The God of Computer Fans

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This series should just be called “Alex did WHAT NOW?”

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/kaclk 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Can we get the slow mo guys to shoot carrots getting shredded in super slow motion, that’s something I’d love to see

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bowlerrrrrr 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
this is the best computer fan and this this is its daddy at 422 US Dollars and with the ability to move nearly 500 liters of air per second the THD 2048 HT is the most powerful PC cooling fan made by blowing Metron manufacturer Delta Electronics we only have a couple of small problems first we need a case that's going to fit it oh I guess we solved that one already second we are gonna have to figure out how to power it it draws 600 watts and doesn't even come with power terminations finally we're going to have to figure out how to not get our fingers chopped off while we're working with it this is going to be a wild ride and it's brought to you by our sponsor Zoho CRM Zoho CRM is a 360 degree solution that offers intuitive UI AI predictions and a design studio to help you get your sales done faster get 50 off with code zcrm50 using the link below foreign [Music] first the unboxing experience as an industrial product the THD 2048 HT comes in Fairly non-descript packaging and they make the assumption that if you need one you probably need at least two this is a master carton that we got from digikey from digikey oh and I think the most noteworthy thing about it right out of the box is that instead of being made of plastic the frame is actually constructed from what appears to be cast aluminum yeah die cast aluminum well that would help explain some of the cost like a blowing Metron server fan it's got an extremely large Fan Hub that's to accommodate its powerful motor hey there's one of them and like a server fan it's also got these airflow guides on the back that I yes could you help double this no that's not going to keep your fingers out of it on the subject of putting your fingers in this thing it spins at a rated speed of 7400 RPM and now I can see you guys thinking well gee that's not really that much faster than something like this ah that thing's eleven thousand right but even though this spins 4 000 RPM faster what it doesn't have is a ton of inertia these blades these got weights this gets even scarier it's rated at 48 volts DC but it'll operate at anywhere from 36 to 75. does that mean it'll go faster than 7400 RPM is it DC controlled we can find out do we have a variable power supply imagine we do oh my God this won't be our highest airflow PC but it's going to be like right behind it and these are way smaller my first thought for powering these was no problem there's cases out there that accommodate two power supplies so we'll just put a second PSU in our system wire up some PCI Express power connectors to it and We're Off to the Races 1200 watts of fan no big deal unfortunately this is not a 12 volt fan and computer power supplies only deliver 3.35 and 12 volts this boy runs at 48 volts so um Alex I see you have a few different power supply options for us here ranging from safe looking to terrifying looking oh no we need both so we have this power supply right here 24 volts 60 amps good one and then we have these terrifying looking things we bought off Amazon because they were cheap and this is a boost converter so you put 24 volts in this side and you get whatever you want out of this side how do you control it oh my God it's just motor yeah are you kidding me no you're not no why would I be kidding it's a boost converter it doesn't even have a chassis don't know who needs a chassis it has a fan it's rated for 1500 watts but we bought a couple of them because I don't trust that how big are those caps Titan 100 volt 470 microfarad that's not sending you across the room right no no yeah it's fine it's a heart yes it'll do a lot more than tickle I wouldn't lick it and literally the control scheme for this thing is to poke it with a screwdriver he laughs I think out of all the employees you're the one who's trying to kill me the most right now well no one else is trying I don't think I mean Dennis fought me oh true it's worth checking out that channel super fun and all the amazing behind the scenes and extras on oh there's an M4 threaded thing here do we have like a little stand we can put it on or something oh like when we're just testing it yeah oh I feel like our rolls have reversed here I used to be the one who made you feel uncomfortable oh my God that is not good it's fine it's fine I want another clamp it's it moves it's barely moving it moves yeah you can hide if you want Brandon when we turn it on just as long as you have the camera rolling fine why is everyone so concerned about this it's just a fan Yeah by that logic I mean you should just you know hang out near jet turbines right you couldn't just get like a variable power supply like this that does 48 volts if you wanted to spend like 800 or 900 on it sure oh how much were these 50 bucks I don't know which is scarier I'm getting safety glasses oh my god do you see how crooked these are yeah it's not the best solder job I've ever seen I'm beginning to think the 50 price point of this is a lot scarier than the 900 price point of the other thing ah thanks concerned about this thing can we get one of the electrical engineers over here to tell Linus is being a dummy a dummy you say dummy what you're looking at right now is our 1200 watt 24 volt power supply hooked up to our boost converter this is going to stay once we're powering the fan but because we have no idea what voltage this terrifying thing is going to Output until we measure it and me to play around with the little dial we've got it temporarily hooked up to our fluke multimeter okay wow we nailed it 47.87 volts I was actually playing with this yesterday oh my gosh this one right here is your current protection so you can set that to be like however many amps you want and this one's a low battery detection so if you're using this to charge batteries sure you don't want like too low of a voltage going in here so this just turns it off got it before we start though important thing which one do you want Oh I'll take the pink one for sure is this our scientific airflow test yes yeah yeah clamps they're really good for holding things on hey Alex that's really safe remember whenever you're working with anything that spins you want to tie back your Loose Hair okay whoa [Music] whoa buddy whoa okay whoa Alex so it's drawing 475 Watts why did we need two of them why not there's two fans in the case you can't drop your number of fans all right should we check how safe it is how safe it is how safe it is what do you mean check how safe It is Well I want to know if you get your finger or your willy stuck in there what's gonna happen it takes a while to get going it really does which maybe is promising from a safety standpoint it won't you know maybe it doesn't have that much torque when it gets going though yeah it actually sounds like an aircraft lifting off look at the arm hair whoa these blades are freaking Sharp oh wow there's nothing wrong it's just gone [Music] look how clean that is that's terrifying yeah yeah a little bit and I don't think it slows down at all Alex it's just it was a fine Mist gone what's the carrot like go for it [Music] it doesn't care at all right all right all right well it's just all over the laser this is Carrot murder it looks like chunks but it's actually like almost mashed consistency wow that didn't care at all hi what's the pun on purpose no it wasn't could you feel it drawing the object in as well like just from the section not really no oh I could with the Cucumber oh the back of the fan is pretty gunked out if we don't want carrot all over the inside of our computer we gotta get everything off this come on ow damn it that hurt that was honestly terrifying yeah do you wanna see how fast it'll go yeah when we put these in the case I am legitimately concerned that they are going to over spin the fan on the CPU heatsink oh we just need to remove the fan yeah it definitely will yeah and to be clear that's a problem so if we spin that fan in the computer too fast it turns into a generator that is actually putting power back into the header on the motherboard and will almost certainly cause it to light on fire although that actually isn't a thing they have diodes and protection do they so I'm pretty sure it just dumps it to ground because I've seen it happen how long ago that was a while back yeah it's still I wouldn't recommend it yeah don't do it yeah also this is a good board so we're fine holy you went absolute top of the line Alex what if we ruined something what if we blow carrot chunks at it well no it's fine we're not gonna blow more carrots what do you think we're gonna do We're not gonna put an I3 in this and be like oh wow 65 Watts you can really dissipate that with these what we're doing right now is we're putting a little piece of marking tape on one of the blades of the fan this is going to tell our tachometer here how fast it's spinning okay boo boo now every time this goes around ow damn it oh that really hurt yeah this is pretty terrifying anyway here's what I was trying to show you guys you spin this thing and depending on how often our marker tape shows up it gives you a readout so if you spin it faster with something other than your finger you get a higher number presumably let's figure out how fast it goes yeah from a distance four thousand forty five hundred five thousand six thousand 6500 7200 look at the stuff on the other side of the room [Applause] whoa you see that it's drawing it in from the side what are we at now I don't think it's getting faster no I think you're right I think it's controlled yeah it's still at 7 300 so it does not have DC control question then could we go lower than 48 volts and would it run exactly the same hello no it slows down but not up okay we've all got goggles on still right all right should we put in a computer yeah we should to help us measure how much real world performance Improvement we can get out of these we need a new nickname for these sure like lozuka yeah blowzuka it's a little catchier to determine just how much performance Improvement we can get out of our blow zookas we've taken before measurements for both of our CPU and GPU temperatures in this case with the stock 180 millimeter cooling fans it's going to be a bit of a challenge getting these in here since the mounting holes are actually in different locations I'm sure that's something Alex already figured out I don't know if you'll like my solution I mean based on how much I've liked everything about this video that has literally hurt me so far what are we thinking we can either do out or in I'd say it's got to go inside if we're going to make the argument that this is actually a computer cooling fan it should fit in the case okay oh yeah something like that Brandon asked if we're worried about the GPU fans the airflow is not going to be directly on them but there's going to be so much turbulent air movement that they might be a problem yeah it might be a problem so we're gonna need to do something to make sure that we don't get like aluminum bits in here okay did you hit the holes think it'll fit I don't know that one's perfect how are you planning to do this uh belt sander good job surprisingly clean looking I think we've got a flat top now what are these things actually for do we know uh no oh I think Electronics cooling I guess that makes sense that's kind of what Delta does that's what we're doing with it but like under what circumstances would you need 5 000 liters per second my guess is not so much like on a server but around a server if you just need to move like a bunch of air into a room or out of a room have you ever actually had to procure one of these through work or something like hit us up in the comments what are these things for but look we won't even be able to tell now that is a sleeper yep it's a sleeper until you turn it on yeah oh we should take the CPU uh-huh that would have been pretty bad actually I am still pretty worried about even some of these other fans like these case fans there could be enough just airflow coming out of this case that it'll spin them unplug them well I don't know let's see wow they're shockingly quiet when we run them in the computer yeah yeah so it's 45 decibels but also like like it's just the nice floor in here it's not that quiet I guess I should start a stress test yeah just go for good old prime95 okay also this is an overclock chip I played with it a bit pvos on she goes oh look at our power to do they're stopping there's so much airflow they're trying to blow air in and these fans are blowing air through them something weird's happening something very weird is happening our CPU attempts are going down though so this one just stopped I wonder yeah we might be current Limited oh our safety news at over 200 Watts now are you just cranking the current limiter yeah okay I think it's enough I just want to show you guys coming out the back of the case what we're dealing with here what are we at oh my gosh we're at 1300 Watts overload guys this is just the fans can you tell us like Windswept who needs water cooling got the really good computer fan here I guess we don't need any more airflow look at her go what about we have two of these oh how hot is that thing uh so the wire currently is at 90 degrees oh I think your black wire is a thinner gauge than the red one and we can probably fix this no no I have a solution we'll just put this here active cooling our wires wires are 35 degrees we're good okay check this out it grabs it from out here oh and if we like the Aesthetics of the original fans we could just put them here I wonder we can test it I want to see if you get a back bolt or a back current if we get more than 12 volts it's spinning faster than it otherwise would have that's less than I would have expected no yeah it must have protection that makes sense or maybe we need to stamp the other way I should put in hearing protection you really should we're at 95 freaking decibels stock is 1200 RPM it's over 2 000 RPM though damn that's almost double the rated speed of this thing and it's not even powered are you seeing how dangerous 90 decibels is for your hearing Barry you have to remember that every three decibels is a doubling in volume because decibels are done in a logarithmic way so 95 decibels is really freaking loud you get kind of used to it though and it's not until it's off that you go whoa that was really loud and holy crap did this perform better than actually having a fan on the heatsink Oh by a lot holy crap did we drop almost 15 degrees by removing the fan from the heatsink yeah so the red is our before with just a normal nhd15 and you can actually see here where it starts dropping is when I took the side panel off and this right here is when we turn on the Zooka you can just see the package power which was dropping it's like yeah so this is the CPU throttling at 95 degrees right here immediately we're back to actually a greater power budget so we would get more performance by adding these fans to our systems I think every workstation in the building should probably have one of these in it do you know what we should do before we close this out we should run cinebench ones on it here we go all right deal with proud air Cooling cooling curd 230 Watts not bad oh I wanted us to be higher just like I wanted to tell you about our sponsor vesi do you hate wet socks as much as I do Vesti Footwear makes lightweight breathable and most importantly water resistant shoes so no more squelchy socks they're all squinchy their dime attacks material not only keeps your feet dry but keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer the stretchy design shows that Comfort is at the Forefront at times making you forget you're wearing shoes at all and I love slip-ons vessi makes cruelty free products right down to the glue so their shoes are 100 vegan whether it's a rainy city or a Rocky Trail the herringbone tread design is there to help stop you from slipping around your feet deserve a little treat so go ahead and click the link below and use the promo code line of tech tips to get 25 off your first pair if you guys enjoyed this video you might enjoy the last time Alex and I hooked an Overkill air cooler up to a PC I think this time is more elegant though oh yeah but that was also fun
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,298,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Delta, Computer Fan, Blowiematron, Blowzooka
Id: blU_2wIMT4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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