Elden Lore To Study and Relax To - A Night of Knights

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foreign 's reaction to our first lore compilation we wanted to make sure you didn't have to wait until the end of year two to enjoy more long-form Elden lore content from now on we're going to create new lore compilations featuring specific groups of characters across the lands between now that we've published our video on the Drake nights we've covered every faction of knights in the lands between and we wanted to put them all together so you don't have to dig through our playlist for a comprehensive lore dive [Music] we considered having this compilation simply cover the different nights devoted to the demigods such as the red Mains and the clean rods but ultimately we feel it makes more sense to include every night faction in the game so you'll also see those that fall outside of these regular variations such as the Bloodhound Knights the mausoleum Knights and more this compilation will also not be in the order that these videos were released so don't be surprised if quality dips between videos chapters will be included as well so you can feel free to skip around if you don't want to revisit anything you've already watched in our previous Eldon ring lore to study and relax to video with all that said thank you for helping this series reach the point where we can even make this long-form content let's begin godric the grafted is known to be the weakest of the demigods not only is his Royal Blood considered diluted but time and again he has shown cowardice in the face of adversity and took from others through grafting in an attempt to make himself stronger while he considered himself the rightful ruler of the lands between due to his parentage leading back to Godwin the golden it's clear that he's barely a demigod at all perhaps only having a rune because it was passed down to him over time that said godric himself is not the topic of this video instead we will be talking about someone deeply tied to the crafted demigod this formidable Warrior is known throughout the Alden ring Community as one of the strongest most fearsome encounters we will ever face he has slaughtered countless tarnished his power knows no bounds and he attacks us when we are at our absolute weakest today we will be thoroughly exploring the legend himself the soldier of God Rick Wait no that's a typo okay we're going to be talking about the soldiers of godric okay yeah that's a lot less interesting whatever we've covered all the other nights so yeah we're doing this grab a comfy seat and let's get to it in order to understand the tragedy of these disgraced nights we must first look to their armor the contract Knight armor tells us its left breast is emblazoned with a two-headed War ax and emblem of the golden lineage the knights surely boasted of their strength in days long gone so by the wording of this description we can assume that the members of contract's forces no longer consider themselves powerful in terms of their standing in the lands between the tree and Beast circuit worn by godric soldiers also drives this point home armor worn by soldiers loyal to godric the grafted the Circo depicts the distant Earth tree and the Beast region an emblem of the golden lineage both are symbols of Glory now past contract soldiers may have once been formidable but their Glory days are long behind them and their own Master is directly responsible for their shame according to Kenneth height there were multiple instances of godric acting in cowardice first we know he was part of an attack on Langdale it's hard to say exactly which battle this was but if we assume he fought alongside goat for the grafted then Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff's ashes tell us it was the first Siege of Langdale after he saw the battle going poorly instead of fighting alongside his men he stole the mimic's veil from the Royal capital and used it to hide among the women fleeing this allowed him to escape with his life and his great room while God Forbes captured and his men were slaughtered while retreating the godric soldier ashes even tell us the soldiers who serve godric the grafted are what remains of the army that fled the Royal capital of the earth tree from here he then went on to hide from her Dawn Behind the Walls of stormvale Castle and insult Melania leading to a confrontation with her that led to him pleading for his life bringing even further shame to the memory of godlinthegolden and his lineage at this point it's probably becoming clear why these Knights and soldiers would no longer brag about their strength in fact they likely continue to serve godric only because of his bloodline [Music] altars and Knights of godric are a curious case when it comes to armies in the lands between they can be found in various areas of lim grave but not a single one is found within Stormville castle where godric the Grafton has taken up residence when we explore the castle we're mostly met with exiled soldiers in Banished Knights along with emaciated commoners a troll rotten Strays a lion guard an omen and a testament to the horrors of godric's ancient practice a crafted Scion [Music] many believe that the reason these are the enemies we find protecting the castle is that godric recruited the strongest cell sorts and creatures he could find after all godric was obsessed with strength as we can clearly see from his taking strength from others through the art of grafting this implies that not only do contract's original forces live with the disgrace of serving a cowardly Lord but what remained of them were appointed away from the castle no longer considered strong enough by their Master to defend him they couldn't prove their superiority to the forces of Langdale so their fickle Lord tossed them aside relegating them to nothing more than mere foot soldiers meant to walk his lands and defend anything he considered his clearly when it came to Masters the Knights of godric are the short end of the stick in the lands between and they know it aside from the tree and peace Circo telling us that their Glory days are long past another item we can take from them along with one of their ashes of War implies that Stormville Castle is not their original home and they may long for a way back to their former glory there is a mounted godric Knight on a cliff Southwest over the deathbed catacombs whom upon death drops the ash of War golden vow this skill is passed down from Antiquity among the Knights of the royal capital Rey's Armament Aloft and pledge to honor the Eritrean battle granting self and nearby allies increased attack power and defense why would a knight of godric be able to use this skill perhaps in the days before the shattering these Knights served another Lord God won the golden we know that Godwin lived within the Royal Capital so naturally his Knights would have been stationed alongside him in their time they may have even been Lane Del Knights the Gilded great Shield they dropped tells us the red tinge in the gold coat mirrors the primordial matter that became the herd tree the color of Homeward yearning these nights likely followed godric the grafted out of Lane delt during the shattering due to their allegiance to their original Lord as his descendant they felt loyalty to godrick first and foremost and unfortunately this is how their loyalty was rewarded they fought an unwinnable battle against the city they once called home and bore the disgrace of both their own defeat and the cowardice of their lord only to make it back to his castle and be told they were no longer worthy to defend its walls it's no wonder these nights long for the days where they could boast their strength and want nothing more than to return to their home the capital city and once again bathe in the golden rays of the earth tree in fact we even find these soldiers and knights defending the Tower of return which provides a way back to the capital city but their shame likely keeps them from using it themselves [Music] the soldiers and Knights of godric easily have the worst lot of any army in the lands between even if you consider the clean rot Knights who are perpetually rotting I would argue godric's forces are still worse off as the clean rocks at least carry the title of strongest knights in the lands between and feel a true sense of loyalty to Melania for godric's Knights their Glory Days are well behind them and they likely feel no love or loyalty for godric himself just a sorrowful sense of Duty to defend the once great bloodline of Godwin the golden no matter how badly godric himself tarnishes the name they are truly forsaken by their lord their home and Grace itself but still they hold the line even if they can never recapture the dignity they lost in their service to the poorest excuse for a demigod we encounter thank you for joining us for our dissection of godric's knights this wraps up all of the standard Knights found in the lands between but we still plan on diving into the Korean Knights as well there are also the Drake Knights but we believe our video on yora and eleanora already hit on all of the information currently known about them so we really are rounding out every night faction that lands between why do you think godric's armies are not allowed within Castle stormvale do you believe they were once soldiers of laying down how many times did you die to the immortal soldier of God Rick let us know your thoughts and stories in the comments don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell if you haven't already YouTube isn't pushing Elden ring content at the moment so anything you can do to boost the channel is truly appreciated we look forward to seeing you again for more Eldon lore we've had a few videos diving into the various night factions in the lands between some served individual Lords some were banished and became Mercenaries others live in death and defend the mausoleums of long dead demigods one faction of night stands out amongst the others for less than scrupulous reasons the Knights of the cuckoo are the Defenders of Reya lucaria Academy but they hold no love for those they defend these nights are little more than Hired Hands contracted for a job and given nighthood regardless of whether or not they are truly deserving of the title today we're going to take a look at the history of these Knights and delve into their true purpose not the defense of the academy but as the brute strength needed to challenge its leadership in order to understand the history of the Cuckoos we first need to understand a little bit about the history of the Academy of Raya lucaria it's easy to assume that the Korean royal family has always been the leadership of the academy but this is not true the spell ranaula's full moon tells us Queen ranala encountered this enchanting moon when she was young and later it would be which the academy and the remembrance of the full moon queen says in her youth ranala was a prominent champion who Charmed The Academy with her lunar magic becoming its master she also led the Glenstone Knights and established the house of carya as royalty [Music] So Not only was radalla made the master of the academy due to her Mastery of moon sorcery but the Korean royal family was not even royalty before she was put in charge at some point there seems to have been a falling out between the academy and ranala while the Sorcerers of the academy wanted to continue studying the Stars Ronaldo wanted to follow the guidance of the Moon the scholars tolerated this notion as she was their leader but in secret they planned for the moment when they could turn the tide and replace the karian royal family at the top of the totem pole it was to this end we believe the Knights of the cuckoo were founded there is a form of parasitic cuckoo which is a type of bird that lays its eggs in another bird's nest in order to have it hatched and made Strong by the birds whose nested invaded it's no surprise that this is the symbol the academy gave their Knights the cuckoo great Shield is a metal great Shield painted with appearing cuckoo carried by the enchanted Knights sworn to the academy boasting High magic damage negation The Shield is used to hunt down Mages our enemy is none other than karya itself The Shield confirms that the Cuckoos were always intended to be the enemies of the karian knights those who serve the Royal Family the Sorcerers of the academy started their own faction of muscle under the nose of Queen ranala Within within her nest with the intention of taking the academy from her however it's likely this did not go unnoticed when we visit karya Manor we can see a graveyard just outside and when we read the inscription it tells us this is the resting place of the contemptible Cuckoos lost in the siege of karya if we look at the karian knight's shield we can see it excels when facing magic or holy attacks and asks just who were these Knights prepared to fight while they certainly weren't the only intended target we believe the Cuckoos were one of those battles the Koreans were ready for the Raya Lucario Soldier ashes summon a trio of spirits consisting of two disposable foot soldiers and their Superior tells us that the soldiers of Raya lucaria were also known as the Cuckoos they were given free reign by the academy to wage war as they pleased and they were Infamous for their rapacious ways these Knights were given faux sorceries and told they could pillage whatever lands they saw fit in the name of Raya lucaria Academy an enticing offer to those who were likely nothing more than hired muscle before their Ascent to Knighthood we believe this deal struck between the academy and their knights was somewhat symbiotic and that the knights now had a title and the academy now had protection and an army of Their Own while it seems as though they never achieved their goal of putting an end to the royal family they did see at least one Victory on their front trapping Bulls the Korean Knight inside the Cuckoo's ever jail Bulls was no ordinary Korean Knight he was a troll in the service of the royal family who could wield karyan magics we know the Cuckoos never Rose to the same strength as akarian Knight so we have to assume they managed this feat with sheer numbers as opposed to brute strength sir coat and armor add even more context to who the cuckoo Knights truly were behind their service to the academy the surcoat depicts twin Cuckoos peering into a flourishing mass of Glenstone to a glintstone sorcerer the body is a transient thing the cuckoo alone knows its insignificance yet watches over it all the same this description shows us how the cuckoo Knights had little care for their benefactors they saw them as insignificant but chose to watch over them due to the perks of being a knight such as access to sorcery and free reign to do as they please meanwhile the cuckoo night armor tells us its left breast is emblazoned with appearing cuckoo once came their name perhaps the bird's shrewd gaze is an expression of their refusal to be mere Servants of the academy so not only were these Knights given free reign and access to Magic but it was still not enough they wanted autonomy from the academy the ability to use their name and Status without having to answer to their benefactors we believe this bad blood started with the attack of karya Manor after Lord radagon left renala she was driven mad and became obsessed with the Amber egg he left her we know that at some point the academy locked her away within her study and took control for themselves we also know that after the shattering they sealed the gates of Royal lucaria Academy so that only those with Glenstone Keys could gain access it's interesting to note that you cannot find a single cuckoo night within the walls of the academy they're all encountered outside either protecting the barrier or wandering on their own perhaps after sealing ranala in her study and taking over the academy the Sorcerers of Raya lucaria ordered the Cuckoos on the warpath to destroy the Korean royal family once and for all upon their defeat the Cuckoos would likely have a bone to pick with the sorcerers who sent them into this losing battle [Music] if this attack was made just after the shattering the timeline could align in such a way where the gates of the academy were locked while the Cuckoos were away which would explain the refusal to be Servants of the academy and put their own needs above their so-called Duty in the end the Knights of the cuckoo exist only in part to protect the Academy of Reya lucaria perhaps they do feel some sense of Duty that keeps them defending the immediate area around the school but every piece of lore we can find attached to these enemies makes it clear that they care more for their own interest than they ever did about truly acting as Knights on behalf of the academy the Cuckoos are a destructive force masquerading as symbols of nobility but their actions as well as the symbology of their very armor and surcoats betrays their truly nefarious nature these nights do not serve a master the humor one until the wind blows in a more favorable Direction as long as they're supplied is steady easily digested source of simple magic they can use of their own accord they are placated however the academy must always watch their backs should their magical seals ever fall at it's possible the Cuckoo's greed May extend within the walls of Rey lucaria itself [Music] thanks again for joining us as we dissect the various enemies throughout Elden ring what do you think of the Knights of the cuckoo do you agree with our theory of their Origins and purpose was the grave marker outside of karya Manor created in reverence or as a warning in your opinion which night faction has the best Elden drip we look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments like subscribe and hit the Bell so you always get notified when we put out new content we look forward to seeing you again for more Alden lore [Music] you could consider Knights a dime a dozen in the lands between we can encounter godrics Knights Knights of the cuckoo Lane Del Knights red main nights the list goes on every demigod essentially has their own form of night aside from Moog who lives in the shadows and thrives on secrecy so this raises the question does Reichard have his own Knights in his current form you can consider the recusions as equivalent Force but what about before he set his plots into motion what about the time when reichardt ruled over Mount gelmir as a demigod of the golden order before he committed the ultimate blasphemy and fed himself to the god devouring serpent as it turns out before he founded the recusents before he built up his serpent Army reichardt did have Knights under his employee the Knights of galmir these nights go almost completely unseen throughout Alden ring which raises the question what happened to them why is it that their armor is only seen once on a particular NPC and why can we never do battle with these nights ourselves in today's Alden lore we're going to explore the Knights of gelmir and take you through our theories on why we never encounter them on our journey to become Elton Lord the only true description of the gelmir knights comes from their armor set this armor can only be found within the gel near Hero's grave guarded by a bloodhound Knight given that Bloodhound Knights are loyal to their masters we can assume this Bloodhound was either placed here by Prater Right Guard or was subservient to the night likely buried in the casket behind the corpse we loot the armor from the gilmir Knight Helm tells us it is the helm worn by Knights once loyal to Prater Reichard its crest of red feathers symbolizes reichardt's pedigree as Lord radagon's son and their armor tells us it is armor worn by Knights once loyal to pray to Reichard it Bears an emblem that none wear any longer standing as it does for a Lord that fell from Loft ambition into gluttonous depravity as the Lord lost his dignity so too did these Knights lose their master if we subscribe to the idea that the Bloodhound Knight watching this armor was once in service of the gelmir Knight this corpse looted the armor from it could paint a picture of a knight who earned a burial in the gilmir hero's grave and a grave robber hoping to capitalize on the now disbanded gilmir Knights we learned one thing for sure from this armor the gelmier knights in some way have disbanded which is why we never come to find them the lands between the only member of the knights we can truly encounter is an apparition within volcano manner [Music] this Apparition will appear at random when visiting the volcano matter he kneels on the ground just past the drawing room muttering to himself someone please kill him that horrendous serpent Frida reichardt should we speak with him he says you're tarnished here to put the demigods to the sword then please kill the Great Serpent the one that devoured pray to her Reichard I left the serpent-slaying spear in the Lord's chamber worthy tarnished brandish the spear and run him through the great servant that unspeakable monstrosity pray to reichardt's Ambitions though blasphemous marked him a worthy Sovereign but they were reduced the gluttonous depravity once he gave himself to the serpent whatever that thing is it is no longer Prater Reichard someone must kill him despair him and his ambition from further dishonor it would seem this gamir Knight once tried to put reichardt's Ambitions to rest himself as his corpse can be found with the serpent-slaying spear this ghost is All That Remains of the gilmir knights and we have two different theories as to where they may have gone after they lost their master our first Theory ties directly to the man we find in volcano Manor as this nameless gilmir Knight explained he saw the serpent devour Reichard and he left behind the serpent-sling spear in order for someone to put his Lord out of his misery it seems unlikely that one man would come across this spear on his own and the description of the serpent Hunter backs up this line of thinking weapon that serves as both Greatsword and spear thought to have been used to hunt in a mortal Great Serpent in the distant past it manifests a Long Blade of light when facing such a creature when their Master's heroic aspirations degenerated into mere greed his men searched for a weapon with which they might halt their lord with that description in mind it all but confirms the attack on Prater Right Guard where this Knight lost his life was not a one-on-one battle after seeing reichardt's Ambitions reduced to gluttonous depravity eating the strong and taking their strength for himself the gilmir knights felt a sense of Duty to end the life of the serpent that murdered their lord in an attempt to restore some dignity to pray to reichardt and do away with the thing he had become of course if this was the plan we know how it ended none survived and all were devoured becoming one with the serpent and their lord except for a single night the wielder of the serpent-slaying spear and the ghost residing within the manor begging any who would listen to finish the battle the gilmir Knight started and bring dignity back to Reichard through his death [Music] our second theory is based on an odd detail found on the back of the gilmir knights cloaks their cloaks Harbor the same sigil that is found on the distinguished great Shield a shield closely tied to diallos hoslow we know that the Scions of house hoslow used armor Helms and weapons with close ties to their lineage it would make sense that their Shield too would be an heirloom of their family with this in mind it leads us to believe that the crest found on this Shield of the hoslo Family Ties their Origins directly to the gilmir knights perhaps some of the gilmir knights that serve prey to Reichard were actually tarnished and once their people were banned from the lands between they settled elsewhere and traded their armor for Noble houses the crest would follow along with them someday becoming a symbol of house hoslow carried by diallos when he made his return at the behest of Grace perhaps this is one of the reasons tialos is so easily flattered into becoming a recusant and joining the volcano Manor and the same reason his brother Juno decided to reject their offer tialos not knowing his family history and dreaming of victory in battle was easily persuaded by tanith that his place was among the Servants of the Lord his family originated from while Juno understood what reichardt had deteriorated into it's possible that both or neither of these theories are true while lore does suggest that the galmir Knight stood against Prater Reichard it's possible they simply fell Into Obscurity as they had no Lord to follow however we believe the clues left behind in the form of the nameless Apparition his Spear and the distinguished great Shield are intentional breadcrumbs left to help us paint a picture of what may have happened to Prater reichard's original guard one thing is for certain should we defeat Reichard The Last gilmir Knight in the lands between could finally be at rest as his spirit will vanish from the volcano Manor and the only thing left behind will be a simple reward for our efforts the my thanks gesture a token to the tarnished who helped him fulfill his purpose thank you for joining us on this exploration of the gelmir knights these particular Knights have very little true lore that can be uncovered by simply Gathering items and it was fun trying to determine what their story could have been through the context clues of obscure symbols what do you think happened to the gilmir knights were they all devoured in their desperate attack against the god devouring serpent or did some Splinter off to create houses of Their Own also who was the nameless Apparition in volcano Manor and why wasn't his soul devoured like the rest let us know your thoughts in the comments we can't wait to read them don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you never miss out on our lore and theories we look forward to seeing you again for more Eldon lore [Music] [Music] in examining the Knights of the lands between we've come to understand the factions they serve better than we ever have before the clean rots were considered the strongest Warriors devoted to a demigod while the red Mains were known for their fierceness and battle prowess the cuckoes were rapacious cell swords turned Knight for coin and the mausoleum Knights serve their long dead demigods from Beyond the Grave every night faction has a background worth digging into so we wanted to make sure every one of them got their due with that said we realized in our research that the Knights of Langdale and the Knights of the helic tree seem to have less concrete background information than many of their counterparts for this reason we decided to present their stories together in one video giving viewers a two-for-one deal on their lore and dissecting the Knights of both honeyed gold and unalloid gold the Knights of Langdale are the Defenders of the royal capital and their armor outlines their purpose as Defenders of the earth tree the Langdale night Helm tells us it is the helm worn by Knights sworn to defend the Royal capital of Langdale the golden canopy represents the honor of standing among the trees Defenders each faction of night shares the same kind of helmet but they're adorned with a symbol specific to their faction for the lane Del Knights this takes the form of a canopy representative of the earth tree their role of Defenders is further expounded upon by their armor and shield the Langdale Knight armor tells us its left breast is emblazoned with a symbol of archery worship said to have once been imbued with an incantation of protection interestingly these symbols were once imbued with protection suggesting that they no longer are likely due to America's imprisonment within the Earth tree lastly we have the golden great Shield an oval great shield made of gold carried by Knights who protect the Royal capital of Langdale Knights of Langdale are reputed for their sturdiness exemplified by The Shield's exceptional guard capacity again we're told of these Knights great prowess as Defenders fighting their battles from behind a shield and acting as a bulwark between the city and those that would come to harm the Earth tree as far as their equipment is concerned there's nothing special about these nights they can wheel the night's Greatsword a partisan or a great bow standard equipment for knights in the lands between where we can dig a Little Deeper is with their use of lightning-based skills denoting their prowess with Dragon Cult incantations we know the lane Del Knights can be fought in the city and in certain areas of the Altus Plateau but it's likely your first encounter with their ranks was well before riding the grand lift of dectus for some reason a Langdale Knight defends the road to the artist Shack in liernia of the Lakes and upon defeating him you are rewarded with the Dragon Cold prayer book [Music] this book allows you to learn three different Dragon Cult incantations Electrify Armament honed bold and lightning spear all of which tell us long ago godwined the golden defeated the ancient dragon fortisacs and befriended his Fallen foe an event that gave rise to the ancient dragon cold in the capital so while these nights are lauded for their defensive abilities it seems many if not all of them are also capable of utilizing the lightning of the dragons further proof of this can be found when defeating a specific Knight in Langdale who drops the gravel Stone seal which is a sacred seal made from gravelstone thought to be an ancient dragon scale enhances Dragon Cult incantations of the royal capital the worship of the ancient dragons does not conflict with belief in the earth tree after all this seal and lightning itself are both imbued with gold this all but confirms that the Knights of Langdale followed in Godwin's footsteps and upon making peace with Ford sacks they too learn to utilize golden lightning to help in their defense of the earth tree capital if we explore the sainted heroes grave we can learn the story of the man buried there the most decorated Lane Del night in the lands between Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff upon defeating the boss of the area we are presented with Kristoff's ashes legendary Ashen remains used to summon the spirit of Christoph the Ancient Dragon Knight Spirit of Christoph an honorable Knight of Langdale who was also a devout worshiper of the ancient dragons his skills strike down foes with Thunderbolts the dragon's weapon of choice after the first defense of Lane Dell Kristoff earned the hero's honor of archery burial for the feat of capturing Goat Boy the grafted Kristoff was respected by the golden order and Not only was he given an archery burial allowing him to be summoned to Spirit Ash but had his grave defended by a myriad of powerful warriors including a black knife assassin a grave Warden duelist and an ancient hero of zamor we know surprisingly little about goadfury the grafted but it's safe to say he was a descendant of Godwin the golden and given his presence at the First Defense of Lane Dell he either LED his own forces against the capital city or he fought on the side of her Dawn during his Siege because so little is known about Godfrey specifically and the only attacks in the capital city we have any information on are those of the dragons and general radon we assume that rodan's March against the capital was the first defense of Lane Dell during this battle Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff a lowly Knight of Langdale and member of the Dragon cold managed to capture a traitorous demigod making him a legend in the lands between while we think it's fair to say that go for a likely had already passed down his great Rune to his next ascendant before the battle it's still an incredible feat for anyone other than another demigod or a tarnish to defeat a demigod in combat even one that was reduced to grafting to make themselves stronger Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff is a perfect example of the power hidden behind these unassuming nights with a strong defense and the power of the dragons on their side the Knights of Langdale are a force to be reckoned with next we wanted to discuss the other Knights of gold that can be found in the lands between the haloc tree Knights unlike the Knights of leandel their gold is unalloid the gold created by mikola himself while there wasn't much in the way of lore behind the Knights of Langdale there's even less when we look at the Knights of the halot tree their armor tells us it is armor worn by Knight sworn to the haloc tree its left breast is emblazoned with the crest of the halot tree though watered with mikola's own blood since it was a sapling the Halo tree ultimately failed to grow into an err tree we think it's safe to assume that these Knights once worked under the employ of mikola before he abandoned the golden order and unlike others who flock to the Helix tree as a means of safety for themselves or others such as Loretta the Halo tree soldiers and knights were always dedicated to their lord the Haley tree Soldier Ash has shed light on how devoted these followers truly were [Music] spirits of common soldiers who carry the sacred light when weakened they explode to deliver a last-ditch attack this was the bitter Revelation discovered by the desperate soldiers who awaited the return of their lord to the rotted helic tree May the flash of our deaths guide mikola's return [Music] these soldiers willingly gave their lives in defense of the helic tree and we have to assume the knights would do the same the Helms worn by the Knights of the Helix tree are also unique as their adornment doesn't rise above their heads like the red hair of the red Mains or the canopies of the lane Del Knights the Halo tree night Helm is a Helm worn by Night sworn to the Halo tree graced by a crown of unalloyed gold [Music] instead of a garish display of their loyalty to their faction these Knights simply wear unalloyed gold upon their heads the most distinctive symbol of their master mikola they also carry the Haley tree Crest Shield which features imagery depicting what the helic tree was meant to be metal great Shield depicting the Haley tree with unalloyed gold carried by Knights who have vowed to serve Nicholas Haley tree possesses High wholly damaged negation yet now with the halotrema shapen this wondrous rendition is a fleeting fantasy everything about these Knights comes across as tragic their Master is gone their tree is dying but still they stand side by side with clean rot nights defending what is left of mikola's dream on the off chance that someday their Master will return and their watch over the Halo tree will not have been for naught we think it's worth mentioning there is also a weapon that we believe ties directly to these Knights even though it's not wielded by any of their order the Michelin knight sword can be found atop a bell tower in elphile brace of the helic tree it is a sword forged by Servants of mikola of the helic tree with a design modeled after those carried by karian Knights instead of Glenstone however Amber from the helic tree is embedded in the blade a Sumptuous piece it has never been offered to any Knight an ill-start sword with no master we believe that due to its name and location that should mikola have brought his dream to fruition and grown his Haley tree to its full potential this sword would have been bestowed upon the leader of the Haley tree Knights it's possible this weapon could have been meant for Loretta but we aren't sure when she arrived at the Halo tree before or after mikola's absence so it's just as likely that the sword was simply intended for whoever mikola deemed worthy of leading his forces the skill attached to this Sword Sacred bleed even allows the user to fire Golden Blades with each swing reminiscent of the Rings of light Michaela granted to his father radagon and the clean rot Knights A fitting attack for any who would lead the helic tree Knights all things considered the Knights of lindel and halik tree Knights actually serve the exact same purpose each order is meant to defend their sacred tree from harm and both do so with the golden abilities handed down to them by their Lords dragon incantations from the heir to Lane Dell Godwin the golden and the holy essence of the Sacred order from the creator of the Haley tree the imperian mikola while they may serve different Lords they both act as walls against those who would invade their cities and threaten the safety of their trees while the Halo tree may never grow to its full splendor the Helix tree Knights stand firm in their dedication to mikola and while the world will stay stagnant without a new Weldon Lord the Knights of Langdale will not stand aside as we ransack our way to the base of the tree both factions have their pride and neither are willing to allow our tarnish to reach the base of their tree without proving ourselves more powerful than them thank you for joining us for this exploration of the golden knights of the lands between what are your thoughts on the lane Del Knights or the Knights of the halot tree which do you believe is more powerful who was goat worry the grafted and should we try to piece together their story who was the Mickel and knight's sword intended for do you think we'll get more background on the Halo tree knights in the upcoming DLC let us know your thoughts in the comments like subscribe and hit the Bell so you never miss out on any of our Lord Dives thank you for being a member of this community we can't wait to see you again for more Eldon lore [Music] many of the enemies we encounter in the lands between can come across as pallet swaps the various nights we fight have similar weapons and almost identical armor aside from the colors indicating which faction they belong to while each of these enemy types has their own lore and backgrounds you're likely to start riding past and ignoring them after spending some time in Elden Ring's world however even among this more monotonous enemy type we can find one variant that raises some eyebrows the mausoleum nights sport very similar armor to the other knights we find however there are some key differences such as the wings protruding from their back and the fact that they are Ghostly and headless so who are the mausoleum Knights why are they seen so infrequently through the lands between why don't they have heads today we're going to find out in order to understand the mausoleum knights we first need to learn more about the wandering mausoleums these large structures can be brought down to Earth by our tarnished if we scrape off what looks like ghosts or soul-shaped curse marks from their feet upon doing this we can enter the mausoleum and use the grave inside to create a new remembrance of a boss we've already defeated this tells us what they can do from a gameplay perspective but from a lore perspective these buildings are a little more complicated the ghost at the church of pilgrimage says the mausoleum prowls cradling the soldis demigod America Queen Eternal he is your unwanted child so who is the unwanted child each Mausoleum houses a casket so do they each contain an unwanted child when we rest at the capital outskirts Melina tells us spoken Echoes of Queen America linger here and asks if she should share them with us in America's own words hear me demigods my children beloved make of thy selves that which ye desire be it a lord be it a God but should ye fail to become odd at all ye will be forsaken amounting only to sacrifices with these two pieces of dialogue we can understand a few things first America has children aside from the demigods we fight in game that may have carried great runes second she sees any of her children who do not make something of themselves as sacrifices and third the demigods housed inside these mausoleums are soulless much like Godwin the golden [Music] we think it's safe to assume that any demigod who was given a true death has a walking Mausoleum associated with them so we know at least seven demigods were considered soulless given true deaths and had their bodies entombed it's possible the mausoleum and the deep root depths may actually be for God when the golden but we also know he was given an archery burial laid at the foot of the earth tree this is also a bit confusing because of the two places we can find Godwin's corpse but it's possible that since he had to become soulless of Mausoleum would have been created in his honor so when we talk about the mausoleum Knights we're talking about Knights who have dedicated themselves to defending the corpses of their Old Masters now housed within mausoleums that wander the lands between the bulk of what we can learn about these enemies comes from their armor descriptions the mausoleum Knight armor set tells us it is armor worn by headless Knights who endlessly guard the wandering Mausoleum the wing-shaped ornaments on its back evoke the death bird self-inflicted curse that ties the spirits of these nights the land having willingly beheaded themselves so that they may serve their masters and death so these nights in a kind of ritual self-afflicted curse cut off their own heads in order to make themselves deathless and able to defend their mausoleums for all eternity [Music] interestingly they carry very Bland Weaponry such as the knight's Greatsword partisan and great bow but their Shield can give us a little more information on them the eclipse great Shield is described as a metal great Shield painted with a sun in Eclipse carried by The Headless Mausoleum Knights the eclipsed sun drained of color is the is the protective star of The Soulless demigods it aids the mausoleum Knights by keeping destined death at Bay this calls back to something we discussed in our commander nail video the ghost of Castle Saul says Lord mikola forgive me the sun has not been swallowed our prayers were lacking your comrade remained soulless which we believe was directed at God when the golden remaining soulless it seems there's a clear thread between eclipses and staving off Destin death and the symbol helps to keep these beheaded knights in the world for the living defending their masters [Music] we're able to find the ashes of one of these Mausoleum knights in the Tomb sword catacombs lutel The Headless as described as the spirit of a headless Knight who leads the mausoleum soldiers Wheels a lance and robed in death and hurl spectral lances at foes lutel sacrificed her life so that in death she could continue to protect the soulless demigod until their Revival earning her the hero's honor of er tree burial [Music] while the soulless demigods seem to be failures in the eyes of America we think it's possible that the particular demigod latel was intended to defend may have been Godwin after all none of these other gods to our knowledge were given the honor of our tree burial so it makes sense for lutel to be buried alongside Godwin this does raise another question how was lutel turned to Spirit Ash if her curse kept her Undead and second why are her ashes found so far from the earth tree what does our community think while these enemies are typically found near walking mausoleums there's one that can be found far from these structures it guards the entrance to the black knife catacombs which is incredibly curious why would a mausoleum Knight be stationed outside of the headquarters of the black knives perhaps this particular Knight is looking to avenge their fallen Master Godwin the golden by hunting down the leftover black knives or maybe they're being called by the black knife print the mark that had the power to slay Godwin the last thing to make contact with his soul before it was taken from his body these enemies may seem straightforward but the implications of their dedication to soulless Gods contained within the walking mausoleums opens up a lot of questions about the lands between what was the world like before the shattering how many children did America have before Godfrey and how were they made soulless were their souls fed to the Earth tree is that why these soldiers await their Revival who knows what the answers may be but clearly we don't have enough information in game to be sure thank you for joining us for this dive into the mausoleum nights while it seems like we may have hit a dead end when looking at the lore surrounding them who knows perhaps choose your DLC you could deal with the soul of demigods and how exactly they became that way leave a comment letting us know your favorite Knight enemy in the game like subscribe and hit the Bell so you never miss out on our theories and speculation we look forward to seeing you again for more Eldon lore last week we explored the history of the clean rot nights and found that in the battle of the Ionia they were considered the victors against radon's forces while their victory in this battle is impressive it's even more so when you consider the sheer strength they were up against we speak not only of radon himself but of his elite soldiers and knights the red mains among the Knights of the lands between radons were unique in that they held Incredible strength and dedication to their lord the red means were sent to hold no weakness and until their confrontation with the clean rot Knights they were likely considered the strongest in the lands today we're going to dig a little deeper and learn what we can about the red Mains and the reputation they cultivated as radon's elite soldiers [Music] as you may have expected the red mates derived their name from rodan's red hair the red main night Helm is described as a Helm worn by Knights who fought by General verdant's side the red plume is a symbol of radon's pedigree as Lord radagon's son the Mane of The Proud Red Lion and the red means surcoat depicts a red main lion raising a sword in the image overdone thus they were red Mains and all proved they were worthy of the name while the exact criteria for becoming a red main are unknown it is likely that there was more to it than simply pledging fealty to Rodan these soldiers had to prove they were worthy and if we understand radon it's most likely that this was done on the battlefield interestingly neither the red main soldiers nor Knights carry unique weapons the soldiers all have the same swords and the Knights use the same Spears and swords as other Knights found in the lands between one thing that does differentiate them from say godrics Knights or the cucko's is their use of the great bow this weapon is an enormous great bow larger than any man and cannot be drawn with any ordinary level of strength this shows us how these Knights possess incredible physical prowess as they are able to not only wield these weapons but also attach gravity magic to them as well aside from this the red means also have access to the flame of the red Mains Ash of War a skill of the red means who fought alongside General radon produce a powerful burst of flames in a wide frontward Arc this is one example of their prowess with fire which they likely developed after the fall of Khalid by looking at the red main Knight armor we can see the Fate they suffered after their defeat at the hands of the clean rot Knights armor worn by Knights who fought by General rodan's side when they were driven to defeat by melania's Scarlet rot the red main Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve alas dear home I shan't see you again for our duty is to remain here a bulwark against the blight you might think that this plan to act as a bulwark against the blight came from Jaron rodon's guest General but it seems as though after the defeat of their lord the red main Knights took it upon themselves to be the wall between Khalid and the rest of the lands between they utilized fire and even developed their very own type of fire pod in order to keep the Scarlet Roth from spreading anywhere else they likely saw this as continuing their Lord's will as he stood against the rod himself in fighting to keep the land outside of Caleb's safe it was as if they were still fighting for Radon foreign these nights cannot be found anywhere outside of caled likely due to their pledge to keep the raw from spreading we can only encounter them in a few areas such as a small camp near the smoldering wall site of Grace inside Fort Gale ending Castle Redman itself and by both the state of caled and their dwindling numbers it's fair to say that they're losing their ongoing battle against the rod even so they press onward defending their territories and leading the red main soldiers in the controlled burning of areas of the land that have become too overgrown with infection in fact it seems as though Fort Gale itself may be the last line of defense between Caleb's spreading rot and Lim grave and it does not appear to be going very well at all [Music] when we visit the war dead catacombs we can see what has become of the red main soldiers and knights who fell in the battle of the aeonia many were likely put to rest improperly due to the sheer number of dead because we can find their Spirits locked in an eternal battle with both the clean rot Knights and whoever is foolish enough to set foot in their resting place we believed they were put to rest improperly because the rot has reached this place as well below the main hall of the Catacombs is a deeper floor with fetid rot pulled on the ground whoever was thrown in here likely had their remains Rod away to nothing and their Spirits would have no way of returning to the Earth tree hence their presence doing Battle Above interestingly there are a few who have escaped this terrible fate and have been laid to rest in a different way being turned into Spirit ashes first we can find the red main Soldier ashes within a chest defended by a number of spirits when using these ashes you summon Two Soldiers both Spirits wield fiery weapons to perform powerful skills such as their Valor and they will immediately attack after being summoned General radon's soldiers were all reputed to be masterful Warriors and it was popularly said that the red Mains knew no weakness for whatever reason possibly to retain some trace of themselves these two soldiers were turned to Spirit Ash before being laid in the catacombs second after defeating an ulcerated tree Spirit we gain the spirit ashes of red main night owa Spirit of a mighty knight versed in the use of a great bow a valiant Warrior who will attack immediately after being summoned the longest serving member of the red main Knights owa study techniques to manipulate gravity alongside radon may use a reign of gravitational arrows in response to a war cry but only once [Music] from a gameplay perspective he's unique in that he will actually respond to our war cry with a gravity attack and instead of following us through a dungeon he will instead Patrol the area we summon him in but more interesting is that in life he shared a personal relationship with radon owa was likely the very first red main Knight as we know radon studied gravity magic in his youth making owa the only known childhood friend of starscourage radon perhaps he didn't die in the battle of the Ionia at all and this was his resting place long before it was known as the war dead catacombs the red Mains are an interesting case they have every right to leave their post after their defeat at the Battle of the Ionia their lord is now a Mindless monster he's not the man they once served and charged into battle alongside but instead of choosing to leave Caleb for greener pastures they use the strength earned during their service to radon to keep the rest of the lands between safe from The Fallout of their Lord's clash with Melania unlike the treacherous Cucos or the Langdale Knights who only care about their City the red means work to keep others safe this is how they choose to honor radon by brandishing the Lion's Crest on their armor surcoats and shields content to die a horrible death at the hands of the rod if it means they can do their Duty in slowing the spread and giving the rest of the lanes between more time before and inevitably comes for them [Music] thank you for listening to our dissection of the red mains what do you think of the Elite Force behind starskirt radon do you have a favorite night set from the various factions of the lands between let us know in the comments don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you don't miss out on our next Deep dive into the many enemies we Face throughout Olden ring we look forward to seeing you again for more Eldon lore [Music] what does it take to be seen as a formidable force in a place like the lands between when there are monsters the size of small homes roaming the lands and demigods vying for power what strengthened does an army truly have when men like radon and women like Melania could fail an entire army with one swing of their blades how do you become known as a force to be reckoned with by fighting is if you have no future like every battle could be your last by fighting like the clean rot nights in today's Eldon lore we're going to take a look at millennia's Elite guard the clean rot Knights where their loyalty lies their place in the history of the lands between and the story of the only named clean rot night we can find in Eldon ring Finlay the clean rot nights are found in many places through the lands between but where many of us likely had our first experience with them was in the fetid lands of caled where they remained after the epic Clash between Melania and radon in order to gain an understanding of who these Knights were we can look at their armor and equipment their armor tells us they were celebrated for their undefeated campaign in the shattering the clean rotten Knights vowed to fight alongside Melania despite the inevitable if gradual putrification of their flesh their acceptance of their fate made these battles fiercest of all so ran out of the gate we have two important facts about these Knights one that their campaign during the shattering was seen as undefeated which many radon fans would likely argue against and two that these Knights are all Afflicted with a Scarlet rod to further solidify their victory over radon's forces we can actually look toward the red main Knight armor which tells us when they were driven to defeat by Melania Scarlet Rod the red main Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve you can still argue that the battle between Melania and Rodan was essentially a draw with Melania falling into a deep Slumber and radon losing any sense of humanity after being so thoroughly afflicted by The Rock but when it comes to the Battle of their armies it seems sent in stone that the clean rot Knights were considered the victors over the red mains we can still see this fierce battle raging on if we visit the war dead catacombs in caled it seems as though the massive amounts of dead left in the wake of this war were not necessarily given a proper burial their Spirits live on in these catacombs endlessly at war with each other you can see the ferocity of the clean rot nights on display in these catacombs as not only are their Spirits difficult enemies for our tarnish to fight but they seem to take on multiple red names at a time a one-on-one battle between a clean rot night and any erodon's forces would certainly end in their defeat so they have to use numbers against their rotted foes in order to have even a chance at Victory the armor of the clean rot Knights talks about their campaign during the shattering while there isn't much information on the specifics behind each battle during this time we know a few things firstly these Knights fought under Melania who called herself the blade of mikola so interestingly in truth they were fighting not only for their lady but likely also to put mikola on the throne as that was melania's purpose to see her brother rise to power as to why they were participating in this Great War to begin with we don't have a clear answer mikola and Melania seem to want to create a new path to the lands between which may not even require an Elden Lord however with the other demigods warring and taking runes for themselves in a bid for power it's possible Melania took the clean rot nights to battle in order to Snuff out the Ambitions of her family and make room for her brother's ultimate rule this would make sense as we know she and her forces did battle with godric bringing his castle to its knees but didn't kill him or take his great rune their campaign seems to have been more about Paving the way for their future ruler than consolidating power on their own we can see the tie between the clean rot Knights and mikola and the items that they have the possibility of dropping upon defeat the Lesser clean rot nights actually have a slight chance of dropping both mikola and Trina's lilies upon their death if we look at the description of Trina's lilies they tell us they are a symbol of faith in Saint Trina that dulls the senses preventing agitation perhaps these lilies were given to each night as an additional Ward to keep them from feeling the effect of the rot during battle if their senses are dull to the constant pain they must be in that would help them to fight more fiercely to us this is further confirmation of the undeniable tie between mikola and Saint Trina this is not all though the Halo site carried by some clean rot Knights ties them to mikola's power as well Wars Scythe of the clean rot Knights who fought alongside Melania blade of mikola this was the weapon of commanders in melania's Army and the half Halo blade deals holy damage the specific holy damage mentioned comes in the form of their unique Ash of War mikola's ring of light this ability produces the very same rings of light that mikola gifted to his father radagon in the form of incantations when looking at them in this light it seems the ferocity of the clean rot Knights comes not only from their connection to millennium's Rod but the power of mikola as well so we've established the strength of these Knights and the source of their power but the question Still Remains how do they survive so long while afflicted by Scarlet rod thankfully this has a straightforward explanation the clean rot spear tells us it is the Spear of the clean rot Knights who fought alongside Melania blade of mikola the winged golden blade deals holy damage the diminutive Shield is blessed with an incantation that Wards off rod it would seem that this tiny Shield attached to their Spears actually keeps the effects of the Rock at Bay at least slightly with our established connection between mikola and the Knights it would be safe to assume Nikola was the one to imbue the shields with this Ward especially since we know one of his ultimate goals was to cure Melania of her rod and he had studied every possible way of making this a reality clean rot nights can be found in various areas of the land that have been affected by the Scarlet Rod but one of the most important in our eyes is the Shaded Castle this Castle was once a place where the golden order would send those who broke the rule of law to be executed while its reputation may have once been strong within the order the head of house Murray became obsessed with Melania and pledged himself only to her this Saul rot take the land while clean rot nights came to make camp in the castle one of them can even be found protecting a prosthetic arm we can retrieve from Ellison while the Murray Family lost control of the castle after the failed execution of Eleanor of the Briar the Bell bearing Hunter it seems as though the knights still maintain their posts even though the castle has a new master he doesn't seem interested in starting a feud with most powerful Knights In the Land [Music] this is the legacy of the clean Rock Knights they followed two of the current imperians into glorious battle defeating every enemy that stood in their path and while this speaks to their strength there was one among them whose dedication to their lady and journey to deliver her home safely speaks to their Valor clean rot night Finlay is a shining example of the strength and dedication of these nights when we find her ashes we learn they are legendary action remains and that Finlay was one of the few survivors of the battle of the aeonia who in an unimaginable Act of heroism carried the slumbering demigod Melania all the way back to the halog tree she managed the feet alone fending off all manner of foes along the way we know the toll the battle of the aeonia took on not only Melania but the land of caled the Wasteland left in the battle's Wake has created one of the most dangerous Landscapes the lands between has to offer with that in mind it is impossible to imagine that not only did Finley survive that battle but she was able to carry Melania all the way back to the Howard Tree by herself but according to lore this is exactly what happened [Music] in order to understand the gravity of this achievement it's important to consider just how far Caleb is from the halleck tree Finley would have had to carry an unconscious Melania out of caled through limb grave then make her way all the way from Leoni of the lakes to the Altus Plateau a land under the watchful eye of morgot the omen King we have to assume that in order to reach the consecrated snow field Finlay must have had to Parlay with the forces of Lane though as there's no way through without entering the city from there she needed to Brave the snowy terrain until reaching the portal to the hallot tree all with Melania in tow after her arrival Finlay was likely met by the residents of mikola's Home who could help her get Melania to the inner chamber this is a journey we ourselves make but the circumstances are whole and different we conquer the lands with the strength of tarnished able to gather great runes and turn runes into strength Finlay was one night carrying her God on her back and through sheer force of will she survived and brought Melania home regardless of your feelings on Melania Finlay was clearly a hero to those who believed in the promise of mikola and the Alec tree [Music] the clean rot nights are a force to be reckoned with and we hope you enjoyed our exploration of their story what do you think of their reputation in the lands between was it earned or do you believe their association with Melania built them into something more than they actually were comment letting us know personally I would love more detail on the Journey of Finlay from Gaelic to the Hallett tree don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell if you enjoy our content we look forward to seeing you again for more held in North [Music] throughout our Elden lore series we've been exploring the various night factions of the lands between from The Crucible to the clean Rod we've dug through the possible histories of all the night factions connected to the golden order but what about the knights that fought against those who worship gold the ones who prepared themselves for battle against the golden order for the glory of their own royal family these nights were small in number but were known as an Elite Force across the lands between and consisted of humans trolls and even a dragon today we are exploring the most requested night faction from our comment section lucarion Knights loyal Servants of the Korean royal family who were they how did one become akary and Knight what was their purpose and why do they number so few by the time we've reached the lands between let's try to answer these questions together as we said the Korean Knights were once an Elite Force in the lands between with their own weapon giving us insight into the size of their order the karian knight sword is a straight sword embedded with a blue glintstone weapon of night sworn takarian royalty these knight swords could serve as catalysts letting them wield sorceress battle skills despite numbering fewer than 20 this power made them a match for even the champions of gold in battle [Music] so fewer than 20 Knights have ever sworn this oath to the karian royal family and been accepted at this level this may be due to the size of the royal family as it only contained ranola radagon Reichard radon and lunar princess Ronnie with a family of only five members to defend it would make sense so few would reach this level each of these Knights carried the karian filigree crest a Talisman adorned with the Royal Crest an honor said to have once been awarded takarian Knights who served as direct retainers to the Kingdom's princesses now there is only one princess Ronnie daughter of ranala interestingly this item seems to imply that radagon and ranala may have had more children than we know about as the Korean royal family was not considered Royal until ronalda took over Raya lucaria Academy as we know from the remembrance of the full moon Queen in her youth Ronaldo was a prominent champion who Charmed The Academy with her lunar magic becoming its master she also led the Glenstone Knights and established the house of karya as royalty the perplexing statement about multiple princesses aside the armor of the Korean Knights gives us a clue as to what happened to their order lucarion Knight armor is described as armor of the enchanted Knights that once served the Korean royal family the enchanted Knights anointed by the lunar Queen Were Heroes of the highest honors but fell into disarray with the decline of the Royal Family the decline of the royal family is not properly outlined but it stands to reason that this coincided with the shattering the karian Knight shield tells us the karian Knight shield is a teardrop shaped Shield embedded with blue glenstones carried by Knights who serve the Korean royal family cells when facing magic or holy attacks just who were these Knights preparing to fight [Music] we believe that after radagon was called back to marry America the Korean Knights began preparing themselves to do battle with both the academy and the golden order seeing the writing on the wall regarding an inevitable betrayal radagon married renala to broker peace between the two factions and with that marriage dissolved the only thing keeping the peace was the golden Order's new familial ties to the karyans in their Lord's children [Music] they were right of course as after the shattering the cuckoo Knights attacked Korea Manor and the children of the full moon Queen went their separate ways in pursuit of their own goals with Ronnie being the only member of the family to stay behind at this time the order likely disbanded save for a few dedicated Souls this included an unnamed troll found within karia Manor bowls carrion Knight who was captured by the cuckoes Moon grunk Korean Knight and most surprisingly Flintstone Dragon Abdullah it's surprising to learn that the Korean Knights counted trolls among their Elite ranks while we know that the Koreans and the trolls shared a partnership the troll knight sword illuminates just how close this relationship was Greatsword embedded with a blue Glenstone weapon of the trolls in service to the royal family of karya called into service when the queen invoked an oath they swore the trolls are treated as true Knights of karya and fight arm and arm with their human comrades so not only were the trolls allies of the royal family but they were treated as true Knights the spell great blade Phalanx sheds more light on their relationship one of the sorceries of the Korean royal family creates a defensive arch of larger magic glint pleads overhead which automatically attacked nearby foes used by the enchanted troll Knights they were the comrades of a young ranala Bound by oath presumably long before she demonstrated her prowess to Rhea lucaria and became the master of the academy Ronaldo cultivated a relationship with the trolls teaching them her Korean sorceries and forging a bond that would one day Grant these trolls a place as Heroes of the highest honor more troll Knights can be found defending places of great importance to the Korean royal family like the converted Fringe Tower and a puppet of a troll Knight can be found on the road to Ray lucaria north of the liernia Highway North site of Grace there are three more headless troll Knights defending the four belfries but were uncertain if these are related to the Korean Knights even though they do wield the same weapons [Music] the only humanoid Korean Knight we can encounter in the lands between is Moon Chrome he stands outside the elevator to Queen Ronaldo's library and defends the entrance with his life it is through moongrum that we see how karyanites fought in their Glory Days he wields the Korean knight sword and shield but will also switch to akarian glint blade staff he casts Kari and piercer one of the sorceries of the Korean royal family conjures a magic Greatsword to impale foes the sorcery forms a counterpart takarian Greatsword highly lethal when used against single foes riding alone you could assume that Moon groom stays here defending the way to renala because he wants to continue protecting the queen even though she's lost herself completely to the Amber egg but when considering what we learned from the Korean filigreed Crest it seems much more likely he was actually posted here by Ronnie to protect what's left of the mother she admired so deeply after all we see Ronnie's other Fail-Safe meant to protect her mother when we do battle with the conjured form of ronalda in her prime last but not least we have the final living karyan Knight Glenstone Dragon Abdullah we understand if you think it's a stretch to consider this Dragon akarian night however upon defeating her at the Cathedral of Manu Celeste we obtain abdullah's moonblade sorcery of a doula the glintstone Dragon conjures a cold magic Greatsword then delivers a sweeping blow that launches a blade-like projectile of Frost adullah a Devourer of sorcerers was bested by Ronnie and subsequently swore a nightly oath to her Dark Moon upon pledging an oath to Ronnie a doula took on the role of akarian Royal Knight even going so far as to develop her own karyan sorcery likely powered by the many Sorcerers she devoured over the years Abdullah fills this role well as she is the last line of defense between any who attempt to stop Ronnie from completing her goal and slaying her two fingers she is Ronnie's Defender and Knight just as much as any other humanoid Knight of karya there are others you could consider as Korean Knights and we want to address these characters clearly Blythe is Ronnie's night but more importantly he is her Shadow granting him a station above that of any regular night we believe the same can be said for Loretta before she became a knight of the halek tree she originally pledged herself to the Korean royal family and her armor even says she was once a royal Korean Knight but it seems like she may be the closest thing they had to a leader just below the Royal Family itself Loretta was always seen on Horseback and melded her magic to a war sickle never a sword perhaps her departure from her station at the Korea Manor also played a role in the dissolution of the knights these Warriors said to be able to match the champions of gold in battle were known for their prowess with both sword and staff they expertly wielded sorceries like Kari and phallix karian retaliation Lucidity and karian Greatsword alongside the weapon skill Karin grandeur making them an incredibly Elite fighting force in the end no matter how strong they may have been their order was no match for the single-minded selfishness of the demigods had it not been for radagon's betrayal of renala driving her obsession with the Amber egg and the machinations of her children the order of the Korean Knights would likely have survived to this day still defending the pride of karya but sadly this was not to be between the blasphemy of Reichard rodan's push to take the Elden Throne Renault is loss of self Ronnie's plotting from the Shadows possibly Loretta's absence this Noble order collapsed in on itself with only a few left behind to serve the Korean royal family and prove the strength that once labeled them Heroes of the highest order [Music] what do you think of the Korean Knights if Ronaldo was never Enchanted by the Amber egg do you think their order would live on to this day why do you think their order all but disbanded why is it the Korean Knight build was so popular in the early days of Eldon ring do you consider adullah a true Korean Knight let us know your thoughts and theories in the comments don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you never miss out on any of our Lord Dives we look forward to seeing you again for more Eldon will [Music] foreign oryx have always been an interesting topic of conversation for those in the Elden ring lore community while the most overt story of them we can learn is that of Latina and her journey to bring philia the birthing droplet this race of man-made people make appearances all throughout the lands between they're the first generational menorics whose men are frail and whose women wield bows and arrows on Wolf back and second generation of menorics who retain the use of their legs at the cost of their human appearance while the humanoid open works are confined to their Hometown and ordina liturgical town they seem to somehow be tied to sorcery as the men wield magic and the albinore rise contains the Graven Mass talisman this leads us to a question one of an albinore was made outside of their hometowns what if an albanorek was raised never knowing their true nature and assumed they were just like the other people around them what if they dedicated their life to serving a lord or lady only to find that their legs were weary and nothing seemed to help today we're going to discuss the Royal Knight Loretta and try to weave together the story of how she left the Korean royal family to pursue freedom for her people Loretta was known as a royal Knight and can first be encountered when we're making our way through the karya manor while this version of Loretta is nothing more than an apparition we can see she wields Kari in magics various item descriptions help us understand why we Face the spirit where we do the Royal Knight armor tells us Loretta was once a royal carian night and her lapis lazuli blue Cape is the emblem of the nightly Pride that continues to guide her the magic she wields in this battle is a deep blue the color of Korean sorceries one of these spells is known as Loretta's great bow and when we learn it ourselves we learn that the bow was Loretta's favorite weapon Loretta's War sickle is another weapon associated with the Royal Knight the description tells us it is an intricately crafted silver war sickle wielded by Loretta Knight of the halog tree originally given for service as a personal guard to Korean royalty the weapon's blue glintstone has been replaced with unalloyed gold with this information in mind we can craft an idea of lorata's life before replacing her Flintstone with gold it seems likely that Loretta was raised within the walls of Karim Manor as the magic she wields relates directly to the Royal Family according to their armor the Royal Knights served as the personal guard of the Royal Family this would put them A step above your typical Korean Knight and rank it's tough to say with certainty which member of the royal family of Loretta guarded but through process of elimination we assume it was Ronnie if Loretta was in service to renala we'd have probably faced her Apparition somewhere outside of Ronaldo's study and if she served with Don she'd have been at our side during the radon Festival trying to bring dignity back to her former master since she still defends the way between us and Ronnie's rise we think it's safe to assume she was originally meant to be Ronnie's protector however what would possess Loretta to trade her Glenstone for gold and leave nothing but an imitation of herself to defend her lady [Music] we believe the truth of her inescapable fate as an albanoric became apparent to her once her legs started to fade all the information we can learn about Loretta tells us about her close ties to the open org people most of her armor tells us Loretta once a royal carian night went on a journey in search of a Haven for the albanorex and determined that the halot tree was their best chance for eventual salvation the spell Loretta's Mastery is a modified version of her original karian magic and tells us it was developed by Loretta after her long bloody journey to seek out a place where the albanorics could live in peace if her interest in Saving the albanorex is not enough to convince you that she herself was one of them we also have the description of the silver mirror Shield it is known as a shield of radiant silver festooned with Amber and carried by Loretta Knight of the helic tree the shape is set to imitate that of a sacred drop of dew which inspired the Absurd rumor that Loretta herself was an albinorek [Music] while the shield treats the idea of Loretta being an albinorek is nothing more than a rumor when we take into account her interest in securing a future for these people and the fact that we only ever see her on Horseback never using her legs the rumor seems more and more likely what if once Loretta started to lose strength in her legs she discovered that her life had been a lie that she was an albinoric faded to fade away her lady Ronnie had decided to take a stance against the fingers slaying her own flesh and keeping her soul bound to a doll and in doing so may have inadvertently relieved Loretta of her vow to protect her member of the Royal Family this would have left Loretta free to pursue salvation for her people but her love for the Koreans who raised her into the noble night she now was led her to leave a facsimile of herself to defend what was left of Ronnie the witch in her travels trying to find a place where the albanorics can live free of persecution she found the helic tree Michaela's pursuit of a world where the downtrodden would no longer be persecuted in the lands between likely resonated with Loretta and she became a knight of the halog tree trading her Glenstone for gold after leading her people through ordina liturgical town and two michela's base of operations perhaps Loretta is the reason for the albinarc archers who defend the town after all Loretta's weapon of choice was a bow and she's only ever seen one horseback we believe she trained this Elite Squad of albinore women to destroy incoming threats to their potential home and ride wolves to make up for their frailties [Music] when we finally face Loretta Knight of the Halo Tree in combat she's an incredibly formidable foe her Relentless attacks can easily get the best of you while you struggle to dodge your way through and close the gap the full strength of this albinore ignite is on display and it is fearsome Loretta is not fighting for her own selfish reasons she's motivated to bring about a world where mikola can return fully grown to rule over the lands between and stop the persecution that forced her to hide the truth of what she was perhaps Nikola had the power to Build a Better World for the Alban oryx both her first and second generation brothers and sisters and if he did Loretta would be there to defend her new charge after all a night never truly loses their sense of Duty even if they did find themselves forced to switch Masters Loretta is a fierce Warrior a we wish there were more hard facts about her personal Journey from bodyguard of the royal family to defender of mikola's dream while it's never outright stated that she is an albinorek we believe there's substantial evidence to show us that she truly was among their ranks even if she didn't know it herself at first her dedication to helping her people those who lived under the impression of the golden order solidifies her as one of the most admirable bosses we face in Eldon ring if only we didn't have to defeat her to move on and face Melania thank you for joining us for our Lord dive into Loretta Royal Knight and Knight of the Halo tree do you believe Loretta was truly an albinorek was the Silver tier Shield meant to hint at her true origins or was it simply a rumor do you believe she traded her Glenstone for gold in order to help others or was she simply helping herself no matter what your thoughts please share them in the comments like subscribe and hit the Bell if you want to be notified when we drop a new episode if you're already a subscriber why don't you double click that Bell just to make sure you continue to get notified about the new videos from STG we look forward to seeing you again for more Elton lore [Music] the lands between as we know it is a hostile World filled with horrific beasts warring factions and Cosmic Horrors on top of those challenges we're often met with deceitful characters all attempting to use our power and knowledge to further their own interests that said the concept of true loyalty is rather rare in this land safe the shadows of imperience this is why the Bloodhound Knights are such a curious Oddity who are they where did they come from and why do they carry the title of bloodhound we hope to answer these questions or at the very least provide our interpretations let's first clean what we can from their armor and weaponry the Bloodhound Knight found at the gel near Hero's grave in Mount gamir drops the entire Bloodhound set upon being defeated the helm reads metal Helm with a pointed beak worn by the Bloodhound Knights the Bloodhound Knights are trained as hunters and known to be unshakable trackers without the use of language each Knight chooses his own master once the decision has been made the night stays loyal for life from this item alone we start to paint a picture of what drives these Knights to fight with such unending ferocity it seems that each Bloodhound Knight we encounter in our journey is wholly devoted to a master of their choosing displaying unshakable loyalty to their Master's cause the same Bloodhound Knight drops the Bloodhound claws though this weapon gives little insight into the overall lore of the knights we can learn much more simply by observing how they fight each battle with the Bloodhound Knights is sure to distress even the most powerful of tarnished approaching on all fours their beastly appearance and frightening Speed Rival the intensity of even The Crucible Knights through the power of the Bloodhound step these Knights are capable of moving at such a high speed that they almost appear to be teleporting along with their unrivaled speed they attack are tarnished with the fury and bloodlust of the most ferocious beasts in the lands between due to the beastly nature display in combat and their inability to communicate without the use of language we believe that the Bloodhound Knights are far from human and perhaps don't even originate from the lands between it all sometime prior to our arrival in the lands between the floating city of Faro Missoula was struck by some kind of cosmic cataclysm a fallen star shattered the city into fractured pieces which fell below to the lands between not only do we see the Fallout of this event by observing the many pieces of the Kingdom jutting from the hills of lim grave or the Colossal Knights that litter the lands but by the displaced creatures that now live alongside the natural Flora and Fauna of the lands between within the Grove side cave we encounter a beastman of pharah Missoula hailing from a doomed City in the sky we don't believe it's much of a stretch to assume based on their behavior that the Bloodhound Knights also fell from the city of beasts whether this is true or not the hounds now wander the lands between displaced from their home searching for a master the first Bloodhound Knight are tarnished is most likely to encounter is Bloodhound Knight direwill upon meeting Blythe for the first time we're tasked with hunting darwill as he is nothing but a traitor and in need of a fitting end to his tail we end up tracking Daryl will to the forlorn Hound ever jail in South Lim grave for his traitor's actions darywill has been eternally imprisoned when we summon Blythe to fight alongside us he says Dara will rotting in a cell is no true Justice no this is where it ends for you the Bloodhound Knights are known for their unshaking loyalty and yet dare will is imprisoned and then hunted for some kind of betrayal it's purely speculation but we believe that at some point Dara will had pledged his loyalty to snow witch Ronnie which would explain blyth's desire to slay him for treason if he left her service as for who or what caused him to betray this proposed Union we have a loose idea it's possible that when Ronnie purposely destroyed her own body Dara will considered his service to her to be complete and so he searched for a new master perhaps darywill being a beastly Hound simply didn't recognize the scent of his original Master now that she inhabited a doll this betrayal of her service would certainly have blithe on the hunt [Music] another Bloodhound Knight can be found at the lakeside Crystal Cave in leernia just after defeating him we meet an albinaric woman Latina she says foul tarnished what do you want I told the all-hearing brute that I possess no such medallion if we have spoken with Albus in the village of albinarix he gives us the right half of The halictree Medallion to give to Latina based on her dialogue it seems that this particular Bloodhound was searching for the hallot tree medallions with the Bloodhound Knights being loyal servants to a single master we're met with a question who would task this Hound with retrieving passage to the Hallet tree it's obviously more speculation but based on what's given to us through context we have an idea here as well thanks to our community we actually pulled this video and wanted to make an important update when Latina says the all-hearing brute she is referring to Sir Gideon of near when telling Gideon about nikola's egg he says if he continues his Slumber within the Cocoon all will be well but perhaps it would be safer to destroy it mikola is the one thing that remains a mystery to me this along with other dialogue from Gideon shows that information about Melania and mikola was something out of his reach and for a man like Gideon that was unacceptable we believe it's possible that the Bloodhound Knight within this cave chose Gideon as his master and was left behind to keep Latina where she is cut off from anyone who had knowledge of the halleck tree Medallion since she herself did not have it thanks again to our community for catching this important note the final bit of lore we learned regarding the Bloodhound Knights is also found within the gelmir hero's grave found within a chest past the Bloodhound Knight as the spirit Ash of Bloodhound night flaw it reads Spirit of a bloodhound Knight they called the Rabid stray flaw vowed that there was only one Lord he would ever serve a true king and so the rapid stray never found a master referring to flaws of rabid stray further propels The Narrative that these beastly Knights truly live up to the loyal canines of their namesake it's clear that The Bloodhounds are rather cautious of choosing who they will serve lucky for our tarnished flaw appears to believe that we are capable of fulfilling our destiny of becoming Eldon Lord while there isn't too much within the text of Eldon ring to give us a clear picture of the Bloodhound Knights their intentions and their place within this world the context where we find them seems to be the biggest factor in unraveling their mystery understanding their Affinity towards whom they believe to be a fit Master as well as the intentions of said Master is ultimately how we formulated our findings whether these nights truly are Fallen hounds from a shattered City or simply Lost Warriors searching for a purpose we can take solace in the fact that true unfailing loyalty isn't a concept completely lost on the inhabitants of the lands between let us know in the comments if you have your own theories about the Bloodhound Knights like subscribe and hit the Bell so you don't miss our next Community chosen topic the tree Sentinels we look forward to welcoming you back for more Eldon lore the Knights of zamor are an enigmatic set of enemies that we encounter in very specific areas of the lands between we find the majority of the nights we can face in the zamor ruins in the Mountaintop of giants while the ancient Heroes of Zamora can be found within Heroes graves in the mountains and the Altus plateau so who are these Knights what is their purpose and why are some of their people hailed as Heroes and given extravagant burial grounds in the lands between let's find out we can glean the most information about the Knights of zamor from the zamor set each piece tells us they were hailed as heroes in the war against the Giants and that these long-lived Heroes clad in biting freezing winds are said to have been the mortal enemies of the fire Giants since time immemorial so we know that even though these Knights have a ghastly almost Undead Visage they're likely not reanimated corpses but simply a people with what those in the lands between consider to be an extended lifespan their clad in biting freezing winds which means the frost magic they wield can actually be felt just by standing in their presence most importantly they were heroes in the war against the Giants that America and radagon fought so long ago they all seem to wield the zamor curve sword which tells us they earned great Renown during the war against the Giants the weapon was made with an apparent Devotion to Winter and is styled after an icy wind and imbued with a powerful Frost effect not only do these Knights utilize the power of frost they've embedded it into their weaponry their fighting style is very loose and flowing utilizing a speed almost akin to the black knife assassins and they take wide Swings with their weapons sometimes leaving behind ice that shuts out to strike are tarnished while they are a powerful difficult enemy that prepares us for what to expect from The Mountaintop of giants it is possible their current strength pales in comparison to what they could do in their Prime when Queen America and Godfrey the first Elden Lord were on the warpath Conquering the lands between they saw the fire Giants as an obstacle too large for them to tackle with their strength alone during this stage of the war they Enlisted the aid of the Knights of zamor who as we know were no friends of the fire Giants America herself considered their strength great enough to add to her own forces and with the help of the zamor all but one of the fire Giants were exterminated for their help in taking the Mountaintop of Giants for the golden order some of the Knights of samor were hailed as Heroes we can encounter the ancient Heroes of zamor in two different tombs in the lands between and we believe that one of these Graves is not meant for the ancient hero of some more himself he instead defends this holy tomb and the riches Within this is the sainted hero's grave in the Altus Plateau likely the second time we will encounter any Warrior of some more if we've been thoroughly exploring the lands between the ancient hero residing in this tomb protects the spirit ashes of the Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff he is known as an honorable Knight of Landell who is also a devout worshiper of the ancient dragons his skills strike down foes with Thunderbolts the dragon's weapon of choice after the first defense of Lane Dell Kristoff earned the hero's honor of er tree burial for the feat of capturing godroy the grafted it is likely the title of sainted Hero's tomb is actually referring to Kristoff and the zamor hero defends him so that his ashes May remain undisturbed the second tomb where we can encounter an ancient hero of zamor is the giant conquering Hero's grave this grave seems to be dedicated to locking away secrets of the Giants as it is crawling with fire monks and even contains the giant seal this item is described as a sacred seal depicting the one eye god of the fire Giants adorned with braids of red hair wielded by fire monks and prelits this Catalyst enhances Giant's Flame incantations once we reach the boss room of this tomb we encounter an ancient hero of zamor and upon defeating him we are rewarded with the zamor Curve Sword and the zamor set in this case we think it's safe to assume that the giant Conquering Hero was the one we face in battle as it would make sense for the tomb of a zamor hero to rest above the zamor ruins and a member of this Warrior tribe to want to lock away the secrets of their greatest enemies [Music] final ancient hero of zamor we can find is easily the most mysterious this hero is locked within an Ever jail and is in fact the earliest possible zamor Warrior we can access this evergel is located in the Weeping Peninsula and requires a stone sword key the big question here is why would a hero of zamor be locked away when we know they were America 's greatest allies during the war with the Giants we think that the reason for his imprisonment may have to do with the item he drops upon his defeat radagon's scar seal this is a powerful Talisman that represents the lifelong duty of those chosen by the gods and it grants incredible power to its user at the cost of survivability there are two possibilities we can see for why this hero is locked in the Weeping ever jail first he may have been given a mission to protect radagon's scar seal from those who would take it for themselves sealing himself in an Ever jail and even adding the additional layer of security by requiring a stone sword key he would ensure the seal was protected with one-to-one combat as his final stand the second possibility is that after defeating the Giants this ancient hero took the scar seal for himself and his punishment was locked within the ever jail of course then we must ask why was the scar seal left with him and not taken from his possession the Knights of zamor are a mysterious tribe of Warriors and while Eldon Reign doesn't give too much detail on their culture aside from their hatred of the fire Giants they leave a lasting impression with their tall lanky build and frost magics if you have any thoughts or theories surrounding the Knights of zamor or their ancient Heroes leave a comment and we can discuss them as a community don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you never miss out on our dives into your favorite enemies we look forward to seeing you again for more Eldon lore foreign s between there are many warring factions fighting for land power power and control each of these factions have knights in their employee that are tarnished is forced to do battle with during our travels we have already discussed The Crucible Knights who they previously served possible motivations after their King's exile today we will be taking a look at another order of nights we can encounter in various areas of the lands between the knights cavalry who do they serve and what is their place in this world we hope to answer these questions the knights Cavalry are clad and jet black armor writing what is described as funeral seeds into battle and can only be encountered at night the verse that these enemies you're likely to come across is found patrolling the bridge near agile Lake North you'll likely run into them soon after learning how to convert runes into power and they tend to catch many players off guard these nights can also be fought in a number of other locations around the lands between including the Weeping peninsula liernia north liernia south Caleb the atlas Plateau The Forbidden lands Dragon Barrow and the consecrated snow field [Music] it's likely the knights Cavalry only ride at night as a way to get the drop on their enemies by wearing black armor and riding black horses they cloaked themselves in the dark it can be assumed they do this so that those they meet on the road don't realize they're being hunted until it's too late they wield only two different kinds of weapons the Knight Rider glaive and the Knight Rider flail with each night we defeat our tarnished earns armor weapons or ashes of war that pull back the curtains slightly on this enemy's greater purpose the night we meet near agile Lake North wields the Night Rider glaive which is described as a jet black lathe with a blade as weighty as a bludgeon weapon of the night's Cavalry who ride funeral steeds this glaive excels at weighty slash attacks that crash into foes making it a powerful weapon even on horseback and upon defeat they will drop the repeating thrust Ash of War it's curious as this ash doesn't seem like something this horseback riding night would be likely to use [Music] the knights Cavalry can drop ashes of war that seemingly have no relation to their fighting style or their order of knights while they do not utilize any carrion Magics one can drop ice spear a skill of the Warriors who served Luna princess Ronnie that channels cold magic into a piercing Spear of ice another of these Knights drops the ash of War Bloodhound step skill allows the user to become temporarily invisible while dodging at high speed moves faster and travels farther than a regular Quick Step it's clearly associated with the Bloodhound Knights the reason for these seemingly unrelated skills may be explained in yet another rash of War when we defeat the knights Cavalry in the Forbidden lands we attain Phantom slash a skill inspired by the fond remembrances of the knights Cavalry creates an apparition of the night's former instructor who guides a joint lunging upward swing when we look at this skill alongside all of the other ashes that these Knights can draw it becomes apparent that the knights Cavalry assimilate the skills of those they defeat the description of the knights Cavalry set adds some context as to how they have gained skills from across the lands between the knights Cavalry who now wander the dim roads at night were once led by the fell Omen and were deliverers of death for great warriors Knights and champions the knights Cavalry specifically fought the greatest warriors they could find and they were led by Margaret the fell omen or as we know him by the end of the game morgot The Omen King from the armor description it sounds as though the night's Cavalry no longer served their Master however upon defeating Market he says something curious I shall remember the tarnished smoldering with thymeaker flame cower in fear of the night the hands of the fellow men shall Brook thee No Quarter comes across as a cryptic threat at the beginning of the game changes with the understanding that the knights Cavalry serve Market he's telling us to cower in fear of his Elite Warriors who roam the lands between they are his hands and they will be hunting us down when we reach the city of lyondell and climb our way to the Thrones of the golden order morgot stands before us and explains how all of his Brethren are willful traitors and he refers to himself as the last of all Kings he also seems to think that being the king of the lines between is a stain on the Thrones of his siblings while morgoth may think he is not fit to lead the night's Cavalry do not question him their loyalty lies with the fellow Omen they Patrol the lands between likely hunting tarnished in an attempt to keep us away from great runes the Earth tree and their King while we wish there were more we could learn about the knights from information in game we believe we put together as comprehensive a picture as possible with what we have available if you'd like to see more of these smaller lore Dives or if you'd prefer we tackle multiple smaller topics in a single video please comment and let us know don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you don't miss out on the next dive into Eldon Lord [Music] the world of Eldon ring is teeming with monsters and enemies ready to destroy our tarnished at every turn we learned this very quickly during our first encounter with the grafted Scion the introductory boss meant to show us how punishing death can be of course after losing this fight we find ourselves in the tutorial area of the game where we're taught the basics of survival after emerging from that cave we are met with another seemingly insurmountable challenge a large golden clad Knight riding an armored Steed holding a halberd and shield larger than are tarnished we quickly learned that battle may not be our best option and oftentimes we're forced to run from this formatable foe we encounter tree Sentinels in a few different areas of the lands between but who are they why do they seem to be patrolling areas are tarnished absolutely needs to pass through in order to reach the Earth tree and from where do they draw their Incredible strength let's Dive In before we go any further we want to make a quick shout out to Pat GE who has been creating the incredible artwork for our video thumbnails make sure to check out his store Linked In the description if you'd like to bring home any of these prints for yourself or as a gift for the Elton ring fan in your life first place we need to look for information on the tree Sentinels is their armor set every piece of this set is described as the armor of the heavy Cavalry tree Sentinels who serve the herd tree imposingly sturdy and nigh-un breakable the grace of old yet lingers the chest piece of the armor is also adorned with a cape featuring The Mark of the Sacred tree these armor pieces imply the tree Sentinels may not serve a specific ruler such as Marika or godric but the archery itself the archery great Shield also tells us the tree Sentinels are the living Rampart of the herd tree the tree Sentinels are the standard by which all Defenders of the Eritrea aspire so any Knight who serves the Earth tree look at becoming a sentinel as their ultimate goal this information applies to all three Sentinels but we learn after making our way to Lane Dell that there is another variation of this Knight the draconic tree Sentinel one of these enemies can drop the malformed dragon set which explains how these Sentinels came to wield the power of dragons each piece of armor is described as malformed and is adorned with various Dragon imagery and worn by the misshapen tree Sentinels after the great ancient dragon Grand sacks attacked the Sentinels had an epiphany the only way to truly protect the error tree was to become dragons themselves when Grand sacks attacked the Royal Capital he brought down the walls of Langdale this was the first time in recorded history these walls had ever been breached and this started the war against the dragons various items throughout Elden ring unravel the story of the war with the dragons but in order to stay focused on the draconic tree Sentinels we won't dig into this yet the draconic tree Sentinels wield incredible power and the reason for this is because they have most likely engaged in Dragon communion their malformed armor Bears dragon ornamentation and reinforces the connection between their power and that of dragons these Sentinels were already the strongest Defenders of the earth tree and in order to defend it from any and all threats they took the power of the dragons for themselves we can see the outcome of their communion with the Magics these Sentinels wield but they also became dragons in a less literal sense by taking trophies from those they slayed for their communion and fashioning them into equipment the dragon great Claw is said to have been whittled from the claw of a great ancient dragon wielded by grotesque tree Sentinels who yet serve the Earth tree the claws in wreath with lightning and tears through the dragon's feeble descendants with ease again we see how these Sentinels fashion themselves into a force capable of slaying dragons to protect the Earth tree however the item description also says they yet serve the herd tree implying that eventually their dabbling in Dragon communion could someday pull them away from their purpose now that we know who the tree Sentinels are and where they draw their power from the question remains why do we continually find them obstructing our path to the Earth tree unlike other boss enemies in Eldon ring we only find the Sentinels in areas meant to Halt our progression to our main goal we believe this is intentional not from a game design standpoint but from a lower perspective the first three sentinel we discover is immediately after we emerge into Lim grave we can assume that most if not all tarnished start in this same area as VAR Waits here to see what new tarnish he may be able to recruit to his cause this means that the tree Sentinel is likely to do battle with all of these new tarnished as well the Sentinels have dedicated themselves to the Earth tree they are its Rampart and their goal is to destroy all who threaten it after defeating morgot we learned that in order to become Eldon Lord we must burn the Earth tree and we believe it's likely that the tree Sentinels being the archery's closest Defenders know this as well this is why one of their order is stationed immediately outside of the area where tarnished emerged into the lands between to destroy them shake their resolve and dissuade them from following Grace again we find two tree Sentinels on the road to Langdale they stand in front of a large doorway that leads to the road that will take us into the city they attack as a team trying to prevent us from making our way to the foot of the earth tree and our formidable Force to battle at the same time should we keep following this road we reach the entrance to the city this time defended by a draconic tree Sentinel the strongest of their order we have faced up to this point only by defeating him do we make our way into the city the next idea is only a theory but we know thanks to the magma breath incantation the dragon communion can turn a person into a magma wear them if abused those who performed the dragon communion will find their Humanity slowly slipping away once they fully succumbed to their fate they are left no more than wearams that crawl the Earth if we climb the scaffolding from Raya lucaria to Langdale we Face magma wearing Makar Makar will drop the magma wearam scale sword if defeated which tells us it said these land-bound Dragons Were Once human Heroes who partook in Dragon communion a grave transgression for which they were cursed to crawl the Earth upon their bellies Shadows of their former selves it would make sense that a draconic tree Sentinel would have been protecting a secret passage to the Altus plateau and the magma worm scale sword is another blade made from the remains of a dragon just like the dragon great claw there's no solid evidence that Makar used to be a draconic tree Sentinel but the lore around these monsters does make it seem plausible there is one more draconic tree Sentinel we can face in crumbling Fara Missoula they guard the entrance to malacath's boss room and again display an impressive strength that is not easily defeated even by the most formidable tarnished the fact that there is a sentinel guarding this area reinforces the idea that these Knights know that the greatest threat to the Earth tree is a tarnished chasing the title of Elden Lord as we attempt to burn the air tree we are teleported to crumbling Fara Missoula and from here the only way to escape is by defeating malacath the Black Blade and unbinding destined death Enya tells us when asked about burning the Earth tree that for the flame to burn the Earth tree a sacrifice is needed of one who envisions the flame and can lead you to the Rune of death and the finger made in Crone at the Grand lift of role tells us the burning of the earth tree is the first cardinal sin doing so will unbind Destin death and slay the world itself both of these dialogues imply it is not enough to Kindle the tree the flame will not take hold until we unbind destined death and we can only do that by getting past the spinal draconic tree Sentinel and facing malacath the tree sentinel's purpose first and foremost is to defend the Earth tree these Knights understand that the greatest threat to the tree is us the tarnished those who wish to rip the title of Elden Lord away from radagon and can only do so by destroying the Earth tree they try to stop us at every Milestone along the way but if we aren't persistent we can overcome them and surpass their power we hope you learned something new about the tree Sentinels from this dive into their lore feel free to comment with any other theories you may have about this order of knights don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you don't miss our next video on the black knife assassins we look forward to seeing you again for more Eldon lore the dragons of the lands between are powerful creatures prepared to burn our tarnish to Cinders should we even look in their Direction it is said the undead denizens of lim grave would gaze at the Skies over the Lakes praying that the dragon's Flames would burn them to Ash this would be a kindness to those without the ability to die of natural causes due to the removal of the ruin of death while these people saw the dragons as their salvation from a life unending others saw the power of the dragons and coveted it for themselves these Knights made sport of hunting dragons across the land wearing the wings and skins of their felt marks with pride across their armor the Drake Knights may have once been a strong faction in this world but by the time we make our way to the lands between none truly remain as the only one we can meet has strayed from her path that said if we follow the clues we can unravel the ultimate fate of this faction of knights the Drake Knights may just be the oldest night faction in the lands between as their armor set is found within a chest and crumbling Farm Azula if you subscribe to the theory that farm Azula exists outside of time tied somehow to the Past then that would mean that this armor set has existed since at least the defeat of dragonlord placidious Acts regardless of that theory this land has clearly been locked away long enough that if the Drake Knight armor is being kept here it's safe to say it's extremely old interestingly this set does not give any information on how old the faction may be it only explains their purpose the helm tells us it is the black Iron Helm worn by Drake Knights features The Spoils of a dragon catch as an emblem of Pride as both Dragon Hunter and partaker of communion from birth Drake Knights speak not a word they spend their lives pursuing the strength of dragons for its Sublime Beauty and inspiration of awe the armor also includes a cape which is crafted with dragon wing membrane why the Drake Knights never speak is a mystery but in its simplest explanation these Warriors are dedicated to taking the strength of the dragons for themselves in order to understand the Drake knights we have to understand Dragon communion we can learn about this process through multiple items and descriptions in the game and even from yora the bloody finger Hunter the dragon communion seal is a formless drake blood seal with a dragon communion Crest and it tells us the sacrificial devouring of the heart gives power indeed Dragon communion is too Primal in nature for the term incantation to be appropriate this seal scales incantations with one's Arcane attribute various Dragon incantations also outline the sheer strength of the Dragons saying they are incantations of those who have hunted dragons and feasted upon their hearts this is a pure and overwhelming power other incantations tell us those extraordinary individuals who perpetuate Dragon communion are called the dragon-hearted this gives us another moniker for the Drake Knights the dragonhearted so we know the Drake Knights are dedicated to hunting dragons and they partake in Dragon communion to enhance their strength but what exactly is Dragon communion after defeating flying dragon agil at agile Lake we can speak with yora who says to us for work felling that dragon and as such there's something you might like to know the heart you brought back it's used in drug and communion if you should find yourself overcome by hunger for the heart yearning for its strength and seek the decrepit Church little island of the western coast you must not forget though those who partake in drug and communion but one day shed their Humanity their hunger for Dragon their yearning only worsens until the floodgates burst unleashing eternal torment the strength of a mighty dragon magnificent but deadly it's no surprise that Dragon communion to ruin us this explanation shines a light on the process and cost of dragon communion dragon hearts are consumed at the altars of dragon communion and the person engaging in this ritual is granted the strength of dragons through incantations however there is a danger to over-indulging in this practice as the magma breath incantation tells us one of the incantations of dragon communion transforms Castor into a worm to spew magma breath allows one follow-up attack those who have performed the dragon communion will find their Humanity slowly slipping away once they fully succumb to their fate they are left no more than worms that crawl the Earth from this explanation it seems as though those that over indulge in communion become a form of dragon themselves upon defeating magma worm Makar we earned the magma worm scale sword this weapon is a curved Greatsword wielded by magma worms the shape resembles a dragon's jaw and is covered in hard scales it's said these land-bound Dragons Were Once human Heroes who partook in Dragon communion a grave transgression for which they were cursed to crawl the Earth upon their bellies Shadows of their former selves this item description confirms the idea that if you partake in Dragon communion too often your ultimate fate will be to become a magma wearam this means there's a strong possibility that the worms we Face throughout the lands between or one strike Knights themselves there is also the possibility that some of them were once draconic tree Sentinels as we outlined in a previous lore video as any who over indulge in this practice may become worms but it seems there's more evidence that these enemies were once Drake nights there's only one Drake Knight who escaped this fate eleanora The Violet bloody finger while we already have a video discussing her backstory and relationship with yora the bloody finger Hunter there is an aspect of her character we didn't cover it seems as though the draw of the bloody finger of moog's power is actually stronger than the lust for power that accompanies Dragon communion it can be assumed that eleanora once felt that same pull from engaging in communion and was always looking for her next Mark the next heart to consume to gain more power what if eleanora knew her fate as a drake Knight she knew one day that she would become a worm cursed to wander the land on her belly but she continued to travel with yora anyway until one day she was approached by an acolyte of Moog the Lord of blood what if an offer was made serve Moog become a bloody finger and replace your hunger for dragonhearts with a Lust For Blood what if eleanora saw a way out a way to retain her human form but to take it she needed to give up her most precious connection her relationship with yora this could be how eleanora resisted the urge for Dragon communion and kept her human form never being consigned to become a magma worm maintaining her Humanity but losing something precious along the way [Music] it seems the ultimate fate of the Drake knights was to travel the world killing so many dragons and consuming so many hearts that they eventually became dragons themselves curse to roam the land without the ability to take flight they gained the power they were always fighting and scraping for but at the cost of their human forms never again would they be human but they wouldn't be dragons either simply worms without the ability to fly their wings decrepit not fully formed unable to carry their weight in the end the Drake Knights are lost to history due to their lust for power and the final member of their order is nothing more than a bloodthirsty Warrior consigned to working alongside Moog in order to avoid the fate of her comrades [Music] thank you for joining us for our dissection of the Drake Knights the most enigmatic knights in the lands between do you believe the magma worms we Face throughout the game were one straight nights did eleanora break the draw of dragon communion by becoming a bloody finger has this power always been a part of the lands between or were the altars of dragon communion brought here from another land why does the Drake Knight armor set go so hard we look forward to reading your thoughts and theories in the comments don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you never miss out on any of our lore Dives we can't wait to see you again for more Eldon lore [Music] [Music] one of the most popular enemies in Elden ring is easily The Crucible Knight these Knights receive significant publicity before the release of the game with plenty of images and concept art that shows you what kind of imposing figures you'd be coming across in the lands between however even with all their popularity little is known about The Crucible Knights and what can be gleaned from the game is hidden entirely in descriptions from their armor and incantations so why are The Crucible Knights treated with so much grandeur why are they found throughout the world of Eldon ring in various locations and not confined to fighting under one Lord like so many other enemy types and what was their purpose before the shattering [Music] players can encounter a crucible night fairly early in their Journey at the storm Hill ever jail at early levels this enemy can absolutely destroy your tarnished with large heavy sword swings Shield bashes and a variety of powerful incantations defeating this foe will have it drop the incantation aspects of The Crucible tail which gives us our first look into where these Knights draw their power the description of this incantation tells us it is one of the ancient eritry incantations and it is a manifestation of the ER tree's Primal vital energies an aspect of the primordial Crucible where all life once Blended together [Music] from this we can glean that The Crucible Knight is named for the primordial Crucible which is seen as where life began in the lands between within the Earth tree by defeating another Crucible Knight hidden in the stormvale castle Legacy dungeon we can find another of these incantations aspects of The Crucible horns creates a mighty horn on the Caster's shoulder to gore foes from a low stance and yet another Crucible Knight will drop aspects of The Crucible breath which creates a throat pouch on the Caster's neck allowing them to spew fiery breath while walking it's important to note that all three of these incantations and The Crucible Knight's ability to sprout Wings seem to tie back to both where life started in the urge tree and Dragons with the knowledge the dragonlord placidu was Elden Lord in the time before the Earth tree it is possible this power is tied to the original Elden Lord [Music] the most information we can learn about who The Crucible Knights are comes from Crucible Knight or dovis who can be found in the oriza heroes grave by defeating this Knight we are given a plethora of information Through The Crucible act set the first important piece of this puzzle comes from the description text armor of one of the 16 ancient Knights who served Godfrey the first Elden Lord this is huge as it tells us exactly who these Knights served and how many of them existed through the lands between [Music] the Helm of this set tells us the ax ornamentation is the night ordovus's Mark displayed also by his men it makes sense that ordovus would choose an ax as the symbol for these Knights as Godfrey's signature weapon during this time was his massive ax for both the Greaves and gauntlets of this set we also learn that the strength shown by these Knights and even their appearance was seen as chaotic and deserving of scorn from the previous description text we can learn a couple of things firstly The Crucible Knights seemed to have remained in the lands between after Godfrey was exiled this explains why we see Crucible knights in various places around the lands in service of others or locked away in an Ever jail second likely due to their service of Godfrey and control over the eritrea's power the people of the lands between may have seen them as heretical without a lord to serve these Knights turn to using their powers in whatever way they saw fit and given that we can encounter 14 Crucible Knights throughout the game it's entirely possible though we will see the last two in future DLC that is unless these last two nights are already out there somewhere and we've yet to find them now that we know who The Crucible Knights are let's take a look at where they've ended up after being in service of Godfrey our first night is the one you're most likely to encounter early in the game trapped within an Ever jail given that these ever jails effectively function as prisons it is likely that this Knight never gave up his allegiance to his Lord leading to his being locked away this likely served as an example to other Knights not to overstep or question Godfrey's exile the second night we can find resides just outside of Stormville Castle he walks back and forth outside the castle walls in an area that can only be reached by dropping down the side of the castle after leaving the rampart Tower site of Grace this Knight seems to have found himself in the service of godric the grafted this would make sense as a knight of Godfrey may feel some sense of Duty to protecting a relation of the first Elden Lord's son even though he resides on the lowest rung of the golden lineage another Crucible Knight can be fought alongside a Miss begotten warrior in the area just outside of the star Scourge radon boss fight this night residing in caled likely cares only for battle this area of Caleb draws strong Warriors to compete so they may have found their purpose in fighting alongside the Miss begotten Warrior a crucible night and a tree night can be found while exploring the aqueducts the difference between them being that the tree Knight wields a lance it's unknown exactly what these Knights are doing here but it's possible they may be patrolling the aqueduct to deter any who might want to challenge the Valiant gargoyle alternatively Dean's brother Devin is beyond these nights perhaps they have a reason to be guarding him as his brother fights back against the undead and the restoration of death through the lands between one more Crucible night can be found when traveling to nokrin the Forbidden City through use of the four belfries this night stands at the edge of a destroyed Bridge looking out into the void as there's no way to leave this place without the ability to travel through Grace he likely became trapped here at some point and waits for a worthy Challenger to end his imprisonment both fear and the Giant Warrior jar can summon enemies donning the armor of The Crucible Knights it's important to note that these Knights do not have access to the full range of Crucible Knight abilities and seem to be player characters donning their armor the difference between these summon Knights is the fias look like a summoned Spirit while the warrior jar takes the form of an invader if these two are actually Crucible Knights it's very possible FIA is summoning the remains of one who has fallen in battle either way these may be two more examples of Crucible Knights finding new Masters to follow after the loss of Godfrey the most interesting Crucible Knight in my opinion would be the one we encounter in volcano manner known as tanith's night this Warrior seems to have thrown off his title as a crucible Knight and now works in service of the matriarch of the manor his path led him to turn his back on the golden order after Godfrey's Exile and he found his purpose as part of the group hunting tarnished given his Devotion to tanith attacking us should we kill her it is possible he even knew the truth of volcano Manner and wanted to see Reichard destroy the other demigods as revenge for his exiled Lord two tree nights can be found while exploring Lane Dell it's possible these Knights never left their post after Godfrey's Exile choosing to remain in service to his wife Queen America and defending the Royal capital we encounter a named Crucible Knight in the deep root depths called Crucible night soluria she stands at the foot of an old tree broken and blackened defending the chest inside which contains a set of tree night armor meant for those she deems worthy to be among her Crucible Knights she's described as one of the two honored as foremost Among The Crucible Knights and likely had her own nights under her command it's unknown why she now resides in the deep root depths but the tree she stands in front of does have small trees growing around and inside of it with bright yellow leaves which may mean this is the remains of an older tree that was possibly burned down or destroyed lastly we have two Crucible knights fighting together in the orisa heroes grave one unnamed and the other leader of the knights or dovis while we do not know who resides within the Ariza Hero's grave we know they are important enough for ordovus to believe their remains are worth protecting the description of ordovus's great sword reads great sword of ordovus one of the two honored his foremost Among The Crucible Knights this sword is imbued with an ancient holy Essence its red tint exemplifies the nature of primordial gold said to be close in nature to life itself this further solidifies that ordovus was the strongest among this group The Crucible Knights are an imposing force in the lands between and I know anytime I came across them in game I would immediately check how many runes I was holding and wonder if I should use the sacrificial twig we hope you learned something new during this deep dive into these fascinating enemies I think it would be a missed opportunity for Eldon ring not to utilize them further with any possible future DLC but what do you think like subscribe and leave a comment telling us your favorite enemy type from Eldon ring and maybe we can look into their lore for you in the next Eldon lore when we started writing Elden ring lore videos it was to share the experience of digging through this game with the help of the community our first big exploration was The Crucible Knights thanks to that video our Channel received a significant signal boost from YouTube and because of that we reached so many new viewers and received so many comments that the video itself now feels deeply incomplete with that in mind we wanted to do something special for our 50th episode of Eldon lore by going back to The Crucible nights and incorporating all of the findings made through our community presenting a more comprehensive picture of these enemies and their place in the lands between we're going to call out various commenters through the video that help to flesh out this picture but given the vast amount of comments that video received we obviously can't mention everyone with that said if you've ever watched or commented on that original video thank you Square table gaming would not be where it is now without that initial boost and you are the reason we do what we do now let's explore The Crucible Knights again with a stronger understanding of their place within the lore of Eldon ring in order to gain a basic understanding of The Crucible knights we can look toward the various armors weapons and incantations associated with them The Crucible ax armor is described as the armor of The Crucible Knights who served Godfrey the first Elden Lord worn by the night or dovis and his men or soluria depending on Whose armor you're looking at holds the power of The Crucible of Life the primordial form of the earth tree strengthens aspects of The Crucible incantations while this is a fairly succinct explanation of who the knights were there's a missing detail from Ellen Rings beta telling us that there were only ever 16 Crucible knights in the world this shows what an Elite Force they were in the lands between while their armor tells us who they were their gauntlets provide a little history in time the strength shown by these Knights and even their appearance was seen as chaotic and deserving of scorn so while they were likely praised in their early days fighting alongside the first Elden Lord himself over time they were made outcasts likely because of their connection to the primordial Crucible we need only look to The Crucible not Talisman to explain why this connection would cause them such trouble a Talisman fashion from a bony knot that embodies aspects of various creatures said to have grown on the human body long ago a Vestige of The Crucible of primordial life born partially of devolution it was considered a signifier of the Divine in ancient times but it is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced all three of the aspects of The Crucible incantations we can find provide the same piece of lore this is a manifestation of the earthree's Primal vital energies an aspect of the primordial Crucible where all life was once Blended together knowing these are the powers wielded by The Crucible Knights it's made clear that their name is literal they are connected to this ancient power much the same way Omens are Omens are considered Touched By The Crucible and for that they are shunned by Society having their horns removed at Birth which kills most of them those that survive are hidden underground or used as muscle and are hunted by The Omen Hunters even the children America born Omen morgot and Moog were locked away beneath the city until they each took up arms for their own missions to put it simply anything associated with the primordial Crucible is now despised in the lands between which is why we find The Crucible Knights scattered across the lands fighting under different banners no longer an Elite Force but disgraced Warriors taking up arms for their own reasons as we mentioned there were 16 Crucible knights in their order before Godfrey was banished from the lands between and his forces were dissolved in our original video on The Crucible nights we had discovered 14 of these Warriors in game but through the help of the community we not only Identify two nights we had listed that were nothing more than ghosts of player characters but found the missing Four Knights throughout the lands between moving forward we're going to take a look at all 16 Crucible nights where they were found in the world and what their location may say about their story after their order was disbanded [Music] the first Crucible night most of us encountered while playing Golden Ring was actually found within an Ever jail notice how I'm putting emphasis on jail as many in the community left comments calling us out on our mispronunciation of evergel as evergowl we've learned our lesson we promise anyway The Crucible Knight locked in this ever jail is likely our first encounter with these enemies and can be devastatingly difficult for new players like many of the nights we find there's no real context given for why they are located here trapped forever in their jail but we theorize that this particular night may have fought back against the punishment of Lord Godfrey what better way to disband The Crucible Knights and break their Spirits than to magically lock away any member of their order who questioned their treatment of the first Elden Lord there is a crucible night found on the rampart Tower cliff in Stormville castle and his presence here can seem a bit jarring however the context around godric the grafted could provide some Clues as to his Allegiance as we know godric surrounded himself with the strongest forces he could find the actual soldiers of godric only defend the land around his castle but once inside we Face exiled Knights banish Knights crafted forces Omen Eagles lions and even a troll it would make sense that godric would seek out a crucible Knight to add to his ranks this night however seems to protect an area of the castle one would rarely find themselves in possible that this Knight felt some sense of Duty to work under godric given his likely lineage to Godwin son of Godfrey but that sense of Duty would only take him so far choosing to defend an area of the castle far from his liege who he likely saw for what he was a far cry from worthy of his place amongst the demigods when visiting the four belfries we can enter a portal that takes us to nochrane where we see a crucible Knight staring off into the sky of this underground land we originally thought that this Knight simply stood on this destroyed Bridge because he was trapped without Grace to allow free movement around the land there was no way for them to leave this spot however as commenter Adele grief pointed out they aren't just staring into the void this Knight is looking at moog's Castle perhaps he keeps watch over Moog the son of his Lord Godfrey but chooses to do it from afar so as to keep himself separated from his worship of the formless mother or perhaps it's the opposite maybe this Knight seeks to find a way to moog's Palace to end the heresy of his former ligia's offspring two Crucible Knights can be found in another area of knockrum when traveling to the waterfall Basin we encounter a night wielding a spear and another wielding a sword these Knights seem to be defending the area ahead and we think we know why just past them we can find D Beholder of the Dead a man whose brother is dedicated to ending those who live in death while he himself takes up that cause upon his brother's death perhaps these Knights were acting as wardens to keep Deed from heading deeper into the basin why would they be doing this because if you follow the Basin you can make your way to the resting place of God when the Golden's remains Godwin was the Golden Sun the only one of Godfrey's children not to be born in omen and we believe it well within the realm of possibility that these nights may have taken up the task of defending him while they couldn't save him in life they could at least defend his corpse from being disturbed after his death interestingly another night can be found in the deep root depths and will be discussing her next as we make our way through the depths we can find an old tree possibly the remains of a minor air tree from long ago standing guard over it is Crucible Knight's saluria she is the only named Crucible Knight wearing The Crucible tree armor and upon her defeat she drops the great spear salurious tree the description of this weapon tells us it is the weapon of one of the two honored as foremost Among The Crucible Knights the primordial form of the UR tree is close in nature to life itself and this spear modeled on its Crucible is imbued with its ancient holy essence given that she is known as one of the two honored as foremost in their order we believe it's likely saluria LED The Crucible tree Knights while another LED The Crucible ax Knights as for her purpose here we believe she like the two knights defending the Basin was the last line of defense against those who would desecrate the corpse of Godwin the golden it is also worth noting that just beyond soluria within the husk of the tree she was stationed in front of we can find The Crucible tree Knight armor set perhaps this armor belonged to another of their order one who has already died by the time we enter the lands between but who we can still face in battle if we make our way through the roads and catacombs we Face a spirit caller snail these snails are able to call on Spirits from Beyond the Grave to fight on their behalf as long as we don't kill it too quickly it can summon both a crucible axonite and a crucible tree Knight even if we never encounter any Crucible nights before this point it can still summon these enemies this tells us that at least two Crucible Knights have died before we made our way to the lands between accounting for two more of the overall 16. this also helps us account for the tree night armor found behind soluria thanks to the Nexus for calling this detail out in the comments of our original video another Crucible Knight can be fought alongside a Miss begotten Warrior near the red main Castle Festival ground we believe this Knight cares only for battle which would explain why he made his way to Khalid after Godfrey's exile this area of Caleb draws strong Warriors to compete so they likely found their purpose in fighting alongside the Miss wagon Warrior against any who would challenge them While others in the lands between would refuse to fight alongside this Beast a crucible Knight would see no issue with having a misbegotten as a battle companion they both draw their strength from the primordial Crucible and they both thirst for victory in Landell we are able to face two different Crucible Knights while exploring the city we believe these Knights may have chosen to swear their Fidelity to America after their lord was banished which would explain their presence in the Royal capital one of these nights is found standing over a long dead corpse which has a hero's room lying on top of it notably they also appear to be staring at an ornate depiction of the earth tree another is found patrolling the area around Grand sack's Bolt these Knights are both found without many other soldiers around them perhaps being left to their own devices as others in America's forces disdain their primordial power another two Crucible Knights can be found in crumbling Farm Missoula neither of these were mentioned in our original video so thank you to core 54 and Angel down for being the first two commenters to call them out to us one of these nights can be found alongside the corpse of a dragon while the other can be found fighting against beastmen we believe the origins of these Knights can be traced back to Godfrey's battle with dragonlord placidusacks at some point in the past we know this battle took place with Godfrey defeating the dragonlord and leaving him Gravely injured so it would make sense that he would have taken his Elite Knights into battle with him during his march on Farm Azula what if two of his Knights were left behind to ensure no one Disturbed this place after their victory this would explain why one of them is found embroiled in battle while another stands over the remains of a slain dragon an enemy he likely defeated with his comrades years ago it's possible these Knights have no idea their lord was banished they're simply continuing to follow their orders to this day [Music] after making our way through the oriza heroes grave we can come face to face with another named Crucible Knight or dovis he fights alongside another night and upon defeating them both we receive The Crucible ax set and ordovus's great sword this sword is identical to those carried by all of the sword wielding Crucible Knights and its item description sheds light on our dovis's place on their order great sort of ordovus one of the two honored as foremost Among The Crucible Knights this sword is imbued with an ancient holy Essence its red tint exemplifies the nature of primordial gold said to be close in nature to life itself knowing that the ax armor is said to be worn by ordovus's men and the tree armor is said to be worn by soluria's men we know that these two were likely the commanders of The Crucible Knights under Godfrey mordovius's great sword also talks about the red tin of primordial gold which is not mentioned anywhere else in Elden ring by saying it's close in nature to life itself perhaps it's implying that the brilliant gold of the earth tree may be an abnormality removed from how life should be in the lands between when it comes to why urdova's chose to remain in the orisa's hero grave we can't say definitively but if we had to guess we'd say he was likely placed there by Godfrey and given the aid of a crucible tree Night by soloria the last Crucible night we have to discuss is my personal favorite when we reach the volcano matter we can speak with Lady 10th and behind her stands a crucible ax Knight that has clearly sworn his allegiance to the manor known as tanet's Knight this Warrior seems to have thrown off his title as a crucible Knight and now works in service of the matriarch of volcano Manor [Music] it seems his path led him to turn his back on the golden order entirely after Godfrey's exile and he found his purpose as part of reichardt's inner circle we believe this night is the only one of their order who chose to fight back against those who deemed them nothing more than creatures to be disdained due to their very nature we believe he was appointed by reichardt to defend tanith which explains why the only way for us to meet him in battle is to kill tanith while she feasts some rayguard's remains ultimately we believe he wanted to see reichhardt destroy the other demigods as revenge for his exiled Lord [Music] as an aside another fun bit of lore that we believe is now common knowledge was first brought to our attention by Lieutenant Cedar Xander both ordovus and soloria are named after real-life time periods the ordovician and the silurian both of which took place hundreds of millions of years ago it's a fun tie-in to the idea that the primordial Crucible existed long before the time of the earth tree and speaks to just how ancient the power wielded by these nights truly is there we have it a definitive list outlining all 16 Crucible Knights that can be found throughout Eldon ring while some claim that the description calling out the 16 Knights should no longer be considered Canon due to its removal from the armor set after the closed beta we believe it's no coincidence that we can account for each of these nights in game of course we could always find new Crucible nights in future DLCs that would lend Credence to the idea that we should ignore that number unless of course we're dealing with a world within a dream which I still think is a real possibility so what did you think of this revamped exploration of The Crucible Knights let us know in the comments how you feel about our dissection of each night like And subscribe so you never miss another Lord dive thank you so much for joining us for our 50th episode in this series we sincerely appreciate every single one of you we'll see you next time for more Eldon lore [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Square Table Gaming
Views: 131,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Lore, Elden Lord, elden ring story, elden ring lore explained, elden ring story explained, elden, ring, lands between, demigods, Walkthrough, lore, souls, bloodborne, malenia, miquella, Radagon, Godrick, Crucible Knight, Radahn, Godrick Knight, Cuckoo Knight, Leyndell Knight, Haligtree Knight, Redmane Knight, Cleanrot Knight, Knights Cavalry, Drake Knight, Tree Sentinel, Gelmir Knight, Mausoleum Knight, Carian Knight, Bloodhound Knight, Zamor Knight, lore to fall asleep to
Id: w8P4wdqjEfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 48sec (9648 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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