Elden Ring Lore - Patches

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[Music] the good luck the hyena trusty mild-mannered the spider the unbreakable and finally the untethered these are all titles carried by a man who is followed us across various from software worlds we tend to meet him in areas where traps have been set for those foolish enough to fall into them he shows a great amount of disdain for those associated with religions or churches taking offense to their pompous holier than thou mentalities no matter what world he inhabits this bias comes with him perhaps because he's seen how religious Dogma has destroyed So Many Lands this man's name is patches and he's a Mainstay of from software games that can be traced back to armored Core while there is a popular theory that every iteration of patches we encounter in fromsoft is the same person we believe each version has their own story to tell for our 100th episode of Elden lore we'll be discussing every iteration of patches their stories and the motivations of this Enigma of a character welcome to the 100th episode of our Elden lore series [Music] we cannot believe we've made it to 100 lore Dives and it would not have been possible without the constant support of our audience if this is your first time finding the channel thank you for checking out our content our playlist is expansive at this point so no matter what you're looking for you'll probably find it there if you like our content please consider subscribing so we can continue to grow this incredible audience you can also join our Discord to connect with other fromsoft fans thank you again for helping us reach this incredible Milestone now let's get back to the stories at [Music] hand there is some debate over which instance of patches truly came first most believe that patch the good luck should be considered his original appearance as he's the first to take on the name and does share some characteristics with future incarnations of the character but YouTuber blindy makes a strong case for the original patches coming from an old Japan only PS2 era from soft game called Shadow Tower Abyss this character has no name but certainly indulges in some patches style trickery including an exploding chest and dropping us into a pit I won't go into too much detail on this possible version of patches as you'd be better served by checking out blind's video which I'll be linking in the cards and the description suffice to say there's a good argument to be made for this random human as essentially being a Proto patches next we have patch the good luck a lynx that first appeared in armored Core for answer this enemy's next is called No count and his emblem is a dice with bullet holes turning each side into a six a clear indication of how patch creates his own good luck when fighting in his mission we can see the classic Patch's cowardice on full display as if you focus on destroying his allies you can actually make him surrender without finishing the fight take out his Entourage and Patch will stop fighting altogether and say wait wait I give up hey I'm just following orders here if he's pulled out why should I you guys you're alive right this is no count come in we're allies right right if you then wait without attacking patch will leave on his own and the mission will be complete an important note on this dialogue though as it seems what we got in the US version of for answer maybe a a gross mistranslation according to the armed core Wiki the line you guys you're still alive right this is no count come in was likely intended to be I might have fought you but you didn't die so it doesn't count this sheds light on the name no count as he doesn't consider his loss is fair meaning from his perspective he always has good luck this is also our first instance of a classic patch of surrender smooth talking his way out of taking resp responsibility for his actions and playing on our sympathies to get away unscathed the version of the character we meeting Demon Souls goes by patches the hyena and can be encountered in multiple locations most players are likely to meet him for the first time in the armor spider Archstone where he waits for travelers to fall into his trap you're not mad like the rest are you well what Jolly traveling companions are we hey pleased to meet you call me PES oh see that treasure over there go on and take it my gift to you just to show that we're friends I'm glad to meet you these Soul starved imbe will drive you mad you can then take the treasure patches with so generously pointing you towards and a bear bug will descend on you you you're no joke are you worry not the treasure is all yours tough luck with the bear bugs but you certainly showed them didn't you here it is kept it safe for you go on take it take it you are simply unlucky worry not stay by me and my luck will rub off on you soon enough even though patches is not going by the moniker the good luck it seems this aspect of the character is alive and well as he considers himself Lucky by way of creating Misfortune for others he can profit on at this point we can reasonably assume patches just didn't know about the bug bear after all what if this was just an innocent mistake if you found yourself fooled by this charming smooth talker your next encounter with him won't leave any doubt in your mind as to his true intentions when visiting the Shrine of Storms we can find Patches again standing over a small pit when speaking with him you'll find him in a jovial mood at the prospect of new Treasures hello again hey don't turn a cold shoulder I didn't mean to do you wrong really come on now we've got better things to fret about that pit there is filled with treasure but uh I'm having a little trouble getting to it myself go on take a look there are more riches than you could dream of look can at to look at this treasure hey heyy don't hold it against me eh take your time starving to death then I'll sell every last trinket off your corpse again patches gets one over on us but if we escape the pit he's all smiled you hey I'm really sorry I didn't mean what I said well a man's got to make a living right here look I can make up for it there aren't many humans like us we need to stick together I know have this as a token of my friendship not bad right come on let's be friends what do you say no need to drag each other down from this point on we seem to have earned Patch's respect at least to some degree because he will become a merchant in the Nexus selling us various items and feeding us Intel about the world it's at this point we can actually get a little more characterization around patches the hyena he seems to have a distaste for clergymen which is more prevalent in his later iterations he seems upset that s Orban does not forgive him for kicking him into the pit as well and makes a point of saying praying never put food in his mouth or anyone else's he also warns us of yurt and gives us a tip on finding the moonlight great sword in the bodies of those who enter the valley of defilement in his own way Pates seems to trust us enough to encourage us to do some treasure hunting his story essentially ends here but there is one other note we'd like to make about the hyena he carries the adjudicator shield which is described as a large wooden Shield that depicts a brightly colored scene of the deceased being judged on the other side an epigram is carved in Old script cowardly acts and the eating of birds must not be the Deeds of a hero of storms if the one being judged dis displeases the adjudicator's master the golden Crow the deceased soul will be gnawed upon until nothing but their bones remain its user will recover HP a little at a time I believe the shield was picked off a corpse at some point because it seems to stand in direct contrast to who patches the hyena is he is absolutely one for cowardly acts and if the shield is to be believed he would be gwed on until nothing but bones remain not exactly a comforting thought for our friend here it's likely he simply carries this Shield due to its regenerative abilities after all a thief double crossing so many May one day find himself in a fight and if he did it would help to be constantly refreshed in the original Dark Souls we encounter a patches that's much more upfront with his disdain for the clergy or as he refers to them in this game clerics when we first meet him in the catacombs he says good day you look reasonably soon what are you doing in the catacombs you're claring something well that strange oh I know what it is you've come for the dream kids haven't you well whatever it is this place is treacherous do what you st if we tell him we're a cleric he brushes us off and has clear disdain in his voice either way he'll activate a bridge trap after we walk past and should we make our way back to him he says oh well how are you there I SLI him F that if didn't cause you any trouble my chance are you certain well that's a fine shame but I'm truly sorry really but wait now it didn't actually fall down though but why the tell me sooner those well that ends were everybody makes mistakes I'm not above it all I swear fing trusty patches there one and only I look this should make up for it we're on the same side Undead outcome fantastic is it we don't encounter patches again until the catacombs within the tomb of giants once we reach the catacombs we can talk to our trust friend what you again well well you've been a stranger good to see you well mate all right you came at the perfect time there's a fine stash of treasure right down that hole I found it first but we're friends now I'll split it with you in any case have a look it'll Shimmer you blind take a guess at what happens [Music] next this is what I do my friend the trinkets I'll be stripping off your corpse that's the real treasure [Laughter] again we can escape his traps and make our way back to Patches where he's very surprised by our survival oh you I well let's just calm down talk about things I did you wrong but I didn't mean it these Temptations they can well overcome me you know what I mean don't you please forgive me you and me we're Jolly Undead Outcast aren't we oh brilliant a second chance wonderful I had a feeling you'd understand I did but uh if I were in your shoes oo who knows what I'd have done but now we're friends again [Laughter] hey once again after surviving the ordeals associated with befriending this man he'll open up shop in our Hub area where he tells us oh we meet again how many of you are there you've come at the perfect time I'm done with the Looting I'm a humble Merchant now and wondrous Treasures have i at a special price for you there you are have a nice look at them oh relax no more funny business out of me my friend from this point on just as he does in Demon Souls patches will offer helpful advice about various characters in the world telling us lric is dangerous and that petus is scum when it comes to lri We believe it's possible patches was the one who trapped him in the first place seeing the danger he posed this would explain their Mutual distaste for each other outside of his story this patch is shock tells us a great deal about him he sells us a wide variety of trinkets but the most interesting in my opinion are the cleric set and Crescent axe all of these items are wielded by clerics of the way of white with the axe being bequeathed to cleric Warriors that have proven their faith it seems that patches has dispatched a number of clerics and picked them clean for his store one last note about trusty Patches he carries the eagle Shield which while not having any l associated with it does again associate patches with [Music] Birds um next we have a bit of an anomaly in this group of patches mild-mannered Pate from Dark Souls 2 this interpretation of the character is a bit different than other incarnations as he seems much more sincere in his exchanges with us and is not voiced by our typical Patch's voice actor Pate claims to be a treasure hunter on our first meeting hello there traveling all alone in these treacherous times well I hope you have a very good reason oh hogwash who am I to judge my name is pate I Journey hither and thither on a sort of treasure hunt you might call it be careful out there there's talk of unsavory Bandits who Prey Upon traveling like yourself oh yes you'll be cautious if you go any further there's treasure in there for certain but the entrance locks from behind I saw the same design earlier and it's the same Contraption I'm sure I was with this Warrior you see and he insisted that he go inside first [Music] the rather brusk fellow tried to swipe the loop for himself but it trapped him inside I still have the gent's ring I too hope he wasn't harmed not only does Pate tell us of this trap he warns that a previous traveling companion had already fallen into it he plants the seed of possible treasure but unlike other versions of Patches he outright tells us what will happen if we Chase it should we make our way back to him after exploring the area he says well I see you managed to escape I hope that brave Warrior didn't come Acro her either be careful out there there's talk of unsavory Bandits who Prey Upon Travelers like yourself oh but you should take this it allows Undead to call out for help to one another across the fissures Between Worlds with luck somebody will lend you a hand so not only does this version of patches seem to have our best interest at heart but he gives us the white soapstone the item most associated with cooperation throughout Dark Souls we can encounter Pate again at the earn Peak where he says well we need to again there's treasure this way but I have a bad feeling about it I don't quite have the guns myself we can then find the treasure and he seems genuinely happy for us good to see that you survive perhaps you're more rugged than I thought in any case the treasure is yours since you went ahead took the lead from I prefer a more cautious approach it's hard to know who to even trust these days for instance I've heard that a out for my life now what Miss band could have ever to that the PO BL must have quite mag you'll be careful too my friend for trust can be a dangerous thing the man Pate is referring to is kryon The Wanderer a knight we can find at the huntsman's copes who are you I thought you'd have bastard for a moment you've Set Me Free now I can find it a cheeky prick he won't know what hit him I am Craton of mirror I travel from land to land to hone my blade I've heard this land was full of danger I thought it would suit me perfectly I joined forces with a man on the way he was no more than a backstabbing na he took the first chance he had to try and offer me I decided to set a trap for him here but then I got trapped myself I can't believe that I was so dense thinkk the stars that you came along you be careful of him pip I think he said he wears this rather unusual ring you know it when you see it I've seen his type before it kills entirely for the pleasure of it I'm sure I won't be his last victim the man's be off dead so you he's a slick talker so don't let him fool [Music] you P the man with a strange ring watch out for the slimy rat and don't you believe a word he says I'll find the common foot bad and put an in his Ry here we get our first look at who mild man or Pate May truly be if kryon is to be believed Pate is a traitorous dog willing to throw his companions away at the drop of a hat however kryon is not necessarily the most trustworthy person either his own armor tells us it was likely a finely crafted imitation of those worn by the Knights of mea meaning this man is not who he says he is in fact kale the Cartographer tells us he is from the land of Meera and that this land has an Infamous killer who is a knight in name alone and managed to escape before his execution he has also come across a man named cray something who Bears a striking resemblance to the killer so it would seem kryon himself is is not exactly honest with us and is likely a mass murderer who was tricked by [Music] paid ultimately the quest line ends with pton and kryon exchanging blows and we can choose whose side we want to be on that of Pate a man who has largely treated us well but is likely a scoundrel or kryon a man we can reasonably assume to be a mass murderer in his homeland no matter who we choose the winner will provide us with a key to their secret stash of treasure and regardless of our choice this treasure has an explosive trap that will trigger once we open it it seems no matter whose side we take we are doomed to be [Music] betrayed chronologically the next interpretation of patches we encounter would be patches The Spider and bloodborne this is clearly the most unique version of patches found throughout from software's catalog with him taking the form of a literal giant spider but we don't know that at first the first time we encounter him it's through the wall of a cottage he never tells us his name but he does say a hunter of beasts are you glory be you know not the value you possess but what's the pity the hours of the night are many and the Beast more than I can count a veritable hunt unending not even death offers Solace and the blood embies you a most frightful fate oh my but I'm willing to do you a kindness step lightly round to the right of the great Cathedral and seek an ancient shrouded Church the gift of the the godhead will grant you strength yes I'm unquestionably certain with this helpful information we set out to find the shrouded Church once we reached the area our helpful friend told us about we're swept up in the arms of an amigdala and we can hear his voice speaking to his God oh amigdala oh amigdala have mercy on the poor [Laughter] bastard from here we can again find Patches this time obscured behind a door in the lecture building what a joy it is to behold the divine it must be such a pleasure you're in my debt you know you're nigh on a beast of the field but here you are treading a measure with the [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] gods are your feet as fat as your wits oh cease this dithering take the plunge throw yourself to the Wolves we don't meet up with patches again until we are exploring the nightmare Frontier where if we keep a close eye on our surroundings we can finally see his true form an enormous spider's body with the head of our favorite scoundrel you can also fall into one of his classic traps while exploring the [Music] frontier don't you lucky SC the gift of the godhead after this we can face Patch's God the amigdala and put an end to it Upon returning to him he's surprised by what we've done and asks about your opinion of him this cannot be you cannot be no you didn't Lord amcd how did this come to pass now wait just a moment do you think you love me me indeed I should think not I shared with you a thing most secret now you witness to a miracle and all the stronger for it you should appreciate it if you have a grain of gratitude in [Music] you yes appreciate it [Laughter] [Music] no matter such details are trifling we're Fast Friends by now let this Express what words cannot oh doubt me not sweet comper what is friendship but a chance encounter after this patches has no other role in the story of bloodborne but he will tell us that he plans on leaving soon as we've killed his God and he must be off to find another this is interesting considering Patch's pension for hating clerics and aligning against the Divine this patches depending on how you interpret his dialogue seems to be aware that he exists across multiple Realms depending on your reading of this Quest either patches was consistently tricking us in order to lead us to our Doom which is absolutely in character or he used us to kill a God he somehow found himself in service of possibly with the original intention of destroying it either way patches gets to walk away from yarum completely untethered due to our actions in Dark Souls 3 we meet unbreakable patches possibly the most tricky incarnation of the character to date as he's willing to go so far as to pretend to be someone else upon our first encounter we meet him in the Cathedral of the deep wearing the Katarina set and he says well you look reasonably sane I am a knight of Katarina I've managed to track down this Cathedral store of treasure it's right over there across that narrow part treasure H always so close yet so far I'm in quite a pickle [Music] indeed just hold your horses a moment I know I know treasure is so sorely tempting h h if we try to cross the bridge to reach his most tempting treasure we are treated to Patch's favorite [Music] trick shame on you you greedy guts thought you could out wit onion well say hello to the nice giant he adors visitors as a fun note here if you're playing a cleric this dialogue is slightly different as he'll call male characters a rotten cleric and female characters a rotten nun patches will also throw a fit if we've already defeated the giant before being kicked below once we escape his trap we can encounter patches again where he introduces himself and blames his behavior on the armor he was wearing huh yes hello I don't believe we've met I'm patches I'm breakable patches you seem to be unkindled do you have business with me oh oh yes of course it's coming back to me now oh I'm so sorry that was my hand as you know but but the deed well that was the armor doing regretable truly but behold I'm stripped clean of that unruly attire look at you all's well that ends well right yes we'll be fine I can tell it's that rotten curse it is the untidy mess oh yes now it wasn't me but but you still deserve an apology just a little trinket go ahead it's yours [Laughter] now you should know I'm a kind of a traveling Merchant if you're as unkindled as you look you'll find plenty of good stuff after this we don't encounter patches again until exploring Firelink Shrine Tower where he locks Us in another dirty trick in an attempt to gain trinkets for his [Music] shop sorry friend be more careful by the gods curiosity is going to kill you kittens some places are better left alone you know oh sorry am I a Ted too late have no fear there's Beauty in death besides you're amongst your own plenty of company [Laughter] right oh no matter I'll look after things by stripping every last trinket off your corpse you're going to make some lucky customer very [Laughter] happy after escaping the tower we can finally recruit patches as a vendor within Firelink you're alive now hold your horses let's have a nice talk about this I'll come clean I did you wrong I didn't mean it though not one bit you get these urges running with the business and all and and oh I I hate myself for it I do you know what I mean terrible really but I can see you'll forgive me you're alive after all and that's what counts right oh fantastic a Wy second chance I knew you'd understand I just knew it the Heart of a Lion a more for the rest of us a true friend forever everything up until now is part for the course with patches but it's his development after this point that sets this version of the character apart from his other incarnations there's another thief that can be recruited as a merchant in Dark Souls 3 known as grey rat we can save him from his imprisonment and after that point he'll go on scouting missions to add items to his shop for us if we mention grey rat to Patches we learn they actually have a history it's during one of his Expeditions for New Stock that we can mention him again to Patches where he actually shows concern for grey rad patches then does something extremely uncharacteristic he goes out and saves grey rat for whatever reason patches actually cares for someone other than himself and it comes across as a truly selfless act when asking us about grey rat he comes across as if he's going to plunderous corpse but it seems his intention is always to bring him back to the shrine safely apparently a true friendship with patches is possible if you do him a good turn perhaps the relationships we built with him in other games truly are sincere by the end even if it's impossible to [Music] tell much like previous games patches does not serve a purpose from this point on aside from acting as a merchant in firing shrine however he does have another story upon entering the ring City DLC we first encounter a man going by the name of lap when exploring the drag Heap where he says look at you you've got your head screwed on correct fantastic to meet a kindred spirit on this God's forsaken crack call me lab I can't remember my real name so let's just go with that I have a feeling we're going to make a fabulous team oh you'll see you'll see oh in all honesty there's something I should tell you I'm a hollow yes I try to play it off but I haven't a clue about my past who I was or what I lived for not even why my own blessed name that's why I've come here searching for the purging Monument said to be in the ringed city where the pygmies who found the Dark Soul at the dawn of fire reside all I can say is those little Stones aren't doing much to help me remember anymore well that's the long and short of it so if I completely forget who you are don't be wroth with me come on what else can I say I'm a bloody Hollow For Heaven's Sake next we find lap next to the first bonfire in the earth and Peak oh I know who you are great to see you still in one piece come I can see why they call this the Drake Heap at the World's End mangled remnants from every age and every land it actually sort of lends Credence to the old rumors that the ringed City rests below it [Music] all H don't mind me you needn't worry yourself with this nonsense I just wanted to tell someone and I'm sick of old Humpty I should stay quiet wait I'll make it up to you by letting you in on a secret of sorts past here you'll find the remains of a giant earn Tower half sub merged in a poisonous swamp not a very nice place to visit only there's precious treasure in the thick of the swamp I didn't have any use for it you see so sorry I I left the whole package behind if I get the chance I could go fetch you for you but if that's too long to wait go NAB it for yourself I know who you are a righteous Warrior yes with a solemn duty to boot well I'll grab that treasure that's as good a duty as any at this point I'm sure we expect another classic Patch's trap but that's not what happens we can actually rest multiple times and lamp will be true to his word getting the treasure for us you remember that treasure in the thick of the poison swamp well I fetched it for you as promised oh it was only a hop and a skip I needed a rest from old Nan over there here go ahead it's yours maybe it'll help you with that solemn duty of yours while it's true that we can't see his face we all know Patch's voice well at this point so we know who lap truly is but it's fascinating to see how he acts with none of his memories upon our third meeting lab has more to say about himself and his goals oh well fancy meeting you here a true blessing that we should seek the same place and find ourselves standing here together I've got the last of my Brew let's have our own little toast with it to my search and to your duty and to the joy that lies before us all right then Bottoms Up now I'm off in search of the purging Monument once I find it everything will come back to me who I was what I lived for what my name was and what terrible grudges I held I don't know I just have this feeling that that's the kind of man I was oh don't hold it against me I only think I was after finding the purging Monument we can tell him where it is oh and here we are again how goes things I'm rather running in circles I'm afraid I can't find the purging monument and I've searched high and low what if it was never here in the first place oh bloody hell what do I know are you certain of that no sorry I know you'd never lie to me thank you thank you kindly I'll speed right on over it won't be long now before I know everything who I was what I lived for and what my name was and I'll have you to thank for it all ah thank you most sincerely I swear upon my birth name that I am your friend no matter what might come out no matter what I was if you would do me the honor allow me to be a true friend always our final conversation with lap comes after he's rediscovered who he truly is oh finally you've come now I know exactly who I was and for that I have a little thanks to be giving go this way and Peep past the broken staircase some old awfully fine Treasures just sitting there all alone it'll change your life I've much to thank you for so I'll say it again and again go this way and Peep past the broken staircase some awfully fine Treasures just sitting there all alone what don't you believe me he then pulls his most famous trick kicking us to the land below but this time around it's not a long long fall every age it seems is Tainted by the greed of men rubbish to one such as I devoid of all worldly [Laughter] wants I don't know maybe it's just the way we are I'll stick you in my prayers a fine Dark Soul to you this time around patches didn't kick us down a hole to trap us he actually pushed Us in the right direction perhaps it's because of the Friendship we formed while he was suffering from Amnesia or maybe it's because he sees the need for the cycle of the world to truly come to an end either way his final appearance in Dark Souls has him acting not as a rogue but as a cooperator bidding you farewell and taking his [Music] leave finally we come to the most recent version of patches and from soft lore Elden Rings patches the untethered this version of patches is first encountered at the end of mkw waterer cave after we've made our way past a group of highw women Bandits many many points of his quest are easily missed due to the nature of Elden Ring's world and it can be picked up in multiple places but for the purpose of this video we'll follow every variation in order at the end of the cave we find an open area with no one around no boss to face or portal back to the entrance nothing but a chest upon trying to open it a voice cries out well thought you'd just help yourself to a man's personal belongings huh you scheming little thing the gods demand repentance cuff up your coin all of it and for the first time patches attacks us directly it's a fairly easy fight and after getting him down to around half Health he cries out wait please I surrender white flag and all think I con seed no one likes a bullheaded brute you know I yield yield you you can't harm a yielding man well finally come round have you well I knew you would you're a man of Reason true and [Music] true ah well what do you know you're tarnished like me now how did I get that wrong I took you for a demium or some such an innocent mistake I assure you well water under the bridge now we're squared up how about we play nice from now on a true man of reason just what I like about you I'm patches patches the untethered tarnished like you only free spirited nomadic you might say only for now those retired soldiers turned Bandits they're paying for my GR in exchange for my well showing them the ropes but honestly this looting racket is bloody terrifying frankly I'm ready to wash my hands clean maybe set up a legitimate shop so don't be a stranger I'll be ready to wheel and deal come next time don't forget to pop back for another visit friend I'll be ready to wheel and deal come next time we can revisit the area after this exchange and patches will have his shop set up for us as well as offer more information about the bandits he was working with and the chest we tried to open well nice of you to drop in finally it's all a bit ad hoc but I'm sure you'll find something and welcome to Patches import where you won't need a refund cuz everything's topn yeah I had those Bandits make a clean break now they're all suppliers and good ones at that I mean they don't understand a word I'm saying but it hardly matters we have a natural connection they're all foot soldiers survivors of a defeated Army worked to the Bone by their high and mighty Lord only to be thrown out with the rubbish it's the same old story everywhere I go to hell with it all wondering what's inside the treasure chest well it's a nothing too special just something I'm saving as thanks for a very valuable customer but then again it would fetch some spectacular coin and besides this valuable customer could be a long time coming huh everything is give and take give and take if we choose not to open the chest we can visit again and patches will bequeath its contents to us way friend you've really been there for me through thick and thin and so I've made up my mind I bequeath that chest to you an extra special thanks for an extra special customer what's wrong I've made up my mind the treasure chest is yours in word and deed sure it may be worth its weight in gold but a Patch's promise well that's priceless we can then open the chest to trigger a trap that sends us to the Mistwood [Music] ruins my sincerest gratitude I thought I'd never WR that thing open you're the finest customer a man ever had Upon returning to Patches it's the same old song in dance we've come to expect from this character how in blazes you're alive we had be proper scared poofing Away In A Flash like that who on Earth spends their time booby trapping treasure chests no way I could have known but still I apologize it's all very unfortunate forunate at any rate it's nice just to see you safe don't miss all the bargains here at Patch's Emporium oh yes but by the way I'm saying goodbye to the old cave I'm untethered by nature and it's about time that I moved on no worries the old gang will inherit the shop they may not speak a word but they never forget a face spare them some coin After I'm Gone eh once we make our way to leria we can encounter patches again he's excited to see us it's been a long while it's me patches the untethered I'm still in business if you can believe it now I'm my only supplier so I haven't got much but everything here is topnotch patches imporium now open in Rea lucaria we can ask him about riot and he'll show some sympathy for her plight by the way uh have you met that girl Rya she's a strange one but I believe she was in need of help not that it's any of my business but if she Rings your bell why not lend her an ear he also offers us some advice on a way to reach the her tree more quickly you're making your way to the a tree no well I heard something that might help a special means of reaching your destination have you ever seen an iron virgin the clunky Contraptions are whirl wings of sickles and spiked Wheels but long ago they were endowed with a spell of transposition and get this a surviving virgin sits at the bottom of the big water wheel in the Academy of rehea lucaria its transpositional powers fully intact so right if you get caught in it on on purpose it'll Chuck you out straight at the base of the her tree or so I'm told as we all know by this point the iron version does not take us to the base of the earth tree but to the volcano Manor between this and his interest in having us help Rya it's starting to seem like patches isn't as untethered as he says after Escaping The Manor we can revisit patches and he'll say fancy meeting you here hold on don't you say a word my friend I spoke no lie not a one you were trapped inside a volcano no mistake but the her tree was right outside you just had to Spring yourself out but I'm willing to admit I could have been more clear but I did not lie and you're perfectly unscathed all's well but ends well right he's not wrong as his advice did land us closer to the Earth tree it seems as though this iteration of patches though he is fond of tricking us may just be testing us for some grander purpose if we speak to him on Mount gilir another classic trap plays out oh um hello yes strange place for a chance encounter huh I thought I could use a rest don't mind me go about your business right over there see that something shimmering I swear at this point we all know what's coming personally I was [Music] excited well if you really are that gall then stay away from the volcano Mana bye now take care again we can return to Patches after being duped where he plays off kicking us as us taking a wrong step along the path who am I well here you are again oh so sorry for that I I meant to warn you but whoops there you went despite my best intentions I've done you wrong I have but here you are standing tall and proud all's well that ends well eh and my warning was spot on you tell me different stay clear of volcano Mana end of discussion I heard the brutes there hun tarnished like animals of course if we truly want to do everything there is to do in Elden Ring We join the volcano Manor regardless of Patch's warnings and we can find him there waiting outside of Lady Tan's throne room you joined the manor huh I don't believe it didn't think you had it in you all good though we're on the same side now we'll do good work together are you surprised that I belong to the volcano Mana I always hated the gibberish about lost Grace and the laughable two fingers I thought I could lend a hand in unmasking the sherard not to mention tanith has always made me curious I guess her master must really be something cuz she's pretty damn smug about it even after announcing her Blasphemous Ambitions she still stands proud I've never seen a woman quite like her again we see patches taking interest in someone other than himself he was perfectly willing to toss aside his Bandit Brethren but when it comes to tanith and by extension Rya he seems to have some deeper interest after completing a request for the manner patches has one last trick to pull on us getting our tarnish to do his job for him you hear at the manner but if you complete the request you can improve your standing relax we're old friends time's come to pass the torch right go on break a leg [Laughter] then upon defeating our prey we can report back to Patches and he'll try to Welch on giving you the reward for the contract hunted down trago are you certain no it's quite all right fine work indeed I'll give tanith the news have some rest by all [Music] means sharper than you seem aren't you I was just holding onto it for you you know here you go the reward for hunting trago all yours after this Pates will remain at the Manor with his shop until we're granted an audience with Reichard once we've defeated Reichard patches sees the writing on the wall and starts planning his exit now you've gone and killed Reichard you scheming little bastard cribes you make this nonsense seem well less nonsensical perhaps a tarnished will be Elden Lord after all but for now this Manor is finished the demigod Beast is slain and tanith has lost her head a fine mess but how else could it end when Daddy Ambitions Head Over Heels was courting lady blasphemy well here I am untethered once again goodbye my friend this time when he calls us his friend he seems to really mean it because this is not the end of his quest and he will lean on us for help should we find him at the Shaded Castle oh you you again shame you had to see me like this oh I I had a bit of a slip up that's all I should have stuck to what I know best no matter I know I I can trust you Gall yes but a good Soul make certain that tanith gets these oh it's it's nothing thing it's just makes me sick to see her all bent out of shape come on tth back on your high horse where you belong you're able then then I can rest easy my friend in an uncharacteristic turn of events Pacha seems to have gotten himself injured reclaiming Tan's castanets it's seems as though his admiration had turned to True affection and patches the untethered actually put his life on the line for the sake of someone else depending on how you started his quest this could be the last time you meet patches but if you did some of the steps out of order and never actually found him in the mkw water cave it's actually possible to go back there after this point and play that portion of his quest line complete with unique dialogue where patches acknowledges your history and now we come to a point where I actually had to re-record some of my audio for this lore dive because I had thought that you can only get some specific dialogue back at the murkwater cave if you hadn't initially done it at the beginning of Patch's Quest but as it turns out you can revisit the cave after receiving Tan's castanets and it turns out patches is Alive and Well in this way we know for sure the patches does survive our meeting in the Shaded Castle and perhaps he can have a role to play in the upcoming [Music] DLC the patches of Elden ring draws much more of his character from the patches of Dark Souls 3 after living for a time as lap he's clearly a scheming Thief willing to throw us under the bus to make a quick Buck but at the same time he shows interest in others to the point of actual dedication his disdain for the two fingers and Grace calls back to his hatred for clerics and holy people in Pre previous games it seems no matter where or when patches is he believes that dogma and those who follow it are not to be trusted better to place your trust in yourself in those you know you can Swindle and occasionally on those who prove they can be relied on as a friend or Ally in Elden ring patches claims to be untethered but it seems like he's never been so well connected to those around him as a fun aside patches seems to have wormed his way into another Souls like that's gotten a lot of attention lately in Li of P we can decrypt the old cryptic vessel to learn the following story order an old shack in the Tomb slums in malum District look for The Bleak tree and laundry line and enter the shack next to them appendix an agreement is attached for Mutual trust I kept hiding the stolen goods in the barren swamp and realized something ah I'm never going to return if I keep going to the swamp all I've known is the life of a thief but I don't want to die now so we're returning to our sweet home even if the black rabbit Brotherhood is making trouble we were technically before them in the malum District in the slums you follow the slum rules first bring the stolen goods to our old base we may be dumb but we're loyal unlike the rich here's to a lifelong friendship this leads us to the old Shack mentioned in the order where a man with a large nose stands outside he says he wants nothing to do with the robbers and their dealings and gives us a key to their Shack with the treasure weighs inside upon entering the shack the following scene plays out you got T serves Your Right For Being Greedy love watching people fall into a trap never gets old from across universes it seems patches got us again with one of his favorite tricks what makes this even better is that there's alternate dialogue for if we see this coming where he complains about our [Music] foresight why didn't he fall in the Trap L I was looking forward to that all day when the traps empty some are my pockets this whole interaction is an amazing way for Liza P to pay homage to fromsoft and our favorite lovable Scamp so we've explored every story of patches throughout fromsoft history but the question stands what exactly is patches does he exist as a simple narrative device to create cohesion between the games is he a fun Easter egg we can all look forward to whenever we start up the latest game from this developer or is there something more on multiple occasions paches seems to have a deeper understanding of the world around him and of us as a character then he probably should is it possible that patches is the single link between all from software titles in a more literal sense patches may be a traveler between time and dimensions and this would be a good explanation for his outlook on the world he inhabits he finds himself eternally trapped in Cycles whether they be related to The Souls of demons kindling or death and rebirth if there's one thing patches has come to see world after world after world it's that greed is the driving factor of mankind and he's taken it upon himself to punish us for our greed time and again game after game for as long as we enjoy the games of from software or he really is just a fun Easter egg either way I'm happy he's always here except for seiro what happened there I know we sort of have a merchant equivalent but not really he ate no [Music] patches thanks for joining us as we shared the stories of every iteration of patches throughout the souls born Universe if you have any questions about the man himself please let us know in the comments as we think this is going to be a fun one to speak with our community about thank you again for helping us read our 100th episode we will never be able to express how thankful we are for all of the support you've given us since the beginning of this series and we hope you'll stick with us in the future don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell so you never miss out on any of our lore Dives we look forward to seeing you again for more Elden [Music] lore [Music] was B to have what have you
Channel: Square Table Gaming
Views: 86,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Lore, Elden Lord, elden ring story, elden ring lore explained, elden ring story explained, exclusive, lands between, tarnished, demigod, Walkthrough, lore, souls, bloodborne, from, software, queen marika, Elden Ring Lore, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Lies of P, Abyss Tower, Armored Core, Elden Ring, Patches, Patch the Good Luck, Patches the Hyena, Trusty Patches, Mild Mannered Pate, Unbreakable Patches, Patches the Spider, Patches the Untethered
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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