The Tastiest Orange Chicken Made at Home

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crispy morsels of chicken covered in a sweet and tangy sauce with just a little bit of spiciness oh my goodness so yummy what else can i say hey everyone i'm flo dude is behind the camera and we're all about simple food simple faith this is the number one dish at one of america's most popular chinese fast food chains can you guess which one if you can leave me a comment below the last time we had a layover in houston there was orange chicken calling my name and i just had to have it i have two pounds of chicken thighs here that i'm gonna cut up into one and a half inch pieces i prefer thighs if you prefer breast meat go ahead and use breast meat we have about eight thighs here i think essentially you just want your chicken pieces to be equal size so that it will cook evenly like this piece here i mean it's pretty thin even though it's more than an inch and a half i'm just going to leave that one i am adding a tablespoon of soy sauce okay that was way more than a tablespoon let's say two tablespoons and we're gonna add an egg straight to the chicken i'm gonna stir this up i'm going to let it marinate for i don't know maybe half an hour or so as i get the rest of my ingredients ready to go i'm just going to get my aromatics going so that i'm ready to make my sauce i have three cloves of garlic i'm just going to put through the press three cloves of garlic gives you about a tablespoon of garlic because i have a little nub of ginger i only need a teaspoon so i'm just going to grate this and you can grate it with the skin on so long as you clean the skin really really well that's definitely not a thumb size piece of ginger it is littler than that see so that's about a teaspoon of ginger and for the spiciness i'm just using crushed red pepper and about a quarter teaspoon but you can use as little or as much as you'd like depending on how spicy you want it just adding it here because all of this is going to go in to cook at the same time i have a quarter cup of vinegar and i'm going to zest half an orange into it so this orange zest is going to give it an extra pop of flavor that you probably wouldn't get if you didn't add it since i zested this orange i might as well just use the juice we need a quarter cup of orange juice and you can use you know store-bought orange juice or whatever okay that's a total of a quarter cup two tablespoons of soy sauce and a quarter cup of brown sugar if it wants to get out of the cup it doesn't want to anyways it's packed brown sugar obviously i don't know why it's not coming up just dissolve this in the sauce mixture and then now your sauce is ready to be cooked but we're going to go back to the chicken i don't like to deep fry at home so we are going to use the air fryer to make the chicken and so it will be pretty crispy but it's nothing like deep fried just so you all know i am using about a cup of potato starch you can start with less so you don't waste it you can always add more if you need it so when dredging instead of putting it through the egg and then the potato starch that's why we added the egg to the chicken so you don't have to do each piece by itself which is so time consuming and i'm just going to put these aside on this plate as well just to get a few pieces going before i put them in the airfryer all right so we're just going to put this p the pieces of chicken in there in a way that is not too crowded that will get the best crisp on there and you might have to do multiple batches if you have a small airfryer like i do i want to get a bigger one but well we did get a bigger one but it doesn't work as well that's another story guys yeah all right so that's probably about half a pound all right everyone i finally picked up one of these evo oil sprayers and i don't know we'll see see i just put oil in there so this is the first time using oh my goodness so much better than the mister i've been using oh they missed oh yeah all right nice yeah that was really easy thanks for the records guys yeah okay i've already preheated my airfryer at 400 degrees and we're gonna cook this at 400 for 10 minutes oops and we'll give it a check and see how it's going so while the chicken is cooking i'm going to get my sauce started so on medium heat adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil you know it's hot when your oil is shimmering i don't know if you can get that on the camera you see it we're adding our garlic ginger and a crushed red pepper we're going to cook this for about 30 seconds i'm using a silicon spatula here don't cook with rubber spatulas please they will melt [Music] oh my goodness smells so good already okay you don't want your garlic to burn so 30 seconds will do and then we're gonna add the sauce that we made scraping up the bits at the bottom because the garlic was a little bit sticky okay we're letting that simmer for two minutes i'm gonna make my cornstarch slurry one tablespoon of corn starch adding about a tablespoon of water and it has to be cold water or room temperature water so that it will dissolve it will not dissolve in hot water it will just be a sticky mess believe me folks i've done it before all right and then we're gonna add this to the sauce and stir it in oh my goodness look at that i'm just going to heat this through obviously thickened i'm turning it off the heat oh my goodness it smells so good i wish you guys can smell it you can really smell the orange in it no it's it's a it's a really nice aroma you know it's thick enough when it coats like the back of a wooden spoon a tablespoon or even the spatula without like totally dripping off and after you've taken it off the heat add about a teaspoon of sesame oil and stir that in oh my goodness it smells i can't even i want to describe the smell it's like you can smell the sesame you can smell the orange zest you can smell the garlic that's going to be so good oh my goodness it looks so good i did end up keeping it in there for about 12 minutes total i gave it a stir midway and this is what we ended up with very impressive results yep so i only cooked about a quarter of the chicken so i'm just gonna like the sauce that i made is good enough for two pounds of chicken so i'm just going to spoon a little bit over this because we're so excited we just want to show you what this is going to taste like just toss it really well so that you can get all the sauce absorbed by the pieces of chicken oh my goodness good stuff yeah are you all ready for i'm excited you know what's not to like about deep fried food in this case it's air fried but still i'm a sucker for crispy crispy food even though it isn't traditional chinese food i love chinese fast food westernized chinese food it's so good you roll up to the food court kiosk you order a big plate uh you know two items plus a rice and you just go to town all that sauce love it when flo was cooking this and the aroma of all those ingredients of the orange and the spices that were put in there including garlic it all came out and it was really reminiscent of like when you pass by that chinese fast food place in the food court and like yeah they're cooking up some orange chicken in the back oh yeah i am so hungry too so this is going to be good [Music] i think i'm really impressed by what airfryer can do with that starch the edges just has a little bit of crispiness and that's fantastic and the chicken is moist and the flavor of the sauce wow dude it is really good like these recipes are not meant to be copycat recipes but more of an homage to things that we love and remember but the flavor is really good probably like a fraction of the sugar that you get in the uh those restaurants it wouldn't hurt to have a bit more heat in there but that's just me and that you can rock however much spiciness you want in yours but this is really good thanks jude yep right so like dude said i used a fraction of the sugar that you would normally find in the fast food restaurants that sugar is what keeps you coming back for more but when you make it at home you know exactly what's going into it you can cut the sugar buy well quite a lot or if it's not sweet enough you can always add more i really hope that you guys are enjoying these really simple chinese remakes for more recipes just like this i will see you over there
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 128,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simpleordinaryjoyful, flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum
Id: 7EbaV60McQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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