We Played PICTIONARY In Minecraft!

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35 seconds wait really i've made a terrible mistake today we're going to be combining two awesome things pictionary and minecraft and with that we get picture in minecraft yeah didn't think of a bad name each of us is gonna take turns painting a picture in minecraft and then the other two people have to guess it gonna be a competition to see who can guess the most things correctly and if you guys want to see some more of this we'll do it we had a ton of fun click that like button also if you didn't know i have my own pictionary type game it's called doodler.io link is in the description if you guys want to check it out also head over to slower.com for the beautiful merch let's get into the video welcome to crainer's painting it's my turn to paint what do you want me to pick here guys [Music] i know you okay animals then animals you have to pick animals come on category he's probably gonna draw a fish all right well we'll see he can pick any animal from inside of that chest that's just about the only animal he knows right crainer okay pick it we're having gold day [Music] yes all right the timer the timer will start when you press the button greater okay come on can you guys stand in the middle when you paint by the way just you know i forgot what i picked again okay how did you figure wait actually can i change my mind no no okay okay this is really taking on tiny inside two one all right okay started i will be painting is currently painting his thing yes and it is a beautiful animal indeed that i'm painting today guys it is one of my favorites are you gonna be using different colors uh i'll try to but good question really good at stuff like that oh my god okay how do i erase everything i just drew um i don't use the color white yeah i don't know okay you're not you guys are just gonna have to guess what this is are you kidding me okay okay how do i fill in okay crater i'll try my best listen all right you've got 20 seconds left karina oh wait there's a bigger oh my god ah okay get your pencil be careful with that one when it's your turn okay here we go all right this is actually guys and ten ten [Applause] [Music] stop painting are you guys ready yes okay three two one guess this animal oh ah wait what uh what crainer tell a little story washed it in oh are you kidding i mean that good job josh thanks it's that's a terrible draft i'm just going to say it now okay well it's really different sorry i forgot to present it everything was going so fast this literally could have been any animal i really don't understand how josh gas giraffe i wasn't good at the first adam i was going to say llama i will be honest i was going to say llama pick what i'm i'm painting guys why do i have to look away what places places how about places no you can't look in there are you kidding me oh sorry we choose places places places he's just going to choose an easy one no because i don't want you guys to get i'm not really sure just you know he'll nail that one um like draw harry potter and a teacup or something i want to make it interesting for you guys i'll pick this hurry up okay all right i've got it all right you're and you call me slow by the way all right timer and start you're painting okay you can't see what it is yeah when he draws okay you can't do that now josh is it fun painting look away because it actually shows up in your hand like it did to me that's probably how you get it that's not true wait what this is not looking how i wanted it yesterday it like shows you know a little bit um yeah he cheated jelly 35 seconds wait really [Music] josh you're halfway how are you doing uh i'm feeling good 25. maybe don't hit him i'm just trying to distract him a little bit i'll be rude never mind okay 10 seconds you could do it what is that three couple more numbers okay i guess okay so i am ready to guess too mister all right remember guys get your typing ready okay yeah yeah yeah now i'm not gonna lie i this didn't go as well as planned all right just put it down what the heck ah i did it first are you kidding me as you can see here guys this is the eiffel tower um this is a baguette oh no it's not a croissant oh crainer got it don't worry uh yeah i did it oh you see this no no you see this wiggle at the bottom this is a french mustache and what is this a flag it looks like two llamas in a cage a flag flag uh you didn't do a capital p and since it's a location technically you did it wrong well i think he did it okay i think that would have passed in doodler that's fine all right josh let's talk about what he should do okay well i think personally objects yeah i mean it should be an object right it's the one thing we haven't done an object [Laughter] why are you laughing like this i'm ready maybe it's like a weird word like all right or something you know all right time is begun we can't watch anything jelly okay so what do we do right now josh now we just sort of sit here awkwardly yeah maybe have a drink or something the stop timer is over there yeah okay it's a mess guys that was the quickest painting ever okay get your typos ready josh listen to me yes every every professional painter okay would wake up from their graves by seeing this okay what does that mean good thing not a bad thing did you do something already i signed it are you guys ready put it down start guessing right [Music] there we go oh oh egg circle ball come on this keeps it up and you're right idiot ring what okay and guys i'll start adding some clues but technically i don't want you guys to guess i don't really know we haven't really figured out those rules yet but i guess so so why is he so extra you only find this very cold bios in cold air is this a minecraft thing it's a snowball at one point that was a bit easy to be fair well it took you four yeah but your clue my turn my turn all right all right well done jelly two one zero i'm still losing yeah you you still gotta click come back next guest good job josh all right thank you for that that was exciting guys what do you want me to paint this time i i think crayons should paint in a place can i please have another animal yeah he's going to be terrible places actually have another animal all right this is going to take a while well you've only got 60 seconds so you get it it's not going to take a while it's going while for me to choose what's that clue why is that a clue you idiot if you think too far into the weirdest things is that a clue no i got something i got something okay there we go crainer you have 60 seconds to draw oh good luck with that well he lost five seconds already can you please be quiet when the great painter is pink no okay i guess that's fair paint quicker crainer there we go please do more squiggles i'm doing as many squiggles as squiggly can be done what would what kind of a place would craner pick you've seen the places i haven't seen the place yeah but i hmm you guys got to guess this one immediately i think so i think the aim for crainer is we need to be able to guess it but crainer needs to make us take the longest possible to guess it without us failing right yeah if we don't guess it we don't get a point no i want you guys to guess it because i want to prove it but he needs to but i think he needs us to guess it anyway otherwise he could just draw a dot all right seven seconds i don't really know what the rules are five four three two one time's up time's up crainer this piece is inspired by the great pablo picasso himself put it down okay i was once a humble learner of the painting art and i think today i've mastered it with this okay time okay so it's not a country it's not a place josh got it [Laughter] you know like ah i mean to be fair how does this hate him i don't know a place i don't know is that a thing i don't know yeah it would be like geography kind of thing look what well you thought wrong i guess okay thanks josh why are you so good at this i don't i guess i can just i can just look at things and and i just always been able to tap into it not really that difficult all right guys so it's my turn pick what i do next i think i should go with a little animal oh crap i'm not allowed to look yes animals indeed okay josh go draw an animal i'll start your timer you're welcome no i'm not i haven't picked it up yet i've been to cheat lately no it's okay josh it is started it's like 55 seconds yeah i'll reset it don't worry what so you're literally winning jelly you're really not allowed to do that is anybody keeping track of the score because i think this would be a good one i think this would be a good one actually considering josh is winning i forgot yeah i don't really know how the score works okay all right i think i've got a good one guys uh 45 seconds remaining okay you can't hurry great artistry as they say jelly okay so yes you can did you not see my great snowball it's the greatest that could have been any round object on earth no yes i'll tell picasso that okay picasso um excuse me greater let's just look that way i don't want to have a fight right now that's me spitting on you okay well you're just wetting my palate thank you okay josh are you done soon just 15 seconds left come on um and then put 15. wait where's the creamy color this is creamy color 10. no all right so it's gonna be an animal seven six five okay this one is interesting guys this one is interesting why is this one so interesting i i have i definitely you won't get it straight away and i have clues but yes okay uh and i would animal is a liberal term for this okay okay what do you mean with that all right ready start timer place it down off you go the heck is this this one i will say this red thing is an arrow okay i will give clues at certain intervals you guys can oh wait is that the word for it um i i can't confirm or tonight this item at the top is a boat yes so you can assume that they are oh there's a guy that's correct this is a person's swimming he's very pink the smallest thing on your drawing is what we have to guess correct yes oh oh no i do you guys even know what these are okay one thing all right next clue he if he stood on it it would hurt oh i don't know what they're called spiky spiky fish spike ouch fish i think i might have this one guys i think you do dude this it is technical it begins with c c star no i already said that okay i don't know why all right well that was a good one it is a sea urchin i don't even know that word well it's not my fault that you guys don't speak english okay that starts with an s all right what i said it starts with c jenny thought i meant c in the alphabet when i said i actually said c-s-e-a-c oh i thought it started with a c too object's place or animal pick for me i think he should have places honestly places all right i'll have a good look boys get out of my chair you're about to sit on my lap all right just you were backing up on me like aggressively yeah teddy what's going on is he okay just looking at the places man all right i have picked all right you got 30 seconds left buddy what'd you say okay all right stop it oh wait man this guy didn't pick up a canvas okay this guy doesn't know what he's doing does he hasn't got it you've lost 15 seconds it's okay no all right my god the painting has finally begun wait is this the last round i think it is oh wow okay oh wow no pressure jelly no pressure dude you're the very last one to paint yeah that's crazy man okay yeah all right i'm drawing you got 20. you've done 20 seconds you've got 40 left this is this is ending up being great oh wow oh wow this is so clear you guys are never going to guess this okay that's amazing come on jelly are you done ten seconds by the way ten seconds remaining eight eight seven seven six six five five four three you better be done now this is an order piece thumbs up thumbs up signing it and gentlemen i present to you an art piece timer starts what where is this and what is it wait what gosh got it what i i didn't say he got it but i'm surprised by josh's guess gosh josh you're close you're close although you're not close enough see this is san francisco and that over there is indeed the golden gate bridge the golden gate bridge was this red by the way can we all just okay yeah and this is in california so what else do you need from me jelly what's the biggest thing on this picture uh probably the bridge the the ocean what the what color do you see is it a pier red nine seconds from eight seven i don't know dude i don't know type guess something five four three two one critter you could have literally typed here and you would have gotten it alive are you serious disappear all right i was standing on this exact pier overlooking the golden gate bridge how would i know josh you guessed san francisco in the first second hey hey guys sit down i got one last piece to present okay this okay do we guess it it's called my friends all right well guys you know what are you the short one hey i've got an announcement you know we're gonna be actually auctioning off this piece um so everyone click like on this video and we'll pick one person that clicks like to to gift give away this to you yes yes yeah dude this is worth a billion dollars nice nice so yeah go click like now guys like all right bye thank you very much for watching everyone remember head over to doodler.io if you guys want to play some pictionary yourselves also slogo.com is where you get the beautiful merch click on the videos on the screen if you'd like to watch more have a great one bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,349,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, Minecraft, jelly, crainer, pictionary, mod, doodlr
Id: -P_CxaE04eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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