Pokemon Auctions Of The Week

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[Music] what's going on guys I hope you guys are having a fantastic day let's go ahead and get straight into it we're going to be talking about auctions that are going on um and have already passed um and some a private deal that was really really big that just went down recently um as well as just um my regret in not being able to go to card party um a bunch of my friends had asked me if I was going to go to card party I wish that I could have but as you guys know I am the Sole Provider for my family and it's very important that I am working 24/7 saving making money we have some big things coming um I've talked about you know the game room potentially getting moved into my garage uh there is an update to that I now think we are probably going to move entirely uh which is really exciting and also very very stressful that you know I've only lived in this house for four or 5 years now and we're already looking at something else so maybe we'll rent this house out and just buy something else um so there could be a completely new change maybe an entirely new kind of uh recording room Game Room Studio space um but yeah there's a lot of stuff coming and um I haven't been as consistent with my videos the last couple days cuz I've been relaxing and then also uh taking time to look for houses and figure out where we're going and that also before we start talking about you know auctions and sales that have passed um in the Pokemon card Market um I also want to talk about the fact just pointed out that priorities and things change in life um your life situation changes and we very well may see a lot of stuff that I own on eBay uh being listed going up for aution soon uh because I'm going to need to get that Equity back out so that we can put it into something else um and we're also being cautious because the housing market may come down rates are still very high right now but anyways let's go ahead and let's jump right into this but this is the biggest reason my point is this is the biggest reason you may see Grail cards or really valuable cards go on the market and sell for maybe under Market is because people get in situations like myself right now where we need that equity back and we're really not worried about getting even 80 or 90% of value back on the cards or items we're selling because we need to roll that into something else entirely so that's the kind of thing that I think could happen in the future as we see the housing market change and people's uh lives change you know situations changing they may want to get that Equity back and put it into something else um okay so first off I want to go ahead and say that there is a a PSA 10 first edition Charizard PSA 10 up on the market right now going up for auction authenticity guaranteed uh seller has very low feedback kind of weird uh but that's probably one of the biggest ones that I could point out um I'm going to go ahead and try and find that auction right now let's see if we can find that on here okay let's see um um see PSA 10 first edition Charizard base okay let's see um let's see if it's still up here and it may have been removed it may have already been removed um it doesn't look like it's on here um that PSA 10 listing looks like it may have been taken down I don't see it [Music] anywhere I'm changing up the the search uh criteria now NOP I don't see that anywhere uh but what I do know we just had was a PSA 9 and I've brought this up there is a PSA 9 first edition Charizard uh I probably brought this up in another video where is it where is it did it end Let's see we got a lot of stuff to go over here so bear with me guys um but there was a PSA 9 listing uh just like mine that I just picked up for around uh 19,000 there is a PSA 9 listing for this card that just ended it was a probstein auction and it just ended it might have been in my watch list let's see if it was in my watch list there's a PSA 9 listing that just ended [Music] and why won't it let me pull up my watch list yes I want to see all the items that I'm watching annoying okay I hate using eBay on my computer honestly I much prefer um just using it on my phone but okay let's see sorting I'm watching a ton of stuff priced highest here we go okay um okay so this PSA 9 uh Charizard first edition that I just picked up not long ago for $119,000 there was one that ended at 24.2 it was a probe Ste auction let's see oh here it is thank goodness I found it I don't feel like showing everything but at the same time um I do think that you guys should at least be able to see the proof of this um but here it is here it is PSA 9 first edition auction uh prob Stein's auction $24,000 for that PSA 9 and it wasn't even a thick stamp it was a thin stamp looks like it was around yeah the same assert time frames that was a 25t mine is a 21er so very close but yeah that auction ended at 24,400 that is a big price jump even the last one we saw uh that was sold by Pokemon Network they sold it for uh 22,000 so still 24,000 is a big price jump that is a big price jump uh we also I also see okay let's see yeah the Pokemon Network had one listed for 24,000 and that sold that sold at uh 22,000 and then here we have a crystal Charizard I may have already talked about this one I may have already talked about this one but I'm going to go over it again just cuz it is a big auction that was that was a little while ago that was April 25th so that was a while ago but I still think it's important uh because it is a PSA 10 Charizard um I picked up this same card for around $10,000 um it was shown here selling in auction for 13,000 and some change was at 13,200 that was a lot that was a we're seeing some big jumps on Charizard what do I think that means I think that the Vintage Market is strong I think that the Vintage um looks like a spammer is trying to call me I think that the Vintage Grail Market is strong I think that's what it says if anything um and I think that's a net positive for the hobby overall all right let's see go back to [Music] bids okay also let's talk about some gold stars now we're going to talk about we're going to talk about modern alt Arts here in a minute uh some of the prices that these cards are going for but let's just go ahead and this one's not even over this ends in a day but I thought it was fitting to talk about um I picked this card up for $4,200 um we have the gold star Charizard another Charizard sorry guys it's a we're we're overwhelmed by Charizard I picked this one up for 4200 back when the eBay Vault was a thing so 4.2 this card is now uh in auction currently at 4550 uh and there's no more Vault so they're probably going to be paying a sales tax on that unless they're in a state where they don't have to pay sales tax on that but 4500 now I don't know if mine was the last recent sale but 4200 maybe a month or two months ago to 4500 that is a big that is a big difference um in pricing I I just think um I think that's kind of crazy uh I do get worried that Pokemon in general right now is like an all-time high peak bubble both for like vintage and modern cards it just seems a little bit ridiculous right now now um and I'm not even I haven't even finished my vintage goals so it kind of sucks that uh we're already you know our life situation is changing um because I'm probably going to need to put a stop to buying high-end cards and I'm not asking you guys to hold me accountable on this uh this is my responsibility as a man and a provider uh and putting my family first but um I should not be buying anything crazy I do want say that the the PSA 9 Gold Star Rayquaza is still on my radar and there's now actually a good couple of PSA 9 Gold Star Rayquaza on the market right now it seems like they're sitting right now um but that card is still on my radar guys the The Umbreon gold star is still on my radar um those are two big cards that I may pick up but right now I Really Am shifting my focus um on our next house and moving into a new home um so may even end up selling my jewelry you guys some of you have have joked about that you need to sell your jewelry Orion and and pick up some Grail cards but I might actually sell my jewelry at this point to help us with a down payment on another home um but yeah okay uh another one gold star Gyarados um so this card I feel like is in the $2,800 to $3,000 area so it's it's not going crazy right now um the Scuf does have the case does have a scuff on it but gold star Gyarados U PSA 9 it's a modern sht it's a sevener uh and it's 2850 which is pretty in line with pricing again there is no uh eBay Vault anymore so whoever buys this card is going to have to pay the price plus the tax if they have sales tax um absolutely epic card I honestly had thought about putting a bid in on this card or I looks like I did yeah I've been out bid I think I put a bid like 2700 on this card um because to me I just don't think you can have enough gold star Gyarados it is a phenomenal card it has a slightly lower Pop Report um than the other gold stars um and it's it's an epic card U The Shining Gyarados gold star Gyarados it's an epic card um okay let's back up here um and let's see I want to look at I want to look at and see um okay didn't win here we go here we go now I get to look at I'm just a get a little bit confused um so here's a modern card the Lana's aid from Twilight masquerade this is honestly one of my favorite cards I did put a bid in on this card because I really really liked it um but uh we're going to go ahead that went for $152 that seems like it was a a pretty high up there price for a card like that in my opinion but the set just did drop um and it is an sir let's go back here uh there was a first edition Poliwrath that I was looking at I think they're worth around 900 um it went for 830 um again you guys know I'm working on my first edition base set and I'm trying to finish gold stars and I'm trying to finish my crystals which I still need a crystal celby and ever since getting my crystal neoc King back I need to replace that with another PSA 9 for a good price or I'm so down to buy a PSA 10 Crystal neoc king um that would be epic um if there was going to be honestly if there was going to be the last card that I bought until we buy this house or the next house whenever we buy it you this was something that we're looking you know in the next year we're going to be looking at homes all year uh but it is something that is on my radar right now and a PSA 10 Crystal Neo king would just be the perfect card to end on a on a on a Grail note with and be like you know what I'm going to pick this up and that'll be it for a while um and I'll come back to it when I can but um yeah I'm I might have to take a break here um okay first edition Poliwrath PSA 9 it is a new CT it's an 84 CT um $830 was what this guy went for honestly seems like a pretty good price um I feel like a lot of the PSA 9 first editions uh we're going for well above $11,000 in in the in the Epic hype of the pandemic and the Pokemon boom I know it's been pretty much over a year or two years now since then but uh it's important to remember that because I remember how expensive these cards were getting uh this is uh a cool um auction did I put a B on on this I don't think I put a bit in on this but we're going to look at it anyways um this was a case of um this was a case of base set 2 theme decks it looks like it went for $1,200 you guys know that I really like theme decks uh that's what's above me right here uh but this was a sealed case of eight sealed theme decks for $1,200 for any of you that are ever thinking about theme decks or investing in buying theme decks or selling theme decks um that's you know that I was looking at that in 1 1200 I think was a really good price on that um I'm probably closer to like $1,000 in terms of what I would spend on that but that's just a cool different kind of auction uh here we have an auction for the miradon you know I told you guys that I was going to try my best to look at um to look at some Modern alt Arts sirs both from Scarlet Violet and sword and shield I might be a little all over the place here but I think this was a pretty cool auction um this was the meridon and it was a bundle deal for a PSA 9 and a PSA 10 for $94 the reason I was looking at this auction is cuz I really like coron and midon and I really really like the artwork I'm going to zoom in on that artwork for you guys just real quick because I do think it is a phenomenal no I'll just make that enlarged um I do think it is a phenomenal artwork so we're going to go ahead and look at the card right there uh the midon ex sir I think that it is a phenomenal artwork so that was a bundle that was a bundle both cards $94 uh for PSA 10 and PSA 9 I feel like that was worth it to just pay that you get the PSA 10 and then you just sell the PSA 9 um or if you're building a binder you put that in your binder so that was kind of cool um another gold star a gold star jolon uh PSA 9 um I picked this card up for 750 a little bit ago uh looks like this one is kind of popping off as well um this is a prob Stein auction once again 860 um 860 so that that seems like it's pretty in line with Market uh that was an older sht but yeah 860 pretty much all the gold stars I feel like I'm doing pretty well on in terms of watching those kind of rise in value uh we have some theme decks uh they're two you guys might not be able to see this but there are two uh Legend maker theme decks right there these two guys right here uh 150 that those are really good prices for sealed Mint Condition theme decks um there's so many good deals happening in this hobby right now uh there's heart gold soul silver undaunted uh theme decks um I'm just trying to these are less important but I really like them there's the heart gold silver um Umbreon theme one and then the spon theme one these come with sealed booster packs by the way so they usually go for a little bit more uh and it looks like uh they each went for 200 plus the Espeon was right over 200 and The Umbreon uh one was at 200 55 for this one right here um and then we're going to we're all over the place we're going to jump to Sun and Moon we're going to jump to Sun and Moon the um the tag team the team up uh lattos lattos the love birds um this auction was by trust Pro cards and I was putting a bid in on this auction because I actually am selling my lattos Latos PSA 9 I would rather get the card in a PSA 10 uh it feels like it's probably one of the most epic modern um alt Arts out there um definitely a card that I think you would want in a PSA 10 um and it ended right where I would be comfortable putting a bid in on it uh so lattos lattos um that alt art looks absolutely stunning as you can see uh it sold for 2200 uh which I think was a pretty good price for PSA 10 um I definitely would have been down pay that price for a PSA 10 I'm hoping that I'll get 7 or 800 for my 9ine and I could roll that into a 10 at some point um at this point I might be selling this stuff to go towards uh the house but uh yeah I'm probably going to be listing uh a couple bigger auctions soon guys so keep a lookout for that I'm not saying I'm selling my collection off but it's something that I don't really have much choice on and I feel like I'm going to have to make a move there um okay gold star PSA 9 uh Mewtwo I picked this card up for 1760 um not long ago it sold by slab sharks in auction for 2650 CAD which is Canadian um which is the equivalent of 1928 USD so I feel again all the gold stars seem to be creeping up um you know it's it's stable it's long-term slow growth but it's very stable and because the pops are so low I only see that growth continuing um but again um modern modern alt-arts and sirs I'm sure will grow a lot more um I'm not 100% on that because there are a lot of them out there but I think a lot of the focus is on Modern so we're going to see those cards going up in value um some some gym Heroes decks here there's some gym Heroes decks um so the the Erica and a legend maker deck so there's a couple theme decks right here guys U I'll break it down for you um these two sold for around 150 140 uh these are the lieutenant surge theme decks I'm not sure how clear that is but these are the lieutenant surge theme decks uh those are worth around 200 I feel like so whoever bought those 150 140 they did good the ericao went for 170 which isn't a crazy good deal and then another Legend maker Golem theme deck for $60 that's a really good price on a 20y old vintage theme deck you know what I'm saying like like these decks are old and they should be worth more than that um so I think whoever got that was a good deal um let's scroll down over here um this was June 88th so this was about a week ago not not 100% um not 100% current but I've been seeing Blazin VMAX in the $500 area it was nice to see uh a difference in price this is a really big profile collect Goods they have a ton of feedback uh this one for $460 it was really really well centered like this is a strong PSA 10 no whitening on the black on the back um my uh two of my friends we have a group chat and um there's this thing they say uh uh ABB um all blue baby or all blue back I don't know anyways this is a this is an AB this is a an all blue back um perfectly centered all blue back this is a beautiful Blazin U definitely a card that I would want to get my hands on still uh PSA 10460 so that's honestly not uh terrible it's a little bit less than what they've been going for currently and I'm about to go ahead and look up alt art sales here and just pull up some of the recent sales cuz now now we're getting into some older stuff um okay so let's go PSA 10 alt art PSA 10 alt art now let's go sort [Music] um um can I I'm not used to more filters sold items there we go completed items sold items here we go okay um oh we were just talking about the Scarlet Violet midon and there was a bundle for a PSA 9 and a PSA 10 for $94 there was one that just sold for $120 um recently um yeah this is going to be a lot of fun guys this is actually going to be a lot of fun um okay let's now I've got this pulled up properly let's turn this around okay so the Rus sword and shield Rus brilliant Stars PSA 10 that one went for 105 right there we've got the meridon at 120 below that uh we've got the duradon V from evolving Skies PSA 10 that one went for 6270 right there see if we can back that up it's having kind of a hard time focusing on it um PSA 10 Garchomp V from Astro Radiance I love this Garchomp by the way this Garchomp is phenomenal um now technically we should be on like 130 Point so we can see the actual sales data um cuz it does show us that it was sold but it was probably a best offer that was accepted um um but yeah that says 120 right there um PSA 10 uh Umbreon went for 1300 which I feel like it was a lot higher than that on some recent sales um the zero Ora VAR I want to look at I'm going to be looking primarily at auctions here actually because the auctions are going to be more truthful um what we're looking at um yeah I'm going to avoid the buy it now in best offers because I feel like those are even though that is the vast majority man that's the this is the vast majority that I'm seeing on these I'm not seeing a lot of autions and this might be because alt darts uh sirs might be clearing out yes a burger you just pop a patty in the air fryer for like 13 minutes at 400° yeah I can make it myself though you don't have to do it um uh okay okay here we go uh nope that's Japanese um you know what I wow a lot of a lot of Japanese a lot of Japanese auctions um wow yeah it's crazy when you're looking over this how much stuff there is um there's a lot of solds coming up for japanese cards maybe people are buying into Japanese heavily right now because it's just it's really good value [Music] um okay okay okay guys bear with me um because these are going to be the most recents these are going to be the most recent that's why there's going to be a lot that I have to sift through here but I just put in a general PSA 10 alt Arts so PSA 10 uh Lugia from Silver Tempest sold at 410 which seems like it's a pretty high price right there for the Lugia we had the Umbreon V from evolving Skies which got pumped up heavily recently $310 for The Umbreon V and PSA 10 um here we go uh I'm really trying to focus mainly on English if you if you don't haven't noticed that um Leafeon Vmax which I picked these all up I picked all the last alt Arts I needed at regionals for half the prices that they're selling for here granted they were they were raw but a lot of them have a good chance at probably hitting a PSA 10 um Leafeon Vmax evolving Skies $390 for this PSA 10 that was a pretty big one right there let's see um and you know what let me see if I can adjust computer is getting low okay let's put that back over okay okay uh Japanese Japanese okay this is a good one celby from Fusion strike the celab from Fusion strike PSA 10 $157 uh I feel like that's pretty good for celby cby was like a $20 raw card for the longest time um we do have a buy it now I wonder if it's if if uh the buy it Nows that aren't struck out are the ones that a deal was was made on I wonder yeah I'm thinking I'm thinking that's the case uh okay another really fun one Fusion strike mu V again this was like a $20 raw card for the longest time $130 PSA 10 that muv is one of my favorite artwork I'm a big fan I think a lot of people right now are shifting Focus to the v's a lot of people feel like the v's are better I personally like the v's a lot more than the V Maxes cuz the Vmax are just like I just hate V-Max clouds oh wow evolving Skies dude alt Arts are just going nuts right now what in the world should you be paying these prices I don't I don't know I don't think so but uh PSA 10 draft Dragonite V alt art evolving Skies $300 you can see uh let's see if it'll zoom in right there we see that guy went for $300 right there that is a whopping price tag Rayquaza V PSA 10 uh that was just for the V again that was like a $60 to $80 card raw for the longest time 265 um with the PSA 10 Vmax right underneath it uh more than double that 560 uh which I feel like that's pretty good for the Rayquaza Vmax I feel like the Rayquaza Vmax is probably worth more around like6 or $700 in a PSA 10 but here's those two uh auctions right there who who who focus in okay uh and you know in the future I might not be all over the place but I do like looking at all these auctions um Beedrill V and I know this is more sword and shield we will jump into scarlet and violet here shortly I know we're we're we're uh really racking up on time here uh Beedrill V but I know I haven't done a video in a minute so this will be a long ranty y'all can just play this in the background uh the Beedrill V from astral Radiance one of my favorite astral Radiance cards if not maybe my favorite astral Radiance alt art I think it's my favorite astral Radiance alart I think I like it more than the Machamp uh be drw V with a pink graded guard that thing would smack um speaking of well yeah and we'll do a mystery mail day probably tomorrow um I don't have much to go over but there's some stuff that I picked up uh Beal v um Astro Radiance psa10 117 uh the u v and here I'm just going to list off some last ones before we switch off to Scarlet Violet uh the u v from Battle Styles $47 in PSA 10 that's pretty good uh PSA 10 sandaa this is the cheapest alart maybe in sword and shield $36 for PSA 10 um meta Cham V evolving Skies another cheap alt art $43 in PSA 10 what a deal uh PSA 10 silver Tempest Lugia V 394 PSA 10 G gutina varar from Crown Zenith this one's actually shocking $265 for the crown Zenith Gold gutina Card uh I will show this one real quick uh we haven't talked about any of the crown Zenith gold cards um another Dragonite V that went for 300 a Machamp PSA 10 275 from astral Umbreon 1250 that sold uh just the other day so 12250 I it's probably pretty good in this market again these prices are crazy uh okay PSA 10 Rayquaza V-Max 610 that seems about right that one was really well centered um here we go PSA 10 brilliant Stars Charizard V full art alternate art uh $300 um seems about right the ersu Vmax uh from Battle Styles one of the better uh you guys know I bought a ton of battle Styles sealed um that card is $133 PSA 10 really really like some of these trainer galleries this is the trainer Gallery 14 from Silver Tempest with the Blazin who I love uh Blazin TG that went for $65 some of the trainer galleries are really really good the ones that have the texturing I I like a lot um this is a big one and this one's growing on me a ton the impon V from Battle sty is at 99 bucks for a PSA 10 that's a deal guys that's a deal some of these less hyped alt Arts are deals man I love these um Umbreon V PSA 10 290 uh Machamp V PSA 10270 Zapdos V chilling rain the Zapdos running up the hill um that one went for 107 [Music] um unified mind Slowpoke Psyduck for my Slowpoke Psyduck fans that went for 183 I think a lot of focus shifted from Sun and Moon and went back to sword and shield Scarlet Violet holy Bonkers um Vaporeon Vmax uh from the evu premium collection I had several copies of these cards I was picking up from my local shop and I auctioned off for like nothing uh PSA 10 330 wild guys wild um whatever um okay Diga PSA 10 astral Radiance 158 and the Noivern uh V from oh no that's Japanese not I'm not going to look at that uh gutina 700 PSA 10 uh okay we are going to switch over now and I am going to put in oh last one Cosmic Eclipse rcus Diga palia GX it's kind of the statuesque looking uh alt-art I will I will pull this one up real quick um the statuesque looking alt art $570 in a PSA 10 it's good to see still showing a lot of love for those okay let's scroll back up here guys and I am racing against the clock uh I'm going to spend the next 2 minutes um sir Scarlet Violet okay PSA 10 sir Scarlet Violet let's make sure it's checked off for the solds yes okay all right uh Pokemon 151 Erica's invitation sir $81 uh the beautiful gorgeous Venusaur EX 151 uh $160 um okay uh let's see gavor ex sir uh that's from Scarlet Violet base uh $100 that's a really good price uh chariz RDX sir $365 um those 151 IRS are holding up really well several Venusaur 150 160 a lot of 151 it's obvious here that people are buying a lot of 151 especially today another Charizard 330 a Venusaur um that one I'm not sure what the offer was on that one uh the parasol lady parasol lady from Paradox Rift that was a big waifu card for Paradox Rift 100 bucks uh the alaria from paradox Rift uh 170 we are going to look at I am going to pull this one up really really like the way uh this alaria looks really a big fan of this card this was a super blurry image super blurry image of alaria but we're going to show it anyways whatever that they should have taken a better photo but that alaria is probably my favorite card in Paradox Rift other than the Roaring moon really like the Roaring Moon uh alexam ex nope can't see what the offer was uh two more Charizards 151 325 320 uh the Miriam from Scarlet Violet base Scarlet Violet base can we just say Scarlet Violet base is actually amazing okay tons of sirs Miriam Cordon um uh midon um it's fantastic all right um I love that miradon ex and I'm telling you that auction $94 for the PSA 10 and a PSA 9 that was really really good um it just goes to show if I would have not auctioned off a lot of the trainer galleries alt Arts sirs that I was picking up from my local shops and then auctioning them for like nothing it just goes to show um those could have picked up in value a lot had I just kept them um but it is what it is uh giovan's Charisma 57 in a PSA 10 man uh here we got a Blastoise 44 bids Australia Pokemon 150 1 um Blastoise PSA 10 188 it's definitely getting up there we had a PSA 10 haven't seen many of these PSA 10 uh Penny sir waifu trainer uh 31 $31 that was cheapy cheap for an sir [Music] um yeah we're seeing a we're seeing a lot of scarlet Violet base here getting sold probably why those are so cheap um Miron ex PSA 10 $80 best offer accepted which means they paid less than $80 for it in a PSA 10 um wow that might be one of the higher sales I've seen two Charizard sales at 364 for 151 Zapdos 140 for Zapdos Venusaur just chilling it 150 160 um paldan Fates penny with the the Eevee backpack and the Pok ball that one is best offers accepted so those were below 60 so much 151 where is everything else it really it just goes to show that there's very little other options for scarlet Violet sirs from everything else uh paldan Fates aano $80 PSA 10 that's a deal here we go the bubble Mew I love this card uh I think this card it was really what I was going after this in the gavor not the Charizard I'm actually not a fan of the Charizard and paldan Fates I've I've said that to you guys many times but uh this um grade level Collectibles uh auctioned this one off the MU ex psa10 that one went for $270 $270 for that me ex people grading and flipping right now are making a killing um that mux is beautiful but man $270 who buying these cards um okay I'm seeing so much Scarlet Violet base guys literally the last three pages have just been Scarlet Violet base and 151 and really goes to show what's being graded and what's selling the most on the market right now here we have an obsidian Flames Charizard um I pulled this one like four etbs in that was pretty pretty spectacular um um we got the obsidian Flames Charizard I don't know if this one's going to age well uh I really don't like the terar crown on its head but yeah that one went for 225 which I think is about right for that card um here we go roaring Moon Paradox rift this guy is sick I love this card this card is definitely a Chase uh this in the alaria uh and the Garchomp is pretty cool Paradox Rift is pretty loaded honestly roaring Moon uh I just I'm not going to go crazy for these modern sets because they're still super modern to me but like there's clearly hype behind it a lot of hype and a lot of attention and I think that that attention is going to either focus into the new generation and these cards are going to start dropping a little bit in value before they rise again uh or they just going to keep Rising I I just don't see how that's sustainable uh yeah roaring Moon 150 and a PSA 10 that's really good honestly I think I paid like 80 bucks for that card raw um and I don't think it would hit a PSA 10 uh another obsidian Flames Charizard sold by that same seller uh not long before for 200 bucks flat that's a pretty good deal on a PSA 10 zard um gavor Bas set Scarlet Violet Bas set gardav or ex a lot of these are selling and they are just sitting at 100 they're not budging above or below more 151 blast toys 150 Charizard 380 um great Tusk ex best offer accepted less than 50 bucks might they might have paid like 30 40 bucks for that sir and a PSA 10 some of these PSA 10s are just they're not going for anything um great Tusk uh buy it now so now now I'm okay so I see which ones are selling it to buy it now and which ones are offered so buy it now great Tusk $40 flat so 40 bucks and you can get a PSA 10 sir from bass and that again that was another base set that was another base set sir more and more 151 blast toys is sitting at 150 um you can pick up Blastoise at like 40 bucks raw so I think if you can find 151 sirs for 30 40 bucks I think that's an easy move especially for those of us that are big gen one Boomers Kanto fans finally paldan Fates gardav or ex the shiny Sprite gavor x uh looks dope this car looks dope with a Wooper with the with the big big mouth and eyes open in the background um that guy went for 113 which is awesome what a beautiful card such a beautiful artwork such a beautiful card don't see a lot of those getting sold sold again another Scarlet Violet sir a base set sir yeah is that is that a yeah base set sir I think it Scarlet Violet one yeah so that $34 for PSA 10 like some of these PSA 10s are just not they're not worth anything um that's a f food that's a fast food stop um wow Squirtle we I haven't seen a lot of these illustrations I've been so many sirs Squirtle PSA 10 $110 amazing um let's see the Jack from Scarlet Violet uh the Jack sir $20 for a PSA 10 sir this is craziness uh paldan Fates uh bubble Mew 260 um we're seeing the same prices for all the 151 cards alaria EX PSA 10 Paradox Rift 90 bucks for PSA 10 dude like these are like some of these modern cards are just so much fun to buy in PSA 10 but again these prices being so low this is a big reason why I just bindered a lot of these cards coron PSA 10 Scarlet Violet base 50 bucks for that PSA 10 that's wild iron Treads p PSA 10 $35 that didn't go for anything in PSA 10 um the uh Chen pow ex Paia evolved which a lot of people been talking about 80 bucks in a PSA 10 um coron $36 PSA 10 bro there are deals to be had the golden go Paradox Rift uh sir uh 50 bucks um there we go Tink a ton P evolved 50 bucks PSA 10 these prices man are cheap these prices are super cheap um I'm going to go over another page it's just pages of okay uh paldan Fates Charizard $300 um it's a lot of the same stuff that we're seeing being sold recently A lot of people buying 151 guys if 151 is not the most popular set in Scarlet Violet I don't know what is is cuz I'm just seeing so much 151 being sold and maintaining these prices you would think with all the 151 out there these prices would be falling anyways um that's pretty much that's pretty much all I got for you guys uh other than that there was a private sale on Instagram that I thought was a pretty big deal someone sold their entire PSA 9 Gold Star set and it was bought up within like minutes of it getting sent to me uh there were some big players uh some of these bigger private buyers it just you can't compete with these guys they jump on this stuff immediately after it's uh posted for sale uh and everything just gets swallowed up uh so that was a pretty big deal uh and then I'm sorry I couldn't find in the beginning that PSA 10 Charizard listing but there was a PSA 10 first edition Charizard listing everything looked legitimate I've seen enough first edition Charizards online at this point that I can tell if they're real or not and it looked 100% authentic the the seller had very low feedack back which I thought was very odd considering the fact that there's only 123 or maybe more than that now but last I checked it was 123 PSA 10 first edition Charizards uh which I was glad I was able to find that one sale at 24,000 plus because guys I do feel really really good about my latest pickup this Charizard um I will always love this card it will always be in my collection like even even if I needed the money for a house down payment uh to to move us into a larger house I don't think I would sell this Charizard I would probably sell my gold star collection before selling this Charizard um because yeah it it it means a lot to me and it was a long time coming but yeah that's that's I'm glad we're were able to find that auction I'm glad it went through I'm glad it was legitimate and it was by probstein so that's very validating for someone like me who just paid top dollar for that card and then to see that it went for $5,000 I think it was 24.2 5,200 $1 more than what I paid very excited about that um as far as alt Arts go I tried to cover alt-arts as much as I could I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll try and keep it more concise in the future and I know you guys are probably tired of hearing about the Vintage Grail sales so I'm probably going to focus more on Modern sales uh but you know uh spice it up and throw in just a little bit of vintage in there every now and again but I think a lot of people want to hear what the modern cards are going for but for for the most part prices seem very stable for modern alt-arts um at least for scarlet and violet and that could change very soon um I think a lot of that has to do with just the massive amount of uh quantity that was printed for that that era this era um anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video peace I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Orion Sires
Views: 974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokémon, Auctions, Listings, BIN, Market, Prices, Sales, eBay, Buying, Selling, Investing, Collecting, Collector, Nintendo, Collectibles, Investor, Shiny, Gold Star, WOTC, Modern, Sword & Shield, Scarlet & Violet, Sun & Moon, Alt Art, SIR, SAR, Shiny Cardboard, Shiny Paper
Id: jOXIfLnogLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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