How to Make a FREE Magazine & Newspaper Portal Blog Website with WordPress – NewsCard Theme 2020

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hello friends i am nishik and today in this video i'll teach you how to create an amazing beautiful and professional newspaper and magazine type of website or blog for absolutely free that's right guys we'll be creating this website using only free resources like using a free theme free plugins and even free page builder now before you proceed further let me show you the exact same website that you will be creating in this video if you follow my step-by-step tutorial so as you can see this looks amazing this looks stunning all the features are present over here you know we'll see how to add how to integrate google adsense with this website how to use these different widgets and blocks to make your website look unique and professional now let's start with the home page first of all if you see this is how your homepage will look like at top we have the top bar at the left hand side you will see the date obviously instead of this date you can add something else at the right hand side we have some links given over here so i have given my website link my youtube channel link and a hosting link then after that you will see your main header section so at the left hand side you will see this icon whatever i can or your website logo now at the right hand side we have this big space if you want you can add some google ads or some banner ads in this space i'll show you how to do that then after that you'll see your menu so this is how your menu will look like you can create a mega menu using a free plugin but we are not doing that in this video then after that you'll see this storage section top stories section or breaking news section so if you want to showcase your news or if you're creating a blog if you want to showcase your blogs you can do it like this then when you scroll down this is your featured section this first section is your features section at the left hand side you have this main stories related on your website or you can enter or you can showcase trending stories most watch stories most view stories and you will see this is a slider so a user can slide it like this and this is an automatic slider so if the user doesn't click on this button this will automatically slide then after that we have two more section for editor speak and for trending stories obviously instead of training stories if you wanna you know showcase some other story some other post it all depends on you then after that when you scroll down we have this section a very simple you know horizontal section wherein we are discussing and wherein we are giving different blocks now if you see the colors and everything you used over here because this is a free theme you cannot actually change these colors and font family over here but if you see i have done that i have changed everything normally if you see the default font family default color of this theme is actually very ugly but in this video i'll show you how you can use css to change the style to change the color font family font size everything using only free thing using so you can learn these things and you can apply these things even on some other website and some other theme so basically as you can see this is how it looks like then when you scroll down you have your different widgets now here i'm showcasing sports and this is a style for displaying this widget this widget has another style for example right now see this thing this is how it looks like when i scroll down this is another style but as you can see here what we are doing is we have the main section in horizontal way and then we have this sub sections in two columns two widgets when you see this section here we have the main section or main story in vertical way and all the other stories the sub stories are given at the right hand side so it is the same widget but style is a little bit different similarly with this widget the block widget as you can see here we have image and on top of that image we have everything for example we have the title we have the meta description then we have the category and everything but if you see this thing this is also block story but here we have the title at bottom we have the image at top so i'll show you how to achieve these things in this video then when you scroll down you have the similar option in at the right hand side if you see this is your widget and this is sticky this is fixed widget even if i scroll up or down you can see the widget at the right hand side is fixed it's sticky i'll show you how to do that and here you can also display google ads if you want so if you want to display google ads or even on your home page i'll show you in detail in advance how you can do that then when you scroll down you will see your bottom section this is your bottom footer section and at the bottom you have the main footer section so in footer we have we have divided this photo into four different sections this is your about section gallery section categories and recent post then again at the bottom we have the copyright text now again because this is a free theme most of the times you cannot change the copyright text but as you can see i have changed that so again in this video i'll show you how you can change the copyright text you know in any almost in any free theme so we'll see how to do that then we have this top section go to top button if you click on this you will be redirected to the top section now let me show you how a category page will look like for example if i click on this tech category as you can see this is how your tech category page will look like at the left hand side you have your categories or the left hand side you have your stories your post this is one style you can change the style you can have some other style here i'm displaying three different uh categories or three different posts in one column or in one row you can change this thing you can display maybe two post in one row one post in one row you can do those things as well at the right hand side you will see we have the search bar then after that i'm displaying google adsense over here as you can see this is google ad then when you scroll down again recent post and category so this is how your category page will look like if you see another category page travel category page very similar design okay at the right hand side we have the google ads we have recent post categories and at the left hand side we have the main content now let's see how a single page looks like how a single blog page or post page looks like so if you open any one of these posts this is how a single page will look like at the top you will see your featured image then you'll see your category this is your title meta description your date author comments everything is given over here then this is your main content and again if you see if you notice the content the style of the content the color everything looks really neat and elegant and again i'm saying because this is a free theme that is not the preset or the default style default style is actually very ugly but we'll convert that into something amazing and elegant like this one then when you scroll down you can display different images over here you can add affiliate links so if you want to do affiliate marketing with this blog style you can do that as well you can add block codes you can add so many different things i'll show you everything in detail in advance later on in this video all right so this was a very short demo of the exact same website that we will be creating in this video this is an amazing tutorial i would highly recommend you to watch the complete tutorial you can create this amazing website for absolutely free now before you proceed further make sure you guys subscribe to the channel and click on the bell icon because i have many more free tutorials coming in the future so if you don't want to miss them make sure to subscribe and click on the bell then after that if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video please leave a comment if you have any doubts any comments any questions for me any recommendations for me you can always leave a comment in the section below below the video and all the important links and everything is given in the video description below all the important links time stamps everything is given in the video description below so make sure you check that out alright guys now let's start creating this website now to create any kind of website whether it's a free blog website an e-commerce website a membership website any kind of website we need two basic things a domain name and a hosting account a domain name is simply the name or the url of your website for example all these things are different domain names so obviously we also have to register a domain name on the internet so that whenever someone wants to visit your website they can always enter your website domain name in the url bar and they can land on your website the second and the most important thing is your hosting account a hosting is basically a computer wherein your entire website is saved so if you see this entire website including all the different posts everything this entire website is saved in a computer and that computer is running 24 7. so that whenever someone wants to visit your website from any particular country at any given time they can always see your website live so your website is always up and running now hosting is the most important thing about your website because everything related to your website is directly dependent on your hosting your website speed your website's performance the user experience on your website your website security and even your ranking on google search results is also totally dependent on your hosting so if you selected a good and reliable hosting you will not regret it your website speed and performance will be amazing you'll have better security and you will get better ranking in google search results and obviously opposite of that if you select a bad hosting a crappy cheap hosting your website will really suck you know it will really load it will take a lot of time to load the entire website because here as you can see we are using so many different images if you select a bad hosting it will take a lot of time to load this entire page but if you are selecting a good hosting it will load instantly within one second this entire page will load so this is very important because hosting basically either makes or breaks your website so this decision is very important now there are literally thousands of different hosting providers available in the market but obviously only few of them are really good and reliable but you don't have to worry about that you can simply open a new tab and type in blog to dot com slash sg hd stands for siteground and as i said you earlier all the important links including this link is also given in the video description below so you don't even have to type in this thing simply click on the link in the video description you will be redirected to this website now here as you can see there are three different plans startup grow big and go geek now if you want a short and simple answer as to which plan should you select basically if you want to create this one website you know for the fact you know for sure that you are going to create only this website you you are you will be focusing and creating only this website and for at least six seven eight months or at least for a year you will not be creating any other website you will not be creating your second website then i would recommend you to start with startup plan so here you can create one website and even in future if you want to upgrade your plan for example after six or seven months if you want to create your second website then you can anytime upgrade to grow big plan there is no problem with that and if you want to create you know multiple websites for example you want to create this free magazine website but with that you also want to create a free e-commerce website or anything like that you can select this group big plan now for people who select ruby plan i have a recommendation for you i have a small tip for you you can do one thing you can obviously if you're selecting rubik plan you can host your website and if you have friends or family members or anyone relatives who have business or who are professionals you can create websites for them as well and you can charge them some small amount per annum for hosting so basically if you create three or two three different websites for two three different people you can use this grow big plan for free because those two three people will be paying for you your hosting plan okay so this is basically a small thing that you can do if you want to save some money so as i said earlier if you want to create one website select startup plan click on get plan if you want to create multiple websites select grow big plan click on get plan and you can proceed further you can watch what i do next you can see the timestamps in the video description below now if you want to understand what all different features are available and what does this feature mean you can watch for few more minutes you will understand more about hosting and it will help you to make your decision better to make a better decision as to which plan you should be selecting now first of all as i've already explained you how many websites can you create so if you select a startup plan you can create one website which means today you can create this amazing website you won't have any problem you can have unlimited post unlimited blogs unlimited pages no problem at all you can create a professional and really huge website with startup plan but you can create only one website now if you select grow big and go gig plan you can create unlimited website so today you're creating this website this newspaper website today tomorrow if you want to create another website maybe an e-commerce website a blog or any any kind of website you can create two three four five basically unlimited websites so basically in short and simple words you just purchase this grow big plan once and after that for all your future websites you don't have to purchase a new plan you can host all your websites you know you can host all your websites in one single plan now the second thing that you have to see is how much web space we're getting over here so in startup plan you're getting 10 gb in google grow big plan you're getting 20 in go geek plan you're getting 40 gb of workspace now let me first explain you how much web space do you actually need so if you see this website that i've created over here this entire website including all the different posts all the different pages all the different images this entire website is not more than 100 or 150 mb so technically if you see with grow big plan you can create more than 100 websites like this one and even if your website gets huge you have more than 1 lakh different post or 100 000 different posts and stories still your website size will not be more than one or two gbs so you don't have to worry about this web space and most importantly this web space these guys at siteground these guys are using ssd plan with google cloud storage so this thing really makes your website really fast if you scroll down at the bottom you'll see web hosting essentials and if you see the ultra fast sites if you click on find out more you'll see that these guys are using google cloud with ssd ultra fast network and these guys are also using nj and xn cdn and also more so many more features and this will really make your website super fast and your website will have amazing performance now basically there are two types of space web space hdd and ssd most of the hosting providers like you know hostgator godaddy those type of hosting providers they use the hdd plan that is really slowly really laggy if your website is hosted on hdd plan your website will take a lot of time to load the entire page for example if you're using hdd plan and someone comes to your website this page will tow will take more than 10 20 or maybe 30 seconds to load the entire page and according to google result according to google report if your website is taking more than three seconds there are very high chances that the user or the visitor will cut your website they will go to some other website so this is really important now because these guys are using ssd plan your website speed and performance will be really amazing don't worry about that so if you're thinking about why we are selecting siteground and why not any other hosting provider now because i'm creating these youtube tutorials for more than five six years in this time period i have experience and have used many different hosting providers now i remember the first website i created was using hostgator then i moved on to some other hosting then some other hosting and ultimately right now i'm using siteground so in this time period i've used hosting providers like hostgator bluehost a2 hosting tmd hosting godaddy many different hosting providers and in my experience siteground is best hosting provider in terms of speed in terms of performance in terms of scalability features all you know security and even in terms of reliability so that is the reason why we are selecting grow big plan and even my personal website is my main website that is my main source of income that is hosted on siteground and other websites that i own like all these websites are hosted on siteground so because i personally use it i recommend it then after that you will see there are some more features for example the third step which is given over here this is basically just to give you an idea about which plan is better for what kind of website for example if you see startup is better for those websites getting around 10 000 monthly visitors grow big for 25 000 and go geek is better for those websites which is getting around 100 000 monthly visitors now many people get confused over here they think for example if they selected groupie plan and if their website is getting more than 25 000 monthly visitors for example 40 50 or even 60 000 monthly visitors they think that they will have to upgrade to go geek plan but that is not the case this is just to give you an idea even if your website is getting more than 50 60 000 monthly visitors grow big plan can easily handle your website you don't have to worry about that now with this we also get some more features like we get unlimited traffic or unlimited bandwidth we get free ssl certificate so if you see my demo website you will see this lock pad over here when you click on that here it says connection is secure so we have a free ssl certificate this makes your website more secure then after that we also get free daily backups and free cdn so cdn will basically improve the speed of your website and most importantly this will improve the security of your website now again if you scroll down to this section to feature section you will see that these guys are using the top-notch security and if you read this you can see that these guys are using artificial intelligence ai anti-bot system to protect your website and these guys are also using custom wf that is web application firewall so your website will be very secure because wordpress websites get hacked like a lot so here you have that security then after that we also get free daily backups so even if something happens to your website you have your daily backup you can easily restore your website we get free business professional email accounts so instead of something regular like neyer gmail or dot com or near you can create a professional email account something like support admin so an email account with your website name at the end very important now you have some more features you can go through all these things i don't want to waste a lot of time over here so again for most of you people i would recommend you to start with the startup plan and if you if you're planning to create multiple websites start with the gropic plan so whatever plan you choose simply click on this get plan button now you will be directed to this page and here you have to register a new domain so if you don't already have a domain name if you have not already registered your domain name you can register a new domain name over here so i'll type in this thing i want to register this domain name for example so you can type in your domain name over here and after that you can select a domain name extension obviously most of the times you should be you know you should try your best to get dot com if you don't get dot com or if you don't get dotnet go with some country specific for example if you're from india you can select dot dot in if you're from new zealand you can select dot nz dot uk for uk you know those kind of country specific domain name extensions you have some generic domain name extensions available as well like dot online dot dot me now these kind of domain name extensions as well so simply type in your domain name select the perfect domain name extension and click on proceed now if you have already selected and if you have already registered a domain name somewhere else like on godaddy name chip any kind of website you can select the second option i already have a domain name now type in the domain name that you have registered somewhere else on godaddy for example and type in that domain name that you want to use with siteground so type in that domain name and click on proceed now we'll come to this page the review and complete page now your first section is this account information section and this is the most important section here you have to enter your basic your personal email address and you have to choose a password now whatever email address and password you enter here this is really important make sure you remember this thing because this will be your login credentials so in future whenever you want to log into siteground you will have to enter this email address and password so under account information whatever email address and password you enter make sure you remember this thing write it down somewhere if you want then you have your client information which is just your basic information like your country name first name last name your address phone number this basic information you can leave these two things company name and tax id because obviously this is not important not compulsory you can leave them then when you scroll down you will see your payment information now here you have to enter your card number so if you're using credit card debit card atm card whatever you're using just enter that card number card expiry date three digit cvv number which is given at the back of your card and obviously your card holder name now one thing to note over here is that only three types of cards are accepted over here these are mastercard and american express now most of the people throughout the world have this visa or a mastercard very common but if you're from india most of people in india have the rupee card now that is because rupee is a domestic card and indian government sponsors that card so if you open a new bank account you will get that rupee card but because that is a domestic card that is not accepted outside india so make sure you upgrade your card to a visa or a mastercard then when you scroll down you will see your payment information or your purchase information now basically there is one simple rule don't change anything under purchase information just check everything for example under plan we have selected startup plan if you selected group plan you will say grow big plan so after that you'll see your data center location data center location will be automatically selected for you based on your current location so because i am from india for me asia is selected and if you start from some other country obviously some other data center location will be selected for you then we have period and in period we have 12 months make sure you don't change this thing this is the best offer the best deal that you can get make sure you don't change this 12 months now scroll down tick mark these two things and you can now click on pay now now if you see for the startup plan you will have to pay around eighty four dollars uh if you are selecting of your registering a new domain name you will have to pay few dollars more and if you have selected a grow big plan let's see you will have to pay around 120 dollars so this is a really great value if you see the amount and the quality of features you're getting with siteground really amazing value under 100 for your website for one complete year amazing so just select this thing and finally click on pay now and make the payment all right so now once you make the payment you have to open a new tab and type in now you will be redirected to this page and here you have to select that email address and password that you have chosen that you have selected in your previous step under account information so in your previous step under account information whatever email address and password you have entered enter the same email address and password over here and click on login now you will see this page here you have to click on websites now first let me show you how you can upgrade this plan so suppose if you're using startup plan you can click on services and whenever in future if you want to upgrade your plan you can come to services click on upgrade and upgrade your plan now obviously because i'm already using go geek plan i cannot do that but you can even upgrade from grow big plan from go geek plan to some even higher end plans so you can anytime upgrade your plan from here now click on websites now under websites you'll see all the different websites that you're using with this plan or with this hosting account now if you remember we had selected and we have registered this domain name so whatever domain name you have registered or whatever godaddy domain name you have entered you will always see your domain name over here and below your domain name you will see this button site tools button click on this button now here there can be two scenarios first scenario can be that you have just registered a new domain name with siteground so that is really amazing because you don't have to do any extra steps but if you have registered your domain name outside siteground for example if you have registered your domain name on godaddy and if you want to you know use that domain name with siteground there is one simple step that you have to do first of all go to obviously sign in to your account and when you sign into your account you will see all the different domain names that you have registered with this you know account now suppose uh in this example suppose if i want to use this domain name privilege back starting so if i want to use this domain name is siteground besides every single domain name you will see this dns button i can click on this button and here you will see your dns that is your domain name server and you have to change the default domain name server to your siteground domain name server let's see how that is done now here as you can see this is your dns simply click on change and delete both these name servers from here delete both of them come back to your siteground account scroll down you will see your name servers copy your name server number one paste it obviously under line one copy your name server number two just this much paste it under line two and click on save now when you click on save it can take up to 24 hours to link your domain name with siteground or with any other hosting now once you do this thing you can now come back to your website now we don't have to wait for 24 hours till all those things is happening by that time we can do some more things to that domain for example we can do one thing we can come over here at the left hand side click on security click on ssl manager and now we can install ssl on that domain now most of the times almost every single time ssl is automatically installed and activated on your domain name so first make sure you check your domain name at bottom now the domain name that i'll be using for this is so here as you can see is already present over here and besides this domain name it says active which simply means that ssl certificate is already installed and activated on this domain name but for some reason if you don't see your domain name here you can select this domain name select your domain name from this list for example i am selecting and under select ssl select let's encrypt click on get and within two minutes ssl certificate will be successfully installed and activated on this domain now once you do this thing now you can install wordpress on this domain so to do that from the left hand side click on wordpress select install and manage now again over here first you should see this list at the bottom because just like ssl certificate wordpress is also automatically installed on your domain name so make sure you first see this list if you already see your domain name over here simply click on this button over here login to admin panel and you will go to your dashboard if you don't see your domain name over here simply click on wordpress select this option domain now select your domain name from here so i'm selecting this domain name and after that leave the installation part don't do don't type in anything over here just leave it then after that you have your language don't do any changes over there as well if you see starter plugin wordpress starter plugin is tick mark just untick this thing this is basically a plugin important plugin according to them but i don't think we require it we don't need it so i'll not install it so if if you see this stick mark over here just remove or just untick that thing okay then you will see your username so for your whatever username you want to select just type in your username please don't type admin under username please don't do that okay just type in some other username and after that just type in your password whatever type of password you want and after that just enter your you know personal email address now again at the bottom if you see this thing is tick mark for you wordpress multi site make sure you remember or make sure you remove this stick so both these things should be unticked now this username and password is also very important this is the username and password for your wordpress dashboard so whenever you in future if you want to go to your dashboard you will have to enter this email at this username and password so make sure you remember this thing as well now after entering all this information simply click on install and now wordpress has started installing on this domain very short and simple process hardly this will take 10 to 12 seconds so let's wait alright guys now as you can see wordpress is successfully installed on this domain and now i can see my domain name at the bottom now besides this domain name as i said earlier you'll see this button log into admin panel click on that button and now you'll see a new tab is open and now you'll see your dashboard alright guys so this is your dashboard and this is the most important page or location of your website because from this page from your dashboard you will be controlling your entire website so if you want to change the style of your website if you want to add some features remove some features you know creating post pages media everything can be done from your managing per comments everything will be done from here so very important page and whenever you want to come to this page whenever you want to land on this page simply type in your domain name and after that put a forward slash wp hyphen admin as you can see on your screen you will land on this dashboard now whenever you install wordpress on a new domain on a new site there are few basic things that you have to understand then there are few basic settings that you have to do so let's see them first so first of all from the left hand side you'll see all the different options first option is dashboard and this is how your dashboard looks like the second option is your post option click on that and here you will see one post will already be created for you hello world you can just go ahead and delete this post so this page this post section is used to create different posts if you want to create a new blog new post you can simply click on add new and you can just create your new blog or your new post and you can come over here in future if you want to edit that post if you want to delete that you can do everything from here then you have your media option which obviously will be used to manage your media so all the different images videos all the different media files will that you have used in your website you can see everything over here and you can manage them then you will see your pages option obviously will be used to create different pages like your about page you know blog page contact page those pages and here if you see this sample page you can just delete that again this is just a dummy page which is created for you then after that you have your comments click on comments and here you will see all the different comments that people have posted on your website if you want you can approve them if you want you can delete them if someone is trying to spam you can just mark that comment as spam so you can do these things now after that you'll see appearance which is a very important option now if i open this website right now in a new tab as you can see this is how your website will look like at present now this appearance this style this design of your website is because of this theme 2020 theme now if i just go ahead and if i activate some other theme for example let's activate this 2017 theme click on activate and if i come over here and if i refresh this page now as you can see this style the appearance of your website is now completely changed and this is what a theme does a theme completely changes the appearance and style of your website now you should always have only one theme installed and activated so all these extra themes you can just go ahead and delete them now we won't be using this theme we will be using some other free theme but for now you can just have this theme and you can delete all the other themes now from the left hand side click on plugins and you should see one plugin already you know install and activate it for you sg optimizer this is a very important plugin because this plugin will improve the speed and performance of your website even further more and this plugin is available only for siteground users so if you're using some other hosting you might not see this plugin over here now what is a plugin a plugin is basically kind of a software an add-on that will add some extra features and functionalities to your wordpress website so that is basically what a plugin is later on in this video we will be using some plugin and after that you will understand more about this plug-in thing now at the left-hand side you'll see settings click on that first of all you have to give your website a title so instead of this my wordpress or my blog delete this thing and i'll just type in news website obviously you you should type something else basically just type in the title or just give your website a title or you if you're creating this for a corporation just enter your corporation name for your business name your company name then after that under tagline you have to describe your website in few words so make sure you change and delete this text and describe your website in few words then when you scroll down you'll see your wordpress address and site address now right now if you see here it says not secure this website is not secure the connection to this site is not secure if you remember we had already installed ssl certificate but still it says not secure and that is because of this thing wordpress address and site address so if you see http over here make it https all right both at top and bottom if you see http make it https then after that you have your admin email address make sure you have your personal email address over here if you some if you see some other email address just delete that and enter your personal email address over here then you see membership you can tick mark this thing so that people can create account on your website and they can leave comment on your website then time zone just select the time zone according to your country so because i'm from india i'm selecting kolkata time zone then go ahead at the bottom click on save changes now when you click on save changes you will be logged out of this website and you'll have to log in again and now as you can see this website is now hundred percent secure it says connection is secure now under settings you'll see permalinks click on that and make sure oh your post name is selected if you see some other things selected for example if you see their name or plane selected make sure you change that thing click on post name make sure this thing is selected go at the bottom and click on save changes now let's again come back to dashboard now whenever you come back to your dashboard you will see these different widgets which are not really useful so if you want to get rid of them simply click on the screen option untick everything from here and now you have a very clean and neat and clean dashboard all right so with this all the basic settings related to your website is now completed okay so now let's do one thing let's create our first post so we haven't yet created any post or any blog so let me show you how you can do that how you can add images you know block codes how you can add your affiliate links or anything like that in that post so to do that to create a new post from the left hand side you can hover over post and click on add new or you can just click on posts and here you will see first of all make sure you delete this hello world now here at the top if you see add new button click on that button now let me open a single blog post over here in this demo website so that we can see how this you know how this layout works so first of all you have your featured image then you have your title so this is your title so whatever title you want to give this post to you can just enter your title over here then after that when you see this is the section where you have to enter your content so first of all if you just want to enter simple text you can just go ahead and start typing over here okay just like this okay just start typing over here or you if you want you can just paste in anything from you know from some other website now let's see how you can add images so first of all if you want to add an image if you want to add an image just click on this plus button over here at the top left and here you can search for image and here you can see we have image we have gallery and when you hover over that you can see at the right hand side how that thing will look like first of all let's add an image so click on this image now you can upload an image or you can use media library you can do anything like that so let's upload an image let me upload maybe this image click on open and now as you can see have this nice big image if you want you can control this size like this you can write any caption at bottom all right just like this and it already has that caption style to this image now if you want to add multiple images over here like side by side you cannot do that so for that you have to add columns so again you can click on this plus button and you can search for columns and click on this option and now as you can see if you want one column two column you know any number of column you can select that i want two equal size columns so i'll select this option two columns equal split and here now at the left hand side i can click on add block i can add an image i can click on media library i can just upload the same image now i can give it any caption if you want obviously and you can also link this image with anything for example if i want to link this image with something i can click on this option insert link and let me i just want to maybe i just want to link this thing to my youtube channel so i'll enter that link over here and click on this apply button and now as you can see this link is added now again i can just add caption added over here and again i can also link the caption with something i can make the caption bold i can make it italic or i can remove that style i can do some more things like i can make the image in line strike through you can change the color of the text you can do it like this now at the right hand side let's add another image click on image now let's upload probably this image so select this image click on open and similarly you can do the same things with this image i want to decrease the height of this image if you want you can give it any custom height in size so if you see if you click on this image at the right hand side you will see settings related to this image so right now the width is 277. if i click on this left side image here the width is 321 so i can come over here and the second image i can make the same width 321 over here under width and now as you can see the width is changed and now we have the same width option at both sides so you can do it like this so whatever option you click on for example if you click on this simple cap paragraph now at the right hand side you'll see settings related to that paragraph for example this is simple text so here we have text settings if i want to you can change the size of this text like instead of normal you can make it large huge default you can also add some custom size for example 35 pixels so this is all custom size you can also do one thing you can drop cap so if you click on this as you can see the first letter will look something like this you might have seen this design many times so if you want you can make it drop cap now let's add some more things so probably uh let's add let's see let's add block code so if you're quoting someone you can add this block code and for example let me add some dummy text from here maybe i want to add this much over here and in the bottom i'll maybe just type in steve jobs anything like that all right you can uh align it center you can align it left right you know however you want you can make it large you can make it default you have the settings related to this as well now before we proceed further let me first uh just publish this page and let me first show you what all we have achieved till now if i open this post in a new tab let's see how it looks okay as you can see now it does not look that great obviously because we have not yet changed the theme and anything but right now as you can see by default this is how it looks like now let's see how we can add affiliate links so first of all if you want you can add links between your paragraphs for example if i want to link this text or this word with some other thing for example i can just right click or i can just select this word like this go to this option link or you can just press ctrl k on your keyboard or you can just click on this link this option this icon and now you can enter your link over here so maybe again i'll add my youtube link over here and click on apply if you want you can also open this link in a new tab if you make this thing on this link will open in a new tab now click on this now if you see over here if i again update this page come over here and refresh it now as you can see because we have added link now this is how it looks like this text has this underline if i click on this i'm new tab is open and i'm redirected to my youtube channel so if you want you can add your affiliate links like this now later on right now it does not look that great so again i'm saying later on we'll be changing the theme and after that everything will look much better now there is another way if you want you can add it like through a button so i can click on add block i can select button which is over here click on this and maybe i'll just give it a title of affiliate link and you can change many things for example text color i can make it pink background color let's make it something like this or some other color or you can also use i think gradient option let's see i think we had gradient option as well yeah here it is as you can see for background instead of solid select gradient and now as you can see you can create a gradient button like this now i want to change the text color to white so let's select this option or you can also go to custom color and select some color like this and click on this button again let me change the color maybe this looks perfect and this is just a regular button if you want to add link to this button click on this click on add link again paste in whatever link you want open this in a new tab if you want click on apply or click on submit now this button is linked to that now similarly there are so many different things if you click on this plus button over here if you click on this top plus button there's so many things that you can use and if you just hover over that you can see the preview at the right hand side like block code list gallery buttons heading so page break common cases formatting related then layout option like media and everything if you want to add media and text you can use this if you want to group something you can use this all these different option is given over here you can also go to widgets and add some widgets in your page like these widgets or you can just embed anything for example if you want to embed youtube video you can click on youtube you can for example let me just right click over here click on copy link address and let's embed this video here i'll paste in this link click on embed and now as you can see this video free online food delivery website and app is now embedded again let's update this page come over here refresh it let's scroll down you have your image you have your affiliate link if you click on this open a new tab and you have your link this this video is also embedded now let's give it a featured image which i have shown you this is the featured image at the top so if you want to give it a featured image at the right hand side click on document and here you have your feature image click on featured image whatever image you want to set select that image click on set feature image and we also have to give it a category so this does not belong to uncategorized i'll change this category to maybe technology now click on add new category now if you want you can also give some tags for example let's give it a tag of burger because here we are using this image burger image and similarly i can give it a tag for maybe food delivery website anything like that so let me show you where these things will show if i click on update come over here and refresh this page now as you can see this is huge image obviously because of the theme once we change the theme everything will be automatically set if i scroll down i can see all the different options these are the different tags that we have used the category i think is at top right so i don't see the category no worries now let's change the theme and let's make it look a little bit better because this is looking really terrible so if i come back to my website and click on this option dashboard option go to appearance now click on add new there are many different themes that have found on internet that you can use to create a free magazine and news website or newspaper website the one that we are going to use is news card if you search for news card you will get this option news card just install this theme now once this theme is installed click on activate all right now once it is activated i can just click on dismiss this notice and as i said earlier you should always have only one theme installed and activated so this theme we can now delete this 2017 theme now if i come back to this page and refresh it let's see what happens now as you can see this is looking so much better than that you know that previous thing right now we don't have the featured image at top but later on i'll fix it i'll show you how you can fix that text and everything all this formatting now looks a little bit better obviously this also this still it needs a lot of improvement a lot of you know styling and everything customization will do that at the end of the video if you see this link color is now changed to this red color so basically we'll see this red color throughout the website and because this is a free version normally you cannot change it you'll have to purchase the premium version of this theme to change these things but don't worry i'll show you how you can do that for free now before we proceed further let me do one thing let me install or let me just create few more uh blocks like this because right now as you can see because we have only one block this is showing everywhere on the page so let me first create few more posts few more blogs and after that i'll continue with this video so let me pause and do that all right guys now as you can see i have imported and have you know inserted these extra posts over here right now this is how your website will look like we obviously have to change this thing we have to make it a little bit better but right now as you can see this is how this will look like now let me show you how you can create your home page because we have already seen how to create this block so the way i showed you how to create blocks similarly you can create you can go ahead and create unlimited blogs unlimited post the same way now let's see how we can create the home page and how we can make some changes to that page so to create a new page you will come back to dashboard from the left hand side you will hover over pages click on add new now let's give it a title of home if i just give it a title of home and if you publish this page now let's open this page in a new tab let's see how it looks so this is how your home page will look like i don't want this title home over here i want to do some changes so i'll do one thing cut this thing under template you'll see at the right hand side uh bottom right you'll see page attributes under template select this option front page template update this page again come over here refresh this page and now as you can see that sidebar is also gone and that title which was at the top that is also gone now the only thing that i have to do is i have to set this page as the home page right now what is happening is this is just a regular page we have named it home so just by naming it home this does not become your home page you have to set this page as the home page right let me show you if i click on this title now again as you can see i'm redirected to this page and the page that we have just created this is a regular page and also if you see the url bar in the url bar it says your website name slash home for the home page it should not say slash home so let's fix this thing so to do that again come back to your dashboard now from the left hand side hover over settings click on reading now right now it is your homepage is displaying your latest post i want to display a static page and under home pages select the page that you have just created click on save changes now if i again come over here and refresh this page let's see what happens now as you can see that slash home is gone and because we have set this page as a home page there are three things which are already present first is this featured section this is the header post and this is the footer post now i'll show you how we can change these posts which are given over here in these different situations for example if i want to change these instead of edit topics i if i want to display post related to some category for example we had created technology category so i want to display post related to technology category here instead of trending stories maybe i want to display post related to sports categories so i can do that now i think before doing that let's do one thing let's create our blog page as well and after that let's create the menu and everything and then we can start customizing the home page so let's first create our blog page so again to create a new page we'll you know click on pages click on add new let's give it a title of blog this time you don't have to give it any template just click on publish and just like home page for blog page also we have to set this page to so to set this page again hover over settings click on reading and now instead of post page just select the blog page that you have created click on save changes now that page is also created and set now let's create our header now in the header first let's create this menu so if you see uh if i click on post as you can see i've created several posts over here and have created different categories the one that we just create the the one that we just created was this one technology category this post but i've created some other categories as well like health recommended travel sports so i can now use these categories and i can display them in my menu like this so to create your menu you can hover over appearance and click on menus now let's create our main menu so let's give it a title of main menu and let's click on create menu now from here you have to select what all links you want to display in your main menu so first of all i want to display the home page and block page now home page obviously will be at top so i'll you know bring it at top click on save menu now let's add all the different categories in the menu so to do that at the left hand side you'll see categories click on that click on view all and select all the categories that you want to display over here so i'll select these categories properly now click on add to menu maybe i don't want to display this technology this is a little bit bigger so i am displaying these much categories and now once you create your menu you should always tick mark this option at the bottom primary menu menu because you want to set this menu we want to display this menu in the primary location over here at top so select primary just stick mark primary click on save menu now again if you come back to your website and if you refresh this page and now as you can see you have your menu here if i click on fashion if i click on blog now this style is already present for us so this is how this thing works now you also have one more menu which is over here as you can see the top menu which is given at top right corner of your website so if you want to create this menu again come over here click on this link create a new menu let's give it a new name so i'll give it a name of top menu obviously you can name it anything you want now on the top menu what all links i am displaying i am displaying my website link so i'll copy this link and i'll click on custom links paste in this link over here my website link and under link text i'll type in website click on add to menu then after that the second link that i'm displaying is my youtube channel link so i'll again paste in this link over here under link text i'll type in youtube channel and after that again click on add to menu and finally the third link is the best hosting the fastest and best hosting link so again i'll click on this or so again i'll copy this link come over here paste in this link over here and in text i want to type best hosting click on add to menu and again this time because we want to display these three links or this menu at top right corner we have to take mark this thing top bar navigation now click on save menu again come over here refresh this page and you can see this menu over here at top right now let's create the footer so we don't have any footer widgets right now at the bottom but if you see over here this website has these footer options so to create these or to insert these widgets in the footer you have to come back to your dashboard hover over appearance and under appearance you will see widgets click on widgets now first of all here it is footer one footer two for the three so under footer one we are just displaying simple text over here so i'll come back to footer widgets scroll down you will see this text widget okay uh here it says text select this widget click on footer one because we want to display this widget in footer one click on add widget now paste in or type in whatever text you want to you know type and title title here says news card i don't want to type news card i'll type in about us like this click on save the second footer that we have over here is this gallery thing so let me display this thing if i if you want to display this gallery here it is at the top bring this gallery or drag and drop this gallery under footer two give it a title of calorie add all the images that you want so let's see how many we have nine images over here so i'll select maybe one two three four five six seven eight and nine click on create gallery click on insert gallery and you can see your gallery like this click on save the third widget or the third footer widget we have the categories so if you wanna display these categories here again at the top you can see this categories option drag and drop it under footer three give it a title and how many uh if you want to also display the number of post in each category you can you know do that click on save now for the footer for i want to display a recent post so if you want you can select let's see recent post here it is recent post i think let's see i think this is the one that we have to use th recent post select this option select footer 4 click on add widget give it any title and number of posts you want to display so i want to display 4 posts which is fine click on save now again if you come over here and refresh this website this is how it looks like now for the font for the style and everything we'll see how to do that at the end now right now by default you cannot change this footer you know theme by theme horse probably powered by wordpress but i'll show you how you can change this thing now let's start customizing this website for example let's start adding the logo changing the style color and everything so to do that click on this customize link or you can go back to your dashboard under appearance you will see customize you can click on that link as well now let's start from top first of all i want to give my title i want to upload my website logo and five icon so for that you will see at the left hand side site identity and i want to upload my logo so let me upload probably this logo or maybe this logo so whatever logo you want to display just like this click on select you can you know crop this section that you want to display i'll crop this much click on crop image now as you can see you have your logo at top now because we have our logo i don't want to display the site title and tagline so i can remove this uh tick mark from here and you can also upload your site icon okay your fav icon now i'll click on publish now i've already shown you that if you open a single post you don't see right now you don't see your featured image at top so if you want to see a feature image you can come to this setting you will see news card settings over here click on news card settings just tick mark this thing show featured image in post title and now as you can see this featured image is now present click on publish now these two were the basic settings now let's see how we can customize the homepage how we can you know control the banner the header and footer featured post all the different widgets over here so if you want to do that you can come back over here click on widgets you can do this thing from here as well uh you know front page content area front page sidebar but the it is better to do it from the customization page now first of all let me tell you one thing that your home page uh widget area will start from here okay well basically we have empty it is at the bottom this first thing this section this is your banner section then your popular storage this is your header widgets your you have missed this is your footer widget and in between this thing you have your home page content which is empty right now so before going to homepage content first let's see how we can change this banner content the featured content the header and footer content so for that you can come back and here you can search for a header or you can search for banner first so select this banner and as you can see you have banner setting so whether you want to show this banner both on home page and post page so this is your home page if you click on block page here also you have this banner if you select show on only home page now as you can see from the blog page that banner is gone again if i want i can enable that banner on the blog page as well now come back and select this featured slider and obviously this setting is related to this slider so what all do you want to display right now it is displaying latest post i don't want to display latest post over here i'll click on this option show post from category and i'll select main stories from here now this will display everything under main stories category and once you do any changes to your website you should always publish uh that website just to save the changes now again come back and let's control featured post one and feature post two so this is feature post one and this is feature post two so first click on this option feature post one and again right now it is just displaying the latest post i'll select this option uh show post from category and i'll select editors pick and you will see some other pic or some other options or some other post related to that category again i'll come back now obviously you can also do one thing you can hide this entire section featured post one and this is how it will look like if you want you can also hide the second feature post so it all depends on you if you want to do that you can do it i'm not going to do that i'm not hiding that thing come back select featured post 2 and this time i want to display trending stories so basically maybe i just want to display technology okay now as you can see this is how it looks like again click on publish now let's come back and let's control this option this is the header featured post and this over here at the bottom i think we are on the block page yeah let's come back to home page first so this is the header feature post and this is the footer featured post let's do some changes to this header featured post because right now as you can see this is also just displaying your latest post so i can click on this option at the left hand side header featured post and i can select this option show post from categories and i'll show probably fashion category okay maybe let's select popular because this category has only three images so i'll select popular stories now you can do one thing you can show this only on home page if you want because right now if you open any other page if i open uh this page here also you can see this bottom thing so if you want to hide this thing or if you want to show this only on home page you can take mark this thing if you want show only on home page again let's publish this page and let's come over here now we have the footer thing footer featured post click on this and here again i want to display some other thing maybe i want to display sports or health let's select health so all the posts related to health again this is this has only three so i'll select editor speak let's see this has only two so maybe travel yeah let's select travel click on publish so this is now completed now we can add all the content in middle in in between this header and footer featured post so to do that come back click on widgets and here you have front page content area so select this option click on add widget let's start from let me first go to demo home page so this is the first thing sports so i'll copy the title and i want to display this sports icon or sports related post over here i'll come back over here let me cut this page come back to customize thing and i want to display horizontal and vertical things so here you have th transfer i guess theme horse so theme horse horizontal vertical post select this option now here as you can see it is automatically displaying if you give it any title if i give it a title of sports that title will display over here now because i'm giving it a title of sports i want to display obviously sports related post so i'll select this option show post from category and here i'll select sports now this is how it will look like now by default this is the vertical style if you want to make it horizontal style you can take macro your horizontal style and you will see the changes have taken place okay right now i just want to make it uh vertical and for the next time when we use this thing i'll make it horizontal for now just click on publish now because this is the content area and here it is coming in the middle once we add these options at the right hand side in the sidebar then everything will become more better for now come back and after that let's see we have added this sports then after that we have fashion and we are displaying this in block style so we'll come over here again select this option front page content area and now click on add widget and search for block select this option th card slash blog post now i'll give it a title of fashion and obviously because we want to display post related to fashion so i'll select fashion over here which is here now this is how it will look like default i want to make it block style so i'll tick mark over here and now let's see the changes this is how it will it will look like then after that again i am displaying this horizontal style so click on technology add style search for vertical you will get this option i want to display technology related things i'll select this tech category and this time we can make it horizontal style so i can tick mark this horizontal thing now as you can see when you have horizontal the first post is everything is in horizontal format which is this image at the left hand side and these title and everything at the right hand side if you see the top one the image at top and these things at bottom so these two are two different styles so similarly for this second option as well for blog style also we have this style blog style we have another blog style if i search for block again let's see the next category here says health so i'll type in health and i'll select you know post related to health and now as you can see this is how it looks like now you can just go ahead add more content you can add more widget but you get the idea about how that is done now let's add this sidebar so we can come back and now select this option front page sidebar section select this option click on add widget first of all the first thing that we're displaying over here is this thing again the vertical post as you can see this is the vertical style and below that we have some subpost so i'll select this vertical thing again and here this time we are displaying sports give it a title of sports select sports category or whatever category you want to display and now as you can see because we have this thing in the sidebar now everything looks much better and sidebar is sticky if i as you can see sidebar is fixed if i scroll up or down the sidebar stays with you is it is fixed at the right hand side now you can just go ahead you can add more options over here after that you can also add recent post which would look something like this so let me do that actually search for recent post now there are two option regular recent post and th recent post select this option th recent post let's give it a title of recent post and number of posts you want to display you can select that scroll down and here as you can see you have your recent post over here click on publish now let me fix this sidebar right sidebar if i open a single post or if you open a single category as you can see single post looks like this at the right hand side we have the sidebar if you open any category here also at the right hand side you have the sidebar so let's control this sidebar if you again see the demo website if i open any single post this is how it looks like if i open any category post this is how it looks like at the right hand side we have search then we have this we are displaying google adsense then after that we have recent posts and categories so let's add these options again come back to customize uh just come back and select this option right sidebar we want search bar so i don't want to delete that but i want to delete this recent post and recent comments now first of all i want to display my google adsense ads over here so make sure first obviously to display this thing you must have google adsense account and active account so if you if you have that you can just go to okay so this is my google adsense page let me show you how you can display google ads on your website first of all make sure you have added your website to your google adsense account if you don't know how to do that from the left hand side click on sites and over here as you can see i've added almost all my websites if you have not yet done that click on add site enter your website name which is for example whatever your website name is uh if i enter this domain name let me just paste in this over here click on next then they will give you some code okay you have to copy this code click on this copy icon or copy button it will be copied or you can copy it like this just select and click on copy then after that as you can see they say that you have to paste this under your head tags let me show you where you will get your head text and where you can paste in this thing so make sure first you copy this code come back to your dashboard now hover over appearance click on theme editor click on i understand now do only those changes i'm doing right now whatever i'm doing on the screen just follow that much don't do any extra stuff over here now at the right hand side you should see header.php click on that and here as you can see this is your head tag this is where it starts and this is where your head tag ends so you have to enter the code that you have copied between these two tags okay so anywhere over here i'll do one thing i'll add just above this thing where this wp head starts just about that i'll add this code after that click on update file now once you paste in this code you can click on submit i cannot do that because i have already added this website i'll get an error let me show you if i click on submit it looks like you have already added this site but you have to click on submit now once you submit this thing you have to create a new ad so to create a new ad again from the left hand side click on ads now there are several types of ads the basic one is this ad unit click on buy ad unit and select this option display ads now at the top right or top left corner you'll see name your ad title so you can name it anything like this and after that you can select responsive under ad size make sure it is responsive and click on create your ad will be created once you create the app they will give you another code and that code which that could would look something like this let me show you okay it will look like this uh that code would look something like this click on copy code snippet once you create that code you will get this and now if you want to display this code at the right hand side sidebar you can come over here click on add widget search for text search for html basically search for html select this option custom html paste in this code over here after that click on publish now once your website is activated and once they accept your website google ads will start displaying on this website so we have completed this ads after that we have recent post so again come over here click on add widget and search for recent post make sure you select th recent post give it any title and number of post unit display select that thing and finally at bottom we want to display these categories so i'll click on add widget select categories and this is how it is done now if you open any single post or if you if you open your category post a single post or your category page you will see this sidebar at the right hand side if you want to make this sidebar at the left hand side you can come back and you can select layout and you can make it left sidebar now as you can see the sidebar is at left now once once you get left sidebar you have to go back to widgets under left sidebar you have to add all the widgets that similarly you have added no no for the right sidebar i want to keep it right sidebar click on publish now we have seen how to display this google ads in the sidebar now what what if if you want to display google ads you know in your post maybe above your title or below your title maybe above your content or below your content like most of the websites do so to do that you have to install a free plugin hover over plugins click on add new and under search plugins search for ad inserter okay you will get this plugin ad inserter ad manager and adsense ads more than 200 000 active installations and amazing rating as you can see more than 1400 five star ratings so click on install now now click on activate now once this thing is activated you will see a new option over here when you hover over settings you will see add inserter click on add inserter now first of all if you see something like this make sure you first disable google adsense so if you're using google adsense make sure if you're using this ad blocker make sure to first disable that and after that refresh this page and this is how it should look like now what i want to do is first of all you have to copy your add code which is this code come back over here paste in this code now where do you want to display this ad so maybe i want to display this ad in post so i can tick my post now where in post so i will select this insertion and i'll select before maybe before let's see before content okay or maybe yeah before content before post wherever you want so before content so what is this before content this is your content so before this okay now you can do one thing you can make you can also control the alignment center align left align whatever you want and after that you can just click on save okay we don't have any save option this is automatically saved i guess yeah we don't have any save option okay here here we have we have it save settings 116 click on this save button now suppose i also want to display add at bottom so i want to display add before content and maybe also after content so i can click on number two paste in the same code or some other code now again make sure post is selected and this time i'll select after content or after post after exert you know between comments after comments wherever you want to post i want to display this after content again i'll click on save settings now if you come back to your website if i open this website in a new tab now if you open a single post this is at the right hand side you have this now because adsense is not yet activated probably on my website and because this is a sub domain that's why it will not display many ads but as you can see at the right hand side here we have this space for ad now ad will display at top of the content and also at bottom you you might not see that i'm not seeing that but you will see that if you have enabled this thing for me adsense is not yet approved and also because this is a subdomain so ads you know they display less ads on subdomains but this is basically how you do it this is basically how you control your ads now let me show you the final thing how you can change the color and everything because right now if you see this text this looks so bad the font weight is you know so much all the font is using the same style and the color is also not great if i open my website if i open any single that if i open any single post in the demo website if you see over here this font looks so much better and also the font wet is much controlled this thing is also looks you know so neat so clean easy to read so there is a lot of difference between these two similarly if you see some other thing the colors which are used over here in the header here everywhere this red color is used and there is no setting that you can you know change this color and similarly if you see the sidebar also these fonts look so much better but if you if you see in your website the sidebar title is also very bold very heavy so i want to change these things so for this we can use custom css you can you don't have to basically write your own css i've just given you all the css for free so there is a link given in the video description below if you click on that link you will be redirected to my website so for every single tutorial that i create i also create these blogs so if you open this blog for example if you open this thing once you click on that link which is given in the video description you will land on a similar page and in that page at the bottom you will see download free images or something like that now once you click on this download button you will get a file in that file that will be a zip file you have to right click on this zip file click on extract files you will see a folder media folder in that folder you will see some images like these images which i am using over here i am giving these images for free and with that you will also see this file css file two files basically css file and footer html file first open this css file and this is how your css will look like now you don't have to write your own css i've given you everything so simply press ctrl a to select everything now press ctrl c to copy everything now come back to your customize click on additional css now right now just see how it looks at the right hand side and once i pasted this code you can see the changes let me paste in this code now as you can see everything is changed automatically the text and everything looks so much better now if you're imagining how would you do the changes how would you suppose if you don't like this color for the header and footer how can you do that so let me explain you how you can control this css that i've given you so first of all i have given i've made everything so much simpler for you i've given these comments for you for example the first comment looks something like this if you follow the thing that i have highlighted this is how the comment will look like so this setting so below comment whatever what all code is present that is related to this thing so comment says top bar and all this code these two three lines of code is related to top bar and this is your top bar at the top now what i'm doing in the top bar i'm changing the background color to this color if you want to understand what this color is copy this color code go to google search for hex color just search for hex color on google you will get this thing and let me bring it over here now if you copy this code color code paste it over here you will get that this is the color so you know that this color is this color if i want to change this color maybe if i want to make it uh something let's see probably something like this okay so i'll copy this new hex color code come over here i just have to replace this code with this one now as you can see the top color is now changed if i don't like this color maybe i want some darker color like this i can again copy this color come over here just replace the color don't have to do anything just replace this color now as you can see the color is now changed similarly if you scroll down now here it says navigation nav bar background color bg color background color which is this color again if i want to make the same color i can select this color code this color code that i have selected paste in this and now as you can see this color is also changed so this is how you control this thing now when you scroll down here it says home page titles and this is related to this border at the left hand side of the title let me show you if you see home page titles here at the left hand side to these titles you will see this border so this is related to this border if you want to change the color for this border you can do that then we have home page titles and this is what is doing is this is decreasing the weight of the font let me show you for these titles as you can see the default style was really bad if i cut this thing now as you can see everything was so bold i wanted to make it light so i made it 400 if you want to make it more lighter if you type 100 now as you can see it's so much lighter but obviously this looks bad so i'll make it 400 and this is how it looks like okay this will change the weight it will make it bolder if you want to make it more bolder if you type 900 let's see now as you can see very bold obviously we do not do that we just want to go back to 400. then again this is also related to this border as you can see it says border left so these borders at the left hand side now home page just image now what is this home page just image if you scroll down i am talking basically about this section okay where you have your image this block section you have your image at top and then you have the content at bottom now if you want to change the background color what i'm doing is i'm changing the background color of the category this is your category health recommended and everything and i'm making it this color okay and let me show you what happens if i delete this thing if i delete it like this now as you can see this is now become this boring maroon color if you want to change this color to something else if again you can go to hex color probably this time let's see select some other color maybe let's select this blue color okay maybe this much okay so i'll copy this hex color i'll come over here paste in this color and now as you can see the color for this thing is now change so that is how you do it and similarly the second one is home image plus title which is this block image and title everything in the same so image plus title again if you want to change this red color background you can do that now for search bar also as you can see search button if you see the search button over here if i click on this this color is changed so you can control that thing as well now we come to single post body now obviously you don't have to understand these things i'm explaining you so for for example if in future if you want to do some changes according to your taste you can do that so here as you can see we are talking about single post and we are talking about body and title so let's open a single post let's open this post and now this is what we are talking about now first if you see this pp stands for paragraph so we are talking about this thing this is paragraph so what i am doing over here is i am adding some line height of 1.8 if you decrease this if you make it one now as you can see there is no space between lines so that is what line height is useful for if i make it 1.8 okay now as you can see this looks better margin bottom you know below this thing font family i'm using poppins okay this is how poppins looks like if you want to add some other font family for example latto this is how latter looks like if you want to you use maybe roboto this is how roboto looks like if you want to add monster it these are my favorite font families this is how monster it looks like if you want you can go to this website you'll you'll get all the different fonts of google now let me do one thing suppose if i wa if i'm searching for font properties not font properties categories yeah suppose i'm if i'm searching for handwriting i can search for handwriting and now as you can see these are the font families now if i want to use this font family i like this thing so then the name is dancing script i can copy this name dancing script come over here instead of monster i can just type in dancing script and now as you can see the font family over here is now changed so this is how it is done obviously i don't want to do that but you can do this for the header so this is the header i mean title so this is related to the title this code because here as you can see at the end it says entry title so this is title let's change this font family so font family here we are using latto instead of latto if i want to change this to this now as you can see this thing is now changed so you can control these things and after that click on publish now again let me scroll down and this is related to category page post title if you open any category page this is the title so i i'm just making it a little bit lighter and increasing or decreasing the size a little bit then this is related to sidebar so you can see this is how this thing works all right so using these css now as you can see we have made this website so beautiful obviously this color looks ugly but if you follow this if you just paste in the same code your website will look amazing again like this now as you can see this looks so much better once we paste in the same code now let me finally show you how you can do the changes to the footer because we have done everything we have not yet changed this footer thing okay no option available for this so what you can do is you can go to your dashboard again and here again hover over appearance click on theme editor now this time you have to select footer.php because we are doing settings related to footer so click on footer.php scroll down at bottom i guess yeah here it is at bottom you will see this section now whatever i'm doing do only that much don't do anything extra here it says echo here you can see the line number 134 uh okay line number 134 in footer dot php here it says echo and it is echoing or it is this echo basically means to display whatever variable they have set you you won't understand this php thing just do what i'm doing so basically they are displaying the author link and newspaper news card wordpress link and you can see that here also author link newscar wordpress link so what i want to do is i want to control this thing before echo press forward slash two times once you do that this thing becomes a comment okay which means that this this thing will not work if i publish this thing right now let me update the file come over here all right come over here refresh the page scroll down and now as you can see those two things are now gone now we can do one thing again open and this time open this file okay footer html again i'm saying there's a link given in the video description below if you click on that link you will download these two files open footer html very simple code just copy it from here come back to this website and just below echo give one two three extra lines if you want no problem and paste in this code over here let me arrange it like this so once you paste in this code this is how it will look like now the only thing that you want to do is here it says made by don't change that thing here it says maze by near shake so if you want to change just change this thing made by ninja shake and link this is the link okay if you want to link this thing to something open just paste in that link or replace this link with that link if i again update the file come over here and refresh it now as you can see here here at the bottom it says made by near sheikh so this is how you do changes to your footer and to your copyright text okay guys so with this this tutorial is now completed i hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial i hope you learned something new with this tutorial now if you enjoy this tutorial if you want to watch more tutorials like this one make sure to subscribe to the channel and also click on the bell icon and if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any questions for me you can always leave them in the comments section below thanks a lot for watching this video guys see you in the next one
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 137,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news website, news portal, how to make a news website, wordpress, how to make a magazine website, how to make a magazine website in wordpress, how to make a newspaper website with wordpress, newscard, newscard theme wordpress tutorial, how to make a blog, how to start a blog, free newspaper wordpress theme, how to make news portal website, how to make a blog website
Id: 5A1D3AyMDsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 23sec (5123 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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