous star citizen and even lied once there are indeed a number of other great space games out there I wanted to keep this comparison to a reasonable length but who knows if there's interests in that I can always do a follow-up video to cover further games freighters are gigantic ships that players can own in no man's sky these vessels are extremely comprehensive offering players a lot of functions now as Noah's sky as a first person stroked third-person gamer with the ability to walk around this naturally means that players are free to explore the interior of the freighter on fort critters can be used to store player own ships and also come with a large inventory space for players to store all their gear and items what is not possible to directly take control of the freighters commands can be issued to them to allow them to jump from star system to star system they do require fuel in order to do this but this is relatively easily obtainable and can be created in a short amount of time freighters are also fully customizable on the interior and now employers to use the games base building tools in order to create rooms this functionality is pretty expensive and enables for the creation of multi flawed interiors buildin isn't the only way to improve your freighter however as they can also have among other things improvements made to storage capacity as well as jump range combat meanwhile isn't really much of a thing when it comes to freighters must have been flying around in space you will see freighters coming under attack from small ships you cannot directly command your own freighter into bad so with so many options of a dove all our players might be forgiven for thinking freighters are going to be expensive what is true they do cost up to 178 million credits and whether players will receive their first freighter for free finally or while snow n sky isn't the fully online persistent world like the other games in this video it doesn't nonetheless have a bunch of multiplayer aspects with this in mind it may raise questions about the persistent nature of freighters they also - which is no freighters do not remain active when the players close the game now the freighter isn't the only large player owned a bull ship in no man's sky it's also possible to own a fleet of frigates which could be sent out on a variety of missions from which players can gain rewards if successful it is possible however for forgets to take damage or even be destroyed during these missions this is in stark contrast ender to the personal freighter which cannot be destroyed even Lian is the clear winner when it comes to ship sizes the largest player own ships are of course the infamous Titans which can get up to 18,000 meters in length these vessels are to all intents and purposes giant mobile space stations whilst they don't behave in quite the same way as stations they do and nonetheless offer many of the same services such as ship maintenance hangars and inventory space among numerous other services now owning a Titan is no small task 2 p.m. with they take 8 weeks of real-time construction in order to manufacture and that's without taking into account the manufacturer of the various needed components in terms of having the ability to fly these large ships this is limited to a selection of people who have actually trained the skills skill training in EVE Online works on a real-time basis with a timer that is active when even when you log out some very early skills for example take mere Minister train whilst other high end skills take weeks to learn training for your Titan then is measured in years but I said this can be dramatically reduced through the use of the skill injectors a very expensive alternative in short in terms of in-game currency and time investment Titans are far and away the most complex and time consuming of the large ships to own any of these games but I said another game does have a more expensive option more on that further into the video now despite even line been a massive persistent game world Titan themselves are not persistent when a plan logs out the Titans will disappear and there is of course of both some significant advantages and disadvantages to this as Titans like with just about everything else you need can be destroyed in either regards as Titans are a prize ship and therefore seen as an essential part of any large fleet by many big corporations now this is perhaps without look down a bit of a controversial game to have on this list and some people may prefer it to not actually be here however the fact remains a star citizen is in active development and it continues to place itself as aiming to be one-off if not the best space game out there that yet time will tell now to be fair it does have a very comprehensive list of ships and not even go as far as saying that they are the best designed space ships of any game out there the real problem here is that the gamer clearly has a long long way to go to final release now what star citizen doesn't currently have a capital starship in the game it does have designs for them in the form of the Bengal carrier which the IG have stated right from the start would eventually be honorable by the players meanwhile the largest ship ever sold to players is somewhat smaller than a Bengal carrier but nonetheless is large enough to be considered a carrier at least in some respects if not in official capacity this is the javelin which were sold to players all the way back in 2014 for the ripe sum of $2,500 and yes that's the real world money that people actually paid for it CIJ put a limit on how many of these were willing to they were willing to sell yet by their own account 200 of these ships were sold despite the very high asking price six years later they're still not in the game and have no sign of being on any road map but I guess they will turn up someday it may be the concept of the javelin is to offer players a large modular spaceship with enough flexibility to allow for it to be a multi-purpose vessel in terms of size the ship is 400 eighty meters in length and can hold a crew ranging between 12 and 18 individuals early designs do show the javelinas having a hangar bay however has with all the early specs these things are subject to change however hangar bay is certainly a requirement for fitting on this list and based on the information we currently have the Jess plane that just about fits the Builder with this ability to dock a single ship on board perhaps a farm or ferris and there now would be the bingo class carrier which is around twice the length of the javelin measuring in at nearly 1,000 meters the bingo carrier will have the ability to house a multitude of ships however and shed it hasn't been sold to players we don't know if it will be despite the fact that CID have said it should be so for now at least I want to keep it off the list as with EVE Online the idea of these large ships in star citizen will be to provide a booth a combat role as well as a fleet support role another nice touch is that all the ships in star citizen's can be a directly piloted by the player watch this will certainly apply to the javelin it's not entirely clear to what extent that this will apply to the Bengal carrier however naturally Nia with the ability to talk around the interiors of all the ships in star citizen the idea of a carrier is certainly a very compelling one time will tell if and when these vessels make it into the game but in terms of concept at least these have the potential to be great great ships the fleet carrier is still going through the beta phases in elite dangerous and so is in the final stages of development the sender makes it the second ship on this list that isn't yet officially in the live game however we do know that it will be arriving in the final form around at June of this year the fleet carrier will be the largest player on ship by far much there's no official stats on the size of the vessel baton shown it to be around a three eight kilometers in length it does have hangar braiser with the ability to dock 16 ships per instance and unlike the other games on this list at least fleet carriers are persistent this means that from the moment they are purchased they will remain active in the game of regardless of whether the player he's online or offline this end will allow other players to talk at them and my use of their services carriers do have a variety of services some of which are core services and others are optional and can be added after perch in the ship must be carrier's cannot be manually piloted they can still move around from star system to star system through the use of hyperspace jumps the jumps do require fuel or which can become a very expensive for multiple jumps the feel however can be mined although this and may be time-consuming free carriers cannot engage in direct combat in the sense of sending them into conflict zones they do however have defensive capabilities flick areas cannot be destroyed unlike the other ships in this video earthly carriers do come with some very expensive upkeep costs if the costs are not met on a regular basis the carrier would be decommissioned and taken away from the player flick areas then as with the other games should be seen as a massive investment but one of which wins a player functionality that they didn't have play around access to before so that then gives us a bit of an overview as to held the large ships compared in these four big space games you can see a comparison tabled on the screen right now this is also available as a link in the video description as always thanks for watching I catch you guys and girls next time
Channel: ObsidianAnt
Views: 101,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Space Games, Space Genre, space shooters, space sim, space simulators, Elite, Elite Dangerous, Horizons, Beyond, Chapter, Star Citizen, CIG, Chris Roberts, David Braben, Frontier Developments, No Man's Sky, Hello Games, procedural generation, planetary landings, atmospheric landings, Everspace, Rogue Like, Rockfish, Infinity Battlescape, Starfield, Bethesda, Star Trek Bridge Crew, VR, Virtual Reality, galaxy, combat, exploring
Id: fgvlWbUSuDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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