EEVEE'S TO THE MOON in Pokémon Card Collecting

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all right welcome ladies and gentlemen to the next gen TCG podcast I don't know what episode it is currently but all I know is that e as always are going to the moon so welcome in welcome in my name is Nick touch nja your co-host and as always we have the other co-host Zack Browning gem Pokemon how's it going Zach how are you today he looks like you're back home again doing pretty good I made it home finally and so just trying to get settled in do some lunch country you know just kind of sort some cards here and there and then we'll be back on the road tomorrow so the cycle never ends you had some like really bad travel luck this past this past week right you got like a flight delayed like eight times or something like that so Dallas had a bunch of storms it was like tornadoes thunderstorms floods all this stuff I heard about those I'm glad you're alive I'm glad you're alive so I had a lot of people that were messaging me like oh weather's crazy be safe you know a lot of people are voiding down and had eight canceled flights in a row where it was like you're on a flight they're like all right we'll get you on in two hours from now this and that then it gets delayed and then it's like oh crew timed out or oh something's wrong with the plane or oh Dallas more thunderstorms and so um essentially what's also crazy I checked the bag because it was a longer trip and somehow my bag made it to Dallas and so I didn't have any clothes except for the clothes I had on so I was stuck in an airport for basically two and a half days and um that really really tests tests your patience I'll tell you that was it was it US Air no unfortunately it was American so okay US Air is the worst flight company I've ever dealt with my entire life I I ref I straight refuse to fly US Air it's just it doesn't it doesn't work out anytime I've tried them that's always an issue so um I think they might emerge with American that maybe that makes sense yeah that may more sense all right all right this was several years ago so I don't know anyways uh so this past week uh just introduction stuff I had a bunch of remember I told you guys last week that I dropped off some cards at the Toronto card Expo in person just because uh they offered 110% Hammer price uh for cards dropped off that weekend um those those auctions finished on May 26th and we're just going to go very briefly through some of the highlights uh from the sales that had overall pretty happy uh with the things that uh how turned up uh the most the one that shocked me the most was the 2016 battle Festa uh Pikachu uh that's the one that has like the reverse Hall of foil with the mitsura Rita um signature in the bottom right hand corner uh that finished off at 4,900 uh with Buyers premium which I was thrilled about the price I was expecting probably around 3500 for that card uh also it's kind of like a dual card there also a Mew as well um let me just pull that up here just I have to click it because I need to it only shows like my payout price uh the Mew finished off at 4200 so pretty good uh 28 CTS uh so I was kind of wondering if those older around the 28 27 search which uh change the uh the price of those cards but uh ended up pretty well um as well we also have another highlight was one that also really surprised me was Neo Destiny first edition dark espon and Eevee an Eevee I wasn't sure based on how watsi was going uh these days how those would finish uh that finished at 4,300 happy with that price uh this one still hasn't been paid off yet but I auctioned the final Lotto are that I was going to auction off uh so that finished off at 3200 uh so I auction I've auctioned two of them so I have three left now so those will probably stay in the collection for a little bit longer and then uh this one this last card I actually missed in my last submission it's a poncho Gyarados uh this finished off at 2300 uh 28er and then we have a couple more Eevees uh some undaunted uh Prime umbreons uh finishing off at just over 2,000 uh then we also have a couple a pair of prime espeons finishing off at around 1,600 1500 and then we also have a warm unique low Pikachu finishing off at 2100 order label non- Lighthouse and the last one I'm going to mention is which was I was a little bit disappointed was this was probably the the worst performing card uh that I anticipated uh this was uh Neo Destiny first edition light togga tick uh finishing off at 1,400 um I I thought I was I thought that card was sitting around probably around the 2000 Mark uh but uh obviously it under I thought it underperformed and a bunch of sub $500 cards uh from the rest going on there so keeping in line with the uh title of this podcast we I auctioned off six EES or evolutions and they pretty much did as as I expected the dark Espeon um like I said was it performed more than better than I expected and the prime umbreons and espeons I paid like $200 each for those things so for them finishing off at between 1,500 to 2,000 it's more it's well above my uh at my preferred return of about four times investment of what I paid for these cards uh so yeah uh overall pretty happy uh with the service from pwcc and the payout and yeah that's pretty awesome dude congrats those some big cards so question was that your last copy of some of those cards or do you have more St away the only so I all the pantra stuff I only had single copies of um and then I only had single copies of the battle Festa Pika as well as the Mew um but all the other cards were extra copies uh so there was just dark Espeon light oh gosh all these like low pop cards you're just sitting on yeah just that's how that's how you that's how you make money Zach you got to you got to buy and sit you buy doubles buy doubles we're buying doubles and we sit on them we're not flipping right away in like a couple months just you just put you forget that you have them and then one day they just recheck the prices like holy moly it's it's time to sell and then uh that's where we sit today can I get another holy moly please I feel like I almost feel like that Holy only might have like offended someone so let's let's not do that again so yeah those are those were my PWC sales from 20 uh for May 26 that's amazing so I guess going into it you might have been a little skeptical like you know you handed the cards off in person you're a little bit of rush and then the cards got listed and then they eventually go to auction like how were you feeling like during that is this your first sort of like big release of of this inventory you've had for a while no no I wouldn't say it's my it's like probably my second release uh it's was like I said last week it was far less stressful handing them off in person at the same time you really don't get a receipt from so when you go there you literally hand them the cards they there's one sheet they don't like write in like every card that you hand in they just said how many cards you handed in and how much you want them insured for and then then they just go in the back so I I I took a video of some of the The Heavy Hitters that I also have a PWC just uh as video proof that they actually existed at some point but it's very uh it's a very it's it's a it's a very friendly Hobby and I remember I I've told the story before like my first event uh when I met up with like the Toronto uh Pokemon group uh when they were still running for the from the people of E4 uh Charlie was at an event and Marie Raina um just straight up at that time Charlie was just taking like cars in to send to PSA as a like a inter intermediary and look Randa just handed him like two shadowless Charizards and just like no receipt just full faith that no no copies would get switched or anything it's just like like this hobby is despite like all the inventory and the amount of money that happens uh behind the scenes it's based on a lot of faith and a lot of trust and we've said it like we've said it so many times before but like you're as good as your in this hobby as your reputation is so if you soy a reputation then you're you're going to have a hard time because everyone talks everyone knows who you are and uh if you screw Sol one person over uh you you'll pretty much get blackball by the entire community so be a good person be a good person be honest I've known so many like really really good people that have like made like a dumb mistake like just like a like a dumb mistake and then they have just literally left the hobby I've not heard from them not seen them not got a text you know Instagram deleted did made private and there's probably like four or five like cases of like what most people consider to be pretty highly reputable that have just sort of disappeared and a lot of it was just really really dumb mistakes that that were intentional like like you know there's no if fans butts it just you know steal like stealing Charizards from a store from a show I mean on camera it's it's it's you know it's so silly but doesn't mean people are I mean I don't know if if someone's caught seal I don't want them in my life at all so yeah that's an easy way to cut someone out completely all right all right let's let's move on to more positive stuff let's not dwell on the negative let's move into uh let's move into market trends uh because a lot of cool stuff more High dude when does the high-end flow end Zach when does the high-end flow just stop coming is it really highend if it just keeps coming out I don't know where these printers are but they are working I'll tell you that no I think there's a lot of high that's come out recently but I don't think it's going to be like this forever I think there may have been a few small hordes of extra stuff that have sort of like released all at once where people probably thought they had 10 grand worth of stuff they find out they got a million bucks they're like give me that right now I will I will take it and run and so I I do think the high-end will slow down as far as availability either later this year or next year but it still doesn't change the fact that we've seen so many illustrators so many Pika trophies so many Charizards I think one of the metrics to look at is like the Charizards like there aren't more getting graded so it's just changing hands whereas the illustrators are like they seem to be more like fresh copies versus like the cycling of old copies all right so golden had their auctions uh first one we want to talk about is a complete set of ssb's best in Japan uh these were the winner where the Winner's card uh actually has their faces on it which I always find very awkward you have a you have a picture of a child on a trading card which I do believe dimin es their value even though they're just as rare as some of the older trophy cards it's awkward dude owning a card with someone's face on it like unless it's uh isihara unless unless it's a ishihara GX it's it's it's weird it's weird anyways so we had a complete set uh ranging of varying grades all the way from PS I think the lowest grade was the PSA 4 in the number two and the highest grade was the eight was the eight was either the number one or the three I can't remember um but the complete set sold together completely for 195k and just given the overall Rarity of those cards I feel like that's a bit undervalued uh in my personal opinion obviously there is a very low rate of PSA 4 so that's damaged pretty much at a PSA 4 uh but I just feel like just the historical value uh of those cards should you should be expecting a little bit more out of them yeah well set of these sold I think a couple months ago which was also an extra set um which is kind of nuts um the weird part about this I think the big mistake that was made is putting them in a lot together and so the amount of buyers at 200k is much lower than the amount of buyers at like 70k and our Hobbies getting to that point where you know there used to be like like not a lot of buyers at 500 bucks for cars and there used to be like you know a small pool buyers at 10K and then all of a sudden the chars worked 50 and now 50k is more accessible but it's things as we kind of tear up in the hobby like hopefully the first Ard is a million bucks someday but it's one of those things where by putting the cards together you limit your buyer pull more and 200k for a lot of Pokéball cards is is a lot like that just it's hard to swallow um even given the Rarity this and that like it almost needs to be like like an S tier type card and these are so close to like the top of the top um but they're just there's a couple things that are slightly better and so getting an average of like you know 65k a card I think it's pretty fair like you said given the fours in there but I bet you that a couple of these would have hit a 100 on their own um had they split them up which is a perfect segue into the next auction that golden had which was a complete PSA 10 set of the first edition 16 holos finishing off at 317k just it look like I I get the idea and like that sellers have oh let me just unload all these at once just so I can get my money up front but you really you really got to split them up if you want maximum value of what you're going to get for these cards just like you said the amount of buyers you just limit your buyer pool a lot because let's just say like you and me are collectors we haven't completed first position set yet we we have like one or two obscure cards left over we have a Hitmonchan or like we have a chy that we need to finish the 16 Hall set we're not going to be in this we're not going to be in this because we don't want the other cards we don't need another Charizard we don't need another mod champ and we don't need another Blastoise and we don't want to pay for them so you're really eliminating your buyer pool when you have a whole lot together and at 317k I almost feel like that's just a person with a lot of money saying this is like I'm just going to hold the line here this is like extremely good deal for all 16 Hollows especially when you consider like Charizard at this moment sells for 175 at its height selling at 400k 317 for all 16 Hollows is just that that is a steal that is one of the biggest steals that I've seen uh in the last couple months makes no sense man I mean Chance's like 30k on its own um you know there was an auction for a Charizard that 295k I think it was something like that on alt and like the crazy part about that like the auction was paid for but at the same time it took a second bidder to get there and that second bidder is a legitimate bidder that that I know and so it's it's it's crazy to think that um you know like a month or so ago you literally could have been one card or it could have been the whole set I mean literally this was a mixed set and like like you said like there's certain people that love buying individual cars like I love dragon air and stuff like I I'd throw a bit on a dragon air anytime it pops up um you know last some of the item finders some of the harder get cards would certainly get bids that would drive it up when you get to this like level it's someone just saying man this is a good deal like I bet you the buyer of this buys it splits it up maybe they take a card they need for it and maybe they just reaction it um because there's so much money left in the table here don't sell as complete Lots people split it up be patient and then you'll do better long term and so we talked about illustrators so there was a PSA 8 illustrator as well on Golden finishing off a 305k I don't I don't know what what what else can we say about illustrators at this point every single podcast we talk about an illustrator so it's just all right let let me I'll I'll let you take the floor here yeah just they keep popping up I do think these are new copies I don't think they're the same ones being cycled um I only say that because I I'm I'm a familiar with some of the buyers or some of the illustrators and I do know that they're not reselling them um so you know there's a lot of people that just want that one copy and there's some people that say man this is a great card it's a blue chip card and you know pwcc used to always talk about Blue Chip stuff here there and you know like you want to buy this and that and they just over time it'll appreciate so I think you get people that are looking at some of the illustrators that are just kind of getting crushed in price and um I think that it's just eventually there's gonna hold a line so I personally think the the floor for any illustrator right now is 150 I think if any copy raw beat up authenticated drawn on like 150 there were two other sales you know rare candy had .5 that went for around like 200k then pwcc had a cgc 8 um the rare can was a cgc 8.5 but PCC had a cgc 8 that went for like 200k and so there does seem to be a line there but I mean I would consider those would be near met plus copies so like copies in decent shape U there was some commentary that the pwcc copy may have had a little inbt on the back um rare candy one had a little bit of edge wear here there but overall looked pretty good and then the PSA that just seems to be a you know PSA premium type thing but you know through experiences and through other people we've talked to um it does seem like like maybe you know I'm just throwing this out there maybe some pop control around illustrator just around those higher grades so you know I I do think there is some substance to saying getting a ps8 illustrator is probably harder um than getting a cdc8 just given experiences we've seen so is it 100K more it's tough to justify but at the same time like that's a big jump for the same grade and at this point I honestly think like the only thing that really intrigues me is when we get like into the uh like the higher grades like the min copies like I want I'd be interested to see like in this market where a PSA 9 would would fetch now in the current market or cc9 uh anything anything below that I feel like is almost like a crop shoot uh where we are in prices so we'll see we'll we we'll get one will hit what PSA I will eventually roll off the printing press into a case soon so we'll uh 500k we'll see how it goes talking but let's Mo want to good cards let's Mo want to good cards uh a cgc 99 number two 1997 Pik trophy beautiful card love the trophy pasas uh finishing off at 219k man we had a question about this earlier what point that car based on the centering alone would not get a nine in P in P PSA it would probably get an eight uh so what what's worth I just running the numbers in my head what what what's the most great optimization here PSA 8 or P or cgc 9 trophy paa but I almost feel like 220 is a good price for some reason I I just feel like that's solid solid sale uh if you're the owner of that card I think you should be happy what do you think I think it's a solid sale cdc9 is the way to go here you have to think you know PSA is the nine and the 10 cdc's got the nine the 95 the 10 the pristine but when you look at it face value ps9 cdc9 they feel very similar to the outside eye like they feel very similar but cgc has more layers above so probably getting that cgc 9 with the centering maybe it's like 8.5 centering or something but everything else is good is is okay and I think this card does it is it like pedigree to the actual winner like isn't it tied back to like the the owner um I am not 100% sure I did it didn't it didn't list with the trophy case I didn't look at its provenance based on its listing I just saw file on price and you are right because it was actually a one of the older CG labels uh that actually had the old subgrades uh so it actually did have an eight and a half centering oh that makes sense I I was just taking a guess there yeah you're you're right on you know what you're talking about when you're grading cards look your face if only we were that good but no there was like there was a faded pikach trophy that sold for more that was pedigree that went that went for higher premium and I do think if you can say this copy's tied back to a winner I think it should go for more even if the copy like doesn't look as good so in my opinion all these extra copies were probably printed at the same time like I don't think there was another print run or you know years later this that like I do think like of all the illustrators and all the extra picas and this and that I do think that they probably came off the same time and I think just people of Pokemon are probably like oh I want a copy I want a copy this that I mean you know we've seen public images online of some of the artists having like an illustrator in their binder I think we've seen two examples of that and so like if it does tie back to the winter itself like I I I find that to be more valuable because of the meaning of it because the historical piece like all that stuff tied to it um extra cop is still pretty cool I think it still has value um but I would rather buy a lower grade card that is the actual winners versus a extra in a high grade we talked about this last year like those extra trophy cards were like they it's it's very obvious it's a extra copy because the Winner's name is not printed on the card in the top left hand corner and for some reason the market tells us that it doesn't matter in that case like those cards finished off pretty much in line of what the non- extra copies finished off at with the ones that were actually awarded which I I wholeheartedly agreed with you uh with that sentiment of like I would prefer to own the actual copy uh that was handed out um I've used this analogy before I don't know if it exactly fits but what's worth more Tom Brady's actual Super Bowl ring or an extra Super Bowl ring that was made for the team and just never awarded right it's actually the one that was given to Tom Brady um but yeah anyways so that's where we are uh so that that was golden auctions a lot of bangers coming out of golden let's move into some pwcc auctions that ended off in the last couple weeks what's the Black Label premium Zach what's the too high too high to you to you what is the Black Label premium take off a digit like literally just cut a digit off the end and then we'll be closer apparently it's around 4X because we have uh or 5x anyways we have a black label uh Luigi Pikachu finishing off at 30.6k Mario pasas are still hot there there they're just still super hot right now I have no idea how because there are literally a thousand PSA 10 copies out there but apparently they are still they cuz those those black those TR Poncho or Mario P usually finish off around $5,000 around that Mark in a PSA 10 copy uh and there're a lot of them out there but we have a black label bgs coming out at 30.6 so you think that's too much you think that that premiums too much in what world does this make sense this must be the ultimate lii fan that just wants this card and this and that because like does this card ever reach 50k does it ever reach higher like I don't think so I think this is literally someone who wants this card more than anything thing and does not care at all about just flushing money down toilet because if they ever want to sell this card I do not see this card ever going for 30k again it just it doesn't make sense initially and I can't make it make sense the second time around you can't rationalize with black label they once you go black Zach you don't you don't go back apparently with black label collectors all right so it makes no sense makes no it doesn't make sense is absolutely insane uh but anyways just continuing that Trend uh with black label cards we have a black label set of Kanto Lottery starters uh so the entire set finished off at 37.2 uh this is you got to own it to own it because all these cards individually are pop one uh with the Black Label um once again uh Charizard usually finishes off at around 3,000 I think Venusaur and I actually auctioned a couple as well recently Venusaur blast around the Venusaur as just with with watsi just at the bottom there just chilling because it's a Venusaur blasto around like the $500 Mark what you're really paying for is Charizard in a Black Label and I once again I'd still say I would wager that it would be better off just to have sold these individually uh because the would probably have a much larger buyer pool uh and you probably would have made more money if you would have auctioned off individually uh but what are your thoughts it's the collector the seller is a collector and they I'm pretty sure I know the seller pretty well and and they they want these to stay together they it was really tough for them to get I think they were very fortunate to get the grades they got I think it might have all been one submission I'm not I'm not positive but I remember seeing it kind of um like what I don't remember seeing the slow buildup and so like I agree like you know even with me when I buy like two or three things it's like I wish they were in one lot to make it easy but it does hurt the seller at the end of at the end of the day because I do think they would have gone for more like you said that Charizard may have hit 20 25 I mean that multiple is far beyond the 4X multile we talked about and and so the the Venusaur blastoid it's like there are some Venusaur only collectors that probably just love that artwork because it's a beautiful artwork you same with Charizard Blastoise so um I I agree that I do think there's probably another 20% upside here if uh there would been an individual yeah I know like we as collectors would like to romanticize like the aspect of collecting and trying like you built the set and you want to try to keep everything together just because it's kind of like a it's a journey it's kind of like a symbol of your journey along the way to to get where you want to get or where you've gotten but if you really want to maximize like give you example those uh those battlefest that Pika and mu set that so they're actually I don't know I don't know if I mentioned it earlier but they're actually SE sequential shirts uh so they're right after the other so they were graded by the same grer sold to me at the exact same time I did not buy them individually and it it looks cool to have sequential shirts it just it's it tells kind of a cool story uh but at the same time like like I didn't sell them as a set together and I feel like I did much better by selling them separately the only time you think about sequential Serv is when you're buying or selling like no point you ever like think about it like when you have the cards and so every time like I get hit with the oh but there's sequential shirts okay well I'll wait and buy them nonsequential like I I'm buying the card not like the order they were submitted in or and maybe I'll go get them reased and say oh I think these shts are stolen can you please give me new shirts like boom boom boom sequential I'm just making this up here but I I just I'm not a big fan of the sequential Ser premium but I get any novel thing you can do to increase the price you know it's like you got to go for it do you know what the craziest thing and if you're talking like sequential search that I've ever seen in the entire hobby I saw an entire set it was a Canadian Canadian seller and collector he so I can't remember if it was neo genesis or Neo rev but the non Hollows he had the entire set all sequential like all so he submitted them all at the same time all got PSA 10s and it was insane like I was like that's really cool to submit all like an entire complete set and get PSA 10s and all of them and just have them all sequential search for the non halls I don't know I I it was I've never seen it before in the hobby I mean that's pretty cool you know it's like it's like hitting a lottery ticket but the lottery ticket doesn't pay anything so it's a good story it's a good story cool it's like yeah that's awesome man I don't know I get I get hit so many times with the random eight and nine here and there and I'm like but they're all tens it's like but no they're not we can't give out that many tens so yeah man you're really down on PSA these days with a great with a population control I don't know man I'm I'm speaking from experience I I still love PSA 95% of what I own still PSA so well I we'll revisit great we'll revisit that for another day we have a couple more sales to go through um so we have a set of scramble cards not sold as a set um I was heavily interested to see where these finished off uh because I submitted I in my drop off to pwcc at the tronto card Expo I dropped off a complete scramble set as well so EES EES we all knew it we all knew it was going to happen but Eevees Eevee that Eevee premium is very real uh because we had the Eevee finished off at 48k uh the kogun finish off at 9,300 and the API resu finished off at 81 um the PO pisu is the lowest grade one with a population of four uh whereas the Eevee and the krunk have a pop of five I know where three of them are I don't know where the other two are now uh so it'll be very interesting to see if these sales cause some extra ones to resurface um I think that these cards longterm would project better I would not sell if so if you were to offer me like 50 Grand right now for the Eevee uh I would not take it uh just because I I think long-term I think these cards are still very obscure uh right now not a lot of people know them about them and as of right now there were only 100 copies handed out uh so I would prob plus whatever extra copies that were collected by Nintendo employees uh and lowp I probably would not let one go for less than 100K at this point interesting note on the Kow gun though uh I thought 9300 was a really good price for that card uh because a couple months ago I think it was last year or two years ago uh a bgs1 krun auctioned off at around like I think I'll post like a picture I think it it was below uh 9300 so uh someone got a bgs1 for a little bit less than that so um but around 10,000 I still think it's a little bit low considering people are paying $5,000 for PSA 10 po pop Mario pakas at $5,000 which they literally a thousand of them on the market right now um yeah I wouldn't if I was if I was the owner of these cards with the Pachi russu and the krunk I'd probably uh be a little bit disappointed in those sales Eevee I'd say I think I think there's still more room there what's the pop of Eevee five okay that makes more sense because I was about to say like one I think you're absolutely crazy for not taking 50k if someone offered you 50 mostly because if you look at the snap cards like you know how many exist of those that's true like it's like you know they're still selling you know what is it one of the coughing so for 30 and then you know I guess you call that the pisu or whatever but then it's like you the Articuno and then this and that so you know that 50 to 70 range is pretty stable for a lot of them and then maybe you get the Charmander this and that they they hop up to like a 100 or so so I guess I mean I guess I could see it a little bit maybe the 100 case but with there being 100 copies and you I guess there's 510 so it's really the 10 premium is what you're counting on for that that 100K piece but I mean I think a a non PSA 10 Scrabble Eevee would would be you know maybe even lower than 50 so yeah like like I have I I everything you said I completely agre agree with you especially when you if you if you directly contrast of like what snap cards are selling for um but and like I said like this these sales might flush out more uh now that they have more awareness to them and 50k is still a lot of money uh so maybe this will get more to pop up in the market but uh until that pop skyrockets I I I would just hold at that point well the next card up is I don't think we talked about this sh is the PSA 10 sample Pikachu and man do we have a story between us on that one so another card I I have I uh full disclosure I own three of these cards I own three of them uh I almost owned four at one point but I do only three of them um but I actually dropped one off at the just the Tron card show uh this is card as by of of all the sample cards uh this card is by far the most expensive one um I actually had mine listed on pwcc fixed Marketplace uh for 25k uh with offers available uh while this auction was going on uh so I think that that possibly could have impact like put the ceiling on the on how this how this card finished off at auction because at auction it finished off at 24K um it's a very it's one of the most Whimsical beautiful artworks of a Pikachu in the entire hobby uh but I'll let Zach take the floor of uh our history with this card yeah so I basically had a PSA 10 sample set and I was missing one card and come to find out I was like oh tetra's been the only buying these that's why I haven't been able to get one at auction for you know three four five you know K however many it is and you know I helped Tetra you know get his full set from uh I don't well you cut it out if you want me to say but from Rusty for for a good price and you know they made that connection so I I was like hey man do you mind just like letting one of the pasas go because I think you were bidding to win and like your bid price was like as high as it needs to go and I'm like hey man I'm gonna bid to win too like I would love to get one like I don't necessarily want to pay double the last like two sales that happened this month but you know so Tetra very kindly um I think you gave a few bids just to be like you're not getting a deal but you can get it and so I think I paid I don't know I paid really close like what they were going for but it wasn't like a steal or anything it's just if we would have been against each other it would have it would have been bad I think uh I think the market at that point was 3K per card yeah around 3,000 um for the pasas for the P I bought the I can't remember because Rusty had the entire set on on his uh on his page I think I paid six grand six or seven grand for the entire sample Set uh so which was obviously good decision sample double cards are a really cool story because they have an English front uh but they're printed on Japanese card stock uh so the back of the card is actually a Japanese back which is kind of a it's strange it's very weird um and the Prov basically the provance of those cards right now are just Rusty's word and interpretation of so his his Rusty story was that they were hand there were 100 of them around 100 of them given at the Pokemon Center in New York when the Pokemon Center in New York uh was a thing this was the transition when waty had lost the license was lose about to lose the license to Pokemon and they're showcasing the e-reader section uh the e-reader technology basically and these cards apparently were only supposed to be you they're supposed to be used at the Pokemon Center in New York and then obviously if you swipe them you damage them because swiping causes damage um and then apparent like they were a bunch of them were just like picked up by Rusty and he slowly trickled them out throughout the years um but I haven't checked the population of the cards yet was it the what was the low's pop one was it the oh man was it chansy or was it a Machop or I think it was a Machop well I'll put a disclaimer but it wasn't the Pika uh but in terms of desirability I think obviously the Pika is at the top but I also think the p in second place is the Pichu because it's just that kind of vein of collector species collectors species collectors you cannot to the moon to the Moon you cannot argue with but man imagine if you were like what what's the worst P at Pikachu obviously that's the answer that that that would be the worst species collector in the entire hobby if you were a species collector every time I go to a show I'm like hey what do you collect I'm like don't say Charizard if you say Charizard I don't believe you like Pokemon like you know just I don't know yeah but but yeah to the moon but yeah uh yeah 24K solid sale uh for that card Ed actually ended up bumping my Buy It Now price up to 35k because was like that's a little too close to my buy it buy it now price so uh let me just I'll tack on an extra 10K there we'll see where it goes from here he does not want to sell the card that's what he's telling you but yeah a lot of good sales uh we have a lot of the high-end and hopefully more highend keeps coming up because it's the most interesting to talk about uh but let's just give me something different highend no give me a Minimum PSA 9 illustrator and then I'll get excited to talk about illustrators again so with that we'll move on to the main topic of today's episode which is uh we have a few main topics but the one we'll get into first is going to be the high-end Supply and we touched on a lot earlier with the market trends and such and what's interesting with the highend supply is there's there's a lot of different factors that come up like like a lot of the highend trophies seem to be coming up but a lot of like the older like watsi like vintage especially English set cards they still seem to be like like settling you know at a at a lower price like you saw that the the first at base set you know i' attribute that mostly to someone auctioning a full set versus splitting it up um but you aren't seeing the Charizard like PS 10 population jump up you know it's still in the 120s it's not like 130 140 150 or anything like that and so you're seeing a lot of those copies the ones being cycled um I think you have to think about like a market you know fear motivates people more than greed and so I think there were like seven or eight like first de base zards auction this year already that's kind of a decent bit you know I sold one last November for Buy It Now price um talked to the buyer privately is one of the best copies I had so end up going a little bit higher but I think um as we continue to see things cycle in and out I think there are a lot of people who maybe are fearful of like the end of the year the economy just it is a presidential year in the United States and there a lot of like trends that suggest that maybe there's something going on later this year um so I think there's a lot of factors as why the highend supply seems to one just be hitting the market but two seems to be trending downward on price but um I think what the the the point here is that it could be a really good opportunity to buy and so I think some of the greatest investors over time have always said you know when when everyone's buying that might be the time to sell and so I know we'll talk about Eevees here in a little bit but you know one of the points is you know the moon Brion was 700 bucks you know last December it's 1500 1600 bucks now today um it may be the best time to sell that card today versus you know when you look at the Charizard it's holding pretty firm at like 170 I think there's some sales that'll go a little higher you know the illustrator seems be holding pretty firm at 200 even some of the trophies are are holding um you know that that above you know 60k to you know low like 100 100K price point for some of the off trophies and so I think it may actually be a good time to buy some of these things um when the market is appearing to me to be a little bit more fearful the PSA man the PSA 10 popul you have to you have to like realize like the PSA 10 population of Charizards like for you have to think of the amount of people have that regraded that card and just like for that great optimization and just like you want talk like population control like there that card is the prime example of population control because I remember when I first entered I first entered the market at like 2016 I think the population of like zard was like below 100s fast forward to 2024 where last time I checked was like 124 like an extra like 20 copies over nearly like eight years span that's that's like and the amount of like people who have been submitting and regrading cracking cases and Grading that's like that's not a huge spike in like the population so uh feeling with like picking up on your like undertones from our last segment of like great optimization and population control it's just bunch of like with the amount of Charizards that have come out last year literally just people exchanging there like the people the same ones are being cycled through back and forth and it's understandable that like a a lot of factors as well like I think like obviously we would have all liked to sell like that to be that $ 400,000 sale uh getting the peak value for for your money of what you invested into but at the same time like 104,000 that's still that's that's that's a lot of cake man that's that's still like even if like let's just say you bought in like 30 40K um when we were when I just started really getting the hobby that is still a substantial return of investment and people it honestly could just come down to like people could summon up I can buy a new Porsche with this car like I people some people are just like Gearheads and it's like this car will let me buy my dream car uh and they also forget to take into account that you probably have to pay taxes on those on on on your sale as well and then they kind of get stuck but at the same time it's it's still like $170,000 to most people is a lot of money especially if you got in early so uh which is why we see a lot of the exchanges but as always if you want maximum value uh for the card uh and your Investments then you just have to wait it out and we just you have to kind of like wait out and ride out this wave of just work all these chariz are coming to auction all once same thing with these illustrators man there's just illustrator fatigue is the same thing as Charizard fatigue at this point yeah like if you have an illustrator and you're still looking to sell now it's just like bad time to do it you just got to hold out yeah I think you made some good points there about um you know just the price kind of shooting up over time and you know they don't all cycle and I kind of want to piggyback on that like let's think about how many like Charizards have sold over 50k just just throw that number out there and let's say that it's been 30ish or so over the last like maybe three or four years maybe it's a little more but of those 30 maybe a couple of them are the same card I know I've seen at least one or two take like some pretty heavy losses um I know a couple of have been crossed over between grading companies um you know Logan crossed a PSA 10 to bgs1 I know one of the sgc1 you know black diamonds was crossed to cgc pristine the other cgc pristine was a raw card and so there's a lot of like moving Parts here and there but of the 124 copies um you know I've had a decent bit um in my collection that I think I've only really let one go above 50k um and then there's a lot of other people that have had some like Gary still has quite few copies um you know they haven't all necessarily sold for that 170 and so what the market does is you know like let's say a stock where to just shoot up over time and there's a lot of people that just aren't looking at it every day or every month or every year and eventually they look say oh man this thing doubled like I got to cash out like this that so there's a lot of people that still have those zards that they probably paid less than 10K for and you know they're okay at 170 not selling but maybe there's a lot of people that haven't seen it that that are happy to sell at 100 and so you have to let the market kind of just breathe a little bit you have to let those sales come up and we have that sort of pause that 170 Mark that we're seeing I think you're really priming yourself for I mean unless it unless the floor breaks and it comes down but you're priming yourself for something to happen like it can't it's just not going to stay at 170 forever um and I mean I don't know there's there's so many factors in markets and stuff I I know there's still a lot of Economics people that that are out there that are crushing it in Pokemon I want to say that they know who they are but um it just when you look at the hobby you look at how everything relates you know I think we used to say Charizard is like like the bread and butter it's like the life of of the Hobby and everything else kind of ties back into it as far as like the zards this price and the Blastoise is here or you could even go as far as say the Poncho Pikachu should be here because the first B hards there maybe that's a bit of a stretch but it's like everything kind of relates in some way and it just really feels like a lot of the highend like English especially first edition it just um there's so much room there's so much value there for it to grow I just I don't see it coming down too much further and and maybe this is a story we'll continue to say the rest of the year so we talk about highend Supply we lots of illustrators lots of Charizards couple of trophy pasas what what are we not seeing my first thing the first thing that comes to mind is uh we had a we had a little bit of a run there of trophy kangs we saw a lot of trophy KS but we haven't seen one in a while we haven't seen any of the ssds uh in a long time either uh the ones with the meww holographic background um but what else are we not seeing I mean what what's a card that was extremely hyped you know a couple years ago that you know uh Pokemon Syndicate was was all about for the longest time that we saw some pretty crazy sales on yeah the no Rarity Hollows and so like I think maybe one or two pop up here and there from random Japanese shops you really haven't seen the pop on those grow you haven't really seen any public sales um of a lot of the cards a lot of them are still like sub pop one two and many people consider this to be like the the predecessor to to the Japanese base set I think it's confirmed um but it's it's widely accepted I think that the no Rarity was probably before um the main release I think the last zard sale was like 250k I think there may one with the case that was autoed in the case it got uh maybe that was like more like a year ago but they really haven't that many sales of it and so like there are some things still in the shadows that are still kind of doing their thing and like if a no Rarity chance he would have pop up for auction I could see that car going for like 50k Plus or maybe even higher because one there some serious chansy collectors two it's never really been available and three like you're going to call it the first chansy um I get there's the whole Bandai car ass like this argument um my argument to them is trading card game um it's a game to be played there's attack defense you know this and that like I just I don't know I'm a big believer that b said is the first game so apologies my opinion on no Rarity has drastically changed with the emergence of the Chinese buyers I see so prior to the the the Chinese buyers entering the market I didn't think that like yeah it's cool but I just think that the English just so well known the buyer pool is just so much bigger because people prefer to have English cards but now after the influx of the Chinese buyers maybe maybe some uh filtering of monies in nefarious ways of trying to just direct funds elsewhere uh I because Japanese people they don't Chinese people generally don't like they they'll buy English cards but they prefer to buy japanese cards just because that's that's what what they prefer um rest in peace all the other languages as well but there's a higher premium for Chinese buyers on japanese cards so like you said I could see if a chance he ever popped up you could someone could just blow their brains out honestly at some point just like this is the first one no guarantees another one's coming out maybe they want to have like the the clout to be maybe they're chasing like the very first ever complete Hollow no Rarity set out there and just have copious amounts of money but like yeah like I was very bearish on no Rarity but with like the influx of Japanese fires coming to the market I I could see like people just like blowing the brains out like six like the 16 holos for first edition be wild I mean a PSC 10 set does not exist as far as I know so yeah it's the race the first man it's the race the first there are people that are close but we'll see we'll see we'll see all right so we'll move on to what the title of this podcast Eevee to the Moon which really centers around like the the the spike and evolving Skies all art EES just like species collecting and just like how important it is to recognize species play a dramatic part of this hobby they're people who only collect a certain amount of species I say to anyone who is entering the hobby trying to invest in the hobby um spe you should absolutely consider species popularity um when you consider filling out your collection your EES your Pikachu your Charizards all your Evolutions are all safe bats chanties chanties as well which is kind of strange but chanies Pichu collectors when did when did evolving Skies come out like oh man was it 20 21 or maybe was it before covid I always got I always got to double check that um but whenever it came out it was just it it took off like crazy I mean people just absolutely loved I think it was 2021 people just absolutely love that set there's so many Eevees that are baked in there um but really I think that the the bigger story is you know the scarlet and violet takeoff like there's so many other alt Arts that are huge I think we focus on the eeve because there's so many more Eevee collectors and fans but you know there's the alt art Ray that's in there that's beautiful like the Sky Tree Ray um and there's so many other just beautiful alt Arts that that we're seeing a lot of buyouts on these and so if you hop on a TCG player you look at cards and then you see the price price price and boom you know price boom it's just it's it's kind of nuts and I think um we've always said you know modern is a different Market than vintage you can't like blend the two vintage is gonna operate on its own and it's a little down right now and it's it's still holding firm compared to other tcgs that are out there but modern is just like in this just full send just to the Moon thing and the part that blows me away about modern is like a lot of stuff is still being printed you know some of the stuff is still in rotation not all of it and then Pokemon has come back and reprint sets before um I get that Distributors and you know a lot of stores have more info than maybe we have um I hear a lot of that stuff secondhand but like they've proven that they'll reprint things you know like like time and time again so like I think we're at this point that even if Pokemon were to take everything they printed for scarlet and violet and they were to like print it again like just double it I think everyone is under the assumption that like the market can consume it and take it and absorb it and really just run with it because there's no fear of like the the quantity the volume I mean think about the amount of mbon PSA 10s that are out there like it's absurd and for that card to be priced at you know 15 16,700 bucks um it it really like the question question I always like to tell people is do you see the Moon Bron going to 5K to 4K to 3K or do you really feel like 2K long term is Peak value because I'm not saying that for the history of this card it'll always be at 2K or higher whatever like I do think that you you the cards like the economy of the the hobby does have highs and lows it does go up and down is will there be a reality where a moon Brion is under a thousand bucks again in the future I think it's a very high likelihood I think at some point in the next two years we'll probably see mumon below one 1K and so I'm not saying you know fomo is probably one of the biggest ways to lose money in this hobby it's probably also one of the biggest ways to you know pay stupid tax um if everyone is buying the mbon it might be a good time to sell it and if it's card you really want like just be patient wait for the hobby to take a little dip you know the hobby will always have highs and lows it will never be perfectly line yeah like if you bought into like evolving Skies like at the beginning like obviously anything sealed you will never lose money in most cases with like sealed product long term uh but the ceiling on the high like your mbons it's very it's very low which is kind of the case with like most modern the ceiling on most modern is fairly low and if you kind of want like a prime example of of a card you can to you can take a look at the hyper rare Charizard um from burning Skies uh where the price is of that card was when it was four years ago uh to where it is now really not that much movement in terms of where a lot of of if you were to take actual knowledge of the Hobby and understanding of what's rare what's not rare taking into count all other factors you could you can invest your money invest your money Better In other facets of the hobby if you have patience to kind of learn about all the other stuff as well also when we talk about sealed like another thing that people don't take into account when they're talking about sealed is that you have to buy a lot of it to to like to come out like wow long term and where are you going to keep all of it just like takes a lot of space man it takes a lot of space it's the same thing to like what Lego collectors have to deal with like Lego collectors the people who like hoard Lego you got to put that Lego somewhere it just can't be Forida ceiling in your house out in the open you have to like pay for storage it's just it's it's a lot of space but there are people who do it there are like you know people there are people who literally and and when when a set comes out they'll buy like two or three full pallets of that and just like sit on it for like a decade they're people who are sitting on there are people who are sitting on pallets of jungle right now it's just like long term you will do well on sealed especially if you hit like a winner let's just say you you evolved heavily into lost Thunder or you Ed heavily into evolving Skies obviously I think now would probably be a good time if you can think of other facets to kind of reinvest in obviously if you don't have if there's nothing else you want to rotate capital in purchase uh then maybe just hang on to it it's it's it's an easier way to look at it uh but yeah but at that point I don't find that fun to me personally that's not enjoyable it's work it's work it's work you're not like fully enjoying the hobby of buying what you want I don't know what what are your thoughts if if you want to store a pallet you could probably get that down like maybe five bucks a pallet you know if you went to the right place you'd have like an In-N-Out cost if you like want to do that but like there are ways to do this like like pretty cheap and efficient but at the same time like like there's always be people bigger than you that are doing this there always going to be people who are buying multiple pallets that already own the warehouse and the land that bought it 20 years ago that like it's just it's really hard to compete with some of the the the competitive advantages out there I'm not saying don't go buy your set but like like there may be better Investments that just have better movements this and that um if like there's a card I like a lot of times I'll buy like one copy of that card like you know the The Magikarp the Kama art like I you know that's one of the cards going to the moon it's like 600 bucks you know the hunter the Gastly and maybe The Drowsy is gonna be next for some that art I might go buy one cop really like it if it's a card I love maybe I get a few of them this and that but a lot of the Moon Bron collectors that I'm seeing like they have like five 10 20 copies like you're not buying that card because you like it you're buying that card because you're investing in it like you you were like saying I am riding this wave we're going to go to however far and like it just um it's if you're collecting and you love The Hobby and you just want to buy what you like you we've said time and time again like if you buy what you like you'll probably do well over time with with no regard to the investment side of it because there's probably other people that think similar to you and what happens when a lot of people think the same way demand goes up prices go up but like when you kind of f in and you get like a 100 you know Bas sards it's like you are now taking a very calculated approach that you think like where basart is today I think it'll go up not saying it's not valuable because again it costs a lot of money today but you're saying I think it'll improve from where it's at so uh I just I cannot rationalize the moon brand if I had 20 Moon Brands and someone said 1,500 frauds ideal here you go like next item like especially since it's like it's still in print right now like like one thing that you can always like Bank on in life is death taxes and Pokemon reprinting sets it's just H happened with ro happen with roaring Skies it'll happen again it happened with mango pikas it's just it's just like if if a set gets too hot you can almost guarantee that a reprint is going to happen again which um long term could obviously impact your investment strategies you know the another big topic that came up was 151 the booster box is coming out um people were cracking these left and right for 200 bucks a box I mean hop on whatnot all day people are paying you know seven bucks plus a pack and it's a fun set even when you're paying that premium it's fun you chase the master ball there's so many hits I think I opened a box in Japan I paid like maybe like 160 or so like like back of Worlds and I got like 50 bucks for the hits it was awesome and the alt Arts are beautiful this and that um but well the whole Japan reprinted them they they said hey we want these to be accessible we don't like the fact that stores can only get five packs to kids and no one else can get it um so you can go to the Pokemon Slater and you can you can get it they'll take the shrink wrap off to where it's not wrapped and you still have to do the pull tab to open it because they you're buying a box they want you to open it um but it's one of those things where the price literally went from you know the the 180 at shows 200 you know online all the way down to um really you can get this for like 50 to 55 bucks a box if you're looking at the right place um now the sealed um ones go for a little bit more we say sealed we mean shrink WRA with the plastic wrap um if you do buy for the Pokemon Center they they will cut that off so that's considered the no wrap um you know these come in you know cases of 12 and then a master case has four of them and there are people out there that that you I've seen some people Flex on Instagram that have 100K plus positions in the 151 reprint as soon as it came out it's it's literally nuts but I think if you were going to make a a bad on a on a set like this would be a very easy thing to do I think when streamers can sell something pretty easy for 4X the current price I I see this going above a hundred before in the next few months and I think by end of the year this year it'll be 150 plus it just it's an awesome set to open you can't you can't beat Kanto man you really can't beat the noal I Cano it's just it's just everyone knows there's just so many weird Pokemon out now can't keep I can't I can't keep up with modern day Pokemon man it's just like yeah stuff like that like there's like that sand trap one that looks like a sand castle I can't I I I maybe it's like this is this is my old man yelling at Cloud segment I just I can't keep up right now it's just it's just too much so that comes up that wraps up uh the main topics let's move into our Show and Tell of Collector's Corner uh so my first card uh for Collector's Corner or my only card is one that I found because I lost it for the longest time uh I was talking about last week how like how suun art just always hits and this one I knew I had two copies of but I could only find one at the time uh this is the 2010 LP uh l-p promo suun a lottery card uh so officially thousand of these were handed out you actually had to enter Lottery to win them same in line basically just less available as the Kanto starters I think there were like 10,000 Kanto starters that were handed out whereas with the mythical beasts there's only a thousand of them handed out I the reason I bring this up is because I actually have plans for this card with the extra copy that I have uh I think the last PSA 10 copy of this card sold in like 2022 for 7500 is so given that time uh haven't seen one popped up in a while I expect a little bit bump with that uh but I plan to sell one of them and pick up uh first edition near Revelation uh suun just to bump up my my because currently I have a nine in that card uh so I I I intend to try to basically Exchange in terms of value one of these cards for a PSA 10 uh new revelation copy this that's that's the uh that's the purest form of the hobby right there just trying to Selling Stuff so you can reinvest and buy some other things uh so that is my card of the week this week de you're doing a trade up challenge here guys please help please help shake my hand shake my hand shake it my hand welcome oh my gosh well I hope I hope you get your Neo suun beautiful card yeah card that's fluctua price so much it's it's kind of nuts but I think I think now is like a better time to ever to get something like that just so much demand for it years ago for people who would absolutely get that card at some point it's just kind of like you know if you can get it for the price you mention I think that'd be great it's I think it's it's around like 8 to 10 grand currently for that card uh the new rev one anyways so if I have to pay it like let's just say I get the same auction price of 800 or 8,000 uh for this card if I had to pay an extra 2,000 that's fine um but yeah just kind of it's kind of why I have two of the same card when I can knock off one of the goals from um from another s right yeah be careful what you offer because I think it might have been down to 7500 recently for the first ad and there may have been some auctions even lower than that so uh you may have some cash left over if uh we'll see I we'll see I try to be optimistic Zach I don't try to I I don't try to overvalue things oh man you pay more I want to pay more I'm just kidding all right right what do you got for me I'll hop into the card of the week um got a got a story with this one so this is a c card that PSA would not grade for the longest time um due to a printing error on the front of the card and then um the card condition is nearly Immaculate it's it's a beautiful beautiful card and it's it's one of the stories of a card that doesn't reach the top grade simply because one of the uh areas is slightly not not quite where it needs to be but the card is beautiful otherwise and this is none other than the no Rarity Raichu and so so this card is a cgc 9 U the subgrades are 85 95 10 and 10 beautiful beautiful subgrades and it is one of the cleanest no RAR to right shes I've ever seen um the centering is just slightly slightly off top to bottom um and it's just like I really thought it could be a nine and I I think I tried to cross at PSA they're like we don't give anything CDC up upgrades and you know we got we got to stop bashing PSA yeah sorry it's a c29 but the subgrades are just like stunning and uh the reason that PSA wouldn't grade it is because the Pokedex number down here is 25 and that's not Raichu that's actually Pikachu so um card yeah they're like hey Pro prove it was released and there's all this digging this and that and there's like every example of this card is this and it's like it took years to get to a point where PSA would grade it and so I actually graded this with cgc raw um I bought it from I think baay or something um Yahoo auction something like a long time ago and it graded really well like literally one of the cleanest Raichu but it's one of those cases where sometimes to get a 10 or to get that top grade everything can be perfect and you still just barely miss it so I'm I'm forever going to keep the card in this case because how clean it is so you imported that card yourself oh yeah just SW yeah yeah with a With a Little Help from Hamada uh this card I think I got this card from like Andrew from nice when secet when what was his name before card secret man someone leave the comment what was what was card Au what was card secret before was card secret yeah I bought a ton of like Japanese set cards from him he was auction like web unlimited first edition and like yeah I I was picking this up 30 50 you know 60 bucks a card like but he was the only guy that could Source him and like grade him and you know he lives in Japan he lives in Japan well he lived in Australia at the time for a little bit but you know he he moved Japan I think he was like one of the first card shops open in Japan by like a non-japanese like like person I'm sure that went over so well for him he went through quite a bit to get there and you know he's got a he's got a great sword now and uh you know he's got a lot of people going through I think I saw like Mystic 7even and a couple other people like stop by shop so it's like this everyone just wants to go see him anduko which is kind of cool Japan International Trade oh there you go that's it that's it that's Japan international trade that was it all right all right all right so final section of the podcast ask Nick and Zach viewer questions your viewer questions that we pull straight from YouTube you can also leave them on Instagram as well uh on our Instagram page so first question comes from hanger Williams who has invested into some Poncho pikas um due to the backlog of PSA he sent them to cgc he's got N9 and 95 subgrades and does he recommend cracking and regrading through PSA to get that PSA premium um it really depends on what the subgrades are um as well as your familiarity of being able to pre-screen a card um obviously there is a large premium from a PSA 10 to a PSA 9 um but there's a lot of risk as well you can damage cards by cracking them um if you don't know what you're doing um it really just I honestly think it really comes down to your experience in the hobby if you're not that experienced in the hobby I would probably vote against it uh but what what does Zach have to say I'd say 100% kraam sen them in PSA just complete opposite yeah the early cgc grades when PSA was Clos or when the grading scale was different and they're tough so a lot of these grades are probably like tough grades so that CDC 995 there's a lot of people that have actually bought those earlier grades and cross them and got PSA 10s um if like Tetra said if you're not comfortable with cracking have someone else crack them for you cracking is not hard um but you do need to practice a little bit and I don't know if I would practice on a Pon show um you literally go to a card show there's going to be 100 people there that can crack it for you um I you to show I'll crack it for you for for free you know just bring it to me I'll just do it real fast swp can actually crack cards with just his hands that's you know because he's swo because he's so swo right I didn't get it thanks I'm so sorry but at the same time like yes cgc screen standards were like were really tough back then but also PSA screening standards have also increased as time has like that's why people more how value more newer shts especially when we talk about some of the more older valuable cards I almost but at this time at this point I feel like there's just the PSA 10 population on Pono pikas is so high at this point like I almost feel like they're almost like Auto 10 at this point if you consider if they if they go through PSA I don't know there won't be there's no there's no there's no pop control on a thousand pop PSA 10 card you know what I mean so next question cardboard Kingdom if you had to give away all your card cards and can only keep one in your collection regardless of value what would it be Tetra illustrator you have an illustrator dude it's like what a reveal man this thing no no no it's a it's a terrible answer but it would be my it would be my first s art honestly it's I know it's such a it's such a van answer and people like roll their I could just I can just people I can visually see people rolling their eyes at this point but it's just it's the card it's the card man it's it's the card that I had growing up it's the card that I always wanted it's the card that really got me interested in the Hobby and jumped into it it was it was like it was literally the reason why I jumped into the hobby it was like I didn't have couldn't afford Pokemon cards growing up didn't own any Pokemon cards growing up first card I ever purchased was I can't remember what order was it was like a PSA t theur or Blastoise literally the first cards that I bought and the goal long term was to get a Charizard eventually to complete the trifecta long behold just things evolved got into other things finished got the majority of English done that I wanted DBL in Japanese Boston high in japanese cards and it's just like a journey it's a journey and that kind of card like symbolizes the beginning of that journey and kind of like my childhood all at the same time so it's a vanilla answer but the first edition Charizard probably you did a really good job of explaining it this and that I'll give you props I was going to roast you on drawing a line through that regardless of value piece that was there um but no that that's that's that's a really good answer I you know it's such a tough question and and I've thought about a lot of cards like like there's some Auto cards that really treasure um there's cards have gotten signed by friends that really treasure um you know most valuable card is is probably still the first de basart I I don't own any of the super high in Japanese trophies um yeah I love jolon jungle jolon just the art this and that I feel like so many people they just just I'm like synonymous with that card almost um so if I had to take all those factors and narrow down to one card I'd probably say the no symbol jungle jolon I got signed by himo um when I was at uh Charlotte for the Regionals she signed it with the eveve inscription um on it she did her name and then I asked her very kindly to draw in the jungle symbol where it was missing and so it kind of one of those perfect moments where I remember being confused as a kid and not really sure kind of if it was Bas jungle and trying to figure it out and um I didn't realize no simple jungle is a thing so I was much much older and so it's kind of like the artist kind of like helping the child and um I just really love that sort of like connection and it it just full Sloop from you know childhood back to collector um I've got many cards that are way more valuable many cards that other people probably want but but to me it's like if you take you know collecting Journey history this that it's all in one card like I could look at that card every day Zach took the copout answer because officially he's not allowed selling that card anyways so I can sell that card I I got it way before any current uh contractual obligations okay okay all right okay all right last question comes from tcv Collectibles I kind of condensed this question because it was kind of long but basically what he's asking is with the prices of PSA 10 especially waty continuing to increase um where do where could you see eights and sevens and lower grades go uh as potential everyday collector's items and kind of like a follow-up question as well he had is what is the cut off grade for PSA where where you buy a PSA card where you might as well just buy a raw card so uh I don't I'm Gonna Let You dabble with this question and start off because I am not familiar with the uh with around that seven area of Raw versus graded so I'll let you take the floor with this one yeah I mean if you're buying raw to grade to get 10 you're going to lose money like it's it's absolutely cheaper to buy the 10 um and run with it it used to be like you could buy raw Mt copies between seven and eight prices or between eight and nine prices and things have optimized so much with the way people look at things the way people critique things that you you have a hundred buyers that are looking at every auction every listing to see if there's grading potential to see what's hidden you have all these dealer lots that are like carefully structured lots that are just designed to bait and switch you to to get you to buy this and that um you have people who are great at taking photos and they know what's wrong with the car but they still hide it um I've experienced that this year you know with a couple cards um where it's not disclosed but clearly it should have been disclosed um even for higher value cards so I think that a lot of the copies that are raw that'll grade PSA 10s are probably selling above PSA 9 prices like I truly think they're they're going above um there I've even seen some raw cards go for near PSA 10 price it doesn't make sense but the the real kind of secret here is you can probably buy PSA 4 and five copies of cards that look good on you know in the case crack them out and you can sell them raw for probably PSA 8 n prices um it's it sounds crazy but there's so many people that aren't in the grading game they don't really care about grading they think the grading companies win with their fees um they'd rather look at cards on a binder they'd rather play the decks you know the old school decks um it just um it's it's very very difficult if you're G to buy raw and go to Great it can be done but you're doing it a way that not a thousands of people have access to that collection you're doing it in a way where you found this local friend or this that you go look at it you make them a fair offer they do the deal um but I mean there's so many deals I see that if 100 other people in the hobby had access to it that price in that deal would be so much higher so what about the potential growth between PSA 8 and N in terms of its sealing uh since a lot of people have been priced out at PSA 10 at this point um PSA 10 will always have so I always like to explain this as it always have a greater second derivative which means the acceleration of the 10s will always be like faster than the nines now if the prices retract or they come down the PSA 10s will drop further than the nines as far as the proportion or like a percentage of the card value so like like if a nine is 50 bucks and a 10 is 200 bucks that 10 is probably more likely to go to a th000 bucks you know 5x versus the nine 5x thing to 250 that nine will probably get to 150 or something they kind of hold so by buying the tens of the Top Copy you really get this pool buyers that like they want the best the best they don't care about the price they don't care about the metrics they just want the best they'll pay whatever it takes so you get a greater acceleration the higher the grade um and you basically take less risk at the lower the grade now like I said you know when the market turns down and it comes down you're G to lose more money in the high grade You're Gonna Lose less money in the lower grade so I think buying at eight nine or 10 comes down to one your risk tolerance and two your ability to afford it most people buy eight n and 10 based on their ability to afford it they are really factor in Risk tolerance so that's that's kind of my general opinion final opinion is buy EES just byy all all just byy all the Eevees and with that solid advice ladies and gentlemen brings us to the end of next gen TCG podcast for this week two weeks in a row oh two two shows in a row on time let's go we did it we did it uh so uh liking this regular scheduled broadcast and we look forward to bringing you more episodes on a biy basis Zack will be traveling but uh he has uh lots of stuff that you can bring with him to record make sure that we can record regular content for you guys good show this week Zach uh good luck with all your traveling and uh say goodbye to everyone for us see you guys super stoked go to card party it's gonna be fun we'll get tou you there someday and by all the EES oh yeah bye-bye
Channel: NextGenTCG
Views: 1,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon podcast, pokemonpodcast, pokemon, pokemon cards, pokemon tcg, pokemontcg, collecting pokemon cards, pokemon videos, pokemon opening, how to pokemon, how to collect pokemon, how to buy and sell pokemon, pokemon investing, rare pokemon cards, original pokemon art, pokemon signatures, pokemon artists, pokemon art, pokemon artist, nextgentcg
Id: 5IedeR_4ZHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 52sec (4732 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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