Crispy Pork Crackling Better than the Pork Belly - Air Fryer Step-By-Step

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when chinese roasted pork belly is done right it's got super crispy skin with tender and juicy meat ugh i can hardly believe i made this all by myself hey everyone i'm flo dude is behind the camera and we're all about simple food simple faith i tried making roasted pork belly last year i think it was for chinese new year we had the family come over for dinner and everyone thought it was store-bought it's so easy to make it was just ridiculous that i haven't figured it out prior to that time and now with kovid it's just easier to make it at home than going into a chinese barbecue meat shop and lineup for pork all right so you want to get pork belly with the skin on that's where you're going to get the crispy skin from and you want the pork belly to be nicely marbled like this like with even meat and fat in there so that you get like the perfect bite i recommend buying pork belly from the butcher so that you can actually get a nice cut instead of trying to piece together what you can find in the markets and the one that we buy at costco actually doesn't have the skin on and the skin is everything for this this particular recipe but the skinless one is perfect for chassiu seriously this recipe is so easy you're gonna wonder why you haven't tried making it at home we're starting off with well we have to flip the pork belly over okay and we're going to use about a teaspoon of shaoxing wine and shaoxing wine is a cooking rice wine we're just going to massage that into the meat until it's all absorbed and if you don't have shaoxing wine you can use like a cooking sherry we've tried bourbon and it works really well something along that line you don't want to use like a mirin which is a little bit sweet it's different and i'm just trying to think if there's anything else you can use in this place anyways chelsea wine you can find it in any asian market even on amazon i think i forgot to mention that this is about a pound and a half of pork belly we're making a seasoning now to sprinkle on the meat so about a teaspoon of salt a quarter teaspoon of five spice powder you don't need much five spice powder is really pungent an eighth of a teaspoon of ground white pepper i'm just gonna mix that up it's actually similar to the seasoning that we would put on taiwanese chicken nuggets we're going to rub this into the bottom side of the pork belly as well just massage that in okay then we're going to flip it over and this will be the fun part so to make the skin of the pork belly super crispy we had to invest in one of these it's essentially a meat tenderizer but it's like a bunch of i don't know almost like nails to poke holes into the pork belly the pork belly skin is really tough so you want to have something that's really sharp now i have this meat skewer that you could just poke holes all over but this is a game changer all right here we go dude it's so violent just be glad your hand is not underneath so the more holes you get into the pork belly skin you'll get more bubbles and that will make it more crispy and that's exactly what you want here but you know what if you don't have this you can just use a metal skewer and just jab them and be just as okay i am now going to just score it so that it's easier to cut after it's cooked because when it's crispy and when the pork skin is crispy it's really hard to cut through you can see even a knife can barely cut through nope you just want to cut through the skin you don't want to cut too deep either there we go you see that see it's just the skin that you want cut there we go okay then we're going to generously salt the top maybe two good pinches of salt and again we're going to rub this into the skin and what this will do will draw out any moisture in the pork belly and that again will help you get really crispy skin once this is done you're going to let it marinate in the fridge for 24 hours i know it's not instant right but it is on our show because i've already marinated it yesterday so i'm just going to swap places and what a difference say in terms of just the the pork belly skin and how it dries out oh yeah i wouldn't do it for less than 24 hours though maybe more if needed but not less so you really want to draw out all that moisture and if there is any moisture sitting on top just dab it away with a paper towel and kind of remove any excess salt that may still be sitting on top i forgot to mention that while marinating in the fridge make sure that you leave it uncovered don't cover it up because you want that moisture to evaporate i have tried several different methods in making pork belly over the past year and i have to say this is probably the best method and easiest way to get a really good pork belly and you all know i can't be bothered with a lot of different steps so this is the best way that i think will get you the best results so let's keep going okay i'm using a piece of foil because i want to wrap up the bottom of the pork belly without wrapping up the top and you also want to make sure that your pork belly is going to fit into your air fryer it looks like a bad gift wrap all right i did measure this ahead of time so i really do hope that it does fit in my airfryer basket okay i did preheat this at 350. and now that it's hot well i didn't think that through so anyways i think i can get this in there these tongs there we go okay work with what you have right yup we're going to air fry this at 350 for 25 minutes [Music] right see you then all right let's check it out oh my lanta looks so good amazing all right we're just going to take the whole thing out be careful because there's a lot of fat in the foil and then i'm going to put this back in and we're going to cook it for another eight minutes back in here without the foil just so that we can get more of this crispy skin putting it back in and this time we're going to cook it at 400 for 8 minutes [Music] oh my goodness looks so good it looks amazing the texture and the color yowza and see like all those holes that were poked in that's where all these like bubbles are that will add to the crunch i love using the airfryer to make this because it really renders the fat well and so that you don't get the blobby fat when you bite into it we're gonna let this rest so that we don't lose all the juiciness that is inside where the tender meat is we're going to rest this for about 15 minutes and then we're going to cut into it oh yes we will all right so it's been actually closer to 20 minutes so i think it's well rested now and i am so thankful to have scored this earlier so i can cut right through oh my goodness all the juices are coming out anyways do you see how juicy that is oh my goodness look at it's just like pouring out of the meat oh i can't wait oh yeah instead of trying to break through that skin and maybe yeah oh my goodness it looks so good i can't even oh my mouth is watering you know with chinese new year coming up there's no way we're gonna like go and line up for barbecue meat which is one of the must-haves for chinese new year here okay i'm going to cut into each piece now i'm going to do just go for it that's what i'm going to do well extra piece of skin for you dude oh yeah that's mine all right are you all ready for oh yeah if there's any reason for smell-o-vision to exist this is it oh yeah it's pretty self-explanatory as to what this dish represents and that is the culmination of the delivery vehicle for ultimate crackling skin there it goes is there grease flowing down my lip dude leave no crackling behind it's moist it's not like you know i've had a ton of syrup roast pork in my lifetime and i've had my share of dry meat blobby fat and not crispy skin it's almost like it was why bother kind of moments but this is a combination of juicy meat flavorful meat fat rendered perfectly and that pieste resource tools the crispy skin and as i ate that um the bottom part of the pork belly because it's so thick i couldn't i mean i didn't want to jam it all in my mouth because i wanted to spread out the goodness when you get down to the bottom of the pork belly profile is where flo marinated it and it had that umami pop so it's like not super salty but just that umami explosion at the end so i guess if you were to eat a thinner slice and all the way through and all in your mouth it's like flavors all over the place boom i really can't wait to dig into this it just it smells and looks so good and the crunchiness from that skin is what i'm after so yep can't wait till dinner unfortunately this recipe is not in the cookbook but come on guys it's so easy for those of you who have already purchased the cookbook thank you so much for your support and if you get a chance please leave us a review on amazon and i really hope that you are enjoying it for more recipes just like this one check it out and i will see you over there
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 662,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simpleordinaryjoyful, flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum
Id: JTPt8xV_mks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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