Dept Festival 2018 🎪 - Speaker - Tulku Lobsang

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[Music] okay yes and first all I want to say thank you very much I have this opportunity to talk with yours but just what I want to say something I never learn English but mostly is a function I hope today also function I never learn English therefore I really don't know something what I'm speaking but there for my English very simple but something you really don't understand you possible or so stormy and yeah then I think today our topic is about happiness isn't it yeah okay maybe I like to say this way mother planet is it just hotel mother planet is not only just hotel and a beautiful hotel we are the guests in this hotel next 100 years maybe look me now I'm 42 years old maybe after 20,000 a means I'm nearly ninety three or four years old after 20,000 a means after 20,000 a I'm check out in this beautiful hotel remember we not stay in this hotel forever don't forget what is most important in your life sometime in this kind of modern world we are so busy we are so much searching something look like we stay in this planet forever but I'm sorry not 20,000 day means the 55 years now I'm a 42 years I'm Steeve 55 years maybe 55 years more than what mean that's therefore my conclusion what I want to say one you check out in this hotel you have a three different way to check out in this beautiful hotel first you check out with happiness second you check out without fear third you check out without any regrets no regrets but they have only one medicine to do that what is this is I tell love or happiness therefore I'm used to tell people love is the best medicine love is more higher than truth love is not religion love is not culture love is not philosophy love is not the science nobody need to learn to how to love nobody need to teach how to love this is our nature love is the only key is the love is the only door to discovering happiness in yourself remember I like to say this life and know have a purpose but you are the purpose of life life no have a purpose but you are the purpose of the life but mostly people we are always looking we look in life is the purpose but life is another purpose you are the purpose life is just a path but you are the goal life is just a question but you are the answer and therefore everybody okay because you all kind of a serious you know I hope I'm not going wrong direction okay yes mm I'm used to tell people I don't have a purpose but I have a plan purpose purpose in the West everybody dying of the purpose what is your purpose what is my purpose what is the purpose of life what is a purpose a purpose purpose everybody lost everybody suffering because of the purpose I always say people I don't have a purpose because me is the purpose I don't need to have a purpose because me is the purpose but I have a plan I know many people have a purpose but nobody have a plan oh maybe I know many people have a purpose outside of their self I give you one example maybe many people call my name is a turkey loaves Oh Oh what you call maybe some people call master master master okay I am NOT a master I'm not a born with the master I just a ball with a simple human being but I built that everything my life around the master master master I'm a master I'm happy because I'm a master I'm happy because of I'm a success I'm happy because of others and that's and this and that's is a good is a good but until you are not the complete happy yourself until you don't feel complete they for my conclusion we are beautiful what's a planet and especially you I'm a Buddhism teacher we believe is so difficult to born in this planet is nearly impossible something impossible make you possible we believe nearly impossible born to human being but something is nearly impossible you make it possible it's nearly impossible born to free country look like you here now but you make a possible is a it's nearly impossible born free family free family family make you free whatever you want but mostly Westerners the born in the free family nearly impossible have a free education mostly westerns have free education and you have the one of the most highest condition now is the time to wake up not time to just a dream I know a dream also make we are happy but we are human being we possible make a dream but we are more than possible what say we possible make a dream but we are more than dream we possible wake up remember ladies gentlemen I hope you understand what I mean wake up what do you mean dreaming dreaming means looking something searching something look like a hungry dog searching locking locking locking locking dream dream you know in the Western world we are dreamers but you're more dreaming you lose more you more dreaming you discover more emptiness more loneliness more senselessness what I mean wake up to discover you are the happiness how to discover you are the happiness how discover you're the happiness and yes how are you possible discover you are the happiness and we are Buddha since we believe we have a to candor one or two kind of a knowledge knowledge with learning and knowledge without learning but the knowledge I'm sure helped to discover you are the happiness but knowledge never directly make you are the happy person example I know how to angry example I know how to jealous example I know how to eagle and this name what the Buddha Zuko knowledge without Lenin nobody I never learn how to angry I never learned how to jealous but I know and this name we call knowledge without learning and this kind of knowledge is not really brink where we really wanted to go is a good maybe maybe but yeah and then we have the knowledge what we learn or what you learn or what I learn we learn so many knowledge ease what we do right what we do this and that's that I'm sure is very good but this still not bring or still does not make to happen you are the happiness they have a one method or one path to discover in you are the happiness this name what we call meditation meditation means just relax relax relax I give you an example okay I give one I want to give one X everybody okay what I'm talk okay thank you yeah but I give you one example you know let's say meditation meditation means relax complete yourself once you relax you discover inner space I know we all look out space correct people who live in the city look like Amsterdam they have so much a complain all this they want to go countryside they look a big space a bigger room or bigger car there everybody look a space a space because there are no space give some freedom and this free don't make their happy everybody look space more space more space more space yes that's is good but this still is conditional space but until you don't find space in you until you are exhausted isn't it sometime so so tired to be happy also some time you know it's tired to be happy I have a reason to be happy I have all conditioned to be happy but I'm so tired to be happy why because we only know conditional happiness we don't know unconditional happiness we only know happiness mean to you need to say you need to do something you need to do something maybe I tell you I'm just happy I think you think I'm a crazy you always need to say why oh I did this because I received this this and that's in the West happiness means you need to do something yes through of the drain also make your happy but this happiness is not stay so long it look like a battery is the finish you need to battery charge again you need to charge again every day you need to charge you forget to charge and then one day empty there for some time many time in the West I don't want many fry from what's a friendís because I need you so much everybody battery is empty then everybody need to charge and they're too complicated therefore my conclusion saying we need to we we I know we like the out space I know we like the out sanction is the great I remember in the Holland mostly you have a bad waiter I always try to come when you have a bad waiter because otherwise nobody come correct then they have some people organized you think we have enough people come then I always say look whether you know long time ago I didn't tell them my secret they always think they think I have some kind of a mystery power to read the future you know then I told somebody not because I have special power but I know your weather is not good and the people come because now just they left their selves but they don't know how to happy theirselves only they are not too happy with the Sun that is a good but the Sun is not always there maybe yes it's it's beautiful out space blue sky and sunshine and then flowers butterflies everything is started dancing beautiful but until you don't have inner space until you don't have intersection what is the inner space inner space you don't need to make you just relax and you close eyes you just relax you try to just experience you know you just relax and go deep and the relax what you really see there you see the space and the space is not just nothingness the space is what we call please and the space you don't need to make you don't need to learn and you don't need to speak English you don't need to become Buddhist and you don't need to come anything you just relax and the space and the nature of the space is the happiness peace and love therefore I think is maybe I recall meditation but I think I know in the West action action everything is action its action is also good its action is a way to what's a dream we dream something we make something but is it disappear is a great but you've also need to learn to be happy without action and this name what we call waking and the action week or dreamers dreamers dreamers dreamers dreamers your dream one night and tomorrow you wake up all doing is gone then you lost then you try to look everywhere and then you try to make another dream and then you wake up again and you lose again therefore a dream is good yes but we need also to wake here is awake means this relaxation I'm sure you possible discovering relaxation through over dance through over Renan or through over yoga through of the lujan or many different forms to way to discovering this relaxation okay therefore I want to say they have a one medicine all problem this is a relaxation when you relax relaxation is a wisdom without learning relaxation is a medicine without a doctor a relaxation is a wealth wealth wealthy person wealth without money please don't misunderstand I don't mean we don't need money I don't mean we don't need a doctor I don't mean we don't need a knowledge yes we needed but relaxation is the wisdom without learning relaxation is medicine without a doctor and the relaxation is wealth wealthy wealth well nobody see but you feel wealth without money that is a problem nobody relaxed because so cheap is cheap not only cheap not only cheap correct not only cheap is a problem because a real accusation is not something you need to do you don't need to do but sometimes people say me ok is the real accusation is very important yes I say very important then they start to go to relax they start to go to relax first they look like this here they are not relaxed now I say relax then they try to go relax this way I'm a relaxing isn't you think it's good well I think relaxation is not really good me look me I have a problem you see you don't know how I mean we don't know how to relax relax means you need to relax without make relaxed I give you an example how look like just give an example you need to relax without make relaxed you go top of the one of the most highest mountain I'm sorry to say that I think Holland we don't have a higher mountains maybe that's is not so good a example maybe maybe you go top of the highest building or whatever you know you go top of the hires let's say Mountain and they no have any cloud just complete blue sky and you open armed look at this infinite space just look in this infinite space what you feel what you feel you feel peace and you feel joy not to because of your master not - because of your this not because of your there's not - because of because because just yourself therefore my conclusion mother planet is it just a beautiful hotel I know maybe many people you don't believe in X life I Creed you don't believe more next life I don't think many people maybe my joke you don't understand I'm sorry maybe many people don't you don't believe what say next life correct I'm a Buddhist and I believe in next life therefore we are more relaxed than you I'm sorry but that is okay yeah this is your last chance you know this your last life and the last chance you need to everything correct and westerns who interesting I'm just joking westerns who interesting how many stones are in the ocean how many different of rocks are have an Amazon jungle okay 3000 different of our frog is good you know but this is okay you don't know also okay correct therefore I always say my friend please don't ask anything in the West you ask then go to search them you say you say you think huh I start thinking one Western friend to say you think how many stone have in ocean they start thinking maybe they are going to jump in the ocean they start account what I want to say in here and just a joking if you don't believe in next life this is your last chance to be in this beautiful earth we call life life life life life life everybody life is so famous morning even in morning even in always life life life life life but what means life 20,000 day 20000 M in the 55 years after 55 years I'm sure I'm a dead person mostly maybe you're also dead person life life is kind of more illusion better you say my 20,000 a then you have more reason to be happy life is short but is a beautiful if I'm used to make a joke people we have a 20,000 a let's say me have a 20,000 a and the 10,000 they are sleep is that is the purpose of life is that's everything and then 8,000 a and now I have 10,000 mo 8,000 a I go to walk job between things and now over 2,000 they left I'm still looking this purpose of life sense of life and maybe 1000 a I'm not happy or leader problem then only have 1000 left in this thousand day maybe mr. death the call in the my room number correct he speak very well Tibetan he don't need a translator therefore my conclusion you are the happy I always say people you are the happiness I give you a small small tips maybe maybe I give you a small tip tip tip if you want to be happy you don't need to anything just sit somewhere and the relax and the keep straight you spine and you just sit and the deep breathing in out twenty one time and everything go to change yes I know you're thinking thinking what I do what it is what right what wrong is a great but you just go to makes more relaxation everything go to change therefore don't forget that relaxation relaxation is a not religion relaxation is not culture relaxation is a not philosophy relaxation is not science relaxation is nature is the most natural medicine ever have I hope you don't understand the relaxation and the laziness you know correct laziness and the relaxation is quite linear and we used to say relaxation and the laziness is the same family what you call same mother but a different father correct therefore many people say oh I'm relaxing you know but maybe you're not relaxing you're just practicing laziness you know relaxation is a relaxation is it really really really really you don't need to do you don't need to do you don't need to do you don't do anything this is become relaxation but laziness you need to do you really need to do you really need to do therefore very difficult then I won't say one last sentence maybe the centers I'm always used to tell people who ever want to who ever want to unhappy unhappy unhappy okay I think you all want to be happy correct but still who ever want to unhappy who ever want a problem who ever want not to happy they have a one I have a small method you understand what I won't say who ever want to not to happy I have a small method in this method please please you don't forget it is you don't want happy please please don't forget that you change others changing others is the only main reason why we are human beings not so happy sometime cows is more happy than human being because they don't know how to change others you know we are a human being but sometimes it seems cows more happy than human being because they don't know how to change others changing others is the problem but does not mean you don't help others yes we help others but we not to change others therefore changing others is unhappiness changing yourself is a freedom changing yourself is happiness changing yourself is medicine changing yourself everything one change all change you change everything become change without change anybody but changing others saw the for God but we try changing yourself I know you don't want it but the possible therefore I want to say you don't want to be happy please don't forget to change others don't forget that is you really want to be happy and change yourself change yourself is enough nothing you need more changing yourself is everything that's is the speciality of the human being why we are human being so special because we possible change ourself why our human be so terrible because we possible change others or we try to change other sorry why we are more terrible than animal sometime sometime animals is more better than we are human beings because we try to change others name over cultures or name of a politic politician or name over religion whatever to change in others always disaster or you try to change your family you try to change your husband you try to change your wife whatever changing others make we're ugly and we're dirty and we are weak but changing yourself is your wisdom your power my last words truth is not so important love is more important love is more higher than truth we never possible have one truth truth is never cover everything therefore I want to say in the Buddhism philosophy truth is not important love is more important this make we're human be more special but do you think love is not so important truth is more important we have a tribal therefore don't lock tooth lock love that says I think I'm finished and the thank you very very much and the way when you of my speak when I'm speak they have some mistake or something wrong please please compassion me okay I think then I'm finished here thank you thank you
Channel: Dept
Views: 9,629
Rating: 4.9627905 out of 5
Keywords: Dept Festival, Dept, Digital Agency, Digital, Thuishaven, Dept Talks, Talks, Amsterdam, Happiness, Buddhist, Tulku Losbang, dept, digital agency, dept agency, Tibetan Buddhist, Tibetan Buddhist Tulku Lobsang, Buddhist Tulku Lobsang, Tibetan Buddhist Lobsang, Buddhist Lobsang, buddhist happiness, buddhist master, buddhist lama, Lama Tulku Lobsang
Id: W-Eat1pFVxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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