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all right here we go returning to well let me just go ahead and stretch back and do this ring feels pretty good to say that again not going to lie it's been a while but I wanted to give a special thanks to band DMO they actually gave me this DLC early L them kind of prepare the content in advance so really helps me out a lot especially on these longer videos like this I believe this is the longest part one I've done this year so it mean the world to me if this does well in likes I don't have like a goal but if we get like 20,000 in the first 24 hours I will spam these videos daily and I'll probably continue to like longer videos throughout the series but had two copies to give away one for the PS5 one for the Xbox series snx if you want a chance to win either like the video or leave a comment of your favorite Souls game and yeah with all that being said let's go ahead and get this and we are officially back my goodness it has been too long my voice cracked a little bit there you hear that that's how this series starts on a high note I guess all right so I'll show you where we're supposed to be going it is actually over here let's go and go there now I guess let not waste any time this is going to be my life for like the next couple of weeks oh wow this person's here okay they said just to touch the hand so before I do that I'll show you my character really quick all this is going to be very quickly obsolete I feel like because I haven't played this game in forever to a point where I couldn't figure out how to summon my horse that's how bad it was and I had to like figure out everything again so I made a new character messed around a little bit with the controls changed some stuff around then I went back to this character which it's a pretty highle character but I've heard that the DLC is going to be tough and that and your stats won't matter as much essentially so all right let's talk to this person and see what happens were you guided here by kindly Micha I am Le and like you I was Guided by faith along his honorable path touch the withered arm and you too will be transported to the realm of shadow where Micha the kind now dwells my compatriots are there already like us they have heard kindly micha's call if you can find them they are certain to lend you a all right let's get this party started I guess here we go realm of Shadow I'm nervous I'm already like shaking here we go uh I guess I'll get my light out just in case it's uh this is how it's going to be I guess can I use my horse here oh I can actually I don't really oh wow oh my goodness hold on look at all this oh oh that is gorgeous what is that is that a is that an enemy down there okay this already looks amazing grave site plane okay the fact that we even get DLC for this this be like my game with year I can already fill it can DLCs win that I don't know I'm just happy to be playing out in ring again let's rest here and see if we got some dialogue or anything nothing oh what is this Shadow run Blessing by the way I'm playing this before I don't have any of this I'm sure yeah we go Z zero uh level up if I lose all the runes it doesn't really matter oh yeah that's my stats right now 60 60 50 I think I'll try like even everything out pretty high level but I guess we'll actually test how good we are should we go to that enemy I kind of want to but I'm also sure I'm going to get maxed out and I don't want to spend the entire first hour fighting is there a map oh this is wait oh it's one of those things uh Place Beacon oh it's down there let's just explore a little bit first this looks incredible I've got like chills right now been waiting for this moment for a minute wait what is that who are you oh my okay hold on hold on okay I'm about to start attacking wrong weapon on Brad I guess they just endlessly attack that was actually kind of scary because if that's what we're up against I'm already struggling that's a good sign right imagine being underleveled for this I'm going go on foot for just a minute I've heard this DLC is extremely long so I'm probably going to be playing this for a very long time this is one of those things okay it's like the memory is kind of coming back to me a little bit what is this it's the map so now we can kind of like see the area we can actually also see this is yeah okay it even goes further out I guess we'll remove the beacon there all right so that's the funny part about this is like where do we go first um usually the game has like that little like what's the thing it's like the little Trail to show you like the direction you should be going I'm just going to go forward burn to Cinders burned away uhoh probably going to make this entire part one pretty long like longer than even what I'm used to doing and I'm pretty sure every video after this I'm hoping this does well by the way it would be amazing to see it do well in likes and stuff doesn't really help me out but it's just cool to see I guess I guess we'll just kind of explore the area right oh I don't know why I thought these were like here we go that delayed what's see other weapons oh yeah I haven't used the moon Bell in Forever it's like you do that and you get two different attacks little bit of a button check uh Hefty cracked pot okay what we looking up too actually missed take care of a couple of them something brand new interesting I kind of just take my time exploring because I'm very interested to see what's out here we got a cookbook interesting a little symbol on the left it's like everything's kind of slowly coming back to me the thing on left means you can actually like use your summon thing or whatever here there's got to be a hidden section right here right what's map show most of the time ruins have like a underground area don't they look around for Clues hold on no anything back here like a hidden wall or something prob we don't actually need to use the skills for these enemies but it's been a while right this is exciting and yes I will be going to that giant enemy in the distance and I'm sure that I'll die instantly and then be like yeah we turn that out later on yeah these sections usually have something that's like an entrance or whatever I tried so many different button combinations cuz like to run in this game was always like a nightmare holding down Circle I tried the bumpers but you know what I'm just going to go with the default which is what I use in the original series I think it's just going to take some time to get used to everything again okay what is this hold on hold on we got materials brand new okay I was like on sorry nothing here there's got to be something around here you can actually interact with look at this hold on what we got back here nothing just an exit oh it just keeps going up okay buddy we can get up there maybe maybe not I'll just come to you I guess I'm playing this super early and by like early me like a week early so I don't really know any spoilers I haven't watched any previews any of that stuff I feel like we just go this way don't we the fact that you can kind of scale this makes me think this is something you can go explore okay I mean we're down from whatever at this point if you watched my original series you know how it's going to go open hey it's working it's probably a dungeon isn't it I don't trust this chest hold on blade of misery really apparently there like a bunch of new different types of weapons you can get I'm using what I've been using for a while um got the item down there I don't really know if I it's like I know I can't survive certain jumps I'm going to die a lot probably but is there another way you can get down why is this lit up the way it is see if I can go this way oh you can all right there is our oh let me get one of these there we go golden Rune let's get it I guess we'll just go over there now right it's how it's going to be I guess wait can you can't go up any higher I don't think the fact that I even explored this first I was kind of surprised I really wanted to go fight that enemy and I already know it's going to be going to be tough times so get ready probably going to be a lot of deaths in this game this so way I kind of did it in the original series was I leveled up in my spare time fur calling uh finger remedy okay is there something in there oh no that's just my light never mind losing my mind over here all right let's get this party started I guess oh there's a thing right here go ahead and rest I do believe this is one of my favorite games I've ever covered like one of my all-time favorite series I ever did at a certain point I'd never actually finished any Souls games on my channel so it was like it was kind of nice to be able to like get this one done and then just always appreciate it you know and like I want do the same thing for this so I'm really excited for this something tells me I'm going to die instantly but here we go do you have a name or is it just like oh no what are you doing I don't like that stomp really kill everything around got you stop it out wait that's the health bar it's doing nothing so I don't know how to even I just realized there's like burnt corpses on that or whatever maybe it's like stat yeah I'm doing like no damage it's not even to reach is it test it out yeah a little bit of damage yeah this is not happening right now there's no way the attack scheme seems to be pretty straightforward think I had like a moment where I could have done something there I don't do any damage to this thing probably better weapons I could be using the newer weapons hold on it's like it stuns for a second I I actually do something but I don't see a spot where I can actually like stab or anything so right now what is that I should probably just be on my horse for this this feels like I should not be on foot at all the chip damage I'll take it be funny if I actually defeated this there's no chance I do but what was that oh is that I'm using the edge control I'm guessing I just smashed the button oh my God the horse is gone what we like a button map oh you know what I'm glad we did that now I know to avoid that at all costs that reminds me of the tree Sentinel or whatever it was in the beginning of the original game it's like you think you're strong here you go I lost a bunch of runes but should I go back and get him I really don't care honestly like I feel like I could try to get him but wait wait it's over there but what is this oh the fruit okay you're still Agro oh way they going die grab it right here see you I'm just going to go this direction I see something looks like an area we're supposed to explore so I'm just going to head this way is he still behind me the aggro is still there probably hold on it's either a person standing here or what is this symbol hold on uh okay [Music] fragments okay so this is what they were talking about it's like people worried about being overpowered you can clearly see it's like I'm already not but this type of stuff will help with that so we got to find all of these for sure touch cross let's see I been in here first okay let me talk to them H lady Lea spoke of you you're that tarnished guided here by kindly Micha weren't we all I am Freya I once fought alongside General Redan in battle you can be sure I'll hold my own Oh I thought it was coming near me oh my God it's like hooded this way I was like no there we go so how much does actually help us this increases the blessing and that's it okay so the zero and one are not how many you have it's how many you've acquired total I guess okay leveling up is not going to matter yeah I think we're chilling spells I'm using right now I like the golden vow this one's not really helpful but I couldn't find anything else I really wanted to equip swarm of flies and know of course that from that crazy boss fight that took me way too long all right so we're getting information at least I guess we'll just go this way there's just so much content I want to check out I've heard this map is ginormous like the original game so the fact that they even have DLC for this game is amazing like this is one of the greatest games I think ever made so I down to explore as much as we can let's get this light going hold on what is this the enemy types the scale of this section looks insane I guess the symbol means it's one of those okay same as last time another one you must be the tarnished I am anbar formerly in service to Lord Moog but now like you another Soul Guided by kindly Micha I'm hardly the Steady Hand I once was my fighting days are far behind me which is why I have chosen to dedicate at myself to investigation to discern tender micha's ultimate purpose I'd rather not volunteer service to a new master unless I know that I can be of use one thing I kind of learned from the original game was to not be stubborn if I get stuck on a fight just let it go and try again later hello there together we work together for Mika the kind many things we have found what you got for sell like I should just buy all this stuff right I'm about to lose these uh about to lose these anyways you know what let's just buy everything because I'm going to lose all this again anyways so it's all good and it seems like our level and stuff doesn't really matter in here so this type of stuff is just used for buying it seems like I don't have any of those stored I got okay I got plenty of those uh let's just buy as many as we can exceeding Max that's fine as long as it's maxed out is all I care about all right we're good goodbye oh wait there's more options many things we have found talk I like finding things for you lady Le her allies and the forager brute things bring joy to All Goodbye they probably could have just made this a sequel to Elden ring but the fact that it's just all in one game is amazing oh hold on hold on let me see something so I need two next time right so once I have enough it'll actually have like a little like dot next to it so we're chilling right now I don't think I can lose them yeah this is definitely the right way all right here we go I just want to take a minute to say thank you all for everything like giving me a chance to like play games and entertain I guess if I am entertaining I don't really know if I am not sure how I got here all right here it goes if I a face cam you would see I have the biggest smile on my face right now cuz I don't know what we're about to get into oh my God what are you oh it's got a lot of legs no scorpion leave me alone we're chilling the reason I like this build by the way I'll actually show you so this is like the uh talism I was using cuz it's a blood loss build I had kind of left myself with this right here helps the skill power now you can actually get a better hold on which one actually oh this restores HP let me change that to there's another one that's actually better runes aren't going to really matter here there we go that so there's actually a better version of that I'm pretty sure I never did a new game plus I always wanted to so I basically have the blood loss if they have it it increases my attack power then this right here for the skills and then dexterity which is already pretty high and then I'm hitting multiple times times of the actual weapon and this right here successive attacks so it all kind of like goes together probably a lot of other better builds out there now I'm not sure they probably like nerfed a lot of things but that's what I remember being good oh no the miniature versions how yall doing oh they're floating just not really floating but like dangling I guess I want to get this but I'm sure I'll get attacked something for you let's this other stuff woo hold [Music] on really they just keep popping [Music] up clear them all out as best I can I guess they won't actually bother me if I just leave them I'm grabbing this hold on all right Spirit Ash blessing which I didn't really use those a lot maybe they're more buffed now but I just felt like the other abilities you know so hang on to whatever we can find let's collect whatever's back here as well we got a lot of those okay we're chilling beautiful thing about this type of game is you don't know what to expect first time playing any game like this is exciting because there's no guide everybody's trying to like figure things out on their own you know a little bit scary but it's all good I may actually change the flas combo right now I have it what like 12 and two may go like one more for the FP we'll see oh God how you doing [Music] it's crazy how the enemy that we saw the very first enemy I fought out there in the wild was so strong and almost died it's like these aren't as bad but what is this looking around us just in case I am paranoid Tower settlement okay oh here we go the cool thing is is like farming enemies doesn't really matter now maybe you know if you level up a little bit it may help but I don't imagine it helps too much oh this is a different thing I don't know why I thought it was the other thing so it's actually a whole different thing okay so maybe that stuff's going to be strong here and there got to like study everything usually when I edit each video I study [Music] everything I'm sure I'll miss a lot of things here and there we got this door but does it actually doesn't open okay that's actually good chest here no we're chilling oh look at the the thing above us I wish I could look even further up you can kind of it almost looks like drapes you know although it's [Music] not hello anybody out there oh almost died oh my goodness hold I me heal up really quick this guy does a lot of damage yeah it's like certain ones even though my health bar is like insane oh God you already know there's like a ton of hidden stuff in this I cannot wait to see just like like that first time you go to like the underground area by the way if you haven't watched or played the main game I would definitely click away just cuz I'm going to talk like you've already seen it you know anyways I'll keep going that elevator goes like to the underground city or whatever oh what is that from that range really that's not fair oh hold on everybodyy come on fact that still did that much damage ba him out spining stones not sure if they can actually still hit me from over here there's more somber ones too so it uses the same materials I wonder how many of each thing I have inventory what would that be under oh right here golden seeds got extra one of those we got one of those we need two this is like the major ones and there's an extra spot here maybe there's one I don't have but maybe there's one that goes even higher and you got these somber ones as well I kept a lot of stuff I was going to like build craft all these different things but I just when I hit a certain level I just kind of stop playing like maybe one day I'll return to this game and I'm happy that the time is finally now you know oh no what is done here here we go whatever this is Slide [Music] down how's it going what y'all doing down here you know you have a ladder you can just leave the area open locked what is this grease okay so I'm guessing this maybe locks from the other side so we're coming down here a little too early which is fine climbing quick this is so sick this has been like my cuz most Summers do not have games like this like I feel like summers are just usually like a drought you know so to have something of this magnitude is just exciting cuz I can actually take my time cuz this came out like the fall man that would be [Music] overwhelmed I'm hide really quick there's items I want to collect but trying to get out of the way I use this as kind of like a secondary weapon cuz I remember like I level them up both at the exact same time so while it's not probably ideal for this build I already had it maxed out and I really like the way it plays and I remember using it a little while in my series cuz I had a lot of different weapons I may try using this this is like my farming weapon like right above me hold on can I actually get to him oh hold on hold on oh God got kind of cornered there for a minute one thing I never really did much in the original series was Parry I prefer just rolling this just kind of my play style but it is what it is I wonder like what route other players are going to go you know like there's like so many ways you could like approach the actual area you could probably run like an endgame type spot as [Music] well I'm really happy I actually played the original game like even after I finished the series I kept playing it like like farming XP leveling up trying different builds my goal originally was just to have all my stats to where I can run any build I want and just don't have to actually change and like reset my perks okay we got stairs going up which looks like actually like leaned looking might have heard my voice change or whatever how's it going probably going to walk like everywhere locked okay everything's locked what was that why did that noise just happen are we chilling or what why is this floating oh you can actually see everything yo look at that up there oh my goodness there's been a lot of updates for this game even before Oh it's one of these oh no hold on you look suspicious didn't work uh-oh oh God that was a very close encounter my goodness so this is uh Warrior sword okay and gauntlets I'm not changing my outfit until I actually like the way something looks like all the way kind of just taking this in this is amazing all right going AC cross let's get it what are these things never mind open and shut case Johnson I didn't mean to do that it's all good let me actually I'm going to take that off for [Music] now oh God I'm dead I could not get out of that spot but it's all good that's while we're here live and learn the loading screens are still the same so that's good they haven't changed that [Music] they went through here went to the left there's enemies just like scattered out may try using this for a little bit much damage he even do that was enough hey hold on uses a lot of FP but it's all good I could have sworn having the blastus equipped as the other weapon while you're using like the rivers of blood one supposed to like do something I'm not sure sure but I feel like something's different almost fell to my death there be careful all right so we got one way to go this look like a dead end but how's it going save myself later on I can actually loot you interesting I'll take that kind of feel bad for these enemies right here because they're not really doing much just kind of like chilling out easy assassination I guess oh wait store room key nice I they we're going up wait thought the Rocks were like faces for a minute when I first saw it all right made to the other side let's get it kind of a waste to get there though throwing dagger like that's the one thing I get all right body over there this feels kind of like something major is here is that a flying oh my what just hit me oh my God that did a lot of damage so there's multiple smithing Stones okay so we know we're up against at least uh let me check down here I guess hold on I didn't see anything oh there more of these a lot of them I don't like this yep I knew it one there is another one it's waiting for me that's fine wait boss or just chilling I might be dead poison take this oh let's get it one more time I'm poison now that's fine okay got to be poisoned for a minute that's like my emergency weapon when things get tough bone bow should to be cautious because so is there a reason to go this way it's a dead end it looks like yeah you just comeing here for that it's like maybe well you could maybe get up there later on maybe like attack them from like a different angle like shoot them with an arrow from the top and then they can't get you maybe they could climb the wall I don't know see if I have an item that I can actually whatever let's just keep it going I got poison it is what it is it'll run out eventually whole thing is like I hadn't played in so long it's like I forgot what certain things do so I'm having to like kind of refresh everything by just going through the motions of getting just slaughtered it is what it is it's like so quiet up here it's kind of eerie all right buddy I see you I'm three peeking hold on okay so I think I'm getting Health on is it safe to check my inventory I feel like by having this I'm getting help because none of these other ones give me that so maybe that is what it is I don't like this feels like a trap almost I don't know if you can actually do this to him yeah you can't get back maybe the rivers of blood just gives you health I don't know something's different I could just test it out by taking off Blasphemous but I'm not going to was I supposed to kill that before it went away feel like I should probably top off my health here just in case I knew you was going to be tough oh God I'm dead no way I actually got that okay woo really could use a psych to rest that right now I'm just going to like Crouch around for a bit I like how I went for the not sure why I didn't get anything from that it didn't pop up I got Health out too okay nice it all works out I probably should have waited what is what was that okay I see what's going on here I can like infinitely use this now hold on kind of saving this for something more important but I didn't want to die right here hey let's get it oh look at this oh is smoothing ston that's like what must have died like near the tree and it just like teleported it there okay hey so far so good this is exactly what I was hoping for open world Elden ring 2.0 you know cuz I don't really quite know how the souls games DLC I thought I was like first thought it was like a standalone thing then I was like oh you can use the same character I was like what if I'm too overpowered this is the room where I was fighting early okay warming Stone yep same spot okay now we're at the top of this which is good continue to go up I guess little bit nervous right now cuz I think I got one Hill and that's it no more FP really what are you oh was a thing from earlier uh tornado or what this thing that kills me of course it is I got stuck on the wall what worries me is I got to go all the way back there I'm going to run past everything but I think I get the birds on the rooftop too don't I oh no all right let's try to see if we can get back all the way back here let just dodge this one on the spot right there coming through oh come on I got to run this is not good on to the right there let me through please see if I can get to this ladder over here again hey nice okay wo little stressful but it is what it is now we got to worry about these birds again which I don't mind it work too bad another one that's where you hoop down from got you if I lose runes I don't care I'm at a point where it really doesn't matter as much come closer I don't want to fight you both at the same time let me try something really quick nice there's a like a Caster right there what in the world hold on I'm getting out of this spot I have a chance to kill this thing again hold on reason that was there is cuz I died earlier too leave out some stuff here and there if I get if I start dying too many times I'll cut out some stuff I'm going to try to get past this one because feel like oh my God so much damage don't kill [Music] me okay that was a little nerve-wracking that enemy is like the Knights my goodness that's just they're so [Music] strong I feel like these enemies are kind of just there if you want to I guess if you want to just collect stuff you can I don't know I'm using them from light Health right now okay we've already collected that let's just run past everything cuz there's a Caster there as well it's like if you don't mess with them they don't really care which is kind of nice all right this is the thing that killed me earlier let me go and get my tears chilling Caster's behind me I think how much reach does it actually have what am I doing hold on kill it there you go drop anything nothing all right please be a sight up here [Music] somewhere this looks I mean look at this game you can't see much here but you get the idea it's like the game game just like not sure if that's like wind or what going up towards it but cuz it is moving a little bit it just looks like a curtain type thing hey here we go let's get it baby I was getting kind of nervous like where's the next sight of Grace you know all right let's go ahead so here's the thing I got this right here I got to look at that because at first I saw it I thought it was this you know and that really ashes a war I don't really mess with that too much right now so use that no leveling up we pretty much going to be this level for the entire thing probably what does this say uh I'm guessing this is our first major boss fight is there anything around this tree right here hold on the good thing is I haven't looked at any pictures other than I think the screenshots of like some of the enemy types so I don't know like when we're going to fight what I just realize there's like stuff on the sword there's like a bunch of new weapons and stuff as well and I'm sure we'll get some of those very soon I'm just thinking I'm probably going to use this for a little while but all right whatever's do here here we go not going to summon right now [Music] like this is going to be tough if this is a boss I don't know if it is open area like it is here we go oh horn de beast from higher sphere delivered take root inside the tower sculptor Keepers and perched within we beg of thee rise Dan and C cleans all and crty wo and those who plague the T cleanse away the trumpet's fire well this is going to be time what kind of attacks you got there buddy oh God half my life gone half a life again I don't know what I'm supposed to do here a lot of jumping attacks my goodness Divine Beast dancing lion well then let's get used to this I guess yes feel like I did one swing and I didn't do any damage we probably going to be here for a while that still hit me that's good stuff can't even see what I'm doing died instantly all right this is going to be kind of tough I feel like my build is more about continuous attacks this one seems like some of those boss fights where I can't do much um you know what pop some of that not TR even long that even lasts but here we go all right we can dodge that I don't know if I can actually feel the horses here oh my God I can't see tornado okay this is going to kill probably yep all right this is going to be a pretty tough fight I feel like probably need to use a golden valve or something just to like help with the damage boost at least a little bit okay here we go if I can get some quick attacks going I'll be set but this fight seems like it's more of a well I did like a ton of damage right there so what happens is I proc that crit that sometimes happens with this weapon that's why the health dropped like that okay I just got to be I got to be kind of passive and then kind of go for from there it's fine Bring It On what is that I don't know what's going on there's like lightning everywhere try golden B bit of extra damage got to study the attacks I'm going to die a lot here which is fine it just keeps getting Airborne oh my God what's happening lightning back up need to put on some lightning resistance for this or what everything I do I'm getting hit by lightning everywhere Clow line of lightning I'm getting just it's going to kill [Music] [Music] wait I'm probably going to die here oh my God what's [Music] happening nice okay that was that was tough I died in like two or three hits Divine Beast head I'm just so thankful I actually had a build going into this because that would have been tough times like for sure surpris there's no like dialogue and stuff when you're here you know what do I have mixed right here cuz I was using this so it's like basically I can use my attack as much as I want what is this other one so I pretty much thought it through I guess but seems like everything else is fine um yeah that was crazy what a crazy fight I was kind of nervous when I saw how much damage it was actually doing to me I was like oh my God so we came in here fought it where do we go now I guess go to the rightless you can you go this way hold on one thing I wonder is can I go back to the other area like the base game area at any time I'm pretty sure I can right let's look at the map really quick hey those little things are popping up showing you where you're supposed to go nice show lands between map oh what I can just fast travel okay that's actually pretty awesome so any point you can just go to the other section which I don't really have a reason to do that but we got like the round table and stuff I didn't know if we could actually just go back there for a bit you know I guess we just stand on this so I don't know if this is going to take us somewhere far away or what it show so what's cool about this I'm pretty sure this is accurate but the reason a beam is like going that way is because that's where we're supposed to be going it's like showing you the guided path essentially but it kind of looks backwards on the map doesn't it almost look like it's going towards it from something else but I don't know if this is like the way it's supposed to be looking I got a bad feeling about about [Music] this so I wonder hold on man just look at that take take in the sights a little bit cuz we've been on the ground level for a long time I just can't get over like the scale of this game already you know and this is all secondary to the base game and it's on the exact same game I don't know this will go down as one of the greatest games of all time I bet I already feel like it's my favorite game in like the last several years for sure can I use my horse here no imagine be going too fast spiral piercing the heavens godhood [Music] okay this like this image just looks insane you got whatever's behind us back there then you got the tree oh so everything's like going towards the top of it [Music] okay and this thing's got stuff all around it I don't not have a good feeling about this at all this looks like it's going to be pretty [Music] tough all right tower of Shadow message key items right right all right so it's actually under info Tower of Shadow message it just says the Kindred Spirits uh let's see Trail let's see the Gate of divinity lies in the tower sealed by shadow where they're headed okay uh I will follow the crosses East interesting okay so I need to find a way to go like back down I guess I I guess it's actually pointing because if you look it's poed like there which I'm pretty sure is yeah it's way down there so it's like no other way to get I guess we just like leave the area the way we came in only there was like a quick access way to hop down I mean I guess I could just fall down oh man so we're probably going to come back here later on in the game that's my guess nothing up here that we can actually El I guess we'll just head down I'm assuming they mean East cuz I marked this but it's kind of like Northeast I guess or move Beacon all right I guess we head back [Music] down any different dialogue here let's see say old stuff okay it's actually really awesome that like hey they show you hey here's where you can go to later on but you can't quite do it yet got to keep exploring that's the best part of these types of games is like you just have to just find stuff you know so we're headed that direction it looks like it's it honestly looks like it's pointing to that so I'm just going to mark that on the beacon and we'll start heading that way I guess uh might as well rest really quick see if anything pops up dialogue wise was hoping like a door or something else would open up here but we got this all right well keep it moving it almost just feels like I'm not supposed to leave the area yet but I know we have to so let's just head back all the enemies should pop back up I'm just going to run past them except for you this is like this is my favorite thing I've played this year 100% And I don't know if that's actually going to change because you know granted I don't know if a DLC expansion can actually win game of the year but I feel like if one game should be able to it's got to be like this one right I don't think I came in here this weapon saved me so much cuz that boss fight I was getting like the crits so what is is there anything down I can't tell if it's like a what is that whatever is it's got like wings or something I'm good I don't see other spots actually oh there a ladder might as well check it out right oh this looks like death hold on what is this wait a minute I'm going to get ambushed the minute I go down I tried all the different weapons after I finished the game I don't know if I can actually stand in this stuff is it going to like me like a debuff on here no like the blood rot thing from that one area this we explore as much as we can right my goal is I'm not trying to rush this game I really want to get as much progress if not 100% cuz I got all the achievements and stuff oh this is where I killed those things earlier okay that makes sense that still hit me okay I'm poisoned now that's good stuff probably like prepare for this area a little bit better I almost feel like the stuff for walking in is actually not helping with that trying to think of what's actually changed my life last like 2 years since I played the original game I'm like my daughter's now four I have a son now gave him his first haircut ever like last week and he looks he looks like a little like just I don't know he's just the homie he never like really talks much he says like a word here and there but he's taking some steps as well but he just I don't know he's just so chill so what do we come here for is there anything like a hidden wall or something we're missing gu we can climb up this but I doubt it oh this is going to drive me nuts I feel like I have to have something that's inflicting that's all like the weapon buff things okay removes what I mean should I just use do will that help with they didn't do it okay it's probably something I'm missing I guarantee when I'm editing I'm going to see it I'm going be like oh it's right there I went right past it like 15 times so I came over here killed everything but what was the actual goal of this section there has to be a reason we walked over here cuz like climbing this doesn't make any sense cuz you can't so what is the purpose here hold on come this [Music] way what what does the map show we're just you know what I could just fast travel out of here I just realized that I may just go back over there I'm over here like trying to explore it a little bit but I wanted to see if there's anything extra like here that I may have missed this feels like why would this be here you know cuz this actually goes to the other spot yeah I'm just going to travel let's get back on the main area keep forgetting you can just fast travel out of here I was actually going to go on foot and I'm like wait a minute I don't want to go past those birds and stuff again forget that I can definitely feel the frame rate difference when you're out here maybe not too much may I request a service of you six crosses identical to this one have been discovered in these lands they are akin to Tender micholas Footprints or gravestones which Mark what he's Left Behind if you discover any more crosses be certain to tell me I presume you too are Keen to know just what kind Micha is doing here let me talk to them again welcome anything else to purchase we've already bought your inventory any I like finding things for you lady Le her allies and the forager brood things bring joy to All Goodbye all right let me rest also going to just sort through my inventory really quick give me one sec all right I was actually seeing this I was actually wondering if I should take this back to the actual reader I think I'll wait a little bit anyways here we go so right now we're headed I don't know so this was going there then there and this is like pointing towards that direction which I feel like that's where we're supposed to go I just wonder like what's the best way to get there because yeah this is All Surrounded that's what that's going to be for a while that doesn't connect to that spot so how do you get over there then almost looks like you could go across that but that wouldn't make sense so what what it looks like okay here's my guesstimation here uh I'm just going to go here and go up and then see if like maybe I could cross that and then get there but it looks like you can also approach it from the other side and also this maybe is like secondary to it it's like once you're there you can actually go here as well so we got to find a way to the other side di I've heard people putting their potions and stuff not potions what am I talking about the flasks on the shortcut thing I thought about doing that then I thought okay that might be kind of troublesome considering hey what is this there's a high chance I would probably like forget to use it you know I rather just press square and be done with it this might be hold on do like a dungeon or something if we find one oh it's just the step I don't know why I thought it was like a building there okay it's just the steps um all right let's keep going back there's our old uh our first death right there I could have fast traveled further out but doesn't really matter I feel like I am going to rest here though just in case I die so I'm pretty sure I spawned back where I was anything new oh another thing did you speak to our darl little friend if you've yet to do so have him give you a map of the cross's whereabouts you'll find more of them dotted about these lands they are Micha The K's Footprints so finding all those okay I'm assuming it's just a symbol right wouldn't it already be on the map probably not since the person can actually tell us where they are a lot of side stuff in these games too I'm just going to like stick to the critical path a little bit so went to the left went up there now we're going this way which going across this bridge oh no can only imagine this video is probably be like double my normal part one and then every video after this should be my guess is like close to an hour this looks like a setup I I feel like something else is back here hold on let me check this corner back here like this feels like it's leading to something else yeah it's like you could go down here cuz there's a lot of stuff this direction part of me wants to go left first let's do it cuz the bridge obviously is like the right way to go but I guess there's not really a right or wrong way to go in these games the goal is to get lost you know and just explore everything I'm just happy that I don't feel overpowered but I also feel like I got to really try against certain bosses and enemies because otherwise going to get maxed out pretty quick how it hurts from very tip to toe okay am I still human probably not getting Health back which is nice okay this is something that I've just been wanting to play for so long and I'm so happy it's finally here like I literally the entire video I'm just like so excited to see like what this is going to have to offer you know the hidden stuff the lore people find from the game the lore videos you watch the weapon types that are new this is like the second area I've seen where I feel like there's something under us you know like there has to be something else here anybody home we've already checked in there so that's it let's just keep going up this hill I guess this could be just a side section where it's like hey on the path you can actually explore if you want human bone Shard okay we got something down there looks important looks like one of those things too okay this game is so good like my goodness what we got I like how they made it to where it's like you cannot be really overleveled for this yeah you get to evly like to even so you actually have to beat like two different bosses to even get to this section and those are pretty high level things you know so I just wonder like they kind of thought it through it felt like cuz eventually we will go back and fight that thing in the very beginning that we yeah that's where we're going that's right there so I'm assuming this must be a side section I don't think I can cross this though can I hold on hold on some were kind of like hiding in the grass and I was like let me just clean sweep the area we got an important item up here it looks like hey talsman hold on it safe to check it here I'm just curious what it actually does can I sort hold on switch view no it's not going to be there I got a lot of these I just realize that hold on critical hits restore HP that's something else it'd be towards the end of any of these right oh this is it right here here we go raises resistance to the last really suffered now that actually eliminates having to put these on you know if I getting like a tough fight and it's like they're using this different types of stuff like lightning or fire any kind of magic physical damage it's like I have all those ready yeah I think I'm good that's kind of cool it's like hey they know what you died from now you can actually equip it and it just like knows to put that on you know it's like a self-learning tesman kind of I don't see any other way to get across so we know we're going that direction but this is like a canyon of water which I'm assuming you can actually go down there oh there's yeah there's a thing down there look at that what is that is that one of those crabs it looks like one yeah I think it's the crabs from like maybe it is it's hard to tell I got my glasses on I was still kind of struggling there all right so we kind of explore this section I thought there' be something else here but here's the thing I feel like this like is there not a underground area right here like there has to be I feel like we check there some of these had like an underground section like a little dungeon you can go in maybe I'm just missing them I don't know the good thing is we'll definitely be coming back all right same dialogue okay I guess we'll just head back the other way and go across the bridge I think the bridge is like definitely the critical path I feel like this is probably going to be longer than most like brand new games that I've covered this year at least well I'm kind of committing to a long part one be really awesome to see this do well hopefully it does I don't really have like a light goal I just it'd be sick to see this do exceptional especially like the first day you know this looks different hold on this is just below where we just were like up top it's like that one area where there was like a person in a chair hold on run down traveler's rest hey cookbook okay we got the bird right there I've seen so many people just like in the last couple of weeks before this actually launches just replaying the base game to like just like get back into it I guess I was going to do that and then I thought you know what I'm not changing characters so I might as well just wait you know ooh okay four toed foul foot I think that's kind of like the gold thing I have right there which I'll actually show you hold on inventory uh anyways I know what it does I'm pretty sure it just gives you like bonus like runes or whatever when you kill stuff stuff something like that or is used for crafting either way I'm happy I got some of that cuz the golden one I have right there if I tap right I get increased runes whenever I kill stuff like a lot more so I was using that for farming then I was putting on the Scarab as one of the talismans that actually gives you a boost I'm so happy one thing I almost did like a year ago was I almost did a new game plus in my spare time and I'm so happy I didn't because I would been having to like refight those bosses to get ready for the game you know all right let me rest here and then we'll go across the bridge fully aware I can fast travel back I just don't want to overdo it you know hold on let's actually pass the time make it daytime keep forgetting you can actually do that let's do noon hey there we go looks a little different now doesn't it all right across the way we go so I wonder if you don't go to the other side first I feel like that has to be the starting area right cuz that all points towards this direction it's like oh you're supposed to go this way I'm pretty sure that's right I just want to take this in something's going to pop up on this bridge I guarantee you let me unmark I could it kind of slowly faded away when I unchecked it I don't like this at all hold on it's a lot of bodies and they got a giant bow at the end oh my goodness Bob and weave coming through oh my goodness how's it going now I'm actually going to go back to the bridge cuz I'm curious what's on it just like there's all these enemies and I'm like okay can't imagine they thought I was going to go on foot there you don't want to do that that's fine here take this that's like my favorite weapon I feel like lost ashes of War okay there's the bolts chilling I hope this DLC is at least like 40 hours that would be amazing but the fact that I can actually go back to the base area I keep going to the base area but like the main Game Area what hold on there's something giant you see like up those steps what is that we'll go find out here in a minute let me collect this and then we'll keep it moving hey let's get it there's no sight of Grace anywhere right here there has to be right hold on let's look around we good and I cannot wait to see what this game has to offer we got a little side section over here it looks like that's all leading up to no that's a different spot never mind so what is even back here hold on wait who are you I don't like that look you're giving me I'm healing up for I fight this oh oh there's another one I'm probably dead here oh there's another one yo let's get out of here no you don't I am gone okay so we know that goes there these enemies are insane it's like one was already okay there's multiple I am not in a good spot right here I think I'm doing the wrong path here I'm already kind of committing though let's go I'm tempted to go for this jump I shouldn't uh there a little side section hold on spell Drake Talisman 3 interesting so it's like an additional what section is it's like the protective one right yeah there it is so it extends it more interesting okay so it's like I wonder if like the weapons can get higher than plus 10 now I think some can get the 20 but it's like the base ones maybe I'm not really sure that's pretty cool I found that I saw it and I really wanted to go for it and I was like What if I like where am I going to spawn at you know had no idea that double jump on the horse is clean let's go back one thing I haven't seen yet which I'm just surprised is remember like in the early stages of like the base game I feel like there was a lot of hiding areas is you could go like down something you're like oh it's a dungeon down here you know like early game mini bosses kind of either they're still here and I'm just not finding them or there's not as many I don't know either way it's exciting let's head this way I wanted to see what was over here hey here we go go ahead and rest really quick this looks like it's an important one kind of nervous about this spot go ahead take a seat now we got that one upgrade so this will go to like the next one there we go two and four I feel like this game never needed a DLC to be a complete game cuz I felt like for a full price experience people that played this even if you didn't like the souls games I felt like this one was just a little different you know it's like you either love it or hate it type game and I feel like if you can just kind of sink your teeth into it just kind of like Get You know several hours in I feel like you'll kind of appreciate what it actually is but I also wonder if it's like because I make videos for it it's like maybe I'm more inclined to like explore everything okay I want to see what's over here I saw this and I'm like what it's got a giant sword oh boy this looks like it's about to be tough kind of looks like one of those giants okay well let's go ahead and just uh pop this golden Val how you doing yeah it's one of those giants with like armor on the shock wave actually did a lot of damage there Magic that's look at my health there we go I like larger enemies like that because I can actually somber and we got royal I said macaroni and cheese from I'm not going to lie I think I'm hungry right now grease now the real kicker is does it respawn wait you can't use your horse right here I tried to use it back there to like go past him then I realized wait you can't I want to see if it respawns I'm not sure why I want to find out if it does I'll fight it again but I just wanted to like rest is it back looks like it's gone now okay Clean Slate we're chilling what was that I don't know it's like I'm getting Health from something dying around me I don't know how you doing I thought it was an NPC at first I'm not going to lie really a glint stone sword what is that I think about having all the stuff in the game almost well not all of it I have a lot is like finding out when you get something new it's like how do you find it you know cuz it like rearranges them in different orders too I'm looking at like the last thing in each section I don't see it whatever I'm sure I'll find it a lot of the inventory stuff I'll just save for later on what we got here hey Shadow realm ruin okay or Ru excuse me I wonder like how is that any different from what we've already been collecting you know all right so we're going to the castle over here to the right this isn't even the well I guess it's technically the right way cuz it looks like if you take a path oh there's like the map icon things there and there okay the Mystique of like not knowing what's around the corner in this game is like next level oh really I'm about to we got new armor nice we can climb up there as well interesting fun fact uh not that it matters but I never uninstalled this game on my PS5 I've always had it on here I almost played it on PC but I just I don't know I wasn't about to restart I put so much time what is in here M lady all right we'll try out the different weapons soon but for right now I'm chilling what I got I don't feel like redoing my build and as long as I'm succeeding with this I'm going to keep using it for now cuz I think once you find something new the fact that I have most of my weapons are at plus 10 I believe yeah plus 10 plus 10 plus 10 Yep this I got plus n to actually finish going all the way with that unless it only stops at night I don't think it does but it's like having to like Max it out just to try it I'm trying to save materials in case I actually she really want something okay assuming you could use your horse and get whatever that is but whatever no you can't use your horse right now maybe we get a why did I pop my skill there that was a panic pop that's what that was all right I guarantee you this enemy up here is going to be a nightmare let me test it out a little bit hold on how you doing how much health you got when you block that that's good that Shield is going to be a problem oh my goodness I'm going double heill just in case [Music] that still that still hit me okay so I have three different weapons I've always switched between ever since I finished Elder ring originally hey it's one of those things right there um the reason I like rivers of blood because I got the build for it also this I think pairs with it and everything um but yeah the moon Val is kind of like my intermediate I have this for like clearing out like a wave of enemies if I really need to so I switched between the three of those and I felt like if I need to like quick damage and I need to like poke you know that's kind of like what I use that other weapon for let me go up here first hey we got a message another fragment let me go and get this as well all let's actually go to the inventory and actually read this info should be here it is all right message left ancient ruins beyond the High Bridge from the shadow keep and then burn the tree that seals the path okay oh wait did it not keep forgetting it's like activate it then rest we got stuff over there as well interesting I'm assuming this is hold on the fact that there's like a thing you can collect right there wait what is down there even if I hop down there's no way I'm getting back up whatever let's try Elder ring baby what is that uh what I guess I'm going under right okay buddy all right we got more magic grease we're chilling I couldn't tell if I actually had it on because it's like there was a little glow but I didn't know if it's like from one of these things not going to hurt the animals they're chilling oh there's something right there hold on oh wait a minute uh I got to make this jump don't I oh no well Starlight shards okay looks like you could like go through the roof or something I guess not never mind so all this was here was just like to get that item okay I wonder if you can actually go all the way back there I feel like you can where's that at that's probably like towards that section right or hold on let me pin this hold on what direction is that it's like right in front of us oh I see it like way over there right where my helmet is kind of now we got to go back wait can you go across the waterfall wait a minute it looks like you can go here but like why you know you can go back here hey buddy I come in peace I can't tell there like a glowing dot back there oh no this smells like a trap uh let me heal up there's like some loot right there there's a ladder too okay something going to pop up here or what I'm waiting for it draw string okay can you keep going back this way we got not resin thank you all for joining me on this this is exciting I like literally was thinking about this for days cuz I was like my goal was to just kind of play it my spare time when I wasn't recording other stuff cuz I was playing all these other games and I'm like I want to get back in Elder ring and actually like know what I'm doing because it' been a while you know okay buddy oh my wait I'm alive okay buddy I was just like trying to like learn the game again because when you don't play something for almost two years and then you return to it it's almost like you're like oh yeah why did I use this again why was this weapon on why do I have the other one equipped why do I use the things on the top the flasks where do I go to level up this and that it's just like all these different things you're like not remembering so I had to like go through I actually watched a few of my own videos I was like how did I get this again smells like a trap okay this has been [Music] exceptional didn't quite kill hold on nice we got armor actually been playing for a very long time it may take a break pretty soon but I'm just enjoying exploring like where did you even come from did we make it oh what the I could use magic I guess for I didn't really use magic at all in the original game did I like thinking to myself on that one so this is the right place I can't check the map right now okay that looks like like this [Music] uh I can't check the map here can I sneak around this hold on I don't know if this is like thought like first like another player I'm like that can't be right the fact that it's like a red name I'm 100% going to die that damage is disgusting yo okay [Music] that's so much damage like unnecessarily High what in the world I don't feel confident at all right now no way you just healed I might just run it's like I don't know what to do here I okay well that's how you do it I felt like I could have killed that enemy had it not healed but I can't be mad because I was also healing I had like 12 Hills I was burning through all right let's see if we can get back to it I'm definitely killing that enemy before the video's over it's kind of weird how we got back over there like we went through the waterfall area hold let me put the lantern back on or the light whatever this is technically called anybody else okay we're chilling gu not the waterf overs like I saw it and I'm like I think there's like a original spot in the base game kind of like this where you can kind of sneak past stuff the fact there's like a ladder back here too makes sense these enemies I'm going try to like clip one around the corner though hold on there's like two up here I think okay one's in front of us where's the other one at oh right there I stand like right here maybe how did it not hit the one in front of me so that's like the gate okay I hope we can't like open that up unless this does something what is this oh this opens it up I believe is it okay so it's just like the side of Grace is right there now nice my goal right now is to kill that enemy that killed me earlier and then probably take a little break but thank you all for joining me on this this is a really amazing game and the fact that it's finally here I am just excited I'm going to go ahead and just top off my health too because like I kind of need to right okay buddy there's two here let me just run past them if I can my goodness all my stuff's right here that's good if they follow me up here I'm wondering if I can actually cheese this what would I do here pop this first and then do this golden Val and then just try to like a couple times little like knockback there too and he's definitely going to he so get ready for that yep I was waiting for it okay that like double was ridiculous I'm getting hold on I'm getting inside the building really quick this is not exactly what I was hoping for [Music] nice what do you even get for this get the sword nice what's going on in here hold on I beg embrace your child and give us a sign what that does uh enhances attacks uh maintain the same stance for a while interesting seems very situational it's like I'm probably good oh no the magic magic fools they're back at it is there anything back here hold on no like a hidden wall I'm always looking for something like that cuz you never know right I should have liked the uh assassination there but whatever I could try switching a magic I think I have enough like faith and everything I just like Dex dexterity Arcane ow anything that Stacks with the rivers of blood right now that's my go-to can I get attack dur in this she like right behind me the next side of Grace I'm taking a little uh breather CU I've been playing for a minute this has just been exceptional okay I may have to put on a bow cuz I like I don't want to but we got bodies down there okay you know what hit me again around the corner actually n very nice their design is actually really cool they almost like a zombie style H there's something over there I'm not going to worry about it let's just keep going I don't like this this is like you get like knocked off let me bring him down here hold on camera angle get got kind of weird there what we got sword key I think you use a few of those this feels like it's going to be a tough fight hold on I don't have any FP either really uh I'm TR running I'm out see you please stay down there sometimes you just got to run past stuff that's the way it works looks like I see a side of Grace up here which is a good sign okay good stopping point man what a great opening hopefully the video turns out well rest right here but anyways love you all best ever I feel like a part two my goal is to upload this every day until we hit the end and then I'll do like bonus content as well but hopefully this first video pops off much love to all of you thanks for like support and I'll talk to you very soon much love and take it easy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 513,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring DLC, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, Shadow of the Erdtree, Elden Ring DLC Gameplay, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Gameplay, Shadow of the Erdtree Gameplay, Erdtree Gameplay, Elden Ring DLC Full Gameplay, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Full Gameplay, Elden Ring DLC Full Game, Elden Ring DLC Walkthrough, Shadow of the Erdtree Walkthrough, Elden Ring DLC Part 1, Shadow of the Erdtree Part 1, Elden Ring DLC Playthrough, Shadow of the Erdtree Review, Erdtree
Id: iHJJgKj7Jdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 27sec (7287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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