This “Master of Everything” Mage Build Broke Elden Ring

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hey let me confuse you real quick this build right here gets every single sorcery in the entire game every single one in build sock I get it in is overplayed but this isn't your average in build it gets every spell in the game incantations included dual Caster good luck with no magika this build actually gets the top tier meta power stance melee move sets and Vicor overlevel level 300 this build gets all this at level 150 the PVP meta please [Music] enjoy [Music] [Music] he hey [Music] all right real quick before we start this guide will give you an optimal path now that includes when when to pick up all items when to face all bosses it will also show footage of all fights and where to pick up all items used in the fights we will have time stamps or chapters in the description so if you'd like to just you know Skip around and just watch the fights feel free to do so you don't have to watch everything if you don't want but we do have quite a lot of prep work throughout the run so feel free to skip through that if you're not here for a full guide this guide is not a completionist guide it will not be showcasing every single item in the game it will not be showcasing where to get every single spell in the game just showcase the stuff that is used same with quests so if they you it's up to you guys to sort of figure out what else you'd like to acquire for your own build and character that's not used in this you know the only real important Quest that you guys might not get from this run and you might want to do is Alexander so feel free to you know start the Alexander Quest is early on in this run if you want but otherwise please enjoy you shouldn't missed too much with this guide final thing about a year ago you can see right here I posted a full guide right here for this same type of build that I oftenly Showcase in my shorts just know that this guide is completely [ __ ] even if you suffer through watching this past guide I highly still recommend you check out this guide that build is extremely outdated production quality on that is absolutely terrible and the build has changed so much since then so I'm so sorry if you actually sat there and suffered through that guide it was absolutely terrible it was back when you know I didn't take this as seriously at all with the production quality side of stuff and everything it was just something I quick threw together for anyone who watch my PVP shorts so with that being said please enjoy this actual quality guide all right babe let's get into it uh start off pick the astrologer class go with the golden seed for your uh thing make your boy nice and cute nice and handsome and uh next just make your way through the tutorial get your way up to Molina and uh get torn Next Step as you can see in the top right will be uh going back meeting Ronnie at the church that you pass on the way there also grab the map and the Wet Stone knife down here at this first little dungeon you can meet Bach too if you want on the way but next you'll be coming here on the map set a marker right there you can see that's the map right there by the way throughout this entire run and all of the item collection stages we'll be having in the top right corner the next item or objective that we need to collect so if at any point you get lost or you want to go out on your own way just follow that but um from that map marker right way down that path through all those little Goblin fools come meet this Grace right here we're going to go up here get the ductus Medallion first half and the golden seed so you don't have to fight your way through any of this you can just run through everything you know just treat it like a little stealth game time your rolls right you should be fine come up here and just don't even worry about the the uh Knight like I said just come straight to the ladder just get up there get the Deus Medallion and then die I mean you only have 64 runes you don't need to fire your way out here you're only here for this next step set this marker right here um on the way there from this last way point though you can also stop here at the S Freo well um you don't have to do this yet I'm just throughout the run there will be periods where I go and grab an extra Grace it's just so later on we can teleport here anyways at this uh marker we have the uh flask and we have the gold or the uh sacred tier here so those will help you out get you more set up for your run but again you don't have to grab that well Grace it's just so later on we can teleport there quickly and do work we need to do from there later but uh come out back behind the church hit this teleporter once again this isn't important but I'm just setting up this Grace right here so later we can teleport here um but from this teleport ride down grab this golden seed first keep riding setting up this Grace right here just so I can teleport back later and make your way down to the boulder farm this is the best early Game Spot pre marget preg godric to farm runes if you don't know um once again there are chapters down below so Skip Along if you aren't interested in the full guide you know a lot of this but anyways from here we're going to start you know doing the old room farm so just follow this step if you don't know how to do it just ride down in this direction off torrent after you see the boulder spawn in turn start sprinting and make sure you're camera is still facing at the boulder if you turn your camera back towards the grace like this right here you will not get those runes you could teleport now if you'd like to the round table by the way right now on screen I am listing the stats that you will want to grind to right now at the Run farm so these stats that are popping up popping up on the screen this is what you'll need to start this run off the same as I do next come up here but uh anyways once you get up to that level come in here to lens rise come up top grab the memory Stone start collecting uh also by the way we're going to do some extensive setup in this run it's not that you necessarily need to do all this that I do pre fights it's just that I'm doing all this to make these fights as easy for anyone watching who's struggling at a fight um I try to prepare everyone as best as possible so you know you guys don't need to comment down below help me I'm stuck here you know I want you guys to I'm trying to set you guys up for success as much as possible so at any point if you want to break off from the Run once again there are chapters but anyways we're going to ride from that Grace now down to four foro and grab the other half of The decus Medallion as you see in the top right we're just still setting up a lot of the stuff and in addition not only am I grabbing all this to set up um excuse me um I'm not just grabbing it to make it as easy for you know fights I'm I'm also just trying to make this as time efficient as possible so you can get through this get it set up as fast as possible so I don't recommend this necessarily L for a first run if you've never played this game it'll kind of kill the immersion cuz you're running across a map before doing stuff to grab all the optimal stuff but trust it'll make this able to be finished in one to two days tops as efficiently and quickly as possible so uh if you aren't following along we grab that Grace right back there at the Hideway and we grab the uh tier at the church and grab The Graces over there for the teleports back to millison and back to the Hideway later on grab this Grace right here just in case you might be committing suicide but um come right up here you're going to try to drop right onto the branch if you die don't worry um you'll either get the grace respawn or right there you can tell you can respawn right at the statue in here if you do it correctly but once you're in this fight for your [ __ ] life to get up on the corner of this roof from the statue there's a lot of other ways to you know get up there I'm just too lazy so I'm not going to show a different way but anyways you know go go around the okay okay you know I I I [ __ ] that up I probably could have cut that out but go around the city um turn on all the flames and all that complete the secret if you don't know how to do that just continue watching you don't have to skip through if you know it you can skip through so anyways that's the first of the three come back down from the first one grab that key you uh what's it called you don't need to grab this ash I'm going just show you guys it's double slash I think if I remember right yeah double slash so that's more of a dexterity builds thing but you can pick it up just in case you ever want to use it PVP uh come up top here second flame you grab that little headpiece for some cool drip uh and then come up here grab this golden seed you know keep getting as much uh FP and uh health potions as you can and finally third one right here Seal's broken so there you go you skip that early stage of gallery and all that now you can drop down here to quick grab this stuff there's some loot in this place so that's a staff loss um that's one of the most broken staffs for different imp builds but we'll be using some other stuff uh 's a Talisman but the main thing I think you'll want here is the uh night Comet spell it's not really one that your build will specialize in but you know it's nice to have all the Spells use them all right here here you go oh wait there's also a painting here I think right yeah let me grab it for you guys too it's right over there to the left yeah here we go all right here's a painting for you guys yeah grab that painting come meet gy after can't do much yet but go uh go out from Gus Shack now right out we're going to go grab the map and set a little bit up in kid get some stuff set up for margot's fight still get a nice little grace to teleport back to and you're going to keep coming up here you're going to see this uh this little pillar another map and was from that pillar just kind of hug down into the bowl of it and continue to ride straight west I'll pull up the map here in a second so you guys can see but eventually on the inside of this uh eastern part of the bull you should get a Grace from there you just kind of got to ride up this Ridge up to this Castle we're not going to redon's Castle make sure you do not go to Red M Castle so up here you might get smoked don't worry there's a respawn point right up here right down and around the back of the for we're just grabbing the flame Grammy strength it'll be one of the most crucial spells to the entire run as you can see here's the marker but you should see two of these giant fire turrets are on back none of the other stuff matters other than the item between those two so you do not need the butterflies you do not need anything from there teleport back to where you met Molina and ride up towards marget on the way collect one golden seed and you can stop if you want up here to grab the uh key up here you can also you know talk to roderica I more so have do it to get her drip but anyways from that just ride out straight out to the north don't go to marget come out here and do the back trip into [Music] Leia from the grace that's behind storm Veil come out to this church out to the left you can grab a sacred tier you can also start setting up top stuff or you can just come back later I have to come back later for it anyways you can keep making your way through grab that map next you're going to go set up all of R lucaria and then essentially the way it's going to be set is is that you can almost just speed run through all the bosses this jump will save you some time come down pretty low on the bridge do the double jump onto the rock just keep riding straight out to the West you can grab some smithing stones on the way and all you're really doing is you know stealing the key from the dragon you don't even have to fight them you just grab the key and run straight out here and there will be a Grace to reset everything easy now from this Grace you can quick ride out straight over here out to the north grab a smithing Stone and you'll just keep riding up to the north next we're going to come up here to this Tower area and get the memory Stone from this one so from this statue I would quick show you all of them there is one Turtle up on a tree directly behind the plaza building this is directly behind it now over here you can find on the left most west side of it right here you can see right back there there to the right is the building that's the second one now you come all the way over here to this far little ramp area on the far right side of the entrance and you hit this you will be down below for the third one and you can see the tower is right back there on your left side right there's a staircase up to the front memory Stone up top from there just ride out to the West you should be able to get the map jump around these ruins here ride all the way up to the map there get the grac now we'll just be storming the manor for the items we need we won't be fighting lorett so don't worry so as you can see I died once from a hand be careful just follow my lead here I'll slow it down a little bit to you know just a little fast forward just follow my lead and you should get around those hands anyways from the first little Branch here right past these Ghosts come run off to the left here and now on your left side where the railing is broken you'll see a little roof you can jump down down to jump down drop to the second roof and descend down the ladder here is your sword your first of two you'll come back after New Game Plus to get your second also on the way out grab smithing Stone next from this Manor as you can see that's out behind us we're just riding out to the east on the outside of it you're going to take this Little Rock Ridge thing down here and you'll come up to this nice Church area up here where you can get another sacred tier set up the Graze and from here you're going to go set up the Grace by the decus lift I know it's a lot of [ __ ] but it's all the ring as every run you do from there go back outside and go up the little Madness Hill area this is right outside the Deus Hill or lift on the left area but you should see a little little Hillside to go off but anyways you'll come into the little Madness Village a frenzy flame Village Village you don't need that I grab it you don't need it excuse me getting mugged right there but anyways make your way through the frenzy flame Village you don't need a shabir's well either um down on the left though before you go see vik you'll find this little thing go smack that you'll get your frenzy burst sniper spell come all the way up top you'll get invaded by vik it does not matter you are just tier for a sacred tier and to grab uh the grace later you teleport back here's where you get the Maiden Blood here excuse my dog there uh here's the uh where you're going to take the you know decus lift all the way up to Al this Plateau now Dam this music hits in fast forward but yeah uh go grab that Grace just keep riding straight from the lift up to the north um you're going to grab a couple of Graces you're going to get a golden seed up here by this tree next you're going to just come get into the Capital Area you need all these golden seeds and tears keep in mind a lot of your damage does rely on Magicka especially at the low levels until you get your sword of Knight of flames and your Spears and all of your uh melee weapons up the running you will be a magic only build to start so so anyways grab the two golden seeds grab the map and you can make your way all the way up to the hill the top of the hill will be the church and as we can grab gra your seal here's your golden order seal this is your end game seal you'll be using that all the time on the build um next go back to that same Grace come down and grab the smithing Bell bearing too should be down in that little canyon area um but you just come right into the dungeon and grab it right there out of that first chest you do not need to proceed through the dungeon anymore quick update for you guys I have killed a little bit of stuff so I'm I'm at level 30 here now so I have my uh stats a little different now come up here two more golden seeds so from here go back to leria right here at this ruin um you're going to ride up here to the right in the middle of these ruins you should be able to find a little basement area that you can go down the hairloom is all you need but you can grab the grave too um from these ruins continue riding on up here over to the east ride up to the right over the top of the hill do not ride down in the middle of that Battlefield you should see a couple of sleeping wolves big crab guy yep keep [Music] going we are setting up this Grace right past the tibia Mariner and this Knight you will have to be coming back very soon to kill both of these guys just set up Grace and teleport down here um you don't have to Rune Farm a lot just enough to buy one of each of these somra smithing stones from this Grace over here and just enough to upgrade your somber uh or your golden order seal to plus4 from here um you're going to go back to that artist Shack we just grabbed and try to Ambush this guy with catch flame and with uh uh flame Grammy strength now don't worry this is a low skill fight as I'll show you a little cheese method you can kind of just go up behind a back stab have him right toring away till he walks away and rinsing repeat I think I even [ __ ] it up so it's not that hard of a fight even if you don't cheese it right now your plus4 seal should be enough with the catch flame yeah see I kind of let him catch me there but get hit once there probably get hit again still y so you should have enough flasks enough seeds to really kind of cheese you through this fight see easy next you're going to come all the way back to the first step and you're just going to ride down to the right a long ways we're basically going down to the peninsula but first we're going to grab the scroll so make your way to a big jumpy win thing come up here on the rooftop I tried to catch playing that guy but it don't matter um just grab the scroll on the roof it'll be next in come down here cross Bridge you can really go start this Quest if you want to doesn't really matter for your build but yeah come down here you know you're not even going to go to the castle so it does doesn't matter get this Grace from here teleport up top or jump up top and complete this memory stone puzzle this one's super easy first in the bush second behind you third in the lake from the grace come up here they should take this kind of path in between the ramp part but not not the lower path all the way to the right you'll find this little church in a frenzy Village at the top ignore all the rats and stuff just grab the tiar and the spell again now you're going to go back to the grace but this time take the right path and just ride and ride until you get to the churches with the tears from the first church you still have to ride out to the right to the second one ignore everything else down here just grab the grace here grab the tier should have four and five right now um so come up here quick grab Leia map in the Middle with another golden [Music] seed um from that map it's right here that's right where the seat is but come up to that Altus Plateau Grace you grabbed earlier grab that seed grab this map and now you're going to come get the wrath of gold spell just drop down the bridge into this bowl and go behind the bridge all the way to the South you'll find this ruin area bottom find the Wrath gold spell from here hug the South Wall right when you get out behind the ruins you'll find this nice tunnel by these jellyfish Sprint through this [ __ ] and just collect the smithing Stones there's none in these first two rooms just go out into these Chambers again you're not advised to fight anything just try to run through like I do and pick everything up as you can see there's only a couple in that first area so you don't really need to do much the last one you'll need will be right up here right there now come to the her tree gazing Hill ride up to the north again this time we're going to go open up all of the volcano Manor areas I know it's a lot of setup again you can skip through whenever you want but this is the most convenient to help you just just kind of get all of the boring stuff out of the way and then just speed run through all of the boss type stuff right back there at that castle we pass on the right that's where the fire scorpion charm is at we will be coming back later to get it but I don't want to try to make you guys run through a dangerous area right now so we'll save that for when we need it but anyways just come up around the hill you'll get to the craft Shack eventually from here continue to ride up to the right through all this and go meet K AER guy get a nice endgame spell already from the Homie real quick um right here I'll kind of show you as you can see I have different drip on it's because I just rode off to the left up to those those Cliffs if you look right up the top left of your screen go up those Cliffs find a merchant if you want this Hood I'm not going to go include all of the extra steps like the uh the extra drip and stuff that you don't need for the run because this is already looking at 12 hours of game play that I'm trying to condense so main things you need are that smithing Stone back there you can also grab all the runes but also we're here to mainly grab the golden valow spell which Stacks with the uh flame Grammy strength so come down this ladder and you'll find the spell back here in this Shack there will be a dog and a summon that'll try to kill you don't matter if you die just grab spell with some runes you should be able to get this now up to plus six and you can go talk to Corin and that'll send him up to Altus Plateau cuz you've been there but first you want to give him the Dragon Cult uh prayer book and buy the lightning two spells so right now as you can see have some decent spells going come travel up to Altus now and you can buy the great heal spell so you can heal yourself I now recommend going and getting the rockling and the meteor staff which will hold you over until you actually get your end game staffs so come down drop down here and just ride into the swamp down low in here you'll get through rockling which is very good spell rockling try to get past these dots me just kind of spam your RS they're kind of DB come up here to this next platform for some drip if you want and a perfume bottle and then finally meteorite staff is in this back room right here so from here ride back the way you came put on some you know armor drip if you want to grab this graze too and'll make it easier to go get n out later but you're going to come into the seia tunnel that you can also teleport to if you want but basically all we're here for is a t the uh Talisman so you're going to be low Health be careful try to just follow my lead in here by you know occasionally healing when you get hit once you should be able to tank one of the the pests and then just try to run past them jump up in here you can grab one spell pretty useless one for this build but grab these two smithing stones that was a dumb heal come up top another smithing Stone here then what you really need is up here on the right make sure you get that Talisman now's the fun part we're finally going to put the build to fight so we're going to come collect three death rots now to get some be seal incantations we're just going to kill three tiia Mariners for this pretty easy as you can see I'd recommend just using the catch flame spell and the Lightning Spear spell I wouldn't even bother with the the frenzy flame i e it right there catch flame and the Buffs they carry from the first tiia mariner go to the artist Shack and ride down to the South and you'll find the second to be a mariner again and then kill [Music] him as you can see still still using same stuff same same level this is going to be the difficult one for you guys um if you struggle too much with this maybe say three four attempts I would just go collect a different death route from um one of the dungeons the catacombs those those will have death rots too you can look up on uh the Wikipedia for the fter life you can look up where to get those so I recommend that but you're only about level 30 here in Al this so it'll be a semi difficult fight even if it's a tibian mariner mostly just cuz of his giant skeleton spawns so I recommend making sure you are buffed actually you know you probably do it without a buff I as you can see I kind of don't apply the buff second half cuz I was worried about running out of Magicka so that's the only thing um kind of got to juggle your Magicka in this fight and your Heth potions and all that pretty pretty conservatively but try to play it overly safe is my my uh recommendation you should be able to get it I got a first try um I know it's not the easiest fight but most of the stuff later will be so take all of that death rout now back to that Grace you set up for the Beast clergyman get your Beast vitality and then comes the fun part get ready to start boss running some bosses here are the levels recommended spells again you should be ready with everything you've collected you got A plus six seal you got a lot of spells well incantations more so biggest thing make sure you pop your golden V and Flame Grammy strength before the fight and just go to work with uh catch flame throughout the fight you can mix in some Theo slings and lightning speed but as you can see one catch flame will do like a fifth of his health it's kind of ridiculous sprinkling some Lightning Spear some B vitalities it should be easy flame of frenzy I really don't recommend using just the uh five I showed in the pre fight so as you can see here sloppy start and I'm already having in uh half health so this build right now you'll be so powerful you don't even have to play this well as you can see he is open my ass and he's still getting his [ __ ] rocked see this time to heal C just get back in there keep catching flame and he'll die before you run out of Health Oh I thought I all right this time that one but you just keep getting in catch flame spam it's pretty easy there you go still have extra health potions we're all good extra Maga these are the stats from the fight right here 3335 is what I recommend now be put that into mind so now we are on God I recommend you be minimum level 30 after this fight um collect a lot of the gold seeds and tears before if you uh didn't do everything but it should be pretty easy still similar to marget get in get your Buffs going I also recommend vco Vitality if I didn't say that earlier with the bows with the Flames once again don't run this spell it's kind of what I found out this play through I thought the spell was better from my past Faith builds than it actually is early game once you get get stuff like flame Grammy strength better or flame Grammy strength going a lot better to just use catch flame and lightning Spears Beal slings flame of frenzy it's as you can see here it's pretty worthless gets me hit I think just cuz yeah I can't roll out my stamina's gone from all of it and then it kind of throws me into this big loop where I'm off my game and I got to kind of get myself back into it so I recommend just staying simple right now just use those three damaging spells and those three buffing spells all three of those buff spells stack together um Vitality Grammy strength and about all stack so I recommend right at the start of the second round or the second phase that get a good buff up going and just get up during his dragon attack got a good like fifth of his remaining Health out excuse my computer during this fight I'mma just I remember my computer dropped to like five frames this isn't like something wrong with the video This is how bad my FPS ran randomly got during this fight I don't know what's wrong with my computer this [ __ ] started Fighter for its life I have a 3090 I have an I9 I I don't know why this is happening but I'm like a grandma with PCS so uh if anyone wants to hook me off and they know why my PC does that maybe write that down below instead of like your build suck or whatever you know my normal comments are so much love but anyways uh you should be able to get through godri pretty easy just Spam all the catch Flames up close on him look at this lag anyways from there go uh donate 10 rooms tops right afterwards just to get that done um those are my levels right now by the way I got up to 37 from the god fight as you can see now we're just going to storm into Lucario I I don't even fight anything at this point so if you guys are interested in fighting this might not be the guy for you I just run through [ __ ] from this grace come up here into the room on the left and you should be able to roll and get out here this isn't really anything too useful but you might as well grab the stuff takes up two seconds little Burger King Crown if you want it but anyways now you're going to come back up down the hallway to the right I don't even bother like I said you want a run with little more killing this might not be uh your guide but uh come roll here get into this bookshelf go pick up the nice end game spell got a t a nice H key and the Talisman will be in the back room Miss pooke just come down here drop down drop down [Music] talisman prepare yourself for hell on the other side of this door anyways just get up uh the red wolf should be real easy if you can take out godri he should be able to take it out um high damage but it should die real quick just catch flame it and lightning spear when it's far also if you want to use meteor staff right now rockling isn't a bad idea [Music] from there you can get another memory Stone next from the grace you're going to want to come up here out to the right drop down climb ladder you'll get a nice endgame Talisman already this you can kind of just keep on your build no matter what I'd always recommend having this on depending on your spell setup but pretty much always have this on from here we're going to go drop down into the main Courtyard and proceed up to the [Music] left and you need to do this by the way for this build if you want all the memory slots this is required so make your way down here along these rooftops you're probably better off killing these too I normally would just run past sh but the Archer will give you a hell of a time so just kind of you know quick pop them anyways make your way until you actually have choices and then just drop down these roofs kind of the way I do keep going down and down and down but anyways over here there's one item you can quick grab to uh go teleport back to a different boss later and come down here though this is what you need come into this church area look down on the chandelier drop down take that tops now tops should give you a gesture that you need and that'll get you a memory Stone later I can go to resume make your way to this Tower it's in the bottom leftand corner of learia and uh put on the gesture from tops right here it says IR Edition guide the this is the location by the way right at this converted Tower use use the gesture right here and ladder will appear right behind that you can climb see another memory Stone there now I'm at level 39 by the way I recommend pumping Vigor once you get 18 mind 18 intelligence 18 Faith as you can see though I set that marker on the map if you go to the marker it'll take you to this ever jail you're going to want to go in it beat the boss play it uh pretty safe it'll be pretty easy fight just make sure you get all your Buffs up you do have a little bit of low health for this area but as you can see I play very sloppy and I still have an easy time so spam catch flame this is a good one for rockling because he's a very large opponent so if you want to get rock slings going you can but you shouldn't struggle too much just keep moving throughout his big chain attacks spam on the ankle you'll be fine oh [Music] we really just doing that for that spell it's good PVP spell and it's uh easy runes right now so instead of a rune Farm it's more fun for you uh go up here now for uh the man or lower level just continue to proceed your way through all of the ghosts all the way along the other path this time and you should make your way up to an elevator proceed up the elevator from the grace at the top come grab the golden seed and then proceed on to fight [Music] Loretta a [Music] all right after that fight you're going to want to proceed out this back door and you're going to go see my little wifey right here I have enter her service just by going through the dialogue next go down and just talk to all the homies downstairs after you're done with that go right down to sv's rise we aren't going to proceed all the way through his quest we're just going to go far enough to get the magic scorpion Talisman now I shall get the potion from him go see Gideon at the Round Table old after talking to Gideon all the way he should uh have nefi here to talk to that you can see right now the potion won't work yet so we have to go do some stuff first travel back to the uh converted Tower and just ride over to the Village of the albaner teleport back to the round table hold and talk to the finger reader now you don't need to claim anything you can just talk to her this should open up Gideon's door for you to go in and speak to him now make sure you select the option about nefi don't give him the potion but once you talk to him about nefi you're all set go back to the Village from here you can just go down and talk to her she'll be down here underneath the bridge just exhaust her dialogue and then you can go summon her in for the boss fight what [Music] after the fight you can find nefi at the bottom of this staircase next to the blacksmith go through all the the dialogue options until you give her a potion from there come down to the lake shore and come find the the jumpy thingamajig spear song whatever they're called come find this jump up here we're going to go beat Adam get his spell [Music] [Music] from there go see selvius again and uh you should be able to get some Scrolls from him now and continue to progress his plot you should be able to grab all those spells right now but you don't really need any of them um from there go back to the rise and go find his hidden Chambers down here in this close ruin um all you have to do is come come in here open it up and then you go back talk to selus well but per now next is where it gets a little complicated um you'll have to pick one of the puppets by doesn't matter which one but um you will end up needing to buy more of the puppets to end up uh progressing a storyline so the way that you actually buy the puppets is with Starlight shards I'm showing you the location right now of one of them but however it can get glitchy with if you only need to buy one more puppet two more so you might need to collect one you might need to collect five starl shards but good luck um as you can see all of them actually cost two of them so but after you get one more puppet he'll he'll uh pit you this scheme idea of his just say that you're interested go with the plot with and even and he should talk to you about getting an Amber Starlight for that just go teleport up to the Altus Highway Junction and follow follow this well the blissy goodness to think yes I am please now you should be all done with selvius before you're even done with renola um you already have the magic scorpion charm you're almost ready to fight her now um that's really early to get that done with so next you're going to come just get everything set up ready to fight renala by opening the the door and the pathway you know defeating her little moong grum guard here and I tried to do the elevator trick but he decides to be a little [ __ ] so anyways just deal with moon grum um you're not fighting ralo right now you're literally just opening up this hallway here once you get that door opened up come find this on the map it's the Blood church is where Vari will be now now that you've talked to uh the fingers he'll give you an item to invade three people do not have to kill them just have to invade three people after that Vari will tell you to get Maiden Blood which you can do right here at this Maiden finally you'll have The Medallion to go set up the Rune farm so first you can quick grab the map when you get down here but then we'll go uh set up the r [Music] Farm this grace is all you need you can go acquire a long bow and arrows from the merchant and at the table of uh table of Grace you can get the long bow right there that I have forgot to clip it I'm sorry y'all but uh anyways just come here shoot the uh bird ones with an arrow let them run off the cliff keep farming until you can get to level 55 shoot for these stats 35 Vigor 18 uh in 23 faith with appropriate leveling and all your gear you shouldn't struggle too much biggest piece of advice is just make sure you punch and don't use any Maga to actually kill these little ones you can literally just melee them or kick them anything just for one hit just save your actual FP for [Music] [Music] Rena time to be born [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] come oh War [Music] Giant come little r dear as you can see I get clapped right there but that's why we did all that work and prep before the fight even with all that I mean you can barely scrape out enough magic for this fight right here just with all the the phase changes here you guys will go see my level pump strength next you'll be here um back at the Rune Farm spot I know it's repetitive but we've set up everything but the actual important bosses so you need to grind up to level 70 you can see my stats right there it's because we're now using the sword of Knight of flame um so you need that 12 strength now 12 decks also have 35 Vigor 24 Faith 24 intelligence and 12 Arcane because now we're going to get some Dragon spells going so make sure you definitely hit level 70 before this definitely upgrade your sword of Knight of flame because this is going to be huge in this fight now you're about to see the difference between this this in my past Mage builds so get all your Buffs up first keep riding off to the west from that Grace and you'll find the sleeping Dragon basically just go to work with your sword you're buffed your flame so hold uh LT and then just click RT ignore the first whiff but uh see pretty good damage there anytime you see him up in the air like that just be ready to Sprint away um be extra cautious here um with low Health around 35 Vigor right now it's very easy to get Scarlet rotted and to die from the the cloud to Scarlet rot so I recommend you to just try to chunk away at his head try to stay out of range of his Stomps because if you stay in the stomp Cloud Scar the rock it's important to notice right there if you go rewind or rewatch that notice as he's about about to do that that thing right there where it just nukes the floor right there you'll be able to tell there's a quebe but if you get caught in that you're automatically do so be very careful with that one attack you dodge that one attack you should be able to win this pretty easily but that one attack will be the move that kills you nine out of 10 times you can still avoid Scarlet rot if you just Spam roll and have some armor on like I do whatever your highest set of immunity armor is if his targeting ever gets messed up and he's out of range you can kind of cheese a little bit of damage with frenzy burst like that but beware of that tail and now you have access to the best PVE Dragon spells in the game from here right up to this church it's literally right behind where you just fought you can just blast some nice [ __ ] in with your sword now you should be able to use your one Dragon heart to eat that uh uh eat the heart for the rod and breath spell and with that we're off to fight radon so here's my levels right now just level 70 make your way down to the teleporter here should be active and able to go right into the festival because you been alus already make sure to get your Buffs up pre fight get ready immediately upon spawning in I like to just ride straight backwards you get whiffed by that one Arrow you don't Dodge it but after that he should deactivate his sort of Arrow stage and just shoot them in the middle of nowhere and kind of just ride up and have an even fight skip the whole Arrow stage first key get rod and breath on him as you see I [ __ ] up the first time but really you should be able to get under his ass pretty easily and get Scarlet Rock going on him pretty quick as you can see it only takes me like one flash to get the the Scarlet Rock flowing from there I like to just stand underneath his ass the best he can spam a mix catch flame and your swords uh flame AR once it's F you can see here he's already at half you can almost just like spam damage in just one phase and without even doing the meteor as you can see I kind of try to play it safe I don't I don't risk him you know he you still have relatively low Vigor keep in mind so I always like to play it safe you'll always be able to get enough damage off now you have your sword upgraded and now you can both so once this com comes back in just simply Dodge it off to the left get back in there and end the fight again just try to stay under like his ass to the best of your ability but honestly you should the Scarlet rot should really be able to eat him alive I mean you can summon in a bunch of combatants I I I believe in you guys this fight should be relatively easy at this point with all you required I mean you can summon in like 30 people and look at how easy it is alone as you can see still a level 70 poster on I recommend to keep going in Vigor now minimum until you get to 40 you're really going to need it for all this bosses but anyways after Ron's dead you can come collect the collaps and stars spell from this uh ruin in the very back corner of his dungeon as you can see I got popped once but pretty easy to grab get out from there go to where I just highlighted on the map that initial Grace we found really early in the run and just get down low into knock room you can either drop all your weapons but I like to have a fun duel Mage versus mage R against my uh mimic here put on some PVP spells dud it's fun I want to show the full fight because you guys shouldn't struggle with it I mean you can just take off your weapons and he'll have fists I mean come on anyways make your way down here and uh come get the Finger Slayer blade from the bottom of here just follow this path here if you want to stop and get the mimic tier you can I'll show you how to be pretty much every fight of the game pretty damn easily alone no summons but you can quick grab it from this chest if you want to from here hit this teleporter don't even worry about the giant you weren't done yet here we'll still uh set up some more stuff so ride out to the east you should see some jellyfish by a cliff ride down here and grab this grace for a little bit later next you can come back to Ronnie and you should get the carry inverted statue given to you from here is where I recommend you travel back to that well Grace we grabbed at the very beginning of the round run because now you got to just Slaughter all of these zombies that they're the young Lings your Anakin you just got to kill them and hopefully eventually you'll get two harpoons they aren't required but they scale in both intelligence and faith if you kit them up right and they're dual Spears which are right now the meta and PVP so that and dual straight swords which are your other sword so uh those are two weapons you'll definitely want if you ever want to take this build PvP and I will be using the spear as in the so anyways come back to Red main Castle talk to jiren you should be able to come down here and grab the red hot weet blade that's upgrade the spear should be able to put a nice Faith art on them and then they will scale primarily with faith with a secondary scaling and intelligence and uh decks and strength so it's a really good weapon for your build now we're just going around getting all the smithing stones and requirements to uh upgrade the spears so I'm going to go show you guys the quick route to the uh Bell bearing one let ride all the way out here through all the these uh rock formations until you get up near this ring aing [ __ ] just keep riding hugging the right wall excuse my dog if you crur or bark at all on this run too anyways come in here you should be able to collect all of the smithing Stones throughout the entire cave pretty easily you're high level just run through it all and then you also got to kill the Cristian at the end for the uh Bell bearing so that should be real easy too you got a bunch of spells that are uh good for building up uh Poise damage so you know just B sling or BC or catch flame should be easy look you can't put yourself in a worse situation than this and I'm like I trust you guys you guys can pull this off so anyways just get down to the bottom and just smoke this [ __ ] it should be real easy you just got to break the boys to take a [ __ ] ton of damage you have a [ __ ] ton of weapons to do that there you [Music] go just start upgrading your heart harpoons get them as upgraded as you can think we'll be going to level 15 uh if I remember yep level 15 I me um by the way right now I forgot to do this in this run but right here is where you want to infuse them with a fire weapon art like just take any weapon art and now pick the flame option and then it'll have faith and intelligence so I remember to convert it in like 10 minutes but if you want to do it right away you can do it now also make sure you get the flame cleans me spell on the way that's important put your little statue down for a nice little cup scene flip the whole building upside down get to the top should be able to just fry the hands in the doorway with your dragon breath pretty easy let's move on U make sure you have frenzy burst on right now too because you can just straight snipe Miriam from all the way across pretty consistently see you can get his air off sometimes but you can just get rid of him right away you can come over here for some uh nice drip uh but just keep proceeding [Music] [Music] through anyways carefully drop down onto the chandeliers and just keep going down should keep going onto the railings and all the way down to that [Music] platform go down the elevator open the door make your way across until you run into the noble noble should be pretty easy if you need to cheese it um he's not exactly easy at your level but you should be able to get up here whenever he goes into your ball and then not hard at all to dodge you just Outlast that but if you want to actually cheese them you can just inflict Scarlet rot and run extremely far away way farther than his Fireballs go and just continuously frenzy burst I you can just trade damage with him he'll just keep throwing these at the end of the hallway without moving forward and you just let her Whittle down I mean so I gave you guys a nice little cheese M here stock grab the curse mark of death and the hairloom up top go back to selvius his rise now and he'll be dead memory Stone up at the top wolf mask on the side if you want it you can also go acquire all of Ronnie's drip now if you want back in uh the third rise that's been blocked the whole time Ren's rise take the teleporter go to the grace and just start talking to your Ronnie doll eliminate the name of R just follow this path and you'll end up in a [Music] Noella keep talking to Ronnie along the way at all The Graces um if you move up into Noella up towards the top there's some interesting items for you free larel here for later if you need it keep going up you'll find this chest this chest will have a smithing Stone in it for you and next building up I'll have nice Talisman for Mages next from the grace run out in that back Direction you'll find an El we can go down talk to Ronnie more keep going forwards and you'll have to fight blide um it'll actually be a tough fight for the level you're at right now but you should be able to Scarlet Rod him kind of Che it with that as you can see you really is nowhere range um I like to kind of get up close still and have fun in the fights but if you really want to you can just scar Rod him and just run away and like spear the entire time from here go down and set up the lake of rock Grace make sure you have the flame cleanse me Spell equipped and just follow my path you'll be doing this twice so don't worry if the first round doesn't look like I'm going the way you expect me to after grabbing the smithing Stone we'll go the uh standard way you can use these pillars if you want but like with with the spell and how much Magicka and stuff you have it's kind of pointless to be honest but you can save yourself some time or some uh some Magicka and do that just make your way to this back Temple looking area all the way in the back of the lake as you can see still level 72 still pump of vigor now you're going to make your way all the way down to the bottom and take the coffin that coffin should take you down to a stal those are the recommended setups for this fight it's not extremely hard it's just your build isn't at its full power yet so if you struggle a little bit don't feel bad so you can see I just got smoked on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll show you my stats here as you can see it shouldn't be insanely difficult but now we're at level 75 we run into a wall here we can't go further so we go back get the ring from Rena's room and then you can proceed just go until you hit the elevator and then go all the way to the top and you'll be at the Moonlight altar grab the grace and uh put on some good spells because we'll be going against uh adulla what I found out here I didn't know is that what's it called he's immune to uh scarla rot sorry I was thinking but uh he's immune to scarlot so don't bother they wasting a bunch of Maga for low damage spell like Ro breath Ro bre's damage comes from the the scar the rot just instead Spam The Sword the entire fight um I kind of I kind of wasted a lot of Magic on this fight so really actually came down to the wire but it should not be this difficult difficult fight for you guys I just I played it very sloppily did not want to go back or rerecord but this point or this fight right here emphasizes you guys the importance of the harpoons at least until your second play through when you get a second sword you'll see I run out of Magicka completely because I wasted one of my potions and I use too much Rock wrath but then I'm able to switch to the harpoons and because they're dual Spears it's pretty much like I'm running a melee build at this point I'm able to literally take this Dragon down from like a third of Health very easily just pure melee sit here just jump at his head with my Spears and look I just chunk him all the way [Music] down see your goddamn melee build who gets every spell in the game now uh you're going to go all the way and run up the back route to volcano Manor um if you don't know that way it's kind of just off of the right from AER I should have recorded gameplay of it but that was earlier when I went and grabbed that drip I used earlier so my bad once you're at volcano Manor you can come on down the side of this area come get the map and come get some smithing Stone stuff as you can see we're level 79 in this run with uh 24 Faith or 29 faith and 24 intelligence so so uh pretty low damage stats but we do a lot of damage with those stats next we're just going to continue to make our way through a volcano Manor all we're really after right now is one of the somber smithing Stones so we can quickly upgrade uh our sword and our seal anyways you should get a somber smithing Stone right right here and you can go back and uh what's it called shut this bridge or open up this bridge right here so you can quickly access this boss in the future but that's all we need we just here for the upgrades and setting up this boss for the future anyways now we're going to go get a flaming strike one of the better ashes of War you can also get flame of the red mans I just wanted to get one to uh show you guys that these harpoons do scale and like I said I forgot to do a 10 minutes going the run so as you can see you just go around the back of the uh castle of the red m get that right there you can now apply that on the harpoons I also upgrade mine once but as you can see I'm also getting my sword and KN flame up to plus six at this point with that uh smithing Stone we just picked up and because I got that plus six I'm now able to upgrade my sword United flame all the way to plus 9 from all the different stuff we picked up my Seal's at a plus eight and these are at plus 13+ 14 now we're going to go look at these harpoons and as you can see on these uh or on the uh flip flart weapon art you can see B in faith and D in intelligence so the two highest scaling stats are both your magic stats so you can get dual Spears that run on both magic stats and you can kind of be a mix of melee and a mix of uh Magic but keep in mind you'll also get two two uh two swords so I prefer the swords for uh PVE and the spears PVP but you get multiple weapon sets as you can see though this is a good time now to start fia's Quest in the background so you can go talk to FIA get held till she gives you a weather dagger and you go give that to D and then when you load back in uh some some tragedy has occurred in addition I recommend going and meeting sellin now at this point if you haven't already um you can still do her entire Quest and stuff so anyways you can go in just one shot the pumpkin head enter her service anyways it'll uh give you a dialogue option about a favor she'll ask you to go find master lcat and you can just travel right to the uh Hideway that we unlocked earlier right at the beginning of the run so now you can see why so much setup is kind of done early in stages so that later parts of the Run can just sort of flow together and it's almost like you set up the entire run at once so anyways you can go down to the basement here just one shot that little guard Mage guy and you should be able to go in talk to lcac get Stars ruin after you're done talking to lcad and he gives you the spell go back to sellin and she'll give you that Quest right there I am this is so you can also get your reward for uh locat by uh the starl shards but next you got to go all the way back down to this left church that you grabbed in uh the bottom Peninsula go all the way down to the basement free spell there and you got to just continue the quest by exhausting the dialogue and doing whatever this is reload the area again and you'll find that jirens come and killed your teacher or whatever I don't know this game this game is kind of confusing bro but anyways go up to Ron's rise then go back to salvius is dungeon and you can do this finally after that's done you can go outside of Rena's place and uh go help selin you could help jiren too if you want I just think there's much more reward for helping selin a lot better witch drift too so uh that's you don't really care about the dagger but you can also go talk to sell and get any uh spells that you didn't get yet now that she's in herh final form now go back to AER you can collect his drip and I recommend going and collecting the uh memory stone that you get from killing this Demag God but uh at first I think you guys would be much too weak even now it's not exactly easy fight but you could cheese it real easily with this little rock clip here just some flick scler rock throw some lightning Spears over it ever so often you'll be fine you can also get loose at stuff now that it's done at this point there's not much else to do other than going and uh marrying Ronnie before you progress so go just finish up Ronnie's Quest if you're interested in that expand all our dialogue after it's done you'll get a moon like great sword but after that you can go uh back claim your uh rewards if you want any of them none of them really apply to you but asal's Ash War might be useful this point uh Farm up to level 90 as you can see I put a lot of it in faith 40 Vigor 20 mind or other important stats 24 in still if I'm not wrong but uh anyways now we're going to go get our way into Lane you hug this left side side of the cliff you should be able to sneak up on the tree Sentinel pretty easily so pretty wellknown cheese I'm pretty sure everyone knows it by now also would not recommend opening the fight with that would have in hindsight probably would have just hit him with two of the uh or the rod and breath right away or two of the Knight of flame swords but I didn't realize that he would uh Turn Around from that initial incantation cast so wouldn't open the fight this way but should be pretty easy though let's try to get that Scarlet Rock going early and most of this fight honestly is just understanding when to dodge like when the cues are the worst one will probably be the fireball cuz it's right on impact or input but the lightning attacks and stuff you get plenty of time to dodge like this right when he drops that shoulder just look at the shield in the second you're seeing that downward movement just dodge off to the side you should Dodge Lightnings Fireballs will catch you in spells and stuff but you live with it and these attacks are really pretty easy to dodge to is up close one so once he gets to that lightning stage it's really not bad it's really not bad at the beginning either always thought this fight was kind of overblown in terms of difficulty just watch his animations as you can see that wrath of gold spell is an incred incredibly good spell with your build especially with your seal your seal boosts it but from here we're going to go back down to that volcano Manor Hill and uh we're going to go get uh Cerulean hidden tier this fight will be very easy just make sure to use fire and buff yourself [Music] up as you can see I know it's ped up pretty bit but right here you'll see whole strategy just get up next to it spam your swords weapon art with the flame buff you can kill it in four hits I mean from here go teleport back to that uh Jellyfish sight of Grace down by uh nran um you're going to go make your way down to the uh the something facing Cliffs you couldn't see it beyond the Spells but anyways give your arm to uh D's brother right here you need to find Darion this is a gargoyle fight this is going to suck especially if you're kind of average at this game or you know a casual player this fight will suck so as long as you have completed fia's Quest you can give him the armor you can have an extra summon it'll make this fight 10 times easier and I'll show you guys that so at the beginning you might need to hold your own summons in this game are [ __ ] he might be talk or attacking people behind the door but n in this one he actually came in and helped me right away CU sometimes I'll sit there for a while before helping but anyways once he's out it shouldn't be too bad you kind of just fight as a team with him what I me mean by that is like don't go over aggro like right here until he's necessarily up and has his aggro you do so much damage you should be able to kind of let him get in get hit and then you kind of get out or get in and do some damage right there I Whi um I I don't think that sword is a great idea here as you guys can see but this is a very start or shitty start to the fight and it's still we still win it so I believe in you guys you guys can pull this off just I wouldn't go with the uh the weapon art with the sword unless you know it's going to connect so right here in the fight pay attention to this right now Darion has both of their aggro they both get into a long chain I'm literally able to just pick one of them and really Target him with my swords weapon I'm able to hit both of them but the key is that I'm able to eliminate one of them early on and leave it to a 2v one for me and Darion remember to always take your time whenever he's active on Darion to get your Buffs active and going make sure to always try to hit hard with that weapon art from behind when he's attacking your your homie over there but if you guys do struggle too much with this just skip this part it's okay um skip this in the deeper dep depth the items that I collect after this from the cofide just skip this part I'll give you guys a valid work around to get past the valley and carg oils where you just never even have to fight them so if you struggle too much with this we will be or I will be showcasing a second method in this uh right after I beat morot so uh just skip up to the Lane Dell section if if you have too much trouble with uh this fight right here just know that if you do skip up to that section I I'm showing this first because I think it's easier me personally with uh Daran here I think you guys can pull this off easier um the other fight you you're going to have to kill MOG in the sewer Mo really resists fire so your build he almost is the hardest boss in the game for your build if not the hardest so skip these guys at your own risk but you need to kill one of the two to get your staff and some of the Spells so you'll proceed down to deep Ro depths and I can't say that word depths I can't you know I'm I'm going to stop trying but uh go right up this uh nice tree formation just try to continuously ride up into the right and eventually you'll make your way into a cave and here you'll grab Elden Stars which isn't the best PVP incantation or PVE incantation but it's got some very uh spammy underutilize use and PVP so you're probably going to want that it's the highest uh Faith uh requirement spell but continue to now just ride out to the west and hug this wall on the right eventually you'll come to this kind of little flooded city type area I guess you you can find the map here and just continue to ride out straight to the west and you'll find the Grace from this Grace come back up now onto this tree and try to get up to that upper left tower building and this upper left Tower you'll see is the prince of death staff that is now your endgame staff it scales in both faith faith and intelligence so both your seal and your staff get dual scaling all of your points that you invest into faith and intelligence will go to every spell you use next you're going want to come back and just try to get your staff as upgraded as possible you should be able to just buy the smithing Stones right there and you should be able to get it all the way up to plus 12 um now you're going to go just storm Lane Dell storm the capital I prefer to just kind of run past everything grab the golden Rune right there for leveling up but once I get down here I kind of just jump onto the roofs and I just try to make my way through Lane dos as quick as I can honestly there's not a whole lot to grab in here for a mage there's a lot more of like dexterity focused items stuff like that so you should be fine just kind of speed running this route down out here past that Avenue balcony graay some and you're going to come up jump on the dragon wing make your way to the top here you can see I forgot to level up for a while but you can see I'm still only level 92 so you can beat the valant Gargoyles anywhere around level 90 pretty easily um now is a good time to also storm the round table holds real version in Lane Del if you want but no required items for us so now we move on to the Godfree fight just Spam your Ash War you're going to be doing ridiculous amounts of damage at this point when you get your sword all the way up to 40K so now that you're properly leveled these fights are going to start becoming incredibly [Music] easy also make sure you defeated that one uh tree worm thing so you could get the unlimited Magicka and poised here you can see I utilized that midf fight to get the sword off right there but now I'm level 93 heading up to face marget that's a very good spell right there blessing of the earth tree replaces BCL Vitality for you once you're in marget Arena I recommend just taking a step or two forward [ __ ] uh you should probably uh you know go in with full magic up but then just Spam your Friendzy burst there um you don't want to go in like me with only like one spell left but you should be able to get get them almost all the way down to half right away drink your potion get the rock breath going with the infinite Poise and you should be able to just wipe marar right off the face and nap this way get a nice flame up get in there nice weapon art this man's about to be dead your honor and second weapon AR and we about to kill him look at that it's literally like 30 seconds in the fight one frenzy burst he's done my as you can see now the build is really reaching its full power um earlier on in the run the B this is when of the weird builds where it does not really feel powerful until it gets close to maxed out it's weird now this entire section is all the alternate route that I was talking about that I'll show you to get past the valyant Gargoyles so if you guys have already done this there will be a timestamp linked on screen still make sure you skip to that point in the video it also be chapters down below you do not need to go down to the frenzy flame prescription you do not need to do any of this you do not need to fight Mo you can literally continue on to the mountain of giants right now if you already beat the Valiant garals however if you struggle a lot with them and you just don't want to keep ramming your head into a wall this is the only other alternative way so I'll throw together a quick little sped up version of how to try to get past uh Moog the other way but it's a [ __ ] ton of work I I really recommend going back and trying to beat the guard oils the best you can but if not cheers I'll just let this entire section play through and talk quin's needed troll up here at the top of the stairs one of the Omens he should be able to thr a fireball out rot and breath them kind of blow him the [ __ ] away with a couple of attacks and a sword there's the second one he should kind of jump down below you as you just follow up there and go grab that item and go open it up or open up the connection from the main Grace you can continue on from that point too but I'm showing you the path from the main Grace in case you die now once that's opened you just come all the way to the left proceed onwards follow this route again same sort of setup throw up Fireball get thr out breath going except try to not miss him with your first fire ball infinite Poise will let you just tank his his attack right back and kind of just breath him right off going for the stab good night make sure to kick that lad down right there but um once in the pipe it's very easy to get lost make sure you follow my directions just follow that rat down to that first Hill on your left and then just drop straight down the hole turn around grab your item and just proceed down forward straight ahead of you when you drop down and then you're already at the front of cing prescription so it's a lot to get in there but really the worst part is just if you get stuck in the pipes so that should be a pretty easy tutorial just follow that first rat that you see how to you when you drop down but it's not over yet we still need more um this fight's going to suck once again so if you really want to do this you're not going to want to do it without Mo shackle so now drop all the way down to ground level collect the shackle for once you have all that I recommend you actually go and get morot great Rune 2 um you're going to probably want that for the fight we're going out to the uh Tower of uh lell if you don't know so on the way you'll have to fight these F twins shouldn't be too bad but here you guys go I'm going to put in Fast Forward just save time cuz you guys probably face the Gargoyles anyways and Skip past [Music] this [Music] once you have uh the great Rune I uh greatly recommend you also either level up a mimic tier or black knife te whatever your choice is but I'm not going to show black knife te's Airy and then all of these glove warts and everything just if you guys really want to do it this way and you really want the frenzy flame ending you're going to probably want to level up a summon um the reason why this fight is so hard just go into detail for you guys um you don't have like uh your staff right if you haven't done this like the way that I did it you you only have the meteor staff still the meteor staff is only going on your intelligence right now you're more of a faith though right your faith close range incantations to spam off in a fight like this is primarily catch flame but catch flame is resisted 80% by SE mode so it's essentially carry and slicer is going to be a weaker version than you should be able to Output with your actual true and proper staff um catch flame isn't going to work well so you're going to want to just probably acquire a really good summon and try to do a team fight here um this is the only fight in the entire run I've showed a summon for and it's because I don't think you should be doing this fight to be honest you should be doing the gargoyle one where you're given a real summon but there you go that's the alternate way so as you can see I'm level 112 right now after that so you should be able to beat it right about level 110 right pre pre mountain of giant tops level anyways once you're down here you can bait this guy to come destroy these things give you your uh Merchant drip if you're interested in that after dropping down two planks you should be able to come down here and do a Sprint jump to that one regular jump Here regular jump here just walk off here as you can see I died once here um but do a nice little Sprint jump right there there and then you itch inch inch inch and you can drop right down to there then you just walk down walk down so interesting mix but as long as you know the inputs for the jumps you take your time watch this do those inputs very carefully you guys can do it anyways down at the bottom you'll able to uh get uh held by the three fingers get uh burned and scarred if you want to you don't have to do this if you want but anyways in the U main frenzy flame chamber that's a fake wall you can go roll there this says Rune Arc I think in it yeah but uh behind it is another fake wall and then boom you're in deep root depths so finally after all that [ __ ] you skip the valley and gargoyles so anyways there you go I showed two separate ways to get down there get your staff but uh yeah congratulations you made it a next travel up to the top of the deep root Place uh up up above where you got your staff and grab that Grace at this point if you did uh that Friendzy flame stuff Molina will dump you if not you can still uh get the Ry ending and all that without doing all the extra work but anyways come into the battlefield uh go through fia's Quest by uh slaying all all of her Champions should be pretty easy put on some PVP spells before I recommend like beo sling that uh giant Fireball Star Shower Rock wrath and maybe like uh Wrath of gold but it it should be pretty pretty easy your build is pretty [ __ ] powerful at this point [Music] after the fight ends you'll be able to be held by her one last time make sure you do allow her to hold you again um you'll be able to give her the curse mark of death and you'll be able to set up the boss fight now for Lich Dragon for toxs to finish off F's quest line so after you keep reloading in continuously talking to her you'll be able to enter the deathbed dream it says once you go up and you see she's uh sleeping go here are my stats from that fight as you can see now we're level 113 um very important too um right here your side host you're going to get merked I know he helped you with the valley and gargo but you got to Aventure that that ain't cool show them was good but after that you're going to want to um what's it called uh also make sure you duplicate the remembrance that's what I was going to say these this is the only Remembrance in the game where both spells are important to you or where both items apply to your build so you're going to want to have both of those items if you don't want to go back through beat the game again duplicate that remembrance through the uh the walking clock thing of my jiggers next just proceed all the way to the mountain and the Giants up top you should be able to grab the map and you can grab uh shabir's loot because you already did the frenzy flame stuff um from here the next item you want to go grab is the ice storm and the uh Bell bearing in here so right in the middle of this next ruin set up on the right you'll be able to find the zammer ice storm which is a very good spell we'll use um you could also drop down in the very bottom though and get the smithing Stone Bell bearing three to make sure that your harpoons your staff all that stuff gets upgraded by this point rajer too he's dead so if you want to go get uh some extra Mage drip when you're up upgrading your stuff you can but you should be able to get uh stuff up to plus 18 SL plus1 19 for uh your harpoons and your staff now but just continue on through the mountain of giants go get the uh somber Bell bearing three now eventually you'll get to this Lake um I'd actually advise you don't fight this Dragon believe it or not it is a spell you can use but I recommend you come back once you're level 50 it's not going to be one we're using in the run it's not crucial so don't worry about it for now just uh come grab the sacred tier the uh Bell bearing and get the Giants prayer book on the way here from this fire Ford up on the right you should kind of be able to run past everything I wouldn't recommend fighting it if you continue on on excuse me continue on the same path you'll get the map come up get invaded by the bloody finger oh I have heavy load there but uh you'll get invaded by the bloody finger with your two Spears you'll be able to see why they're so good in PvP even against River it's of blood with a storm stomp two Spears you should be fine like look at that it's so dumb to have the two hpox that are that faster that could of range forgot to say though in the run I forgot in that skull up to the left or right of that church you were just at there is an ancient dragon stone in there I for to pick it up this run for some reason but if you want to grab it you can grab that now um otherwise next thing I recommend is getting the founding R of star spell this is kind of a pain in the ass you got to go over the invisible Bridge um you shouldn't struggle with it if you play online but just in case you don't play online I came and I showed you you can do the invisible Bridge no messages so if you can kind of see there's a little bit of like a a foggy path ahead of me just make sure you're constantly following the fog online it might say it's easier to do in night time it is not do it in the daytime it is way easier to see the fog in the daytime you can use glow stones warm Stones any kind of stones if you really need help find your way but you can see I fell off right about here once before yep doesn't go that way but I see the the the steam right up there to the right you see that right there so I'm deciding right here I got to figure out how to get up there so now I can continue to follow the smoke anyways you should be able to follow it all the way up to the right and get in there even if you play offline or something you should still be able to pull this off I believe in you guys you can see up here to the left up there I see the shiny path going up that way so just continue to follow these little Cloud Puffs as you can see I see it up up you can see it up that direction curves all the way right up to the ledge legendary uh sorcery at the top now from there we're going to go right over to H Castle Soul so uh on the way I recommend just quick bopping the tiia Mariner to continue to collect the death route you'll need all the Death route if you want all the U Beast steel incantations so I just recommend at some point long the on you go and you collect all the Death Roots you need if you want the uh secret dialogue from grank and all the Beast incantations you don't care about getting all those in the cool dialogue when you fight malachit you don't have to kill all of these guys to get all the Death rout but that's why I'm doing it so you guys know how to get all those spells but easy kill right there just Spam catch flame and now we're going to go down to Castle Soul kill Nile don't even waste your time with the bird that's on the way it gives you nothing for your ability um in Castle soul I would just recommend doing the little shortcut if you don't know how to do it just follow this path climb up the ladder right here right here you'll see this Gap do a Sprint jump right there to get up there now you just climb up around here in the right and you're pretty much down with Castle Soul so Castle Soul the boss fight sucks but dude it's so easy you can get to the boss fight in 2 minutes na out he won't really suck um you can do all the stuff with the twigs and stuff but I assume you guys won't really want to farm that so I'm showing you guys easy little method I recommend the sword over Spears for this fight you know get in here get your Buffs going and then we're going to unleash a dragon on them you feel me get a fireball up first i' like to get all the way over here get my PO tier drone you know just weather the storm get all the way over dragon breath should be able to kill both of the summons in one go um so it shouldn't or well one's one hit but you can finish the other one so that'll almost just make it a straight on oneon-one even if you don't want to go for the Twigs you can just burn your uh poison here and Maga TI to uh quick just dispatch of them with a ro breath it'll be more useful if you get n with it too so if you buff pre fight but it's kind of hard to get the Buffs off pre- fight with all the enemies is not worth to kill all of them I just run in and buff but Nile's one of those other fights that I also don't think it's hard it's all about just learning the timing cues um the general strategy we're going with here is continuously throwing up the fireball to reset the frostbite damage from the ice storms and just mixing catch bles regular attacks throughout but as you can see right here I read the spacing I go for the dragon breath because I know I can get one off take one hit still get out of this little situation here Nile is one of those where if you know the timings you'll know you'll always be able to dodge like the last hit if if it comes down to it but his main thing is just staying out of range looking for that toe click right there and then just rolling right on the stat once you do that you're able to just cheese off some good Dam damage every time then it'll go back to the toe kick up in the air watch a toe kick roll on that watch a stab easy that's the only time you got to learn it's just you learn the flow of that little combo and N becomes insane right there I messed up the toll roll but it's okay I know the second timing attack so like it's hard to get comboed once you learn the flow so from there once you uh get the uh Medallion up top cuz you've defeated him you can go kill the other version of him and now this is when I recommend you if you haven't already get millison Quest going um you're going to want to do it now I saved it to a point where like it's very easy to just get it done as quick as possible you should be able to get millison Quest on that minutes here but anyways just first go killed O'Neal n O'Neal I guess but as you can see right a second ago I was using the uh fell Omen Baron that you can get from margets or Margot uh from his uh effect at the finger reader but we're level 115 right now 50 Viger uh we're at 34 in 46 Faith anyways go get the needle from gy go talk to millison heal her up go play uh her visit in gy Shack reload you can talk to gy again millison will be up here now she'll be able to real quick talk to her she'll be sad that she has no arm or something you know anyways that's all you need to do so far from here now you're going to go right up to the Shaded Castle once you've gotten that dialogue from ment in the Shaded Castle you don't even have to go fight the boss it's not going to give you anything valid all you need to do is sneak off to this far left side of it you'll find a clear not right clear rot Knight protecting this chest room in there there's the uh prothesis for ment so once you get that go back to Millis give her the arm you need to give millison the arm and yeah yeah make sure you give her the arm first and uh yeah imagine it ending like this but this yeah it don't feel good but you can get Millis Quest done in the rewards in like 2 minutes if you do that so I don't get why I wouldn't anyways go back to Gallery he'll be in crying dialogue if you did that correctly and killed her after giving the prothesis um it should be no different than if she died at the end of her quest line all the way at the H tree then you're going to do the same thing to G kind anak his Skywalker ass build right so uh you should be able to then get um the best canvas Talisman in the game for uh incantations and get one of the best incantations in the game has threads from G's B bearing so that's why we did all that we have a bunch of endgame gear and spells now that you normally can't get until after H tree but now we have him ear fire giant not going to lie probably going to be one of the more difficult fights for you guys um both because I didn't for you can wrong warp if you really struggle with this fight to far Missoula and get the ancient dragon uh lightning strike that'll really help with this fight or Ancient Dragon Lightning Bolt but um I I don't think you need to I think that gets too complicated when I'm telling you guys to reset your game and loading screens and all that so you should be able to get through fire giant even if he's difficult um test RS are going to be really good but you got to make sure you're really close for him to use them the range ain't all that so the main problem is running out of Magi off because he has so much health try your very best to conserve Mago when you can only use spells when you really think they're going to connect but otherwise you should have an all right time you have a couple Spears to fall back on a sword I believe that was a spell that I chose to get from the uh remembrance from lit drag and forx that was at the end of F's quest line if you don't know so that's not a bad spell but it unfortunately in PVE it gets outclassed very early by ancient dragon lightning strike which I just but that is as tier spell in PvP so definitely still get that spell but anyway just get up close try to P thread the ankle in the second stage I wanted to Big Dicker right away try to get star Scarlet Rock going on him um didn't work as you can see even a full ra breath with your Magik he just has too much resistances and everything so you're not going to want to sit there and tank the volcano I recommend you actually probably just get the [ __ ] out and hit him with frenzy bursts from a distance from the start of the phase get all your Buffs going but Ro breath is really only good if you're able to actually get the status going once again and right here he Dodges out of the entire Rock breath crowd so I mean it's a lot of work to get him scar rob it so much though to where it's definitely not worth it unless it's a guaranteed rock rock so like it just uses too much magic up too little return if if he has a chance of rolling anything I really don't recommend doing it this strategy I recommend just full damage with pest threads just try to stay in close to use pest threads again don't feel bad if you struggle in this fight this build is kind of weird youd notice fire giant wasn't in the starting Montage this is like probably top three most difficult fights for this build particularly so don't feel bad here I'm out of Magicka cuz I wasted so much with the off breaths I'm also out of health potions because it's going so shittily for me somehow I avoid the fire right there I stay up and I switch to the spears so this is why getting the spears or two two of those swords in your NG playthrough is crucial getting some power stance melee damage when it's accounted for getting the stabs and stuff when they're uh bo broken all of that stuff is very underrated on a dual Caster or a a full magic build so without it I would had to redo this entire fight um probably would have been all right because I I wouldn't have needed to show you guys the rot game play but eventually we got the rot we got him to wear down just used all the magic after that go proceeded up to the the nice little fire giant Bowl thing go burn some stuff you know do some H [ __ ] with your H friends you know you're a strong independent Mage who don't need no finger Maiden so tell the world what's up yeah talk your [ __ ] King congratulations you made the Farah Missoula we're almost there uh anyways uh now that you're here you're going to want to in my opinion just speedrun it up to the noble play um there's this first dragon that swoops down here you can kill him right now to get the ancient dragon smithing stone or Sombra I forgot what he drops he drops one of the two you'll I'll recommend going back and killing that Dragon later on in the run so if you do want to just kill him now you can but for the sake of time efficiency I figured I'd just get out all now down here you get the prayer book um now from here I recommend going back see Muriel actually using the uh are giv him the books you've collected the Giants one and that one as you can see you have a lot of [ __ ] you can give them but the main thing you need are those two spells in the top right those are pretty good spells for your build after getting those just come back to phula collect this smithing Stone on the way and keep pushing down until you get to the god skin Duo this will be a semi hard fight but overall not too bad so when you go into the into uh the fight I recommend coming over here to the left and either getting in your summons if you're using any summons but then right after that I recommend immediately using your potion for unlimited flask in case that fireball hits you or unlimited Poise get the rot down on one of them I prefer doing it on the noble first and just working down the noble because he's more aggressive of the two feel like I can kind of just keep the Apostle at range while I deal with the noble so that's kind of my strategy here as you guys can see um I'm not using sleep pot so if if you feel like you need an extra hand you can go grab sleep pots but I'll make this fight look relatively easy easy no Burnal No Sleep pots it's just the power of this build so please enjoy as you can see here the Noble's already down in half and I'm sort of playing a safe range game at the beginning just to then get the apostel rotted too well then I work on the noble he goes immediately into his rolling attack so I go to reposition behind a pillar so he'll get stuck on it um right here now then I decide to you know get some flames going up you can see while they're both in play the aposto in the back's always less aggressive that's why I always like to get the uh Noble down first and then I swap to uh targeting the uh Apostle that's the anent dragon lightning strike I just used that's very effective for the noble but you might want something like uh more of catch Flame or of the uh flame of the fellow Gods something with bigger targeting for the apostal he just jumps over to the side it'll miss him just like that last strike right there sometimes so that's the one thing um I have stars of Ruin right here it's a very good finishing tool for uh quick little dodging enemies just like the apostel I also recommend lightning strike anything like that but as you can see you can kind of just get them out and then just deal with them oneon-one after you deal with the first two and just look at how much [ __ ] damage this build can do I mean oneon-one these guys don't stand a chance so if you really struggle at the beginning use a sleep pot you know put one of them to sleep deal with the other one um summon and burn all if you need to but this build can just straight A manhandle this fight with like four Health flasks sitting here here waiting for him to come back [Music] in no cheese just a build that's completely overpowered no spamming one spell and these are my stats as you can see I'm only level 135 to just completely dismantle them congratulations now after that fight you should be able to then go and get all of your stuff completely upgraded all the way to plus 24s or plus 's and plus 10s so congratulations you're pretty much done now other than your ancient dragon upgrade so quick Round of Applause for you from making it this far in the Run and/or guide truly do appreciate any support and for you to stick around this long so much love I never expect anyone to stick around this long but anyways we're going to keep moving down through a fa Missoula down here there's a on the if you go back behind where all the the birds are before that Dragon run you pick up some Quick Drip if you want I showed it cuz it's just quick second but keep going pass the dragon you get the somra anch of dragon there you can go get the uh Sombra Stone mining Bell bearing you know now before you uh go fight malakith we're going to go collect some more upgrad m I just get everything plus 25 plus 10 so uh you can come move up here all the way set up the uh top Grace right before Moog and as you can see I got popped there one time for some runes but up in this top chest in the middle of all this [ __ ] you can get this nice uh somber Dragon smithing Stone so just get that dip out so you can go upgrade some stuff next come back to volcano Manor and make your way across this bridge we opened up now we're going to go fight Reichard and get that done to get rard spell [Music] I'm just put this fight in uh full or fast forward because we just dismantled the actual God skin Duo you should be able to do this and plus I played this pretty shitty as you can see he actually kind of [ __ ] my ass up right there what a twice not even really a good Showcase of any skill or anything so you should be able to make it through here though you're 13 five now fully [Music] upgraded as you can see still level 136 not cutting anything getting some quick runes up here just to get this uh Next Level I barely missed for guidelines with your level once you get 60 Vigor 20 mind you're trying to pump up to 52 or 52 int elligence 50 Faith 12 Aran so that's what you want for your stats but just keep making your way up here until you get all the way to the teleporter for right card from there just grab the grace grab the uh you know serpent thing onama [ __ ] and upgrade that all the way to plus n now then uh go just take that get your Buffs up for rard and uh have fun uh if you've never really uh learned the flow for the right card fight just try to continuously stun with the weapon art um uh you should be able to get about three weapon Arts linked together uh that actually stun them and then mix together just you know quick uh jumping RBS couple RTS in between there but primarily I'm just spamming the weapon art this right here weapon art they'll knock him back once you should be able to knock him back again second one normally he might tank that but a see that's a bad opening but generally if you don't walk up I think in between the second one and you start a little close for the first one you should be able to just combo that into a three straight weapon Arts that continuously kind of break his Bo up sort of like that one right there into that one and then you can kind of hit him up with another one right again to start this phase but that one missed so yeah but that's kind of just so my point is just Spam the weapon art when it looks like it's out of range or too slow to get off do like a jumping attack but for the most part yeah you can just kind of spam the weapon or tank this [ __ ] come on together we will devour the very go R card's one of those who's also a lot more difficult in the second stage if you just don't really learn his Dodge timing his first one's a pretty standard Dodge his second one just roll a second after you'd think you would just be ready for his Second Sweep when he comes back with that backhand sweep back towards you just delay your roll an extra second from when you would wait till it hits the ground right there I missed that one but you get the philosop he's actually not that hard of a fight at all if you struggle on I remember my first fight got his uh his delayed attacks were hard to dodge but really it's just the snake part and uh when he gets all the skulls going up you got to worry about all right now quick Showcase of the stats I'm at 137 going to 138 after that fight now we're going back and killing plasted a this fight should be pretty easy you only really need either uh ancient dragon's lightning spear or pest threads I'll showcase I want to say both of them in this fight so I'll showcase probably half the fight with one of the two half to fight with the other I think pest threads overall with all the buffing that you can do to it will be a little bit better overall so I do recommend pest threads because you can buff it with the golden valve plus the uh flame Grammy strength but either of the two are great so just take that path down there down those rocks down below from the uh the Elevator Shaft right before malakith and you'll make your way to this little cut scene here where you can lay [Music] down so you just get up close right here I'll show you the ancient dragon lightning strike damage as you can see you can easily chunk him down to like half just right away well just you tank his hits so that's ancient dragon lightning strike damage as you can see it's pretty good but I recommend pest threads you should be able to get them into the nuke spell right away just from bum rushing straight away but anyways after the nuke spell take the time to safely reset after this he's likely going to go up and start doing all of his jumping spells where he starts teleporting so right here I probably should have started switching the pest threads or should have just used them from the beginning but you'll see how much more damage they do overall just one pest threads right there is likely equal to the damage from an entire ancient dragon lightning strike just cuz all the the buff and the size of them so I recommend just going pure pest threads the entire fight you can probably take come out a lot quicker than even I did and this fight still looked incredibly easy I'm sure [Music] so and right now I don't even have flame Grammy strength but you can see if you can get up close you can just get ridiculous damage off with these threads like three to four of them up close is a fourth of his health so shouldn't be too hard and those are my stats right here getting up to 48 in now to try to get up to that 52 marker but right now is when you want to go around and finish collecting all the Death routs if you want the uh special dialogue in the malakith fight but I like to do it just to get all the Spells first so on the way while you're feeding him he should attack you at some point shouldn't be too hard at this point you know just hit him once twice and he'll calm down I am anyways after you give him all of the death rots after all of that he'll give you Dragon smithing Stone too for your upgrades and it'll give you all the rest of the beastial incantations so so just quick little overview for this next fight now we're going to malakith and the clergymen this fight is going to probably be the hardest fight for you outside of the gargoyle Duo um this is harder than Melania harder than ragon harder than any of the other bosses remaining so just due to the difficulty here I'm going to go through and show you guys a bunch of different varying strats to reliably you know kind of mix together so you can kind of pick whatever one you want pick your own play style so at the bottom in the chapters if you want to just go to the official run and just watch the actual fight that I use you can do that but there will be about seven to eight different strats you can employ if you struggle in this fight first so uh please enjoy if you have any other struggles comment down below Strat number one infinite Poise tier plus infinite magial tier just Spam pest threads until you're at Malik Strat two flame grant me strength plus fire spells don't necessarily recommend this because he can you know jump back and forth out of the pillars can you know it's a little less inconsistent here I'm showcasing with the uh flame sword it's another reliable way but just know he can kind of jump back and forth and uh get out of the way of the weapon art so this isn't as consistent as this this fight will make it look draat three you should be able to go dual melee Spears and not have too bad of a time and just kind of chunk down the clery men playing it like Melee build as you can see here I use about one potion and I'm able to reliably get him down to malachit mixing in a couple lightning Spears here and there but mostly just dual Spears strap four my one of my preferred attempts start hopefully you won't run back just go frenzy burst but this way you're more of playing this as a neutral pest threads play style after you're beginning get back back behind a pillar and just start spamming pest threads don't use your potion though this is what I prefer strap five ancient dragon lightning strike this is uh not my favorite per se but it's one of the better ones in my opinion he's big enough to where even when he jumps around they generally hit but sometimes just because of the front to back movement they don't connect so as you can see here I missed about two of the four so far about four of the six now so this is a very important spell we're going to go grab now we deployed in the malakith fight but if you don't and you don't want to use it in the malakith fight we will be using this spell later so you will need to do this but you can go get that Medallion from uh Altus at the Village of the albaner you can find the hidden path to the H tree down to the consecrated snowfields set a little marker for the map to ride to quick grab the grace up in the uh ordina town and then from ordina ride straight out in this southwest Direction across this River towards that wayp point I said eventually you'll make your way to this ruins protected by these Giants um in the middl most building you should be able to make that jump over here into the far building again you will need this spell now Strat number six employe using unendurable frenzy along with the uh Poise tier and the uh infinite Magi tier so with both of those you should kind of just be able to get into an unup uninterrupted state where you can just straight spray until here is my actual run here's what I recommend so as you can see in the beginning he doesn't wait back giving me time to sort of employ the um frenzy burst strategy so I just get right into the pest threads as you can see I'm not using my infinite Magi a tier because I think that the malakis phase is much harder and I have a very easy strategy for malakith so I think that as long as I give you guys the tools to succeed on those other strategies for Beast clergymen you use this Strat right here and can just get through them and get to Maliki I think that this is the best way for you guys so this is the final strategy this is how I like to do the fight on this build but you more of just play a balanced play style at the beginning just a mix of pest threads catch flames and swords right away start a phase two get ready to drink your tear and get ready to ro breath malakith with this strategy you should be able to beat malakith even the harder uh version you know the phase 2 in about uh 30 seconds so clock on watch she'll beat him in about 30 seconds she'll be able to tank the first attack and just just Rob threat through it and sort to get the Dodge around the pole begin you know kind of reset it get your Magicka back up if it's low then from here we're just working with mostly pest threads and just a casual mix while that rot wears down as you can see he's pretty much dead already yep there he goes so uh with this strategy malakith is you know easy Cakewalk peace clergyman is all you need to worry about wake up from another blackout here's the stats now we're at level 141 with 49 int Ence or yeah level 141 now we were 140 for that fight all right Gideon very easy make sure you have on uh inescapable frenzy and unendurable frenzy um you're going to run in make sure you got your Rune Arc your infinite Magicka you're going to go straight for the inescapable frenzy but just in case you guys mess this up don't worry I got you you'll see I'll hook you up uh but so you initially go for the inescapable frenzy just swap right to the unendurable frenzy as you can see he kind of got a hit off on me but uh you should just kind of be able to get him into a loop just like this where he's stunned from Madness get ready for the alt f4 bang see just in case you guys mess it up though I went and I quick you know closed my game so I would refight him so if you somehow mess that up don't worry I still got you this is a backup plan so go in and initially your your first goal if you mess up that first you know speech fight is to get in get the rock breath on him right away while he start and get you know all of his stuff spelled he shouldn't start right away with a ton of big spells cuz of cast you know um but anyways once you get the rod on him you just run to the back of the Arena my recommendation keep home Bolt the Lightning Spell on you can kind of rain it on him as he comes down that straightaway Alleyway and Lett is great bow for long distances but I didn't even have home B on here and it was super easy so enjoy as you can see now we're level 142 we finally hit 50 intelligence so at this point I also recommend you go grab rard zanor the Black Blade from malakith and pladus six ruins the three incantations from late game you can use all three it's been a long while morot alas I am returned upon my name as Godfree the first Eld [Music] Lord just like with morgot he should start far away you should be able to you know frenzy burst spam him quite a bit as he approaches so three of them I'm able to get here go for a fourth one if I'm right yeah might even have time for a fifth no I decide not to after that I go for the ancient dragon lightning strike and I uh whiff the timing on it get caught in the stomp but after that I go for a second one and that one whiffs so be careful with ancient dragon lightning strike it's a good damaging spell but something like pest threats is much better tracking much more reliable ancient dragon lightning strike is much better for just the very big POS with the frenzy burst strategy he'll pretty much be doing his uh Ground St or H earthquake Stomps right after uh the first phase so be ready to just always jump those it's just much easier to jump those after uh using this portion you can see I kind of like to keep my distance as really trying to keep the distance there to uh get this FP potion off as I finally do there but if you get hit by this one just double roll to the side that's very easy Dodge or loses way uh harder to get the timing down but you see just continuously jumps after the earthquakes an Dragon lightning strike would not recommend go with uh pest threads lightning Spears smaller uh targets Metals see he just Godfree himself would Dodge through it to save that one it it surprisingly work works better for horal Lo so I recommend that one only on horu and for god- free I recommend the other spells so anyways it's pretty high high risk High reward but I think it much works much better as you see there for hor L it's much more consistent as both times not casted I've got two hits out of it on them so that's my piece of advice use Dragon strike second phase try to keep your distance for the big earthquakes jump twice remember get back to the [Music] sniping please comment down below if you know the Dodge VI to that attack cell after like two [ __ ] years and like 1,000 hours I still don't know the Dodge cue of horal L like earthquake where he rips it up so comment down below help a brother out as you can see not too bad here the stats from horu right now we're up to 144 with the 52 in we are aiming for and this is a point I like to go and slay all the other bosses primarily uh Millenia I don't like to uh you know beat the uh end boss until uh M Millennia all the demog gods are slain so right now we're going to ordina make sure you have on uh elen stars for this as you can see this build is so good it even makes the archers a [ __ ] Cakewalk so come up straight from the spawn point the way I did up this this ladder you can get to straight away should be able to deal with all of the archers in just one sitting from the very first uh candle just sit up here keep casting Elden Stars stay in cover Behind These Elden Stars can kill them in like two three goes so those three archers I took out are the only ones you really need to worry about after that it's just the invisible black knife so now we have two of those lit up now we can drop down to this uh close one right here get the third one lit up down here and now the last one is all the way on the far left side of the town so this is the far opposite direction that we're moving in now and it's just all the way on the very outside building right here so just keep making your way through the hory after that puzzle until you reach uh Loretta before just for insurance you might want to send the elevator [Music] up started the fight with a couple Ro breaths took me two uh two total Ro breaths to uh actually get the uh Rod inflicted but from here it shouldn't be too bad you do not uh need to run Black Blade too I was trying some uh chain cash Shenanigans with catch flame and uh Black Blade but overall just seemed to be uh not really worth it for the average player to uh to learn in my opinion as you can see right there I go for the chain cast and that's timing just gets me hit so overall would not run Black Blade but otherwise pretty good gamep playay for how to play this fight mix it just sword with rot with catch flame and lightning strike and uh ancient dragons as you can see another another failed chain cast right there messed up that uh catch into Black Blade again so again I think that there's just if you're not playing in PVE there's just not enough utility for it save chain C for PVP and even then I think it's kind of corny kind of cheesy unreliable think skill I'll always be chain cting in current state anyways grab the dragon smithing Stone and keep progressing throughout the Alle tree eventually you'll make it down to the little cranny outside of melania's room you can grab the drip if you want but there's nothing else required for you on the way now I'm going to go back to ordina town and just take care of uh this Invader right here out at the Frozen River we crossed earlier if you ride to the middle of it you should get invaded and she'll drop a somber Dragon smithing we're just going to get plus 10 and plus 25s and absolutely everything just to fight Molina so or millenum but as you can see right there another failed chain cast would wouldn't really bother with them dumb Rock bre right here but for some reason it worked because it's an Invader and they have no brain very easy weapon art the backstab shouldn't be a problem man Stone just get out next you're going to come Mark this on your map and you're going to come up here you'll find a statue in front of their rise of two imps fighting uh all you have to do is find these two imps around the surroundings of the buildings and throw a bunch of Crystal darts I recommend collecting at least 10 of them so collect at least 10 Crystal darts and then just throw them at them and try to lead them around to each other um it's very buggy but they should attack each other at some points inconsistently and you just need to get one of them to kill each other so as you can see right here I'm fighting for my life trying to get them I eventually give up and think I got to go collect some more darts but then one of them randomly kills it so up top one of the best sorcery Talisman then go back we're going to go finally raid that uh fire Castle we passed in the very beginning of the run so go back to the Craftsman Shack all the way up by volcano Manor on that left side ride back to the fire Fort we're going to get the Scorpion charm make your way up into the castle and it'll be right here over this little ledge you can jump over good luck I dreamt for so long my flesh was dull gold and my blood rotted corpse after corpse left in my wake as I awaited is return heed my words I am melenia blade of Mika and I have never known defeat nah but all seriousness this ain't too bad if you really want you can pick up a freezing pot as you can see down below tons of tutorials on YouTube I can cancel a waterfall um you could pick a blood down step but this Str strategy I show you it'll whoop her ass so initially when you you know come in you're not going to do [ __ ] um you're just going to literally try to bait her up into this entrance part of the Arena as you can see I lead with a fireball but that one is [ __ ] up she already started her attack um your uh strategy for the beginning of this fight is to actually knock her down with either the fireball or the pillars from the fire Giant and then hit her with the unendurable frenzy so you can see right here I start the fight pretty sofly Strat she's pretty bad get caught by a water F early don't blood down step well but after that I try to just bait her right back up to this front area and you can see that most of the fight is going to be you keeping her distance her and setting her up into your traps melenia is one of the only bosses that seems very difficult but once you learn how she's coated it's not that bad keeping your distance is the best thing you can do right there you can see I run out of Magicka and stamina right before I get the finish off so I'm not able to also get The Miser cord or poost but after that as you can see I just abandon her cuz I know after all that damage I've done she's coated up to do a waterfall right at this point the proper move is trying to bait her into a burn o flame do not if if you have her low like this unendurable frenzy is not the way only go for unendurable frenzy if you set her up to get knocked down or stunned typically by the fell God spell or the Burnal flame spell right here here I finally get smart and I finish it off with pillars another good advice though you can see the first one misses if you're going to use Burno Flame the pillar spell always charge it up the beginning of second stage just Sprint just Sprint straight past her you'll be fine you should be able to get all of your Buffs and everything reset at this point you should be able to get you know set up for the second stage here's where I recommend you go you do your uh Infinite Blast you'll have infinite Poise infinite Magicka and now you're just going to get her as low as you can with this right here you should almost be able to take her out before the madness hits um I could have put on better equipment and just one phaser so if you want the highest uh immunity equipment to prevent that Madness proc as soon as possible just wear better armor right there I could have won phaser with better armor um but after this she'll go for her Rose attack most likely which is another good setup I choke right here that's what I mean by don't go for unendurable frenzy unless she's knocked down instead run something like stars of Ruin or just focus on the Fire pillar spells those will connect just wait and bait her into those either the giant Fireball or the Burno flame pillar spell unendurable frenzy should be used solely for when she is stunned and can be cheesed but you can see right there just set her up for one of the big boy fire spells and she will come into it only worry about unendurable frenzy for giant chunks of health and just Whittle her down and stay your distance for the other stuff it honestly was a lot easier than fights like malakith um Val gargoyles were comparable was hard or easier than Moog so this was only like the fifth hardest fight now as you can see here I decided to not make any Cuts just so you guys can see I really did do this fight at level 150 and stuff I mean this is just a regular PVP build here um see 480,000 runes but here are my stats and my spells from the fight see those are the Spells and there I'm only level 150 right now so these are the stats I used for that fight I pumped a little bit extra into mind which I don't recommend for other stuff but just for that one fight where you can you know get enough spells off like unendurable frenzy length that's why I did that so once again all my uh spells and Equipment right there shouldn't be too bad I believe in you guys you guys can get melenia spell pretty easy dearest Micha welcome honor the [Music] guest to the birthplace of our dting so for Moog two strats here's for the com deser Strat you'll see these are my uh stats for that so uh anyone who's played pure inos this man is very vulnerable to a commer so if you go grab Terra Maga which I didn't include in this just because it's already over 4 hours of the time of my uh voice recording so it's a you you can look up guide for though it's easy spell to get um just use that plus com deser and as you can see I could have easily finished him off right here I decide not to because just like Gideon I want to record a second type of uh run for you guys but as you can see there I still have a third of my magic out we're chilling he was one shot it when I stopped shooting easy strategy if you aren't doing Comm deser do not change your stats just maintain the same stats right here I mess up the beginning of the fight I go for a Terra Magicka and then a spar or spiral Shard right away you should go for two Loretta great bows one or two and then Shard spirals the first uh Shard will wear off before he gets there but anyways you're just waiting until he gets up close because once he's up close you should be able to get a Scarlet aonia for good rod off before he's up close and that's just a giant chunk of his uh Health it'll carry you throughout this fight after that we're going to switch primarily pest threads and Shard spiral because he's a big Target he'll take a lot of damage from both spells I also recommend picking up the purifying blood tier it's down in um the moog's dynasty place you can very easily get it to negate the entire the heal part of his fight I use that in this fight tons of guys on YouTube infector light but as you can see he's already down to about a third of his health before in the healing um just pest threads and drag and lightning strike either one of those should almost be able to negate the health he gains back I end up thinking uh pest threads is more uh a reliable than Dragon lightning strike after these two casts I mean it's big damage there but I think if I would contined to spam pest threads it would have been the better uh better route so once again recommend pest threads over anything [Music] just like I said the build just gets stronger and stronger the further you go now you're beating Moog easier than you beat Rena isn't that something don't even worry this man trash we're going to smoke him I'm going to show you how this fight is easy I saved it for last for a reason you beat malakith you can beat this boy make sure to get that fire scorpion charm on remember you're build can Target weaknesses we're going straight fire on ragon first a stage he'll start in sort of a confused State you can launch Five catch Flames initially Dodge that go straight for a charge Burno flame and it'll tank that first one go for a second charge Burno flame then he'll do this spell and Dodge the second part and you're already done stage one done that's very reliable did it about five times get ready get all your uh Buffs going get everything set stage two I don't recommend doing this strategy I recommend just straight pest threading right off the bat here I'm trying to decide what's better between fire and pest threads after a quick evaluation you'll see pest threads is much better so here I start going for the pest threads look at how much more damage I'm getting out of that one cast is about a fourth of his health two casts about half three casts you're looking about a third fourth cast he's almost dead even though he missed half of them so it should realistically be about five pest thread casts you you could probably kill him before he even swims away at beginning when you just run around behind him for the fire breath but this should be incredibly incredibly Easy Come on that [ __ ] was easier than Market this build just got insanely powerful about halfway through the run and now it just blows through anything at this point all that's left to do is completely go mad with power from the frenzy flame because I mean look at you you're a [ __ ] god at this point you kill anything that moves look at our boy so inspirational Lord of frenzied flame I will seek you as far as you may travel to deliver you what is yours congratulations now you've beaten the entire game at this point I recommend you go through and do what I just did and collect every single spell in the game now on the build you can find very easy ways to do this with YouTube and guides but as you can see now the only stats that I am missing are the uh three highest ranking intelligence spells we can even uh afford meteorite of Asel and that's only because of the way that I have the build set up right now so at the very end of this build I'll list you guys bunch bunch of different setups that you can run um how different you know stat Investments to you know share different spells but no matter how you set up this build you'll get almost every spell you can set it up to get which spells you want and you'll just miss a couple of them depending on how much Vigor in mind you have but as you can see here I'm able to use every single spell right now other than like the three highest in spells and that's only because I have high mind and high Vigor right now at level 150 so especially if you lower um the three points off of your Arcane uh you can just put on that larval uh tier helmet from the mimic tier fight and that'll give you plus 7 to your Arcane you can afford any uh blood and dragon spell with no investment so you can go back to nine Arcane and uh you can run absolutely any other type of uh stat split you want and all you'll miss are the two Moon spells and uh commer so this is my preferred setup just missing those three spells cuz I don't feel like you need the moons or Comm deserve for PVP but you can also run it differently miss out on Elden Stars Miss miss out on a little bit of vigor or or just miss out on Elden stars and get uh all the in spells or you can just miss out on a little bit of extra Vigor in mind and you can get every spell in the game at the same time all of level 150 so as you can see you're getting access to all of like the rarest spells in the game for builds to use you know this build gets everything it gets the Dragon incantations Gets You Know top tier Faith incantation stuff almost nothing can use with death lightning you know that's typically only on high Faith builds pure Faith builds so this build gets it this build gets all the sorceries you know all the meteoroids of asels it's pretty crazy you can get Blood Spells going you can do absolutely anything now showing Briar's a sin you get swarm of flies going you get so many different combos you know go drag and spell on people well at the same time having access to all the best in spells in the entire game you know your kit it's really incredible meteor of Asel you get the highest level in spells is I'm saying so you build is ridiculous it's kind of crazy after you're done with everything your first play through all I recommend left is going and getting a second version of your sword of Knight of flames as you can see here this is the metam melee move set that I've been talking about so much throughout the video dual straight swords they're very gross two four see they just get 2 4 6 8 it's very quick move set for eight hits um it's very easy to trade through stuff and get better damage back say someone's coming with like a a single great sword attack you can very easily trade two straight sword attacks back through that for higher damage so even while being a mage with all of best damage in the game you're still getting the best melee move sets right now for the current PVP meta you're still able to shred bosses with these move sets you're basically a mix build still but outside of that I mean that's all you have to collect for the build your build is now complete um I'll link a short little couple of build options that you can throw together now with uh this build different stat distributions you know different ways to get different spells and stuff but for the most part you're done you've completed everything you're ready to PVP so enjoy this short little PVP monage at the end after these little uh breakdowns of stats and thank you so much for watching I know this was a long guide but uh you guys deserved it much love peace all right now first stat breakdown we're going with we're going with the full PVE magic build we're you know throwing away the sword throwing away the Spears in exchange for every single spell in the entire game so as you can see we get uh the highest ranked in spells well getting Dragon spells you know all the Arcane spells and at the same time you get you know the highest level fith spells so this build right here it's if you don't give a [ __ ] about you know the 60 Viger it only gets 50 viig instead um this is just if you want every single spell in the game at once and you do not care about you know melee build number two as you can see now we have the melee weapons back and active on the build but we still get almost every spell in the game we're only losing the renala Moon spells for PVP util or utility and you know stuff like meteor of asle com iser has no play but as you can see we still have almost every sorcery and we do have every incantation while still getting our melee weapons and 60 Vigor so this is probably my recommended build overall but the third variant which I'm putting on the screen now is very similar to this one um this is sort of the in in the middle variant the third one just loses even more intelligence even more uh faith and just becomes a more well-rounded build as you can see uh pumps the endurance up you know it's it's really just more for a safe thing in PvP this is what I'd recommend unless you you know specific Al know you want a certain spell [Music] so time so I was I was the B line between the and B in [Music] and possibly a s I'm going to have a strange night on Som there I go what a show forer in La asking how I manag to end up in this place and I couldn't get away I'm fall me all fing there going to be a part going to be to fall all time watch this Spain like a [Music] train will I be on love it's the F that I just starting to so up has it feel long enough I feel going love little closer Clos love I'm loser CL love SOS I Be Love is that that I just in SCH down as as we I feel so in love get me closer closer love sh I do what is done I It Comes the Sun [Music] don't
Channel: Cap’n Jack
Views: 6,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D7phRwUrNCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 26sec (9746 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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