MORE Illustration Rare Pokémon Cards GOING WILD!

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[Laughter] [Music] what's going on Bru another basic Chad investor bro video coming at you you're definitely going to want to stick around for this one because in this one we're going to actually be talking about about 16 different cards I think we got seven illustration rares two special illustration rares two hyper rares two sword and shield secret rares and then four very popular scarlet and violet Era cards that are going down all the rest of those are going up half these cards none of the other investor Bros have even noticed yet are going up so literally this is essentially the next round of illustration rares that are about to pop off um they're they're absolutely gaining in value no one's talking about them so definitely stick around for this video and we will get in to these new illustration rares and other cars that are popping off but then also we're going to hit four cards uh you know when it comes to stuff going down in price uh recently there's a lot of them okay there's a lot of sword and shield alarts and and a lot of sword and shield trainer Galleries and a lot of cards that are in these Crown Zenith a lot of cards are given some back though but I'm not really going to focus on those because it's all to be expected nothing goes straight up and just keeps going up certain things are going down but they're just down compared to how much they went up over the last two months so we're not going to talk about that as far as the going down stuff at the end it's just going to be very popular cards that just recently in the last day or two have started to fall down so if you were trying to buy those cards pay attention all the way to the end because now is going to be your time potentially for those four four cards all right quick Channel announcement real quick I need your guys' help actually a couple couple announcements one I just want to say thank you to all you the viewers it was like literally a month ago I hit 1,000 subs and I'm already up to 1,700 Subs like a couple weeks from now I may be saying oh my God I'm at 2,000 Subs so I just want to take a second thank you guys so much okay so this channel I would like to do something that a lot of Pokemon TCG channels do except I want to do it better and I want to do it in a more entertaining way and I want to do it funner and I want to do it once a week and that's your basic ask me anything Q&A video okay guys here's the thing and here's why I need your help and I want you to send me some questions first of all either send the questions to my Instagram which is just mimic brew and just title it QA with the question or just write it in any one of my videos I don't care just put QA on there and what I want to do is yes ask me Pokemon card questions that's fine but I want you to ask me anything I want you to ask me about video games I want you to ask me about TV movies you know what's my what's my thoughts on the latest uh episode 3 of the acolyte oh god um but yeah so you know anything pop culture related I want to alternate Pokemon card questions with interesting funny pop culture questions and then I would have some music playing in the background it be highly edited be quick not a boring no music no vibe just I sit there and answer questions I'm not doing that I want to do a fun Q&A so please send me your questions whatever what kind of pizza I like I don't care to uh mimic Brew on Instagram or just write down below any of these videos all right guys let's hurry up right now and get into these cards I promised you no one else is talking about you don't even know that some of these IRS are going up you don't allow me mimic Brew the the greatest investor Brew of all time I should sell my soul and just make these kind of videos every day cuz poab beard that dude's got 130,000 Subs all right all right all right let's not get jealous let's not get jealous all right all right here we go so we're GNA start off with the illustration rares and we're gonna start off with obsidian lames because obsidian lames never gets any love well guess what Clea is at an alltime high in fact Clea passed Ninetails recently check this out Clea is almost $9 let's look at the one-year chart on Clea we don't count the drop off we we start counting right here so clea's previous High you know was like five bucks forever and then eight bucks well look at this Clea is now a $9 card wow so Clea obsidian Flames is finally popping off in certain ways and starting to make some moves there you go Clea and here's the other one so Ninetails this one you probably already knew about except you bet you didn't know Kaa passed it up but here we go so let's look at the one month on the Ninetails and again the Ninetails and psa1 is yeah coming up on $100 I need to look up what the Clea is the Clea by the way this is probably a really tough grade when you got that much blank area for scratches and Imperfections I I'm not shocked at all that that CFA is going up and is now the most expensive IR in obsidian Flames but then the Ninetails is literally neck and neck right with it they are both looking very strong and very healthily going up not any of that pumper crap okay now let's get to a card that has been here before okay call it round two G there it is Gastly we're about to see a giant toilet ball here not on this chart but on that chart look at that freaking toilet ball that's a 90day toilet bowl so we had here we had 35 35 essentially and here I mean Jesus look at this this is just you know Gastly is Gastly all right so just so you guys know and by the way I'm just this whole video I'm not suggesting I'm not predicting I'm not doing any of that crap this time around I'm just letting you know because I just happen to be on the Forefront of a lot of these cards so a lot of these cards is the first time you will be hearing about them such as this card metag GR Metagross we got we got a couple we got okay so yeah we got three straight temporal Force cards we had Gastly and now we have Metagross and we have another one coming up look at this look at this Metagross this thing was nothing like I released four bucks I bought mine for like three bucks yeah I was going to say it got it got really low but then Metagross just in the last couple of weeks but then look right here just a few days ago bang so Metagross is at an alltime high there you go so Metagross so uh and then here's the last of the temporal forces so it looks like a lot of the temporal Force IRS are getting some love recently look at this Arbok this is honestly I love this Arbok I I think this was the first IR I pulled from temporal forces I love the Symmetry I love the twocan I love the moon in the background it's the it's the moon effect anytime there's a moon on a card it gets a little premium but yeah so uh Arbok is definitely at an all-time high look at that so there you go you have Gastly doing this crazy toilet bow you have Metagross at an all-time high and you have Arbok so that's three temporal forces so there you go so we had two obsidium Flames three temporal forces now we're going to go to the rift the velto ye velto is rising like the phoenix look at that look at a velto I mean it's funny because cards like this when when you look at them and then you see this you're like oh well no well but but this whole time this whole time for the last 6 months this was not the case this was a very cheap card this was a $6 card for a long long time um but now finally hey you know this card call it delayed inevitability cuz you can't you can't lie that's a beautiful card this card is just as beautiful as it looks in person even without texture cuz it's an i it's just a really good looking it's probably AEL well no AEL has some cool X and Y cards But for recent memory it is in recent memory by Far and Away coolest eval card I'm probably saying eval wrong I don't care all right all right now I don't even want to go to this next slide but we'll just do it oh my God because it is going up and I am trying to identify literally every car that's going up cuz there's not a lot of them right now but my gu here we go the bane of my existence Magikarp $140 it is not slowing down this card just keeps on chugging this is the single most painful card in existence that of all the cards that are skyrocketing in price this is the number one card I want for myself if every sword and shield alard I don't have keeps going up in price I don't even care it's this card that every time it goes up an extra $10 it pisses me off 10% more oh my God all right so we're at to $140 for an Ultra Modern illustration rare that just came out barely over a year ago what are your thoughts on that I mean I love p and I understand why it's cuz it has 36 IRS so yeah yeah set size is the biggest most important factor all right so now we're done with the IRS it was cleffa Ninetails Gastly Metagross arbach Evel and magikarps there you go there's your seven IRS that are actually doing something this week or continuing to do stuff this we weake now let's get into two sirs so in my last investor Brew video I said absolutely watch this Charizard around the $100 mark because if it breaks under things tend to freefall and if it doesn't break under it tends to bounce and bounce hard and boy was I right about the bounce and bounce hard part CU it bounced from 100 almost all the way up to its all-time high at least in recent yeah like this card has tested 100 literally three or four times and every time it bounces back up to 110 112 115 so for those of you that already own the card I think we're seeing a lot of strong signs of staying north of 100 for those of you that want the card I don't know how many more times this card is going to attempt to break under a 100 and fail so I don't know you might actually have to pay $100 for this absolutely gorgeous Charizard I'm sorry okay so this next card I have bought this next IR or sir pardon me at $40 at $20 and at $12 so I've seen phys like you know I purchased this card multiple times at various very different price points love this card Maron ex ex from the base set so um and yeah that's not phto that's Dash bun okay guys some people anyway it's Dash bun Maron giv Dash B the eyes as he flies on by this is a 23 $24 card now let's look at the onee so as you can see this is why we're talking about it it me fizzled over the course of an entire year just to just in the last month spring all the way back up and gain all of that back literally all of that has been gained back in the last little here okay but it was a $40 card for a month or about a month I I bought it way too soon the first first of three attempts to buy it uh but I don't care I got a perfect copy waiting to grade and I'm very happy and I'm happy it's up to that second price point I paid cuz it's a beautiful card all right now we're going to get into two uh hyp hyper rares not secret rares hyper rares for SV this one's definitely playability related but it's doing better than its sir version as far as consistency and it's actually still going up even though it's been very popular in the playability scene for a couple weeks now um it was at regionals a few weeks ago that this card really took off but all the versions of raging bolt have come down except for this one which is still going up CU yeah I bought this card for $13 two weeks ago three weeks ago yeah I guess a little more than that I literally just bought this card for 13 bucks and it's already 20 bucks now so that's cool and then next is my favorite my absolute favorite hyper rare from the SV era I don't know every time I own the card I see the card I'm like dude his teeth are so sharp and he's so glittery I just freaking love this Paradox RI Garchomp EX uh hyper rare and look at that so if you look at a thre Monon it doesn't look as impressive cuz it's it hit at 10 let's let's go wider here so we have da da da da so all in all it only looks good if you look at it on the one month but on the one month it looks really good so I mean I'm just saying it's it's trending healthy and maybe I'm a little biased cuz I absolutely love it's literally my favorite card I love the way the texture and the teeth and the crystals just works for this card it works trust me if you own the card you know all right let's get into two uh two sword and shield cards that this week are doing way better than a lot of them so in my last syester Brew video I told you just to keep your eye out on Rainbow hyper rares from the sword and shield block all the evolving Skies ones held their value and didn't give anything back and a lot of other ones really starting to pick up the pace and start to fly let's look at two of them right now me Fusion strike Fusion strike I didn't want to be too loud I could have done that better trust me uh yeah so let's look at Mew that 44 but it was at 30 in May so it's doing very well and as you can see there's no let down it is actively at its high right now let's hurry up and go to the other one blazak this one's really crazy because check this out in March this was a a $13 card 12 $13 card in March and then here we are at $52 it's a very beautiful uh secret rear in my opinion too very cool very very cool all right so now let's real quick take a look at four uh four cards that aren't doing so well this week that are popular cuz there's a lot of cards that aren't doing well but I mean whatever I just want you guys to know about these four specifically mainly and each one for its own un unique reason chariz RDX the first time I've ever seen this card at $30 literally so I mean when it first came out for a split second it was but uh this card has always been 38 to 33 $35 but just recent recently it tapped 30 bucks so it's at about 30 31 bucks right now so now might be a really good time to get this full art Charizard when it comes to full arts 151 has the best most embossed coolest most mean looking full arts and this Charizard is the prime example of that I love this Charizard full art probably a lot more than the Charizard sir from 151 sorry like that's just a cool badass illustration of Charizard and it's very classic every part of him is just just the Classic stereotypical beautiful Charizard I remember from 1999 so yeah this yeah but it's going down it's 30 bucks basically the first time ever Tyranitar is given a a fair amount back hit that 45 and now it's sitting at 35 so you got a nice 25% off of its high right now I would keep watching that wouldn't be surprised if this card is back up to 40 before we know it alaria recently jumped from $25 forever all the way up to 45 but it is finally given a little back this is the last card I need for par of Rift Master set so I am very very happy about this and I'm paying very close attention to alaria for obvious reasons such as I just said I need the card so it's under 40 now and then real quick I I made a whole video about do not buy Eevee um it's taking a little longer to drop than I assumed uh but it looks like it's about to crack under 39 here uh yeah cuz I said you know it's going to be like this sets gasly where it shoots all the way back down to 20 and it's taken way too long to do that so definitely I was right and let you know you shouldn't buy it at 48 bucks or whatever um but yeah it's let's watch it around 39 see if it cracks cuz yeah I mean I could go down to 35 32 bucks I can see this is a $32 card for a little while so I would I would keep holding off on that uh yeah but so guys that's all I got I just want to remind you to please send me any random questions about TV movies video games anything pop culture related or Pokemon I would love to have a once a week video where I just answer a lot of stupid questions a lot of good questions a lot of vulgar questions uh I you know this is an adults only channel so you can literally ask me whatever the hell you want um but yeah until my next video like comment subscribe and I'll see you guys on the next one deuces he
Channel: MimikBrew
Views: 3,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemontcg, pokemoncards, pokemoninvesting, pokemoncollection, bestpokemoncards, pokerev, cooltrainerryan, pokemonscams, top10
Id: quUs1xHKFZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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