Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro - 3D Printer - First Prints

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so let's quickly go over everything so we got print here and this is where it's going to read the files off of the thumb drive we got prepare this is where we're going to do moving and homing releasing the steppers temperature is our hot buttons for preheating let's go ahead and preheat PLA and extruder is going to give us controls over the load and unload and how much and the speed so if we go back we got settings this is going to be where we can change our language and we've got quite a few to choose from temperature settings so let's say if you want to change your pla settings you can do that here so every time you preheat it it'll preheat to what you've saved there a light control which we do have two lights on this printer one underneath here and then one from the top going down so the headlight is the one up here and the observation light is the one under here you guys maybe can see it powered on we can toggle our fan on and off motor off and that's going to release the steppers filament detector is turned on factory settings so you can reset everything about the machine we can see here the name the version it's on the build volume and also how to contact the company and on the very bottom we got Advan settings and this is where we adjusted the brightness of our screen so yeah very intuitive and quite easy here for the settings and then we have the level button so and down here is our current parameters for the printer all right so for the next part let's go ahead and load some filaments and if you're going to do highs speeed printing you obviously need rapid filament which this is a rapid pla plus from elegu and it's in Black so we're going to try it out today so they are using like recycled spool made out of paper material and it is vacuum sealed very well this looks like a pretty nice filament you guys can see the finish on this black so let's pull it out here we're going to grab our snippers and cut it on an angle so we can feed it easier and looking here on the top the spool will go on the spool holder and then we're going to feed it through the filament detector which by the way has a little light that comes on and then we're going to go down to the hot-end extruder now before I put that in there let's go ahead and go to prepare and move the z-axis up 10 mm so we're going to click on 10 and then z+ and that should raise it there I'm going to click it again to go a little higher so we can see a little better while we're purging so so we're going to release the extruder with this arm and then feed our filament through and we could use this cran to push it through but it's quite simple just to do it manually here and we'll just push it and we can see we're purging on the bottom so simple as that we are loaded and ready to go now if you do want to purge it here you just click on extruder so let's do 10 mm and we'll click on load and it'll push through that much you can see the little gear turning here so yeah all right so we are purged let's go ahead and move this purging booger out of the way let's grab our red thumb drive which is 8 gig and we're going to plug it in right here and we'll see if we got anything with the printer so we'll click on print and we have quite a few here okay so I do see a G-Code there with the Buddha and let's see under models okay so it looks like we have STL files probably here so oh well actually there's a pla test there and a rapid test for 3D Beni so maybe we'll do that also but let's go ahead and start with this Buddha print that all eligo printers come with so we'll just click on that and it's going to load the preview so it says it's going to take 31 minutes so we're going to confirm and the print starts so the printer is looks like preheating and it's pretty close to where it needs to be and it goes ahead and starts so hopefully our offset is perfect and and we'll get the perfect first layer and so far it's looking really good it's purging on the side and now going for the print yep you guys probably can't really see from that angle but yeah it is printing and it appears to be pretty much perfect let's go ahead and look of what we can see while we're printing so we got the model the name of it the percentage that's done and then there's a bar and it says 30 minutes left our coordinates for the X and Y how much time passed our nozzle temperature our bed temperature the speed 100% the fan speed the print speed which is 95 and the flow rate at 100 so here we can go to settings pause stop or turn off and on the LED so if we click on that we have a choice between the two lights naturally stop will cancel the print and pause we'll pause it in the settings though we can adjust the nozzle temperature and the bed temperature by toggling here and then down here we can go to the speed and adjust that also the flow rate and the fan speed and under adjust we have the z-axis offset so if you do need to go a little up or a little down when you start printing you can do that right on the Fly here and also we have filament detection on and off and again we can control our lights from here too good options and layout here for the Neptune 4 Pro now one thing that I haven't done is actually turned on this auxiliary fan you guys can't see but the little switch back here is on off so I'm going to go ahead and click it on and the whole thing turns on and got a bit louder again so on the display if you click click on the fan icon here you're going to have these three modes come up so you can have mute normal or violent not sure exactly what it's on right now but if we click on mute it actually slowed down it's still blowing good amount of air but it really toned down the noise level so normal and then we got Violet which is super fast yeah I'd probably use either normal or muted you know depending on how much cooling you need so right now we're not printing Crazy Fast probably mute would be more than enough and if you don't want it at all you can just turn it off here on top so we're actually printing at pretty high speeds we got a 154 there there we go like 200 m a second so yeah it's you know boing along pretty well but as far as the little buddha is concerned it looks like it's going down pretty much perfect there [Music] so all right so our first print is done by the way the screen does dim if you click it it goes brighter it took 38 minutes so a little longer than it said it would so we can print again or return which is pretty cool so we'll click return and it goes back to the home menu so it's cooled off and wow popped off super easy so yeah this Pi sheet works perfect I didn't even have to flex or nothing it just pops right off when it cools and the brim also came off pretty easily so let's look at the bottom here we can see that we might be a little bit too far from the bill plate but actually maybe not it does look pretty good maybe we can go down just a little bit but as far as the print itself and you guys can see how well this filament laid it's got a nice Sheen to it where we can really see the layers very accurate nothing weird no ringing or any crazy ghosting anywhere lots of detail and an excellent press overall all right well I'm pretty impressed right off the bat which I knew that I would be because this is the pro version of the four and the original for did very well also so I think for the next part let's go ahead and go to the print and we'll go to models there is a flower pot I don't think I want to print that in Black a tool holder actually this is a useful thing it's a little bracket that connects to the back side here that you could put all of your tools that was included so let's go ahead and print that that would be pretty useful so we got a calibration Cube we got the 38 minute Beni the we sliced and also this is the 18-minute Beni which actually finished a little faster and then we have the little tool holder back here so yeah let's start with this calibration Cube so this only took like 12 13 minutes and what's cool is that we can see the axis so this is the X quite clean this is the Y also quite good we do have a little bit of ghosting it is quite a large bed that has to move very fast at these speeds and then we got the X wall and the Y wall so yeah the X and Y are pretty similar we got the bottom and the top yeah great print for the calibration Cube so here we have the Beni we sliced which is the 38 minutes but it actually printed in 40 minutes so in the back we can see there it says 3D beny or hashtag so yeah it's a little bit distorted but you know this is 40 minute beny here which is pretty quick and yeah everything looks pretty good A little bit discolored from the speed adjustments very minimal ghosting or vibrations we do have some a little bit but overall you guys can see very solid beny here here for 38 minutes that we sliced ourselves so let's look at this actually 17-minute Beni which is impressive oh wow it just popped right off now for 17 minutes it's quite surprising how well this thing came out so the back here looks pretty good it is quite Hollow so it's much lighter so there was a lot less infill the walls look very decent pretty much the same as our other Beni we do have a little bit more inconsistencies and gaps so I think a lot of stuff was turned off and optimized for the speed and again this thing feels ultra light but as you guys can see it is possible so we got the 38 minutes and the 18 there so yeah again guys it's even hard to tell and actually maybe looks a little better here on the bottom on the faster Beni than the slower we have a little more vibrations there so anyways whatever was done to the 18 minute Beni it was definitely optimized for Speed and did a great job cuz it doesn't look bad at all actually looks great but you know it's obviously not as sturdy and could probably easily break if I just put pressure on it as it is extremely light and here we also have a bracket that we printed and it looks quite good and this is actually to put all your tools in here that comes with the printer and it Clips on the back here so you can put all your Allen wrenches spatula micro SD cards thumb drive and even the snippers hang here on the side so yeah we're not going to go through putting all that in but it's quite intuitive and nice that they include this with the printer
Channel: Just Print
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Keywords: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, Just Print, Just Vlad, 3d printer, 3d printing, neptune 4, neptune 4 pro, elegoo neptune 4, elegoo neptune, 3d printed, 3d print, best 3d printer, best 3d printer 2023, 3d printing for beginners, 3d printer review, elegoo neptune 4 pro, 3d printing time lapse, high speed 3d printing, 3d printer in action, high speed 3d printer, direct drive, klipper firmware, elegoo neptune 4 pro review, best 3d printer for beginners, 3d printer time lapse
Id: nRyEe_WdoN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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