Electrical Arcs at 1,750,000FPS - The Slow Mo Guys with ElectroBOOM

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Technical-Clue-3483 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know the best way to phrase this, are slow motion cameras getting better at faster and faster rates? It's crazy to me that 10k FPS was only 10 years ago and now he can do 175x that

Also I love Medhi, he's so smart yet such a fucking lunatic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LookAgainSeeBeyond πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looks like Dan had a wand lmao, he’s Voldemort

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ihavenoimaginaation πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the Collab I’ve been wanting for ages

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Environmental-Cow922 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love ElectroBoom, dude is hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shrekt115 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay let me see if I can turn it on first oh the hell happened there hello I'm gav I'm Dan we're the slow-mo guys we've not done too much stuff with electricity on this channel most of it's involved sort of you know shocking me or whatever yeah or a bit of lightning yeah because I've mainly been waiting to have access to two things at the same time this camera and this guy hello hello how are you doing this is Maddie from electroboom yes nice to be here I like your videos yeah thank you I like your videos oh thanks thank you very much this stuff looks pretty intense what have you got for us there well I have a I have two things I have my Tesla coil here it's a one Tesla Tesla coil and then I have a Marx generator here that I made uh hopefully that will work I want to figure out some stuff that happens to arcs in slow motion and hopefully you can see it on camera yeah so this camera will last go up to we've only ever done a million but it will go up to 1.75 million times a second and the marks generator that's the reason I originally got in touch because I remember watching that video what's going on and you see all the sparks happen at the exact same time that's what it looks like yeah and I thought I wonder if they are actually happening at the same time or whether in slo-mo you would see their separation hopefully the camera is fast enough to capture like if it really happens at the same time if it isn't fast enough we will have failed you yes we'll just wait another 10 years and we'll try again okay we'll start at what 100 000 frames a second that's the starting that's the starting point yes ready okay stop that was messing up the monitor was it yeah that was that was like making the money like zoom in and you're like because it's a capacitive screen oh weird all right [Music] it's all over the place oh yeah there whoa it's interesting look at the little Tufts it's like furry they're still so fast like look how yeah look how long that takes I like the sort of ghost it leaves behind do you think the shape is it leaving behind a condition of the air that means the next Arc follows the exact same pattern that's what I think it does yeah it should it seems to be like the next art follows very similarly the path of the last one and it takes a few arcs to actually significantly change like use up that path well they will move the thing is that the arcs will heat up the air and the hot air rises so that's why you see it that's why it's like yeah that's why it goes up but otherwise like because it's not very continuous the air has some time to cool down yeah okay but the I don't know how long it takes for that because it creates an ionized channel right are you are you going to touch it yeah it should I mean I thought I said before it's not bad it's like somebody's slapping you on the back of the hand at one Hertz don't try the one kilohertz it's like somebody is slapping you at one thousand times a second that's much worse you've known many for what two days yeah are you at that level of trust with him yet I think I think can you not trust this face truly no I trust you I trust you so how far do you reckon it will get me it'll probably go this far okay yeah let me increase the power a little bit you can touch it now and it will be brighter when it jumps to you because okay do you want me to touch it yeah I think so I think that's going to really help us see it then should I go first so you're not scared or you want to go first I'll just do it okay oh man it's so noisy just don't punch the Tesla coil yeah okay let's have a look at that okay all right okay let's see [Music] so now what I want you to do is to have a screwdriver and point it to the arc what do you think will happen will it be worse or better I can't imagine it'll be worse right yeah because it's jumping to the middle yeah and you won't feel it oh yes why would I I'm insulating myself okay yeah ah oh you're feeling it like a little bit yes yeah the thing is that when it jumps to the metal yeah because it's very helpful voltage it will jump on the air to your hand anyway so it doesn't matter oh yeah I was shocked literally now hold it like this but hold the metal tight so it jumps to the metal and goes to your hand directly right let's see how that feels thoughts I feel like I don't know what's going to be worse and then I will increase the frequency as well and see if it will be much worse you feel it not at all huh nothing that's the beauty of yeah you can go further out so it's yeah that's if it's gamey though I can't even tell if it's like no I can't see the arc jumping you can see him it's not very bright let me increase the frequency so hopefully you can see something [Music] yeah where are you feeling it it was like building up it was like no no it's good okay why am I still holding it oh there you go let's jump right it's brighter when it goes directly to the screwdriver isn't it yeah because instead of splitting in many branches it just goes in one oh they meet in the middle oh wow okay see you see all the fluff between the arc it seems like the arc is finding new ways even yeah like there's electricity going in little bits in here looks like you're in space or something like that so the voltage between this speed and that bit is high enough that arcs are jumping between the arc from here to here yeah yeah it sounds it looks like it yeah even at hundred thousand yeah it's done we need to go we need to pump it up to a million or something yeah brilliant you know what can we do 1.75 million is that the maximum is that the best you can give it's the best we could do I like jumping from a hundred thousand to one point seven should we do it to 500 first I kind of want to see what that looks like one million 500. yeah we could waste time at 500 if you want yeah the Tesla coil breaks the air first it doesn't see you it doesn't see the screwdriver first it breaks through air it makes channels through there and when it comes close enough to you then it feels like it has to jump to that yeah yeah okay as you can see we now have a very long and skinny resolution 1280 by 128 but we are at 456 000 frames a second so yeah about four times slower than we just were we'll see what extra information we can see but I assume we will have to go faster still should I go higher frequency yeah yeah I can't really see anything yet [Music] okay so what was hurting me there it was going so hard I was holding it like this right and I moved it further away and it stopped going to the screwdriver yeah your hand was too close huh yeah my hand was too close is it oh it's not playing it's not playing I can see why I thought it was so slow I'm not seeing anything okay so now we might be at the point where we can see the frequency maybe although you know what they say if you want to sample the frequency properly you have to be at least double the frequency of the ah yes because otherwise you would have it turning on and off yeah within one frame oh yeah okay here we go foreign is it happening multiple times oh it could be it could be there all right there you go so we it might be the fact that it's not exactly double the resonance frequency if we go higher yeah it's definitely blinking on and off after it happens and then it comes on again then back up then down then back up then down it's obviously like building a charge and then finding a spot to like nail and just releasing all of its energy it's quite a distance as well it's like four and four or five inches if you count the length of the arc itself it's probably like six seven inches it's going in curls why don't we make the leap one 1.75 million just straight up to 1.75 why not skip in a minute skip a minute we've done a mill before we've never done 1.75 million on a phantom before that's true this will be the fastest we've ever filmed on a phantom that would be something yes and you're here for it this camera is now recording so fast it's turning every one second of real time into about 19 hours of footage and we're recording for 2.2 seconds so almost a couple of days and find the footage yeah hello good luck are you ready I am now taking very casually 1.75 million frames every single second that we're wasting uh there you go you're immediately one of the most photographed ones there is no enough pictures of you to last forever they're gone now though they're gone I didn't keep it [Music] laughs okay I didn't see anything we recorded 2630 minutes oh my goodness wow I'm excited yeah me too it's the fastest Arabia I've ever done or you've ever done yeah I've never done anything wow you can see they're drinking on and off before it even makes it now you can see the resonance completely so this is like off on off on off as it slowly Works its way over you can definitely see it turning on and off throughout the ark that's great you can probably calculate the resonance frequency using this yeah especially on that one even before they make it we still see a few jumps from the tip as well well we've confirmed it too the air can blink at 250 kilohertz I wasn't expecting that can you tell me what is the frame difference between this peak of the voltage to the next one that way we can calculate the frequency of resonance actually you can just see it's 93 28 93 32.4 frames four frames at what speed 1.75 75 million yeah it shows 430 kilohertz well I was expecting closer to 250 kilohertz but well maybe so it's broken or maybe you are still missing something yeah they get brighter again oh no it is right sorry I have to divide it by two as well so it's around 220 kilohertz on and off yeah like it's AC so it's bright on the lower negative Peak and the positive Peak Okay so yeah that's right so the camera and the testicle aren't broken yeah good everything's good we're just looking at like pure unedited reality yes there's no lies it is still you know an estimation because still we are not sampling fast enough very accurately yeah if we're down to Counting four frames we kind of still need to be going forward yeah we would be good at like 10 million people yeah I'm happy we captured the resonance frequency I didn't expect that to be possible I'll keep the full fire the whole thing save for how many friends save four million 142 484 frames and I would say I'll upload that unedited to the second Channel but um I don't think you can upload a video longer than 20 hours make it a three-part video yes so many frames it's almost one tenth of the pictures people take off themselves on Instagram yeah one tenth of an Instagram influence yeah okay so Maddie is now hooking up his marks generator this is the thing I saw and I just had to know whether all the Sparks were happening at the same time or whether there was a imperceivable delay do you think this will work or do you think it'll blow up somehow discharges oops did I break that oh no damn it I blew my powers now I broke down now I'll go solder okay he's holding on she looks good radio high five oh wow that's so bright it like blew out everything over here what what's going on there so it's off okay and on wow oh man okay so we need to go faster I guess way faster look at how bright that is is that all what is this is this the electric fluff again look all right don't know if it's this Flare from the lens or it might be the fluff actually it could be fluff hello it's gab from the edit this is something that we've all missed when we were watching on the day just because the screen is quite small and you can't notice everything meddy discovered this watching the footage back when he was making his video this actually in the final Gap a tiny little streamer just slithering towards the other bead and as soon as it hits it triggers the whole thing I'm sure many will get into that a lot more on his analysis video wow nice okay should it go straight to 1 million 75 should we set this up 1.5 or nothing it was so fast it was fast and bright I mean not worried about exposure anymore yeah okay we are at 875 000 which is pretty much as high as we can go in color without being so skinny we can't see anything I can hear it there you go [Laughter] do you think you'll have the sequence of arcs or it's again one shot oh there we go okay wow okay uh so here we go flying back it's all the same it's all instantly the same bang it's exactly the same time oh oh wait it's when it's turning on right maybe that's just turn it off or on which which one was it this is on oh so the last one who went first so we've got one in the last one for one frame and then all the other ones are on wow there are different stages though like they're less bright here you can see and then they're brighter and brighter maybe as it starts right here because they're closer yeah well maybe it's because it's earlier it started earlier so it's like it gets brighter and brighter as we go all these capacity stores would be at a different voltage level so the first one will be a higher voltage and goes down to the last one but why would that was the question why would the last one goes first and this is a global shutter I always thought it would start from the other end going forward what no I'm going to pin the sensor up to 1.75 million again so our biggest struggle currently is that finding our shot in the clip yeah we want to react to something but there's nothing to react to yes we know we've got it it's in there but we have to sift through 4.4 million frames yeah you really want to go up to 1.75 million frames a second now look we're at [Laughter] oh there did you see did you see are you serious no oh I mean oh sugar 1.75 million frames a second everyone calm down everyone hold on now we will learn what's so bright look at all the fluff as well did it all happen at the same time yeah it looks like it damn it why are you disappointed in that the answer is at the same time that's within one what is the time difference there if it was two Mega frames per second then it would be like half a microsecond So within 500 nanoseconds they've all lit up at least so there's no lead in that time either it was just straight up look how bright that is we honestly need to be filming at like 50 million prices yeah it seems like it's a running at a speed of light almost that has answered my question on my first thought when I saw your video was like what would a phantom show yeah and it shows now if you go forward in time do you see any blinking oscillation or it just goes down like it's gone just calms down yeah just burns the air away yeah it just turns off for another four hours well that's cool that was cool yeah we were able to see we learned we learned something we learned that electricity is really fast yeah it could be could be faster than we can manage here's another couple of attempts that we didn't watch on the day both of them display activity in the final Gap well that was some incredibly fast footage with some incredibly fast action yeah I think it seemed like relatively normal speed footage yeah yeah boy well I'm just happy my circuit was able to last as long as it did it was stressful it only blew up what twice no I think it was one time three seconds yeah power supply one second yeah and that kept smoking what it was just really interesting to see the path that electricity chooses depending on the previous spark and like the temperature around it in the ionization of the air it's incredible yeah well actually what I learned was that I didn't know air can blink that fast at 250 or 300 kilohertz that's surprising but yeah we actually saw the frequency yeah I love that you guys learned all that and I learned that hot air rises and I thought that would be kind of obvious but uh why does it always go up like that yeah I feel like you knew it and then you discover this it's like oh these are the same yeah I applied it yeah yeah there you go well I had fun thank you very much for watching that video make sure you subscribe to Maddie's channel it's one of my favorite channels oh and subscribe to these guys as well yeah we have a channel it's you're watching it thanks for watching it and we'll see you next time yeah goodbye bye if you're new to elektribute make sure you subscribe he's already made a video and we'll be making a second video where he in more detail explains what's going on based on the footage that he now has and I'm very excited to watch it I'm sure it'll come out soon so make sure you subscribe to him as well
Channel: The Slow Mo Guys
Views: 1,341,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slomo, slow, mo, super, motion, Slow Motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, HD, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, 2000, 2000fps, 5000, 5000fps, electricity, electric, shock, 1750000, million, fastest, mehdi
Id: HDzVD-cqiWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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