Elite Dangerous - How to Explore (Long Distance Travel, Rare Moons and Nebula)

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alright guys and girls I'm obsidian aunt and welcome to League dangerous in this video you will learn to discover the beauty of the galaxy from remote nebula to black holes from rare moons or to spectacular canyons exploration with an elite dangerous is full of undiscovered and amazing locations that can also lead you to a path of riches the first steps with an elite dangerous can be intimidating ones a single ship alone with an advanced civilization offering you very little guidance or direction there are many careers you may pick up along your journey but it go as far as to say that a few hours rewards in his exploration here then is the galaxy our very own Milky Way here rendered on a true one-to-one scale complete with 400 billion star systems and trillions of welds all of it is there for you to explore you just need to know how to do it and that is actually far simpler than you may think in this video I will cover everything you need to know to get you started on that journey the galaxy map then is the first port of call for any intrepid explorer everything that has ever existed within the game is contained within this massive bubble of space and a good way to get the sense of the sheer scale of the galaxy is to navigate towards the center of it here you can see it's extremely bright just check out how close together all the stars are here literally millions upon millions of them elsewhere spread throughout the Milky Way are vast numbers of nebulae some of these can be very small others are extremely large all of them however are very beautiful one thing that you will notice as you travel around the galaxy is just how dramatically the backdrop of space can change and a few places highlight this as much as within the center of a nebula in these places you will find colorful gaseous clouds at a time so you will entirely lose science of the blackness of space but never don't aren't the only places to seek out here is a black hole Sagittarius ie at the center of the galaxy above the galaxy and things can look very different again as you get to see the sprawl of the Milky Way beneath you and in some places the stars are so numerous that it sometimes feels as though they brought out the sky planets can also be amazing locations especially ones with huge canyons or craters it's clear to see then why exploration can mean so many different things to so many different people but portly speaking there are two types of explorers those who explore for the journey and the science these are the people who seek out the unusual and the unique the other type of Explorer are those who seek riches and fortune as a career then exploration is more than capable of awarding both so let's talk about credits first then the way in which you weren't credits through exploration is discovering valuable worlds worlds all have different values for example this world here is an atmospheric metallic world that's on the lower end of the spectrum slightly higher up our water worlds like this one here some metallic worlds and many water world too often terraformable which does add to their value perhaps the prize of all worlds are earth-like worlds these are very valuable indeed but not necessarily right at the top of the list almost as valuable as Earth likes our ammonia wells now whilst these aren't hospitable to humans they are nonetheless habitable by other life-forms that many suggest they may be a homeworld for creatures like the thyroids now there are many stead of objects of them worlds which are valuable extremely valuable are black holes and neutron stars located either of these will net you quite a reward indeed so regardless of your reasons for exploring - tools will be essential the stellar body scanner and the surface scanners discovery scanners here or set of body scanners are required to find planets within a system you have three of these of the basic discovery scanner the intermediate discovery scanner and the advanced discovery scanner all of them have a different range this basic one is 509 seconds intermediate 1000 and the advanced discovery scanner has an infinite range meaning it will discover all planets within a system with a single act of it's also worth keeping in mind that all three scanners also have a passive mode and that means that any set of object within the passive range of the scanner would automatically be detected you know the other tool you'll want is a surface scanner and what this does is give you detailed geological information on the makeup of the planet itself you do need to get in very close proximity of a planet but nonetheless these are the ones that will give you huge increases in the money that you earn from any particular planet and all of these scanners also work on other stellar objects such as black holders of stars and neutron stars and other such things now we will have a look at full ship builds for exploration further into the video but for now let's concentrate on how these scanners actually work so as soon as you've got a discovery scanner equipped the first thing you want to do is go into the fire groups menu you then need to bind the first discovery scanner to a key you can have that on the primary key or the secondary key either one is fine it's up to you and then once you jump into a new system you will see instantly that the passive scanner starts working and you can see that others hope it's discovered the star and it will also discover any very nearby planets or asteroid belts anything else within the system though will remain invisible to you you can see that on the Left panel and you can also see that on the star map here it's completely empty so to discover everything now simply use your fire key whether it's the primary key or a secondary key whichever one you've bounced the discovery scanner and it will activate as soon as it's done you're getting a very distinctive sound you can then return to the system map and you'll see all the worlds and moons are you've actually discovered so once our discovered you can select any of these by simply clicking on them and the choosing the select button they will then be displayed on your HUD enabling you to navigate towards them you've got a compass to the left of your radar you can see it's a little circle with a white dot within it your colors may vary depending on the type of color scheme you've got for your HUD UI so then you can simply move your ship so you get a solid dot within the circle a your hollow circle means the objects behind you he solid dot means it's in front of you so once it's central you can then just travel towards the object in this case it's a planet now if you've got a surface scanner equipped it will automatically activate once you're within range the range will vary depending on the size of the body you're trying to scan the smaller Mundi you need to get very very close and it takes around about 30 seconds for it to completely saw a little message there you can then come back to the system map and you will see that the moon or the planet has a name and it will also have a number at the end of the name which will indicate his position or its orbit position within this star system got over to the information screen you can see the geological makeup and other stats of this particular planet and you can see this one is a suitable candidate for terraforming and that will add to the value of this world now eventually regardless of how long you've been held you will want to return back home and sell the discovery data and you can do this at any station that has a universal cartographic section now do keep in mind and this is very important that if your ship explodes for any reason and you haven't handed in any data then you would lose that data and this could be weeks of data it could be months of data regardless of how long it is you will lose everything since you last actually sold data to a station so once docked at a station that has a universal coregraphics simply click on that particular part of the menu it will open up the universal choreographic state system and you can sell all your data now I've only got a few things here but you may have hundreds you may have thousands if you highlight over them you'll get a breakdown of what the data actually represents it will tell you what system it was for and you might get a bit of indication of what planet type or star type and actually represented you can sell these all individually or you can sell them all together but one thing you can't sell his data that was collected from a system that's within 20 light-years radius of the station you actually Dogtown everything else so he can sell and you can make quite a bit of money from all of this especially if you've detected valuable systems or valuable welds now if you want to hand even finding valuable locations and there's a few websites you can use one is on alpha orbital this is a road to riches Pathfinder and you'll get a complete list here of very valuable locations and you can chart and all of these into your navigation system and visit them on one by one you should be able to make quite a few million credits by actually following this and if you're interested in finding the very nice locations to visit then go to the e DSM this is an elite dangerous star map and you've gotten a whole lot of roots here that other people have actually created now if you click on them you'll get a list for that particular root and there's all different types of roots here some of them are very valuable in terms of giving you credit other ones go along famous roots from old expeditions and other ones still will take you a long fantastic scenery risk finding some of the most stunning locations you're ever likely to see so do have a look through this website is quite likely you'll better find exactly what you're looking for when you do click on a link you'll be pulled up with a map that will give you a preview of the route and you can select any point along that route and you can also get in a bit of a summary of what the root is actually about there's also a layers element here which you can turn to things off and on now returning back to the galaxy map within elite dangerous like I said right at the start this will be your primary tool you see the central icon there the little blue arrow indicates my current location and the blue lines radiating out from that position the show the next jumps I can make now we can do is go along to the tab here the navigation tab and you can type in a location you want to go to if you wanna go to a nebula one reasonably nearby is the veil nebula and there is actually two of these there's a veil nebula reased which we just looked out there and if you click again it'll take you over to the veil nebula West and this has some extremely striking colors now I don't have to type in a name on the Left panel then you can simply scroll around the map and just click on any of the stars that's up to you or you can use a name from the previous websites that I showed and type them into the map in either event once you've found a destination you want to click on that star and choose a plot root icon that comes up when you hover over it one other thing you would have noticed just now is me changing the view of the map and we'll get into that in just a moment now when you do click on a star what will happen is it will begin to plot your route and the time that takes will depend on just how far away it is and as this one is pretty close it should happen quite quick you'll then get a line indicating the route your ships going to take and if you jump back to the nav panel you'll see how many jumps is going to be in this case 33 now you can see the line is solid right near the start and dashed towards the end the end part waste - - means a point where you're not going to have any fuel for that section of the journey and this is where a fuel scoop is essential and again - that will we look at ship builds but essentially a fuel scoop allows you to gather fueled from a star but you can't do this from old star types you can only do it from certain star types so change the view over to a map mode and you can drop one of the filters down here what you want is star class and you can see you can enable certain stars or disable them and it will only display the ones that you've actually got active there's a lot of different reasons that you may want to deactivate or activate certain star types maybe you're only looking for black holes or neutron stars or maybe the color class of the star is actually important to you at any rate what's important in this particular example is that you can only fueled from certain stars and there's a very easy way to remember this we're looking for is an anagram KGB foamer so that's KGB F OAM and these are the star classes that you can actually refueled from and once you've got them selected to make sure you've got apply filter to route at the bottom there and the route planner will make sure you only go through systems with the relevant stars so over on the nav menu you've also got a few additional options one is fastest rows which we use just now you've also got FS d boost with different levels and we get into that in just a moment another option we're going to have a look at in a moment is the jet cone boost the thing we want to look at right now is the economical rose and there's actually two very different reasons for using this the first is to conserve fuel of course is to expect that from economy routine and the other reason is for exploration purpose here's if you choose economical routine name choose a nearby star or anything up to a thousand light-years away what happen is and it'll plot as many jumps as possible through that route so where for example you may be able to do 15 light years or 60 light-years in two jumps with economical routine you'll do it in many more and the benefit of doing this then if your Explorer gathering data from planetary systems is that it will take you through as many different systems as possible but of course if you just want to get your destination as fast as possible then fastest route is the option so let's take a look at the FSD boost thing you can see this over on your venturi and go down to the synthesis you have FSD injection and what this will do is boost the jump capability of your ship now this is only available to early dangerous Rosen's owners and you will need to collect various material types run link all the information in the video description another way of increasing the jump range of your ship is to use neutron stars or white the Wolves now this is actually a fairly risky maneuver and you do have the chance of completely losing your ship but essentially what you have to do is fly into the jet cones of these stars and you'll get a warning message FSD operating beyond limits and then you'll get FS d is supercharged soon as you get that message you'll see the jump range if your ship has dramatically increased in this case I'm very close to 200 light years so once the FS D Drive is boosted you can again go into the galaxy map and you can choose a location so just make sure you choose one that's within range of your new post and you're bound to get as far as this actually says so very close to 200 light-years here and we've had to do this in a single jump but do keep in mind that doing this will damage your FS D so basically every time you jump in this way you'll lose 1% damage to the frame shift Drive so if you aren't exploring that then you want to make sure you've got an auto fuel to maintenance unit which will enable you to repair the FS D as and when you need to so then you now know how to plot routes and you can use both the galaxy map as well as the system map you also know there's money to be made and you also know there's a whole bunch of wonderful places out there but how'd you find them I'm gonna give you a few hints and tips on that right now something which often makes locations very striking is the color of starlight in a particular system what blue stars are one of the most impressive and if you want to go to these it's very easy to find them one of the reasons you may want to visit a system like this is to see the way that light affects the planetary surfaces and the example in the video right here gives you an indication of just what that's like so these types of stars are blue-white stars and these are Oh B and a type stars there's not many of them in the inhabited bubble so you probably have to travel away from them a bit and you can see here just how many there actually are but if you want the truly blue ones as you saw in the clip I just showed you then you strictly speaking just want the O type star and there's none too a very few of them HD in the bubble for we are nowhere few of them are there in the nebula NGC 7-8 - - so you can come straight to a location like this or else you can apply this filter and just scroll around the galaxy map until you find the exact object you're looking for another very popular type of location to find are moons and worlds that are in close proximity to each other but this one is very tricky to actually find the system here is over an it's actually within the inhabited area of space and it's pretty famous or very well known eventually at this type of configuration you can find this type of thing out there in the depths of space but it's actually pretty rare and it will be even very much down to luck and chance rather then skill or ability but you can increase the chances a little bit by knowing exactly what to look for so this is the arere system the system we were looking at and right a moment ago and the thing you need to check is the arrival point that's the distance in my seconds away from the central star so this one is two four seven five point two - the next one is two four five seven point three zero so those are significant distance away from each other were you're actually looking for of ones though within 100 a light second from each other or even better ones that have the exact same arrival point so unfortunately the only way to do this is to jump into a system and do a discovery scan and didn't check the system map to see if it's got what you're looking for the system map is also the main way to try and find moons that look like this one again it takes time but the results are fantastic when you actually come across something like this now this can be a bit tricky to see on the system map due to the low resolution of the moons and the planets but on the moon right here that's the first one from the planet you can see there's a lot of ridge like structures there are quite a few on the second one as well a little bit less so on the ones after there so the first one would be a candidate for me to fly straight towards expecting to see at some type of ridges there and unfortunately you can't see a full map until you've done a detailed surface scan but if you're looking for a moon with lots of ridges or canyons and that would be the type of thing to look out for but that said that the example here is far more dramatic than what you're I need to find usually as this one seems to be an exception and maybe even slightly glitched but nonetheless the point still remains do look out for ridged welds on the system Maps the second moon here Alyce's perfectly again you can see there are ridges here and some sort of canyons and it also holds true that this is a fantastic world to have a look at and well worth getting up close to it's also very common for wells like this to have a load of fog of mist unfortunately though the game doesn't have any good tools to allow us to find places like this at least for the moment but do be sure there are plenty of locations like this out there it's just a case of taking time to actually find them another thing you were able to look for our black holes now again unfortunately there's no easy and game tools to actually locate these but you can use the galaxy map and the filters so disable all the filters and apply in on sequence stars and what this will show you is hurt neutron stars as well as black holes unfortunately there's no other way to separate these out so this will have to do once you've got the filters applying - simply scroll around the galaxy and what you're looking for is little grey dots now there's not a lot of these around it depends where you look but you'll find a lot more towards the center of the galaxy it can take quite a lot of time and the amount you'd find will be determined by way you'd look so towards the rim there'd be less towards the center of the galaxy a lot more and you can see when you do find a black hole it clearly says so there on the little display so black holes are very pretty interesting they have this nice little distortion effects going on over them and they would rapidly distort both the star field as well as everything else in the background how bright these actually look will be affected by all these top of location you in so if you're in a dark area they're gonna look dark if you're in a bright nebula or the very center of the galaxy then they're gonna look pretty bright so talking to nebula then these are pretty much the easiest thing in the gold game to find from right near inhabited space you've got the famous by odds loop with the Orion Nebula and the witch head nebula as well as numerous others but if you want to go further afield and find things that are far less explored then again go towards the center of the galaxy and here you can see literally dozens upon dozens a different Labrador appearing it's a very densely packed region of space for nebulae and you can choose absolutely any one of these that you want to go to now do keep in mind that if you want to get inside a nebula then you're going to need to find one that contains star fortunately the vast majority of nebulas do have this and one should there simply switch over to realistic mode on the galaxy map and you'll be able to see just how many stars that there are choose a star inside the nebula and plot a route there and do remember that once you have plotted a route you can again switch back to the filters to adjust the route to account for fuel stars if you need there there are of course a whole load of different type of nebulae out there many many different colors and if you truly want to see some nice science then look for combinations sunset over an earth-like world set to a backdrop of a nebula can be extremely stunning name it also form a fantastic backdrop inside ring systems then literally are thousands upon thousands of amazing locations out there but if you do need some suggestions or need specific locations to head towards then check out the web site a DSM that I mentioned earlier it has a whole ton of recommendations for you so hopefully then this video has provided a pretty strong foundation for you for exploration but the one thing you're really gonna need to start off any of this is a good exploration ship the main thing you want for your ship then is jump range the higher the jump range the faster you'll be able to travel around the galaxy and not only that you'll also be much more likely to access the hard-to-reach locations the main trick then for gaining great jump range on your ship is to keep things light the heavier the ship the lower his jump range will be it's not a rule about jump range though there are some very specific modules that you will also want to ensure that you take along with you so let's talk about those modules and then we will move on to the ships themselves scanners now I covered these earlier on in the video but these are essential for an explorer so do make sure you take them some people don't bother with hate things but they come in useful for emergencies for example if you're accidentally crash into a star then you can't appear to want it to drop your heat otherwise you may end up losing your ship or cause an extensive damage ground vehicles are important for exploring the surface of planets and you may also want to gather materials for synthesis without - our vania there's a lot of planetary surface sites that you're certainly going to miss out on so do make sure you take at least one along with you and if you have room it's always handy to take a spare now you may not want these all that often but an AFM you would allow you to stay out in the field for longer and of course it allow you to help fix accidental damage such as stuff to your canopy and thrusters now some people travel without shields in order to gain increased jump range personally though I don't go anywhere without one shields are massively helpful for lounging on planets especially haiji ones finally we come to the all-important fuel scoop my advice on this one is simple buy the best one you can afford the quicker you can refill your tanker the more time you'll save yourself on your journey now as for the ships themselves as this will be affected by a number of things mainly though how much you want to pay and at the flight style that you enjoy the most now all the following the good exploration ships the Anaconda the s p-- explorer i've the cobra mark three the lake on type six and of course the diamondback explorer so i'm not going to go directly through builds in this video as that is somewhat unnecessary instead i will do the much better option of linking builds in the video description these builds are from the exploration forum thread by commander newman which is also linked below now i recommend you take a look at that thread as it does contain a lot of good information on ship builds additionally there is the subject of engineering and this is a massive and entirely separate topic in short though engineering allows you to boost the abilities of your ships for the purpose of exploration that this generally means vastly improved jump ranges engineering your exploration ship then is something you will certainly want to do again for more information on that - check out the links below so then I think that just about covers everything with exploration I really hope that this video has been useful to you for me exploration is one of the best activities in the game what's more is that there are a number of improvements to exploration has come in with chapter four of beyond scheduled for the end of 2018 so that brings us to the end of this video as always thanks for watching now case you guys and girls next time you
Channel: ObsidianAnt
Views: 636,227
Rating: 4.9349136 out of 5
Keywords: Elite: Dangerous, Elite Dangerous, Elite, Elite: Dangerous Horizons, Horizons, space sim, space game, elite, gameplay, preview, updates, content, galaxy, exploring, exploration, david braben, frontier, elite 2, Frontier Developments
Id: kfuymnQQ1Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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