Elemental - Is It Good or Nah? (Pixar Review)

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funding for shape realist is provided by surfsharkvpn the sponsor of today's video Elemental has had what is possibly the weirdest build-up to release for any Pixar movie I guess aside from turning red like yeah I thought it looked generic from the trailers too but I'm nonetheless shocked at how bizarrely vitriolic the backlash has been to this one Pixar has made generic movies before this one isn't special in that regard however everyone just kind of judged this movie based on the premise alone and talked as if they had already seen it and not liked it well the joke's on you guys I actually saw it and didn't like it I don't know it was fine when I first walked out of the theater but the more my girlfriend and I talked about it on the drive home the less any of it made sense and the less I liked it I mean it has good stuff the score was pretty fire yeah that's an elemental pun deal with it the animation was very good like you know complimenting a modern Pixar movie for its animation isn't really saying much on its own but like specifically I was really impressed with how the fire people looked they had some cool character designs I liked that it was a pretty movie I guess the main characters were fine in general it was fine it was watchable I didn't hate it compared to something like light year which is just a corporate dumpster fire that I should not have rated as highly as I did this one clearly came from a place of passion it was made in Earnest and I can respect that but yeah for the most part I wasn't really feeling this one essentially there were two threads here that being the fire water Love Story wow how groundbreaking that's crazy and then there's the story about an immigrant family of fire people trying to make a new home in element City uh let's talk about the romance first it's okay the two leads are fine but I never really felt Much Chemistry Between them yeah that's another Elemental pun deal with it again but yeah I don't think they ever have a conversation where they really connect over anything the pacing is good for their relationship they really take their time before they start to fall in love I just don't think the actual Falling in Love Part was that convincing they seemed more like very good friends yes I'm dead serious and that's not even taking into account the whole Fire and Water mixing angle which in itself is really corny and also a bit illogical like what they're the first mixed element couple in existence no other Fire and Water people have ever touched before even by accident they really didn't know what was gonna happen then there's the Immigrant story which like the core of it is clearly genuine and rooted in the director's own experiences and it's nice that he gets to tell a version of that story story but on the other hand when are we gonna stop using non-human characters for human race allegories the movie absolutely did not need that element haha get it element pun again I assure you this is less element puns than the movie has anyway yeah I didn't need that element because it makes for so many confusing and uncomfortable moments like there are some terms like Fireball and Cloud puff being hurled as insults in this movie and it's like are those racial slurs in this universe what's going on what was the pruning joke about what's the real world equivalent to that these are questions the movie makes me think about because it constantly tries to connect the fire people's experience to real world racism the fire dad is also constantly racist against water people and talking about how much he doesn't trust them and it's like water people seem to be the privileged ones in this Society so I guess that's fine except where does that leave the wind and Earth people they don't seem discriminated again against at all the movie only goes out of its way to show that fire people are treated poorly so what do the wind and Earth people represent and why are they even in the movie they don't matter to the story like at all if it was just fire and water people the metaphor would still be flawed but it would at least be a lot clearer as is this has gotta be one of the most confused metaphors I've ever seen in a movie and not only does this not work as a race allegory it doesn't work in terms of its World building either everything just sort of functions like it does in human society like they have regular trains and pipes for water to flow through wouldn't a city based around element people be a little more unique and less human-like fire girl says the city wasn't built with fire people and minds but like shouldn't more of the city feel tailored around water people since they founded it like shouldn't there be transport pipes for them instead of just trains I don't know maybe there were some in the background that I didn't notice who knows also the entire third act kinda fell apart for me spoilers I guess if you're interested in seeing this for some reason I don't know so the main conflict hinges around fire girl and Waterboy fixing the dam so water doesn't leak out and flood fire girl dad's store so she fixes it with tempered glass and the cloud lady who's in charge is like yep that looks good to me we're good to go so you assume that conflict is over since it served its purpose of giving the two leads something to do as they got to know each other but then oh no looks like the glass is gonna break and I just kind of rolled my eyes because it was such a lazy way to force a third act climax Cloud lady said it was fine they had workmen tested out with a hammer and stuff but I don't know it's Gotta break cause we gotta have a stupid climax the third act can't just be about the characters working out their differences and solving the dad's racism speaking of which he never gets over that we never have a scene where he's like okay water boy I misjudged you you can date my daughter he's just inexplicably cool with it at the end even though not being cool with it was such a huge facet of his character throughout the entire movie what happened again I'm not upset that he doesn't like the privileged water people it's just he just forgets that he doesn't like them at the end did I miss that scene am I going insane what is this movie then there's all the usual cliches like oh you're not my daughter you lied about breaking the pipes you're not getting the shop oh water boy I don't love you because society and I gotta do what my dad says and we're breaking up for real and we're not we're not getting back together later definitely not do not keep watching the movie it does not happen and then during the stupid action climax Waterboy dies because it's hot and he's evaporating even though this was never set up beforehand as a thing that could happen so it kind of comes out of nowhere and also the scene is extremely quick and the whole time you're just waiting for him to inevitably be revived there's no tension it didn't make me feel anything it was nice when fire dad told fire daughter that she was his real dream the whole time but other than that the climax was entirely dramatically inert which is shocking because this is a Pixar movie it's like the one thing they know how to do but man it just did not land here ultimately I don't hate this movie or anything it had heart it had good intentions it was paced pretty well and it had plenty of fleeting moments I enjoyed but I'd be lying if I said I'm gonna remember anything about it in a week anyway if people try and guilt you into watching this movie just for the sake of supporting original Pixar films so we don't get Toy Story 12 or whatever don't feel pressured to see it it isn't great though if you do want to see it to pump up its box office numbers and encourage more original work that is good that's totally valid or if you just think it looks good in general don't let the mob mentality against this film or me not liking it discourage you from watching and enjoying it I almost feel bad for not really liking it that much because again it didn't really feel core corporate or anything there is a genuine Humanity behind this movie I just wish it got to tell its potentially compelling immigrant story with human characters instead of ironically watering it down by making it about fire people uh yeah I don't know I came out of the theater thinking it was a solid six out of ten but the more I thought about it the worse it got in my mind 5 out of 10. again see it if you want to don't see it if you don't want to that's all there is to it the up short was cute the end I'm just surprised there were no animals in this movie like during the scene where all the water guys were doing the wave there should have been a shark or something surfing that wave you know what I mean it's surf shark VPN the punchline to Surf shark VPN with surf shark you can trick your browser into thinking you're in another country thus allowing you to access exclusive Netflix or Disney plus 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Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 1,280,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Elemental, Disney, Pixar, Wade, Ember
Id: TYY1Toy7hGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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