Lightness of Being, Colors of Rainbow - Deepak Chopra & Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

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when do we throw one two three this is Deepak Chopra and it's my great pleasure today to have the esteemed Rinpoche Tenzing with me and we are going to go deeply into the nature of fundamental reality into the nature of the rainbow body into the nature of light beings as you know on my own social media I've been talking about the connection between the light body awareness cosmos enlightenment but now we have an expert today from the great traditions of Tibetan Buddhism but also from the bond tribulation and it is really my honor and privilege and I have to say my gratitude to have Tenzing Rinpoche today as one of the embodiments of the knowledge and also some one of our fellow travelers who's going to take us all the way to light beings and rainbow power is because every object in a way is a rainbow body and everybody being organic inorganic is a rainbow body as well we are all entangled light beings so real pleasure yeah before we even proceed the tradition of the Buddha talks about three levels of existence dharmakaya sambhogakaya nirmanakaya which is by the way common to all traditions you know the Western world theosophy our newest fear biosphere the physical world in Vedanta physical body yes so you know what we call stool cherry sucks much every current rate I'd like you to just give us the basics today of these three domains or existence oh we can continue this conversation and we should start with basics okay thank you so first of all the bhakti and was all very honor to and be with you it's always a pleasure always learn a lot from you so very happy to be here so in Buddhist tradition in the barren tradition we said three kiya basically some book dharmakaya sambhogakaya nirmanakaya so that's the generally understood but what it means in a simple term would be what we often were how I use it I call it space the boundless space and infinite awareness and genuine warmth so I try to characterize in these three different ways so which basically means that that everything is space that is a matter or being everything is space but that space is not just a space is a sacred space when it comes to individuals opening when the individual person discovers the way beyond the boundaries of into individuality and discovers that boundlessness there is a space we were talking about and the one who discovers that space the one who knows that space the awareness which who knows its space or the awareness who knows its own space there is some macaé that is what we often refer as awareness or we call in tibetan Ripa but in the union of that knowing of this boundless space limitless space and knowing that the knower and what is knowing in union of that the every what we call it like every light in quality manifests in that would be like a Buddhist firm every enlightened quality and or we can also say every positive quality manifest or we can also say something lately I've been saying something that your highest qualities you're hired every individuals highest quality will manifest in that union because you are no one you have potential to be anyone so when being no.1 and potential to be anyone you can manifest the best of you it was not no one identity is preventing you to manifest anything you wanted to be in welfare of other sentient beings so that is call like am the manifestation of these two unions so an individual and when people are introduced to these teachings there are very specific methods in which it is introduced and sometime very often it's called like an adoption tradition it's called self introduction so master introduced student to yourself so it's called Muthu in Tibetan we say motor motor means introduction that means self introduction so we are like I am lost I go to my master say please help me to tell me who I am so and basically in this process of a teacher telling student who you are is not talking about your name your race your color your social security number none of those numbers but it is more beyond all those what we usually identify and it needs but experientially it's taught with as pure concentration practice and different stages of concentration practice so that's very beautifully said and very uniquely said that's the first time I heard actually sambhogakaya as the awareness of infinite consciousness or infinite space that's a beautiful way to explain some boga kiya would you agree that these are the three domains that say TR de chardin the French Catholic philosopher he called the first domain the drama gotta try Austria the divine sphere sambhogakaya the equivalent would be the newer sphere of the universe that one that knows and the nirmanakaya would be the biosphere which is this body and inorganic beings as well yeah I think many different traditions have these three-dimensional explanation and and I I think they are very much similar or connected and but I think in a Tibetan tradition there's only very unique emphasis of that is whenever we are describing something that not that there is not individual being is describing these things because anytime we can talk about all these things but whenever they is someone there then you are you fall you fell basically you fell into they're not you're not boundless you are always bounded with but under unconscious bounded so because you're not aware but there is something there and that actually defines when a philosophy and Buddhism when you talk about different tenets system different doctrines they all are define define hierarchy is always defined by that how much you are able to clear that individuality or how much you get still stuck in that individuality it does actually hierarchy always start like this idea in like and it's all saying it's there is nothing very good it's very clear so now let's relate that to the path to enlightenment which is what we're all talking about so you know from your work and all the things I've read the path to enlightenment is taking us from the gross physical body or that which appears as the gross physical body because there's no such thing as a physical domain anyway but it is an experience so what the journey is taking us from the gross physical body into the subtle body and ultimately into the origin of all bodies of all sentient beings and their universe is because each engine being has its own you know we're all entangled in that experience that is the journey and I see behind you all these amazing colors is the most exquisite display of the rainbow universe actually it's the most exquisite display your own demeanor face reflects that as well so when I speak to you I'm not speaking to an individual I think I'm speaking to the entanglement of all these rainbow bodies that we have and I see behind you not only the seven colors of the rainbow but actually infinite shades of these colors these colors reflect of course light and according to what you've told me light is the means through which we experience for lack of a better word everyday reality without light I can't see you on these beautiful Tonka's paintings what is light in your view and because the Western view of light is photons electromagnetic energy even micro photons you know we know that all that we can go into that later but every cell in our body responds to light but also emits light that the light of our body and the light of the universe are again for lack of a better word entangled and in what you call inter beingness and in that is the entire cosmos so many maybe even many cosmoses so please explain the nature of light from your point of view so you know from what I understand from all these our teachings is that the deepest aspect of light is in a way who we are so we are light and when we say we are light of course we are not particularly referring to our physical body but we are referring to the awareness and awareness is I think this is the deepest of what when I refer to light is the awareness and you very often I would say a light of awareness a light of awareness has power to illuminate the darkness of ignorance so the light has a power to illuminate clear something which is clearing the darkness of ignorance which is darkness or ignorance is which is grasping individuality the duality so deep sense of light is that that awareness and then awareness the different layers of awareness there are many many many many different layers of awareness and each of these layers of awareness is it moves together with a prana a different kind of prana so that prana and awareness they actually influence each other if you are in the right state of Parana yeah right state of awareness if you're in a wrong state of prana the wrong state of consciousness a mind and so so deepest place I think is referred to awareness and then within awareness they say is the five pure light in a particularly in like a week very ancient text course on you need you and in this text is about five six hundred pages of volume and really so much elaboration of what this five light is how this five light starts how actually these five lights are originally from where our all physical body is manifested from and these five pure lights are also the basis where all our outer environment is manifested from so these five pure light is in a way source and means in which we progress into this this dimension that wall that we experience you now and then of course in experiences sometimes there is very physical experiences when I for example when I was teenage young and I was for 55 0 50 days in the darkroom so and and basically my mother gave me the food and basically I was in a toilet and at room very small space so in that I did experience so many lights so many visions and in my senses experiencing them and but what I see is I see things that I'm used to see you know I see if I saw a friend of mine who was very close to me but I saw him only only his head for example but in enormous size not a normal size almost to the point is a scary so what we are will be see oh all these experiences outside in a dark room what is actually happening inside but through light like a slight and yeah so let me stop you right there because you know I always tried to relate what you're saying to what we understand through science all the science is very much behind all this knowledge but as we know photons have no color right it is the light of awareness that gives color to photons by themselves four terms are just radiation electromagnetic activity from the Sun and the stars but it's the light of awareness that gives them color you mentioned the five lights which is amazingly elaborate but can you say a few words about this is our first conversation we can go deeply into this little bit because what is totally fascinating to me is the connection between the rainbow bodies the entangled light beings and the flow of prana through different channels the idea of compassion and looking at the world through the eyes of compassion I would love a brief not elaborate brief explanation of the seven lamps which of course you know your territory yeah so we have different numbers of the lamps so sometimes we say six lamps so six men is so basically what is saying is is six five seven whatever what is saying is it doesn't matter what is saying deep inside like in our heart or in your heart in a sense in your essence you are light so we say base light you fundamentally your life you know and then we say through this heart there's channels which connected to the two eyes so we say and there is a light in these channels and in a physical sense these two channel which goes to the light to the eyes there is like these lights traveling through this channel that's the second light and the third light which is reflected which is in the eye which is called youngja judoma in the eye so the eye itself in a way it's a light and then I within eye itself it accommodates that awareness that lamp that light and which is kind of looking at out so when you look it out and what we use where you see in the world or what you world that you created around you is also in a way a reflection of that light which is inside yourself so if you another maybe simple way to say there will be if individual if individuality or the ego does not interfere that natural flog that relied from from the base to the appearances then it will be you will be experiencing world completely pure because nobody is here it's moving is he in I it's appearing outside you just experiencing light everywhere without any decline by your pain identity it's not interfering that so the light is in the four chambers of the heart yeah what we would call the heart chakra which is the most Oracle spiritual heart yeah there's also as in emotional hearts the light of awareness in the heart is physical light it's the light of emotional awareness and it's also the light of consciousness all at the same time in fact the light may be incorporating dharmakaya sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya and as it lifts from here looks at the world through the eyes of compassion it also heals the world but also connects with the infinite light of infinite space yeah the light in the Nadi's the light in the eyes the light in the heart and the right of perception the five senses yes like elevates the entire cosmos it's basically a physical emotional spiritual all sense of the light where it's in the base in it in the movement another way to understand simple where will be in the base in the movement in the door and in the appearance now you know from what I've read every cell in our body emanates light and even infrared you know other parts of the spectrum I don't know but I would like to believe that the body can respond to cosmic rays x-rays ultraviolet infrared infrared it does I know that but the others I haven't found the evidence but what I did find the evidence for which is very interesting that light is coded or the entanglement of light as bio photons is encoded in our DNA which means our DNA is the expression of entangled light I mean this is very significant the light of awareness codes through what we might call the entangled microbiome which is the genetic information of the planet but it's also coded in our DNA and what I just discovered which was amazing actually was there's one type of cell in the body that does not do that and it's the red blocks okay so you can add red cells do not have nucleus do not have DNA and they just carry oxygen but the rest of our genetic information is actually the embodiment of the light of the cosmos and in turn not only does it code but it is entangled it's bi-directional you know what technolon would say we are interbeing x' that entire eyes in the inter is ness that is the light of entangled rainbow bodies yeah that's that's amazing yeah that's really you do like that this more yeah yeah yeah absolutely I think yeah and yeah I mean you I like the way of always you explain that from scientifical point of view which sometimes we we don't have the background and so I don't exactly understand everything but whenever you express that I think I really appreciate that very much in a for many people appreciate but I only do it because people that I speak to like that it's not necessary you don't need science so in the in the in our tradition what is said is first there's only space then in that space they would the first wind moves or the first awareness moves and the first awareness produces experiences of light experiences and then awareness looks at their experiences and itself realizes it sees nothing else is just my manifestation and if liberation is just right there or unfortunately it sees something separate from itself and in that separation actually then beginning of our samsara and then I think what you're saying quoting in in that awareness and maybe at that time when that the moment we are separated and you have different not pure awareness you have a different awareness which is lack of full awareness and that began to cool every information to what what form you will take actually place what kind of lung you're gonna have what kind of kidney you are gonna have for example one cell come out it clearly knows to become a heart not lung didn't would they never do a mistake see oh my god you know I should supposed to be a heart I just became a lung or became a tree lung codes are already there the information so these codes are produced by a wind and awareness together that's what they blew wind and awareness together in today's language we would say they're epigenetic influences on the genetic codes and also there is fundamentally never any separation its differentiation so we think of it as separation because you know the eyes are separate from the heart from the nose from the kidneys from this hair follicles from the brain but they're differentiated aspects of the same entity right so differentiation and separation are two different things there is no separation fundamentally it's only differentiation right yes so last thing before we go because everything you said lends itself to a whole conversation by itself we will come back to these beautiful town cars and these cosmoses these are all cosmoses of awareness in another conversation whenever you're available but last thing yet okay the disintegration of the physical body into space the disintegration of space into light and the disintegration of light into pure infinite Akash a fundamental awareness doesn't happen most of the time because we don't even get there most of the time as we die we are stuck in what you might call a Bardo which might exit the exit plan of the Bardo could be a local whatever or back here recycling what happens a debt both to the unaware what we call ignorant which is not an which is not a denigrating term ignorance means not fully awake that's all right so what happens so so I think in just with the idea of rainbow body so during the moment of the death people who achieve rainbow body what happens to them is their are their body earth water fire air space these are a sequence of elements dissolution elements so some body dissolves so each element dissolves in the process of dissolving each element if the individual person is fully aware in their full essence then not only their sense of identity dissolves but also physical dimension dissolves their body began to dissolve their kidney lung or because they all every part of the body is characterized as five element so when the five elements are dissolving every aspect of the five elements is dissolving not just disorder those dissolving into the light into back to the source so that's what's happening so many people there are many records where many people did not leave any of their body or they have shame down no more sighs they optioning down their body the moment of the death yeah so one simple example a simple example will be like when we when we have emotion for example you know like anger anger it has something to do with the caused by deep fear and deep sense of personal identity some kind of identity you can feel it it can arise is full-blown but at some point if awareness is there it can also completely dissolve and become a pure love but so the solution process is the same day I raise the physical dimension dissolving into the light a strong sense of ego dissolving into the impersonal no personality or strong emotion anger resolving to loves I think process of dissolution is same back into the light whatever it is one two minutes on Bardo okay it's between yeah so the total is literally part of means intermediate state so sometimes we say even right now we are living in a part of moment you're born moment you are getting sick the sickness will lead you to the death you call life time Punto and the moment you get sick to the moment you die it's called near-death Pardo so moment you die do you have these experiences of visionary experiences and then a clear light Pardo and then after you when you have a right relationship to these visions you liberate that's another part of you you have a dualistic relationship to your experiences then you are caught up back again into some solid so these intermediate states and these Bardot's are not locations in space-time their frequency domains of the light of awareness defining because today's physics is talking about multiple universes and multiple worlds but they're thinking of it as physical worlds just like we think of this world as physics when it's a Bardo so this has been very enlightening then you're a great teacher illuminated teacher we're very fortunate to have you in these discussions and we will continue it to explore these various cosmos is rainbow Bart nice and entangled light pinks thank you thank you so much thank you impression and be thinking
Channel: The Chopra Well
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Keywords: tenzin wangyal rinpoche, tenzin wangyal rinpoche meditation, tenzin wangyal rinpoche tsa lung, tenzin wangyal rinpoche tibetan sound healing, tenzin wangyal lawyer, tenzin wangyal rinpoche lucid dreaming, tenzin wangyal rinpoche mantra, tenzin wangyal rinpoche dream, deepak, deepak chopra meditation, deepak chopra, deepak chopra sleep meditation, deepak chopra guided meditation, deepak chopra morning meditation, deepak chopra 7 spiritual laws of success
Id: jPvHX8leyL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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