Eliminate Burnout Syndrome | Tulku Lobsang | Talks at Google

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[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 1: Tulku Lobsang is a Buddhist master, doctor of Tibetan medicine, and purveyor of transformation, student of Dalai Lama, winner of 14th Dalai Lama Award of Excellence in Health and Spirituality. He has reached the high level of rinpoche and incarnate Lama. His teachings are mostly related to wealth of body, mind, and life. He is frequently wanted for giving talks and workshops at European business schools and companies. His teachings apply to Buddhist psychology and Tibetan medicine techniques to influence authentically [INAUDIBLE],, diversity in the workforce, and freeing oneself from burnout. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Tulku. And I will give you a massive thank you for coming to here. Thank you very much. TULKU LOBSANG: I think our main subject today is how the burnout-- correct? I think that is the main subject. Maybe I say this way first. In the Buddhist tradition, relaxation is the wisdom without learning. Relaxation is become medicine without doctor. But in this modern world, relaxation we don't have so much higher value. We think relaxation means nothing important. But relaxation have many things to give in our mind, in our body, in our life. But they have one problem, relaxation and laziness is I'm used to tell same mother and a different father. Yes, we don't know what we really have. We don't know what we are really practicing. Many people believe they're practicing relaxation. But maybe we're practicing the laziness. And we never thought-- or we never think laziness how much have a power. But laziness is the king of our life. He make trouble, all kind of transformation. That's the reason Buddha [INAUDIBLE] and he say, laziness make you a dead person without dying. You're not dead, but you look like dead because of laziness. I'm sure many people you say me, I'm not so lazy person because I'm so busy. That's possible. But we have three kind of laziness. We have laziness who don't want to do anything. And this mean I'm called gross laziness. It's not so dangerous, laziness. Everybody see you are lazy, maybe you also feel you are lazy. I don't know. And then, we have a second kind of laziness. And the laziness who always want to do tomorrow. In the Buddhism, we have a special name this. But I'm just using my simple English. Yes, laziness who always want to do tomorrow. And this we call subtle laziness. As who want to do tomorrow is make we have more stress than who don't want to do anything. Correct? Laziness who say, I don't want to do anything, it's a problem, but it's not so complicated. It's clear. Very, very honest, very, very authentic. But laziness who say, I do tomorrow, you don't-- you don't say, I don't want to do. But you say, I do it tomorrow. And the second laziness we call subtle laziness, but more intelligent laziness. But one of the big, strongest laziness what we experience this 21 century, number third. And this is very difficult to translate very well, but we say laziness who always want to do other things. I hope we translate-- I hope I make translate perfectly. And the laziness who always want to do other things, or laziness who always need to do other things. But I think better is laziness who always want to do other things. This name we call great subtle laziness. We call hidden laziness. Nobody see you are lazy. You also don't believe you are lazy. But this is a very, very intelligent laziness. That is the killer of our happiness, our health, or to make stress and [INAUDIBLE],, the number third laziness. Why I talk here is because of the relaxation. The relaxation is, I say, is the wisdom without learning. Relaxation is the medicine without doctors. Relaxation, happiness without reason. Yes. But laziness is so near with relaxation, we really don't know what we have or what we're really practicing. Therefore, I recommend to everyday life to practice relaxation. But to practice relaxation means you don't-- I mean, relaxation does not mean you need to do things slowly. Sometimes people misunderstand. Relaxing means it needs to be slowly walk, slowly walk. OK, that's also good. Correct. Or sometimes people think relaxation means don't do anything. However, that's the reason meditation become very important. Meditation is-- meditation is the way to relax. Yes, but what do we need to relax? What do we need to relax? Relax our efforts. We are a world of effort. We are a world of the effort. Means we are world of the condition. We are never free of a condition. No matter how you success, we are never free of a condition. Yes, that means we are a world of the effort. And this effort-- sometimes our effort becomes force. Force? Effort, force, whatever you call, and that's make we are stress, and burn out, or depression. I know we are not enlightened world. We are a world of the condition. Means we are a world of the effort. We are world of the effort means we are world of the action. Whatever we want to change in this world, somehow we need action. But the action is not the only way to solve things. But without action, also your possible things to solve. Example, relaxation. Therefore, what we relax and relax effort. But the very interesting thing, sometimes we say relax. I say relax. Then mostly people think they know relax. But I'm very interested in when I say relax, what picture in your mind, in your head? I'm very interested in. I say, please, relax. What kind of a picture comes in your mind? Somewhere you sit, lay down, oh, relax. What kind of a picture is come in your mind when I say relax? However, what I want to say, in my philosophy, we believe 98 our troubles, or 98 our problems, the projection of your mind. Only two problems is not projection of your mind. But 98-- yes, all kind of problems-- is the projection of mind. You relax five to 10 minutes, all this 98 problems dissolve or disappear herself. It's amazing. Relaxation you don't need to learn. Relaxation is beyond religion. Relaxation beyond culture. Relaxation is beyond philosophy. Relaxation is beyond science. Something we never need to learn. What? Relaxation. But the problem, we don't have anything something we don't learn. That is a problem. That's the reason I say relax, then you start to thinking, OK, how I do? Because you always used to do everything with your learning. But something you don't need to learn and you become nervous. You don't believe how possible this is a function? And therefore, you need to learn to relax. And you never success to relax. Maybe you learn everything OK, except relaxation. But let's say we start to say, hello, relax. You say, OK. Then you start to try to relax. You try to do relax. You see? I say don't do anything. That's what I'm talking. But you say, yes, OK, I'm trying to relax, I'm trying to relax. You try to relax that is not relax. Don't do relax. But you see, you don't have-- we don't have something we not learn. Therefore, you try to relax. And then, you go to relax and this make you stress. Then many people say, I think I'm not good with meditation. I think so, I'm not good with meditation. Meditation is not function me. I think the problem we don't cut to the point. Maybe I like to say maybe this way. Therefore, relaxation is the medicine of all problem. Therefore, maybe you try to every morning-- every morning try to have a small relaxation, five to 10 minutes. Each three hour, try to remember the relaxation. Because each three hour, our mind start to forget it, what we promised ourself, or what we give instruction ourself. That is-- again-- What I want to say, just a simple relaxation-- to relax you don't need to speak English. Really, that's a good thing? You don't need to be Buddhism. You don't need to speak English. Relaxation is, I think, maybe universal. I mean, you don't need to speak German, or you don't need to speak Tibetan to relax. Therefore, you make-- five to 10 minutes make simple relaxation. I just tell you the small tips or small methods. It's the 98 your problems is disappear. Look like weather of today. Weather of today, Seattle have very beautiful weather today. Just all clouds disappear, empty space. In the similar, just after 10 minutes, after 10 minutes or after five minutes of your relaxation, you open your eyes. And then, you see two problems. After relaxation, you don't see three problems. Only you see two problems. I guarantee you. I'm just joking. USA very much like guarantee. I see in your televisions always, yes, now guarantee, guarantee, call now, guarantee, give back, or something. You always have this kind of very much energy. Europe you go is nobody guarantee. Everybody relax. Very loud, guarantee, I look away I see on your television you always have this advertisement somewhere you find a way, guarantee, guarantee. OK. Yes, very good. Therefore, my conclusion is after-- after 10 to five minutes relaxation there are only two problem remain. They no have a three problem. And this two problem is also not really problem. What I want to say here, once you relax, you only see two problem no matter what kind of you have problem. What I mean this two problem may be-- no matter what kind of problem you have, maybe you possible change, maybe you no possible change. That's all. You possible change your problem, it's not a problem. You possible change your problem, it looks like problem, but really, really not a problem. Isn't it? And you problem you no possible change, how possible something unchangeable become your problem? Correct? Well, let's-- we need to be a little more intelligent. Something changeable is not really, really, really problem because I possible change. If something unchangeable, how possible this become problem you? Let's be a little intelligent. Cows also not take unchangeable things a problem. We are human beings. Maybe we are a little more intelligent than cows. But I need to say something here. We human beings have one thing something cows don't have. Cow is not enough intelligent to change others. That's the only reason cows why is relax. I'm just joking. Sometimes you look in the cows-- sometimes I go, it's not so bad to be cow. Sometimes you look in their face, it's quite OK. I'm just joking. Cows is-- cow don't know how to change others. Changing others is the main reason why we have stress, and burn out, depressions. In my philosophy, changing others is always wrong. No matter you have right. No matter right. Changing others is one of the great humans ever know to-- one of the great ever humans possible make a mistake. But remember, we all possible help others. But we no possible change others. And the help and the change is very near again. I told you before relax and the laziness is so near, we misunderstand similar. We misunderstand change and help. Yes, we need to help others. We also need help others. Everybody need help until we are in this world. Until we are in this world, we always need help. You say, yes or no, no make a different. You always need help. Isn't it? We are born also with help, not you just born yourself. Correct? You're just not born yourself. Correct? In your life, also not leave, you not just leave yourself. You also need the help of others. Also, after dead, or you're dying, you not possible just die yourself. You always need help of others. They no have a moment of we don't need help of the others. We always need the help of others. However, changing others is-- I'm used to tell people whoever want unhappy, please don't forget to change others. That's all. You don't know how to make unhappy? Simple, just you practice change others. You don't believe me, you try to with your girlfriend or your boyfriend. You just not make big change. Maybe you have big problem, just make small change. Name of the help we always try to change others. That's the reason in my philosophy always say, changing others is one of the biggest mistake ever have in human history. We no more how to change others, we no more how to make more problem. However, what I want to say here changing yourself we always say wisdom. Helping others is your power. Helping others is your power and the power without-- helping others is your power, power without taking. Power without you taking. Whenever you need to take power and that's make you tired. But somehow, we need power. We need the power because this world, world of the action, action need power. I understand. But power you need to receive naturally. How? With help. I'm sure then what mean help? Or I don't have so much money, how possible I'm helping others? You just smile at somebody. That's enough to help others. You don't need to give millions of money. Help means you just say hello. That's already help. You just say smile. It's already help. Therefore, helping others is your power. Changing yourself is your wisdom. Helping others is your happiness. Then nothing have more happiness than that. Changing yourself is freedom. What we need, what we want, happiness and freedom. Freedom is not-- freedom-- OK, I say this way, freedom is some kind of realization. It's not something you possible really make, I think. Therefore, my conclusion, our topic today, stress and burnout, especially burn out-- I'm sure I give a few other techniques. But I just want to tell the relaxation. Relaxation name we call wisdom without learning. Therefore, please, don't learn how to relax. And please, don't do relax. Don't try to relax. Then hopefully, you know what I mean. And the relaxation is not something you receive and something you discover. Relaxation is not something you receive, something you discover. That means you don't try to relax. Just be. Therefore, I'm used to tell people relax without make relax. Therefore, maybe 21 minutes practice, maybe every morning, is your possible. 21 minutes of the practice, maybe. I just want to say this, 21 minutes of practice. That's 21 minutes of the practice. Change is your one day. Change over one day is become change of your life because life is never come bigger than one day. You're born one day. You live one day. You die one day. Tomorrow is not exist. It's exist, but does not really exist. Tomorrow never come. Therefore, I'm used to tell people yesterday is dead. Tomorrow is not the born. Today is the only what you have, but that's enough. Therefore, today is the day. Today you are happy. I call you have a happy life. Therefore, I never tell people try to have a happy life. I always say try to have a happy day. Because life is too long, too big. We have confuse. However, this life is still 100 years. Our body is made to stay 100 years. Anybody stay more than 100 years, you are illegal. Please, don't stay. You are illegally stay in this planet. After 100 years, are against the nature. You need to die. I'm sorry to say this. OK, some people I'm sure stay. However, mother planet is just a beautiful hotel. I don't say this is home, but is hotel. Please don't act look like home. Just act look like hotel. Means don't try to own things and try to just use things. Don't try to own things. And just try to make enjoy things. But sometimes humans so much focused owning. You try to buy, own. Look like you stay forever. But not in this beautiful hotel. You not only stay 100 years. What's 100 years? Maybe I'm now 40 years old, maybe we are-- maybe same age around many people. But after 20,000 day, I'm nearly 90 years, or 95, or 96 years old, after 20,000 days. The famous life, life is so famous. Everybody just be in the life. Life is famous. You calculate it, it's only 20,000 days. What do you make so complicated? It's very important talk, I'm sorry to say it, death. Death makes you more relaxed and calm. It's not nice, but it's good message. Sometimes our ego is growing so much, and then better to think death. And then, you come more calm and you're more realistic. You're more grounded. Otherwise, sometimes you too much fly. Therefore, after 20,000 day, you all, we all, is dead people. And especially people who don't believe in next life, this is your last chance. It's OK, you don't believe in next life, very OK. I also make some joke in Europe. I would say, we need many people who don't believe in next life because that is the only way to reduce population. Nature way, voluntarily nobody-- you just decide yourself. So I say, oh, very good, we need more people who don't believe in next life because then we have less human beings. Just joking. I'm just joking. Let's say we have a 20,000 day. You count yourself. I don't think we have more than 20,000 day mostly. In the 20,000 day, 10,000 day we sleep. And that's it, sleep. And then we left 10,000 day more and maybe 8,000 day, or 7,000 day, we go to work to sit on chair, whatever chair, gold chair, or diamond chair, is a chair. You sit in the one chair. And you're working. And then you're left the 2,000 day. And 1,000 day maybe you're not happy. Or I don't know. Then you left 1,000 day. 1,000 day means maybe is three years. And you need preparation to check out in the hotel. Mr. Death is calling your room number and he speaks all languages. He never make a mistake. He never make mistake. Once he call your room number, he never make a mistake. Correct? Let's we are guests in one beautiful hotel. Five star hotel, I call. Five star hotel means the planet made with the five elements. They have many planets in the space, but they have maybe-- they don't have so many look like our planet. I'm sure they have countless because infinite. Yes, we are in the best planet. It's five star, five elements. Therefore, let's make enjoy. Yes, you see life is shorter and you have less stress. I think, me, this way, maybe some people not. Maybe, yes? But however, is we are just in the hotel. Yes, it's a beautiful hotel, but we are hotel. Therefore, just relax. Therefore, I'm used to tell sometimes people may be Mr. Death calling your room number. Then you start to say, hey, hello, Mr. Death, but I'm so important person. I have so many things to do, but please you call tomorrow. Correct? You possible save, but no. And then, maybe you say, hello, Mr. Death, I know I'm in your hotel, but I have much money. I give every night 10,000 Euro gift. Please extend my stay. And Mr. Death is laughing with the deep voice. He say, ha, ha, ha. He laughing. He's just laughing at you. He say, I'm sorry. Never try again this, he say. He say, my hotel is so famous in this planet. These next 100 years already booked. And you, tomorrow, need to check out before 12:00. I'm sorry. Therefore, my conclusion, what I want to say. Life is short. It's only 20,000 days. Why are we fighting so much? I know everybody fighting. Fighting to look like we need to be here forever. Everybody worries look like we need to stay here forever. But it's only 20,000 day. What you need more than just 20,000 day? Let's be intelligent. But be more realistic. Therefore, what I want to say, every morning maybe you try to 10 minutes some exercise. What kind of exercise no matter. Any exercise or you just create your own exercise, whatever. The exercise release the tensions and the blocks of your body. Yes, you make 10 minutes exercise. I don't think that's a big problem. And then, 10 minutes you make relaxation. 10 minutes relaxation. After 10 minutes relaxation, I give you two kind of wisdom words or something. OK, totally you need, I would say, 21 minutes. I think maybe I'm a little too much, maybe I'm [INAUDIBLE] of the talking here. But in the 21 minutes, possible change your life. I'm not saying this in Europe. Nobody come then. I say 21 minutes practice change your life. I think they don't believe me. Sometimes I need to come different country I need to talk little different way. Everybody have a different culture. However, 10 minutes exercise, 10 minutes relaxation. After all of the 20 minutes, I want you to say two sentence. The sentence you say this way. You open eyes. Before you give any action, before you give any, any action, mentally, verbally, physically, before you give any action, just you relax. You're just calm, pure and in the nature. And you say this way. First, action in your mind, you say, I do my best in this world. You really not only saying somewhere. You really say in the bottom of your heart. You don't do this way. I do my best. Correct? I do my best, not this way. Or you look your iPad, you say, I do my best. Hello. No, that's not make you different. You really relax. Calm and you go deep in your inside, at the bottom of your heart, middle of your bones, through your blood, you really feel the sentence. You say, I do my best in this world in myself or others. Then you say, but after whatever happen, I accept it. I do my best, still something go wrong. I accept it. In this world, world is never go perfect. World is never go perfect. Never go best. There always need someplace to accept it. That is the only solution. That's name what Buddhism is called kindness and compassion. We do our best. This is kindness. After something go wrong, we accept it. This is compassion. But kindness is very near attachment. Kindness is very near attachment. Compassion is very near sometime sadness or anger. Therefore, sometimes we very easy to-- sometime we go to practice a kindness, we only want to practice kindness nice people, beautiful people. Correct? You're very nice. I want to be kind. But maybe this is not kindness. This is attachment. Therefore, attachment, kindness we misunderstand. Sometimes compassion and sadness, compassion or sadness or anger, we also misunderstand. Therefore, my conclusion, you have two simple practice. 10 minutes exercise, and then relaxation, and then two sentence. The sentence you say, I do my best. After something go wrong, I accept it. That's it. Therefore, I'm used to tell people making joke, you go back now home maybe your house is going on fire, and you don't forget to tell your house I did my best, but I now accept it. House, I did your best. But now you just decide to go fire. I accept it, but maybe this not happen again, again. I better make one picture. You make one selfie picture, but don't put in the Facebook. You don't receive insurance. Therefore, somebody ask me, some businessman, he ask me Tuklu, it looks like you are happy. And you have any special method how to be happy? Then I just make a joke. I have a small method, but you don't tell anybody. You tell this and you lose your job. And then he said, what is that? I said, if you really want to be happy, you need to be a little crazy. Not big crazy, OK? We have so many crazy people, but not completely crazy. But be a little crazy. Because life is crazy. Anyway, therefore my conclusion I wanted to show you a small exercise, very small exercise. And then short relaxation and then the sentence. That's OK? It's good? Yes. OK, the exercise is a very, very small. I want you to close your fists this way and also here. These areas, very important areas. However, you make somehow-- somehow you look like this way. And the 21 seconds, I want you all of the muscles-- faces also I want to do this. OK, but I don't make a picture of you. Look like you have pain, but without pain. 21 second and you do this. And then, relax. That's OK? You are ready? That's simple-- Sorry, before we do this I want you to make one self massage. Warm up your palms. And to make- massage is very good. OK. Yes, are you ready? OK, 21 second you make tight everything. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, is power, power, power, together everything, together. 21 minutes, please. 21, breathe out. I want you do this. One time more this exercise. OK? With holding the breath, 21 seconds you hold the breath. And the longest holding this breath record is 25 minutes officially. But some of Tibetans, some Indians, they hold two day, three days, but is not they practice official place. But let's say not hold 20 minutes, 25 minutes, only just 21 seconds. Hold your breath in the navel and to make tight everything again. Because we increase wind and the fire. With this exercise, we increase in the wind and the fire. And then we'll relax. And then we come in earth and water. And then all balance. That's the secret. Ready? Breath breathe in. Hold your breath. OK, tight, 21 seconds. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, full power, full power, 21 minutes, breathe out. I think we don't need the 10 minutes exercise. Now we one make breath, breathe in. And this exercise increase wind and fire. Now we mix more relaxation. We keep straight our spine. Now we connect the earth and the water. Relax all of your efforts. Just be without any effort in your body and your mind. You go deeper, relax. And you discover this inner space. The nature of this inner space is peace. Thank you very much. Then you say these two sentence. I do my best. After whatever come, I accept it. And then, you never have a problem with life. You know exactly how swim. Life is look like ocean. We are in the ocean. We are not in the land. We are in the ocean. The solution only swim. I know nobody wants to swim, but you need to swim. But remember, to swim we need to relax. Otherwise, long swim. Life is the wave of the ocean, wave of change. We just need to swim, but we need to relax. And then my last two sentence or three sentence, whenever you have stress or burnout, whatever you have, you need more energy. We have one small solution. The shower, shower in my tradition is a shower is very, very spiritual practice. Shower with fresh water, not hot, not cold. Just fresh water. Just shower. You stay under the water maybe 5 to 10 minutes. And you come out. You don't believe what change you have. But the problem, we don't believe that because too cheap, too easy. I'm sorry, but too cheap and too easy. But just shower. Shower, give you a new mind, new body, new life. It's amazing. And the second thing is you really don't want burnout, stress. They have one thing you practice everyday life. Like people. Like people. How many people you like? AUDIENCE: 6 billion. TULKU LOBSANG: 6 billion, exactly. Therefore, practice to like people. Understand? Like people, but that's not mean all people is good. That's nothing to do good, or right, or wrong. Just try to like people. Like people because people is the big problem. Who make we are stress, who make we are burnout, maybe who make we are unhappy. Therefore, try to like people. Maybe you go to the outside sometimes just try to scream yourself I like people. I know you say I like trees. Trees is good. But the tree never make your problem so much. You don't like trees, it not big, big problem. But the people is a problem. Therefore, we need to practice like people. I think this give you more energy. This If you more happy. And you maybe many good things have. And then, my last words, whoever want more stress, burnout, don't forget to change others. And thank you very much. And I'm finished. I think our time is somehow finished, but maybe I give one or two time to have question. Is OK? AUDIENCE: So my question for you is a lot of times I feel like when I'm trying to do things efficiently, which means to do it at the shortest amount of effort, that caused me to be stressed or upset. So is there something about that, being efficient versus happy, is there anything about that you will want to say? TULKU LOBSANG: OK, I just make a very short answer give here. But I think it's most important whatever you do before. Whatever you give some actions is very important to relax. Once you relax, and you see everything clear. Once you see everything clear, all of your actions make different you. But the problem we make action first and then we think is after. And then, always is we do so many things, but very little things happen. But then people always think, OK, I want to happen everything fast. But then relax is the opposite of happening fast. Therefore, we know to relax first. And we try to action first. But first you relax. You relax and relax. Once you relax, everything's more clear. Once you clear, then you give action. Then each your actions make all different, I think. AUDIENCE: Thank you. AUDIENCE: So I have a question, though, how about when other people try to change us? How do we react to [INAUDIBLE] as the people want to change us? Let's say my wife want to change me and it's making me stressed. Then how I handle this case? TULKU LOBSANG: OK, I think then you send your wife with me, and I talk. I'm just joking. I'm sorry. That's always very-- is a challenge. We have some kind of a story, a saying. One day they have the story of the mother and the wife is fighting. Mother and the wife is fighting. And my mother and my wife is fighting. My wife always say your mother is no good. And then, my mother say always your wife is not good. And in between, I'm suffering. And then, always my mother say your wife is not good. But I know my wife is not complete not good. And I always try to explain. Then my mother fight more. And then my wife says my mother is not good. And then I know it's not everything, too. Then I try to always talk something. And then, my wife is more fight. That's means we all have more fight. Then solution, when your wife say-- I'm giving a round answer. The solution, your wife say your mother is no good many things and the best you be silence. You say, OK, You say, OK, yes, yes, yes, yes. Why? Because the truth is not important. Help is more important. Truth is not-- because truth is not fixable. Truth is not important. Help is more important. We have a saying. Therefore, my wife say my mother no good. It's not true, but the best I say yes. Yes. I don't need to give reason. I say yes and yes. And my mother say your wife is not good. Then I also say yes and yes. I say OK, OK, OK. Then she less talk, less talk hopefully. And then one day maybe you all come one table. Then they both start to talk. And the best you be head down and don't say anything and silence. We say something look like this. Therefore, I don't have a really perfect answer. Just I give an example. Yes, I don't have a really, really perfect answer, some quick answers there. Therefore, truth is not important. Help is more important. Truth is not important. Help is important. Because truth is not flexible. Therefore, you need to be flexible. Therefore, more help, then you need to say yes, yes. It's OK. Be flexible. That's it. AUDIENCE: Thank you. TULKU LOBSANG: Thank you. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] TULKU LOBSANG: Yes, yes, yes. Thank you. OK? AUDIENCE: Are you relaxed all the time? TULKU LOBSANG: Me, no, no, not all the time. No, I'm more relaxed. I say yes. I relax generally, but not always. But generally, I quite relax. But not some time. Sometimes not. But generally, I have a very clear decision. I have a very, very clear decision. That's help me. I have one general, clear decision. I need some time every day some decisions, but I have a very clear picture and a clear understand, and this maybe me help generally calm. But sometimes small things make me a problem. Something big thing happen, I'm always calm. But very small things happen and maybe you-- I don't know-- you say bring food in the 10:00 and you five minutes late sometime those-- the very very small things. Therefore, I need more careful the small things. The big things. I'm already exercised, training myself. Any big problems coming, I'm more relaxed, more calm. But the small, very small problems, I'm sometimes-- and that sometimes makes me bothered. Therefore, I need more training with the small problems to also make a calm, not only big problems. Therefore generally, I feel little more calm. OK? AUDIENCE: I was curious if you had any tips. I think I find myself suffering from that subtle laziness that you were talking about. How can you escape that trap of being subtly lazy? Is it through relaxation, meditation, or do you have any specific advice about how to become-- TULKU LOBSANG: The laziness, they have many antidotes. But most important laziness antidote is motivation and believe. Believe and motivation is the antidote of the laziness. But we always say I need a reason to motivate. I need a reason. I need the reason. I need a reason to motivate. My reason is too small. And my motivation is too small. My motivation is too small. My belief is too small. My belief is too small. My practice too small. Therefore, you need reason. When you want bigger reason, you need to big understand. You more understand, you really understand, you have a reason. You have a more reason, and you're motivated. You're motivated, you'll believe. You believe, you practice. You practice and you become success. Therefore, I think, I'm sure relaxation always good. Wherever you have laziness, I think first you need to go to deeper yourself, make a discussion yourself. And you need to find a big, big reason-- you need a big reason to find that to motivate. Reason is motivate. Sometimes our reason is too small. I say why you meditate? Oh, I think, I don't know. Some people say good. Therefore, I come here. You see, your reason is so small. And clear you don't practice this two time, three time, you never do. Why? And I say why, you need to give big reason. To reason, you need to understand. You more understand, hopefully, you have more reason. You have more reason. And the reason is the power. And that's make real motivate. Something look like this. Therefore, maybe go to retreat, two, three day. And to make discussion yourself. You don't reject it all kind of mind and just you make every mind, all kind of mind, let's make invite to make come, and speak, and to discuss, and to make big meeting yourself. And then, maybe you come together. You have some-- then you make one conclusion possible yourself. Because the laziness is a big problem. And you lose believe yourself. Once you're lazy-- Example, today I give you a new mind, let's say. I talk. I'm not a good talker, but when I'm talk maybe you have a new mind. You come more exciting OK, maybe I'll do this way. That is good. But then the other mind start to saying you, yes, you you always say I do, but you never did it. I don't believe you. And then you go down. You see, you always try to motivate, but the deep mind, mind who stay with you last 25 years, he always don't believe you. Because 25 years you always promise yourself, but you never did it. Yes, but then new mind. You go to somewhere. Somebody talk so many thing. New mind born. He say, yes, I want to do now. And this old mind say hey, you know, better you don't so exciting. I know this man. 25 years, but he never do. And then, again, you-- you see? Therefore, I think make big [INAUDIBLE] yourself. Make deep look inside to make a discussion yourself to bring one big reason. Reason is a power. And that's make motivation. OK, thank you very much.
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 54,759
Rating: 4.8338656 out of 5
Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, Freeing Yourself from Burnout Syndrome, Tulku Lobsang, job burnout, stress management, burnout syndrome, recover from burnout
Id: QTHe_NWUblc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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