Offerings, Dreams, Motives, Answers, Repeat | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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first Kings chapter three verse three Solomon loved the Lord followed all the decrees of his father David except that Solomon too offered sacrifices and burn incense in the local places of worship the most important of these places of worship was Gibeon so the king went there at sacrificed 1000 burn offerings that night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and God said what do you want ask that I'll give it to you Solomon replied you've shown great and faithful love to your servant my father David because he was honest and true and faithful to you and you have continued to show this great love and faithful love to him today by giving him a son to sit on the throne now O Lord you have made me King and replacement of my father David and I'm like a little child who doesn't know his way around and Here I am in the midst of your own chosen people a nation so great and numerous they cannot be counted give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong for who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours the Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for wisdom you know there are prayers you can pray that please God all right so God replied because you have asked for wisdom governing my people with justice and have not asked for a long life or well through the death of your enemies I will give you what you asked where everyone say God is answering my prayer I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has ever had or ever will have oh now here's we've named 2019 overflow it's the theme of our year and verse 13 is an overflow verse and I will also give you what you did not ask for Wow riches in vain no other King in the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life and if you follow me and obey my decrees commands as her father did I will give you a long life than Solomon woke up because this all happen in a dream you woke up you realize that he had had a dream he returned to Jerusalem stood before the Ark of the Lord's covenant where he sacrificed burnt offerings and peace offerings and he invited all the officials to a great banquet ona preached from the subject offerings dreams motives answers repeat I'm just gonna kind of give you a peek into my own life and how I live and I think it's gonna help you and I think it's gonna encourage you just give you some things I do not as a pastor I do these as a Christian and I think they can help you as you live your life offering streams motives answers repeat father help us now as we go to your word in Jesus name thank you by the way I was in here last week - thank you thank you that the Warriors lost amen amen god bless you amen so tired of those guys I'm getting hot thinking about it oh so I just want to give you I want to give you some things from Solomon's life that are true in my life and can be true in your life as well and kind of the process the pathway the the cycle of a healthy spiritual life the cycle of seeing dreams and visions come to pass in your life the the cycle of blessing and I did a whole series on cycles back last year that was all about breaking negative cycles but I believe we can have positive cycles and that's why I ended this with repeat because I believe there is a flow that we can enter into with God that creates a cycle of blessing in our life and so I think it's really going to help you and if you'll lean into this I'm going to teach a little bit and I'm not really going to preach that much but I'm going to teach and if you lean into this word and give me a little bit of amen every once in a while I think God's really going to speak to you in Jesus name point number one offerings offerings Solomon is beginning a new season he's entering into leadership he's entering into the biggest moment of his life he's entering into his kingdom and he begins a new season watch me with an offering he enters a new season honoring the Lord he stepped into authority but does not demand loyalty from his subjects he gives loyalty to us god I'm telling you right now that your life is being shaped by your offerings your life is being shaped by your generosity your life is being shaped by the seeds you've sown a farmer never goes out to a field plants tomatoes tomato seeds and comes back two weeks later and prays man I just pray these aren't peaches no they're Tomatoes because you can know your future by the seeds yourself I know my future my future is good why because I give offerings and my seed is creating my future predicting my future setting up my future and Solomon says I want my future to be blessed so I'm going to start by blessing the Lord and he sews a seed into God's kingdom the Bible said Solomon loved the Lord and verse 4 says he sacrificed burnt offerings now he sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings here's what's interesting about that there is no Bible commandment just so 1,000 burnt offerings there was no command from God that he had to do it he wanted to do it he didn't have the scripture that said every King must sow a thousand burn-off there was nothing that this was out of the overflow of his heart I can I just tell you that where God wants you as he wants you out of I have to and into I get to into I want to there was this thing in Psalm and it just said I want to honor God I want to bless the Lord I want I want God to know that I'm serious about this new role that I'm stepping into so I'm going to show it with a seed with an offering and here's what's crazy about burnt offerings there were certain offerings that you would give in the Bible and the priest would take part of it and burn it unto the Lord but then they would eat the rest of it because as you gave in the temple back in those days the priests would actually live off of your offerings and eat off of your offerings but a burnt offering was 100% consumed so you gave the animal and you watched it go up that's kind of how some of y'all feel when you put your offering in the bucket and it starts going down the you're going what did I just do because when you gave a burnt offering you were sacrificing the food the milk the wool the leather you were you were sacrificing the ability for it to reproduce and every time you give it is a sacrifice I love that God calls it a sacrifice can I just tell you this I love that God calls it a sacrifice in other words God could have said I'm God you're not you need to give no this isn't a sacrifice you you just need to do this no God calls it a sacrifice because he knows that it moves your heart amen he knows that man this thing is impacting he knows that this thing is affecting you he knows that your heart is connected to it and God calls it a sacrifice in other words God honors it for what it is it is holy it is a big deal it is pleasing it is it is sacred it is something from the heart of you that blesses the heart of God and God says I don't just call that just an offering I call that a sacrifice because I know that your flesh is always going to act up and try to talk to you out of your generosity and so every time you give it blesses me and I'm gonna make sure I bless you for it because I know the sacrifice that it is offerings are an invitation for God to release more in your life every time you give you create a gap in your life for God to fill ya so you give your 10% you give your tithe and now your increase is down 10% there's a gap now you're giving God the opportunity to fill that gap can I just tell you he never feels it with the level you gave it he always gives it with more that's why David said God got David did not say some 23 God fills my cup he said my cup runneth over you sow one little seed you get a whole plant you get all of that fruit and all of that fruit is full of more seats everything that God does increases and every time you give to God it releases an opportunity for God to increase in your life in that good news and I had a I was talking to a guy outside before this service he was at the 930 he goes you know I was born and raised Catholic and you know we gave just kind of out of like that's what we have to do he said I've never given with expectation ever what you're talking about I've never done that and he goes do I have to I said no you don't have to but you can and he goes I just kind of feel bad because I've already feel so blessed and I said yeah but but the point of God blessing you more is not just so you have more stuff well good so by another watch I mean how many watches can you buy guess they'll get bigger tires how big can your tires get how guess about another fishing rod how many can you own how many clothes golf clubs can you buy ladies how many shoes can you buy don't answer that okay it's not just about having more stuff it's about when God blesses you with more you can be a bigger blessing you get to give more so we say it like this it's City like we don't give to get we give again but every time we give again it's more than the last time and by the way when you give you always give it first with faith and fear same or you talk about giving I'll tell you in a second when you give it first you give with faith and fear in other words you get full of faith I'm gonna honor God I'm going to bless the Lord I'm gonna do this and you give kind of freaking out yeah Amen I mean that's how I started maybe y'all didn't start that way that's how I started Mark 14:4 says this when the woman broke the perfume over Jesus feet they said why this waste and can I tell you when you first start giving the devil goes why this waste what a waste what could you have done with that money what could you what could you have bought with that money how could you have and not only does the devil say you kind of say that first you're like what like I could imagine Mary doing it and going what did I just do and then all of her friends who were no help at all went what did you just do and everybody in the room questioned her offering except for Jesus everyone questioned it except the Lord the Lord said what she's done today has honored me so at first you give with faith and fear but then you mature and then you go into faith and expectation let me say it like this I always give first and foremost by faith I do it to honor God to bless the Lord and expand the kingdom of God that's why I give but I also give with expectation like I know God's going do so I don't know what he's going to do but God's gonna do something in my life I don't know who's gonna buy me lunch this week I don't know who's gonna send me a Starbucks card I don't know I don't know I don't know how the IRS messed up my taxes there will give me money back in June I don't know I don't know I don't know house can happen but but i but i know i'm expecting harvest i'm expecting good things I'm expecting favor I'm expecting unlikely sources a provision in my life I'm expecting a bigger tip at that table they should have given me a $10 they gave me a $100 tip like I'm believing for those kind of things I'm believing to sell a home that I'm not you know I've been selling $200,000 homes I believe I must sell a $700,000 home come on real estate agents uh we got it we got enough of them around here sell one of them believe God so I used to so by faith and fear now I so by faith with expectation and let me tell you something I believe Solomon sowed by expectation because his father sowed with expectation you could read about the life of David and the unbelievable multi-billion dollar offerings that David would sell into the kingdom to build the house of God it's crazy so Jamie why are you talking about this right now I'm talking about this right now on June 23rd because on August 25th we will receive our miracle offering for our new building why are you telling us because if you want to go on vacation go on vacation if you if you're like this guy just wants my money then skip August 25th I ain't tripping we don't do anything by fear manipulation guilt I need I need twenty twenty people to get five thousand dollars right now we're not gonna be able to pay the bills this week and we don't do weird stuff like that this is not weird Christian TV looking into the camera going if you don't sell right now you're gonna miss your America calling we don't do stuff like that and the problem is the devil is hijacked prosperity and he's made it some creepy gold wearing grease back nasty preacher on TV in a $5,000 suit gone you got us ho right now and that's what that's our definition of prosperity and so I start talking like this and everybody gets quiet cuz you saw some dumb YouTube thing that went viral or Facebook thing that went viral or you've seen some crazy thing on beta3 a.m. on Saturday night sellin miracle spring water supposedly from Jerusalem and then they find out it's from Jersey we don't do any of that we don't do anything by pressure I'm telling you if this is home and you want to get behind the vision prepare for August 25th that's what I'm asking you to do and if you don't want to you could either come and just worship and not get or you can take the day off sleep in go bake out you know at the pool somewhere and you know just enjoy the heat I didn't mean bake out like I I have to clarify that now in Vegas I meant bake out like by the pool without any additives okay yeah yeah just no baking it's just get making out of this thing because here's what I really want you to do like all the all the men in the house I want you to be praying over the next two months this and this is the prayer holy spirit what do you want me to give not what's my expectation to give not what do I think I need to get Holy Spirit or do you want me to do here's what the Holy Spirit's gonna lead you to do he's gonna lead you to give something by faith I don't know what that amounts gonna be I'm praying right now already Holy Spirit August 25th is coming what would you like me to do would you like me to so I think I have a number in my mind I'm ready to give more I'm ready to do whatever the Lord tells me to do I'm telling you two months in advance because I honor you and I never want any of you to feel like we are pressuring into giving ever ever ever so I'm I'm I'm setting you up to ask the Holy Spirit table what should I give I have no idea that's between you and God it's not a good place to be well if we can all just at least give no no we don't at least give anything because that I believe limits our faith amen if we can all at least give $100 well you know at least give $40 I mean no I mean I don't know what the Holy Spirit's gonna tell you to do but I'm ready for whatever God tells me to do all I'm saying is if we all do our part I believe that we will have enough to make our next move and I'm pumped about it and I'm not losing sleep over it amen because I'm not your source and you're not my source God is our source and God's gonna lead us and guide us amen so he gives an offering number two dreams number two he dreams catch this he gives an offering in Gibeon and he receives a dream and gibeom cuz you'll always reap where you sow and and just that another one in there just and you'll always reap more than you so he shows in Gibeon and that night the Lord talks to him never set never separate your sacrifice from your dream because God doesn't and this man gave sacrificially and i believe it was the sacrifice that opened the door for the lord to say what do you want in other words i can trust you because i've seen what you've done and by the way he sewed before he dreamed and some of us want to dream and then if the dream comes to pass we'll sell and God says no no you set up the dream by sewing okay and I'm not just talking about money I'm talking out in every area of your life well I'll serve when well I'll help when well I love people win well I'll be a better Christian when you sew and then God releases a dream we cannot separate Solomon's offering from his dream and we can't separate our offerings from our dream so Solomon asked for wisdom but he asked it in his dream his destiny moment his defining moment his game-changing moment the very thing we know Solomon for happened in a dream and by the way your life is going to be connected to your dream so what is a dream here's what a dream is verse five what do you want we could we put that up verse five that night the Lord appeared to Solomon and he said what do you want what do you want whatever you want that's your dream think about that for a second what's what's your dream for your marriage have you defined that yet if you haven't you need to define it what's your dream for your finances have you defined if you haven't you need to what's the dream for your family if you haven't you need to define it what's the dream for your future if you haven't you need to define it because God said what do you want Solomon you tell me in other words verbalize and define clearly your desires he said define it and then he said and ask like have you written it down you you literally need to get your iPhone out or whatever phone you have and you need to go to the Notes app and you need to write it down this is what I'm believing God for this is what I want this is what I'm praying for this is this is my dream list this is my prayer list this is my hopeless this is my faith goal list and then as you reach those things then you celebrate put a little check mark or maybe some emoji hands come on somebody you'll know these ones presents and you go awesome we hit that we hit that goal praise hands awesome that person that I was believing God to get saved God's sake praise hands and now you have a faith history to look back on God's his solomon what do you want ask and solomon was able to clearly define his dream back to god and here's the the greatest dream the god dream for your life the god dream for your life is when your desires and God's desires intersect that's the god dream and I believe that as you become God's man or God's woman you'll start dreaming God's dreams and you'll tell god what you want and God will say what a coincidence that's the same thing I want for you and when what you want and what God wants line up it's gonna come to pass can I get an amen from everybody in the room come on clap your hands I'm almost done but [Applause] I know I opened up the message talking about money and everybody's nervous but everyone just breathe and relax okay if that parts over number number three motives motives I love this cuz Solomon said and by this is just my journey I give and I dream but now I have to surrender my dream to the authority of the Holy Spirit Solomon said I just want wisdom God helped me to be a helped me to be a dad Lord helped me to be a wife God help me to help me to be a better husband just I just need wisdom like do something in me Solomon did not pray Lord changed the people that changed me God give me wisdom give me an understanding or help me help me be a better employee help me be better on my job Lord Lord help me and when you pray that kind of prayer God answers that prayer God is pleased by that prayer God said well I like when you start praying about you and your dishes and you stop telling me about your wife's issues and your husband's issues and your kids issues and your bosses issues thank you for talking to me about you because God's number one priority in your life is you Solomon loved the Lord sacrificed to the Lord and cared about the Lord's people that said God give me a heart of wisdom and understanding and God said I could answer that prayer because that prayer was going to directly affect and bless everyone in Solomon's life on the screen does your dream change anyone else's life besides your own on the nearness okay I had to use my anointed hand to do it does your dream change anyone else's life besides your huh or is your dream just about you and yours God will always backup provide for prosper fund a vision that helps others this isn't just about this isn't a scripture for preachers sister for Christians can you get a vision for where you work can you get a vision for your business whether you're a stay-at-home mom whether you're a barber whether you're a lawyer a doctor a police officer a firefighter it doesn't matter whether you're in the Armed Forces whatever it might be you're a barista whatever it is can you get a vision for it can you attach what you're doing to the kingdom because God says I can always get behind the person who has a dream to bless others so the motive of the dreamer is so important it says god I just want to help people I just want wisdom and honestly that's my prayer and if you'll start praying the right things you'll start getting the right answers number four answers everyone say answers one more time say God is answering my prayer I'm feeling good look at someone around you we need to break the ice a little bit look at someone around you say God is answering your prayer look at one more person say you too verse 12 and I will give you what you asked for Conahan sirs is prayer God says because your motive was pure and all you wanted to do was be a blessing am I answer that the book of James says you have not because you ask not and that's where we stop but James doesn't stop James says and some of you are asking and still not getting answers because you're asking with the wrong motives can I just tell some of you if you keep praying the same prayer and you're not getting the answer maybe it's because God isn't interested in that right now ouch you're like I got up at 10:45 they hear this God changed my wife changed my wife Jesus my wife is a crazy psycho Jesus help her Jesus she ain't changing Lord helped me to love my wife as Christ loves the church help me to be humble help me to serve and love and lay down my life for this woman that you gave me she's a blessing from you and I refuse to complain and I refuse to just keep going off about this Lord change me whatever is wrong with me the Lord says oh I can do something with this guy stop just stop talking about that for a while I say lord help me to be content I'm gonna be happy with me help me to be a good friend help me to be okay without having someone in my life right now and you start praying the right prayers I love this verse 13 God will give you what you didn't ask for huh grew up reaching myself at thee verse 12 I'm gonna give you what you asked for hallelujah it's over no but because I'm a God of overflow I'm gonna give you what you didn't ask for money he said a long life the lives of your enemies victory overflow you know I I couldn't tell you the last time I prayed for this church to grow you know what I pray for I pray God give me a word for these people they're coming hungry they need a breakthrough they need a word God give me an understanding heart to love them and serve them I don't know if I've ever prayed God give me a big church well God knows I don't want an empty church he-man but I don't pray for that I pray for a word because I think if God gives me a word and if I think I think if my heart is to love you I think people will actually show up and so we've grown by accident because our motive has always been two things and my wife and I are this kind of two headed leadership team that I give all of my time to hearing from God as she gives all overtime to giving you the best possible experience on a Sunday and then we just let whoever shows up show up and God is God has answered the prayers we've never [Music] and that cool oh yeah we of course we want this it's amazing so cool Tuesday night so cool we're God's taking us so cool but we never asked for it we've asked God to make us a blessing to this city can I can I just tell you make the main thing the main thing and God will take care of the other things that you do care about they're just not the main thing can I take you to the New Testament really quick seek first the kingdom Matthew 6:33 keep the main thing the main thing and all these other things what are the other things read the book of Matthew chapter 6 what you wear what you eat what you drink stuff that you need care about because all those things will be added you just make the main thing the main thing I'll bless you by accident if you'll live on purpose is this my car does anyone hear what I just said i son believe well that'll change your life sorry wasn't it my nose is good for me you'll be blessed by accident if you'll just live on purpose God said I might answer your prayer and I'm gonna answer the things you didn't pray because I'm that good lastly repeat do it again start you know when you got married right in the preacher talks about this thing just keeps going and going you just some some of y'all you know is cycles of addiction [Music] circles of defeat poverty offense breakdowns and here just beat up and that's your cycle I'm giving you a new cycle I'm giving you a new circle it's called the cycle of blessing Solomon wakes up from the dream we just read it and he goes oMG that was awesome let's do it again and he gives another offering he repeats the cycle I don't know if have you ever just loved a song maybe on your I don't know PeopleSoft CD players in their cars but in your CD player or on your you know your your phone and you hit the repeat button anyone yeah okay okay cuz it's so good and you just you want to hear it again and again and again and you know you can hit the repeat button on your life not a junk like it's been [Music] but a repeat button of blessing overflow the goodness of God the dream of God the guidance of God the word from God a good life a blessed life the god kind of life what Jesus called the snow a life I've come to give you no way and no way more abundantly this work so a life is all-encompassing blessing [Music] Soloman goes I think this whole thing was triggered by an offering so when he wakes up he does it again trying to tell you that's my life I give I dream I lay it all down before the Lord I get answers repeat what a good way to live it's the God kind of life it is the good life not the perfect life it's the blessed life not the problem free life the blessed life not the giant free life no the blessed life not that not the life without storms there's gonna be some storms but but this will keep you in a cycle a blessing no matter what comes against you it's it's um it's not as mysterious as we make it [Music] we could live miracle to miracle or we could live in a cycle of blessing nothing you'll never need a miracle you need them I need them but the theme of my life is not I'm freaking out I need a miracle the theme of my life is offering some dreams motives answers repeat that's that's the theme of my life and then every once in a while all he'll comes against me this I Jesus I need a miracle but the theme of my life is offering streams motives answers repeat what a good way to live is what God wants for you do you learn anything you get we all get well good awesome [Applause] Thank You Cesar that's how good god is that's his plan for your life it's a good plan so father we thank you for it we trust you we bless you we thank you for these principles in the word that can absolutely shape and shift our lives they set us up to win they set us up for freedom they set us up for the overflow that you have for us thank you that you're that good thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light life isn't always easy life isn't always light but your yoke your your presence your relationship with us it's easy it's light it's good can we thank you for it in Jesus name hallelujah amen hey everyone its Schaben here I'm praying that this video was a blessing to you now remember two things make sure you hit that subscribe button so you're up to date with everything that we're doing here and also if City Light has been a blessing to you why don't you get that give button and give something to help us continue to take this message not only to Las Vegas but to the world and we'll see you real soon
Channel: City Light
Views: 4,508
Rating: 4.9370079 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, what do you want
Id: _UJWawDB_po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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