Fleet Carrier Owners Guide | Elite Dangerous

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if your consider buying a free carrier maybe you already own one then this video is most definitely for you because today we're going to go over everything you need to know to probably manage every carrier today's video is sponsored by secret lab we all strive for the best possible gaming experience but the importance of a good quality chair is often underestimated secretly recruiters are some of the most comfortable and high-quality gaming shares you can get so upgrade your command chair today and fly in a style and comfort and follow the link in the video description to their store type in your height the weight and it will tell you which chairs fit you for the best possible to seating experience hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to elite dangerous without with astronomy so fleet carriers let's dive right into it and let's start with what will be the first step for any would be three carry owner and that is to get your hands on a fleet carrier itself every carrier costs five billion credits just for the whole you have to add modules we'll come back to those in a second in order to buy a fleet carrier you need to find a system that has the fleet carrier vendor if you go over here to the map and we select services you can see here we have the option to select fleet carrier vendor and fleet carrier administration the really difficult vendor if you want to buy one if you want to make changes to your loadout to need to add to a system with a fleet carrier administration all the systems with the vendor also has administrations however it seems at this time there is a buck with these filters and there's just all right not working first into the system here right in its next to go out to destra a second code zero psychic o-o-or though that system does have the administration services but otherwise this field was not working at least I haven't been able to make them actually function however if we do open up the system we go to the station here we can see that the offered services at this station does include feet care eventer and carrier administration so the services are definitely available in the system so once you've got your hands on your fleet carrier it's time to settle up with the modules that you need you make sure you're in a system with a carrier administration and you can do one or two things if you're docked like I am here you go ahead services are you go to carrier management alternatively if you are not docked at your current and you carrier you can go in here the carrier management section here where you will AK access to much the same as you do in some of the of the other interfaces the first up here is the summary this is just a brief overview of what's going on with your carrier the capacity you can see here at the top shows what the internal storage in the fleet care is being useful as we fit modules to take up capacity and as you fit materials in the in the hangar I'll show you all that in a second that also takes up capacity so this is equivalent even though it says units into the storage just as you have on your ship so this one can hold what it's equivalent to twenty five thousand tons of stuff my marketplace is using a little bit my install services are usually a little bit and I have some free space now the marketplace is also where you have all your materials that you have in storage this also counts as marketplace usage even though you might just use it as storage for your private goods then you get a list of the available services that you have installed on your carrier that is currently active then you have your care as a secured aiding and then of course you have to get me at Kerry administration so it's not available in the star system because we are out in the middle of nowhere our clothes through the mynocks bottom next up we have the navigation panel this is where you control your jumping and moving the carry around you can see here again your current system you can see how much storage how much trip you have in the in the tritium reserve and also your current job capabilities how far can you curl a jump if you want to fill up your tritium storage you can see it is right here and you can see in fact yes I am down to 27% you can't carry more tritium that the tip that the tritium d-pod can hold hold on to a thousand tons and as you can see here if I go over here through my inventory I'm going to transfer this is where you control your storage from and you can see I have a few low tribute of diamonds I've been mining and also have some tritium in storage so I could all take some of this tritium like so and then I can click confirm' down here now I've moved that from the internal storage over through my cargo hold as you can see here oops and then we go to the truth of deport and I can now donate this tritium like so and I now have more fuel on board bacteria this you cannot do remotely obviously you need to be on the carry and also transferred over and this is one of the very few things that cannot be managed remotely from from the fleet carrier management screen and similarly if you want to transfer stuff the other way I just took a few few loads of diamonds out of the holt again you go up to transfer and you then either you scroll back and forth or you go transfer all and then you go down you click confirm and it's transferred back into the fleet carrier now if you want to actually scheduler jump what you have to do is you have to open the galaxy map from in here you can't open the galaxy lab in the usual way you have to use this menu and click open galaxy map once you've done that you can then select where you want to go for instance say I actually need to come back to the table now so I gotta go and select LP you can either just select the system here then it will do a job directly to the main star if there's room otherwise it's going to put you have some planet or moon where there's room for the carrier alternatively you can open up the system app and you can select the specific party you want to jump to I'm just going to take the same one as where our station is that and they're gonna set us carriage destination if we now go back here through the vacation you can now see and we have the landing pad lock down as well as the estimated departure and you can also see how much room you have now how much room you have after the jump now you can if you want to go in here and you then select the system you can cancel your jump if if you want to but keep in mind you can only do that on to the landing pad lockdown happens after this timer the lower timer here the three cares gotta go to lockdown meaning all the landing pads will be lowered into the hangar they will be sealed shut nobody will be allowed to either talk or leave the carrier after this point then there is about two and a half minutes ish I think until jump happens and once you arrive the other end the shape will be opened back are when people are once again allowed to leave after the jump you will have a 5-minute cooldown before you can schedule the next jump and with around 15 minutes of charge up time before the job happened that means you have about a 20 minute gap between each window so if you're calling it really you can do about three jobs per hour with a maximum range of 500 light years so that's 1,500 light-years per hour which is the maximum speed at which you can move a fleet carrier next up we have the butter screen where you show all the finances for your carrier keep in mind that you will wither fleet carrier have two separate wallets you have your own private wallet and you will have your free carrier wallet you can see here I've currently have around 4 billion credits allocated to a fleet carrier you can see here how much is being allocated now for weekly upkeep and how much is available there's actually little bit of of like a negative amount now because I have allocated more than second available so I could lower the slider and say I put it down and say I want to allocate around a building credits to my upkeep and we could see how much is available if you put anything into the commodity market or the black-market come back to that a second then you would also see here how much money has been allocated for that and as you can just done with the slider next up we have weekly upkeep down here where you can see how much your upkeep is this is dependent on the modules you're installing so as you install more modules your upkeep will begin to increase you have to pay more money every week to keep the fleet carrier flying if you want to figure out exactly how much your keep is going to be you can go to the commander's toolbox where there's a small tool that allows you to sit and play around with the different services turning them on or off also spend it and it kind of come back to suspending services in a second year and you can then see what your buy price is going to be to actually acquire those services versus weekly upkeep and again how much cargo they use out of your 25,000 tonnes and another breakdown down here the bottom with your total buy price for your character will be how much remaining cargo you will have available weekly upkeep month the upkeep and yearly up it's all listed over here on the commander's toolbox you also probably weekly upkeep you do have whole maintenance that is jumps to do so every week you get a additional upkeep that is a hundred thousand credits per jump that you take you can see so far this week after unfortunate so I have four hundred thousand credits of additional upkeep you need to pay this week and finally you have your service Seraph this is basically your cut of any service that people use on both the fleet carrier so whenever people refuel repair the ship by limpets by ships and modules from you if that's what what you want to do then you can add an additional tax meaning they're going to pay more than they used to on other stations and whatever the pay extra goes into your wallet and you can go anywhere from zero to a 100% service safe and all the way the bottom here you can now either deposit or withdrawal money from the three carrier and a nice little addition is you can now also go ahead and just simply type in so ever want to deposit a building credits I would do it like so and I could actually confirm and a building credits will be taken out of my personal wallet and put into the free carrier wallet I'm just going to jump over the commodity market and go to services we're going to come back to the Cabarrus market in a bit here you can see all the services that you can install and that you currently have installed on your fleet carrier the bridge crew the commodity trading the normal bike market as well as the tritium dipper they all come a standard and it don't add any additional upkeep's and you get them for free with the free carrier or for free you paid five building for it all of those are just there and they are included in the five million co-op key but it's not part of the co-op keep and stuff like refuel which again allows you and guests to refuel if you don't have this installed you cannot refill your ship at the fleet carrier the same repairs you want to repair your ship you need that as well and the armory which allows you to restock not just ammo but if we actually go in here to the to the advanced maintenance you can see here you also get access to so like restart srvs and fighters and limpets and and that kind of stuff so it does add quite a bit of services to the free carrier the redemption office is basically like a interstella facture where you can go and you can hand in bounty vouchers so again if you want to have that service available you can go ahead and you can buy that you can see I haven't and here you can see the prices but again all those prices you could also just see them by going to the commander's toolbox the shipyard and the out fittings is a little interesting because for the owner this shipyard is available and outfitting and module stores is available for the owner as default however if you want to extend this service to the guests on your free carrier so you want visitors to be able to store their ships store modules change ships abort the fleet carrier then you need those two services enables they are very expensive they do have a high up keep the security warehouse is the black market so it works much similar to the commodity trading only this is for illegal or or that kind of like illegal or stolen goods and universal Kosaku fee should also be pretty self-explanatory if you wanna sell expiration data now you might have noticed as we clicked in here that was both and an active upkeep and an suspended upkeep and that's because you can suspend services if you don't need them so first let's say I don't want be able to refuel I could go here and I can click suspend service that service is now suspended meaning if I go out here you can see this one down here refuel service suspended I cannot refuel my carrier any longer until of course I go in and I rename there's a spender service it has spent the service use a smaller up keeps as a way to save money and as you can see here you can do this even outside a administration system you could do this from anywhere so even if you are thousands of light years out in the black you can suspend services okay let's head into the commodity market here you can set up buy and sell orders on the fleet carriers for all kinds of different materials if we go in here you can see we get a list of all the different materials that are available in the commodity market we could be for instance that I wanted to go and trade low-temperature diamonds I could then click here and I could say whether I wanted to buy or sell this material let's say I want to buy I could now say City and scroll up till how much I want and you can see here how my capacity is also increasing or at the amount of capacity I'm using and is increasing house I've allocating because that space will be pre-allocated and you will not have access to their space as long as that buy orders are also you can set up the buy price however there is a cap of 1000% and since the Galactic average for lower average of diamonds is around fifty seven thousand credits that means you're never going to be able to offer more than five hundred and seventy thousand credits we just got half the price in the bubble at least as it is right now I hope that's a thing that will change the future and again you can only buy or sell you can't do at the same time so I thought I could also go and say and I want to sell some low temp to divers I have and I could then set up the price and there are similar restrictions in place here where I'm limited to only ten times the Galactic average for my sell price I'm gonna unclick that because I don't want to do any any trading with that right now I should also say that currently at least at the time of this recording there is a bug with commodity market that when you sell stuff to the commodity market and whether you're the owner or a visitor the material still shows up and your hang-up are the shows up as stolen this is a bug I pretty sure this will be fixed and you can resolve it by assembly often it's enough to just go ahead and close down the carrier service the window and open it up again that often resets it or alternative if you really wanted to go away you can log out to the main menu and back in that should also remove it from your car hold it's not because the cargo is actually there you are flooding running with stolen goods I believe it's just a graphical Bach at least it seems to be able to correct itself after a while but I hope that's something that will be fixed in the not-too-distant future as you can see here do not have the black market but it works pretty much in the same way as there's the normal market where you set up for stolen and in the you goods next up we have this shipyard and the outfitting and totally at the same time because they're very similar if you're on a system with a carry administration you can stock up on ships they are at the moment in packages meaning that you can't just say I want two of that bottles and three of that modules to kind of buy them it's packages that contains a variety of developer tools in various sizes what a downside here is if you run out of stock of a module well there's not much you can do you have to head to a restoration service system in order to restock so if you're planning to offer ships and modules in in deep space out the black do keep in mind that you will eventually run out and you will have to make trips back to the bubble to restock on all your modules next up we have delivery its again pretty pretty self-explanatory smells like the other ones as you can see right now there's a buck even though I do have a paid job on my fleet carrier it for some reason it doesn't show until just go in here andrey selects it there we go now a pete paintable supplied a whole that'll fix that there's a variety of different paint jobs there's actually a lot of different paint jobs you can get and these comes cost be purchased for arcs same with thruster colors you can have the numbers of the landing pad have different colors and you can change the air traffic controller voice as well in here you have course name plates you can put at the side you can have various designs of those various icons that you have access to can all be put on the side of decals and then finally that's the actual layout of the carrier where you can change this shape of the carrier or the base design your ship kit so it looks a little different it looks a little unique you can also change that in here if if you wish to and this gets us down to the settings menu down here you can basically control various aspects of your carrier for instance docking access do you want it to be everybody can talk on your carrier squadrons only friends only squadron and friends or no one apart from you of course you can always talk at your home carrier even though you've set this to none same here with the Torrio's commanders for people who have the variety are they allowed to dog or not you can set that in here as well you can also set the activity if you want to so you can kind of tell other people what is the focus of this carrier I've set mine to mining since that's going to be the main purpose of this and you can also decommission your carrier where you base these cells for scraps and you will get a percentage of the original buy price back for for the carrier thanks a lot for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it like subscribe to the channel and also next time I will see you guys in space you
Channel: Down to Earth Astronomy
Views: 130,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elite Dangerous, Fleet Carriers, guide, how to, tutorial
Id: PkZVFboLo3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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