Catching an Explosion in Water at 5 Million FPS - The Slow Mo Guys

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hello i'm gavin i'm dan we're the slow-mo guys this video is sponsored by the terminal list starring chris pratt on prime video it was made with the help of navy seals for as much realism as possible a very realistic show we're back at the school of mines we made a video here a few years ago and to be honest we made a real mess of the place yeah i'm surprised they let us back oh me too me too but in that video we discovered how cool shaped charges look in slo-mo yeah that's something navy seals are very used to using shape charges for multiple purposes and uh we're going to be concentrating more on that this time with a especially with the copper solid copper lined shaped charges which is what the enable seals would use so to that end they've helped us prep for this video last time we got up to about 200 000 frames a second this time we hope to fly past that and get some extremes get into the millions ideally that is serious that is very serious so why don't we take a look at our cameras and then get blasting sounds good all right all right our first subject is a door pointed at said door is the phantom t3610 it's about 120 000 frames a second full width is the same as 720p or about 1280 pixels across and we'll be using that a lot today for all the subjects that we want to film a lot of horizontal action this is where we start getting a bit extreme with stuff this is the shimatsu hpv x and this can go way above a million in black and white way above a million how does it do that well the way the way the compromise is that it will only take 256 pictures but you know play that back at 25 i'll be about 10 seconds of footage so uh let's take a look at the explosives navy seals use shape charges like this for several different purposes they come in lots of different sizes for lots of different reasons this particular one is the same sort of size that they'd be using for breaching a door like we're going to be doing this one's quite small and has a thing called standoff the copper cone has to be the correct distance away from what it's trying to make a hole in now this particular one has to be placed on here i'm going to place it about here which is right next to the locking mechanism and hopefully we're going to smash through everything we need to so for this one we don't need any standoff this particular shape charge doesn't require the best standoff is actually flush basically we've got this lock here at the moment it's open oh it's meaty oh the whole bar moves so that's now lock you can't open it again now that shows you that then part of the mechanism we're going to try and hit with the shape charges about here so what the navy seals would do is they create a hole with the shaped charge first and then pack it with more explosives to create a bigger hole you know the door will still work you think the bar will move i think we're being a bit optimistic but uh we'll see we'll see good slo-mo first door functionality second yeah absolutely all right let's see they've fixed they fixed it yeah you may remember that we blew this puppy out last time and knocked a six-figure phantom onto the floor everything away look at the camera oh my god oh my god we got a phantom down yeah it was sat behind the window wasn't it and it shoved it onto the floor because it blew the window it actually did save the footage the shape charge is in the right place in the door we've netted up and uh locked the door so hopefully once it's blown we'll be able to open the door but let's retreat all right we're at our safe place i've got my button just have to not miss the trigger fire in the hole fire in the hole fire the hole oh that bird it's not that bad from up here yeah it's always a little bit nerve-wracking when you're so far from the cameras oh wow well we've made our hole look that's such a neat little hole oh it's wait it's melted the dial off oh my god no way it's just blown the handle off oh and that's sheared that's done the actual mechanism has dropped down as well it doesn't even line up you couldn't even weld that on oh look at what damage is and what's interesting is the fact that the handle was only there so it's had enough power to blow it apart blow oh smash that alright well let's see if it's function correctly the whole thing's gone what the whole box the whole lock box so wait i wonder if it it oh is it this guy's so brittle oh it's just blown apart but placement wise you absolutely nailed it should we see if it can open no way yeah we did it so it unlocked it but we just didn't have a way to yeah we didn't have the handle if the handle hadn't blown off that would have been a success that is that was really cool that was wicked i honestly wasn't expecting much with the functionality of unlocking the door yeah but that worked really well yeah that was really good that was my first breaking into a bank bolt oh jeez look at that it's amazing oh and the shock wave you can see it going on the on the right there yeah you can like just as it changes what the background is you can see it warping it that's wicked oh do you see what it's when it speeds up it kind of get like wobbles around what happened there was that oh it's the reverberation because you're inside the vault a little bit it just annihilated that little bolt and just splattered it all over the wall yeah i'm just it was so brittle i expected it to just kind of cut a hole straight through but it just annihilated the whole thing you can see chunks of it going left so the shock wave shot right and the chunks of the lock shot left after some of it bounced off the wall i think though the triggering method for the shimatsu camera didn't work on that one so we'll hopefully have it on the next shot i honestly think that when we make our videos some of the most satisfying stuff is just how many x can x go through and here we are it's a good formula okay in this case our x is this steel plate which is the same thickness and weight as a marine door on a ship so you know what the navy seals will be using these charges to get through essentially and we've seen how strong steel is for example when we shot a steel ball yeah it's really hard really strong which shows you the power of these charges now what i'm curious about is fine one one door you know absolutely fine no problem just a breeze two with an air gap between because the thing is what happens is the jet will lose some of its power and penetrative capabilities it starts to break apart and then three so i reckon we'll get through the first two and then the third i don't have any faith so we've got the 4k running at 4k 1000 frames a second might get an exit might get one frame of that we've got the t3610 at 63 000 frames a second i've got the shimatsu it's a million so massive coverage you're saying these numbers like just like yeah half a million here millionaire i'll throw some more numbers out how about this right the copper jet the tip of it okay reaches 10 kilometers a second that's how fast it goes right and it gets there in about 40 micro seconds right from this first initial detonation okay and that's an acceleration of 25 million g's and a human will pass out like eight typically if you're if you're solid eight or nine you know jet pilots 25 million g's yeah out of there yeah and if if it was possible to go past the 10 kilometers a second yeah it would reach the speed of light in around one and a half seconds if it just kept going that's like at my limit of comprehension i feel like it's like i can only just visualize that that is insane well that's why we've got half a million frames in a million frames so uh let's set it up bar in the hole fire in the hole fire in the hole always satisfying oh moment of truth oh look at all this damage here oh it's exactly what you said look how the holes get smaller there's just a tiny little bit that came out there a little a little exit wound so you could potentially see it getting skinnier between do you think if this was here it would have gone the same distance yeah i don't think i don't think i think it's the distance that's the problem not the amount of steel it's going through on the first plate you've got all of this like tiny little bits here yeah and that's all stopped and then on the third one it's barely happened and you're only letting a tiny amount through that is gonna be so interesting this is so cool at that speed it treats metal like liquid just it just looks like someone set off fireworks very nice and sparkly though yeah it's really cool bloody bright okay so we probably shouldn't place the camera behind the shape charge anymore because it just comes out sideways and covers everything up but you can see that reverberation between the last two plates you can see the the copper just kind of dispersing and going everywhere it's like a mix of the copper and the steel that it's kind of annihilated because we've got our million frames a second camera running these are exposed slightly brighter just so we can see the context okay so this is million frames a second oh wow that shimatsu makes it look like butter that's so cool you can really see what's happening can't you we've kept in all the detail the actual shape charge and you see it coming through see what look at the the brightness of the shape charge it gets brighter on impact yeah as soon as you open your mouth i knew what you were say isn't that cool yeah it's wicked have you ever seen a shape charge this slow i have not this is the slowest i've seen one this is astonishing yeah this is gonna be really useful for people in my old job uh we used to learn how they work and uh this would be really useful footage for them to see okay we've replaced steel plates with plates this has been very confusing okay throughout the whole day this charge will have standoff from the first plate mainly so we have a nice clean shot of a shaped charge going off on its own on the super fast camera fire the hole fire in the hole fire in the hole oh do you hear that like ping sound is this shrapnel yeah you get a bit of plate so how many plates do you reckon it's gone through oh [Laughter] there's all of them now you were worried that because they used ceramic for armor well it was not just the fact that they used ceramic for armor it's also the fact that it had to travel such a big distance before it first hit the first one so what we'll learn from the slow-mo is whether the shape charge made it or whether it was just the first plate exploding and taking everything out i tell you what though you can see that the earlier plates are very small now yeah and the end plates seem to be a bit bigger so it's going to be small smaller bigger bigger bigger bigger big i think this is the outside of the shape charge like the the shell part of it oh just like what is that made of like a steel is that it is that just the back of it oh no it's a bit of the clamp it's the bloody clamp yeah plastic if that's plastic it got sent down to the wood yeah there's bits of metal here oh my god i wanna know what it is this video is gonna be half an hour long now [Laughter] oh god this is in there actually that's it that's part of the shape charge isn't it it turned into a knife and bloody shot down into that word okay so what's your predictions for uh well you can see what number plate the shape charge got to so this is the first plate one tiny pieces two three four six seven eight nine okay let's let's verify okay let's see if we can tell what happened on this one ready yeah three two one not really not really but lovely colorful very nice shrapnel lots of lots of shrapnel wow wow looks like they're cool it is how many plates is that okay let's count it back that's really cool though it's really cool it like in two three four five six seven eight i shouldn't have gone for the extra one when i went nine i was i should have stuck to my guns it's so bright i love how it flares though it looks like uh something re-entering the atmosphere isn't it yeah just like the flare across the lens the shape of the plate dissipates the explosion as the shape of the plate is yeah the plate keeps its shape so it goes through makes an explosion looks like that goes through makes a smaller one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like plate plate yeah yeah yeah exactly that wasn't wicked okay and now the shimazu that's cool oh man the spread is really interesting so it actually comes out oh and there's like a reverse that is that is wicked right when it comes out the first place it looks like a big cloud but then it goes to the next plate and you know that underneath that cloud is just a copper jet piercing right in the middle you see i mean at this moment that is the copper jet coming through and then the same thing happens again it's like little bits of metal and copper that uh you see little tiny fragments like little meteors going and hitting the first plate and then they just explode as soon as they do it's interesting i i felt like the black and white would sort of take away some of the coolness of this footage but the detail is there so every frame of this that moves is a millionth of a second okay so because that shot had standoff we now have a clean million frames a second shot of the shape charge oh whoa that was quick still oh i'll tell you what let me do you one bit how about five billion wait what five million whoa no way no that's amazing that is the cream that is incredible you can literally see the inversion of the copper cone in the explosion you can see the explosion begin and then the inversion happened from the back because obviously it's the cone shape there you can see it happen from the back making its way forward and accelerate past because we've only ever been filming at lower frame rates we've never really seen this bit but this bit is amazing just watching the the center get blasted through yeah that's what has the effect on the target is that because within there is you know a copper jet that's like quite thin but like to see it to actually see the science sort of in front of your eyes rather than just having it explained to you like i have because i've never seen that before and our team at the school of mines has absolutely nailed that exposure look at that shot that's perfect so what does it look like it's going to happen that looks like we're going to catch an explosion in water to be honest pretty much so the seal team sometimes refer to the the copper jet that comes out as a heated carrot so we're going to try and catch the carrot in some water water's a weird one i don't know what's going to happen yeah i've never seen this done i predict that you'll see the jet form it'll hit the water and then i have no idea what's gonna happen fire the hole fire in the hole far in the hole different sound that time still a pretty full cup yeah it doesn't seem like we've displaced much with our carrot it can't have been a large carrot oh it did just fall in what oh it didn't initiate that so the detonator went off the dna went off yeah and the uh shape just fell out that's exactly right hmm that's that's what happened that was a a failed detonation yeah that's just the misfire all right catch the carrot take two okay we may sacrifice the sea stand fire in the hole that's more like it that's the noise you want to hear look at all that it's just gone our tube where where's any of it oh it's oh there's water everywhere goodness me potentially we caught the hot carrot and immediately lasted yeah yeah that has created absolute shards i didn't think it would do that you know it was so powerful that it had to just escape and it couldn't escape up that way even with an open top yeah it was that incompressible that's amazing looks fake this is some thick plastic as well look how thick that is that's chunky oh i didn't even see any any flash or anything nothing it just says it's gone it's as if we put explosives in the tube itself and just blown up a tube of water look at the c-stand [Music] wow oh my goodness it was like a it's like it's like a smoke monster it was all the way down through the through the tube and then it like did the crack beat the explosion so look at where i cracked oh it's like right in the middle oh weird that's unexpected well it's like by middle i just mean like not at the bottom or the top that cracks incredibly fast as well doesn't it look at the first frame of it it's complete it's like looking into a sun in terms of how it flares the entire place flares the lens flares the tube immediately gone and then it's like a mushroom cloud on top explosions are usually incredibly bright yeah and the water really takes that away and like makes it completely abstract the shock wave the cavitation the fog and the smoke there's like there's so much happening and it was pretty much the perfect length tube [Music] it looks like a meteor hitting the planet doesn't it it looks like that's what that's what would happen if a meteor hit the ocean and it's so interesting how none of the brightness translates underwater at this exposure you can sort of see the uh the jet in its like grayed out darkened state but what you're really seeing is that reflection of the shock wave yeah and then it just quickly asserts itself and annihilates the tube well we can't be disappointed with that of course not that was some great footage oh come on explosions blowing through things really high speeds every i really didn't know what to expect for most of those well considering i know quite a lot about shaped charges and things like that yeah you know i knew it was gonna happen with the steel i had a good idea right no idea with the water at all yeah all the plates or the you know the plate plates plate plates it just it was really cool and surprising i think the water was my favorite one just because it was but to get the most destructive one and there was just so many elements to it yeah it's crazy there's a lot going on it's also really exciting to use a bunch of very specialized photographic equipment that's pretty much designed exactly for this looking at just the beginning of an explosion yeah stuff that on our phantoms are just like the sun you're just like seeing it amazing well big thanks to the terminal list on prime video for sponsoring this video the terminal list is based on a book of the same name by jack carr a former navy seal and also served as an executive producer on the show it really shows because the show has a massive commitment to authenticity and it leans heavily on military consultants and has over 25 military veterans in front of the camera so they really knew what they were doing yeah big commitment make sure you check out all the action-packed episodes of the terminal list starring chris pratt on prime video here's a little clip this was a targeted attack on alpha platoon 12 seals lost and no one in command even issues a statement i want to know why whoever set us up we need to find them what's the play is it true your fugitive is a navy seal i have nothing left to lose the terminal list new series now streaming on prime video well there we have it big old thanks to the colorado school of minds for putting up with us again letting us just blow the place up please please invite us back yeah we'll try and come back again if they let us make sure you subscribe to the channel if you like slo-mo and why don't you watch the video that we made right here last time if you can handle it if you can melt it handle it that's not my vote okay keep it going one more clearly plan those two let's get another one it's a safe bet that you've enjoyed yeah okay you'd enjoy the video we'll see you next time okay
Channel: The Slow Mo Guys
Views: 3,552,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slomo, slow, mo, super, motion, Slow Motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, HD, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, 2000, 2000fps, 5000, 5000fps
Id: uRHjd8GZc78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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