First ENCHANTED! Disney Lorcana First Chapter Box Opening

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I ended up buying this box for $250 and I ended  up driving out to New Jersey to get it because   there are zero places in New York City that have  and are selling Lor first chapter uh it's pretty   ridiculous to find it just everyone's completely  out of stock but they do have them in New Jersey   my parents were in town and I have a car this  weekend so road trip so yeah we took a road trip   to New Jersey uh which you know what I would  I would I would do it again um I'm not saying   I'm very proud of it but I would go to New Jersey  to buy these cards I went to a card store called   Monmouth cards uh and it was about an hour and  a half away they had one case I'm in I love an   adventure so we all packed up into the car the  next morning we went there on arrival they had   no idea what we were talking about yeah and I  opened up all the boxes too and I didn't see any that's what I thought too and so we're sitting  there kind of sweating being like dang we drove   like an hour and a half here and are not going  to get our cards um and we were like hey we drove   from Queens like do you mind looking in the back  and he was like Hey let let me make some calls   let me find out nobody knew what we were talking  about nobody thought we had them and he finds the   case and we're like like let's go we got it so  yeah then we shelled out the freaking money and   uh we are hoping to get some freaking pulls today  the main thing here is that we complete the set I   got 27 cards I'm trying to pull and it's very  possible that we don't complete it so I'm just   hoping the most expensive ones we pull number two  any expensive cards that I want in a deck I like I   want cards to play like I want to play this game  I have a set Championship that I'm playing in at   the end of April so I'm really hoping to have  a good enough deck that is a bit of a meta deck   going on right now but it's just I don't have all  the cards for it and then the third thing is the   Enchanted card uh at the end of the day I just  like really I like pulling cards I like being a   collector uh and I'm really excited to make this  video and finally start you know publishing some   of the collections that I I have going on uh as  well as possibly some of the selling that I'll be   doing with uh magic cards or eventually lurana  as you can see from my uh playmat I am a magic   player and that's like the main thing that I do  I was introduced by my brother-in-law but he K me   off for last year and I was like okay this pretty  cool and I'm really I really love it I first got   into story going through Disney when I little espe  Pixar so I like playing card games I love Disney   I just seemed like a pretty great match and like  it's a pretty simplistic game so it's really easy   to get people into it it's really easy to kind of  like introduce people who want to get into trading   card games uh because it's not overly complex like  some other games that out right now or like magic   which is a pretty like 3D chest me poker type  of game style anyways I digress we drove to New   Jersey to acquire this beautiful box right right  here full of magical expensive rectangular pieces   of cardboard and now we're going to open it 27  cards can we pull 27 cards that I need from this   box right here I think we can okay here it goes  here's the pull tab Once you pull this pull tab   it's like once you drive a car off of a lot like  it's it just it doesn't matter anymore so let's do   it this is what we came for we came to play  oh we didn't even rip it all the way come   on came to play there it is Okie doie I like  the ease in which they have these pull tabs except uh so I did do some research on  the reprints and it does turn out that   this was a uh this was an original box because the  reprints had tape on the side and this guy did not   so he was he was part of the original  print run uh there's also a thing   about the barcode and I checked and  this is an original print so let's start okay here's to the first third of this box  man these packs are like pristine most of the   stuff that I've opened is from like blister packs  from Target and Walmart and they just they they   feel like they've been bobbled around like these  just feel clean let's go all right first card here   it is stolen skimmar Aurora tangle Stitch new dog  Archimedes Beast smar Anna air to Arendelle Mad   Hatter Chief Tui and our first rare is going to  be poison apple that is one of the pools that is   already we are in good territory here I did have a  poison apple so that means we have 26 more to pull   that was 134 boom poison apple oh shoot dude  okay this was another one John Silver back to   back John Sil is 82 legendary first legendary  pull of the Box first one what's the next one   all right it is megra in the foil dude what  an amazing start to this are you kidding me   are you kidding me again the the goal of this  is to get as many uh of the set that I don't   have and I I've already pulled two this is great  I I'm so this was money well spent well it was   a lot of money but I'm having a good time I've  been so excited I've been thinking about this   all week um I just you know had work and this is  my after workor activity is filming this I am so   excited stay Stampede work together Gaston Hakuna  Matata magic broom Kristoff Prince Phillip Smash   and dragon fire which is always good I think a  dragon fire is always kind of it's like the um the   lightning bolt of magic uh so first rare is grab  your swords which is a pretty useful card there's   a lot of play that's seen with that already  to a super rare which is Mulan okay nice uh I   don't really know what tiles I've got going on but  that's fine and another rare with Stitch very cool   um yeah these will just be these will be uh nice  cards but I already got them okay nice on to pack three I like how this first set the pack art  is very just it's simplistic it's it's not too   much uh you just got your three main characters  three main color like very very straightforward   all right flounder Sergeant tibs dingle hopper  Emma Hercules Maximus I need the other Maximus   uh starky fan the Flames another useful card and  first rare is going to be scar Mastermind followed   up by a Jafar Keeper Of Secrets and finally  an Anna air to Arendelle and foil all right   nothing too remarkable there I'm still  riding the high off of those first that   first pack I forgot that was just one  all right I'm going to put this growing   pile of commment and uncommons  to the side uh on to pack number four and we're going to start with a Duke of  wesl Duke of wlon a Maleficent Aladdin Minnie   Mouse friends on the other side the goons Pascal  nice that was when this first came out that was   like a hyper useful card it was just the first  chapter uh Belle and our first rare number 85   is going to be lady termain the emerald lady  termain doesn't see nearly as much uh Play Now   compared to the other one uh number 159 is tamatoa  all right that's one of those where I've already   got a tomatoa but uh in a blue steel deck will  be very useful and a foil friends on the other   side very lovely okay Toma is a great pull away  from that one or a great pull from that one and   now we are on to our fifth pack Genie need the  other Genie developer brain scar fiery EU super   healing glow Dr facila Prince Eric Sven which is  my sister's dog's name uh almost called a Jamba   Juice uh Jumba Jumba jakuba Jak jba I didn't know  that was he has a last name some characters just   have a last name and some don't Captain Hook  ruthless pirate I think that is one of them 107   hey there's another one that's number three we are  whittling down that list o and a stitch rock star   let's go let's go that's a great card right there  and that's still got like $10 value um lastly is   a magic mirror I think we are good on the magic  mirror yes we are uh but still in foil a rare card   I love seeing that that's great you know what I'm  going to put Stitch Rockstar he he he's a rockstar   so he deserves a uh a sleeve to go in he's got  some value to him you know all right all right   Stitch rockar so if we pulled one per pack in this  box that we didn't have then we' we'd be set but   we'll see if that actually plays out uh I'm hoping  that a few of these cards I can end up using in   the set championship at the end of the month um so  far I don't think there are any that maybe Stitch   Rockstar but that's really I don't I don't know  about that Horus Jasmine Elsa control your temper   Maleficent break lefu frying pan Shield of virtue  first rare of the pack is a super rare which is   good for us because that means after that can only  go up marshmallow and a legendary 115 do I already   have it I do ah who's it gonna be oh Mickey  Mouse nice that's awesome Brave Little Taylor   this was the first legendary that I pulled uh and  it was in the very first pack that I ever pulled   so that's kind of a nostalgic and of course it's  the poster child of the whole game really but of   the first set and behind that is going to be a  common Aladdin awesome now if this guy was foil   that like quadruples or like times 10 its price  but Mickey Mouse is an awesome pool super cool I   I hope to see him like come into the because I  just I feel like that would be full circle but   he's so expensive but has an evasive that can lure  for four like dang all right I'm talking too much   I'm just I just I enjoy this so much it's so fun  uh if you enjoy this and if you would like to see   more either from lorana or from Magic uh let me  know because this is the first video I have ever   done for YouTube especially that has to do with  um trading cards and I think this is I I love this   Tinkerbell magic Golden  Flower goofy hey hey freeze Aladdin ursul is cauldron toatoa scepter of  Arendelle that was one of them bing bing bing   bing bing hope I haven't missed any that are like  not rares plasma Blaster two and one look at that   I love the getting these two for ones plasma  Blaster is another check on our list and then   Hades king of Olympus very cool that's a great  rare card to pull and a beasts mirror and foil   very nice so yeah we got two more in that one pack  I'm loving that this see it's it's fun when it's   like a a list for me I am a very type A like I  love having my lists that is a big part of my   job is just making sure that we've got everything  for production and checking them off the list so   having this has made this like a really fun game  for me okay Ravensburger what do you have for   me today we have vicious betrayal Donald Duck  he's got a sword P we all have swords Jafar   Tinker Bell Our Guest Simba Tigger that's another  one for us yay oh Robin Hood in super rare which   means next is a super rare again it is Robin  Hood to Hans 13th in line that's rough buddy   and a foil Mini Mouse great so we will take  that Tigger wonderful things that is awesome   all right that was our first eight so from our  first eight we've got one two three four five   six almost one per uh per card or per pack  so that's pretty awesome um and then we've   got these so we will move on to our next eight  boom there it is and pack number nine for us you know the thing is compared to like opening  up magic cards I don't foresee this being as   profitable uh say we're going to resell all  this um I I see a lot more times when magic   cards you open up a box and you can actually turn  around that price I haven't seen a lot of times   that people have opened up a lurana box and being  able to turn that price around but it is just the   beginning my friends coconut basket 2 just in time  followed up by oh Genie power unleashed that's one   of them right where it go where it go where it  go it's number 76 let's go poers [Music] unleash   okay where is it there it is 76 checking off the  list followed up by ooh what's it going to be 88   a Mickey Mouse Artful Rogue in fo foil dude I love  the foiling on this since it's the the glass uh so   that is a win for us and this one I you know what  I have no clue if it has any value to it being   foil but uh I'm going to take that gamble I'm  going to say it does it does in my heart and that   is all that matters so we're going to sleeve that  bad boy up I'm just going to take these sleeves out and sing up Mickey oh what what what is that little cutout  I have never seen that all of these like   that oh no I don't want that what  the heck all right whatever I hate   that why interesting I don't like that  at all okay I digress I'm wasting time   Okie doie on to the next one man I can't get  over like how pristine these packs feel I am   curious since Saturday if is it Saturday yeah  Saturday uh if they have sold off more of their   boxes because they didn't even know they had them  so maybe they're maybe they're advertising it now   Golden Flower scar tone that's another one the  grub rustler Dr facilier that's Eric Ariel Kon   cut to the chase fishbone quill nice this has shot  up in price it's like 10 bucks now G to put it in   this weird freaking sleeve I got these for free so  I'm not g to be mad about it but also I'm going to   be mad about it I why how do you even use these do  you see this it's like a little tooth do you use   these who uses these nobody that's who these are  dumb I can't even I'm G to ruin this card doing   this if this was an enchanted putting it in like  this way I'd be massacred oh I didn't even notice   that we needed this card too oh it's was there the  whole time Ariel spectacular singer that's awesome   that's a couple bucks too Mad Hatter and the foil  uh that does not go in that one very very cool   that's awesome uh we got uh both of these Timone  the grub rustler which is number oh he's at the   getting Timone grub wrestler and Ariel spectacular  singer fantastic we are we are doing great here   we have so many new cards that we've pulled that  that seriously that's making me the most excited   like uh I don't want to jinx it but like if if we  don't get the big one whatever and when I say the   big one I mean a big one um mea Mickey Mouse Peter  Pan Simba Jafar break Olaf great use uh the Beast   is mine gatala Storyteller alet super useful card  oh let's go that's a great card right there that   a shot up to like $14 G to put it in these weird  freaking sleeves and then a flounder to end us off Maui flounder in oil now who is trying to get  the whole foil set because that's nuts maybe   like all the foils in common and uncommon but  like if you're trying to get it in legendary   and whatnot that's wild that is Bing Bang  Bonkers Aladin Jasmine Elsa healing glow the   Wardrobe Ser serus serbus Cinderella ransac  Donald Duck boisterous foul do I not have   that oh I do Captain Hook number 173 I do  have that captain of the Jolly Roger genie   on the job that's a pretty good card actually  and then ail Sergeant tibs all right no new   cards in that one so we are on to next  pack I'm going to try to speed things   up a little bit because we still have a  bit to go I just I'm I get so excited um   I've really been enjoying opening all these uh are  you just now getting into lurana is it something   that uh someone introduced you to is it your  first card game Jets no flatsome flatsome is the   one that I need uh it's funny because I got both  flatsome and jsum in Magic before I got him in lorana eye of Fates Lilo that's great that's  like a $5 card and it's just a very usable oo   okay Ursa power hungry I there's no way  that I do that's crazy give me all the like all like is it is it Elsa is it  Rapunzel oh my gosh Rapunzel man gotta   get one of those all right Horus  work together Pongo hey hey freeze   Aladdin Mickey Mouse Beast Captain Iago  Maleficent and rare very cool [Music] no I said we don't need an enchanted it's going  to be okay there's no way we're going to pull   one but at the same time like we're going to  pull one all right this is going in the top loader very very nice that is so epic right there  ah dude let's go I'm so pumped that's awesome I'm   so excited for that I now I'm super curious  I got to look up 1 minute later 165 let's go   okay one week later what it's just an ordinary  Krabby oh my goodness so now I'm saying like you   know anything is just butter on top anything's  gravy after this I know number one is I want   to get complete the set but uh dang dude I saw  that little hexagon and I was like no my mind   started whirling being like who Could It Be  Who Could It Be Who Could It Be symbo was not   what I expected but you know what that's sweet  oh Dr facilier is that no it's not the one I   think I need the uh legendary super rare 56 the  queen I didn't need that one let's go 56 check   and then let's go Simba return  King brother brother a too soon dude let's go okay I this video is taking  forever but I'm having such a good time with it   I hope you guys are too uh Wow Let's Go might  have to go get another box but the thing is if   I get another box I I I pulled the one from  the case you know what I'm saying oh my gosh   goofy look at that two musketeers back to  back Musketeers go together Rapunzel rare   be prepared let's go needed that and a Musketeers  to B which apparently I also need doubling up and   a foil Chief Tui going to Mark those off my list  we got a musketeer rard and what was the other one   was be prepared duh yeah if you're going to be  playing a ruby amethyst deck you absolutely need   to be prepared man I kind of want to keep  this box afterwards it's just like it's   sweet all right last eight that's that's still  a lot like I I don't I don't know what to tell   you like this we did it what what else could  we pull that's so good Merlin Gaston Mr SME   Elsa break Rafiki Dr facil cards Triton Lantern  that's a great card right there another value   card and oh let's go let's go talking about value  cards uh if you are playing any steel deck you are   absolutely using this puppy and a dingle hopper  wow whole new world I'm going to be sleeving that   guy up too we are just we're pulling the nuts we  are pulling and then n if you don't know that term   that just means we're we're pulling the nuts and  bolts to make our uh machine work so that's a good   thing it's not like a perverted thing Whole New  World I actually do have one of those in foil just   got lucky on that pull uh but we will take another  HCK yeah okay all right this one's giving us grief yeah man I can't get over that Enchanted dude first  box first opening first video Stitch new dog   isma Prince Eric you have forgotten me Lilo  Moana Hans scheming Prince oh do we need that   78 let's go check it off the list 70 do we need  that dang it I already have it oh Beast Wolf's B   I actually I've got like three of these now and  unfortunately they're not like super usable isma   so not the legendary pools that we're looking  for looking for that monstrous dragon or the   Rapunzel really that's where the max gosh there's  so there's so much that's the thing is like came   in looking for 27 cards that's a lot to ask for  so getting as many reflection was one see this is   like it's an uncommon but this is the first time  we're seeing it in the box so reflection is a win   tamatoa gatala Jasmine queen of agraba float  some we needed float some didn't we we already   have Jets some yes float some let's [Music] go  and Prince Phillip and foil you know we are not   getting a ton of like rare foils we're getting  mostly just common uncommon foils so those foils   are sweet those foil rares they are when you  when you find if you get a legendary foil hats off I'm still coming down from that that was  crazy all right flounder tangle Sabastian   Tinker Bell Hercules Hercules Hercules starky  tiger wonderful thing scar Shameless fire brand   that's on our list Aurora dreaming guardian and  a stolen skimmar we do have an aurora very nice   scar is a shift six when you play this character  ready your characters with cost three or less they   can't quest for the rest of this turn interesting  okay uh where are we I am checking off scar sham   fire brand we're whittling down the list I think  there's like 10 cards that we're looking for now   we only have we have four packs left this flew  by come on monstrous or uh monstrous or what's   her name uh Rapunzel that is like that would be so  good Aladdin Mickey Mouse dude what the freaking   starter decks right there and a rare Hades Lord of  the underworld that's on our list yeah and it's in   foil yes let's go Hades Lord of the underworld  in foil that is awesome we are we are pulling   it man we're looking for carefree Surfer we're  looking for Rapunzel Gifted Hands gifted with   healing we're looking for Maximus Palace course  we're looking for Dr facil agent provocator we're   looking for Maleficent monstrous Dragon looking  for Bell strange but special yeah we're really   looking for that one that one's sweet looking  for Hades infernal schemer we're looking for if   it's not don't fix it don't fix it we're looking  for gantu Galactic Federation captain and we're   looking for teeka heartless that is what's left  man we have spoed a lot of what we're looking for   you have forgotten me Beast Moana Maui demigod  Ursula's shell necklace and an aurora all right   nothing new for us here last two is there any  is there any magic left I mean it's staring at   us right now called Simba turned King that is  so awesome see that's one of those where it's   like I understand it's not the most valuable  Enchanted and like yeah the enchanted would   be epic but like that's special to me now like I  don't I I don't think I can ever sell that like   that's that's mine o let's go you want to talk  about something special Tinkerbell is a special   one oh man Tinker Bell giant fairy I know for  a fact that that is a fetish of somebody's but   we're not going to going to talk about that  cuz there's like Tinkerbell giant fairy and   then there's like uh what's a growing girl  stop it get some help all right last pack   got a blow on it for good luck uh Mickey Mouse  take us away this is this is the last one $250 let's let's hear it out Aladdin Merlin Minnie  Mouse classic Sebastian Jetsam fire the Cannons   Be Our Guest frying pan fan the Flames Let  It Go Zeus god of lightning and can we get   lucky with one last thing that we don't have oh oh  technically yes the queen Wicked and vain that's   not a bad pull tap to draw a card dang that's  really good and in foil that is amazing guys   this was insane this was insane for a first  box dude this is this is exciting I I have to   be doing more of this cuz this is so fun I'm like  checking my packs make sure I didn't miss one cuz   I'm like man I just foaming out the mouth so we've  got a ton of value here so a lot of our you know   Tinkerbell here we've got Whole New World Lantern  uh Ursula Lilo is a good value Maui's Great Value   fishbone quill Mickey Mouse uh Mickey Mouse  again Stitch I'm G say tomato to's value that's   all stuff that we already had that was value now  stuff that we didn't have I don't know I I would   say that these two being foil probably have  some value to them be prepared as value um Ariel Genie and then the peace the resistance Simba look  at that like that is so freaking cool look at that   artwork Little Monkeys back there being like yo  do you know you are on like the coolest card ever   cuz now Cole has it so it's the coolest card this  is this was awesome man I am so excited to start   you know putting these in my collection to start  putting them in decks to get ready for the set   championship at the end of the month man I'm I'm  pumped shout out to my parents for driving me to   New Jersey because I don't have a car in New York  City because it's way too expensive and taking me   from Queens all the way to Monmouth or however  you pronounce it New Jersey newy [Music] so like   subscribe leave a comment on anything that  excited you from this that was like what was   the best card that we pulled what was the card  that you need to add to your deck uh was Simba   return King The One Enchanted that you always  wanted uh I didn't realize but it was the one   that I always wanted so I'm I'm so excited  about this this was so fun all right peace
Channel: NoMaDTCG
Views: 5,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pxi1QnXCq3w
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Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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