Which COW Is The REAL SLOGO?! (Minecraft Guess Who)

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today we're back playing Minecraft guess who we're gonna be in a little desert village with a bunch of cows and the goal of the hiders is to blend in with the other cows and pretend to be a cow the hunter their goal will be to try and figure out who is the hider disguising themselves amongst the cows and kill them but they only have three lives so if they killed the wrong cow three times it's over let me give you an example bind me up three cows any of them look a little bit suspicious to you see if you can guess which is the hider I'm about to reveal it the hider was this one you guess it correctly if you guessed it correctly click the like button right now down below but if you did not guess it correctly you are bad from the light button not today buddy anyway let's get to the video all right Julia Josh wait what okay there we go with you oh that's funny okay that's enough I'm gonna go hide crane out oh hi Jill your previous goal is to find us and say okay so jelly we need to figure out a good spot I miss one really a good star I think we should do this bus like look at a little lime oh he's coming oh my god are you what yes this is nice okay remember whoever we got to act like a cow at like a cow deli wait this is actually gonna be really tough cuz they all kind of just look the same you know yeah I mean that's that's the point of yeah yeah I see you I do see you're jumping oh that's a real suspicious they're looking at you know I don't have any sorry telly - cow stuff no cows don't jump John oh I might be stuck I don't you ask that did you just get stuck here where I am Josh well I just see you get stuck here buddy I don't know haha Jenny jump on this I don't even see I thought you were right AC teller I know this is you Josh I know apparently not but you got stuck here I saw you do it yeah so crate up ah that was me Yeah right I just left but you didn't you didn't see me we didn't see me run did you leave yep I just walked off oh my god Josh you've gotta be kidding me really yeah okay Jilly I haven't seen it once I mean I haven't seen him since I saw him jelly are you guys telling see here is this really big trouble I know where you are I know where you are though I don't know who suit eyes I don't know are you guys just in this corner together silly I'm trying to get see I'm trying to get to you hello okay come with me let's go this side let's go come on let's go jelly let's go oh where are you guys going really Josh I'm sorry okay you guys pretending to get hurt and stuff like that so I know I yeah for like five minutes please manage to run away so yeah I get that see me right okay jelly are you coming or not yes you've got three hits to go Craner okay no - I'm gonna have to start I'm gonna have to stop wait you're already killed one he killed one oh I think I know I think I know I do feel suspicious about this guy jelly is that you oh my god where did you come from okay are you guys about is this bothering you right you guys both me here is this bother you I don't know I'm just gonna kill what you have one way to go one more attempt basically okay I can't get awkwardly tell you I'm within 10 feet of you crater that's what cows do right they like human being I move in like 10 meters of you okay I don't know this one smells to me I'm like I'm on tour now ain't fairly close to be honest your team now now we gotta find Josh you know I'm just gonna snitch he was on I was on time so you were just standing at the bottom I was I was staring into trainers face for like I didn't realize it really were like like standing below me at that time I'm just gonna say it I think yeah this what are these two cows okay so so I was basically now I can tell you cuz I've got away I was basically a one cow away from jelly when he died and when guys just ran I were you ran both past me and touched me so this is not you any of these no I mean I've left the mark area so you guys ran down the pathway these guys you actually listen or not that would you guys running down the pathway and you bumped into a cow ran past him that was me I was about here then a bit further I remember those a cow about get yeah is that you well not anymore obviously I mean I'm just telling you where I was it's really weird though because there is a cow right here right now it would be a weird tire wait wait wait wait Ellie Jilly Jilly wait there's a cow observing our movements there is the cow observing your movements okay okay I'm just saying this could be Josh to know he's walking away all I'm gonna say is I am still and I have been very close to you all this time okay this is Josh show me how it's not even looking at you can't kill him you have my permission but if you mess this up buddy it's all over daddy staring up look what should I say more yeah all right well like you guys said I'm hunting out the couch off you go guys look away okay go hide get out of here oh my god a few inches later all right three two one I'm alright did you see the Cal that was right next to you no well that was I mean I already found one of you and I already found jelly I feel that it's Jenny well I lost the life I I kill crane oh really fast okay so I can already snitch on jelly crater I'm really I did me honestly I feel like us a bit mean I didn't really think it's okay Josh you always mean to be gay it jelly just escaped yeah we've lost the life we've lost the life is all here in the water he's down here in the water I escaped isn't it that one with his head in the wall the shortest round ever wait it is over it wasn't me guys wait wait I didn't say Joey I checked you're not even there whoa okay that's kind of crazy [Music] what cows what cows could see stuff this cow looks odd to me Craner I mean this cow doesn't even want to look at me well guys you want a hint you wanna hear sure I was the cow right next to him in the water I knew it Josh wait yes he was okay well we're we're jelly good jelly you're impressive right now buddy thank you guys thank you it's just hard to tell it really is oh this just a random cow walk in here it just is a bit weird that it just stopped in the middle no I mean he also could be just full of lying and he's not even here yeah we need a head this is too hard okay I'll give you a smell my farts what good job yeah that was good that's convincing caltime no no wait but okay go all right credit let's go this code is going follow me yeah I have no idea where I'm going let's go come on Josh Hey look all I can say is that I feel like we haven't checked everywhere I feel like there might be a few opportunities that we miss down on this place okay okay this is beautiful this looks interesting oh wow look at this Oh many cows oh my god it's like the perfect little place okay well let's see is there anywhere we can like blend in okay we stop this guy are we stuck yeah I think we're stuck though hang on wait we can't get out hang out oh okay we good okay I'm just double-checking [Music] alright hey J how you doing buddy okay that's going for that spot Krantz go for that spot oh wait hello oh wow no I mean so we went to some areas we haven't been before granny can you stop when you say that you're in a different spot this is kind of like the only area where we have yeah I guess that's change you kind of figured this out real quick we're not necessarily in that specific area printer will you stop you're moving around yes you need to understand that the whole point this game is not doing that I mean jelly we could be looking at you from miles away if you think about it I know it is oh how about we stand here Josh no one ever said it was easy why would you keep doing that this one is looking at oh and it's very sick Raina I could be so convincing sometimes 90% sure that was Craner got utility got you guys this is the old iron golem coming through why would you say that Oh another light down okay I kill - and none of them work again now are you here yet I'm I can't get close to you turn around turn around [Music] [Music] no I wasn't actually that was a little bit further away he was gonna have to make his sprin wait oh my okay when I saw Josh she was right here he was standing right here I know we have one life left don't accidentally hurt account yeah I won't I won't I was so close Jenny I was standing next to crater crater could have sold me out as soon as he died I was surprised you didn't sell me as soon as you died Creina are you ready red where did you go oh he jumped on the farm here Jillian oh he's gone literally survey I saw you sneak up like that Josh that was too suspicious to it oh yeah I have an idea what this might be cheating no chilly what are you doing that is definitely jus gonna feed credit you know when you stopped in the market I was ringing see really right here there's three cows there in a line jelly he's here you think something get him get him get him kitty this is him do it is him if you have your shoulder I'm gonna climb up against him hi okay that's good that's him jelly [Music] custard that video I was thinking you'll be a ton of fun if we did this minigame with a bunch of fans so check out my discord server in the link below that's where we'll be getting some players in to play with us and if you guys will watch another video that on the screen right here just click it and it'll take you straight there
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,440,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, guess who, hide and seek, mod, jelly, crainer, slogo
Id: 4Nnr2W5VPyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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