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G2 I thought you going to say don't G2 remember the antios they lost yesterday Alex God don't remind me man yeah what you mean Scout one yeah I remember that one that was uh the tippy top of my memory going to bed all right we got two players from mes at spawn as don't worry about those we'll talk about filthy Adam filthy Adam he's ated again and we got filthy Alex and MC on the ones that's Russia's real name sorry yeah I just realized I've doxed him there sorry about that so toi has found a nice opening and Nico is forced to just wait as this pistol concludes Hunter lining up the util they've gotten mid without any friction don't worry filthy Adams here stop it toy down big from Mony needed that P250 frag to equalize but Jimmy with a lovely double could have been three Nexa puts him down bomb plant secured Hun he has an opportunity to set himself up for the Post PL Ops for pit but now with the driveby from shuy it's incredibly uncomfortable they've actually ran past him in the smoke and zeran's so aware that that's a possibility incredibly well managed from ma to take the pistol okay okay okay well the bomb will be diffuse six that's a cute little uh is that Dory croch Dory and his name's Dorian oh oh bomb well let his teammates kind of be the bait he'll just be the uh closer or Nico's the opener catches should we going looking for aners Mid all right things get a little bit more interesting they have one smoke remaining in the hands of exertion to be deployed bottom of banana exertion is going to put his skate on and look to rotate back around the world that'll leave Brolin in a spot of bother and Stewie is lining up the the flashes they invested in as well he's got two of them and shoey yeah that'll be fun some might get a bit gooey yeah it could be Chey there's the Flash and Brolin's white screen indicates pressure he'll tuck into the site and Cavalry is on its way exertion going to get to coffins Rin he's been spotted he'll tuck into second Eco deagle sounding out and not quite connecting exertion ooh needs Mony and now they're into the B site that's massive they'll get themselves a plant one miles away toy to deny it's a Nico round folks his first three contributions and it's three deagle head shot on essentially uh an economical just that one hero rifle which did play a massive so I might even say content you think content is more than very happy well you're only two rounds into a elimination series on their toes does that incite a little bit of a push for info this is what Stewie's been responsible for and he's going to back away after the warning shot they're driving by by looking for answers didn't spot too much on banana and they are going to be running past t a jump for info C Hunter is life then shuy activates oh he needed a second Mony stabilizes the round for G2 as sight no longer under any sort of mouse control and that smoke is integral so well played to post that down without any casualties the bomb can go down there are guns available so let's see if they're able to scavenge those back Jimmy trying to we're going to have three right it might just be terrorist Rock for three rifles mhm invest very little on the others exertion can drop a deagle for example fear here G2 just striding up taking they will be encountering a 57 next up durent clear should we unable to find any lethality and Hunter he goes and brings the fight brins posted a double onto Nico and stew he's held on to B solo now the round crumbles for G2 mon see with the T of his tongue realizes he's got to do it all on his own I am surprised to see them contest in apps once they know there's a 5 S close that the double from brol and it it shifts the dialog completely so he can win this round he's known for the clutch he's known to do it flashy anticipated exertions advanc just a nice precise head shot this is uh G2 with a little bit of a fumble this flash is coming in and as the smoke Fades they don't have Vision they Ed that flash so well from broland and the support from broland is great exertion however only gets the one it's Hunter's impactful triple kill that should enable a full plant on the B site Nix are deep towards the ruins he wants to try and catch these rotations that spray could have ended it for Hunter this fight decides it it really does NEX has already borrowed quite deep will Sur we consider the clear he does will be it with a walk but now Hunter doesn't have the health for the ace clutch this would be very hard to do at least there's no h to finish him off without a chance at the shot they group up enabling for a bit of a trade he's hearing them when does he choose to isolate the jeel and shy closes wow lovely work there but the B defense from ma was solid and very convincing that timing on the flash the fact that when the smoke faded they were still without Vision impressive M have made no secret that they are feeling the fatigue spoke to exertion today in the lobby he was talking about how he still kind of feels like he's in Belgrade I mean that's in a interesting situation to be in as a professional player fatigue playing a real part in this and he's done well there braw and in combination will win out the Jewel on banana for early control yeah and if you just want to be poppy as G2 because you're not going to know how to play out these late rounds as well you're not going to be able to play like color by numbers Counter Strike so they're trying to explode and overrun but as we play heads up they would play potentially phase on stage in a quarterfinal and that's something I'd love to see that would be a lot of fun how's Mony gotten both crazy how's he gotten both shy down Brolin down mony's a animal okay n damage done but nothing lethal bomb goes down toi doesn't want to be losing that or it's kind of up to Jimmy if he can tilt tip the scales and doesn't look like they're even going to give it a look in Jimmy's just going to be backing away with their smoke still up on well they didn't win out the trades bottom banana but still in the round that's all Mony all day of the week there that double on the suppressed M4 the Mony effect now Hunter is hunting T's already kind of past his line that he's drawn in the sand here he's going to hear the steps of Jimmy so he gets himself one and he seems to be aware that Tori could have already gotten himself out of Dodge they're looking for this or they no tor's hiding out but thinking twice about it realizing their finances aren't too fantastic so that's an big round a Mony one we've had an Eco round now we've had a mesty round in the exact same way 3B oh bloody Health with a perfectly timed tap straight through the boards into the aggressive orbs face Jimmy he's been isolated look at the pre- aim on Monas he didn't have to adjust his Crosshair whatsoever should be another save already yeah right this is Inferno baby this is how it goes you can see sh's kind of like thinking about it there for a second just intent in in the case of a early hunt ah hello and goodbye go on St having a round here took down toy that essentially won them the round and now he's actually going to try and twist the knife even more punishing as he's flashed through the smoke and oh nice shots from zers shy and exertion try to hold on to what they can the spam and the flank from next looks good Mon's been loud about this sh's aware he go gets a lovely little double make it three he's got five bullets for the final and gets it shuy he will leave with the AK-47 and his life G2 put a lot of resources into that but they got cash to Splash and now they got rounds five on the tside already not been so filthy today haven't been saying his name oh across pushing flash beautiful from G2 Stewie didn't quite finish him off and he might have another shot here shy good for it through the smoke a dead man NEX up jimy makes it so and this returns us to a more competitive round from Ma just locking them down individual Jewels but Mon's alive and that's probably exactly what Ma are saying it's Mony it's Mony session's tracking him here's some steps encouraging the jewel yeah just off of his internal timer toi delays it closes it down filthy Adam finds the frag and it's m is fourth with Hunter no sweep from shuy and a lurk through exertion will catch this bang and he can rotate and help out Brolin yeah he needs it the whole squad's running and gunning towards him tucks it just as they Round the Corner smoke or Bloom they're coming for you Stewie oh spots him out an important frag to find exer going to be providing some support their backs are turned and exertion will find one makes it two exer having a heavy hitting round here he can't control the spray to find another shy takes his place though and Mony already brought low T's just going to walk through on this you're not ready for that you're not ready for that at all looking good on Ma lovely awareness there from Brolin to get the info safely gets away but more importantly it's zers with that support to all noted flash onto Jimmy they might be able to push him through great work from stew if they can find another sho's rat in the Smoke he can't get them both lovely finds from Stewie again an impactful round with the Lesser weapons G2 looked to leave with seven here it's up to exertion and Brolin you have to give this one a go boys no point taking an half time I'll give it a fair Shake of the stick they have the smoke in the kit might want oh wow that's unbelievable onto Mony just a smoke spam a very well placed bullet n's won the round certainly looks that way despite Rin trying to isolate these jewels and yeah just to the side of the head it's Stewie a triple to end out the half G2 in the lead on their map pick and that's discussed they must take Inferno to make this series interesting up against the world number one ranked not interesting of course they are it was a decent first half from G2 but they still have tough work ahead of them walking down middle uh that was a that was a freebie that one you you're walking through the mall and they've said hey do you want a you want a sample and you've said yeah but you've dropped it and then you smash the sample all over the ground yeah and then you actually grab their entire stand you throw it on the floor and now they say you break it you bought it yeah and they say that will be uh three that's awesome 1 V3 moments ago oh that's cool n has actually successfully block the coffin smoke and maybe he could have a little pop off to save the shortcomings of Nexa it hasn't gone well for him either shy puts him down and Ma's looking to find themselves a nice comfortable pistol round bomb has been planted it's in their interest to keep the cev no at this point definitely get sh isn't in The Meta where people used to save all the time so it's understandable I'll get the 1 V5 here I go I had a chair I'm intrigued now I'm watching the I'm just watching twist just continue to kill everybody dude he nearly won that crazy that would have been insane Aden with a nade come on bro yeah what a look at him is he still going he's just killing everybody he's doing it you can find that uh just by typing in ESL yes perfect NAD to deal with aggression mol's to flush them out banana control again oh that's nice from to spray for the double we're looking for it and that's what we want to see that's Stewie 2K with a 2K living up to his name he's had what three or four openings in this game so as you'd want to use him oh Hunter just in time tucks onto the sight Nexa hears this takes the fight cleanly takes the head off of exertion now hun is the next piece of the puzzle has nothing done it's toy good for it and this is now turning into quite a threatening round from ma toi gets the bomb down Jimmy and toi not to be written out oh overextending toi oh all of that hard work from Stewie could all be for not they need a good trade what he gets it he actually gets a third frag Stewie 2K is pulling G2 into this round it can still go wrong A Team kill Mony will save them a furrowed brow for Nico but very happy with that in the end I can't quite believe mon see is feeling himself to the extent where he's just going to stick around for the pot shot maybe they Overlook Nico not to be the case Brolin with the only sidearm has managed to bring down Nik for an opening that's going to be a frustrating death for Nico six kills 12 deaths for him here on Inferno g2's pick eyes on the radar as Stewie rotates to try and back up on a they've got a good read of the situation but no monacy it's going to have to be the others that defend this on Onslaught five members of ma Converge on the site Hunters run out of bullets SWA to the USP but it's the brol and Tech 9 they can't seem to get past toy good for it and Ma making it look easy into the a site all right well hly play hide and seek awp I'm almost certain the Fredo with terrorists win probably with the small ones are you talking about the big ones the tiny ones okay I'm talking about the big ones1 you doing for fundraising dial who's going to carry the Bots and the noobs I think is uh what he was stand there as Mony some more point or crime takes down T well a is a bit of a gaping void right now it is just Hunter and if he gets dealt with he's playing behind the to box on sight in transition could get caught from exertion so playing some tricky games he's the one that gets removed great timing from Hunter it's a big frag to post huge frag yeah like goes from like Mon's opening right direction but Hunter's is a leap break the smoke and go oh they're coming and so is Mony look at this Mony racks him up just like that doesn't miss a beat as the quad kill comes through need and now immediately mixes it up for ma it's just a game of trying to avoid him when he's in form like this and getting licked by the flame down to 44 another one another for bra and he could burn down and be finished off by a Spam Nico no he can't seem to find Brolin is his Nemesis right now the way they chain those molles together there was always going to be a bit of a gap found by bra in a second available sh the te's they're getting ready for it which piece moves first surely the exertion Mac 10 n are in the sky exertion Circle jumps across Hunter has done well to defend initially and now Mony he's such a threat you can't get past him go on tags up a third shuy is no longer with us as Nexa makes it so it's 10 to8 and the multi- kills just keep on coming I see bit played this angle sometimes when he had that great performance in Copenhagen NEX has been watching his demos yeah but exertion needs to Spring to life with that information problem is if you know that they're forward towards apps you'd be expecting long to be the Gap that's not the case Hunter's actually tending to that and they've been able to retreat so any possibility of isolating a is not the case it will have to be the B finish they're just leing in stew with one can't get two the trade is there stalled by the smoke of Nico for now and the rotation of Hunter is on the way Mony seems aware that exertion might be trying his luck he's too good 19 frags Mony just aware plugged into the main frame as to the the Mae call and it looks like Inferno is going to be at least 12 for G2 here BR giving it a good go smoke C it's Nico set up in a crossfire with his teammate his partner in crime his cousin in crime I should say oh dear I'm dead lining up for Nico they make 12 but I mean compounding with the fatigue look at him go Nexa throws aggression into the mix on a cobble together by and it looks like it's going to boil down to a 3v4 Nico holding sh into mid this makes the series a whole lot more interesting G2 in control the desk we both thinking two o's I was thinking of two surprised to see this going the well potential distance imagine if G2 win come on come on now I mean they lost to 9z upon a rival here ma now up against the G2 with a standing and I want to be clear when we say the world number one I always wanted to try and say ranked um ma have been playing some incredible counter- strike but when we say world number one that is still very much up for conversation there's like a top four ouch and now are in it G2 are making a case for it with a standing they take map one of the series that's got to be feeling fantastic Monas in form n's hitting deagles ma need to go to the drawing board and prepare for map two track record on home soil and Nico is hitting shot that's something you got to be worried about if ni is hitting shots like that double kill from Nico the bomb on the floor exertion on no 35 HP with a Glock he's going to get run down by Hunter Jimmy's hitting some shots two is great three necessary and now a two on two Nico could be his next victim he's playing Wicked Games as Jimmy as Nico tucks into the vents and he's hitting more shots getting whittled away at running him down is Jimmy and he makes it a 1 V one we're looking for an ace clutch Stewie can save them and he will and he will pycho straight out of the chair for damage control despite all of the heroics from Jimmy it's still 2K to get G2 off the RAC course it is as you said the North American major winner get T back in the server we will have a full reunion on our hands but Jimmy does his absolute best to kick up a fuss that's all it's going to be to the pistol round oh he did so much he did so much and Nico looking to poke his head out of the hidey hole there's a flash that's why you throw it well timed utility and now oh the hero rifle empty-handed exertion goes down trying to recover that I'm sure that's a hot Prospect for Jimmy yeah well that's the weapon he dropped so he doesn't have any armor to go with this you'd love to liberate it out of his hands and give it to someone else so that's going be Brolin or shuy how's Nico playing this angle just holding the SLI throws out the smoke yeah it needs to be reserved he plays one of the most key positions alongside of Mony on this map so the two of them are going to have to put an absolute shift for g2's first half and so far well looking so good I know Mon's gone down but they still have a lot of advantages in the time being the biggest Ma you need to find a solution but that smoke has stalled you out from the main or mini actually abandoned his uh secret post was actually maneuvering towards the ramp side so he's given them a lot of room down lower so the team are operating under a bit of Darkness it has to be a has to be a how so there's no time there is no time and it's falling apart from M just like that they can't even get into the side there's no time for this and it's going to be cleaned up by the SMGs wasn't looking at the clock there Chad thank you Jimmy he's going to overlook next should be a shoy trade here yeah one to the center of Mass gets the job done Mony rotates cleanly into the head of shuy ramp is still under their control and I believe they've lost the bomb makes things even less fun for the remaining two exertion on the deagle see if you can get any more damage done here this is going to be quite tough from Ma I understand that they're heavy favorites into this but they were in the series I I think losing Inferno shows that they are not at full capacity right now and that's not to detract from g2's prowess on the map there just a lot of factors that go into something like this and you know you're talking about Ms as the number one ranked team in the world right now I still would have had them winning this series 20 so G2 well within their rights to make this competitive campaign as exertion will continue to make it costly the body pinned against the back wall of Main in America they call it mini in Australia we call it Annex Annex what does that stand for is it just that's what an Annex is I think that's what an Annex is a room I think it's a connecting room room yeah most rooms are connected otherwise it would just be a box oh yo exertion is doing more damage with that dig would have loved a third but they run over into Stewie and Nico for three St oh they just threw the smoke the one that was meant to be the first wall on the back of a teammate's head that's a fumble oh gosh unfor first gunny down three Z Brolin what just as his boots hit the ground he finds the head of Hunter Nico tradesy got a lot of pressure on his shoulders to find that frag and he does do enough in combination with exer lovely catches Nico as well Stewie has found himself in lobby Trading Places with the tside 50 seconds but the bomb is going to be heading top and they've got all the control they need just going to be the save well if NEX can find something as he goes looking over towards hell it's going to be a very difficult clear for him onto exertion but surely would have spotted the thigh poking out just looking to oh influence the damage hold up they're on now give this one a go smoke K you could have a smoke towards Squeaky from sty they will need to break the smoke and then a Flash and then a look turn oh exposed got run out of bullets but Stewie still found one Jimmy's only got low HP they need to be on the bomb now and it's Jimmy to save mous ni none the wiser who's spotting this who's spotting this what a crazy Gap and exertion doesn't kill him ni just runs away throws his Lobby crunch util so focused on the call NEX has done well to at least catch one but with bren's trade low sight's under threat they actually dropped two down the vents audibly now it gets a little uncomfortable nades exchange back up towards top and just in time but exposed to exertion Jimmy as well reveals himself and Stewie goes down nice clean shooting from the fin he's uh keeping Ms in it at the moment no fun for in this one you know exactly where he was and where he is still towards the double doors he just opened so just trying to encourage someone to come and deliver him a rifle thank you very much shy express delivery sir for was it Nia yeah okay and my favorite weapon yes the AK-47 I did request case hardened blue gem as well thank you very much you can tell this got a Titan sticker on it it's got the the crowny one too don't know the name of but the crowny one yeah that's a good one the kids they really like their things that look pretty don't they they do easily entertained I'm be honest man I don't think it's just the kids I think there's a lot of fully grown men that like the shiny I like I like the shiny things that look cool but I'm I'm not an effici terorist win the side by side two towards heaven Stewie's going to clear him and yeah it's too easy for Jimmy sets up the bait and now he hits the shot Mony will find him Hunter's exposed to two many angles the heaven timing is great Mony however has got the aim to make this a competitive one no kit for G2 trying to come up the heaven ladder is a death sentence for next so that might just incite the save comfortable conversion for exertion and hang on Monas is just on a mad one how has he gotten three here now NCO comes up the vents they can attack from two different fronts Brolin towards the CT vent that is going to be the next difficult Port of Call eco's got the pre- aim perhaps and Brolin converts it monasi hasn't got the time to pull this one across the line he's kept it costly trying to save hold of his R what's going on with shy here I come starts up the lawn mower he had some troll moments yesterday as well the guy's definitely got that mentality about him yeah there you go we've done the setup C this is fast look at this my God they're just gunning it into Hunter spray I want to see another Rolland lovely work he is so good in this mouse Jersey really finding his footing able to contribute on both sides here on the uh attack he's just walked in and demanded control takes it by force and Brolin even starting to hunt Nico's M4 quite ahead of the play here how his 6 rounds on its way Nico heading towards t born with a sigh I I think it would become more unbridled now for the remainder of the half M likely you know smelling the blood in the water uh at this point securing 50% and they are on the T side so a very good hall for them and they'll make sure nothing is retain so the threats minimal for G2 in yet another round and and CT side there's always going to be some aage points that is a good start for Jimmy an important trade from Nexa but shy he knows what's up being felt the lobby crunch come and he can feel it in his wers as uh I get London for a second don't know why I changed my accent there thank how many more you got oh man hold on hold on is he ready for desertion swing he spotted you he spotted you they're pushing him H as well he's going to get overwhelmed but he just is terrifying now now's on route for an eighth okay their intentions here if desertion can get himself oh Mon's actually just managed to catch toi and he's bringing the fight to them he is on a mad one he may as well just play like this especially with the chips down like I mean you just you give him the full like green light do what you want the jazz hands Bo he's doing a ballet routine oh I see cuz you would do the jazz hands during the ballet routine no you would never do jazz hands during the ballet routine that's why he should give them the jazz hands yeah because it look your ball your ball is not great you're not on point he's got him oh between the wickets he's on Demi point right now so let's see if mony's double kill is sufficient in making a fourth a reality sh's dipping down the vents they are going to look to get that bomb down a reaction immediate from Ni and next trundling into exertion and he can't quite get it across the line it's going to be four for G2 popped his way through that window we go oh monus is off get back into action he gets flatlined immediately Nico does get a trade onto craing but exertion on your head son should get it done with a nade that felt very cricet tesque straight to Nico okay well Stewie Hunter and Nexa how do these three combine for potentially a fifth round of Play It seems necessary if they want to have a competitive nuke an 84 quite the condemnation Hunter yeah he's going to play proactively around the main smoke H actually found the lobby L that's alleviated a lot of pressure oh yeah indeed chatty B going to try and split in towards a through this I guess this subverts the expectation you got Stewie jiggling you got Hunter with full Lobby this is all right for G2 that's even better for G2 Stewie connects takes the bomb out of the equation scooped up by shuy trying to Pivot Tori searching see if Stewie will overextend he got 35 seconds and Hunter's going to be loud about his vent descent now they're trying to isolate Stewie they have a player towards the heavens in nexer it's just about timing your fights timing your fights Hunters got low sight covered you have to go into this double man stack Stewie and to's going to take the shot now it's all onto stew isolated and eliminated just like that the eigh is found Dam G2 gave it a good go they gave it a shake but it's M's eight at the half certainly looks to be the case with the smoke trousers just say oh oh Rand does very well to track the second Mony into the sight already low limping but fragging for the first it's up to Hunter bombs on the floor it looks like M have done more than enough as H up has too much to do can't get his cross there on ahead and looking good for ma to make this a quick trip to Ceda Creek and that's a Mony head shot straight to the Dome of exertion Tori will activate for two Jimmy's got run down great pop flash from Stewie is facilitated a descent to the low sight have to take themselves some control flash second time this time not quite as ideal n looks like it's got Hunter's name great though smoke is fantastic yeah look at his options there's nothing you want to push a smoke or concede the plant however where is the bomb it's ticking Alex are you cool I'm walking in on this Ste through a responsibility tucked on dark no one exposed just yet but actually Stewie's done great there he's found oh Stewie with two on the tech 9 first a good Flash and then a double kill in defense of the bomb that's for G2 conversion scooping up a couple of m4s for their troubles great stuff all right well that's a fifth On The Board second round Force goes their way Stewie making them a bit spewy big smile big smile on his face after that one that's a high impact round first his flash enables the open opening into the low sight by finding the frag onto Jimmy I wouldn't want to break and go through in a corridor like this oh it's gone well it's gone very well extremely well no he's pushing it ni was not expecting that Brolin I Lov that play Jimmy found a deagle head shot as well now shou's fragging is get very uncomfortable with Stewie's death wow Brolin has saved them there what an incredible like just gut instinct response to the molotov in the vents Nico assumes he's done his his diligence there to stop that vent push here we go is this where nuke starts to be uh finished off Jimmy just eats stairs directly into the sun didn't bring his eclipse glasses don't rep that toi he's chilling he's flashing he's killing well if you have ramp with everybody Alex I would say just go b as hampus once said he coined the term are you be wow come on you're landing on thick now yeah I am I apologize to hampus so who spot in hell it's just going to be torgy I guess taking your little glances yeah but you bloody hell sounds like a band of hooligans are in the studio I can I know what happened don't spoil it man I want to watch I'm watching it right now as oh no Nico has found exertion to put the G2 boys the one man advantage in 50 seconds to piece this together fting on that vertical axis is Nico still think ramp's the right place especially now that they have the number Advantage Who's down here it's Brolin burrowed in deep it's a very deep clear Mony how good are you yeah actually quick switch Brolin's angle is rewarded but only with the one no down goes Nico toi quick to this rotation he's managed to find the multi kill and now he knows where you are Hunter can you get your gun out in time he can and he will a clutch haven't seen one of these from Hunter in a while the silent walk up from shuy Hunter's going to clear it oh shou's too good so do he wants to flash top and go SMG is charging into sh's location he's not going to have any issues with the first but the flash from Monas is well timed rolin is just too quick with the double longrange Mac 10 head shot and mony's in a 1 V one he can't win he cannot win this Jimmy's got full HP he's got an M4 and monesy is dead it's 13 mes Force us the distance we will go to three ancient required as the reverse sweep is in the works G2 not hitting so hard on nuke well it depends how many times you fold it Chad if you folded that piece of paper 100 times it would be as large as don't think you can fold a piece well I know but if you did I don't think you can no but if you did it would be uh as close to getting to the Moon I think that's how it goes Jim is going to do one and done mid open and occupied Hunter just charging running gunning into Tor on red or not a pivot into the donut shuy in this power position that they're not going to spot he has however missed his first opportunity so now just playing around the big box and goes down to Nico even trades nice work from Nico to actually wasn't Nico it was Mony who found the frag he got shut down and puts nexer into an uncomfortable 1 V2 needs to fake to isolate these Jaws from behind donut will strike and it's a braw impact round once more I've changed my mind I should stop talking um you can do you do whatever you want that's what I was going to say shy doesn't die oh he does I could I really should stop talking he's got frag is actually they might get a plot they will get a plot Ste 2K running and gunning brin's fragging up for two but hang on it is a bit weird now it's a bit weird you can't deny it's a little bit weird they've gotten the bomb plant should never have gotten to this position that's what I'm saying that's weird is dead and it's all good in the hood Stewie see you later liquid get the hell out of here oh that's a bad Miss now they're up and toi makes good on his promise to contribute Nico need a multi does deliver onto shuy May Overlook the next player towards the cave position Jimmy unloads his magazine but mesty not caught off guard by Brolin ratting out through that Cave Smoke makes it an interesting State of Affairs in a 2v2 where Jimmy has to reposition he can't just watch that smoke for 20 seconds maybe he will be he actually fakes the runway starts to spam the smoke and Hunter should have him one more bullet would have done it doesn't finish him off exertion working cave hoping that Hunter has a glance I'm honestly worried about ramp as well so it's just about timing on exertion here and Jim's already given up and ex astion doesn't get the same opportunity drive by from Hunter G2 straight away picking themselves up an early round all right that's a nice one to win we do have um celebrities in the chat I believe Alex Oh T's here it's not even a subjective one all right should we with some aain aggression are truth ever subjective truth a matter of perspective of who you are and where you're standing deep as was the swing from Hunter not set up for an execute it will just be back towards B is that donut Molly enough to draw them yes it is Jimmy and toy evacuate yeah but Brolin needs to be holding this angle a free frag and no a dink into Mony that's going to make things very uncomfortable for the rest of his round he's got a full belt of util that he may not get to deploy he's going to do his best to do so throws out a well placed flash onto the long player 8 seconds they need to get that bomb punched bomb the round is ended How does it go down like that that dink onto Mony is enough how uncomfortable NEX are down after the time he's only got 600 bucks you're allow you're allowed to do that you're allowed to do that and Cave it's not too shabby you can how did Z still get a kill go controls it with Mon's Health Jimmy still hanging around Nico gets away with one HP how long is that going to last not long at all with Brolin in the server a double kill maybe three it's Bren baby and it's a 4-1 lead for ma both sounded good Mon's missed the molly on Temple no harm no foul what's Phil saying Phil's saying we will be doing that game a thanks Phil sweet this is a Mony round he's managed to basically single-handedly distract the entire ma Squad by walking out a p a full rotation as they told they'd get three not us G2 they're looking at each other mon is looking at Nico mon is taking a sip Mony you sipping on a coffee at well it might not be a coffee could be a tea where is the help it's coming zian and Jimmy from donut toy w got to weather the storm of nades and O exertion pushing that deep donut smokes made it very uncomfortable huge from stew deals a heavy blow the defense yeah you most definitely do you've got nothing in your back pocket well that's the type of impact entries that St was getting on an inferno in a couple of key rounds especially on their T side so he just be Lin straight in it's all right that's not going to cost him an awful lot sure he does find him through the smoke sh but what's he up to do you just want the AK you can have the AK but you can't have the round that's not allowed hold up what are you do where you go come on now sh what are you what are you what are you doing chewy man next round you're only getting 1,900 loss bonus I can't see you could have dropped an M4 shy that was not I'm upset about that that that could really have some Echoes so strap yourself in M you better bounce back in immediate effect setting up the same looking round of G2 Hunter oh he's got two on his plate does well to find one but go a that seems to be the play yeah of course because if it's toi again sure oh my goodness they've got themselves an absolute golden ticket right now not to Willy wonkers but to a potential fourth round next to going down from the Jimmy spam that's that's going to change things it's retake oh Nico needed that that saves the day shy down to Nico a clear from St Jimmy holds the nerve doesn't do too much Do's actually going to walk straight past him not expecting that oh Nico turns on a dime for Jimmy triple kill high impact round from Nico to make it another G2 round it's 5 to four they Roar in the studio how are they going to deal with that do they just stick to their guns and stick with this press over towards cave Lane Middle they have Jimmy the one task with worrying about ay and Nico he's feeling it he really is and that is a terrifying Prospect for any opponent B yeah that's brilliant nice timing on that one catches Mony on the top of the box someone has to have gotten him up there and it's Brolin with a Flawless control of the M4 tor's let that one go straight past Hunter and that makes it a 3v3 with a lot of discomfort in the map Control Department yeah Advantage G2 I'd say no info mid no info beat and it does look like the latter is their focus bam puts himself CT on an off angle low HP to provide this comfort that shuy can only has to worry about cave and ramp just as he looked away Nico's caught the timing he's caught it and he's going to run with it sure he's not considering this the timing is perfect the tap is beautiful Nico makes the second frag a dream and now with a deep Speedway smoke with two segregated CTS and bomb has separate parts of the map ma off the back of this timeout a left forced to save Jimmy's at least been able to scavenge the awp so upgrading from that MP9 sha toy with a blistering Miss in Middle you thought Brolin had done enough with that b Lane aggression and the double up but that was all that you can really boast and this is it walking under the scope of mon tries to flick in towards action and that one will be slightly frustrating if you are Mony sure but your team was able to convert the round and that's your issue if Nico and Hunter fining the impact and Monas is also online it doesn't really matter too much what nexer and stuio are up to as long as they're finding their impact where necessary and J's actually been able to find a good entry round on towards that a site honest is trying himself a Aggy or and mid and donuts actually got the or there so hang on a second this is going to be an interesting Dynamic and yeah still flash residual for Mony toi had the advantage M can't seem to put Nico away despite the dink beats out shuy an AK Advantage gives nio something to work with but it is minimal bring on the ramp agress Hunter considering it holding it spots the tip of the head eagle eyes from Hunter here in the final round of our third map's first half the bomb completely segregated from the pack lot of confidence in Nexa brain goes down to Hunter more damage but it's damage enough with the red smoke as long as session doesn't use his nage oh they could lose the bomb on this one on the ledge spotted and executes Nico and they're leaning a by they I mean both the CT and the T forces NEX is into red with the bomb does no is he going to try and go towards B well if so just has to deal with Tori but wait flanking a oh the awareness the speed on the draw from Jimmy and it's a 66 score line to wrap it up mes with a little bit of a recovery the final round of the half is theirs 66 G2 licking their lips one of these teams is going home this could be fast this could be furious and V diesel oh miss flash exertion driving by takes down Stewie it's toy with the first broland post the second and the last man falls to broland who's having a fantastic time here on Ancient 14 frags at the top of the tables in the server owns another triple kill the multi- kills just keep on flowing yeah that third smoke is one they just snatched off the ground from the CTS that was a beautiful little layering so you saw the cave smoke from Spawn you saw the long smoke from Spawn you have the molly on the run from Brolin as part of the entry pack and now you have NEX two kills to his name can't make it three the one who's fallen on the sword and has taken the Mac 10 out of the hands of Brolin and that's probably because he wants to get aggressive towards middle he's going to Brave the Flames yeah all time flash it did put a hunter straight into the donut R contending with the Mony fight clean from Brolin takes down Mony and actually anticipating a second Nexa he might hard clear this too yeah I don't think so nice for the first immediate trade though and they're running straight into Hunter oh a messy one but still gets the away with the first puts Jimmy on notice to 25 would have loved the double for G2 to rectify this 15th should be providing the cover just times it the ma armor yeah but just with the circumstances du to putting up a fight is a victory it's almost like a team from a smaller region coming in and you know oh wow they took a map that's crazy smoking the doors though Nico is going to have confirmation that there were bodies there and he actually just stands confidently into that first jeel knowing with the with the only rifle he's got a lot of responsibility to contribute I do really dislike that I think or I you know I want to know I want to know what you know what have you seen you know not what you think yeah I've heard a step towards a now in game leaders get to think so ni can think as much as he wants temporarily until hooky gets back in the chair that's what you think this should be a fire starter of around though for that's a dink and a half sh's going to get run down see you quick changed your short changed Ste 2K though has anything changed no he down empty-handed on the B ramp hold a forward position likely encouraged by the Weaponry however it has enabled the B site to be taken very uncomfortable now for G2 especially with Nexa going nothing onto Jimmy yo toi's got smoko Vision straight onto Mony go Overlook though Alex certainly click tap quick second hunter in the clutch here certainly time picks up the rifle here's the steps of [Music] zers and Peak straight into the anle it's Hunter's clutch onto M with a 10c of fuse he's made it in time a sire relief as a hero moment like that on a partial buy a little smir he's done it for G2 a clutch to invigorate the Troops sh we takes a l down damage from Ste not far off on his shots oh sh he's going to punish you get those guns back in your hand Eco saves him what's happened there now tor's been caught out Flash and spray from stew to find themselves two as G2 looking to make this just a one round game here that clutch from Hunter now you pair it with this one ma under some pressure maybe his teammates can bail him out they're going ahead of the smoke oh Nico couldn't handle the pull up the Crosshair nice moves from Jimmy right to rectify can Stewie find another he's gotten himself a triple in defense of B that is a massive step up from St but I wouldn't write out Jimmy yeah but the longer he's waited it's allowed Nexa to come almost around the world who hasn't actually braved his way through the doors just yet and Nexa has a decent amount of util for this if Nexa goes before Mona sees in position to find some help he is going to walk straight into the crossair and has can't quite believe it they get through it flash is great they're really making it difficult for them next attacks in they're out and about distractions there messy from Nexa can he handle his business he's only gotten one it could get uncomfortable for G2 and it has now T onto Mony Hunter tries to sweep the rest under the rug but only gets the one it's Nico but that or from exertion could be a problem now Stewie's taking it out of the equation it falls to toi to find another two and he's caught picking up weapons God that got a little stressful Vegeta to M's not with a full investment Brolin with a Cave Smoke is able to get himself into the room they're going to do this pinch from Heaven and the lower deck of middle to get the control and Mony overextends on his own Hunter blocked towards red cannot help they've now sprawled out slid in and got themsel the donut space as they're going to contact in towards nex's domain NEX could be walking straight into Jimmy's pre aim oh he's done very well there but oh caught switching should go down or ni saves him exian couldn't find itg to win this series I know ah Dash nothing makes sense anymore Brolin putting in such a shift toy as well filthy Adams been out and about not as filthy as yesterday that's for sure no not really next up nice reactions out of shy does SNAP into the frag Hunter Nico it out didn't expect him to be so pushed up into donut but shy he'll catch Hunter nicely didn't anticipate shy to still be lingering towards the cubby the bomb is in Temple the bomb is in CT Nico is getting hunted shy tracking him should have fre Blood Hound bring around the rosie this is a free kill should definitely go back towards a off of this info he's going to catch them both in transition one not the other ni does manage to at least adjust into that and this is a winable clutch for n already a triple into it but toi he's been having a game but toldi did he PL default or CT planted default no CT plan so so Nico's going to worry about spawn and everything you go call out oh this step to's given away his position now he's worried about diffuse behind the box and Nico Nails it what a shot that was oh the frustrations now are palpable as the double digits are found win side looking for one man it's exeron how much can he get done block perfect do they might try and rush through the smoke they going Dr play ahead of it zeran strikes toi takes down the B anchor and it should just fall nicely into place now one most definitely he can't fumble this one well yes yeah you're obviously quite susceptible that's when you should be blocking while they're searing being out of the sight retake potentially is another option in that regard yes yes definitely so you lose there that's 11 the next you either force or taking Eco that's 12 dasan Nails the shot onto Hunter tried his luck at maintaining mid but that's a huge frag to pose for M and two rounds in a row exertion with mid impact one getting all the way to red one now dealing with Hunter trying to make sure that isn't a possibility so ex just what your in game leader wants of you where is he going for is it long or short it is short so Mony plays ahead has to play ahead oh he's missed his shot he's going to get run down as well Mony nothing Stewie what can you do it's a double from Stewie the 2K oh make it the 3K baby he's holding on to the a side the B side and a Spam from Nico puts it all onto Jimmy in the absence of Mony a hero imer es and his name is stewie2k twice now his b site he's provided the intensity that they needed Jimmy's low HP oh n that's the switch nio and Nexa convert a Stewie 2K 3K Hunter once bit and twice shy on the mid spray E's getting walked upon and braing the hero M's KN that's nuts he just pass considering the context of this round that is insane through the smoke they're pushing him straight into the Flames NEX can't believe it Jimmy's just Brave the Flames takes 80 damage just to try and find the trade oh the bomb Oh the bomb Ah that's crazy this is all starting to really come apart for Ma braw and opener great just the blood sacrifice of the C4 Mony has a freaking or exertion you need to find this kill he might he does taking down Hunter relieve so much pressure he's not awake he is now hits a fantastic flick onto the jump spot of toi a two versus two emerges from the chaos trying to resuscitate hope Miss shot from Mony unable to find him on the swing through S finds the bomb with 35 that's the jeel Stewie gave it a go Mony will pick it up Brin though with that opening now he has to find the closer and he's walking straight into the a G2 are starting to believe as 12 on the board are G2 going to eliminate ma backto back tournaments for them it's all in B they're rushing straight into Mony exertion at least able to find the one but Mony and Nico they've had enough they want this done Jimmy only the one but it's an important one a Miss smoke sure the bomb lost again ma committing the bomb up the ramp and now it's under CT control Jimmy and toy for their tournament life have to play against the numbers and it's toi working on somewhat of a flank monus he's just had that consideration he just turns his head towards the possibility as he turns away toi strikes that draws attention hoping that's enough but Mony seems to be putting the nails in the coffin a multikill from Mony as G2 look to throw the knockout blow it was 9z that put them down here and it's G2 that throw The Knockout blow mes eliminated in the groups of Dallas and it's G2 with a stand in a North American major Champion dusts off the mouse and keyboard and sends Mouse home
Channel: ESL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 279,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESL, IEM, Dallas, IEM Dallas 2024, esports, gaming, competitive, esport, CS, CS2, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike 2, CS Highlights, CS Live, CS2 Live, CS Live Stream, cs, intel, extreme, masters
Id: WK67LPjecTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 43sec (3343 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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