Elden Ring Lore | The Fire Giants, Fell God and Fire Monks

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the age of the art tree has not always been and nor did it come about without conflict its Reign was established through Bloodshed and battle with the iron fist of Godfrey lord of the battlefield Queen Marica swept away all who could oppose her new order it was the defeat of the fire Giants that marked the beginning of the age of the Earth tree proper they are flame over in and fail God believed to be the last true threat to the art tree and its Dominion for the fire Giants were in communion with the one-eyed god of fire and their closely guarded flame of Rune had the power to destroy the archery the threat that simply could not be tolerated yet after repeatedly slain the fail God itself Marca realized this flame could not simply be extinguished and it was doomed forever to smolder a sleeping dragon on the doorstep of laying down itself so Marca did the only thing that she could she sealed the mountain and a new order was established to safeguard its power an order of monks and the guilty would devote themselves to its containment and safe keeping yet in time these monks meant to safeguard the threat it posed we'd also venerate its power the monks would be forced to walk a line between worship and guardianship and thus it shaped a unique culture in of itself the fear of this flame would never die thanks to a frightening prophecy that saw the flame reignited once more destroying the holy art tree a prophecy that we know to have more than a grain of Truth so join me this week as we look at the fire Giants their inheritors and the Legacy they left behind before we get started guys I just want to say that if you like long-form lore content and you're not subscribed to the Channel please consider doing so as I do primarily Elden ring long-form lore content and so there's plenty for you to watch and like on my channel now a lot of what we know about the Giants history prior to the war with the Earth tree comes in dribs and drabs and so it is up to us to pull it all together into the semblance of some kind of timeline we know that the Giants have long lived on the mountain tops and it appears that long ago a tribe of astrologers once coexisted with them there we learned this from The Sword of Knight and Flame which reads as follows astrologers who preceded the sorcerers established themselves in the mountaintops that nearly touched the sky and considered the fire Giants their neighbors so evidently this is a long time past as we are here talking of astrologers who preceded even the Sorcerers of real licaria and the carrion royal family the practice of astrology Would One Day lead to the development of sorcery a fact confirmed by The preceptor's Robe which describes these Sorcerers as descendants of these astrologers we will also look at the history of smithing as another bit of carbon dating if you will to show how early this society and the fire giant Society was so in this time before the academy these astrologers clearly established themselves at the highest peaks of the lands between to be as close to the sky as possible and this makes sense given that more primitive astrologers would most certainly choose to be as close to the stars as possible the more interesting aspect of this however is that the fire Giants lived in peace with these Stars studying humans showing they weren't automatically hostile to the rest of civilization it is their relationship to the fire god that determines their allegiance and animosity the greatest examples of this of course being the zamor and the Earth tree peoples even in this period of night and Flame they are still referred to as fire Giants meaning the fire god and the fire Giants had no issue with these Studios of the Stars thus allowing the flame and Knight to live in peace and this is interesting because while we see the Giants as a destructive violent Force they are living peacefully with a human community and it is all based on the fact that the Knight and the flame do not Clash I believe that one of their earlier conflicts is a good way of showing where the community of the fire Giants sets in the greater timeline of Elden ring I'm of course referring to the conflict they waged against the ice dragons an event we learn about from the Borealis Mist which reads as follows the ice dragons were once Lords of the mountaintops long ago until they were defeated by the fire Giants and chased from the peak so the ice dragons must have been an offshore of Dragon Kin to Borealis himself and they once ruled these mountain tops before the Giants even ruled it this is a useful piece of lore for placing the establishment of fire giant Society because Borealis and presumably the rest of the ice dragons are a type of dragon known as the modern dragons we learned this from the lightning straight incantation which reads the following one of the incantations of the capital's Ancient Dragon Cult ancestors of the modern dragons the ancient dragons had scales of gravel Stone and wielded lightning as their weapon it is said that they once attacked Lane Dale the Royal capital so these ancient dragons are the ones that we see lake fortissacks with four wings four legs and stone scales with Borealis and the lakes of agile forming the modern dragons the ones with two legs and more classical scaly skin given the dragons that the fire Giants defeated and chased off the mountain these ice dragons were modern dragons quote unquote we can assume that this place is the time of the Giants a fair bit after the reign of the ancient dragon but of course before the age of America so it fits neatly in between those we can determine that it was after they had claimed the mountain proper that they would then build a sort of society here as we see evidence of this community we see evidence of their craftsmanship in the form of the forge itself a focal point of their civilization well two hours in the modern era it is merely a vessel for the destructive flame of Rune the term Forge implies that it was used for metal work and smithing we can learn that it was the Giants who actually pioneered and invented the practice of smithing in this world something we learn about from the hammer item description which reads as follows originally at blacksmith's tool the art of smithing is said to have originated amongst the Giants given how basic our skill smithing is to any society in history we again realize that this civilization of giants really is an early one that developed such fundamental practices and Sciences and did the trolls Hammer very much suggests that this was a Cornerstone of their society for it reads the following trolls are descended from the Giants and these were supposedly once used as ceremonial smithing tools in the distant past smithing was considered Divine given that the fire used in the Forge is the fire of their very God and this would have been used in the process of smithing it is no surprise that this practice would have been considered divine we can assume that the giant Smiths would have forged their jewelry the likes of the metal cooking Bowl wielded by the fire Giant and the giant chains that connect the mounted tops and the forged together the forge itself seems to be built upon the same architecture of the kind we find scattered around the mountain tops of the Giants and therefore speculatively we can argue that the Giants were Builders as well so there is a fundamental Community here yet their God was not one of creation but one of Destruction and as mentioned it has implied the Giants are the enemies of those who are in anathema to their flame enemies such as the dragons of Ace and the Earth tree make sense yet it is also reinforced by another early conflict with an ancient foe the people of zamor we can see from the ruins of zamor the collection of structures on the lower slopes of the mountaintops of the Giants that these people also inhabited this region these Amor are a people who seemingly worship the winter as described by the zamor curved sword which reads an apparent Devotion to Winter the curved blade is styled after an icy wind and imbued with a powerful Frost effect yet their armor set makes it clear that these Warrior people have been baffling the Giants even before the war with the Earth tree for the armor say it reads these long-leved Warriors clad him biting freezing winds are said to have been the mortal enemies of the fire Giants since time Memorial the zamors association with ice has already been made quite clear and the fact they are mortal enemies implies that these two were always meant to go to war together indeed a zamor ice storm sorcery even goes as far to suggest that the zamor are closed with ice and it therefore makes sense that these two tribes would battle for dominance one is one with the flame and one is one with the ace the term immoral makes it claim to me at least that the zamor have been battling the fire Giants since well before the archery conflict and that they just became allies of convenience with the archery at a later stage yet I've always been fighting them from their Inception of their communities so let's return to the fire Giants now and what makes them fire Giants have they always been fire Giants and associated with the fail Flame were they born this way and what makes them so powerful to answer the core of the fire Giant's very beings we must first assess their relationship with their fill one-eyed God hey guys before we carry on with the lore I just wanted to give a shout out to a project but I think fans of Eldon ring will be interested in lock on is a bespoke gaming Journal that brings together Community artists creators to celebrate games Issue 4 is funding right now and will heavily feature Elden ring and from software inspired art and articles the hardcover Edition will feature this beautiful piece from Max 58 and I cannot wait to get my copy if you'd like to support this project please check out the link below and on the screen right now the issue is already funded so it is going to print 100 thanks for listening guys and now back to the lore we have it suggested to us that the Giants are the way that they are due to a cars binding them to their Duty as custodians of the flame of Rune and thus to the failed God the incantation burn or flame reads as follows the fire Giants borrowed from the power of a fail God and still they were defeated yet their failure released them from their solitary curse to serve as keepers of the flame for eternity whether or not the Giants at one point voluntarily entered into this contractual obligation or whether they were always cursed as a society and species the result is ultimately the same they are Servants of the flame forever they are inexorably linked to the flame and the fill God behind it they must watch over it until the end of time this endless duty is of course illustrated by the fate of the final fire Giant who despite being the last of his kind and beaten in a ferocious War still tends to the flame to this day while the fail God has many manifestations of his power through the Spells and incantations the ruinous flame of the forge seems to be his most potent and important manifestation given the entire purpose of his fire giant race is to safeguard and tend to this very flame we can see that it must be the strongest aspect of the Phil God on this Earth and even as the age of the art tree has progressed the smoldering power of the flame of Rune remains and it is a testament to this God's power given it is the only thing in the Mortal realm that we are aware of that poses a direct threat to the archery itself another fairly horrifying result of this curse is that the fire Giants literally have the fail God imprinted upon their physiology and I of course refer to the one-eyed face upon their abdomens this fail God is inexorably linked to each of the Giants it is part of them and this is something we learn from the flame of the fail God incantation which reads the following the chief guardian of the flame had kept this incantation a well-kept secret until it was stolen by Idan the fail God still lurks within the fire Giants so the fell God lies and exists within every fire giant suggesting it is this very connection that makes them what they are the power of these Giants suffused with the power of their failed God is massive and is expanded upon by the roar Talisman which reads the following in ancient times the Giants were mortal enemies of the archery their bellowing Roars desolated nature triggered avalanches and whipped top storms of Fire so first of all the power of their Roar is all destructive destroying nature triggering avalanches and whipping up storms and as we will look at in a moment they fail God and his fire Giants or forces of Destruction which is why he is often referred to as evil these Giants could whip up storms of flame and in our battle with one we can see how true this claim is when the fail God awakens Inside the Fire Giant when he offers his leg as a sacrifice the fire giant is capable of unleashing the fail God's fire upon his enemy making unfathomable destruction on the battlefield and the environment around him to me it is clear that the stomach face is an aspect of the fail God made manifest showing that the Phil God literally exists within each and every fire giant they are part of him every single one it does awaken as it does in the fire Giants fight with us the God is actively present marked by the opening of his eye incidentally I would hypothesize that this is why the trolls have a gipping hole in their stomach regions as they would decify their loyalty to the failed God but will discuss the trolls more in a moment we know that this one-eyed face is the face of their felt God as we see his Visage represented in many sources we see it on the one-eyed Shield the giant seal and the armor of the fire monks looking at the description of the one-eyed Shield we can learn more of this enigmatic deity it reads the following track some shield made from white stone depicting a malformed one-eyed God once worshiped by the Giants this evil deity is believed to have been slain by Queen America so it is possible that this is again the example of an unreliable narrator I.E we are meant to believe that this God is evil as if it is written by a member of the earth tree faithful however as I've mentioned already by looking at the roar Talisman I believe that this God is a God of destruction and chaos and I think by looking at some real world mythologies that have clearly inspired the fire Giants and their fail God we can see that there is truth to this implication I.E that this is an evil being of pure destruction there are a number of beings in real world mythologies who have one eye and are also depicted as evil for example there's Baylor lord of the femorians of Irish mythology and there's of course the Cyclops of Greek mythology and the oh hakanu of canterbrain Mythology I think it is clear that the fail God and His Giant straw heavily from these Traditions Balor the Cyclops and the ohakanu are all evil beings of great size and power but I specifically think that the story of the fail God to have been inspired by a combination of Balor lord of the femorians and the Ohan kanu the Ohan kanu were giant cyclopean beings who were the embodiment of Cruelty and brutality and their appearance is remarkably like that of a fire giant Rend beaned and massive and they even sported one eye Balor the leader of the hulking femorians was said to have had a single eye that when opened would cause Untold destruction highly reminiscent of the eye-opening scene in our battle with the fire Giant not only is this interesting in understanding the lightly myths that from software Drew inspiration from but also lends Credence to the idea that these beings and their God really are ones of pure destruction and therefore inherently evil and I do think it gives us a greater understanding of what this fail God stands for and why he is referred to as the fail God and an evil God the fail God's Visage would become symbolic of the fire Monk's Devotion to his flame ovaroon as well and we can see it ornamenting their chess piece the description of it can tell us more about the God as it reads the grotesque face sculpted on the chest is said to depict the ancient corrupt god of the flame taboos transform into lasting Obsessions By virtue of the fear that they inspire again we have a negative tone corrupt being used to describe this one-eyed being as it was a being solely possessed of evil intent indeed the only actions we see in game from this Society are ones of Destruction and brutality for example there's the fact that the fire Giant WE battle is only able to awaken his God by offering him a sacrifice in this case his leg and it is therefore implied that this was a God that demanded sacrifice aside from his destructive Powers his flame of Rune and his evil intent we don't know much so let us remind this God a one-eyed being was a mighty God of Fire has chosen vessels for the fire Giants who he existed within and also charged with keeping his ruinous Flames forever despite existing in this esoteric fashion he may well also have had a physical form as we see from the one-eyed Shield it is implied that Marcus slew a physical form of this one-eyed God but even if that is true the fail God still lurks within his fire Giants and the ruinous Flame yet despite the fire Giants destructive power their reign would come to an end a new age was donning and its Origins would be bloody indeed a star broke the atmosphere over the lands between a golden star that would plummet towards the Earth this golden star would be bearing the Elden Beast an event we learn about from the Elden Stars incantation this incredible Cosmic event would be the foundation for the world as we know it today as it would bring the Eldon ring and the Earth tree to the lands between the Eldon Beast as we learned from its remembrance is a vassal of the greater well and a living embodiment of order this piece would become the Elden ring itself and thus it would be the source of order that would control the forces of this world following this event the archery would grow a towering and Powerful symbol of the elding Ring's power yet the Earth tree's Dominion was far from automatic or guaranteed and we know that those loyal to it had an uphill battle ahead of them this is something that we learn from the protection of the earth tree incantation which reads the following in the beginning everything was in opposition to the Earth tree but through countless victories in war it became the embodiment of order so despite the Earth trees overwhelming dominance in our current age its early years would be marked by Massive Resistance from all corners these enemies would of course include the Giants later the carrions and presumably the stormlord so given so much resistance it would make sense that the greater well would need a vassal a God to enforce the archery as well and dominance over the lands between Marika a member of the Newman Race Who Came From Another World to the lands between was chosen as emperion to one day take the mantle of God and we learned that she was an emperion from malakith's remembrance which reads malachith was a shadow bone Beast given to his emperion so with marker at the helm the archery Crusade was poised to begin yet Marika would not wage this war alone as she would take her first consort he would go on to become the first Elden Lord Hora Lou AKA Godfrey lord of the battlefield a full history of Godfrey is a video in of itself but his lore is of course intertwined with the wars with the Giants and so we will explore him from this perspective prior to becoming god-free Hora Lou was essentially just a badass Warrior Chieftain who possessed immense bloodlust and power no doubt America chose Godfrey for the express purpose of harnessing his martial prowess to destroy the enemies of the earth tree he was the first Elden Lord because this era demanded a combative Lord the early Wars of the archery are of course dominated by Godfrey and his Warriors and this is something we learned from his armor set which reads as follows the age of the archery began amongst conflict when Godfrey was Lord of the battlefield he led the war against the Giants faced the storm Lord alone and then there came a moment when his last worthy enemy fell so quite clearly it is put in black and white here the age of the Earth tree was purchased through a period of a man's bloodshed these efforts would be spearheaded by the lord of the battlefield himself and it would be he who would lead the war against the Giants it has made clear to us that the Giants were instant and mortal enemies of the earth Tree and more importantly posed a huge threat to its reign and we learned this of course from the roar Medallion which mentions the fact they are mortal enemies meaning that they were just enemies by the sake that they are on opposing sides of the forces of the world indeed we know the Giant's defeat was what established the reign of the earth tree proper and of course it makes sense that the forces of the archery would seek to meet war on the fire Giants as the Guardians of the flame of rune as we learn from various sources and our own in-game experience that the flame of Ruin poses a direct threat to the archery and one of the better sources of this Sarge o flame reads the following the Giant's flame is the flame of Ruin capable of burning the Earth tree and so following the war against the Giants its ruinous Blaze was sealed and Guardians were appointed to watch over it what I find interesting is there does seem to be a prophecy that predicts that one day the air tree would burn and we learn of said Prophecy from the incantation called sin's deadly flame which reads the following incantation originating from a deeply ominous prophecy the prophet despaired looking up at the archery for soon the kindling would burst into flame bringing ruin the burning of the earth tree is the first cardinal sin that is not the domain of Mere Men so it was sensed by perceptive individuals that the flame of Ruin would have something to do with the archery's eventual destruction the ACT would become the first and therefore most reviled cardinal sin of the archery faithful now admittedly this exact rendition in this item description of the prophecy May well be an example of a rendition of the prophecy in our time or closer to our time rather than one that was seen at the time of these wars because it says soon the kindling will burst into flame in reference to melanous sacrifice but I do think it's clear that this prophecy has existed since the early days of the archery I think it is reinforced by the fact that this is the first cardinal sin it was the first concern the first sin to be established in the history of the archery's rule and of course it would give a reason for wanting to destroy the flame of Rune in addition we get further evidence that this prophecy is repeatedly witnessed by those in the faith and we learned this from the description of the catch flame incantation which reads the following incantation originating from a Sinister prophecy the flame of Rune is anathema to the archery but prophets sometimes Glimpse it within the faith all the same sadly when this occurs their sole reward is banishment so this is a prophecy that will be seen and presented by many different prophets throughout time and by the way if you choose the profit starting class it is heavily implied that you are one of these people who first saw the burning of the archery for if we look at the profit blindfold it reads blindfold of exiled prophets who foretold Misfortune and were persecuted and driven from their homes as a result so this really neatly ties up with the prophets mentioned in catch flame which incidentally is an incantation that the prophet starts with so again it shows that these are people who have seen the prophecy of the flame and have been banished for it what this prophecy shows is that the event of burning the Earth tree was destined to happen and it was so deeply written into this timeline that it is seen by multiple people and the archery faith not wanting to accept the truth or spread panic within the archery faithful simply have these prophets banished so I do think that it is possible that even at this train the people amongst the archery faithful had heard or seen this prophecy but that's just speculation the results the same whether by prophecy direct instruction from the greater will or by a logical conclusion the burgeoning ranks of the archery faithful would see the flame of Rune as a threat and they would turn their air towards the fire Giants led by America and Godfrey themselves in America's own words Hawk brave warriors hark my Lord Godfrey we commend your Deeds guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal to the place ye stand put the Giants to the sword and confine the flame Atop The Mount let a new Epoch begin an Epoch glistening with life brandish the Eldon ring for the age of the Earth tree and saw the Epic War of Legend would begin the war that decided the fate of the air tree and the lands between the fire Giants are Mighty far more Mighty to a man than those who would assault their Mountain besides America and Godfrey of course yet despite their apparent power the forces of the archery would be far more prepared and far more cutting in their approach to this conflict first of all the Warriors of the earth tree were equipped properly to face the threat of the Giants something we first of all learned from the smithing Stone 7 which reads the following Stone used to Smith a variety of armaments found in a polar region thought to have been used to hone the weapons of the champions of the war against the Giants at the birth of the earth tree so the weapons were specifically honed with stones found in cold polar regions to counteract the power of the fire Giants in addition the Warriors of this age were incredible large hammers clearly to smash the bones of these massive foes and we learned this from the giant Crusher hammer which reads the following a hammer made from Boulder used in the war against the Giants after the Giants were quailed and man turned against man in violence this weapon was all but forgotten man was feeble in comparison to his forebears and so it is also implied in this little bit of flavor text that human warriors were also more powerful and strong at this time of the birth of the earth tree it was not just their attack however that was strengthened and altered to face the Giants but also their defenses something we see from the description of the flame protect me incantation which reads the following the most ancient of the fire monks incantations it is said that this incantation was used during the war against the Giants long ago during which it protected the champions of the archery so an incantation that would actually go on to be a founding incantation of the fire monks was devised at this time to give the soldiers of the earth tree a greater defense against the fiery power of the Giants both of these pieces of evidence in regards to the attack and defense of the Warriors of the earth tree is a testament to Marcus cunning and combined with the raw strength and power of Godfrey we can see that the archery forces were well prepared to fight the fire Giants and yet the scales would tip even further and the Earth trees favor when the Knights of zamor long better Rivals of the Giants clearly jumped to the opportunity to finally destroy their age-old enemies and would join the Earth tree forces in destroying the Giants here we learn from their armor set that they would become decorated and celebrated Heroes of this war and one can only imagine that the powerful ice incantations of the zamor would have been a great Boon to America's Arsenal even further adding to the balance of power or the fact that the Giants were betrayed by their own kind by those we now know to be as trolls and it is something we learn about from The Sword monument in the mountaintops of the Giants which reads as follows the war against the Giants Champions battle trolls betray fire vanquished the era of the earth tree begins so the trolls betrayed the Giants the trolls being the large hollowed stomached enemies that we see around the games and pulling the characters however it appears that the trolls were in fact once Giants something we learned from the trolls smithinghammer item description which reads the following trolls are descended from the Giants and these were supposedly once used as ceremonial smithing tools I see them as a lesser form of giant that has devolved or descended from the Giants that portrayed the fail God over the years they are even interchangeably referred to as Giants in the item description of the trolls golden sword which reads sword given to the Giants who fought for the archery during the war against the Giants long ago so we can see that the trolls are former Giants who chose to betray their fell God took up golden swords and sided with the archery it is at this point I do want to revisit the physiology something I mentioned earlier as I said earlier I do find it interesting that the trolls therefore the Giants that betrayed the fell God as we now know have a massive cavity in the place where the failed Gods face which set on normal fire Giants and so my speculation is that when renouncing the fail God and their fire giant Brethren the presence of the fail God was either removed or disappeared when they renounced him I would also further speculate that this disassociation with the failed God would be the cause of their Devolution and to what we now know as trolls having removed a core part of what made them fire Giants in the first place we see that their decision to betray the failed God May well not have been the greatest in the long term for the trolls firstly they are now denigrant versions of the once probed and mighty Giants reduced a little more than packed mules for the human domains and the lands between indeed the Troll's golden sword item description implies that they are losing their mind over time they're becoming less sentient and more bestial over time I think that this race of betrayers get their second best chance under the service of the carrions as they at least get the Dignity of serving as Knights something we learn of from the great bleed Phalanx which reads used by the enchanted troll nates the recommerate of young renala Bound by oath and incidentally ranala during her fight with us when she summons a troll she calls them oath sworn Giants again seeing that Giants are interchangeably described as trolls reinforcing the fact that these beings were in fact once proud Giants another example of how Giants are generally treated better by the carrions is of course EG himself who has been welcomed into the inner circle of carrying royalty as he was rani's childhood companion and War counselor a fairly revered possession for this discarded race and it would make sense that the carrion would treat trolls better given they would not have the lingering distrust of giant kin that those of the archery would have regardless with all of this stacked against them is it any wonder that the fire Giants were utterly wiped out by Godfrey and America's forces I do believe we can learn more of this conflict and specifics of the Giants who were brought down if we examine the bodies of the Giants themselves which we see scattered throughout the mountain tops I would preface this that the following is clearly my own interpretation and speculation from the environmental storytelling of this area as we do not get specific in-game lore for what has happened to the Giants we can see that the fire Giants are completely frozen solid and while this clearly isn't the main cause of death one could choose to see it as the effects of zamor magic indeed they are Frozen to such a degree that there are icicles hanging off them though I do admit this could quite easily just be a post-mortem effect of the environment they're in however the winds upon the fire giant the one that's alive that is the blackened bits of skin around tears legs feet and his forearms look a little similar to the symptoms of frostbite in real life however that is of course quite speculative but what is undeniable is that their cause of death is of course the massive thorny staffs that pierce their body that then grow into Bishops of thorn and seemingly grow within their body and break it apart from the inside the growth of these Briars is so violent in some cases that the Giants are literally losing Limbs and having their bodies wrapped open so what are these thorny staffs and the associated growth of thorns much like the Petrified people in Knox Stella and nocron this is something you will need to make up your own mind with the environmental storytelling however I will give you my interpretation of what this is having thought long and hard about what is going on here I first considered if these were man-made staffs used in a sort of impaling ritual as you can see there is a guard that looks to be carved at the top of the staffs however you can see that these Thorns quite clearly seem to be shooting up from beneath the Earth they are not staffs they are growing from beneath the ground so to me this must be a form of powerful Thorn sorcery Thorns are important to the order of grace and the archery Society Thorns are used to Mark the guilty and Radigan a leading member of the golden order manipulates the powers of thorns to seal off the Earth tree from all trespassers we will talk more on the thorn Magics and the specifics of the thorn Sorcerers and their Origins but I do believe these staffs to be kin to these sorceries indeed the Briars of punishment spell likewise pierces from below the ground further Evidence linking these to The Thorn Sorcerers is the fact that not only are these thorny Stakes found in the Battlegrounds of the Giants but they also are found in leernia in the camps of the fire monks where the thorn Sorcerers are present given these camps are far more recent than the Battlegrounds of the Giants having been erected by the fire monks in the hunt for Adan it leads us to conclude that it has to be the work of sorcerers because they are present at both these unique locations where these Thorn Sorcerers are as well an opposing theory that I often see mentioned is that these Thorns are death plate and I would first of all like to disprove this before moving on straight up this is not death by it's something I considered as well for one death light would not have existed at this stage as it is symptomatic of Godwin's murder which has not happened at the time of the battle with the Giants secondly and probably more convincingly these Thorns simply do not look the same as those associated with the death plight if you examine the Thorns of death blight closely you will note that fittingly the thorns on death plate are actually fly wings very in keeping with the morbidity or death bite and the prince of death yet the Thorns of the guilty which are shooting through these Giants are clearly more traditional thorns and given that Thorns are used to punish the guilty in the archery Society Perhaps it is fitting that these heretical Giants were killed in this manner and perhaps it was the origin for such symbolic punishment but again my speculation however when it comes to the Thorns their relevance and their Origins we will come back and discuss it in full when we reach the section on the thorn Sorcerers to avoid repetition but for now let us turn to the last giant who is not impaled by these great Thorns the fire giant that we do battle with whatever the cause of their actual death the Giants were utterly defeated and put to the sword and according to the one-eyed Shield Marca even slew the one-eyed God itself so this may be a mythology constructed by The Victors to present a myth of complete Victory to the rest of the world however whether she did kill a physical form of the god itself we know either way that the felgod was not entirely destroyed given the lore we have previously discussed where we know the failed God exists within the fire Giants its incantations and the flame of Ruin which would not be put out we know that the felgod is not an ordinary being who exists in one place so even if marker did slay a physical form the result was the same the fell God's power and threat would still exist within the flame of ruin Marca would come to realize this terrible truth and that her Victory would never be complete and we see her reaction to this in the remembrance of the fire giant which reads as follows the fire giant is a survivor of the war against the Giants upon realizing the Flames of their Forge would never die Queen Marca marked him with a curse or trifling Jane most thou tend thy flame for eternity now this item description is interesting for a number of reasons the first bit of interest for me is the term upon realizing which reinforces the idea that America and her followers believe they could utterly destroy the flame of Rune by destroying the Giants and the physical form of the failed God and that the flame would die and yet at the war's close it clearly became clear that the ruinous flame would never stop smoldering and so when you plan on dealing with its threat became one of containment the fire giant we fight is the sole surviving member of his race and we can see that he is wounded and battered and we even end up taking advantage of his leg injury to bring him down it was upon realizing that the flame would never die that Marca chose to spare this giant and would Mark him with a curse quote unquote the reason she spares this giant is there's no point in killing him because it wouldn't achieve her goal and so many of the fire Giants have been destroyed by this point that their race will never again pose a threat directly it is only the flame of Rune that will cause a threat I see the point of him being spared as twofold marker first of all wants to spare him out of spite she refers to the giant as trifling and we know from their curse they fire Giant's curse that by sparing him she is in fact condemning this fire giant to tame to the flame for eternity think about it despite being the last of his kind and alone he is still standing there years after the war of the Giants tending to this flame what a miserable feat and then of course by sparing him we can see it's completely to mark his benefit when sealing off the flame of Rune because when we try to access it we now need to fight this Guardian so by sparing this being that no longer poses a threat to her she instead gains a free powerful prison guard and this of course works because as soon as we approach the flame he is obligated to attack us for he is its Guardian this is a horrifically sad story if you think about it this fire giant has been left to Stand Here tending to a smoldering flame watching over the dead bodies of his Brethren alone for all these years wounded and finally we put him out of his misery and free him from his curse yet the legacy of the fail God does not end here as the fire giant would not be the only measure that marker would leave in place to secure her interests now we come the order of the fire monks an order that would act as both prison guards and worshipers of the flame of Rin and in a lot of ways they are the inheritors of the fire Giants and so as to them we turn to next the end of the war of the Giants would Mark the start of the age of the archery and it is also marked by the building of the first church of America ever on the slopes of the mountain tops however America and her people would then depart and go to build Lane Dell around the foundations of their new archery yet as we know the flame of Rune would always pose a danger and so these lands were declared forbidden with malachith commanding his followers the vulgar militia and the black played Kindred to guard this forbidden route against any who were too interested in what lay beyond the past and on the mountain itself would be established an entire religious order dedicated to containing the flame at its source we learn of this new order from The Surge of flame incantation which reads as follows the Giant's flame is the flame of Ruin capable of burning the Earth tree and so following the war against the Giants its rareness Blaze was sealed and Guardians were appointed to watch over it these Guardians are an order of monks who we now know to be the fire monks the title of Monk itself tells us that this is a position of Soul Purpose and focus for monks or people of religion who live aesthetic lives in order to focus on their religious duties separating themselves from the rest of society and its distractions these fire monks are also a militant faction each monk is a stoic and Powerful Warrior well-armed trained and well-versed in powerful fire incantations the reach of this organization is also very broad for one that is not connected to one of the demigods or regions in the lands between and we can see they possess various strongholds such as the Guardians Garrison below the forge itself and given its important position and the fact the chief Guardian is also located here we can assume that this is their main base of operations however they also have the giant conquering Hero's grave which seems to be a fully functioning stronghold for the monks and finally there's the newly conquered Fort laid in the Altus plateau and we will get to that later this is an order dedicated to the containment of Fire and at the beginning I'm sure this was their sole motivation especially if we consider one of their most ancient incantations flame protect me an incantation dedicated to the repelling the power of flame not harnessing it so at this early stage we can imagine these fire monks were very different from the monks we see now which blend guardianship with worship we imagine at this point the fire monks were adherents of the earth tree fearful of the fire's power and dedicated to containing and repelling it if you have any doubt about the order's commitment and connection to the Earth tree order then you only need to look at the banners within the fire monk stronghold at Giant conquering Hero's grave these banners quite clearly have the symbol of the two fingers upon them the training and spiritual fortitude of these monks as well as the immense challenges that they faced is well summarized by the fire monk ashes which read as follows Spirit of a Stout Monk who monitored the Giant's Flame first in flame incantations and himself steeled against fire though he was charged with keeping watch overflame after many years of solemn Duty he has succumbed to its Allure we learn in time that the original methodology and belief system would clearly not last and it would blend what's described in the item description I just read a combination of being stealed against fire but also wielding it and we learn more about this from the incantation Whirl or flame which reads fire beguiles those who look upon it those who would guard the flame would also come to worship it the very power within the flame whilst causing fear would also come to Mesmerize them and the current state in which we see them the modern flame monks is part way between veneration and containment we can see the worship of the flame we become so Central to their identity that they would even take the Visage of the Phil God himself upon their armor and indeed the item description for this armor is useful in describing their dual relationship with flame for it reads taboos transform into lasting Obsessions By virtue of the fear that they inspire so through fear the monks have come to respect and worship the flame and from a psychological perspective fear is often one of the greatest tools for inspiring all and it is no wonder that after some time these monks would come to venerate its power incorporating it into their symbolism and structure and thus we see the fire monks as they are today their robes covered in the flame of ruined imagery their weapons are shaped like flames and they have fashioned to fearsome flame chariots that take on the Visage of giants if you're confused at how we know these flame chariots or creations of the fire monks then you need to only read the hint note of the flame chariots themselves which name them as a fire monk invention as these devices show the monks clearly respected the power of the Fallen Giants and no doubt saw themselves as their successors in a way for the fire Giants once tended to the flame and is that not now a role undertaken by these monks it is therefore not surprising that the fire monks have taken on the appearance of the fire Giants with their dyed Orange Beards and hair and the fell Gods Visage upon their abdomens do we not see that these are trying to emulate the very appearance of the fire Giants however I do think it should be made clear that while they venerate the power of the fire and see themselves as the new Fire Giants guarding the flame they are very much still wanting to contain it despite some falling to its Allure in general the order respects the fact that the flame is very much something to be feared and contained with those who have the responsibility to understand its power I think that this balance is well illustrated by the description of the incantation flame cleanse me which reads as follows one of the incantations of the fire monks creates a fire that burns away toxins alleviates poison and Scarlet rot buildup and cures these ailments this incantation leaves the Caster with subtle Burns a reminder that they must fear the flame so this incantation is a manifestation of the Monk's belief system and philosophies if one uses the power of the fail flame one should not walk away unscathed lest the monks forget the reason behind their Duty and the fearful power they are trying to contain indeed this is why the focus granted by the aesthetic life of a monk is needed for their very duty is to walk this fine line to never forget the danger and cost of their charge and so incantations such as flame grant me strength are strictly forbidden by their order as we learn from its description which reads this incantation does not burn the caster and so is considered forbidden by the Guardians of the flame so we can see here that the incantations ratified by this order are only those which damage the wielder of the incantations as this fits within their philosophy of balancing power with fear to that end it is the duty of the upper echelons of this order to safeguard the greater secrets and manifestations of the fail God considered too dangerous even for the greater population of the flame monk order these leaders are the mighty prelates prelate being a real world term for a bishop or Abbot and this is suitable as they are not only incredible Warriors but also the most devoted stoic and stalwart members of the order we learn the basics of the prelates from their armor set description which reads as follows the awaiti frames of the prelates symbolize the onus of their grave vows as Guardians of the flame to me prelates are the most accomplished stall work and stoic members of this order and are the only ones who are responsible enough to accept the greater burden of the fail God's greater Secrets a responsibility that they wear upon their shoulders a lot of symbolism therefore associated with the prelates is weight and gravity to symbolize the weight of their burden and the importance of their Duty such as their literal bulky weight and bulky armor this is also reinforced by the weighty Hammers that they wield the description of which reads colossal Hammer with the appearance of roiling flames weapon of the prelates who lead the fire monks it's heft represents the weight of their guardianship so again the symbolism of the prelates is all about the gravity of their Duty they are the most stoic and steady of their Brethren and thus they know the greater secrets of the flame but through the weight of their armor and armaments they are never allowed to forget the burdens of their Duty one needs only look at the story of Barack to see how devoted these members are to their Duty and the important rule in which the prelates play in making sure the order remembers this duty of guardianship unless they get lazy we learn of this interesting prelate from the cranial vessel candlestand and its description reads as follows candlestand used in worship of Barrack the most hallowed monk prelate of the Giant's flame concerned over the lazy arrogance with which the monks treated the flame Barack severed his own head as a lesson to others intending it to be used as a candlestand so that's prelate Barack was so concerned with his Brethren's lack of diligence that he beheaded himself this type of arrogance is what we touched on previously where monks may be prone to getting carried away with the power that they wield as Guardians of the flame and forgetting why they are Guardians in the first place and how important a role is and almost a religious responsibility for these prelates and Barack literally has taken his own head to show how devoted these prelates can be and indeed the candlestan is its own head as you can see his Ginger beard poking out from beneath the helmet if you look carefully so let's look closer at the helmets of the prelates by reading the description of one it reads the following it is said The Cauldron perched upon the head was originally furnished with Embers and it would surge into flames when the Ware's Faith reached its zenith the fire of this cauldron has long since died out so this helmet describes the devotion and power of the prelates the prelates are so unwavering in their faith and so powerful in their knowledge of flame incantations that they can literally cause the Embers in this cauldron clearly designed to be a copy of the forge to explode from their head just from their faith alone and this is why if we on the helmet we simply do not possess those years of faith and devotion and cannot replicate the results yet despite the best intentions of the order and their stalwart prelates the power of the flame is so bewitching that it can easily cause one to be enraptured even the stoic trained monks of this order to a degree all monks venerate it but as we've said it is the fine line between maintaining that respect for the flame alongside your fear of it but we get examples of fire monks who completely forget the duty and fear instead becomes singularly obsessed with the power that flame can grant in general this concept is explained through the Advent of the subgroup known as the black flame monks the black flame monk set reads the following the black flame monks enthralled by the god-sling black flame became traitors abandoning their posts as Guardians the seduction of a taboo is never easily spurned the seduction of power is too much for some flame monks to handle and they abandon their Guardianship and instead went to this new power the black flame seeing the power of the flame being able to slay the gods and cause fear in America's order they were so easily Bewitched by its power converting themselves to Black flame monks changing their armor and appearance to venerate this new flame the first of their number being Ammon and it shows that instead of venerating their jitty and the flame of Ruin itself they are more interested in the power that our flame can grant them and in this case they saw the new power of the black Flame it is this type of fall that the prelates oversee and try to stop through their stoitism and commitment they seek to keep their brother monks in line and in fact I think this idea of religious shepherding and enforcement is reinforced by another weapon that some of them wield the thorned whip the item description of this fearsome device reads as follows Hefty whip covered in Crimson thorns weapon of prelates who lead the fire monks a device of fearsome religious encouragement it is fashioned in the image of the Briars of sin being described as our instrument of religious encouragement I believe it means that this is a tool of dominance to make sure the Monk and the guilty never forget their charge it is a whip to hold over their head and possibly use if they get out of line and break the tenets of this order having these webs formed in the shape of the Briars of sin is no mistake given it is another symbol of this order and again we will talk on that more in the next chapter it is the vision and Clarity of these prelates that also give them access to darker and more dangerous secrets of the fail God these are the incantations that draw directly from the power of the fire Giants the fire giant incantations rather than the derivative fire Monk incantations these incantations draw directly from the Phil God one such incantation being flame fall upon them the description of this incantation reads as follows one of the incantation that draws directly from the power of the fire Giants there's no record of this incantation in common prayer books only a few prelates Nova's existence so the spells that draw directly from the fire Giants that unleash the full unadulterated power of the failed God are not trusted to the hoi polloi of the order only prelates are grounded enough to comprehend the knowledge and use it responsibly and again we see this from the prayer book of the fire Giants that seems to be something that isn't seen by regular monks and in fact is actually guarded by the chief Guardian himself indeed the greatest of these incantations is the flame of the fell God and which is thought to reside the fail God himself when it is cast indeed in our battle with the fire giant we can see this truly is one of their incantations as he uses it against us in our battle this incantation is so dangerous that this is guarded by the leader of the fire monks organization Chief guardian argente and this is something we learn about from the item description of the incantation itself we also learned from this incantation that in a dramatic turn of events this powerful incantation was stolen by someone known as Adan a Dan is called the thief of fire aptly named for someone who has taken the flame of the fell God right from under the chief guardian's nose interestingly when we find them they are partially wearing prelay armor suggesting he was either a prely himself or disguised himself as one I personally like to go with the latter because the armor just looks so ill-fitting on him and I find it comic to the degree that he walked in in this massive armor and just stole the spell is of course speculation but regardless of who he is and why he did it he took this spell and fled to the land of leernia although it seems by our time that we come across him he has already been imprisoned in an evergel by someone else yet the fire monks clearly don't know his location or that he's already been imprisoned for there's a large contingent of fire monks that have invaded leernia and this is something we learn about from the Monk's flame blade which reads the following the monks came to the land of leernia in pursuit of a fugitive who stole their fire for any in doubt about how seriously the vast majority of the order take their Duty should take note of the resources they commit to recovering this loss relic of theirs a danger to society if fallen into the wrong hands they have even attacked a capital fort fort laid slaughtering all of the capital soldiers here as we can see on the top floor and they've taken it as a base of operation there's a speculation of course I'm just going by the environmental storytelling but we do see the corpses of the capital soldiers and we see a good contention of thorn Sorcerers fire monks and they are actually led by a prelay himself who is inside the fort and what I would take from this story is that coming down to the lands between to find the Thief they've taken this for as a forward base of operations so the monks are a fascinating Bunch really a religious militant order that venerates the flame but also acts as its Guardians guarding its power and secrets from those who could irresponsibly use its power and yet we haven't spoken of another constituent part of this order the monks do not work alone beside them are the thorn Sorcerers the guilty who I see to have been confined to serve this order so let us now examine these people and the Briars of sin as both are an integral part of the order of monks while the fire monks are the emblems of this order the most numerous members we see in sites occupied by the monk order are the thorn sorcerers unfortunately there isn't again a lot of in-game lore about these characters but there is some and enough for us to construct a picture of who they are so let us jump straight into what these people most likely are by examining their character models first of all we can quite clearly see that they wear a crown of thorn upon their heads and that they are indeed blind as we can see from their eyes and we can learn that this was a punishment of the guilty something we learned from the Briars of sin spell which reads as follows an aberrant sorcery discovered by exiled criminals theirs are the sorceries most reviled by the academy the guilty their eyes gouged by Thorns lived in Eternal Darkness there they discovered the Blood star so these were guilty exiled people who have had their eyes literally crushed and gouged out by thorns a punishment for their crimes and of course this is a very on the nose bit of Christian imagery of Christ and the crane of thorns we have already seen that the occluding of eyes seems to be linked to multiple degrees of punishment like the blindfolding of prophets who have seen the burning of the archery in their dreams yet with these guilty exiled Sorcerers the process is a far more extreme variation of a theme indeed Briars are often used to Mark and punish criminals throughout the land in slightly different ways we can see this in the case of Elmer of the Briar and the guilty Hood set with the descriptions of both of these armor sets explaining that Briars are inexorably linked to punishing those and marking those who are perceived to have broken the laws of the land what I also find interesting is the description of the staff of the guilty and this is the casting Implement which these Thorn Sorcerers wield the description reads as follows a heretical staff fashioned from a smoldering weathered sapling that turns the blood of sacrifice pierced by it into Glenstone so interestingly this magic and Associated staffs are considered to be heretical and we will get onto why these Magics are seen as the dark opposite to Glenstone magic momentarily but I think it's important to highlight that while the thorn Sorcerers are considered useful they are of course considered heretical and are exiled criminals I therefore believe that the motivation for assigning them a place among the fire monks is twofold one The Thorn Magics have been proven as a powerful weapon against the fire Giant and two it keeps dangerous criminal Heretics far from society so we do need to briefly retread the ground of the mass of thorns that impale the Giants just to contextualize this discussion and the importance of thorns to the order of monks as I showed earlier in the video I believe the thorn impaling the Giants to be some kind of thorn sorcery conjured by Thorn Sorcerers like the exiled ones we see in game given that we see them in locations both where Thorn Sorcerers are present and so given the Thorns history against the Giants and those who would use the flame of rune for Dangerous purposes it would make sense that thorn Magics that it would continue to find use here far from the eyes of people who deemed heretical but in a place where is most useful and inexorably linked to the purpose of the guardianship over the flame of Ruin however to understand the thorn Sorcerers themselves I think we need to delve in to what Thorne's sorcery actually is so we can get a full picture of who these people are that are serving alongside the fire monks the Briars of sin the spell describes that those being punished by being blinded with thorns live in Eternal Darkness being blamed and at that point they make contact with something known as The Blood star now the Blood star is a highly speculative subject and esoteric it's something that I want to do it's on video one but we need to try and understand this concept to understand the thorn sorcerers so as with many Concepts in this game The Blood star seems to be a nebulous cosmic power that makes contact with those who are without sight and so therefore metaphorically live in darkness now I have spoken on stars in far more detail in my primeval current lore video and I highly recommend you check that out for a discussion but in that we look at the fact that stars are very often associated with darkness and the abyss and that while the abyss may be physically far away far removed from this world one can connect to it through the Primeval current this Abyss is referenced repeatedly in the Primeval current spells as well as in association with Estelle a star himself who was born in the sightless void far away what we also discussed in that video is that a translation provided to me by last protagonist who I seem to always thank in all my videos and again you should go and check them out and I'll show the translation on screen for a steal which shows the fact that the word darkness is very much associated with stars so it makes sense that again we're finding a group of people making contact with a star in the Darkness we know that the stars have some form of life due to selen's discussion about glintstones and how glenstones contain the Vitality of the Stars I.E the stars are alive and of course we do indeed face a living but malformed star in the form of a steel that's the long and the short of the star's connection to the abyss and again I highly recommend you watch my primeval lore video for more detail on that but suffice it to say this association with darkness and making contact with stars that exist in a dark space is nothing new but the fact that this Abyss where this Blood star exists exists within the mind of people who've had their eyes violently blinded creates a more Sinister aspect to it indeed The Thorn sorceries seem to draw their power from blood sacrifice where Glenstone Sorcerers draw theirs from Glenstone and the Vitality of the Stars this is something we can see when a thorn sorcerer casts a thorn spell they seem to cut themselves against the Briars on their thorny staff which then fuels the spell further evidence that it is the power found within the Vitality of blood that powers these Thorn sorceries the sorceries of the Blood star is supported by mad tongue Albrecht who wears red Glenstone upon his robes the description of his robe reads as follows set with red glintstones said to be formed by the blood of sacrifices strengthens Thorn's sorcery so while blue glintstone uses the Vitality of the Stars these red glint Stones use the Vitality of humans and empowers these blood spills so it is no wonder that these spells are reviled by the academy they are a dark reflection of the Flintstone sorceries they are the dark side of the force if you will yet their presence here seems to be well integrated into the order despite the Sinister Origins and source of their power we can see that they too seem to worship the flame of Ruin as we see them kneeling in religious prostation beside the monks at various points throughout the game and as already mentioned it appears to me as if the Thorns are an important part of the order given the repeated instances of its symbolism within the order so while having a pretty complicated background lore themself and a pretty problematic source of power blood and the Blood star the reason for their integration into the order seems pretty obvious to me they are useful and not only that it gives a purpose to these extremely dangerous individuals and keeps them under the watchful eye of the prelates now before we finish up this video I would like to cover the legacy of the Giants and how it seems like their bloodline is not entirely finished so with the last of the fire Giants confined to serve the flame forever and the mountaintops forbidden and guarded by the monks the age of the Giants was truly at an end and the age of the archery was established upon its grave and yet even before we stepped foot on the mountain tops we can see the legacy of the Giant's impact upon the lands between we've already discussed the fact that the blood of the giant lives on in the form of trolls a descendant race of giants who are a far cry from their Mighty ancestors and yet certain trolls like EJ May well influence important events in the lands between however it is not only the trolls who claim lineage to the Giants but there seemed to be humans who claim the same for if we choose the northerner default appearance when creating our character we are treated to the following bet of flavored text a face found among the hearty people of the unforgiving North some say they are descended from the Giants so this is a really interesting bit of text because it suggests that the blood of the Giants would eventually water down and run through certain humans specifically humans from the north who we could presume being from the north where the mountain tops of the Giants are and so this would make sense of course it is a classic from software description and that it says some say meaning that it could just be an n-universe rumor the fact that Northerners are from the same regions of the Giants are from people just assume they have the blood of the Giants yet whatever the fact of these Northerners there's another important and pivotal character who may well lend Credence to the rumor that some may have descended from the Giants in the age of the archery with the Giants destroyed the forces of Queen Marca would turn to expanding their existing Holdings and of course their eye would fall upon learnia and the realm of carrion royalty who did not yet bowed to the archery among the Warriors of the archery who would take part in the two liardian Wars would be a new champion who is rising among the ranks and this is Radigan the red-haired and he would come to prominence during these wars something we learn about from The Sword Monument honoring the first leonian war which reads as follows the first leonian war radican's Glory Burns Red as his hair indeed Radigan has often celebrated and identified by his fire red hair something he would pass on to his children through both America andronella looking like a prey dominant gene yet radican's red hair is something he was not fond of something that we learned from the Giant's red braids a weapon made from the hair of the fire giant we kill it reads as follows every giant is red of hair and Radigan was said to have despised his own red locks perhaps that was a curse of their kind so it is a heavily implied that Radigan like the Northerners is linked to the fire Giants in a way it says that perhaps this was a curse of their kind as if he is one of their kind one of the blood of the Giants and given how much focus and prominence is given to radigan's red hair we can see that it is most likely true why else focus in on this detail about his hair this must have been a better pill for the allele Hound of the golden order to swallow having a constant and Stark reminder that he Radigan greatest champion of the archery was of the same blood of the earth tree's greatest enemy this of course is my speculation but I think that given the focus we are given on Madigan's red hair I think it is most likely true if it is true then the fire Giant's Legacy goes far deeper it runs through the blood of Millennia the greatest swordsman in an age and herself a goddess of a potential new order it runs through the blood of rudan the most powerful of the demigods and the scourge of the Stars and it would run through the blood of Reichard who like his giant forebears would see the archery shatter and fall and finally it would also run through the blood of Rani they once red-haired witch who is on the cusp of bringing the age of the archery to a close so in that way if true the Giants were never really defeated one day the flame of Ruin would be Unleashed against her ancient enemy and perhaps their burning hatred of the archery flows through radigan's more rebellious children and saw their Revenge would be complete so thanks guys that is my take on the Epic fire Giants the fail God and the Order of the fire monks as well as the various legacies Left Behind if you like this video please consider giving it a like And subscribe as this is what I do full time now I'm just an elder ring lore guy and I do this lore content and I love bringing it to you guys let me know what you think of this subject in the comments below I'll of course miss the little details here and there so I'd love to hear your theories your thoughts as well as your interpretations of the lore and if you want to support the channel another way I do have a patreon as well as memberships on YouTube the latter of which gives you nice Badges and little emojis for the comments but until next time guys let me know what you want me to cover next and I will see you on the shores of Leonia take care [Music]
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 545,274
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Keywords: elden ring lore, elden ring, elden ring story, elden ring gameplay, lore, explained, elden ring lore explained, great runes elden ring, fire giant, flame giant, war of the giants, marika, godfrey, Horaux loux, Radagon, Golden order, Erdtree, fell god, mountaintops of the giants, Zamor, altus plateau, leyndell, the shattering, liurnia, rennala, agheel, borealis, fire monks, prelate, guardian garrison, adan, what killed the fire giants, how did the fire giants die, briars of sin, thorn
Id: WBCutl_C6XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 11sec (4751 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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