What is the Tummo-Bliss Practice?

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[Music] uh first i'd like to tell you all tibetan happy new year is today is already into bed a few hours ago already there start to make our tibetan new year but here not yet and you know the next few months we have this the mobilis practice and uh but uh they have a few questions coming and then it's uh it's little too too too many and then too much repeat and therefore very just few days i don't know one day two days ago we decided to make little online talk maybe this helpful to make uh to to to clear some people and yeah first all is [Music] important parts we call the mo fire the more bliss and the more non-conceptional state of mind i think non-conceptional the more fire the more beliefs and the more non-conceptional state practice or non-conception of state of mind practice in this three is a connected directly three element you know fire is the connect fire element the mobleys connect water element the more non-conceptional state of mind is connected with the element first of all we all have this five element you know the space and the i mean the the first element space element the last element what you call earth element correct but this two element what we call neutral element or we call silence element or i think better i say neutral element they're not help they're not humming it's just they're not helping they're not humming in very very neutral element but you know most the subtle element space element and the most gross element the earth element and the between of this two element we have this three element what you call oh fire element i mean generally you say wind element fire element and what same water element and this three element what we call uh active element or the element who element who give life yeah and there's three elements and this three element is connected is a three part of tomorrow therefore let's say tamu is very very big thing you know luckily in this time [Music] many times i try to teach the more sometimes what say nobody have time i mean in the western world not everybody have time you know time is the most difficult thing and then many other things but therefore traditionally they teach one the more teaching make maybe they just teach everything you know begin to end everything they're teaching but that's means they might need much time and however last time last last year last year in the sixth month we teach uh what's it thermo fire yeah thermo fire and also i'm focused last time tumor fire is a really very what's i focus is a practice and just very what say focus practice and to make simple and to you know is it's not make so much complicated you know i possibly make very complicated you know it's just you know and i'm sure you know in the tibetan buddhism it's just we have so many things talk never got to finish there's never a problem you know but we need something simple and too easy everybody possible to do something and therefore last time also i just give um what's a maximum or maximum explanations and i also don't give you so many crazy or long practice or many endless information [Music] usually traditional way of learning is just endless information the endless information mostly people never arrive in the practice place they're already just down really endless information and endless information just you know just to you know this book this book this master is we just make it's a good it's good people who have time who are professionals but we all don't have this condition but i don't think to just to practice we need such conditions you know to oh we don't need all of this knowledge let's say this way therefore last time we kind of make a complete uh very simple way and the complete thermal fire is we make finish you know yeah and but after tomorrow fire usually optimal fire become the mobleys [Music] after the mobilize become what say the more non-conceptional state of mind therefore the more fire the more bliss usually we said more fire and the more bliss we are very much talking let's say body you know with the more one minute i need to therefore last time we talked this what say thermo fire we talk and we have a practice or so and and next teaching i we do the mobleys but first we need the uh first somehow we need to have the more fire and then we go to mobleys and then we go the more non-conceptional state of mind this the more non-conceptional state of mind is means the [Music] the more non-conceptional state of mind means the the one of the deepest what say a deepest calmness or deepest stillness you ever experience in your mind the the deepest stillness or deepest calmness or deepest maybe you call shamanta you exp you experience example with doing the practice practice of the non-conceptional state of the mall yeah this non-conceptional state of tomo is means mind without emotion mind without thought just perception of mind perception yeah perception of mind perception of mind moment what rehab mind is conception of mind yeah it's perception of mind we need this perception of mind but to have this uh uh non-conceptional state of tomorrow and we need to have a blister more to have blister more we need to have inner inner fire tomorrow yeah however therefore the more have three important paths in the fire the more and the bliss the more non-conceptional state of the mall [Music] um [Music] the question i think mostly people have a question what is the inner fire demo okay i think what is inner fire the mo maybe i say this way the um in let's say tantric buddhism and the sutrayana buddhism we have the sutrayana buddhism tantriana buddhism sutrayana buddhism their use mind they would say their use is a mind is the mean vehicle you know their use mind is mean vehicle yes they use body and mind both to vehicle to discovering our true nature but mainly their use what say mind is mean vehicle therefore they don't use so much body and tantra buddhism yes they use mind and the body both is a vehicle but especially they use body is the what a main vehicle to discovering or our true nature or i say body is we use a vehicle of the discovered union of a body and mind we say lucia means union of what's body and mind [Music] yes um our body and the mind very interesting at the moment our body and the mind is our body and mind have a three moments let's say let's say three moments you know let's say normal person look like me or look like i don't know who is our body and mind is kind of not really their friend each other they are not really friend they are not maybe i don't say they are not really helping each other they are only using each other okay example what really mean that is in the night our body uh what's in night our body have more power it's traditionally i hope so but now and then the day is a mind have more power therefore you know a day is a mind take over our life we all need to follow we all need to serve or we all need i don't know to follow or serve to our mind but the night is the body take over body have power and that's how we sleep you know one body you know night is a body take full power and the mind body take full power you know and somehow you don't hear your mind hopefully you have good sleep you know and the daytime is a mind have so much power nearly you don't hear you maybe you don't remember you have a body you know therefore many people forget to eat also isn't it you know and you see they're using each other they're really using each other but they're not helping each other that's is no more people look like you and you and me but the yogis and the yoginis those practitioners they're not there with their practice with their inner fire practice they are not only just let not only their with their practice they make and what say help each other body help mind mind help body and that's what you call your yogis and yoginins you know but once you know once we enlightened you know concept of enlightenment means and the body and the mind is become complete union unity oneness no separate body and mind is no separate you need unity and oneness once body and mind completely become union or unity this name what we call liberation freedom and awakening but remember is this moment we have many many kind of uh what's uh yeah we i mean in this moment under our body and the mind they're only using each other this look like a battery you know and you're using and you don't make recharge it's one day slowly go to finish you know [Music] okay and therefore it's uh and that's why in the in in our body experience bliss our mind experience happiness let's say this way mind experience happiness okay and the body experience bliss [Music] and the body experience more pain and the mind more experience i would say suffering and the body is more bodies conceptual bodies have this conception of consciousness or conception of consciousness or conception of mind and let's say consciousness and the body have a perception of consciousness you know or perception of mind you see that means our body is look like a child child have more perception of mind you know means a child more in the body less in the mind and that's interesting time you know in the when we are become at all as we are more in the mind and less in the body and also example in the west west or modern world i i think in the east we are more in the body we are less in the mind maybe we are not so intelligent you know possible you know we are more in the body really you know is we are less in the mind you know and there is interesting you know i think anyway especially i think people the the this i generally i say maybe i'm wrong in the west is maybe less in the body the in more in mind and also i think you in the west let's say in europe in the south and north i think in the south there is more in the body less in their mind you know in the north is cold cold you know body is not so interesting you know your body is not so interesting you know you know it's then you're more what's a more in your mind this is surviving you know unless you know yeah yeah that's uh that's also you know is the is also weather and the culture also make different you know but body is a is look like a child you know very much look like child is is not have a strong personality [Music] in our mind this look like very adult a very adult person have very very strong personality you know very very strong personality therefore use or train use or to train in mind or using mind is not easy but the training your body and to use your body is more easier than your mind generally [Music] that's somehow we know you know his mind is very very complicated you know it's just uh you know it's let's say i train in something my body you know do something in my body maybe after one month i have some result you know it's not also not to go bad immediately you know it's fast result but it's not to go you know it's faster result but it's not go bad it's very fast but in my mind it's quite difficult during training but this i'm training training but this one is going to change the wrong side is very very fast you know and sometimes it's not so motivated therefore to train in mind you need so intel you need so much need intelligence you need so much need energy it's you need so much need to talk it's just you're tiring you know especially in the modern world we all of our energies spend our jobs our families i don't know it's just our youtubes i'm just joking i hear youtube is only look man not so much woman yeah this is man think i don't know why we i think we like to look we don't like so much lesson i think you know okay you know yeah you see this way therefore um and that's means now in sutrayana buddhism when we train what say when we train in our mind we try to first have a calm mind once we have a calm mind once we have you know until sutra now sutrayana buddhism we first try to we have this calm mind let's say calm mind okay once you have a full combined and your mind is become functional your mind you possibly use how you want it you once your mind become functional your body also go functional that is the law and tantriana buddhism we first try to have what see how try to have a bliss body bliss body i see a bliss body once your body you have once you have a bliss body your body is become functional once your body is become functional and then you mind automatically become functional when your body change that is the concept of tantra when you change your body when you change body and you speech and your mind go to change when you change your mind we believe you change your speech and your body one of these you change others go to change you don't need to make two three steps but which one is more easy let's say you know body is more easy to training or mind is more easy to trend in huh is your training uh yeah therefore and uh training body is more easy therefore now the i already be foretold um what same thing is the is the easy to be easy to feel easy to find the please or easy to be happy you know yeah happy or pleased let's say uh already told do to be happy usually happiness is very human things a human being yeah it's not so much animals i'm i'm sure animals have some happiness but this is really not animal thing happiness our human being human thinks because to be happy always we need a reason reason reason reason reason reason you know i have nobody have i did it nobody did it yeah i'm win everybody lose therefore therefore therefore you know cows not possible say therefore because therefore because you know they know how because because it's our woman you know therefore it's the uh what i want to say here happiness is really human thing and yes it's a very human thing and and and sometimes difficult to in this 21 century sometimes we we have difficult to find the reason to be happy you know what is the reason to you'll be happy and that's why people always ask in the question what is the purpose of my life because you know everybody asking purpose of my life why cow never asked what is the purpose of life i don't think any animals ask and say what is the purpose of my life you know purpose you know because purpose is i think a really big reason to be happy is once you find that the purpose of to be how once you find the purpose of life you have a complete reason to be happy you know purpose of the day and the purpose of month and purpose of the year and the purpose of life you know yeah why we need a purpose because we want to good good reason very very very good reason you know i mean you have quite a success life everything you have job you have family you have children you have one daughter one boy and one car car to one car okay cat a dog everything you know is you have all this thing complete you know complete package you have and then you know maybe dogs know enough reason to be happy family is not enough to be happy because everybody have family you know everybody have dog in there you know it's you have one house that's not enough you have job and not enough now you need big reason what is biggest reason you start to ask the what is the purpose of life really really look people searching to reason to be happy and that is the most what's it 21 century question question of the modern world what is the purpose of life you know in the east nobody asked what is purpose of life you know generally i say you know you go in tibet nobody say what is the purpose of life maybe there's what we got to eat tomorrow you know no nobody worry in the purpose you know then what what i say oh purpose of life to go to help others oh yeah that's his i don't know what i say you know i'm just joking but you know you see purpose means i need to give you a good good good good reason it's a reason is something you know it's really good good reason once you find this good reason and you go to be happy correct [Music] however and that's all also reason i talking many times people you know is many people going top of mountain ervers or mountain or mountain areas to go into top of mountain airways mostly western people who go in there you know most of intelligent people scientific people doctors whatever i don't know this all this uh the ceos or whatever you know or maybe not everybody intelligent people let's say you know i don't know why they're going there you know they yeah it's their yeah it's going top of mountain areas is is not because of bliss because of happiness and happiness very expensive complicated and also sometimes people go to to hunting hunting africa they go to hunting in africa to kill lions or elephants you know give a hundred thousand euro to kill one elephant yeah they organize yeah they're organized this is kind of funny but that's how that's this is the how we make happy yeah 21 century educated century very very enlightened century and still some of people need to reason to be happy they need to do something nobody did it they need to make something special special special ah i still you know and you stay in europe you never possible kill elephant clear they know how elephant better you go africa and to give pay somebody they're organized they grow an elephant oh i'm sorry they raise elephant and they organize and then they say elephant please you sit in the somewhere and i bring this man man mostly man and you bring man you know and then you kill you feel emotion you feel very very proud you you so so feel good you never forget that you make one picture you put this in the behind your wall and you explain everybody yeah please don't misunder i'm not against them but it's just that that's i give example you know you see we don't know how to make happy we don't know we don't offend it we we we we're running out of the what's the reason we don't know we don't we don't find the reason to be happy therefore we need to go top of mount university therefore we need to go africa to kill elephant therefore we go need to go to norway norway norway to catch fish 10 000 euro 10 000 euro you stand the whole day in the river i know some of people who have much money and they organize you they give you the gloves so oh you stay and then you hold it yesterday you catch one fish then you carry you say 10 kilogram 20 kilogram history you know that's easter you know what you call higher society intelligence society success society you know maybe turkey loves i'm maybe worried i i'm worried to i may be maybe not correct or it's next month uh i what's next month i give pay in the what's say i know enough you pay in my what say my my flat you know therefore i have a reason each month to be happy you know maybe one month a few months i'm easy to give pay maybe one month i have a little challenge and therefore i have a reason to be happy you know you know my what's in my my flat is a reason to be happy because always i'm no possible give pay you know sometime i have a challenge you know this challenge is always make me good you know okay but one all this challenge gone and you need to create another kind of a challenge or another kind of reason to be happy draculosan see you asking turquoise why are you happy you know this month i have a little extra money oh wow very good you know or maybe government give me they take too much of my tax they give me 2 000 euro extra end of year i'm so happy such things you know 2 000 euro make me a few months so happy you know but i you know just i'm just joking that therefore it's true it's not only joking it's true yeah okay and now [Music] that's i just talking a little happiness but but now what we talk the this what is talking in the inner fire please [Music] is we all experience just what say no more bliss you know i mean i put chocolate in my mouth i feel i feel bliss yeah i eat chocolate that is a bliss or so you know example i'm listening nice music that's also make me feel good i experience some kind of bliss you know but to feel bliss we need only small condition you know we don't need a big big condition a small condition but um that's way i say we have a two kind of love or we have two kind of love love of body and the love of mind love of mind i call it happiness and the love of the yeah the the the essence of love of mind is the happiness and the essence of love of body is bliss therefore tantric buddhism we we teach love of mind it's very very important we have love of mind without love of mind generally we never allow to practice love of body because love of body is very very powerful very powerful you know body is very powerful therefore you know it's clear tantric buddhism generally is traditionally with to make you practice kindness compassion bodhichitta that means you have a love of mind you your mind is open let's say your mind fully open love means love of mind means you open your mind open maximum open you really really open kindness compassion bodhichitta means you're just open until space yeah yeah then somehow undestructable happiness you have let's say this way yeah it's not fully correct but you know you have a very very cla yeah strong happiness but in the bliss to bliss means we need to open our body correct open body yeah love of body means open body when we open our body we experience bliss when we close our body we experience pain when we open our mind we experience happiness when we close our mind we experience maybe suffering you know suffering suffering therefore happiness and suffering is a human human being human things animals they have suffering but not much look like us they're there they have happiness but not look like us but animal have a bliss yeah they have a pen they have a pen they have a bliss you know this is clear it's look like us therefore when we to once we want once we want the bliss body means we need to open the body once we need open body means first we need open this um what say uh to let's shortcut first to open our body uh we need this inner fire i make shortcut we need the fire it's we need let's say is our body is a close means close means you know tensions and the blocks in our in our body have a tension or blocks release the tensions and the blocks and the pains we need the fire the fire is really inner fire this inner fire once this inner fire is once we discover in the fire and i say you open your body you open your body means no tension in body and no blocks in the body no tension no block means no have a pain no pain if you don't your body don't have really pain is amazing isn't it i i experienced one time i take a painkiller painkiller painkiller i have one term fever fever i think then somebody gave me medicine i took something i think they have some painkiller it's so nice it's so nice i really i feel look like i don't have a body you know a few hour because i need to go to some teaching and then i need to feed it well this time then i just decided to take some medicine you know let's say okay and temporarily is really oh wow you know i just oh wow it's amazing you know i don't have just the i don't have a pain body but when i took painkiller i don't feel any my body you know and then you feel this kind of liberate you know this kind of liberate but clear this is illusion you know but that's not true you know however therefore you need this inner what's it you need this inner fire correct in this inner fire usually this inner fire we have this rough fire and the soft fire no a rough fire calm fire then we call we call stable fire it's rough fire means the fire is going down to up and the soft fire means fire going up to down and the stable fire means the fire you experience in fire without direction however without the direction it means a soft warmness you experience in this this the soft warmness and to what say your body fully open the fully open fully open is you know fully open no tension no block fully open and then you start to experience what same bliss body however in i think i think one time i say somewhere maybe i make shortcut i'm hopefully i'm not talk too long our body is look like what say i talk this many times our bodies look like um in the earth our brain is look like ocean our seven our chakras is look like legs our 72 000 channels is look like rival we have a 28 maybe billions of poles is locally stream water ocean lakes um river and the stream water means our body is just a water body but is a freeze moment is a freeze is the only they have a few moments to melt in this ice body when we're laughing example we have a few natural moments you know they have a few natural gifts one to melt in this ice body ice body means pain body when we are laughing into melting ice body and the ice body melting or turns from water body we call bliss body is you know when we're laughing is ice body melting in the water few dope is not complete therefore it's important laughing tantra buddhism is more important laughing than chanting mantra but this people don't like that is a problem that's why tantra technics need the secret you know i say laughing i don't think anybody believes the spiritual practice correct i say hello chanting mantra [Music] and everybody interest oh that's something holy only he give me nobody know this mantra a special mantra he said nobody know only he give me he make the mantra design nobody know who you know we like because of mind isn't it we always need to make this kind of a special special special special mantra special you know because we like so special things laughing is not special you know really really the thing is laughing is more mantra better than mantra than is the laughing laughing is really mantra okay you see doing the laughing it's our ice body melting or turns from water and then we we reduce our tensions you know isn't it when we're when we're tired or something not is we just laughing few times everything life is more easier it's more functional your mind and body and life and the relation all go more functional than you know laughing is very yeah but in this modern world or in this kind of human world we sometime against the nature isn't it yeah okay laughing is a natural healing dream the laughing melting ice body you experience a glimpse moment of bliss body are you remember you are really really really laughing difficult you know i remember when i'm in the monastery i have really really laughing because all my friends is we are equal equal we are equal nobody have a lose more than me we are equal monk you know it's very nice but now here i'm not equal therefore everybody looking me something therefore you know it's then you need to protect yourself oh i'm laughing he make me picture me oh what he think what he say you know and all this thing you know i don't have this kind of friend so much now you know i don't mind it anyway but you know in the back in monastery maybe when you go to school university or something you know similar you know nobody important now nobody now you are important i'm important everybody important you know we all control so much ourselves we're not really really possible laughing yeah that's also i like sometimes to travel somewhere nobody know me you know it's very nice you know nobody know me you know it's because then you possible to be in more in the body than in the mind you know i like sometimes be just a body you know it's i mean body means body is more natural than mind you know you know body is always be child until you die you mind who growing you know who learn things you know therefore sometimes you know look like me or like i mean we all you know strong people who people call i'm a strong person intelligent person responsible person i never cry i never lie i'm always this da da da you know but sometimes you want to be the leader in the nature you know maybe you go to somewhere is nobody that's also why i think many westerns i'm sorry to say many westerns you like to go in nature so much you know in our easters we don't like to go nature so much anyway we only like to be with people you know you like to be more with the trees than to be people you know in asia we really like people we are crazy of the people anyway we we are lucky because we have most people you know i think this is something you know we don't like people it's a big problem india china you know all put together i think nearly half of population your world you know you don't like people it's a big problem yeah yeah because in in asia we i mean asia yeah we why we like people because in the sometimes we have the what you call maybe you call we are not so educated but in the people we are what you call you can't possibly believe in nature maybe not fully fully but you possibly belittle nature you know you just believe in nature as possible in asia more acceptance you know in the west we are all needed leader educated you know maybe uh yeah asia i don't mean all asia let's say tibet or india maybe china also some but i don't know let's just say it this way i i forget that the my subject when i want to talk i'm too much happy oh yeah yeah you see laughing you know it's laughing you know every you know it's a in example in aegis you know our mans and boys we hold hand each other we hands put neck each other we sleep together we talk in ha hu ha everything is just so amazing but in the west we know possible do that i don't know why it's not a functioning i'm also not comfortable i my hand to put in the neck of another man to hold their hand holding i don't know yeah you know it's not a functioning you know in asia in tibet tibet or india is also you see very very normal look like girls we're going each other you know you know the release tensions you know my conclusion is laughing therefore we like to joke we like to call call each other nicknames i don't mean this is a good thing you know but it's more relaxed okay my conclusion then you see and then also we have this uh what you call love in the laughing and the one thing and the sleep sleep is also natural gift through oversleep we are also the melting our ice body to water body or through oversleep we also ice body to transform water body therefore sleep is again is a natural gift tantric buddhism is very important sleep therefore we have sleep yoga also correct nobody has sleep yoga i think indians also india have many yoga but they don't have sleep yoga i don't think so only tibetans i'm just joking in the west also you have all kind of yoga but maybe you forget sleep yoga you have yoga of the all tea yogas i don't know toilet yogas shower yogas everything but sleep yoga forget you know i it's during the sleep yeah i don't talk what is happening in the body today in here but during the sleep also is your body eyes melting means during the sleep your tensions go correct eyes body means i hope you don't think really really eyes you know it's eyes but it means he attention and block you know when you're laughing really really good laughing honest authentic laughing you know not to just political laughing you know not only spiritual laughing not spiritual life and not politic laughing not business laughing you know is in there you go in aeroplanes aeroplanes what you call who serve the b trains they're all smiling i don't think they always just you know it's good it's anyways good exercise but it's maybe not comfy in you know yes and then also we have another natural power number one is a laughing number two what is asleep a number third is a sex and number four is a death you know yeah and sex is also what's natural power yes but is very complicated power i think very very complicated power is very very powerful i think we need to take this very very serious i think i don't know but yes it's very powerful and yeah and then what say or so yeah that the because the the the the what's a through of a sex also where eyes body is melting yeah turns more water and and then we feel some level of a bliss body and that's why we also interest in sex i think and then we have death you know during the death yes is all tensions gone yeah and when all blocks gone you know you or anywhere your body got to leave and that is the what's a full nature power and tantric buddhism we use all these four metho all these four natural gifts or nature and we use is a vehicle however i mean that is a natural thing you know but that is a not just enough i think is good but there's not enough and therefore you need uh what to say you need to practice inner fire you need to practice in the fire and to melt in this ice body and transform water body therefore when we practice the bleach when we practice bliss we are practicing what you call the the to melting water water to transform eyes body to tongues from water body once we experience a water body and we call bliss body once we have a bliss body our body is full functional once your body is full functional and your mind also automatically become full functional and this name we call liberation and the freedom or awakening whatever therefore we have this three kind of obliques usually we have male bliss going bliss up to down in our body now we talk bliss means we talk body okay we talk body however usually we talk a body is little not so interesting you know body i look like a child you know therefore [Laughter] it's not so holy let's say we are talking in the body is not so holy it's not so educated let's say you know yeah but his body but anyway uh when we experience bliss is we bliss in the body exp bliss we call male bliss male bliss female bliss male and the female union please the male bliss means bliss up to down bliss what we experience up to down and the skin name we call male bliss bliss we experience down to up the swimming core female bliss and the bliss we experience without direction yeah without direction no without up and down and this name we call male and union bliss and this bliss we needed we have a stronger bliss we have a stronger bliss we have less thought and less emotions and then we have more calm mind and more clear mind you know and that's name we call meditate without meditation you know therefore in the next uh let's say a few months we are teaching in the tomo bliss practice the question is the is this some people ask is this is a continuation is this is absolute continuation you know i didn't talk this very strongly this continuation you know people because many people don't have so much time lost the time i say whoever practiced them already perfect is that's too already perfect but then you say hey they're now second time there you know it's just quite long but anyway it's online maybe more easier than life teaching you know however this is continue we did the inner fire and then we go to now in [Music] then i hope end of next end of this year or somewhere i have chance to do the non-conception of state then is really complete then it's really complete it's complete it's no more it's no more than you just goodbye thank you very much then that's it i'm just okay yeah but you know but yes and therefore is the continuation of what we teach last year but maybe some of people you not joined last year maybe you want to join now here and that's how function is is no problem because in in this term any way we bring is any way we to teach in this some part of inner fire practice automatically we need it but you have the complete one what we have last year is much better is good but without the the complete one and you still join without last teaching you just join this bliss still complete fine because you also receive some part of inner fire anyway yeah that's no problem i think yeah and i hope there are four questions but i hope i give answers what is the moblies and his connection of inner fire and the mobleys i think i make a little connection and what um i make this connection then yeah and then yes is this is continuation yes this is continuation yes you are you're not joined last year but still you possibly joined in the the mobleys yes very much possible it's very very much possible yeah it's the more have a three part the more fire the more bliss the more non-conceptional state the more bliss the more fire connect fire element the more we work with fire element and the more bliss we walk with water element and the more non-conceptional state we work with what say wind element that's also look this sign exactly look like this you know yeah red we walk red we walk with the fire already white now bliss coming this nada is the wind you know non-conceptional state mind you know three channels we call three channels this is same thing um and i think one minute is i forget anything um not i really i don't think so maybe it's just my last thing and anyway i just say thank you very much but i i talking many time you know it's the in yogis or tantric tradition we call three limitations you know three limitations we call limitation of appearing a limitation of the body and limitation of mind yes you know in the deep deep down you know we want to be unlimited really nobody need to teach but somehow consciously unconsciously we want to be unlimited but our mind make where limitation our body make we are limitation our life make we are limitation you know somebody more or somebody less until we have this life no matter how good life you have you have limitation you know and we try to have a really big life isn't it big life big big life big life i don't know you know big's life means i try to be famous person look like michael jackson but michael jackson life have more limitation than me i'm sure you remember i'm i'm i'm very much likey or lovely amazing but i'm sorry many times you know i mean you know it's one side he's so success so amazing we respect but other side he'll lose everything you know lose everything yeah looks like maybe i'm wrong i hope not you know it's so limited you know you know possible go to buy your own bread what you do yeah people who have a big life we all want a big life you know oh people who have very very respect life respect life respect life you know everybody respect you you also know possible to buy your bread oh you're a most powerful man and a woman in this earth look like president of the united states or anybody yeah yeah it's not you also no possible go to to to buy your own bread you know possible go to look in the movies maybe you know it's just everything so limited you know therefore i always say i prefer to be dog in the street than lion in the cage accept it i'd be dog in the street but i hope still i found to do something eat you know i don't find anything i'm a dog in the street but i don't find anything to eat i prefer to be lion in the cage at least i have food correct sometimes we're saying oh i have so much i have so much money i have so much power everybody like me everybody love me and then you can do you you know you feel you have unlimited life but that's not true you know is it limited limited tricolor now i possibly go anywhere how i want it you know because i'm not so famous anyway [Music] mm-hmm you know you know it's it's a few people know me but it's okay you know anyway i don't do crazy things i think or maybe later you know okay you know you see life is you know limitation isn't isn't it you know but mostly people say yes but i have money i possibly buy everything you know but the buying everything is yes but that's not um that's not what you wanted i think you want the space you know expand yourself you know and same thing maybe you have a big life or whatever but sometimes your body make a limitation correct i wanted to wake up all night to talk with my friend whole night i like i really like i love you i want to talk all night with me but the body not permitted no no possible you know i like i know i like to i don't know i like to look movie whole day or whole week one important movie or but my body is not permitted you know after some moment you know it's not possible i i don't like to go toilet but probably not to permit it you know they're all limitations you know and the same thing with the mind but the deep in our nature is unlimited that's all what we're searching yes and that's what i want to say through over the mobley's practice yes that we try to experience what say we we to open our body and mind and then you know we go beyond this mind and beyond this body means uh beyond the pain body you know uh beyond this conception of mind you know and then we experience unlimited body unlimited mind you know something look like this short explanation i hope uh this make little clear uh to what's a of some of people questions and thank you very very much again and yes now i kind of my english going every day is more bad and more bad you know sometimes i'm less in my own teachings i start to thinking you know what i'm talking you know really i when i'm talking myself you know i don't realize my english how how not sometimes really crazy my english because i'm focused what i'm talking you know but sometimes i lessen myself i say wow why i say this not you know that's not correct how i know but anyway somehow function i'm lucky still some people coming [Laughter] i'm just okay okay thank you very much everybody and yeah thank you you
Channel: Tulku Lobsang
Views: 4,925
Rating: 4.9242425 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 12sec (3852 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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