Egg Foo Young with AWESOME GRAVY - step by step

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you asked for it so here it is egg foo young fluffy egg omelette filled with chatsu and shrimp and onions smothered in a delicious gravy oh my goodness can't wait hey everyone i'm flo dude is behind the camera and we're all about simple food symbol faith you know egg foo young is not super popular here in vancouver but i remember living down in the states and also in the 80s it was quite popular in the more westernized chinese restaurants and it's a egg omelet that is well cantonese style essentially you can put whatever you want in it you could be a total veggie omelet or one with leftovers or typically it is made with some pork and shrimp so today i have some leftover chassiu that i made the other day and i have some shrimp that i've defrosted so i'm just going to chop up all of my ingredients first and get my sauce ready because what i find with chinese cooking is that you have to have all your ingredients ready all at once otherwise the cooking process just goes so quickly you have no time in the middle of anything to get anything else ready so here we go i'm going to start by chopping up my onions because i don't want my board to be greasy from the chassis or contaminated from the shrimp so i'm going to cut up my green onions first i've got two stalks i'm just going to set that aside i'm also using this board because it's easy to clean after i chop up the oily pork which is why i'm using it here but i do prefer my wooden board over this one because you all know i can't be bothered with washing more than one chopping board i'm just gonna set the chopped green onions aside then i just have a little bit of white onion that i'm just gonna cut into strips thinly sliced i'm just using this white onion for a little bit of crunch but you can use bean sprouts or cabbage or i don't know some other crunchy vegetable whatever you like whatever you have in your fridge okay we have some leftover chatsu that i made so i have about maybe four ounces here we're just going to cut this up into smaller bits this chassis i make on a regular basis and what i like to do with the chassis actually is to marinate it and leave them in the freezer and pull out whenever i need it already marinated ready to go and it just makes for a really simple meal and if you don't have leftover chatsu you can always use a little bit of ground pork you just have to cook it first before you add the egg to it and i'll show you how when to add that as we're doing the cooking part you know you can always use bacon too if you didn't have any ground pork at home or an idea oh yeah yep of course you do great idea dude hey what's wrong with spam anyways just not my cup of tea spam hater i have four shrimp here that i've defrosted rinsed dried off taken the shell off and i'm just gonna chop this up it's about two ounces maybe and just cut them into little pieces about the same size as your pork you know what and if you didn't want to use pork and you just wanted to use shrimp you can do that too no rules here all right now i'm going gonna go wash my knife and my board so we've been getting our eggs from a local farm sandy valley farms and i've been really enjoying these jumble eggs so i'm using three jumbo eggs which is about the size look at that look at that yolk is massive you can just use six large eggs or six medium eggs oh look there's a double yolk check it so fun that's really cool oh another double yolk loving these jumbo eggs we're gonna add one teaspoon of soy sauce a quarter teaspoon of ground white pepper and one teaspoon of oil and the secret ingredient is corn starch so i'm going to make a cornstarch slurry here i have a tablespoon of cornstarch and i'm going to add about a tablespoon of water it has to be cool water or room temperature water otherwise your cornstarch will not dissolve now not all of this is going in so we're going to save about a third of it for our gravy i'm gonna put about two thirds in here what the cornstarch does is it makes the egg creamy and keeps it moist because we're going to be frying the bottom part of the omelet so that it's a little bit crispy and when that happens we might end up overcooking the egg in which case it will dry out the egg and we don't want to do that so we're adding the corn starch slurry along with the oil will help to keep your eggs creamy okay so you want the eggs to be well beaten so that there's no more like white pieces coming up like the clear part of the egg you want it all to be broken up there that should do it the egg white what did i say the white part of the egg you know the clear yes the clear part the white the egg whites okay we're also going to get our gravy ready to go so i have a half a cup of chicken broth and i'm adding a quarter cup of oyster sauce just a teaspoon of soy sauce and that is it just mix that up and then our gravy will be ready to go i'm using my cast iron frying pan today instead of a wok because i'm going to make one big omelet by using the wok because it's a round bottom it's not going to cook the eggs evenly and if you want you could use a wok but you should make them like in individual portions so you make like like maybe four to six little omelets but i'm gonna make one big omelet and chop it up from there because i can't be bothered okay once your pan is heated up add about two tablespoons of vegetable oil and we're going to get our onion going first [Music] obviously my pan is not hot enough don't do that wait till it's hot all right just took a couple seconds you know i get kind of impatient sometimes i just want to get things started and we want this much oil because when we add the eggs we want it to crisp up at the bottom and this onion is going to flavor that oil as well after cooking your onions for about a minute or two you can add the chatsu and at this point if you wanted to you know cook your ground pork or your bacon this would be the time to add them and then make sure it's cooked through before moving on to the next step i'm just pushing the pork to the side and i'm going to add my shrimp and we want to cook this through whoa did you see that uh yeah i heard it it doesn't take long for the shrimp to cook through okay mix it all back up and now we're gonna add our egg [Music] whoa are you okay it just freaked me out well we did lose a piece of pork putting it back in leave no pork behind okay we're just gonna let that cook i want you to kind of crisp on the side i do have it on like medium high heat i'm just going to move it around a little bit so that the egg cooks through all right so we still want this egg to be cooked through a little bit more you know traditionally i think a lot of restaurants will deep fry the egg foo young which is why it comes up really crispy and puffy on the inside but because we don't deep fry at home i can smell the bottom crisping up right now i'm just going to turn it over ready you got that crispy part at the bottom just going to turn this heat down a little bit and cut it into pieces so it's easier to flip the heat is probably on just a little bit too high okay turning the heat off moving this onto a plate there we go oh my goodness it smells so good all right we're gonna work on our gravy now i'm just gonna i'm gonna use the same pan so we're turning it back on and i'm going to have it on medium low add our gravy okay at this point i'm actually going to turn it off because my pan is so hot adding my slurry okay just stir that in to thicken the gravy look at how yummy that gravy looks already turn on just another just on low just bring it up to a simmer there we go and make sure that it's heated through properly that's it it's your gravy okay adding just a touch of sesame oil like half a teaspoon stir that in okay i'm going to spoon this gravy right over the eggs all right okay and don't forget about the onions that you chopped all right there you have it egg foo young are you all ready for oh yeah egg foo young oh yeah i haven't actually had it in a long time like a long time what's more important is how it tastes check out those chopsticks skills yo oh no there could be a lot better but they're okay all right make sure we got some gravy in there too something so simple but something so amazing because it's nicely cooked it's not overcooked on the inside it's got the bit of crispiness on the outside with all the goodness waiting to go into your mouth party time oh yeah the onion in there egg is nicely soft inside all the different flavors coming together and then gravy just tying it in serve it with some rice or the other dishes that you might have with your meal maybe a leafy veg to keep it healthy you got yourself a fantastic dinner yum [Music] the crispy edge on the outside and then with a soft center so good who's that yes kaya you do you agree all right thanks dude hey buddy [Music] let me know what your favorite ingredients are for egg foo young in the comments below check out my chassis recipe and i will see you over there
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 74,012
Rating: 4.9056101 out of 5
Keywords: simpleordinaryjoyful, flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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