ELIMINATE The FAKE SLOGO! (Minecraft Guess Who)

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today we're gonna be guessing we have slogos yeah a whole ton of them in this map we have a bunch of npcs that are dressed just like me and the hiders they have to blend in as a slogo but the hunter only has three lives so if he kills the wrong slogos three times it's game over hiders win behind me we have three slogans they're just doing their thing but one of them is fake can you guess which one it is i'll give you three two one stop okay i'm gonna reveal it the fakes logo was this one did you get it right if you did you're allowed to click the like button if you didn't though or you should probably go somewhere else like go watch a jelly video or something lame like that anyway let's get into the video uh josh yeah josh where's josh trainer this is me is this you yes this is you wait no i'm alone i'm jumping why is josh not jumping i'm jumping okay you know what i will be just kidding it's me this is me oh my god this is going to be hey craina that's right you're the first seeker and you're gonna have to find slogan man you know jelly the only thing better than one me is two me's uh no no no no that is worse i'm literally gonna get nightmares i feel all right dodged wherever i look can we can we yeah i'm not surprised can we go now yeah yeah go hide guys okay don't do that no oh okay all right so we need to figure out where specifically we're gonna hide uh where would josh hide brother about it think about it brother what are you doing this is just a casual thing that josh does no it's not get out yeah you're making us look bad i think you got it okay you gotta fix it you know what there we go fixed it you actually did okay yeah uh anyway where were we um this is like your town josh we're in like a year old english castle village whoa we need to like actually oh wait we can straight up go here jelly oh we can go in here three uh where'd you go oh my jelly jelly you need to see this quick wait jelly there's a seed on your back jelly get rid of it what are you guys talking about throw the seed away i don't have jelly just don't show him your back okay crap there's so many josh's jelly you need to run away okay well if you guys see how many choices there are over here there's a lot of i think i saw where where you where you're jelly come on let's go let's go jelly come let's go yeah yeah come now quick i went i went to the thing you wanted to do how many times you are i'm going to go up here and i'm going to look up josh you're everywhere okay i'm sorry yeah that's true hey guys what where there's still seeds on your back jelly to be honest cleaner i don't know have you got seeds in your inventory jelly how do you know where you are okay okay i've got an idea i think i know what to do if we find some seeds you can just hold it in your inventory and it won't be on your back i think i don't know wait really i don't know let's go we need to pick up seeds anyway you know he's an idiot okay no you're good now you're good now okay now throw it oh no janet you need to throw it in a stack what are you guys doing yes you could yes it's fixed oh no that was my old jelly shot dude wait i don't know where you are josh seeds of course you guys went to the bomb yeah no you didn't you got it from you got it from the grass look a little bit to the left of where you are now there should be some seeds on the floor yeah when we you were running straight towards the screener it smells like jelly that was terrifying that timing though oh okay josh is alive did you see me jelly jelly i i think i do yeah yeah i see you jumping but where are okay give me some hits guys uh well well we probably left where you are okay yeah oh my jelly right now he could have seen that yeah i know wait what ah you guys suck i hate you this is a tough one we're not at the fountain just so you know we're not we're not at the fountain man tell me where to go uh forwards no no no that's not volatile not into the fountain like like behind the fountain maybe why is crainer the first hunter he's useless and then oh who's this huh is he camouflaged you can blend into the wall it's good camouflage isn't it you thought you could do it oh gosh dang it okay he lost another life climbing on the wall isn't gonna help life left josh what do you mean climbing on the wall isn't gonna help handler we're like so close to you how do you not see us how would i see you you all look like a british man i look like slugs i'm pretty sure okay yeah give me another hint um we're very close to you what is he doing oh i don't know trainer why did you run away from me you you were with me it's me gasping did you just gosh dang it there's nothing inside where i can climb i i lost jelly was this you i'm not sure if that was the one you were looking for hey you're kidding me traitor man he had so many opportunities we were around you most of the time that was yeah insane all right you know what i am the hunter now do it turn into me boys turn into me how long are you gonna you can't talk like me before you're me yeah jelly wait what's the weather jelly you're not you're not changing you have to turn into watch first i am josh what no you are jealous try again wait let me do it again it might be glitched for you guys what about now no ah jelly okay there we go that's working all right go hide all right you might uh oh yeah yeah i'm not looking forward to this okay good luck bye three two one would you like playing some cricket yeah oh this way mate come on quickity okay you guys are still doing it i am getting upset now oh sorry josh okay where are you guys we gotta remember that wait who's josh i keep thinking i see josh but it's actually just oh you're waiting right josh is still josh yeah yeah but i've got a name tag and this is really scary because anybody could be josh except stop looking down obviously oh you guys are up high jelly you you bloody cricket no why do you keep saying that that's not supposed to be a clue it's a game i don't think you can be a bloody cricket okay can you draw i'm sorry i'm not british i don't i don't really no i'm not a big player wait hold up my lads going off okay i want to kill you guys as quickly as possible okay i love tea though so are you guys actually down for tea time now are you guys in the inner or outer castle area um we're in the inner cat we're rather for rather on edge mate okay so you're i feel like the more you try to be english the less you talk it on edge up high sometimes i see you over there you guys where do you see him in the distance oh i see him too yes he's right a distance from us okay if you see me what am i doing you are you're having an accident yeah i know i'm holding an ass you just took you just lost a lot of health because you're jumped down oh look at that ladder josh see that ladder maybe you should try climbing it yeah i climbed that ladder maggie ladder mate what all right it's not going for the ladder there is so many people here yes well they're all you josh oh you just died yeah my bad okay and now i need to get back up again why are you why are you running do you think i'm close i'm gonna lose you i will never be able to find you again well i just went down the ladder jelly that's all you got to do cuz jelly i'm looking i'm looking up at you i don't see i don't there we go i didn't even know josh was here what i've known you guys were up here since the beginning i think that's what they call a sneak attack yeah yeah you are lucky that you escaped i am finally not josh anymore so i can do my own act i knew you guys were here literally when i was on the opposite side you guys don't know where i am yeah you are lucky you escaped right now all right josh i have now teamed up with a friend yes well i fully lost crainer crainage yeah i mean no like i don't know where crainer went he he perfectly got away i have no idea either you got any clues any information uh i will say that i am i got a roof over my head yeah you're inside of a building roof over my head it could be a bridge underneath okay well whoa look it could be a dropping from the ceiling right now dropping from the ceiling i used to quiet where are you jelly you need to put your name tag on i can't say i think i found him john name tag [Music] what what okay i'm sorry josh i i but i found him oh he was how did you find me okay i guess that's that then all right jelly it's hot though josh listen the only one that has lost so far is crainer yeah that's true i'm gonna be now i have to hide with him point that out why that's right all right yeah you have to point that out huh bye we need to find a much better hiding spot crainer wait you want to hide with me today wait that was an option you just said we i didn't realize it was an option usually you don't give me a choice no oh my god this is a great order dude i'm ready all right the highest point number one is here so you stick here and then i'll get the second one you want to do that this see this will give us a ton of flexibility in getting to play we're running really fast i feel like i'm gonna lose there you are is this illegal to no yeah we can't do that yeah i think i think that's illegal that's a guess but like yeah i mean i think we just stick here we can just kind of do what we want you know we stay here maneuverability trainer i'm coming up to kill you straight away if you don't move away from there right where okay i don't i have no idea what he's talking about no man i actually don't okay if you know jelly good job guys good job good job good job what is he doing are you okay no that was way too obvious guys i mean jelly try to kill them if you think it's so obvious that was actually not you no there were two characters on the ledge of a building completely were not suspicious at all looking more towards my direction yeah i think you uh killed them yeah like genuinely jelly i know this sounds convenient but that wasn't us yeah yeah right it is what it was do you see him right now of course no to you yeah all right i'm gonna ask i'm gonna ask a question now you guys are gonna have to answer honestly okay yeah are you guys on ground floor no no i guess that suspicious thing i saw was nothing julie you got something weirdly everything or he's telling the truth he could be telling the truth crain but just saying it to throw us off oh mr watchtower are you okay run you need to run i mean i don't know if he knew where i was but i left anyway how do you get on there you're right this is annoying you stand still real quick no no not right now stay still josh now i am josh hey where do you want to go i don't know if he spotted me but hey you know what i don't know it was the other one go on then where was that watchtower because i left it to where you were yeah but you never know he might have just been making it look like he was looking somewhere else he's not that clever josh it's jelly he's just gonna say oh i see him i see him see he's on the building i was on craig i see wait really or or maybe he still didn't think that was no he's on a roof yeah i was on that blue roof okay i think he's chasing us [Laughter] you think so i don't know man jelly like tries to act so smart which just makes it seem like he knows more than he does and it makes us hide more so it's bad for him he actually never really knows i know but that's the thing because he acts like he knows i have ultimate knowledge because he acts like he knows we leave and then at least once he still doesn't figure it out he says we're on the wall and we're actually on the wall but he's looking at somebody completely different yeah like he lies about knowing things logos there are on the wall this is the problem is he he lies about knowing things and then we move which makes it harder for himself do you see him i'm gonna give this one a shot okay jelly you are probably on the other side of the map from us now yeah we haven't seen you in a while jelly because we thought well we thought you knew where we were so we ran but obviously you didn't yeah you had no clue obviously and this is taking a real long time so you could like hurry up yeah can you hurry up all right all right you know what i'm gonna run along the wall and you guys let me know when i'm getting warmer okay hey bro guys you guys let me know when i'm getting warm raw why are you punching me you punched me first yeah you punched me a lot josh is on the roof josh on the roof stop it crane fell on the floor go away crana oh that's not you okay [Laughter] guys okay i i think i'm getting warmer because crainer is getting awfully quiet i don't know where crainer is he's probably following you jenny we're not on the trees i've been running after you for so long oh what like probably 30 seconds hey mike oh that was so funny well great come on crainer you're on my team now come to the tree immediately well i kind of forgot where josh was wait stop sneaking snake i [Music] [Music] it's the only way i can save my life oh no this is the only way i can save my life behind you jelly behind are you there in here it's the only way i can save my life you jumped in there jelly oh man are you kidding me it's like a giant josh crainer like walked right into me i don't know what the chances of that were so he's definitely here you're saying we got to look for the obvious one there he is he picked up a slab oh this is illegal [Music] [Applause] hope you enjoyed the video if you'd like to watch some more click the videos on the screen right right here wow that one looks good today oh i think i'll click that one myself will you
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,276,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, mod, custom gamemode, guess who, slogo, jelly, crainer
Id: _ShOEIx5TN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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