Umbreon, Bubble Mew and Charizards 👀 | Collect-A-Con Orlando Day 2 | Vendor POV

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all right guys we're in Orlando this is day two let's see how we do I mean I'm expecting a huge crowd just like day one you know Orlando has definitely been showing out so let's see how we do I have some cash now I just sold the guys yeah so the Gengar Vmax remind me where we're at here so that was 750 that was 250 so 1,000 I said I do 80% so it's 800 right so 800 plus that so it' be either 800 plus 700 cash or 800 for the jantina would be 500 cash or if you wanted to do the ra um it'd be this plus uh 160 cash I mean I'd do 150 cash if you want want to pull them out so you got the raw Umbreon PSA 10 Umbreon or the guaran Tina last time I looked it was pop 70 but 914 940 940 935 9:45 I mean okay so we 930 then I'll go down a little bit so 800 it to be 130 on top if you wanted to do that this kind of Remains the Same you do 120 cash the other I'll do it 120 cash yeah going for the raw then yeah cool so doing a big trade here he's picking up the mumon here raw and we're getting the Gengar Vmax PSA 10 and the restro RAM and Charizard from unbroken bonds PSA 10 and he's throwing 120 on top is that going to be live yeah yes sir thank you brother I appreciate it man I apprciate thanks man keep up the content it's awesome hey thanks for watching man I really appreciate it dude bro what you looking at all right I'm interested in these four the four big boys there first big boys paloo Pia V yes sir and then where you at with theug v price I'm at 200 Market's like 210 yeah I'll take that as well and then let's see where we're at here and then I take out the mag mag yes sir and then that's where we average for now all right so let's price this out yes sir got the Lugia the four Crown Zena Pia and then The Magik card we're sitting at here so that's 6.95 695 yeah all right I'll tell you where I want to be I want to be at 590 590 59 is where I want to I'm probably going to do 590 cuz you know I pay high bro I pay high okay so you want to be at I'll go down to 9 % with putu at 625 625 and that's probably the best I can do because you know I pay high I pay high so I mean still making a decent uh there you sa me here a little bit too um 625 625 let's do it let's do it brother let's do it so doing a pretty big sell here my guy here what's your name Christian Christian he's going big he's getting the Magikarp here the the Pala the Lugia V and all four from Crown Zenith sir the gutina dalga Pala and then the arus he's going big for 625 thank you man I appreciate it bro thanks for watching the videos showing support I got you some topl loaders right there perfect and um yeah man I'll see you some other shows then hey bro hey how's it going you're back yeah I'm back trying to sell me some more stuff yeah dude I like this binder this is really cool thank you where'd you get itaz yeah I like that it's cool um so let's do the Mew the ente and then all three of these perfect so let's see how much it's going for the rcus I'm seeing 97 market so let's say 100 bucks Market that's good yeah it says Market's about 130 on that one yep 25 on the ente so I'm seeing about 250 for this yeah 250 sounds good um 565 so it be 450 450 and what's the price for this Char RB I'm pretty sure that's like 240 but let me double check I'm actually at 230 on this one 23 yeah so it' be this plus 220 cash how about 230 cash 230 all right let's do it thank you so we're doing a trade here he's picking up the Charizard V and we're getting the ente the RCs V the dagga V Star or the RCs V Star sorry and then the gutina V Star and then we're getting the bubble Mew here PSA 10 and I'm giving him 230 cash one two 230 perfect thank you man doing good how are you do you have the new Gren ninja by Chance the new green ninja no the only thing I have from the new set is the car mine there and then some uh smaller end stuff but not Greninja Al looking for something thinking maybe the car mine I'm looking for something cute for my girlfriend she said cute for your girlfriend car I mean I got those love balls there crochet balls are 10 bucks man Carmine give me something Co how much is the Carmine going for 80 bucks right now yeah I'll work with you too if you want um yeah I'm not sure much cute on what your budget is that Mew is pretty cute but it's up there you know 250 yeah it's CL it's climbing dude it's clean too I like it yeah yeah I see I see cuz I'm really I'm really looking for that Gren ninja but you buy that I'll throw in a free Pok ball really yeah all right let's do it you want to do it yeah let's do it you want the love ball or which one yeah I'll take the love ball I might not have all the cash you can do zel PayPal so we're selling the uh me ex from paldan Fates the bubble Mew and we're throwing in this love ball here this crochet love ball see I got it thank you so much man I appreciate keep it up my man how's it going brother yeah not bad back again for day two yeah how was day one for you not too bad what have you got on the 10 Charizard the Japanese one yeah I'm using alt I use Al occasionally yeah it's saying the last couple sold at 185 180 169 175 yeah so I mean I'd like to be at 180 last sold in the UK in British Pounds at 148 was that transition to to 177 yeah 180 so we're pretty much there you do 165 165 let's do it sure I appreciate it man so we're selling the uh 25th anniversary Japanese Charizard here PSA 10 there it is thank you very much appreciate that did I give you one of these yesterday you did indeed but I'll take another one oh why not right thank you man thanks take care yeah you too how's it going thanks for watching man yeah nice looking at that Umbreon The Umbreon and the slow king and the slow King I mean it's 190 for both um 190 going full out oh yeah you might as take advantage you took that what 15 hours of travel so yeah so 230 403 230 so what would I say this is 190 I'll do that 230 cool so we're selling the Garian slow King here PSA 10 from chilling rain the call of Legends Umbreon PSA 8 and then the Umbreon GameStop exclusive PSA 10 as well4 for that okay no man that's amazing man thank you see you later yeah you got the goods yeah see what you think I'll probably pass on these but I like these you're pretty close to market right yeah so 375 total so I'd be at uh 300 300 yeah it's at 80% that's three Cash yeah that's a 80% yeah it's 80% a doubt you find many people doing that around here yeah that's true man I'll do three let's do it so we're picking up some more Crown zeni stuff and then the Pikachu Pikachu V another pcket VAR the Leafeon VAR the gutina VAR Mewtwo V and then the glacon V St three there you go brother sweet thanks man appreciate it yeah good to meet you likewise how's it going how are you I'm doing good solid 350 on that Sy on Vmax yep do you like trading I'll take a look and see what you have oh God you're on YouTube right yeah yeah i' I've seen your uh videos my fiance is fan of yet nice thanks for watching well thank your fiance for watching as well I'm interested in these two but not sure if but you know are you willing to do some cash on top of it or yeah I got 200 on me so 200 let's see how much these are going for I don't know if we might be close there let me see yeah so this one's about 110 bucks I'm sure this is like about 20 $22 so you're sending about you know $132 anyway you can go up a little I'll we at 80% for these 80% it's about 105 so I mean we're a little off there cuz it' be 105 for how much so it' be 245 on top probably go down a little bit but I don't know I don't know if I can go down to the $200 cash Mar now can you do like 200 cash 20 in on a card Orel anything like that so 220 cash on top we want to do our 200 cash and 20 zel you want to do 30 zel and we'll do it 25 25 okay I'll do it thank you so we're doing a partial trade here she's picking up the Sylveon V-Max here PSA 10 and we're getting the raicho V and the Charizard EX plus 225 or yeah 200 Cass and 25 on zel got it all righty thank you here's a thank you card thanks thank you how's it going how are you are you the fiance yeah nice to meet you meet you too how much are you asking for the detective Pikachu card I'm at 25 bucks 25 yeah so I have that one I have a nine here would you do uh the Bulbasaur and the detective Pikachu for $40 I'll do it so we're selling the detective Pikachu promo here and then the Bulbasaur from 151 thank you man thank you appreciate it got sorry if I set my yeah yeah it's it's more Niche right cuz people that want yeah they r quasa v I'd be willing to do that I have one here but so I mean it probably wouldn't get you that as close as you want probably cuz I mean that's only like that's about 150 you know around 75 or I mean I do 80% typically yeah would be more 120 and that's at 380 so that'd be what uh 260 on top yeah 240 I'll meet you in the middle at 250 let's do it yeah let's do it give me a second let me lift this up I don't want to knock your thing down so we're uh doing a trade here he's picking up the Gengar Vmax PSA 9 we're getting the Rayquaza V and then we're getting a 250 on top there it is thank you card man you scan that you can see the social stff I call you guys on channel thank you man thank you for watching you guys are we buying I'll take a look see what you have I everything's for sale yeah I am interested in these okay yeah got 350 is that what you're seing yeah yeah so 350 so plus 25 436 I'd be at 80% so about 350 cash you want to do that all right did you want to pick something up he he has his own money so he's GNA he's gonna okay he's his own man yeah he's his own man so 350 yeah that's fine all right let's do [Music] it so we're picking up the Ivysaur Charmeleon Squirtle Charmander more 151 and then the Charizard RDX P 10 151 Charizard as well so what do you want to see which one did you like the be drill here you go we're selling the be drill here here you go say thank you guys here you go say thank you thanks did I give you one of these you have a top loader yeah oh grab some right here I'll do the unknown what would be the best for both of them let's see H so you're pretty much at 90 there ex I said I'll do 60 85 pretty much knock two off that talk knock five off that you want to do it yeah I S that's fine you just if you do it to your bank app it's easier so selling the unknown here and then the star MV got it you have a a top loader yeah man to there come prepared little thank you car I appreciate it man let me know if you want to see anything I I see that you have some like um good cards here I have I wanted to my first trade okay so they're not the best cars but maybe you'll check it out I'll like I'll take a look yeah one on the side I have this one this one this one I don't know if this one's worth anything that's it what are you trying to trade towards I just want to make a trade just for the fun of it so anything that you think that would be a good trade I do love Pika so if you have Pikachu that's kind of like my main thing the van go I don't have that one but what are you how much you 100 bucks 100 bucks yeah um okay let's let's let's talk bring it back out you don't be scared let going to price it out to put it out there but you know it's 100 bucks I know um I have the slab the PSA 10 but that one's going for about 190 150 I saw it another food did you yeah oh it's dropped a lot yeah yeah let me double check let me know let me scan it I don't know if I'll give you 150 though but this is so exciting yeah I don't know man you should probably swipe that at 150 cuz I'm seeing markets about 195 so I mean I could work a little bit but I probably wouldn't be at 150 I could probably go down to I could do 175 okay but I mean I appreciate that okay and then so what would you what do you feel about out of these probably this is the only one that kind of uh interests me these ones are probably pass uh let me see what this one's going for's about 37 Market I'm at 80% for trade value so it'd be 30 bucks so that's said what 175 plus 30 you'd be at that plus 145 in cash if you wanted this one or if the van go is 100 you want this one's 30 I said 30 right 100 so it' be that plus 70 cash so I'm not sure what you would want to do I don't have any cash that okay I could do Z PayPal and Veno as well so which one do you want to do the raw or the 10 140 140 cash no cash zel zel oh okay zel so0 cash should we I mean if you want to I mean I'll do 140 cash 140 okay sweet so this and plus 140 zel right okay yeah okay so for this one right yes okay let's do it we're doing a trade here she's picking up the Pikachu vano PSA 10 and just adding uh 140 zel and I'm picking up the iron leaves as well nice little moment there let's go thank you so much no worries text message I got it there you go thank you thank you so much so nice meeting you have a good one started watching your videos like maybe like 3 months ago and I been watched all of them oh man I appreciate you watching man y y so yeah what youing what are youing jinx here Jinx yep the Erica invitation Erica invitation going for the master set yeah yeah what are you missing I have some more stuff over here too that in case you don't see something out here let's see um the Arbok the Arbok the ARB you have up I do not now okay uh so you said 43 y you guys together right yeah I'll take it you I'll do a flat 40 for you brother thank you yeah no worries man so yeah I'll definitely be passing by like there were two boots that I knew that I was going to pass by it was yours and the bulas store yep yep those two so I'll definitely pass by again thanks man yeah so we're selling some more 151 here the Erica's invitation the Jin the Arbok and ninels 40 bucks thanks man thank you I have some top loaders there feel free to grab some if you need them thank you man nice day what's up man hi how you doing um are you interested in buying any cards uh a Pokemon or what I got one piece of p i got a little bit of Pokemon and a lot of one piece I'll take a look at the Pokemon one piece I'm kind of holding off for now okay um is it modern or uh the Pokemon's pretty modern yeah yeah I'll take a look it I got like I said I got a lot of a lot of one piece but yeah I think a look I just like looking cuz you never know look at this it's still sealed oh just these two these three just those three for Pokemon yeah what's this at now I think rough like 100 left I check yeah let's look I know had G down though yeah they've been going down a lot this one cuz dude they're going to reprint this I I'd probably be more at 75% so I'd be at 75 bucks okay um I'd pass on these cuz I have multiple copies of those that's fine that's fine so 75 for that yeah all right we can do that it all right we're picking up the Pikachu van go here thanks man yeah and then it's like offc centered what's your best you can do on that cash no TR where do you want to be at I like to get as close to 150 as I can I don't know if I can get down to 150 cuz I pay at 80% I got so yeah you want to do 165 160 165 I don't have any five you got Chang I got changed don't worry may have Chang 165 okay let's do it so we're selling the uh that's what that's comping at I didn't even look at 180 yeah so s the dragon KN V here thank you brother see you later uh for $90 a what PSA card for $90 $90 $90 that Charizard is $90 uh I'll think than you all that one one too can I see that charer quickly the XY evolution is the hollow one can I can I check the price um so recent transaction 100 bucks 8770 85 115 so I mean I'm right right around the middle 90 bucks you want to do it uh would you do 85 sure all right here you go can I $5 yeah so we're selling these Charizard from XY evolutions for 90 bucks or 85 five bucks little thank you card man thanks man uh modern or what do you got I'll take a look1 palanu okay singles or like ra graded raw I'll take a look it's all 151 uh not all of it no it's 151 palan uh that and that's the majority I mean there's like a couple silver Tempest cards a couple seen it stuff I've been buying up so much 151 this weekend I mean didn't you just say you're Mr 151 I'm Mr 151 bro so let's price all these out you're looking at 137 total market and I'd be at 80% so 11 10 you want to do it let's do it than you brother couple alts here oh picking up some alts here we got the unknown The Umbreon the guard ofour ex here and then more 151 a need King two need Kings a switch get these off the table and then the Psyduck all right bro I'll be here thanks brother thanks manate man thank you guys looking all over you man you're looking dude you're looking for I appreciate you watching you're looking for that bubble me man am I I had a PSA 10 earlier I sold it though man I got a bunch of trade stuff though so I'll take a look one stuff yeah man I'm interested in these two I've been been buying 151 all weekend bro for sure so I probably hold off on these but I'm interested in these there about 37 Market this one's 20 market so it's at 57 I'd be at 80 so i' be at 45 zard right here zard put five bucks with it let's do it so we're doing a trade here we're picking up the iron leaves the iron Boulder ex he's he's picking up the Charizard EX plus five bucks 15 bucks brother appreciate you man thank you man Pikachu Vmax yeah that one I have 45h I'll do that can I see it really quick so we're selling the Pikachu Vmax here what's your channel right here man scan that you can see all my socials thank you thank you man that one is uh it's uh 25 25 want that for that 40 that so so we're doing a trade here he wants the taipe Pikachu promo here and we're getting the celab and then I'm throwing 15 bucks on top thanks man can I look at the car mine yeah should ask on uh Market was 80 when I looked yesterday I mean I'll do whatever wherever it's at now it's actually 82 now but I mean I'll stick to 80 80 yeah want to wait for it to drop more or yeah I buy it now you know you buy it now do 75 I do it but that plus $40 on top if you want plus 40 yeah let's do it so we're doing a trade here picking up the full art trainer Lily and he's picking up the Carmine so like Alakazam are these like the only graded cards that uh have I mean I have more here let me see graded cards I literally just bought my first graded card and then I just wanted to see like a good CR graded card in like the $50 to $100 range if you could recommend one if you have one around that um I mean I'll let you just look at them it's it's nothing like super valuable but maybe something catches your eye quite a quite a journey how much is this one let me look it's 40 bucks 40 bucks yeah oh this one's $4 $4 so what is that I mean I'll throw I'll throw that in for free if you do all these I'll throw that one in for free so we said what is this 40 That's 80 yeah I'll throw that one in so we're selling the M TI here cgc 7 he's picking up the Psyduck as well from 151 the Alakazam and then I'm just throwing in this uh full arts or this uh trainer Gallery Scizor perfect thank you thank you man yeah what are you eyeing man what are you eyeing what are we doing here what's the best you can do on that Mewtwo right there Mewtwo what's that say 160 you can do cash let me see they've been going up so let me see I'm pretty I'm pretty sure I Mark I priced it at Market but at Market's 170 brother and already 160 I mean knock off yeah I'll knock off another 10 let's do 150 let's do it so we're selling the Mewtwo V here PSA 10 thank you man yes sir you see anything over here yeah I'll take it just r v let's do it it's picking up the right coat as well man how you doing good thank you for watching man so I got I wanted to get the the Ivy store nice here little thank you card man I appreciate it let's do it thank you thanks man thanks for watching the videos what's your price on the the pink uh 120 Market's 134 so I'm down to my last one oh yeah yeah I'll grab that you want it yeah let's do it selling my last one piece booster box here thank you man here's a little thank you card I really wanted that Umbreon you want that one to sorry yeah 30 I'll do it okay on the Umbreon here see anything you like just browsing we watching videos man hey I appreciate you wife [Music] watching you want to see that one do you want to look at the detective or the it's a cool one it's from celebrations mhm similar art style to the original one yeah very cool it's awesome you do both for 50 I'll do it yeah cool can I see it really quick so we're selling a Squirtle from 151 and then the celebrations rocket Zapdos such a cool set awesome man well best of luck to you thank so much appreciate you have a great day yeah you too you're lucky looking for anything particular just kind of browsing um can I look at the and the zard Flashfire yeah the only thing what's the best you can do on that one I could probably go down to 80 but 80 yeah that's probably the best I can do knock off 10 there all I can do want to do it yeah yeah selling the Charizard EX here from Flashfire nice uh little shout out to uh TCG unlimited hey you heard you're here TCG unimited you local to Orlando uh so I'm in Tampa over by uh well Palm Harbor kind of anyone that's in Orlando Orlando and uh Tampa thank so much what's your what do you have on this pretty sure that's that 200 now it's that 200 dude it's gone up two collecting ons ago I sold it for like 120 yeah it's at 200 now now yeah I'd probably pass on this one I have three of these oh you pass on that one I thought you going to pass on all of them yeah okay this one I'm not really the full art trainers don't move that well for me I mean this plus cash on top if for you that's why how much is that Magikarp going com out Magikarp that one's also been kind of skyrocketing right yeah yeah so the Magikarp is at 100 bucks so I'm at 80% so I mean it be 80 so you want to do 80 plus 120 80 plus 100 110 that's that's go I want a little bit a little bit that's fine let's do it so we're doing a trade here he's picking up the Charizard V we're getting the magic Cart Plus 110 and now your PayPal cash app yeah so zel PayPal venmo appreciate it man good luck in your journey man 100% I'll probably be back all right man um did you work out a trade for the uh the Luffy uh for more one piece or Pokemon one piece I got some one piece stuff I'll take a look I'm mainly looking for English um leaders alars things like that you know um UT liters maybe how much this how much this one's going for roughly purple yeah it's about 30 bucks Market okay so you want to trade towards the Luffy towards the Luffy um and we what did I have that I alart Chopper alart Chopper on it so no that's an even trade let's do it yeah so the UTA and Tony Tony Chopper here for the Luffy yeah let's do it so we're doing a trade here he's picking up the Monkey D Luffy leader and we're getting the Tony Tony Chopper and then the UTA leader uh yeah leader as well the alart here so here you go and I appreciate you stopping by the streams appreciate you stopping by here I'mma hook you up with this pack here it's a bunch of Japanese packs all right thanks I appreciate it thanks man I appreciate you watching if I pull the manga Chopper I'll come back and I'll let you know please tag me on social media as well for sure thank you man yeah thanks a lot how's it going man I'm doing good bro how are you nice to see you in person yeah I always see your videos man yeah appreciate you watching yeah let me get this Chopper please the chopper just picked it up this morning too so we're selling how much is that one that Buggy's going for 70 bucks so it' be an even 100 for for both uh sure you want to do it yeah let's do it so selling the buggy and the chopper 100 bucks 100 bucks appreciation man thanks for watching the videos dude I really appreciate it man thank you any last minute trades I'll take a look see what you have I mean I just got a few slabs that I don't need that okay I'll I'll take the slabs no that's not how it works just these three yeah just those three I'd be interested in this one you trying to trade for something or just trying to cash it out trade cuz I'm looking at I need like the silveon I need the Umbreon Sylveon Umbreon roughly this goes for how much roughly I want to say I think it's 285 yeah it's about 270 270 yeah so I'm usually about 80% trade value okay so 270 * 8 so be at 216 you see you were looking at those two yeah this and you get those two plus 60 cash on Top This are you going to be here for um why we giving that away hard three of them need three of them you're at 308 now trade value so yeah I mean would you do I'll throw those into and then plus 20 bucks so you'll get I'll get these you get those two I'll give you $20 you want to do it let's do it probably the last deal of the day here he's picking up the Umbreon V and the silon V and we're getting the Charizard EX from 151 and the Machamp V alternate r as well PSA 10 all right thank you thank you man Tred yeah I just traded for it oh
Channel: Pack Battle
Views: 18,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _tVQPIFaJrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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