Elden Ring - Angry Review

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hey guys it's finally done i know it's very late but it took me a while to uh finish this game and i wanted to do it right so thank you very much for your patience i want to thank our sponsors g fuel who actually has an elden ring flavor and yes it is delicious crimson tears uh i i used a lot of this to get through the game so thank you to g fuel we have a 30 off code going on right now if you want to grab yourself a tub click the links below or if you want to support our show directly got a brand new shirt out the angry joe show shirt if you want to support the show directly that way you could do that but thank you so much and i hope you guys enjoy the elden ring review check it out okay i finally got it it's my first dark souls adventure i just can't be scared of it i've heard it's so freaking hard but you know what it's i don't care i don't care about dying it's not like i'm going to die all the time it's not it's not going to change my life or anything so i i just need to start it let's let's let's start it now [Music] [Music] oh man i'm freaking starving now let's see i'll let those should still be good right man i don't know what's going on it's like everything in my life is more difficult [Music] okay uh last step it's not like i'm that high up i've been down a thousand steps before this shouldn't really be that hard i should be fine i'm just gonna do it guys we are here it is finally our elden ring review i know you've seen a bunch of reviews already but this is the one that made it okay i have played it now and i have gotten my uh i want to give you my two cents in i brought alex since he's beat the game 17 17 five times uh and a much better uh dark souls like player than i am [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] because it took me much much longer uh to play this one guys so but i just want to say okay initially i was begrudging yeah i was like ah there's there's not much change here i'm not a dark souls person you guys know i'm not a dark souls person but i gotta say after all of this time wow [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bad [ __ ] mother [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what an amazing content-filled game uh that is so uh rewarding and enriching experience something unlike what we've seen recently this ties into the heart of the angry joe show we have so many [ __ ] games out there they want you to pay money up front and then micro transaction the hell out of you or it's live service and you don't get the entire game half of these bosses in eldon ring would be dlc if this was anybody else and you get a complete game that i am still not done with i just said you know what i have to do this review and i'm still not finished there's quests and secret bosses so many [ __ ] that i just completely [ __ ] missed you know i was talking with alex and this is why eldon ring is such an amazing experience that that i think that yes even if you're like me and you hate or you don't hate you just you're not good at dark souls and you become very frustrated with dying you need to play this game and buy this game let it be my last [ __ ] uh piece of advice to you to push through you're getting better don't say you're bad at it just you just started joe this game it's going to frustrate the hell out of you this is why it took me so much so long for this review it is so rewarding it is not about uh you know not dying it is about dying and then learning from those deaths and and if you can't handle something go somewhere else let's go back to the big night now that we got our big [ __ ] sword and we got some wolves to help what up [ __ ] hey man well what i'm talking to my chat what the [ __ ] right and and it will reward you that will reward you coming back will reward you there's this time there's always something to explore and i didn't really feel a grind i felt like i was lost the whole time but i kind of uh really embrace this because you'll run into a cut scene you'll run into a teleportation into a different area and and it makes your own stories you know and uh it is a completely different style of game that i'm used to maybe you dark soul players are used to this kind of stuff but um from what i've been talking with alex this is a premium evolution of that formula uh going open world and adding all these things i [ __ ] loved it joe don't get turned on while i'm trying to play god damn it god damn it look what you did it was a game bobby i didn't make the game dude look what you did i had him on that one [ __ ] off bogert you're a piece of [ __ ] nobody [ __ ] likes you you're not even a sub boss you're a no boss get your endurance bobby oh you and it's a gaming experience that i will always know and treasure and i have some footage here i'm going to share with you guys i didn't record all the footage i lost some footage so we have some footage for you but uh i just want to get your guys opinions on it as well since you played it alex even more than i have oh yeah big time uh this is the pinnacle of gaming right here all right this is the gameplay man this is top tier this is like everything you want in a game yes like there's like a little phenomenon like everywhere you go everyone's talking about eldon ring ellen they're still talking now oh yeah for sure this is game of the year materials yes easy by far it's already my number one g-fuel flavor crimson tears it tastes like game of the year to me i loved it i loved every aspect of this soft fromsoft does it again with these amazing levels amazing boss designs just the story they created i loved everything about it i wonder how much uh you know george rr martin did actually contribute because to me it feels very much like a from soft game yeah uh and from soft designs the [ __ ] boss battles man with such good animations like they're dying or they they're they're attacking some cheap cheap shots that they get but oh yeah well well here's the thing is well yeah there is cheap shot how do you block that i did roll and i rolled and then the shock wave it means i couldn't double i don't know uh but i do really love uh you know the rewarding nature of getting that near miss and you don't feel like it's [ __ ] yeah sometimes you feel like it's oh yeah yeah yeah but it's like no that's [ __ ] [ __ ] let's go to him so close there's times where i i've made it past the pause where it's like sure oh man anyways and that's what i love about this game is like everything is like nail biters yeah it's like you're so close you're on the edge of your seat you finally pushed through and beat the boss you're like oh my god i did it it's so rewarding you get that euphoria or whatever you like you're pushing through and i'm an astrologer that's what i went with oh my god there's uh there's some stuff that i uh get frustrated with because i can't get my rocks off in time yeah you need you need a shoe i cannot do it without a shield i i need a shoe i got a katana which i'm kind of working on with because i have to do that with my magic okay and and you know so i also thought that uh you know dark soul games always frustrated me there's there's no uh there's no [ __ ] story here there are i mean the story is still kind of hard to piece together but at least there's multiple cut scenes at least i under somewhat understand what's going on in the world especially by the end um and and for new players there are key elements that have been added to the game uh that those are ashes of war which will take an already breadth of weapons and and and interesting uh ways to uh uh combat and makes it even deeper with these special attacks and very powerful things the ashes of war and then a new element is summons so you have these two things yes these two things are very very helpful new players like us so when when somebody says oh this is you know the same old dark souls and no this is the game for you uh because with those two things like i was very frustrated until i started to get my first summons and more powerful summons especially when you get to the mimic i just i that's when the game clicked for me and i understand it's like because i'm intimidated by bosses and the bosses are coming after me and for me i'm freaking out right the the the summons will aggro right and and it gives you a moment to do your golden seeds and your sacred tears and your you know re uh sort of re-heal yourself and go after the boss while is a thing is distracted now i know there's dark souls purists out there there's like oh you [ __ ] if you use ashes of warren summons you're a [ __ ] loser you're noobs like shut the [ __ ] up i know this is fun with my game just let us have fun with the game we know you're not playing the game the way i want you to play the game for the review purposes we're doing this for fun it's a challenge for us i'm having a good time plus we're i like this am i not going to enjoy a video game just wait till we get those skeletons we're going to slaughter we're going to slaughter those skeletons all right this is why i did not want to stream this game i was having so much fun like if you're one of those people you're disgusting and you should just you know fall off a cliff and die on norm's hey joe what's up man beautiful day out right what'd you do this weekend i actually did a mud run oh what's a mud run i was running through the mud for miles doing obstacles and all that fun stuff oh i know what you mean you put on a weight belt you get a backpack you get a bunch of you put rocks in the backpack then you put like shoulder straps on and weights you know the little ones you put around you think and you go real hard no no why would i do that you didn't do that no you're trash joe well you don't know how to run you don't know how to do the marathon correctly what is wrong with you you're embarrassing me and this whole show do it right next time but i see this [ __ ] i got the metal and everything what the [ __ ] is this problem uh you just let other people have fun it's a part of the game and honestly i think the boss but some boss battles were designed with summons in mind because to take such wild swipes and wild attacks and and one hits and two hits you need summons in order to distract i know some people can handle it but i personally cannot handle [Applause] you actually got really close with that one close uh close to 50 percent um you know i needed the summons in order to to get around this um but guys i had so much fun with eldon ring i hardly know where to begin uh it's a whole world that that doesn't give a [ __ ] about you you know what i mean every other game you go anywhere you want horizon zero dawn gives a [ __ ] about you the world centers around you here the world does not give a [ __ ] about you you will die you will die a lot and i love that the very first thing joe we spent hours trying to kill the [ __ ] tree sentinel it became our mega tron battle little did we know there are bosses in the game that makes this guy look like nothing you know and we're all in the progression they're facing two tree sentinels and coming back and within this three sentences is these moments that i will always cherish and know that the first fight with uh you know margaret uh you know is is like you're slowly progressing and you feel that progression and you will die a lot uh and so you have to be comfortable uh with death um but that's what makes this game so interesting the fact that when you're exploring there's always something new there's these npcs in the world that you have no quest markers you have no there's the light guide but i mean that's just a suggestion you know uh you could be [ __ ] ambushed by dragons i'm like what the [ __ ] is going on and and [ __ ] shell cree like [ __ ] massive lobsters and i'm watching sniper lobsters sniper lobsters are killing me you know well that's nice of this game don't say this game ever ah it's larry don't say this game never did anything ah run run there's a say point two maybe there's a statue nearby incoming projectiles oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] nevertheless oh [ __ ] that i saw three if you did you'd see three because i saw three oh save oh what the [ __ ] these stupid spinning crabs and then things start to click you know you get your horse and then you you know you you you the way you fight is situational sometimes it's great to just be on horseback and just rip people up and run away jab come back in and out especially with the dragons you need that kind of you know mobility uh but then there's other ones where you know you're like no i'm off my horse we're gonna you know i'm gonna fight this boss and you have to be on uh on foot and just the rewarding uh nature of the game and the boss designs are fantastic so i'm gonna turn it over to you alex our our resident eldon ring expert which i had to lean on him many times to get through this how did you do this what what did you think as what do you think of the game i love it i think it's it's absolutely incredible um i've always been a fan of the i'm not one of those dark souls people because i don't like anyone who's like defines themselves as like a dark souls person i don't like you you know you know the people they're like oh you didn't beat the game nicky with a ham sandwich you're a noob get good oh hey karen how are you susan it's wonderful to see you how are you oh pretty good i just had a baby oh that's a blessing you're an at-home natural birth well no there's some complications at a c-section oh that's disgusting you're trash all right you had a surgery right it was surgically removed from your body you didn't give birth there was no pain awful awful who the [ __ ] are you to tell me how to have my baby have you had one well well no but you know if i did i would do it the right way the most amount of pain possible the manliest way the right way you know what karen shut the [ __ ] up nobody [ __ ] likes you all right bye karen get good i would get so red in the face and so frustrating not only with the game but the people yelling at me saying how bad i am i don't want to play anymore and that's kind of the reason why i have made dark soul games like not my thing too easy they need to make this more challenging oh i am the best i wasn't even sweating nah but i don't give a [ __ ] what people were saying and and honestly i played a lot of this offline on purpose i'm sorry we could play it online in the future with you guys but honestly playing it offline was like a kid again you know i was playing video games at my [ __ ] house and just learning myself it was so goddamn rewarding anyway i'm sorry yeah so i absolutely loved it i i'm on new game seven on my main account um you know i've tried almost i think i've done every single build and i haven't done that in a video game in so long where i beat a game and then it's like you know what i'm going to be playing and i'm going to beat this game and i'm going to beat this game and i'm going to beat this game like i seriously that hasn't happened in i mean it's got to be like a decade how many hours do you have i'm at like 180 hours or something 200 hours yeah i mean i've done i've done everything in the game and i still enjoy doing new things i'm still finding new things i've done all the endings i've done all the major quest lines but then there's you're running through a swamp and then you attack a lobster and the lobster turns into a revenant like what the [ __ ] or you're attacking a zombie in the starting area and it turns into a rune bear and you're like where the [ __ ] did this come from there's so much stuff in this game it is to talk to each other about it oh it's great and it was complete on release fortunately for me and this i know we had issues here but unfortunately for me at home i had no hitching on my pc um we had we had some eventually so it's like the the i played on pc i played mouse and keyboard sorry um yeah and i just i just had an absolutely wonderful time and it it kind of like rejuve we play a lot of video games we don't want to and this is one that we i had to play but i could i wanted to play and i wanted to keep playing and i'm still playing like once we're done with this review i'm going to keep playing this game um this is what gaming should be about yep um just lost hours upon hours in a row yeah limb grave lime grave i never left it for a long time i didn't feel comfortable leaving yeah you leave like neighborhood kids yeah sometimes i left and i got beat up but you're always rewarded for it you know there's like when you think of it like that there's no real grinding in the game i cannot speak enough about you know all the different uh enemy designs and interesting things and their [ __ ] animations and so it's a joy to get your ass [ __ ] handed to you by the different attacks learn the different attacks and and now i totally get it totally understand i understood a little bit from uh bloodborne which was easier for us to get into we liked that a lot um as opposed to dark souls and initially when i was first playing the game i didn't feel any difference from from dark i wanted it to be much much different it was very esoteric it was very uh complex nothing was explained to you and that was really frustrating me yeah you're naked here's a stick go kill god yeah exactly exactly but that journey you almost like that it you almost understand it you understand the philosophy there i thought it was a design flaw and it's more a design choice and uh now there are still some complex things that i don't agree with the [ __ ] uh co-op system is is so complex with place to finger place that shrine it should be easier to finger your friends exactly just let us finger our friends a little bit easier i i know that's what happens i don't give a [ __ ] if it's been working like this since dark souls one is a bad [ __ ] unintuitive system because they would make it [ __ ] easier to play with each other say hey it's not explained at all [ __ ] you chad and [ __ ] you dark soul fans to get [ __ ] petty about what has been though always i don't give a [ __ ] hey i was playing this game would you like to invite him yes cool how about i just send an invite to my goddamn [ __ ] player piece of [ __ ] now it's here has to drop his [ __ ] finger someone has to pick up his [ __ ] finger somebody said what the [ __ ] is going on right now but i put down the videos all you need to do put the finger down and then you put the password and then you do this and then somebody picks up your features and then they put this somebody say that it's super easy that's all you got it's too easy all you do is pick up zero you need to put in a multiplayer password of three thousand do you have the multiplayer password of three thousand in the [ __ ] multiplayer password area you put three thousand in the group password you put one two three four in the group password section two you put five five five then you put your [ __ ] small golden effigy in order to summon the signal then you put your [ __ ] finger down so the finger can then be stumbled you can go to a different [ __ ] world put the [ __ ] finger down that's how you [ __ ] play multiplayer i can't tell you how many times i went on youtube just to [ __ ] figure something out or to get around something or to find a better weapon and i don't know cheating i guess it's cheating but it's a part of the experience actually for new players like me i just think of it as a new age strategy guide i agree yeah and and but there's one thing so just we're gushing about it and uh i highly highly recommend it to you is some some amazing boss battles probably the best boss battles i've played all year multiple years ever um i don't know how it compares to the previous dark soul game so i don't know if those bosses are even cooler than these it does make me interested to go back and maybe now that i'm a nailed in ring player maybe i can i can go and do some of the dark souls but we just don't really have time for it there's so much games coming out um now now that we've gushed about it let's also be turn on our critic brains uh because i do think there are a few things uh that i think the game is a little weak on there's some reused bosses you know but that's that's easily forgiven considering how much content is in the game and and how and honestly i think some of it is intentional to show you the progression how far you've come like do you remember when this guy was killing you 17 times in a row you don't want to play him no more and now he's back with a slight variation and you know and his previous one looks like you know uh child's play and on the scale for for open world games and we play almost all of them this has this is one of the better ones as far as not overly reusing some bosses i mean we played some games that even aren't even open world and you fight the same three enemy types literally the whole game yeah you could bear something like that like remember thor joe that [ __ ] game of thorn and compare it to elden ring it's not even in the same realm no things we want to give thor go back and give it like a one one or a zero out of ten when you compare it to something like this because you know redan the the [ __ ] boss battle with rodan is so rich and and so cool he's like not even a bad guy he's like [ __ ] this honorable dude that just kill me that just wants to die and you can even summon npcs around to [ __ ] attack him and this it's like a [ __ ] raid boss that you're experiencing it is just a really cool fight and uh and that's like mid game and you will continue i get distracted too because of the level designs like oh my god this is so badass dead yes you get so sidetracked by everything else is like this is that's another thing about the environments the the dynamic things that are happening uh the the earth tree the this this universe it's so creative it's it's so visually uh impressive and unique and i've never seen anything like it it's probably very similar to other dark souls games i don't know but for me i haven't seen [ __ ] like this it is wild than the diversity of biomes that you could hear you've got deserts we've got florida we've got the snow i mean there's love there's underground there's an entire place filled with blood like there's the sewers that you never want to go rats i [ __ ] goddamn red goddamn being ambushed it's so crazy you got birds and and [ __ ] everything attacking your dogs camera you got to fight gravity yes horseshit okay so and then another thing i was having performance issues uh at least initially before you know the patches and uh that that kind of worsened my experience made me frustrated and sort of delayed our review to where i was starting play it's gotten better uh but i have to mention it that it was something i dealt with that when the cam when the game stutters or the the camera is not quite working right you did it's the game failing you it's not me failing i like it dude oh the [ __ ] frame drop is [ __ ] my wolf pack [ __ ] obliterated it what oh what's happening what this [ __ ] poorly optimized piece of [ __ ] trying to [ __ ] take away my victory it [ __ ] with my you have to be precision for some of this yeah and so at least the pc port i don't know how it is on consoles i played it on pc uh there was some performance issues that i do need to call out uh another thing i can call out is um eventually when you get to the uh the queen uh what's her name uh then you can respect the lunar yeah the lunar lady and it's just so easy to try things and to kind of respect what you want and uh and there let me just say that the it's like the strength build is is garbage i don't think i don't know if i i mean i'm sure you could do it because there's dark souls players that could do it there are builds in this game that are much better than other builds there are op builds the the the um you know dexterity arc you know uh bleed uh bleeds very good sorcery's very good uh you know faith and dex is very good there's a lot of things that are very good yeah strange strength and the greater you know swords or heavy things like you're too slow no it doesn't work and i wish you know and so i ignored it i don't want to play like that when i respect i don't that is a miserable experience what if it wasn't a mid-rule miserable i don't know how they would do it because the bosses are so fast some of them are so fast some of them i don't even know how you could get you know these hits in i'm not good enough maybe maybe this is for players that are so advanced that this is something for them but i just wish that there was uh you know and sometimes i wonder that the bleed is over like broken to where they need to fix it or something something no because you i don't know some bosses are immune right there's a lot of like there's people were complaining magic was the the first thing that everyone identified was insanely powerful and they're right it's insanely powerful and then people like oh wait bleep are insanely powerful oh wait faith and dex combined is insanely powerful and i'm fine if there's diversity in the in like the crazy things that you can do it's just i think that you're absolutely right that when it comes down to it of the main damage based uh you know um attributes strength needs some love they need to have some faster attacking strength based weapons or have strength scaling on you know you pick up a great sword and you're like it's an int it's like it's a what like why is that why is it intelligent scaling on this massive sword yeah um and and there are some unfun dungeons but uh it's it's a lot of side content you know the [ __ ] chariots man and the and and mobs that are insane that you know you can't do [ __ ] you just get overwhelmed but uh it's just and then getting lost and in a in the [ __ ] area for hours and getting killed and having to find your [ __ ] [ __ ] and then also try to find your way out it gets a little frustrating but that's all i mean a lot of it is optional a lot of it is but it makes it makes you frustrated you know what i mean but i think that's a part of it and so a lot of these negative things that i have to say about eldon ring are are uh are easily excused in the greater whole of this massive massive experience uh but let's talk story alex do you i mean i kind of understand i didn't understand anything pieces admittedly i went to youtube again and i watched all the lore videos and i was like oh oh that makes perfect sense but without that i don't know i mean they're great cut scenes but when you find them it's no handheld you don't i mean it's not explained to you you read item descriptions for greater context and you did this in dark souls as well but um but one thing this is better i do think that the story here is better one of the reasons why i never played dark souls is because the story was so obtuse it was so in the background you had to lead read every [ __ ] thing at least here i'm getting cut scenes people are talking to me i'm talking to npcs even though they seem unconcerned with me uh i do think the story is better and more out in front but um i just you know do you like discovering it this way does it make it more rewarding i think this one is a much better balance because i think it's it's still it gives you the ability to go out and look for information and so you get that that joy of exploration finding bits about the story but having the cut scenes and have major characters explain kind of what's happening along the way you know like you'll just be sitting you know you take a rest and all of a sudden the mps npc shows up in a cut scene it's like this is what we're going to do you're like oh [ __ ] cool now i know what is what is happening so i think they did a pretty good job it's still not out there's going to be people that want horizon forbidden west where it's just they're going to beat you over the face with the story and that you're going to get stuck in and and just like conversation wheels and have the same conversation three times before you leave that conversation yeah that's not it and have high production values where they're moving around they're choreographed they're blocking it's like a film but yet somehow i'm more interested in elden ring and it's esoteric and and confusing and not well explained universe than i am with horizons you know it makes it more real to go through it and learn about it and and i don't know so and it's just i just wish it was a little bit more here's what i think i have a terrible [ __ ] memory uh and so i know it's blasphemy but i wish i had a quest log or a not a quest log because again i don't want it to be the handhold maybe a post quest log or something where like a journal where it's like i got my ass beat or you know what i mean like i overcame this i overcame this and i talked to this one dude and i forgot about what he had said you know what i mean like go back and i need to because i have a [ __ ] memory so i just need something like that that will help me them the first major patch where they added the list of npcs at the sights of grace that you could talk to was so helpful um to because that i i fortunately had already i beat it the first time and i was like you did what i already beat this stupid thing but i was doing all the side quests at the second time it's like it helped so much yeah i didn't mention the [ __ ] messages from goddamn other players and always fooling me and taking me to bad [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah i just ignore it now i don't read anything i read them all but what snails like ambush is like maybe his name but maybe there isn't [ __ ] mind games um yeah uh just know that if you're like me and the game demoralizes you just there's so many times i wanted to give up but when you learn how things work together in this game it can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be and i'm i mean easy i mean certain spells would just destroy some bosses and uh and you can be near indestructible of course you have to overcome a lot to get that because i like that you can get things from the bosses and the and the weapons it's almost like you know monster hunter and that you're like getting the that badass powerful shield that will [ __ ] [ __ ] shield yeah ridiculous yeah um and and it's not about get good noob it's it's about like you know give it a shot yeah have fun with it all right see i don't mind the dying trying to die i could care less i was like i'm gonna die cool but the thing that scares me the most is like i'm gonna lose all my ruins it's like i i turn i try to like go off the edge i try to go off the edge the camera doesn't [ __ ] with me i fall down i lose my runes there goes like fifteen thousand oh that's nothing oh i miss losing fifteen put the controller down and do something else for a little while and when if something like that happens oh so i've so i've never had like i don't mind dying in in souls games at all um like i doubt like when i die to a camera or i died of gravity or some [ __ ] but if i'm learning something it's like these games frame it perfectly the very first thing that happens is like you're a thing and you died right that's the first thing that happens they're framing it in a way that they're trying to teach you this lesson that it's totally fine the first time you fight a boss they're going to kill you because you don't know their move set right and you're like well the guy's going to swing he's going to swing but he does the he stutters and then you roll like an idiot and he goes ah i got you and you just have to learn all these things exhilaration don't get that exhilaration from horizon zero dog oh no i don't get that thing like oh my god like it's the sense of discovery it looks so [ __ ] cool like that dragon that uh you know has three heads and one of those oh plastic it's plastidics or pla placid sex i don't know it's so [ __ ] cool it's amazing you're overwhelmed by uh by the universe and i really really appreciate that and this game honestly guys so if i can break it down for you it's about persistence and experimentation that's what this is and uh with what you have right and and it's what makes this game so top tier but if you're unwilling or you have no patience you're not going to get it you're not going to get this game you're not going to lie so what i'm saying is there's some level of player investment required from you for elden ring and what you'll get back is you know infinitely more or exponentially more and that's what i believe makes this game so special and why some people i don't understand this this is this is dumb nothing's explained i [ __ ] hate dying over and over and what do you mean i got to kill the same enemies over and over this is horizon zero dawn is better you know and all the developers getting jealous of this game it's they haven't put time into it they don't really understand what it's because it's an experience yeah and if you don't [ __ ] experience it then you you're just looking at it from the outside and he's like i don't understand how these elements that seemed unfinished all of them can come together and make an amazing game it is well because you haven't played it because there is so much content here so many weapon types so many builds do whatever the [ __ ] you want explore always rewarding never feeling grinding the boss battles better than any goddamn boss single boss battle in aaa games um it's crazy it really is this shouldn't count all right so the other guy's not even helping he's like oh god help me please it's like oh thank god not not me yeah the disabled giants see you didn't kill me this game is [ __ ] easy man this crazy notion though you pay up front and i get the whole game you get wow that's [ __ ] crazy get what you put into the game that's [ __ ] crazy man and you're not using this you don't have to pay more to fight i'm still waiting for my cyberpunk and battlefield yeah yeah you might return on that you mean that the golden god free battle is is free but the real godfrey battle you have to pay for it yeah oh i didn't i didn't know that uh yeah all the keys they cost actual money yeah and all the secret and optional boxes like like that that time that you [ __ ] find a grave and it says lay down yeah and then you lay down and it says please pay for yeah your credit card has declined you cannot fight this [ __ ] no but that doesn't happen and then [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] a tornado shows up times like free stops and then you go to a different dimension and you're fighting and it's just so amazing guys i [ __ ] loved my experience with it and and uh i'm i'm glad i played online i'm glad i played at my own pace so i'm sorry about the scatter brainness of this review i literally just finished playing so i love it let's go with final verdicts fun of verdicts uh after talking uh about it all day today i'm actually gonna go with the tent like we just have our own stores like we have our own stories like oh you did this and how did you go about doing it everybody was like dude there's a nitpick i don't think it's not so much as problems as much as it is nitpicks except for the amount also make it a little bit easier but other than that everything was [ __ ] amazing like you're you can make your own write your own story do whatever you want and like i'm playing as uh with magic and my roommate's playing uh with uh a melee build so we i see the way he's fighting the bosses it's completely different he sees like oh you're doing it the cheap way as he calls it yeah you're doing the dumb way but then that's gonna have to fight somebody that really is like charges at me i'm like oh well i'm i'm [ __ ] i'm not asking you but ten ten for me wow okay uh it rises above it it's flaws for joe what about you alex oh i think alex the guy that hates everything um i think the game has a a lot of problems i think that the final boss um is is so thoroughly disappointed it's one thing i want to make sure we talk about the elden beast fight is it's not fun it's not interesting it's frustrating and it's not challenging and it's not it's not done in a way where i felt accomplished it was i was just chasing all the [ __ ] it was for the 30 minute shitty chase and there are so many amazing boss fights and so i think that the game doesn't end um super you know strongly i mean maybe just go out and fight fight other bosses yeah i would rather have been somebody else anyone else like melania would have been amazing as a final boss uh i mean like there's so many more interesting bosses that would have that should have been the final um and there are a lot of problems i think there's some targeting problems there's some there's a lot of things that are like standard for souls games but for us here at the show a 10 out of 10 doesn't mean perfect it means a game that we will compare all the all other games to right it's legendary in its class and i haven't played a game like this in at least five if not ten years this is what this will be this one i have to finish my seventh run so i finished my seventh yesterday so it's like i put in so much one and this [ __ ] is doing seven well i just like i wanted to do absolutely everything in the game and that hasn't happened for me in a video game in so long where it's like oh i did it with this can i do it with the worst weapon in the game now i want to do with this with this thing and so this is a legendary game for me this is a 10 out of 10 game and i will ignore all of its flaws because i think that if you take into consideration the scope of this game it's absolutely massive how diverse the biomes and the creatures are the boss fights and the builds and all the other things yes there's balance problems but it is mind-blowing and just even if you just you're paying 60 and you get minimum 60 100 200 hours worth of content yeah absolutely pick this one up uh i loved it yeah the first time i found margaret i thought this is the epitome this is it this is not gonna this is amazing it's not good i mean i'm and and that's honestly a shitty battle compared to what's coming you know the tree said no i spent so much time in that and it's like honestly we should have just left that area joe and and and leveled up and it was fighter and joe who's boss but you know i i had that that mentality of i want to push through and that really helped me through the rest of the [ __ ] game um guys to see all the enemy variety the [ __ ] i mean at one point i don't know it's a month later just like these creative ideas of [ __ ] godfrey like ripping the [ __ ] lion and putting blood all over him and and so man it's so creative and [ __ ] turns into wrestling right this way he's like what bloody demigod zombie it's [ __ ] crazy and it's just so creative so interesting to see it and you get your ass and i understand it's super super frustrating but it's super rewarding and that's what these games are all about guys i'm i want to give it a nine but i think it's actually going up to a 10. because this is the my first time i actually pushed through one of these games and it's like this realization it's like this uh awakening it's it's a masterpiece in my opinion for from this studio to combine everything they've learned from all their games if you don't want to go back and play their previous games if you play this one i think that they're out on their a-game here and when you discover it how that dark souls formula has evolved and yes it feels and looks like dark souls in an open world at first without much change right but this is definitely more than that uh when you actually play it through and um it's so well tied to their design philosophy of making dying and discovery fun again in gaming that it executes what it wanted to execute perfectly um there are problems and honestly it probably deserves a nine but i'm giving it a 10 out of 10. this is a legendary rating we have yet another 10 out of 10 finally on the angry joe show i'm happy that we with a badass you with a badass seal i'm sorry it took me so long i'm sorry i have to share this with my friends doing a uh angry review discussion and honestly i'm not done with the game that i i literally have there's more things that i haven't played so many things like we haven't even discovered and we've already put like 87 80 so many hours into it it's like this is what gaming is about and this to rekindle my gaming after i'm so old and crabby and angry with everything back my day and i got angry with this game many times but um it's just it's just so much fun and uh and something to share with the community so i highly recommend that if you haven't jumped in already or even if you have given another play through uh you know try it out know that you're gonna die a lot and know that uh things and don't be afraid to go on youtube i mean i did it countless times and it is it is very fun it's a rich boarding experience and that's why it earns a legendary 10 out of 10 on the angry joe show and it's definitely potential for game of the year so we'll have to see if anything else can can can come up to this level and i hope there is i want good competition god award is the only thing i think it could possibly be yeah exactly so all right guys thank you all so much for watching and thank you for being patient with my first dark souls like experience and i can't wait for more games like this my cherry has been popped it's been popped in the best way so i really really enjoy elder ring and i will see you guys on the next angry joe show bye guys [ __ ] [ __ ] hell no [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] damn it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i love this game [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 2,391,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WEuCuVkxUoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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