LAST CHANCE! G2 vs Liquid - HIGHLIGHTS - IEM Dallas 2024 l CS2

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they got both Naf and twist with p250s though and kadan's just had his face melted down to one HP long range Taps from Nico good onto nap twist however that P250 continues to find heads it's Hunter gone Nico keeping it level lovely TAPS in control with his USP one whistles past the ear of twist as he's stubborn just stands and does deliver with skulls his help towards the mid doors yeah so skulls was low at dark dealing with all the rotations there a defensive sight smoke dropped by nexer now we find our in a 3 on two situation with NI trying to plug some of these gaps twist will be noisy NCO will hear that but really pressure on Nexa it's all on Nexa they're swinging into him here and it needed to be a one tap unable to convert skulls he distracted twist he executed and Nico he's coming back around identifies where two of the three are now knows where all of them are one was planting one Goose one long it's impossible for him to find all three if they do swing in unison trying to play some sort of mind game with the drops sound he's been spotted out and his Twist Again an incredible performance well a simple approach should be applied Molly towards the car smoke the cross and Away you go same defensive smoke line up from Nexa just going to force them wider towards Goose so this opens up the angle for his teammates to help from short but now Nexa dinked in the Smoke he will be found or should be found there it is and maybe just try and get out of there G2 Mony somewhat committed should be backing off if he can can't can't yeah so they all little preserve these two h9s the hunter still brought into it yeah I remember the the counter to the na'vi of counter air quotes here was device would throw this smoke towards kind of the divid yeah to to basically create a bit of a buff at a pick around as they crossed in towards the site so it would change some Dynamics uh just on the Eco so it's a P2 sorry it's a p2k and a USB boosted up kad's got his Mac 10 and actually taking some heavy damage he gets attacked from every angle NEX couldn't quite connect the bullets but it's Ste 2 going to do very well with one on the reload he has support it's good from Naf on the multi- kill Stewie can't finish him off one single point of Health left on Naf ni he's in a prime position now two of them are very low a single bullet onto either teammates and now the healthy man goes down it's n and twist up against Mony but just a USP it's not really the weapon you'd have a liked in a scenario like this your position noted and exed that was stylish still it's twists I have no fear the Mony can convert a full USP no Kev up against an armored AK well what can he scavenge what's out Behind the B Doors to upgrade away from that USP the fact that he's been able to get to far the low HP players is great but twists will just seek Him Out playing ahead of it and removes him so no tricky business I suspect Stewie's going to have his work cut out for him today he just going to be contacting in Stewie has hunting close by nice angle he's rewarded for the active Peak into yinder and he actually does deliver takes down skulls as well slowed down by an incendiary as Hunter continues to keep them at Bay yeah Hunter Hunter Nico summoned as well 40 seconds and now the fight is taken distraction Naf eliminated by n some great supportive work for G2 so far Caden spots out that first on site mony's already removed twist as well well towards the door so this is just falling into place very nicely for G2 with the Mac 10 and up for dark can't really take a longrange jaw so has to hope they push into him there's a nade onto twist the Noggin and he'll be dealt with that was yakinda swinging out mid doors yeah but twist he actually managed to use the drop to see that water full effect completely covers him under the guise of the smoke for the commitment down it's a nice frag to post from twists they are looking to put some pressure onto both sides through mid here you've got CT control Naf starts his craw Kaden providing some cover and not expecting that was Hunter completely caught off by the angle of Naf Stewie he gets his wish they're coming to your bomb site mate what can you do with it does control the spray oh and the last bullet of the mag finds nav's head massive from Ste another double kill two for two in that department and make it three Stewie he gets what he desires and again picks up the round for G2 couldn't be better oh BL they don't know is he overlooking it he'll clear he'll clear just about controls the spray gosh that's getting a bit awkward now for Nico the pressure is coming he has got support shouldn't be too alarming but actually n and now y Kinder have taken down rifles respectively there is a very fast flank from Hunter but it is suboptimal for G2 imagine actually the Crosshair placement is perfect your Kinder gets another this is $400 worth of investment Alex bloody hell is going to get R boosted across I mean an or is the perfect weapon to deal with a long crawl you can see that this should be monest frag all day long he's missed it now twist has got 3 HP if that was to spread okay it's all fine yuka's taken the bomb elsewhere he's still in with the conversation for a clutch what would be worse the one that G2 lost to Apex with the Scout or two flashes and five Glocks versus liquid yeah I it's a it's a tossup actually I'm not sure oh my God he's found Mony catches him off completely and Stewie is in an uncomfortable position G2 are in an uncomfortable position a full economical a couple of flashbangs and the starter pistol and now yakinda is going to look for the info spots out Stewie he knows where he is and now he's got mony's awp to put the cherry on top to steal this round away from G2 and Stewie 2K after the impact he's already had has to try and catch them off again theer considering his options sets his attention towards the ram still he crouches in and liquid some absolute robbery yeah pressure is on now from Mony just him and Nex to defend this yeah it is a time sensitive mission for liquid The Flash delays them further they're hiding out behind the smoke if Mony nail this that's the bomb on the floor NEX has done well to find a multi- kill elsewhere and it's just Fallen apart time is not on their side here Mony gets one midair and Caden orb's going to get run down trying to take it away from him and they'll do so successfully big smile on taz's face it's an It's A peculiar we have to get used to the dust tube first Contact timing that's saying that we we haven't obviously with mid door fights being the key we always would get a little bit more time to show a few of these replays but now that this is back in the pool well they are in a bit of a box Team Liquid even with the opener they go towards low I think mon is good for one you'd think so actually just pulling away well the timer let's doy he needs a multi-kill here and he will unload his magazine in combination with Hunter liquid completely shattered kadan's next victim as well three kills for Stewie and Mony WS it up G2 they feel it's coming they're playing 4 a this will be a bit on Long Al this is going to be a fast round folks strap in Stewie getting across behind the smoke they've thrown out the lamb smoke t- smoke on the corner spamming the smokes lots of damage no death Nico very low clear of the smoke with the H's big Stewie will convert they're on the blue bit that could be one hell of a nade one hell of a nade indeed twists and skulls very low hanging on by a thread a boost on the blue bit is a lot of info and he's going to get the Spam as well 5v3 skull's 20 hp he's going to be just left out high and dry by his team still he's got his cross back and it's going to be an exit to find it so that's not gone well for liquid great read from G2 that that's what you really starting for long yeah and that's that's something in the meta that you can we were talking about before teams who just want to take the long control something that you can do and you need to make sure that you're you're hedging your bets correctly because if they did do something fast mid to b or B entry you essentially lose the round and then you have to save because B is very difficult to retake K should be dead counterterrorist and uh there you have it 30 seconds folks it's going to come to its conclusion shortly it's so quiet on the rest of the map though that's a good start Stewie off you got for us it needs to be a multi just holding down Mouse one a lovely spray converts the second that's the bomb into the sight Caden hits the shot just in time monest he has the cross but it's going to be a scout from Naf has a little look they used the H to gu the cross but still Kaden goes down twist trying to get AC cross it cost him all of Health with a leg shot through the door bomb goes down with a second to spare but still no one no hope Naf gets run down they're trying to Target next to now so they've tried the B anchor hasn't really worked now they're trying the long anchor Eco distract and actually finds skulls controls it beautifully upon the clear of the smoke they know the long anchor still stands and oh Nico he actually goes back for more gets cadon down low does lose his life NEX is going to be swung on here get ahead of the play Big frag from Nex to equalize that's the bomb on cadan so he looks to Pivot Stewie and Hunter have evacuated B but that's been Audible yinda has heard all of that and Stewie oh completely caught out lingered on a pre it doesn't catch yinder bomb's going B Hunter they heard your steps they know where you are they heard that double Twan rotation towards CT twist is going to be catching him upon the fade here bomb has been planted that final round of the first half of the first map concludes it's 75 a two round difference G2 in the lead well from the P250 on the pistol twist has once again been situated with a upgraded pistol this time the duel Baretta so plenty of yeah so they'll catch a glimpse of him perhaps avert The Gaze on towards the clear on twist here we go this is the setup oh he just looked away and still twist profits he might get more than one oh he does double kill with the jeules NEX are already down to 39 na will take him down that's the bomb that's the round folks that's a convincing start for Team Liquid on their CT side again uh look I I think that if they're only able well let's not say only it it only matters in the context of the victory doesn't it if you're looking at it over a broader piture of maybe the series but in the map let's say you win both pistols and yeah your first half wasn't very good as far as the gun rounds are concerned but you still win who cares oh liquid are very very fortunate set of 4 a to deal with any early long pressure the fact that G2 didn't go fast or explode they they will be popping into twist but the rotation should be on the way twist in the window good flashes you can see that barrage completely obscures his contributions Nico catches Naf on the cross it's only a Kinder and twist that can provide some support still twist onto stew keeps it level playing for the retake now retooling lining up some util they've got a lot of util to retake this site I think fortunately for G2 they have quite a few individuals with full HP so they will be able to save quite close to the bomb site you can even save car nice from Kaden does manage to remove Nico force a Reby out of him so yeah making the best out of B situation and keeping Four Guns this long crawl is working out wonderfully for G2 you got three players starting to head that way Kaden still worried about short they're so concerned Kaden needs to focus on long he gets his eyes on the angle but right between the two of them stilling good for one next to another G2 are into a if they can get past skulls and they will a couple of important frags there from Nexa and g2's is secure the gun round success continues I I can't believe they've just forgotten about long it wasn't an interesting one normally I mean typically you park one dude there and then you can go on your adventures short or ZT so what information did they have up until that point well they knew that there was one player back cat and two players lower dark well they knew they did the top mid Molly and the Flash from lower flash into lower yes so so you're accounting for three players you heard Nico towards Xbox and I guess that and that was enough for you to think it's it's it's short Centric oh well played from G2 to grab their n they're giving up a couple of casualties terrorist win oh they just keep on fragging the Canadians in combination spread Spread spread and Naf gets to survive E's taking the bomb Outdoors twist he's looking for answers here trying to catch the right timing The Flash is there but Mony very quick on the draw with the awp smoke arrives need to elevate if you want to see over that yinder blocked off they're heading towards nav's location he is alone he is on an island stranded painting faces on volleyballs he needs help oh come on straight through the block smoke into his face and Eco has won them the round a and nap has to play a position like that because he can't be opened to doors or window that is the fortune smiling upon Nico but if you're emboldened by that confidence they coming in a lot in the round because most of the time it's just one player sitting outside those doors and sometimes none if they're working on other map controller you're oh my God okay Caden holds on to all of an MP9 G2 knocking out M yesterday Now setting their sights securing the playoffs that was and that sounded great didn't it just multiple dinks through the door takes down Nexa actually are at a disadvantage again here G2 coms flowing for liquid okay so it's a fake they're just trying to keep presence twists oh he's so lucky he didn't get caught no there's only two there but one of them's the rifle they know y Kinder's rifle was towards long now on the ramp he has to manage his angles very well very carefully you know there's an open Play that's a great Molotov to force him wide he tries to buy his time Ste will collect very uncomfortable for Yer even more so for skulls just not the weapon or the angle to takes him down well handled here he even tucked in ready for the flash he should go down just about they should have a look no kit but very low HP on Hunter still be worse for where as well twist could do something with this it's about who pulls the trigger first oh and twist has nailed the head shot it's all onto the 10 HP of Hunter if he could just play the tier jumping for him he does well to find twist now the clock is his best friend he gets run down no time but an AK and a whole lot of damage G2 take 11 they'll be happy with that Naf can't even find the awp from Mony there on the way out the door look lost bonus is definitely playing as a team liquid's favor surea but just two rounds now for G2 and they'll secure map number one down a man against another light at by long pressure applied that Molly stalls them they're exploding yeah kad's not got the weapon for the job here double ORS twist has already found one Hunter meets twist secondary or and oh lovely work from kadon there anticipating the jump into the pit from Stu over the smoke two man Advantage both from the awps connecting I wouldn't rule them out of the round just yet I think the fact that they have Mony alive and able to patrol down this Corridor of long if anybody from Team Liquid oversteps the mark can punish e showing you another way to get that long smoke for the cross they have a h on Naf he's currently dealing with mid doors so they can't really clear the smoke ooh skulls committed to this tries to drop off silently and does so Molly oh doesn't stop him would have forced him into the angle now cadan off once again fills to feed onto Nico good work so far from liquid just locking it out perfectly converting those picks leg shot and finished incendiary from his teammate to peek over oh he's just such an uncomfortable position but he still with one and a half Nico put low as well like the best of a difficult scenario there you Kinder K's going to float back towards mid doors they might have to go for an upper dark push but twists with the awp yeah you can see he's going to have to be careful of a lot of these lines so not going for a full clear just going to hold offensively having to rejig this because they know that the mid to be is where they are weak right now liquid quid oh do you go ahead of it if you twist oh you don't need to that whole movement sequence from Hunter was to try and bait the or shot twist has actually nailed it regardless and now has full upper tons control surely nav can start to poke his nose in towards the mid question now the util is about to be thrown out by Nico towards a a Vanguard smokes towards goose and go a boost for mon SE they are light on time very light on time next to going for a late long arrival skulls is holding oh just looks away two backs are turned it could have been beautiful but it looked good for liquid Naf will finish it off nicely fast play commitment Naf what have you got for us they're pushing you he throws out the the flashbang Naf with 100 to zero Mony with the incendiary they're out nap's begging for backup Cavalry is coming Nico does find one still na stubborn on the site good for one more Chey three Ste down great cover from kadon the pace Chang from G2 it boils down with an advantage for liquid this is a big round with huge ramifications can Nexa and Nico convert the disadvantage scenario twist keeps moving look at him already rering knowing they can't just sit up work on a flashbang though it's about the time and Kaden's staring at it he's back now turned Flash and push next needs to H the shot here and didn't get anything on his first cross SC has four nades for the retakes lobbing these Out Boys one car one p p maybe maybe sight this is the fight it's all gone wrong for nexar and Nico Team Liquid with one on B okay here we go flash is arriving Naf got to do something pretty brilliant here I'm blind I'm so blind and now still is dead oh Naf oh that is outstanding a triple in defense of the B site and liquid snatching dust two away it's their up pick for a reason baby they take it in regulation that is an impressive pacy finish from Team Liquid had an opportunity to Jou down mid now after a little bit of a for up banana now they're coming up the guts Kaden on the long side twist back to pit skulls in the sight Moto smoke lined up Molly towards twist position likely yeah here comes the Molly down goes long oh yakinda oh he's done well to find one onto nexar and N right there to deal with the hunter extra it's a bit of a race towards B here Nico and Stewie are charging Na's going to be there to spot the cross oh they're ahead this trying to block it oops that's gone a little further than he would have liked and now he's just going to play the numbers game wait for the team it does mean that the bomb goes down I say with baited breath yep gets the bomb down so that's certainly going to baling them into the next round of play it's now Nico in a one versus four a g has been hit K softened up and he does find a clean head shot into the first taking down twist is a good start that's even better could have been more Kaden only had three HP if that bullet had connected he had a one V one I want to requ request this now after Kaden gets the kill onto the coffins player can we get the comms okay from that point onwards after K gets because it felt like something was being called and I would like to know what it was you got it so if we could get that I'm not doing it that would be great oh sh him sh him sh him oh lovely use of this rifle B he now just got to find Naf and the sight is theirs Mony delivers that's why Nico gives him the rifle and that's why a Shan everybody asks you bomb has been planted an uncomfortable retake not even one I'm convinced skull still on along side but they are there skulls you're worried about the L M we we have some bad news for you oh oh get an incendiary line up there okay well let just to get out of there back off skulls was just ahead of the play he just knew we were saving yeah yeah no worries guys okay well that is one way to win around that's mad isn't it how easy must feel for the rest of G2 they just kind of been escorted into the premises by monacy oh hold up twist how many are you getting there's four available the first two mint meat third and fourth absolutely beautiful twist great work on the fam can he get the AK found it okay well that's so much damage and an upgrade Flash and fight Alex this is about to get very messy it's going to be flashed in he's done very well look at them go it's a massacre on banana Mony left alone with no Health he didn't stop strafing he has used the UMP to full potential there Mr Naf fly that's cool that is quite Bonkers one of them wasn't flash but of course he hits the first while moving to the face was it Stewie who wasn't flashed he was the one that only had the Mac 10 I believe so the least equipped for this so yeah he actually just anti tuck close to the wall but everyone else Mo down oh that was sick [ __ ] yeah what did he say um excl of something yeah that was this is something I was looking for setting the target towards Nas's Top Banana Roost look at y Kinder he just has no fear comes to claim top all of banana for himself and tucking towards the barrels comfortable round here for Team Liquid damn yinder with an ace on that MP9 farming up a whole lot of cash and confidence we've had two of those one on Dust two for Hunter now one on Inferno for yakinda there more flashes such pressure you can see Na's got another one oh baring these fights and oh it's yinder again with a left right good night to St and Nico Mia return still the advantage for Team Liquid here on the CT side they're looking very dialed in with the team plate all of that utility the step by step the color by numbers Force the fight into the flash into the swing Hunter is going to walk in to test the Beast site hold you Kinder on a passive angle just going to be jiggling in oh no way he gets more it's yakinda back to back Aces if he gets the last Naf denies it but still Nine Kills from yakinda in two rounds of play O he shall forces skulls away next oh he had an opportunity but skulls has found the head shot very quickly still two on B yinder forward he'll take the fight twist not supporting him whatsoever can they get past you Kinder it's a strong angle I'm sure Ste is going to be well drilled on the clear still doesn't matter you kind is just in form like that Ste doesn't even get to pull the trigger and G2 just dilapidated now there is a slight Gap that Team Liquid have acknowledged with the setup you can see skulls on the coldzero box so that means long is open and that's why Naf hasn't pushed into library and cleared out Arch just yet in a moment's time it will be called clear but as we can see G2 are operating with a save in mind it looks like he's filling himself yeah definitely which is something we haven't been able to say about yinder an awful lot now we can have uh his gun on the left side again he's back ah that was the key he might find a kill After Time Alex counterterrorist oh he has oh Hunter's got 50 bucks in this back pocket after that one it only gets worse for G2 second place in group b will play third place in group a which is exactly what we're seeing right on our screens right now oh filthy from Nico sorry Nico interrupted you yeah well hold on a second nap's interrupted as well he needs help he really does that hero rifle could translate to G2 second round it's an Eco round baby twist however has caught Ste for forward position spam back through the smoke puts Twist on 30 might just save yeah but that's such oh they have a lot of cash at maybe have a look Hunter's looking for something more than a P250 on the floor in the Smoke have a little look this Molly in the hands of skulls this could be okay giv it to twist Trust it to old wise twists does put Mony into twists 3v3 time sensitive Mission they have got kids they need to be getting on here the tech 9 connects from Nexa and it is G2 second round no celebrations they know that they have to continue and keep that up that's a way back in you need a few more of those G2 would love to be able to get yourself oh Kaden got blocked he was trying to lob out the smoke so he could pick car he got blocked on the Cor they've had to use two CT smokes Top Banana to try and get this control so a bit of unforced error at least as far as the enem is concerned and it works out a heavy investment of resources and a ninth death for Ste Stewie 2K so smokes a plenty three of which and here they goad of the smokes very blind tucks in now trying to provide support Yer has to get one he's done well to provide it they still have the number Advantage but the sight is lost can be difficult to work your way back NEX has a CT res smoke available after the plant double ORS far from ideal you're just hoping and praying that Kaden finds something and yeah he will next it in pursuit of that CT smoke has actually given up his life Hunter we need both he gets them from the pool position now Mony can be activated a little bit of a wool bang tag K needs to hit the fast shot he does Hunter can't do anything and it's a retake a successful one for Cad and heavy contributions once you have the bomb down you start feeling like You' got the edge wantest he's trying some aggressive oring Naf is the one to laugh it off anyone can do it here first it was Twist on Dust two now it's Naf that takes the shot oh skulls under a lot of pressure he gets them both massive for Team Liquid G2 really struggling oh and so Stewie he's lost his rifle hang on can we go back to the steal rifle situation oh he got a kill at least though Alex yeah okay you got a kill bloody hell that is a tough one Watch Nico win this 1 V3 yeah sometimes Nico does the most absurd things after you've seen maximum till on the cams hello kadan has been spotted information flows well kadan Peak as this before the smoke blooms e he seemed to think so pre fire action but from behind skars or strike a high impact round from the Brazilian F do we believes it oh no Stewie absolutely prepared the trigger gets worse for G2 Nico he gets away with his life oh and Nico does actually take down twist so it's uncomfortable for Naf now on the B site smoke towards the coffins is going to land as well next to trying to activate AER but Caden was still posted n going to be M to out position he didn't even land those forceing wide regardless Mony will trade plans fountain in into a 2v2 hunter doesn't seem prepared for the speed by which skulls is clearing this and he will find an important frag to put it all onto Mony as he got a clutch in him heads forward Kad in a skull so long as there's a trade it's Mony baby for three G2 they needed that and you can understand why it's been B almost the B simulated as yakinda goes down to Stewie wow he actually hits that onto Nico and Retreats successfully you know where the or you've noted an or we're not going to say the or but at this point in the game just because of what I was touching on how many B finishes there are at this point if you're liquid like surely they go back to a they've just been BBB so you're going to stay quite stubborn with your setup and keep it as a 22 they're still staying close for a fast rotation so I think the job is on Nexa to try and apply any pressure he can towards a just like this smoke towards long will remove the vision of Kaden he's not even going to wait that long he's going to blow it open and see that nobody's taking the top mid control they could just be in the precipice of middle but you're likely sticking to your guns yeah now sticking to his twist that Molly on P makes things very uncomfortable for Nico going to come through he is going to push through and that's going to be caught completely off guard gets it done the or allows him to continue to find contributions and it looks like G2 have done enough bomb has the B site winning formula and Nexa confirming the round with his flank here on towards the ruins position he knows where they i' say both are he's concerned about the second He's only seen one but that will change right here Kad in the last to fall the last piece of the puzzle last round they'll hunt him down and for G2 it's something to work with into the second half in a Do or Die survival fight into the second half of Inferno Team Liquid not far away now from the playoffs and G2 not far away from packing their bags and heading on home the last day of the group stage Caden deleted by Nico and with Ste 2k's contribution it falls into a dire com uncomfortable position for yinder and nav they've lost the bomb I could start having a discussion of how they oh okay Naf still might be able to get this even though he did miss his smoke all right well there is a chance for the round now especially with the space that yo has been having a bit of a banger of a game especially the MP9 is being able to get if he can thread the needle get this frag never mind all right Naf uh one V4 situation bom on your back well if I was making a list of things G2 needed to do to make this second half competitive but winning the pistol would have been at the top of the list and winning it with minimal damage more Kevlar rebby that would be one extra way to do it yeah and their first pistol of the series so far so extremely important four bullets and he's down okay okay so they've denied Top Banana info which will keep multiple players worried about potential pop behind that half wall oh this could go wrong nice from hunter gets it and gets away confirmation of tech 9's confirmation of helmets lot of information already as to what they're up against twist does Molly X are out of short so they will take brackets control on a time of though spam from Monas he doesn't connect na that's a longrange angle he's trying to find something with a P250 oh well whatever the set piece was it has to be canceled I think they were hoping to see G2 play more of a standard antio but they were quite forward on Mid yeah this is a nice setup as well you can see the crossfire one czera one can peek around this smoke and czera connects it's hunter in support na down after one and Caden left to his own devices jumping straight into Mony and it's it's extra celebrations from G2 because they know the Gap all closed that was a surprise for by on own trying to make a hero move he's just fighting mid on his own on his own Val in the meantime yakinda he meets Nico and loses out on one of those rifles G2 this is this is going to bolster them now the fact that your opponent has done this unusual buying pattern they've forced back to back after losing the pistol and playing this one by by the book now G2 they don't need to overextend just play for information once you have it rejig the setup you know where both players are and now you just need to strip them off their lives and Mony will do that he will oblige up to 13 kills now okay no one's holding it it's just going to be nicoo on coffins they flash him off and they find Stewie Stewie controls the spray and Mon's rotated through they spot the ruined player Stewie does Farm up four kills almost doubling kill total with the anti- Eco T can't quite believe it the aggression of G2 split the map down the middle You've Lost Your Kinder your point man early and now you've got a minute left on the clock and you're scrambling G2 this is a perfect time to call around like this Jesus Christ this is Bleak Team Liquid problematic Stewie reies himself for another multi- kill they're doing the flashbang dance into St he takes down twist now it's nap's turn Nico spanks 9 seconds they need to kill Nico he's just hiding out good wall Bang from skulls but there's no time to plant the round is over and yeah Hunter makes sure of Itor wow G2 have secured themselves a lead now immediately upon arrival into the second half a run of five straight out of the gates into the second half oh look at that little cash of nades they're leaving on B and Mony he's just going to have a lovely free opener twist goes down to the or forced to watch as potentially the 10th for G2 is on its way yinda is having a go Turns The Flash and Eco a cursory glance the CTS have rotated through a couple of nades right on his face puts him on notice and they've been slowed they've been completely halted that was everything all they were left with his flashes horrible situation for liquid again Nico investigates a potential walk up on the smoke and he's tapping into Naf he'll convert dips away Hunter's turn for the next good Flash from Caden but it doesn't really matter Nico had Vision he'll find skulls and cadan you've been spotted you had a flash assist they know where you are down he goes 10 to 8 what's going on yeah they're taking this [ __ ] a mile Naf 100 mph straight into a fully flash nexer they got to clear him twist does this Pace change it's getting under the skin oh and it's only mon that can save them he get does manage to find the three of them the tech 9 perfectly suited a quick scope to the face Mony sends Team Liquid back to spawn head in hand you can't get past the kid and now two away from nuke perfect sidearm for him the CT with the tech 9 that's why you pick it up that was insane the pace at which those fights were coming two of his teammates fall in the feet immediately the tech 9 comes out he's just peppering them able to get the or back out for the fourth locks down the site [Laughter] and that player will be skulls can he do with Nexa does he even look for the clear nex's been having a tough time and wow the flash was great but Nexa will still get the kill so an important seventh for Nexa yeah honestly can't spot now so he's more confident and Bolden to post on this angle towards the side box NEX are in the P this is an influential position the NAD are going to land twist has found a frag Nexa just stands in the flames for one twist we know what he's capable of and it looks like he's managed to do enough to facilitate a plant gadan punches in the code this is integral for the team liquid conversion three-man retake no reason not to give it a go with the amount of cash they have in reserve hoping for an overextension from the pit player one towards the graveyard is Twist holding their flash frag from Stu frag from Nico only twist can save them now he got them in and now he needs to get them out it's a Mony Tech 9 frag again I think that was nuts I think that was nuts just from twist perspective it looked crazy he was like midair gets his boots on the ground and G2 find their 12th even after all of that that was the best chance we've seen from liquid entire half what what happened there right so twist is the one who okay that's an insane opener from twist I I'm just C look at this whips back into it you can see him change his yeah that's the type of reaction I'm expecting he has to attend a wedding and well G2 they're looking for map three yinder can however take down Nico Stewie responsible to hold on to this B site the rotation is Swift Hunter's there to provide some support and liquid haven't got any nades off the back of this that clear it results in the double Hunter the perfect position you always feel silly and foolish as you die to the cleared smoke smoke you cleared it falls apart at the seams for Team Liquid an 84 half ends 138 absolutely insane they've just gone completely missing those earlier decisions to go for the second round Force the follow up with the drop to AKs they've got nothing done here just Naf one V4 time sha bomb on his back those are the only positives cuz Team Liquid this one's going to be interesting team chat oh man yeah don't want to be anywhere near that one good shot from Naf Hunter's repositioned hoping for an extension but hunter has the cross and he'll take it wow an incredible spotless second half of play on g2's map pick nine on the Trot that helps to move slant vision from Maine now to twists with the P250 we saw oh just how good he was with it on D two but now he's instantly goed Nico one and traded and they're across to secret 199 damage dealt by Nico oh that's a very well-placed nade in combination with the JW Barett head shot if he gets the next it's practically curtains for this round as G2 look to continue There winning ways it was a Flawless run it's been a while since Team Liquid have won a around in fact this would be the 12th consecutive round loss over the course of these two maps starting to get a bit out of control isn't it forgetting what winning feels like Kinder looking to try and manufacture the plant Molly for the V rotation in towards the site if he plants back site he might get it down next up won't be able to stop this that's a big win for yinder considering that's a huge win for yakinda even a go before he goes down so yeah he makes the best out of a bad situation there you lost uh twists early large amount of noise for Mony to hear and he's actually found the perfect angle for the multi-kill gets himself the two of them does go down that'll be an M4 skulls can retrieve twist he's going to try and clear main it's Hunter that's tucked in just holding credit this should be a nice G2 conversion or beit it slightly threatening with yinder in heaven but Hunter's safe from it yeah I think the window of opportunity there was as hunter gets the kill maybe yinder can strike from Heaven while he's positioned towards main but now he's been able to move over towards heart so that line of sight gets much more difficult skulls also still trickling around he has been able to pick up the bomb for them to plant again would be huge okay yakinda did find an opportunity but will be removed Hunter's had some impact in the first two rounds that's for sure and now skulls will be mopped up by the AFF mentioned yinder is on the war path doesn't get exposed he just slips past him what he wins the Jew wow despite ni being flashed he did do some damage to yinder but they are surging towards that low sight hunter in the vents oh catches a timeing Kaden just looked away and yinda is very low HP doesn't want to go for that trade Stewie down to skulls that's a big frag to post maybe V to top and NEX he needs to clear this corner oh yaker despite the low HP continues to post impact of frag and it looks like will after 13 Rounds of suffering find themselves a convincing t- round it's only Hunter left they can pivot up top they know where he is the fact that yinda is still alive is a is a blessing Hunter running into skulls wow impact baby there they are they're on the board Kinder's trying to go through an interesting pathing from him but it leads to his demise Mony anticipating that get that first Blood want to see OverWatch towards the Hut position comm's flowing rapidly as they try and coordinate a way to find reifying frag n's being flashed into for this yeah oh twist good muscle memory just backs away out of the line of sight lives to tell the tail for a moment and then Eco strikes straight through the smoke down goes the Canadian the way that we approached that was just thinking we could get it done thinking we had their number completely and instead of playing it by the book playing to the advantages that we had of not being a pug team of being a real roster with maybe sure an air of that dead team walking sure that's a real valuable asset for any side next is the one that's uh started lower I think the biggest oh okay well breaks his legs there Twist on the way down an awful lot of damage taken the key in my mind to beating G2 on this map is to force rotations the desk touch on and they were talking about the position of Stewie how are they going to be able to flex on him oh dear yinder trying to make a play apply pressure towards lower to force those rotations we were just discussing and he gives away his life to Nexa important kill second for Nexa that n's going to find some damage as well as skull's looking for space out squeaky oh and has found a window of opportunity yeah Hunter however and Stewie just locking it all down twist will give it a go hun has the perfect pre- a for Twist if he does DARE have a glance and extend that's the fight wow twist wins it a small celebration but uh grand scheme looks like the four of G2 is going to be converted with four alive I say with baited breaths do he he did get brought on ramp but they're out of there actually Naf might be able to facilitate as well so as far as a threatening round yet again goes Team Liquid and so close to reality now yinder wants to just rush top why not a pace change and it's been handled by none other than Stewie only the first though that does open the door for more Hunter burnt down yeah Caden gets 100 to zero with the Flames Eco dips in for one onto skulls a clear from Nico does ooh put him on the chopping block half a nice head shot that's what you want to see wow Nexa gets one as he flies out of the heavens sends Naf to hell no that's her Mony knows does he try and play ahead of it or does he just get cut down by Kaden oh oh the pathing so cheeky still might get caught by the Kad angle how aware is Mony he was really quite aware kadon still gets it that's a liquid round oh theyve found a solution so now you've got ramp that's step one but what's step two this ending NEX is going to be communicating that he's hearing multiple bodies descending the ramp three players trying to come through El next he needs help he needs it fast a good head shot from twist and yak's got a lot of bodies on his screen that's info on the entirety of G2 Bar St Cadian taking down Nico to almost secure the round it's up to stewie2k if he wants to have a little look they're the ones who should be saving yeah making it just a one round game here oh Stewie Flash and P straight into skulls it's Mony to save oh oh won yeah n huge to take the Mony or down and now we're heing liquid piping up a full team Ace there's everyone on the board but I like that they played more considered I I know that it was pretty comical to see them three rounds in a row saving onto some AKs awp but now they've been able to break through and they've been able to break G2 who were unable to save them themselves this was huge like that was so big from twist I think at the moment because we didn't catch it from his p it didn't look as big as it was but that was a massive shot because the round could have got out of control if he goes down then there's more bodies Focus yinder only gets one multiple players coming from behind g2's specialty of winning these throughout the tournament they lose to rounds like this but that tag is huge and twist is going to Crater oh the twist maneuver cut down by St he's going to get punished that's a great shot from yakinda Scout will fall into mony's hands so still a threat present another tag gadan Z however onto Nico and that tiny Gap is not connected Mony just shy of the mark there too many bodies on his screen now the one V4 now finish it off nice neat and tidy wow full countdown from Kad in there into the top side Ste to be tested and he delivers a multi-kill to get G2 situated with a heavy Advantage yinder trying to tip the scales the first is great the second is necessary am Molly oh and a head shot onto Mony a 2v4 immediately equalized as yakinda with his nose pressed to the monitor is looking to come up clutch Kaden alongside for the ride not anymore it's Nico that eliminates him cancels the plant cancels the plan and slipping back to Hut Nico will have to consider this and that's exactly where he's going through squeak not yeah he's dead yinder is sharp on for an ace clutch what was 2v4 and now a one V1 he looks like he's going around the wild this could really Rumble next up all the way through main I think the longer this takes the more Nexa might start thinking that he has dropped down towards B but the fact that NEX is just tucked in he is going to allow yinder to make the next move an audible some form of a if yinder just walks in towards the top side and starts planting when is right here ready to respond 11 bullets more than enough bar revealed oh yeah that's a frustrating one he got so close to it Crosshair was there got the info and yeah man man man man that would have been one hell of a round like a career highlight bloody brilliantly played the whole round Caden's going aggressive and it's worked out wonderfully onto Mony look at this I mean the orper is not only getting the first kill he's already hell you're playing a crazy game of coun strike as there in pursuit of six it's Kaden charging in oh okay still and Hunter they're in the right position to handle this main swing it's going to be a double swing hard frags for Stu goes down to twist only the one out of Hunter Nico disconnected from the pack he is coming behind Kaden so the first is clean now he can swing through if he feels like it but there's so many eyes on him time I'll get the bomb down a smoke to at least give him some angles to work with he could have denied the pl he's oh nearly had nap on his screen as well six six not quite the number of the beast but this one has been beastly 6 six tied up see you after the break bombs B so there's nobody responding to that for liquid Mony woof perfect clears Al Cadian and then pieces it together onto no way Monas is on one just playing Deathmatch that looked ridiculous definitely the time to do so so the Kevlar will be retained he's even actually hunting them see a couple of seconds more and he would have had been able to Round the Corner big smile I'm sure it must be so cool for Taz to watch someone of Mon's caliber play the game that he dedicated maybe it's reminding him of Neo now I know thaty has the awp but Taz had the luxury of getting to play with Neo in 1.6 who is in the goat conversation does clear out the warehouse Hunter pushing towards skulls position Caden is going to surely catch a of Hunter it's a very hard shot to hit oh and he perfectly hits it takes down on the head of the aggressor Mony is still alive and he's been kicking yinder on to Nexa now an advantage for the second round force of liquid n's not going to be in position or maybe just just around in time should be good for one here does nail it Nico on the trade they have to get that bomb down soon long range MP9 it's suboptimal nco's already got one and another they're low HP K and yakinda could finish this and it looks like they might unless modesty can save them he's got 13 seconds as he looks to fly up the vent a bit of a fumble on the movement yinder will catch him pre-fire is not good enough and you can hear Zeus happy with that one second round investment and they convert diagonal wall ni might be able to get his hands on this AK Alex through he looks like that's where he's going didn't catch a glimpse of anyone or anything oh he's actually put na in the dirt with that deagle head shot now he's got a chance onto twist they're out R and they have they found the Gap Mony he's trying to keep keep two people busy that's a lot of info one secret one red he knows the whole Squad is on his location he will get hunted down so a 3v3 emerges but the bomb's already down aralis on the B site can't believe kad's risked the vent they haven't thrust forward so they have a chance on this decent U for the retake kit as well just these armored pistols fake flash then the real one it's all twist right now a double with the AK-47 Stewie can't do anything and liquid they pull it off five frags between twists and skulls that's between the two of them but now it's G2 well this is it all in so much invested into this top pop skulls he has the opportunity to really twist the knife here they're coming towards his sight they're charging at him no one's cleared him there's Hunter to take him down the anchor has fallen and so has the sight Molly will limit their options liquid have lost y Kinder what a unbelievable risk that seems to have paid dividends for G2 another Force [ __ ] K doesn't even have head armor which is just crazy to me how much damage can he get just one and done so regardless that conversation I was just having about the drop is one for another time yeah he's just making it really clear I I can call if they go lower I can call the secret SP a splitting AER was ready for it po another on his plate takes down Hunter smashing the skulls of the two now NEX are just walking through the smoke with a gray screen these three SMGs a full commitment into the buy and it's working out with five alive Naf even emboldened to go to clear Lobby Monas is going to be there and wow very precise and Swift in the uh removal of Naf everybody should be able to get themselves an upgrade and already has sg2 are the ones now looking to save but it it can't be overstated how important Katie in keeping that line was because somebody would have had to have dropped down towards B to IGN the potential secret leak it meant that at that point okay that smoke wall if they come through it you had your Kinder watching it for that huge double up to 17 kills and it meant that there were no gaps on the a side either so the smoke wall did in a massive Way come back to bite G2 in the ass it's crazy isn't it that you can lose Around The Counter Strike last time they went a fast they were able to get away with it skulls in main twists twist will be ahead of the Flames Alex twist oh wow he turns the Flash and takes down two masterful from twist look at him it's still up for debate if skulls goes down which he has next own impactful double yakinda with the clear of the smoke he manages to provide the trade Mony in a 30C 1v3 with the bomb on his back at the bare minimum but he's backing up into the awp cadon closes if you were to go on the other side of those smokes they are trying to rrap to Y Kinder his back is turned Nico's found the path monly onto Naf gets that trade a free frag for Hunter jump scare I'm sure I'm sure yeah and now Team Liquid are on the back foot twist is still alive though not to be written out oh the timing wasf hun just looked away twist doesn't manage it that was his way back into this 21st round 30 seconds skulls good frag onto monly hang on a second this gets uncomfortable if he can find Stewie oh an important one from St K in the clutch though wait he's Hur him sh H him has to go around 20 seconds though 20 seconds Lads you better be getting your running shoes on time to PL kadan's going to be on his way as well very loud stampedes in the vents Nico is aware to provide the covering fight if he just Deni the pl somehow but yeah Nico's got him back of the skull sketchy very sketchy but it is a G2 round of course it is because the the way this house been going just constantly trading blows looking to descend down secret into Kaden's awp just Conta oh Caden misses he's getting away with his life but he's going to get run down to as well to pluck out Eco doesn't get his eye to the scope in time for a second but hunter will trade 40 seconds as they head towards the bite nav anticipating a late one from Nexa that's a big frag do they save well that's what you were discussing I think if he was to find that ramp player maybe they'd have had a look in they should save hased if we want to try and fight full yard for full yard control that means we're going to leave other parts of the map weak right because you're going to go full yard control with two potentially three players with everything they've got Stewie he's trying his luck a pace change from stew the flashes were good he clears out Tetris tries the transfer and delivers just like that charging into the sight Naf hasn't got the health for a second has to dip out Stewie 2K and round 23 gets the two kills but effective damn effective and that's 12 overtime secure for G2 this has been an insane series dust two we started on back and forth 1311 in favor of liquid who had to eek it out six rounds in a row Inferno it felt like it was theirs 84 up at the half they should have had it some interesting buys we'll call it that led to G2 having an absolutely Flawless CT half and now we find ourself one round the difference 12 to 11 G2 securing overtime map three one round away from shuy 2K standing in with G2 and them in an arena still there still two yard Kad and yinder are both occupied it's not ideal and it's actually worked out Nico catches one of the two taking down KD and he knows it's not yard player Stewie dipping down the vents what is this a vent drop heading into the low site no one is there from Team Liquid sinking feeling in the stomachs of the four remaining players as they've got their work cut out for them Nico another on to yinder still towards the yard skulls left alone and G2 one frag away from the playoffs nothing here for skulls Stewie 2K alongside with G2 taking Team Liquid out celebration's already beginning hands are off Nico knows exactly what this means and the final kill for Nexa 13 to 11 G2 have eliminated Team Liquid and locked themselves in for the playoffs at IM am Dallas for 2024 you give us a chance we're going to take this [ __ ] a mile and Stewie am out of his word I cannot quite believe it
Channel: ESL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 368,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESL, IEM, Dallas, IEM Dallas 2024, esports, gaming, competitive, esport, CS, CS2, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike 2, CS Highlights, CS Live, CS2 Live, CS Live Stream, cs, intel, extreme, masters
Id: L4OQjK0k4VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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