Turn the Ship Around | L. David Marquet | Talks at Google

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[MUSIC PLAYING] THERON TINGSTAD: Hello, everybody. Welcome to Talks at Google. We've got an incredible speaker today. I'd like to introduce Captain David Marquet. Captain Marquet is best known for his work that he did with the USS Santa Fe, where he took that nuclear powered submarine from worst to first. And it ended up generating the most leaders that the Navy has ever seen out of the submarine program. He's going to share some of his insights today of what he has learned over his time in the Navy. How he has an alternative take on leadership. And he shares these insights with companies around the world. And I think we're very lucky today to have him here at Google. He's documented a lot of his story and his insights in the book, "Turn the Ship Around-- A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders." So without further ado, Captain Marquet. DAVID MARQUET: Thank you. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Thanks! It's great to be here. So thanks a lot, thanks for having me. Yeah, we advertise the book on AdWords a lot. Sell a bunch. So what does having to run a nuclear submarine have anything to do with working here at Google? Well, hopefully by the end of this session, you'll have some connections. What I want to talk today about are seven myths of leadership, seven things that I thought I was dead sure I knew about leadership, which I now think are actually unhelpful or just basically wrong. So here we are with the crew on the submarine. Submarines spend most of their time underwater. And even when the submarine is on the surface, most of it's underwater, like an iceberg. But here, the submarine's in dry dock. There's a crew of about 135, the average age is 27 years old. So it's probably not much different than what we have here. These are the officers. These are the only guys with college degrees. Then the technicians, the blue shirts, are the guys who do all the work. And then over here, these are the chiefs, so they've been technicians. They did a good job, they got promoted. They've been in the Navy for 6, 8, 10 years. We promote them, we let them wear the same brown, highly fashionable brown uniform that the officers wear. And we turn them into leaders. We say they're leaders. So there's not a lot of room on a submarine, because we're going to put all these people inside the submarine and most of the submarine is taken up by equipment. So there's not a lot of exercise space. So for example, one of the things we do is we take a SEAL team, and we have to deliver them to wherever they're going to do. Any SEALs out here, Special Forces people? I know I've got at least one Marine. OK, so these SEALs are super fit individuals. They in the gym all the time. But there's no gym on a submarine, so their bodies deteriorate every passing day. So the Navy says, you can't bring these SEALs on board until the very last minute, because the submarine is a toxic environment for these elite individuals, these elite athletes. Now this was always troublesome for me, because we'd live there for 180 days. No one cared about that! So here's what happens. They say, we've got to pick up a SEAL team. So we take the submarine away from the shoreline. We surface it, which we don't like to do. It puts us in a vulnerable position. And we want to be there as short a time as possible. Then the helicopter shows up with the SEAL team. They're going to come down this rope. These guys in orange, this is the submarine crew. I'm up here, in charge of this deal, right? And then we've got to find some young guy to go back here and hold on to this rope. Because it's important to tether the rope at the bottom. SEAL team comes down one at a time. Now this young man, in my case there were all men. We now have women on submarines, which I think is great. But this young man has got to make a bunch of snap decisions. Because we're moving together. And if the helicopter hovers and it starts moving away, do I let go of the rope, do I hold on to the rope. A wave comes, could knock someone overboard. And this person is going to make a bunch of decisions. They've got a helicopter hovering right over their head. [MAKING HELICOPTER SOUNDS] Even if they had time, no one can hear him. What do you want me to do about-- [MAKING HELICOPTER SOUNDS] And he couldn't hear the response. So for this to be successful, we need to train a team that needs to know what they need to do and make decisions without being told. Without being told and oh, by the way, this is my view from up there on the bridge. I can't even see what's going on. And we think oh, when I get into the moment of crisis, when the disruption comes, we're going to really want to win, and we're going to win because we really want to win has nothing to do with winning. It's are you willing to do the hard work before you get to here. Have you created a team that when this happens, you don't need to tell them what to do. That's going to determine success in this event. But this picture I think is exactly relevant for you guys. Exactly relevant, because you can walk down the hallway, you can stand behind an engineer, you can stand behind one of the people, one of the sales people. And you can watch them, move the mouse right, move it left, click enter, closed bracket. We get a sense, oh, I can control it. But for the most important things that you all bring to work with every day, which is your creativity and your passion, it's just like this. It's invisible. And the degree to which we go out there and try and tell people what to do, we're just throwing cold water on that spark that comes inside of every human being to do this. We're throwing cold water on their passion. This is a hard lesson that I learned. Because for me, leadership was all about telling people what to do for a long time. Seven myths of leadership, what is leadership? Now I hope to have this be a little bit interactive. I know we're broadcasting it, so everyone can participate, including the remote people. Hopefully you have phones. And we're going to go to this website called P-O-L-L-E-V. And I've got about half a dozen of these throughout the presentation, just to get a sense of what we all think here, or any web enabled device here, like the computers. So go ahead and type this in. P-O-L-L-E-V.com/intent. And I'm going to bring up the first question. Here's a warm up question. All right, good, we're getting there. OK, so you see it right up here, P-O-L-L-E-V.com/intent. What's your hometown? What city did you grow up in? Good. Good, good, good. I figured you guys at Google would figure this out. [LAUGHTER] I have some audiences that need a little help. Let's see. I'm guess Anarbor. Don't put a space in it. It treats every word like a separate response. Now we're building a word cloud, which I know you've seen. The idea is the more people type in the same word, the bigger that particular word gets. So we see Detroit, which makes sense, I'm here in Anarbor. Anarbor, Chicago, Dunes, Ogden, Boston, Burlington. Da Nang, I saw. Johannesberg, Pittsburgh, Lambertville. All right, so that's great. We got that. That's our warm up question. Now I'm going to ask you a very serious question, serious question. And I'd like you to take a stand here, one side or the other. If you had to, which is, business value here at Google, more business value be created either A, people independently thinking, or B, better at doing what they're told. So we're gonna get a bunch of results here and then we'll go ahead and expose the results. OK. You guys are pretty far over on the displaying independent thinking. That's good, because that's what this whole talk is about. Creating a team that displays independent thinking. Now it didn't used to be like this. For your parents, grandparents, great, great grandparents, work used to look like this for the last several hundred years of our human existence. We've come through this thing called the Industrial Revolution. And work during the Industrial Revolution was what we called for most people neck down. It's what I do with my hands. This is a radio factory outside of Philadelphia just before World War II. These people are hired for what's happening here with their hands, not what's happening up here. One person in the back of the factory has done the thinking and the deciding for these people, and these people are all in the doing part. And it turns out that this legacy of work is an anchor. Because the language and the structure that we use for our organizations still, in many ways, hearken back to this legacy. So when we say we come to work and do our jobs, like the fact that we even say we come to work and do our jobs, because most of you actually don't do anything. Like you think your jobs, I would say, right? But we don't say, because that sounds weird. But that's because this has influenced the way we talk. And so that's influencing our behaviors. And schools were designed to create people who were comfortable going into environments like that. So the schools were about conformity and compliance. Now this group of sad people is the 1977 Concord-Carlisle High School math team. And this is me. I was a mathlete. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, I have some weird-- I can't even look at the camera. I have weird social issues. Any mathletes out there? Yes? All right! Thanks for-- good! Yes! I knew Google would have at least a couple brave people. So I was in the math team and the chess team and I was in the computer club. And my high school was one of a few public high schools. We got our computers back in 1976. It was this big machine. And we fed in these tapes, this pink tape that was punched holes in it. And we had the computer do amazing things, like count to 10 and calculate square roots. And you'd feed the tape in in the evening, and you'd push play. You'd watch it-- [MAKING WORKING SOUND] And then you'd go home and you'd come back the next morning, and find like it hung two minutes after you left and you'd have to start over again. And that was me in high school. And it was the 70s, and we were in this tough time in the country. I felt I wanted to do something about that. If you're a geeky introverted kid, so for me I wanted to go in the military. I had no military in my family, but I was like, I'm going to be a submarine commander. Like, why? I don't know. It popped in my head. I think it was because if you're an introvert and you want to go in the military, it's where you can hide. So I set myself down that path. And you know what? It actually happened. So here's my book. Now remember, as a geek, I took my studies very seriously. Here's my leadership book from the United States Naval Academy. Here is what it says. Leadership can be defined as directing the thoughts, plans, and actions of others, so as to obtain and command their obedience, their confidence, their respect, and their loyal cooperation. Now what do you think of that? I want you to just talk to your neighbor for 30 seconds about this. How would it feel to work in this environment. Then we're gonna have a short conversation. Then we're gonna keep going. Go. OK, five, four, three, two, one. Does anyone have any words that kind of come to mind to describe this? I'll repeat them. Just shout them out. Micromanage, good. Rigid. Prescriptive. Dead weight loss. Intimidating. Tell me more about intimidating. Scary, don't mess up, right. It's a fear based environment. Very good, what else? So this is predicated on the assumption that first of all, the leader knows all the answers. And your job is just to show up and do what you're told. Then we say, well where's your passion? Where's your engagement? Do you guys do these employee engagement surveys? You do? Yeah, OK. I'm not engaged. You made me feel this way! So we're going to fix this. I call it know all, tell all leadership. And one of the questions that I'm gonna leave you with is where here in this quadrant do you want to operate as a leader. I thought it was know all, tell all. Leader knows all the answers, gives all the orders. That was the best place you could be as a leader. I got ordered to be the captain of the USS Olympia 17 years after I graduated from the Naval Academy. I was super excited about it. The Navy took me out of my job and they sent me to school for 12 months so I could learn every single detail of this ship. It'd be like having the CEO come in here and stand behind your desk and fix your code. Freaky. Anyway, there was another submarine, the USS Santa Fe. And the Santa Fe was the Enron of submarines. The Santa Fe was a submarine where you see that picture of sailors? Every year, a quarter of them come and a quarter leave. And then when they leave, so that's about 35 people, they say, hey, how was your Navy experience? Would you like to stay in? Three of them said yes. That's how bad it was. And the captain on the Santa Fe was supposed to be there for another year. So we were all like oh, who's gonna get the poor job of being the Santa Fe's captain. Because it was a year ahead of time and that's when the Navy announced the captain. But you know what? He quit early, and they said well, we can't have a sumbarine without a captain, so Marquet, Santa Fe. That was my oh, sugar moment. Because now I'm about to be a know not leader. Because the problem wasn't the bad morale and [INAUDIBLE].. The problem was the Santa Fe was a totally different submarine, one of the newest submarines in the fleet. So my question here is. Because I'm going to take over a broken team. And my question is, and this is quoting some work that you guys have done here at Google is, what's the most important determinant of team performance? Who's on the team, what positions they're in, or how the team interacts. So let's see if you guys read your own, eat your own dog food on this one. Yes, very good. Exactly. And it turned out for me, I didn't know any of this. Because Google wasn't even invented then. But I couldn't control who came to the ship. The Navy decided who came to the ship. And I couldn't put change to the provisions. The only thing I could play with was basically how we talked about it to each other. That was the only variable I had. And it turned out, just by luck, that it turned out to be the most important one. And the other cool thing about it is it's the thing that everybody on the team can do. Everyone participates. Everyone participates. So here I am, I didn't know how this was going to work. Because I'd never taken over a situation where I didn't basically know all the answers. So my world was turned upside down here. My hatch would fall off. Down in the sonar room. So there's no windows on the submarine. What we learn about in the outside world, we listen to. You hear and see in the movies like this pinging, pinging, that sonar? We don't do any of that pinging. That pinging would give us away. We convert the sound to these yellow lines. And we analyze it and we say, oh, that's a surface ship, that's a school of shrimp. That's a distant oil well. That's a submarine. And it's important to know what's what. And then we have all these buttons. And this is how we interact with our equipment. Now on the Olympia I would have known how every button dip worked. But on the Santa Fe, I didn't know. So I walked down the ship, I just took over, and I said hey, tell me about your buttons here. And the sailors would be like, well, this button does this, this button does that. They're all confident about what they're doing. And then there'd by this button off to the side, like over here. OK, what about this one? I noticed the sailor would avoid that button, so I knew hey, what about this one. I forget. That was a no, no. Because they expected this, well, I'll tell you. But I didn't know either. So the first thing was, oh man, I shouldn't have asked that question. Because now they're all looking at me. And it was very scary. Going into combat for me was not scary, but this was very scary. I wanted to pretend I knew, but I couldn't. First of all, the clock was ticking in my head. I was finally like, I don't know either. But you're a submarine captain. Yeah, go figure. [LAUGHTER] And I said hey, let's press it and see what happens. So I'm going start getting to some of these myths now. Myth number one, good leaders know all the answers. Wrong. Fact, good leaders say I don't know. I don't know opens the door to learning. Even when you know, it's helpful, I think, to just say I don't know, what do you guys think. For as long as you think you know and you keep saying you know stuff, you're not going to create a team that's curious and has a learning mindset. So it's OK to say you don't know something. It's going to break the paradigm from the normal know all tell all paradigm. The next thing that happened had to do with this knob. This is how we control the speed of the submarine. Now I just took over the worst performing ship in the fleet. And what we're going to do is our favorite exercise, we're going to shut down a reactor, and we're going to run on an electric backup motor. This is not like a Tesla, right? This is a 300 horsepower electric motor, but it's in a 6,000 ton submarine. So this electric motor just barely pushes the submarine through the water. And there's two speeds. So what's happening is when you're operating the electric motor with the reactor shut down, you're draining the battery pretty quickly. And there's a race to get the reactor started. So here we are, we're running on. We're at 1/3. We shut down the reactors, the very first drill. I'm standing in the control room. The officer has been on the submarine the longest, Bill Green is his name, is controlling this. And he's doing the right thing. He's ahead 1/3, conserving the battery. Now in every other submarine I've been on, there was two speeds to this electric motor. But unbeknownst to me, on the Santa Fe, there's only one. So I'm thinking, hey, if we speed up, it's going to drain the battery faster, it's gonna put some stress on the team. Train harder. And so I suggest, hey, why don't we speed up on this electric motor? And he gives the order. But the sailor sitting at this panel does nothing, actually kind of goes like this. I said, hey, what's going on? He says captain, on this ship, unlike your other ships, it's just one speed motoring. That was embarrassing. And I thought about Bill, and I said Bill, do you know about this. And he said, yes, sir I did. Really? Well, riddle me this. Why did you order it? What do you guys think he said? Exactly, because it's all about telling people what to do and doing what you're told. And this was like a hammer blow to my head. Because my whole leadership training was about being really good at telling people what to do. So I said, look, I'm going to stop telling you guys what to do. I'm gonna stop giving you guys orders. I'm never going to give another order as a captain of a submarine. And they were like, OK. No one knew what that would look like, but it was better than dying, which is what would have happened eventually. So we say, good leaders give good orders, that's the myth. I now think good leaders actually don't give orders. They create a team that doesn't need to be told what to do. So now I've decided not to give my guys any instructions. I still don't know the submarine. So now I'm a know not, tell not leader. If you're brand new to an organization, maybe this is where you need to live for a few days, weeks, or months. But eventually people are going to stop paying you for being down here. So it's not a good long term strategy. Now the torpedoes, here's how they work. First of all, there's a long wire that pays out through the ocean. So when we shoot the torpedo, it connects back to the submarine and it sends signals back saying, here's what I'm seeing as I'm out here looking for the bad guy. And we can steer it. We can say turn right 20 degrees. Turn left, whatever. We can chase down the enemy. So they're pretty potent. Then they don't hit the ship like you see in the movies. They actually go under, and then they detonate. And what we're doing is blowing a hole in the ocean. Why? Because then the ship falls into that hole. Breaks in half. And you end up right here. So that's what sinks the ship. So these torpedoes are big deals. Here, we're loading a torpedo in Japan. Now I was all about empowering my team. I got on this kick of I'm not going to give any orders. Like what do you think, and it was all about that. I was really good about it, in fact I was really bad about it. Because I did it so well that we were setting up to do this and they made a mistake. And before we did it with the torpedo, we do it with a shape, a concrete shape, which is the same shape and weight. But it's inert, and we end up dropping it. We almost could've killed somebody. And I was really scared, I was like oh, this is wrong. This is the wrong way to do business. I need to go back and be in control of everything. But I talked to my team and we said, you know what, it's not that. We're just missing something. And here's the model we came up with. We said, I've given too much control. I was irresponsibly giving control. And what I really needed to do was tune the level of control to how much they knew about their jobs and the clarity of purpose. This is the why that Simon Sineks talks about. Because if you say, you get to make a decision on which customer you call, you could talk, forget the script, just talk to him. You need to know what we're trying to achieve. And so we now say leaders tune. The word is tune. We tune the level of control and we invite the team to higher and higher levels. So we don't empower teams. First of all, teams are already empowered. It's inside every human being. But what we do is we tune the empowerment to the levels of competence and control. Otherwise, it's just irresponsibility. Now, this is Dr. Stephen Covey. He wrote "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," which is an awesome book and I was a huge Covey fan. And what happened on the submarine was things started going really, really well. Every single sailor in the next 12 months re-enlisted, 35 out of 35. And we were evaluated by the Navy, and the crew of the Santa Fe got the highest score in the history of the inspection team. They never had records that had a higher score. And everyone was really confused. How did that crew that was so bad get so good? And the rest of the Navy thought I was just giving some really great orders. My peers would call me and say, congratulations, you must be making some really good orders. I'd just be like, I'm actually trying this new thing. I'm not giving orders, not telling them what to do. They're like, what? Like, yeah, nevermind. Because from their paradigm, it just didn't work. But what we had done, I realized that later what we'd done is gone from one leader and 134 followers, and one thinker and 134 doers, just like that picture of the factory to 135 active thinking, passionate, creative people, which I call leadership. My role as the captain was simply to create this environment where people could come to work and just be their best. That's all I did. All day long, all day long. And it worked amazing. And so Dr. Covery watched the ship. And now we were about intent. I'm stopping telling you what to do, but you've got to come to me to tell me what you intend to do. If I'm not telling you what to do and you're not doing anything, then I'm leaning back and you're not leaning in to me. So I actually think leaders lean back and the team leans forward. So Dr. Covey saw how we talked to each other and he said this is how I think you guys are doing it. When people come up and say, well, tell me what to do, we resist telling them what to do. The instinct is you want to, because you know the answer, and it's so psychologically fulfilling to say yes, do this. Boy, I solved so many people's problems today. Well, don't I feel good about that. And we say, well, what do you see? This is description. What do you think? What do you think we should do? Hey, what do you intend to do? Maybe you should just do it. Depends on what it is. We would just invite people and we'd have close the latter, and you guys have a card that describes how this went. But this is how you tune it. This is why you can dial it exactly. Question for you. So you've got someone on your team and they're down there, tell me what to do. You probably don't have any of these people at Google, but just imagine you did. They're like, well, what do I do here? And you're inviting them. You say, well, what do you think? What should we do? And they just seem stuck at tell me what to do. What keeps people stuck at tell me what to do. Go ahead and send a bunch of words, let's see what we get. And you can type in a bunch of words and hit enter and have all the words come up. Get a whole bunch of words. Let's see what we've got. Confusion, confidence, disillusionment, understanding, inexperience, mistakes, pride, misunderstanding, status, superiority. And fear. Fear is always the biggest problem. I've done this to over 100 audiences in 20 different countries and every single time, fear has been the biggest word. In fact, if I aggregate those 100 speeches, this is what it looks like. The reason people are not saying what they think is not because they don't know. It's because they're afraid of being wrong, they're afraid of being laughed at, they're afraid of being the person who thinks differently from everybody else, afraid of taking responsibility, whatever it happens to be. And this gets me to the next leadership myth. I thought my job as a leader was to quote "motivate" my team. And a lot of times, motivate meant add stress. Come on, guys, we can do it. What leaders need to do is make it feel safe. Because fear is the problem. So the antidote to fear is safety. So my job all day long was to say yeah, it's OK. Express that in probabilities. Just give me a scale, 1 to 10, how do you think about that. And really ask questions in a way that made it feel safe. I'll give you a very small example. People would come up to me and they'd say, well, I think we should do this, are you sure. No, that doesn't feel safe. No, I'm not sure to be honest. Or they have this false bravado, yes, I'm sure, which is always wrong. So what's your sense of enthusiasm over this. And we'd ask questions, if you want a clue for asking a question, always try to put how at the beginning. How likely it is we're going to launch a product on time. Not will we launch on time. We just make it safe. And all day long, trying to make it safe for my people to share what they thought, even if it was potentially wrong or different. Especially if it were different. Here we are, we're fighting a fire. We were not very good at this when I first got to the ship. And then we'd sit in a room, we'd do a retrospective or a critique or a fact finding, whatever you want to call it. And I heard a lot of that. I was listening to the language and they would say, well, they didn't pressurize the hose, they didn't change the batteries on the thermal imager. They hung the gear up twisted, so it took me longer to get there than it should have. There was all this they, referring to all these other people on board the submarine. There was they by rank, there was they by department. And I got upset one day with this they. Because it didn't feel like a team. I said there's no more they on Santa Fe. It rhymed. So that was good. You can only use the word we. Very next day, the engineer walked up to me. Now he wants to tell me that the supply department, he's in charge of engineering, that the supply department has ordered the wrong part. You know what I'm talking about. So he comes up to me. He says, Captain, I've got bad news. I'm kind of hanging out in the control room, like I would usually do. He says, Captain, I've got bad news. I said yeah, what do you got? Says, Captain, we can't fix the pump, because th-- th-- he wants to say they, but he can't. So he says because we ordered the wrong part. I kind of look at him, he looks at me, I look at him, and he just goes like. It was super awesome. There's no blame in recommendations. So when I go into organizations, I listen for what I call the we they boundary. Like where is it we? Like we're in the engineering, but they're in marketing. And where does it go from we to they? Because as soon as you go from we to they, that's where the team boundary ends. And so the problem is most people say well, think like a team. Here's some posters that tell us. Send some emails to encourage people, whatever. That doesn't make team performance happen. We just said the word we. And six months later, we had rewired our brains and it felt like a team. People would come down the ship and say oh, it's amazing, it feels like a team. They wouldn't even know why. But it was because we now became one big we. And so this gets me to there's the no they on Santa Fe. Myth number five, which is teams think their way to new action. Any change management that I've seen starts with well, we've got to create a mindset and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's I'm going to think my way to new behavior, which I don't think is the way it works. We behave our way to new thinking. A perfect example is in your lunchroom. Because Google did a study, because they wanted more team interaction. They found out they had all these little small tables in all the lunchrooms. So when people go to lunch, they'd only sit with two or three people at most. You replace them and now you have those long tables. It's because of when you go to lunch, now you can sit with bigger groups of people. We don't give people a lecture. We don't annoy them with a whole bunch of emails. We just put some big tables in. They sit with more people, they get to know more people. It feels like more of a team. So we act our way to new thinking. So at the end of the day, partly because I was curious and not afraid to say I don't know, I learned the ship. I learned it pretty well. My temptation was to go back to be the old know all, tell all leader. Because I was firmly rooted in that behavior. When I got stressed out, I would always default back to that behavior. That was my default wiring. If I hadn't slept well, didn't eat well. My boss yelled at me, so of course, I had to yell at my people. But I'd seen the power of not telling my people what to do. Because I'd seen this explosion in creativity and performance in the team. I saw the excitement in their eyes. So I really resisted it. So now I tried as much as possible to live over here. Even when I knew the answer and they came up to me and said, well what do you want us to do here, I would really resist telling them. Because over here, you focus on ownership. Over here, you focus on the long term. Over here you're focusing on your people and developing them into leaders. And yeah, some days you might need to operate over here. But here's task accomplishment. This is short term. This is where, unfortunately, a lot of leaders live all the time. You should decide where you want to be here. You should decide. It shouldn't be determined just by whether you know the answer or not. Most leaders, if they know the answer, they operate here. If they don't, they operate here. They're down here, right? I can't tell you, because I don't know. Or sometimes they operate here. I don't know, but I'm still going to tell you. Myth number six, leaders know all, tell all. The fact is the right place for a leader to be is to still know your job. I'm not saying the lesson is not don't know your job. That's what it took for me to understand the power of this, though. But to resist giving your team the answer. So one last poll, one last poll. A lot of what I'm talking about is about giving up control. So I want you to think, and again push in a bunch of words. In fact take 30 seconds, talk to your neighbor. And then together, let's put in a bunch of words about what it feels like to give up control. Here's the thing I tell my CEOs that I'm coaching to do. I say, you can go to dinner. Next time you go out to eat, you don't get to order. I want you to just turn to the waiter or the waitress and say, pick my meal. They're all control freaks, so this freaks them out. So I want you to get that in your head and think about that, and set up a bunch of words. See what we've got. Yeah, this is coming out. I love it. Because look what we got. Scary, risk, losing. We're going to lose control. At the same time, I have trust and freedom and other good things. They're all coming up on the screen. These words here, this is how I felt every day as a submarine captain. Every day when I was trusting my team, every day when I was saying you guys get to choose, this is how I felt. I felt for a long time that these were the wrong feelings. That I was doing something wrong, because I felt this way. I was a little bit nervous and scared. I call it the suck air through teeth maneuver. That's your call. See what you guys do with that. But I now think this is actually the way you're supposed to feel every day as a leader. Every day, if you don't feel like you're on the verge of this, then you're playing it too close to the vest. You're too in control. You're too comfortable and you're not building a team. It's just about you. So the final thing here is we talk about oh, trust your gut, trust your instincts. But part of leadership is feeling the way you're programmed as a human to feel. Because you're program to want to be in control and to reduce uncertainty. It's wading into that, leaning into that discomfort and acting contrary to how your gut might take you many times. Because it's not normal to put your life in the hands of some other person. You're not biologically wired to like that. But I think this is the real way. This is why leadership is hard. That's why we have so few really good leaders. Because you have to act contrary to that. So we go back to this. Here's my plug to you guys, OK? You guys are some of the most creative, talented, smart people on the planet, working for an amazing organization. What I worry about when I interact with-- you're young people to me, sorry-- young people, millennials, or coders is like, I don't care about that leadership stuff. Because we've associated a bad word with leadership. Because leadership means telling people what to do. We have so much baggage over leadership. So I don't want to be a leader, I just want to be a coder. I just want to do my job. The world needs you. The world needs you to be leaders, not in the traditional, so I'm going to go out and tell a bunch of people what to do. But in the way of everybody in the organization where I'm going to listen to the diverse opinions, I'm going to encourage someone to say something. I'm going to be part of making it safe to say something that's different than what everybody else thinks. So that's my ask of you guys. Is don't shy away from that. Yeah, you've got to do your job and you've got to do that. But start bringing in this leadership piece. You're all leaders, and we need it. The world needs it, the planet needs it. Problems are too complex, too hard, too sticky, too thorny. If you're not convinced at this point that no group of quote "experts" is gonna solve these problems [INAUDIBLE],, I don't know what's going to. So we need you. The world needs you guys. One other thing, we have a channel. It's on YouTube, of course. It's called "Leadership Nudges" where you can see there's 150 of them now. They're typically 60 to 90 seconds. I just talk about one little thing, one of the things we talked about today. And sometimes weird things, I'm going to show you one. I'm going to tell you how you can enroll in these. But I taped this when I was in [INAUDIBLE] a couple weeks ago. In the hotel bathroom, I saw something that was really interesting to me. So I'm in a bathroom here. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - Today I'm going to talk about mechanisms. Mechanisms are a greay way for influencing human behavior in organizations. The way mechanisms work is the system is designed so that you can't help but comply with the desired behavior. In this case, it's putting the toilet seat down. [INAUDIBLE] It works like this. The toilet seat, when you raise it, covers the button to flush the toilet. So you can't push the button to flush the toilet without putting the seat down. I love it. I'm David Marquet, and that's your Leadership Nudge. [LAUGHTER] [END PLAYBACK] DAVID MARQUET: Yeah, so I had fun with that one obviously. You've got your phones out, you can just text the word Nudge to 44144. You'll get on our Nudge, we'll enroll you in the nudges. You can also send up for them on the website, because I think this texting is a US only thing. So you go to 44144, type the word nudge. We're not even going to ask for your name. All we need is your email, and then you're going to get on the nudge list. But also, you can go back to the YouTube channel and look at some of the old ones. If you want to share some of what we talked about today with your team or anybody else, they're all on that little YouTube channel with little 60, 90 second things. That's it. I'm going to have a short conversation here with Theron. Are you going to come on up? But remember, my ask, I need you guys to be leaders. I need you to think of it. Don't shy away from stepping up and being leaders. [APPLAUSE] THERON TINGSTAD: We just have time here for about one question for the film piece. So I wanted to ask you, you mentioned that the average age on the Santa Fe was 27 years old. The average age on our sales floor here if you average in people like me is about 27 years old. So I skew the average up a little bit. The tech industry on the whole skews younger. Do you feel that there are, you mentioned millennials, do you feel that there are generational differences as far as how the leadership philosophy should be applied. Actually, no. I think just like all these myths there's another myth. One of the myths is millennials are different than everybody else, somehow they're aliens or weird. So I have three kids, they're all in their 20s now. So they're all millennials. So I speak a little millennial. Here's what I think. I think millennials are just like our parents and our grandparents and our great great grandparents in terms of their genetic wiring and what they want as human beings. What I think has changed is that the ability to say this job isn't worth being treated badly has changed. In the United States, when I was growing up, the average new house was 1,500 square feet. The average new house size today is 2,500 square feet. The average family size in household went from 2.5 to 1.5. I grew up in a family of four. I couldn't wait to get out of there. Now it's changed a little bit. So I would have put up with any amount of pain to be gone and be out on my own. Now it's different, because there's not so much pain back home, which I think is awesome. So my deal is the way that millennials are saying, look, I want a job that matters. I want to feel valued. I want to be part of a team. I want some degree of control over when and how I work and what I work on. That's how we should treat everyone. So they're just telling us how we should treat everybody. THERON TINGSTAD: Well, I just wanted to thank Captain Marquet for coming here today. Please feel free to come up and ask him some questions in person here. But as far as the film portion. Again, Captain David Marquet, author of "Turn the Ship Around." Featured by Steven Covey on just an incredible example of leadership in what he's done and what he continues to do with companies around the world. Thank you so much for coming today. DAVID MARQUET: Thanks everyone for coming out. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 119,147
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Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, Turn the Ship Around, L. David Marquet, biography, david marquet, david marquet biography, author interviews, navy stories
Id: IzJL8zX3EVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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