Blowing up Capacitors at 187,000FPS

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can't wait to see Mehdi & the SlowMo Guys collab!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/kutar0720 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 01 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

Slo mo guys can make videos together! I totally missed that. I know what Iā€™m watching this evening :-)

Thanks for letting me know!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Pavouk106 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 01 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

You beat me!

This is super cool.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/iammandalore šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 01 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

That's really good to see but its really dangerous, not only because of the explosion, but from the electrolyte that electrolytic capacitors contains. If electrolyte gets in your eye it can blind you.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Boomlolbomb šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 01 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

I can smell this video.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Plaidomatic šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 01 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies
hello there i'm gav i'm dan we're the slo-mo guys i'm a big fan of channels such as electro boom and big clive because they both seem to have an absolute vendetta against the capacitor yeah me too i hate them why do you hate them well it means every time you have to sort of power cycle something you have to unplug it or turn it off for at least 10 to 30 seconds oh like restart your router in there yeah exactly i've probably wasted about 15 minutes of my life at this point on these guys i could do with some of these actually my super nintendo needs a new one today we'll be overloading one of these putting a few too many beans through it and filming it with a phantom 7510 the fastest phantom that currently exists at the time of this recording when shooting at the extremely high frame rates of the tmx 7510 your exposure time is so short you need an absolutely savage amount of light to light the subject isn't that right yeah i can barely even see you so this is a 1000 micro farad capacitor is that right that's correct it's 1 000 micro farad and it's 16 volts i've become very used to this symbol the little um lowercase u meaning micro oh you do a lot in micro don't you it's on air as well all right i'm set to 80 000 frames a second on this first one pretty wide and our exposure time is six and a quarter micro seconds goes without saying don't do this at home don't touch any capacitors of any kind at home because they can hold their charge for a long time which would be quite dangerous especially larger ones in tvs and computers and things like that the way i'm going to explode this guy is by passing a voltage that's too high over it now this one's rated to 16 volts and the pressure's going to build up and explode hence the goggles hence the goggles i'm also going to hide under the table yeah i'm going to hide under the desk behind me i think that's fair turning on increasing voltage now oh there we go unplugged oh god it's like particulates oh god a little shot at the top look at that i don't really want to breathe that in i'm going to blow it away a little bit smoky wow already yeah i didn't have to pump up the volts very high like this was only 16 volts and it went pretty quickly oh that seems like a vent at the top yeah a little spewer little safety spew event that is moving really quickly we're at 80 000 frames a second just looks like a steam train yeah but that must be happening incredibly fast yeah interesting discoveries yeah so it seems that there's like a breakaway area like a frag grenade almost like an area that cross there it's built to allow the pressure if it builds up too high like if it overcharges like what we're doing it seems to just come out of the top rather than build up in itself and explode yeah it's a lot of uh it's not a safety edge remember those lithium batteries we did with like the the four vent holes in the top yeah yeah exactly similar let this stuff out whereas some of the smaller ones uh i think this is the largest one that doesn't have one it's just got a flat plate so i'm assuming that potentially this one is more liable to explode rather than just sort of vent its guts out over the top power's on amping up the bolts now went over it oh well i was right goodness me that was very different yeah yeah i tell you when it popped i was sat under the table and it's just like this snow fell down i was hiding over there and uh well you'll see what i found oh what it's like a rocket what yeah watch the way that the material on the outside bulges and then actually wraps around the top half it like shoots up and engulfs the top as it all gets sent up with like a rocket the outer wrapping is like really oh that's some arc that was just an architect oh right and that's like stuff melting and sparking it's like a firework plasma explosion that was so cool you would never think that that was on like a millimeter scale no it's like a it's like a firework isn't it yeah it landed right there no way what are the chances of that triggered it and it went wow can i touch it yeah you can see the coil of material here yeah a very thin membrane of of a conductive material a plate and then there's your insulating material here oh yeah you like a bit of that yeah i like about that turning it on voltage is cranking now oh that one's completely gone not too bad on the lens it's good it's moving up oh it's like taking off something it's like squidging up the wire oh the bottom blew up wow it's different every time it is isn't it yeah some other stuff happening it looks like uh almost liquid when it initially explodes doesn't it there's like definitely some sort of liquid almost in there oh look yeah something i spotted when i looked at it afterwards the wire melted and broke look at it getting red hot it's got red hot is that a flame under there is it like on fire oh look there's sparks and stuff like that that was like full on plasma oh yeah you see this melted metal here was one of the legs of the capacitor and this is what it should look like woof woof that's power woof so we've mainly been working with the biggest sized one with the vent and the biggest size one without what's this one about this one's the smallest size just to see if it acts differently yeah i'm just going to see if it has like some sort of different properties to the medium and large might have like i tested it before and it popped quite viciously the sound was quite like powerful so sometimes these little ones might pack a punch all right i've changed frame rate to 187 500 frames a second bigger woof okay we have introduced a fan switch to the probe lens we're very close up got a very bright light up front it's wobbling all over the place well in slow-mo it won't move yeah i know right i have to turn the voltage up higher on this one let me know when you're ready ready power on voltage up whoa god what a bit of like flaming debris fell down under the table even though it's macro this like it's so much smaller that it doesn't look the same what happened there jesus plasma then there's like a flame here let's go back to that swell it like expanded at the bottom and then in the top it also went like it was like it's like a ripple like a yeah like a ribbon it just exploded like a balloon and then all this gump that's what i saw falling to the ground on fire look you can see the blue in the flame okay right this is blowing out an exposure time of 2.6 microseconds do you think it looks like we're in space yeah like it looks like space this is definitely what i saw falling to the floor when i was under the table look at the spinning piece of metal debris like molten a little bit of lava yeah all right in order to calculate speed pretty much exactly eight millimeters long eight mil long turning on cranking up oh oh another flame ball came down this would be good i think that'd be a good one yeah yeah without macro it really shows its true size it looks absolutely tiny all right here it goes oh so now you can much more clearly see why it's inflating like that the gas is releasing at the bottom but because the wrapper is attached to the bottom it just inflates there's like nowhere else for the gas to go so weird and they're just arcing fireworks like a power station exploded look at that all of these smoke trails look wicked they were really cool turning on cranking up that completely lit up the room really it went what i saw a massive flash of light all right i'd like to see it weaponized all right all right this is gav speaking to you from the edit our mics weren't on for the shot for some reason so we're going to just recreate it here aren't we done yeah yeah we'll do our best all right okay oh oh there's peeing everywhere oh it gives a hole [Laughter] okay we were temporarily without mics there but not to worry like where did the cap go because it's made a hole is it is it in here do you think it must be it must have landed right in there oh he's as well yeah right the bottom look you can see it here there's the capacitor in the balloon it was the hole it made there it must have just shot right in with absolutely no resistance yeah it's small enough that it could just tear through that's wild definitely didn't have the the umph to come out the other side no i mean there's like quite a bit of water in there but i'm actually surprised it just went clean through you know and the balloon didn't split because the bloom is pretty yeah pretty full that was uh that was similar to what happened on this morning with scoff scopes notice you're standing right i'm standing right behind you right here [Laughter] yes i am rockets in it's like a meteor on a planet yeah i just went in shockwave it's like a meteor hitting the ocean and just created it's still shockwave nothing's come out yet oh you can see there's tiny ripples all the way around the balloon like miniature capacity just like an asteroid hitting the earth and now the water's coming out that took so long it's probably in the other in the other side of the balloon at this point sparking away i wonder if it's going to finish the reaction before the water hits it it's the water heading straight for the no and we're done okay all right okay i think uh i think let's keep the water away from the electricity now and uh i think we're done i'll be honest with you that was a lot more carnage than i was expecting from such a minuscule little thing maybe the size of them how weird was it when we were zoomed in really tight it looked like you're in space in here this was huge and it's just eight millimeters long and there was bits of metal hitting the ceiling about 30 feet up yeah i was expecting just like a cat but it was you know all these like gas and gump and plasma and arcing and all the stuff that just the human eye is just like a puffy white frame flash i feel like we got some stonking looking footage there we definitely needed the faster camera didn't we yeah it's like blues and purples and greens i couldn't believe it yeah that's mental i'll let you in a little secret now i've been emailing with mehdi from electroboom and it turns out he's bang up for a collaboration no pun intended so if you'd be excited about seeing that let us know in the comments and he'll come down from canada and bring some goodies with him for us to film on this exact camera let me just critique you there yep you should you should have said i'm currently emailing him and you're amped about it well where were you when i was talking 16 seconds ago damn i messed it up all right hopefully you enjoyed that video make sure you subscribe if you like slow-mo all the other stuff as well there's buttons all over the place we'll see you next time love you lots tata
Channel: The Slow Mo Guys
Views: 2,725,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slomo, slow, mo, super, motion, Slow Motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, HD, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, 2000, 2000fps, 5000, 5000fps
Id: 6WUxgmMDts4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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