I played in BRONZE 5 for A DAY

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today we're gonna play in bronze specifically bronze five why a lot of people say let's see you win in bronze so today I'm not only gonna play in bronze but I'm gonna play in bronze across various Heroes I'm gonna try to handicap myself on purpose we're gonna try many things and also for some reason all the bronze people that are crying in my comments say I have so many livers in my game that's why I'm stuck in Broad so actually I want us today to count how many levers I get in my game I want to see how many people who throw I have in my game I want to see how many Smurfs are against me if you're broken your top 500 in GM no wonder that you can win a bronze so basically what you're saying I can't win in bronze because I'm not good it's a skill issue I can already see the comments the reason why I'm stuck in bronze is because of people like you no I'm gonna be playing for maybe two three hours in bronze and I'm never gonna touch bronze in the near future ever again let's try playing Doom I'm gonna first start off normally I want to see how things go when I actually play regularly so I'm not gonna try it I'm just gonna oh hello really it's because your tank is speeding it's because your tank is speeding you're losing the game [Music] they can't even hit my what like they don't even know I'm behind them but look at this point they almost kept the point [Music] I mean I don't know what to tell you they don't even pay attention to me let's not even shoot let's see how this goes okay yes it's most definitely because of your team The Soldier's not paying attention to me that is a oh what is that anyone challenge me I I don't I have I'm lost for words like the first time that I play OverWatch and I'm lost for words I don't even know what to say I'm literally walking around behind him they don't even turn around to shoot me this is not to make fun of people this is mostly to prove I have no issue with you if you're a bronze five player I have an issue with you when you're a bronze five or bronze player who says that they lose because they get livers they play against a smurfer but who could use smurfing yes you don't get me in your game every game that you play once every five years you get me for two hours oh this guy's nice should we play another match altogether this guy is cool I like him it's my mechanics how did they kill the soldier [Music] this guy doesn't even know that I'm shooting at him [Music] yeah I'm not even shooting I didn't even shoot there so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna play Lucille and I'm just gonna wall ride I'm gonna try to just constantly be annoying hey guys okay this guy already looks at me he almost died to a Moira orb boom yeah I'm dead I think I died because it's morphing there's 100 a smirk the funny thing is I'm trying to be annoying and I'm trying to be distracting but they don't even look at me look this guy's not even looking at me so I'm I'm gonna shoot like once every 10 seconds I think that would be fair let's do this look this guy just dies tomorrow orb he tied to a more orb how do I have more damage than half of the people on the server I didn't even do anything half the time let's heal the drunk rat okay let's go all right a bit oh never mind let's feed the Bastion Let's help him not die let's not even shoot let's just do this she's falling she rolled herself okay let's let's use speed okay this guy is getting booped look at me guys trying to be distracting honestly he doesn't pay attention to me maybe if they look maybe I should distract this guy Maybe oh man punch I'm not even shooting okay they're all dead I killed him with a poop okay he's fighting okay I shot him a little bit boo punch where's the mate okay I'm gonna speed this guy go I fall gonna follow him gotta speed this guy now I didn't shoot for the past I believe two minutes I didn't shoot a single time I was booping people around and I was punching them and I still won and I would argue that I won easily it was not even remotely hard for this game I'm gonna play ball I'm not gonna shoot but I'm not gonna make it obvious that I don't shoot because I don't I don't want to get reported can I even do this never mind I board Mission abortion uh oh help me thank you oh where does the window here I'm gonna do this uh why is there a trapped here again okay I have to slam here right let's see how much I can stall oh I didn't mean to do that I promise you oh wait there's somebody here I'm gonna punch him okay he's dead great [Music] rolling through let's see if I can distract him enough we just look at me and spawn okay let's see if I can stall for my team enough to come back we'll just keep spinning around why don't you throw a lamp here look I'm not shooting no I'm not doing anything I'm just jumping around oh here and there I'll just slam and I'm just gonna roll through which I believe anyone can genuinely do you know what Let's do let's stay c9s they lost I didn't even shoot I hate who's smurfing I mean I am but I'm not I'm not doing anything their tank has more damage than me look I'm rolling through I'm not even shooting at them no no way I'm tanking I'm thanking for my team I'm thanking for my Soldier I have to tank for him I'm just gonna roll around it I didn't do anything I didn't do anything I think I play roadhog I'm gonna play roadhog and I'm gonna hook but I'm not gonna shoot I'm gonna punch I'm gonna punch only with hooks that's what I'm gonna do or I hope people off the map if I can okay let's go let's get hooks let's not really shoot let's shoot from far away let's play like a bronze player would can I get someone off the map I'm curious oh I mean I don't know what to tell you about that one okay I I didn't I didn't okay I wanted to kill him just because of the beam it just hurt my eyes can I hook someone yes never mind never mind okay that is not working that is not working I think I need to contribute a little bit more I have an idea I think that I am gonna shoot only if I get a hook if I don't get a hook I don't shoot only if I get a hook I shoot I don't know how I have more healing than a life reversible I I actually generally don't even know I've got a tank for my team thank you for my team I didn't hit I didn't hit the hook okay but I can punch oh okay okay I hit a hook I'm allowed yeah man okay I know I have Echo but I wouldn't want to use it yet okay never mind I should I I'm allowed to punch though look this guy he's not even looking at me this guy I'm behind him and I might think I mean he's thinking he's not looking at me look like are you kidding me I'm not even gonna shoot I I don't wanna shoot I don't want to shoot through just punching okay let's do some thinking this guy ignores me this guy ignores me I'm gonna Hope just to protect my friend and enter him I want to turn him around to me let's use the ulti because you know everyone can use the ulti oh I got told 50 miles away I think this is fair so I'm not really shooting I'm punching distracting okay let's hook this guy off the map I think he will fly and if he flies I can just do this off the map oh I died will I get rid I think the mercy resume right the merciful resume I know she wants the Frisbee like she's waiting why is she not raising me what I accidentally shot that he didn't mean to she's gonna fly and she's gonna get hooked up the map bunch bunch okay that works 360 hook no scope excuse me I hope I shoot and I punch boom boom 360. I'm not shooting I'm not shooting I just kept her off the points like you don't even know how to fade and she's dead buy my melees soldier's taking High Ground I'm gonna bring him over to the logo and check this out where's the soldier never mind I thought he was on high ground but let's distract let's distract let's not shoot let's just exist let's just exist look I don't wanna shoot him oh he killed himself with a rocket one she's got a remake I'm gonna hook her cancel the remake oh man I'm gonna let her remake again and cancel it with a hook oh no I got destroyed by a bronze player it's too fast okay I mean wow oh because listen just for me that's gonna hook him but the sponge oh no I'm about to die okay I'm allowed to shoot because I hope and I'm trying to run away oh oh okay what okay I can use my up in a second wait what is he doing here okay my torb clutched my torque clutch at the end my third Club will win so barely shooting shooting after Hooks and jump that sometimes he's not even shooting after the hook and just distracting four games challenge win a game without using your W key win again without using WQ okay that's actually a good idea what support do I play with no W key I say a lot of brick let's do brick just gonna be stupid bro someone pick a heavy healer down [Music] what's great big like someone pick a mercy on um change please yes big heavy healer yes what do we mean by him here it's like I love this guy like I told you like Mercy like Anna like faster he called him why flavor okay I have to leave I I can already see where this is going I don't have my w key how am I supposed to play oh man what okay okay this is not easy help no I'm trying to help the erisa okay I gotta kill oh man I'm walking sideways go to this walking sideways stuff it's too hard okay whenever whenever winnable anyways am I winning I can't believe they just died to me I I can't believe both of them just died to me wait I thought wait I'm not a point I have more damage than one of my DPS somehow we like losing bronze I think this is the last guys unless boom I give up I give up but you know what I'm gonna win the game while only using whip shots okay so let's take it up a notch I'm gonna win the game on only with shots at a disadvantage I'm already at this event I wouldn't even get close the first place go back and voice chat no I don't know what I don't want to know what this guy's saying so without my w key I still managed to do 3 000 damage which most of you will probably not do doesn't matter what rank you are in an entire game won't break so no I can I can use everything but I can't do this I can only whip shot okay my torb is dead oh okay okay they're missing everything that's good for me no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh man okay so what it took for me to lose in bronze is not having a w key look at the team chat he said something it's not about healing I love that guy next and play Break no abilities only primary and secondary Fire Plus movement okay so I'm gonna play that no abilities damage healing not even jumping fair and by the way for the disclaimer I think anyone even bronze five players have their W Key Well I almost got headshot oh let's go okay this guy's here no okay I survived heel ball heel blood okay looks like they're not moving from Spawn wait he will die what is he doing what there's a Sunburst somewhere oh wait what thinking you kill me but they can't I live I live what is Santa doing here no okay okay gotta get beef she couldn't even be my Sombra counter in Peter okay okay they see nice so I didn't die a single time and I did 6.1 K damage when I'm not using abilities or even jumping no I thought he was lower than that let's go for a Flink and see how that works it works that was a huge name I am dead ended I'm dead okay no I'm distracting I'm dead yeah I'm dead but hey you know what I distracted they can't touch they can't touch I've been distracting they chased me and they don't touch the point it's almost like I could have not even shot there and it would have still been enough for them to see nine almost like I didn't even have to shoot almost what I've gotta do is I'm gonna play Tracer and I'm gonna blink around and I'm gonna punch people so Tracer no shooting only shooting to distract and do not get reported for people for saying that I'm not shooting using a lot of melees a lot of blinks a lot of recalls distraction let's see I'm surprised it doesn't work they don't even look at me that's the crazy part I'm literally Milling in their face and they just don't care about me okay but I'm allowed to use my ulti right yeah I'll just do this I got smoked wait ah I have more damage than my tank okay okay my remaster is just going in he doesn't care I was afraid he's gonna he would Struck it I want him to look at me Sarah look at this fair look at this dude they just don't care about me whatsoever actually I'm gonna Force point to make them panic in a second oh never mind they're all on points maybe they just don't panic maybe they don't care the more just ignores me [Music] Mario Just ignores me but I went around without shooting I would say I'm pretty distracting right wait this guy doesn't look at me he's no he he doesn't look at me what am I watching okay okay I have to go in front of the soldier I have to go in front of the soldier will I kill him with just Millies I wonder where is he yeah I just killed him we're not even shooting at him let's see how long how long I can hold him and spawn if I keep the Moira here they actually have no healing I'm gonna kill Moyer in a 1v1 with no without shooting I can kill I can kill with a melee okay can I beat the original remember yeah I can I can I can I can I can okay I win I will play Winston right click only I can use my abilities but I'm gonna play sniper monkey yeah I think ulti is okay why is it taking so long to get destroyed let's distract from my teammates let's be a tank oh wait this guy's dead I'm gonna snipe him down I don't care he's getting sniped okay I'm gonna use my ulti but I'm not gonna kill anyone where I will be I'm just gonna jump around my ulti when I use it those guys dead good day what I got you what my team they have no hit like my the enemies have no support right they surely kind of okay I I really genuinely can see how could anyone blame their team that's it it's over I have the most damage in the server he's dead that's it no okay he's dead I'm holding them in their spawn oh I think it's drab and they failed I'm jumping here and there and there's Pawn nah you guys are trolling the emergency truck no okay how do I am I not dead yet yeah he's dead wait my bubble is blocking oh no they have Reaper the monkey counter what we don't lose I have the most damage in the server so seven games in not a single lever not a single thrower the only one who's arguably throwing is me my tour of no fear interesting very I'm stuck I'm stuck no I failed but I will not die I will die I will not die I will die he thinks he's running away but he's not look at this fashion like he's so distracted he doesn't know what's up boom just your standard bronze plate I'm not sure I'm not even left looking that is a good distraction I would say oh wait that is really bad no why stay too long my bad oh let's go oh he got sniped no let me live how is he not taking any damn odd because of the life of the weekend like what the hell but you know Bastion is on me I'm happy with the outcome he thinks he can kill me but he can't will I be able to kill this Bastion oh yeah I'm able I killed this Bastion without using my left or if I'm occupying the bathroom I was really gonna kill me oh no no no no no what did I do I messed up I hit the ceiling I wonder why did we lose this fight I wonder if it's because of my team or because I'm stupid and hit the ceiling with my head what is the old thing all right okay and will win and I have the second no sir third more step fourth fourth most damage in the server playing Winston without using my left click and I died three times against Bastion and Reaper yes guys I'm sure it's your team and by the way did you see what I was looking at when we first started defense did you see what my top was doing oh he died like a hero yeah that's a good way to put it let's do zarya so no self bubble only bubble my friend let's not I'm also not gonna use my right click okay interesting super interesting oh okay interestingly interestingly enough all the people that are throwing are on the enemy team I don't even have charge you know what no bubbles and no right clicks as well oh what a beat wow so zero energy no bubbles I mean I use my graph so let's just not even use the graph let's just disable the grab as well let's take this off why how do they know oh wait the Hanzo gotta kill no I had to reload that sucks what is that Dash what did he really die like that I wonder if they will heal me nice here it goes insane I asked for help and I got help and my Lucia doesn't touch he just right around the point I need healing okay I don't think this Moyer even understands oh my God I got lied too zarya no charge against against okay let's look at the Hanzo let's not even shoot at the Hanzo he's missing me in front of his face [Music] let's see how long it takes him to kill me in the respawn never mind yeah okay zero charge no abilities no grab no melee no nothing 10 games no no one flamed so I'm gonna play ball no shooting so no slam I'm gonna disable my slam entirely No Slam I will not go for like any extravagant boobs I will only just shoot like this you know like just to pay attention Okay let's check it out okay okay I got her off that position I didn't get her off the position you're dead he's dead surely right yeah he's dead is he gonna run through my mind no hello rolling around rolling around thanking for my team blocking the Widow shots locking the window shots wait my teeth my entire team is playing against the sigma what going on here wait what happened here I died to Oppenheimer okay I have an idea I'm gonna wait for my team now what I'm gonna do boom you fall off the map yeah I did wait we're still not winning no way there's a widow standing there and I don't like it I I thanked I think for my teeth no dude come on [Music] okay I have to tank I have to tank okay I have to kill this Widow really guys let's be serious here [Music] oh man [Music] no she killed okay we capped okay finally we kept why is this so hard all of a sudden okay I'll book them in the Widow did he really just do that I tanked I take the Rock okay everyone still dies spin it's over my book took the turret [Music] wait wait kill the ash okay I'm in the payload ah [Music] my bad yes I didn't mean to actually shoot her that was my intrusive thoughts ah man he's missing his office on me every single time ah okay that is not comfortable oh no okay if I survive here somehow I'll be able to win right okay no way no way [Music] no way but just not C9 quickly we kept the point no way they just added this ugh he's going for the Millie that he's dying look he's what is he shifting even sorry Sigma you're dead what am I doing here I distract from my he's not gonna run away though yeah she's dead good day killer my my Mercy I'm gonna let her have the kill I'm gonna let her enjoy that kill dead life Weaver it's over wait we capped till the end no way wait I have the most damage and I didn't shoot a single time here you know what let's disable the shooting completely so I don't even I'm not gonna let my intrusive thought win what am I watching here I should have put it oh no I just I walked into that kill thank you wait they haven't moved the fan on good day friend it's over it's over it's over for the drunk right [Music] oh It's Gonna Keep rolling through man like I don't know I don't know what to tell you it's definitely distracted oh they have Sombra they pick counters guys [Music] we win pigatory after watching this I swear to never play my teammates again exactly wait how much damage do I have I have the most damage in the server truth is no matter what you do no amount of evidence will convince some bronze Splitters that is true but I'm doing it for the people that could be convinced if I manage to prove to even one player to change his ways everybody did my part and I'm happy with it I'm happy helping people rank up I don't know abilities no scope and I can Nano because then people will report me for not downloading the crazy part I can literally fall in front of them and everything will be okay oh close range it's it's pretty easy but long range no way [Music] Mercy knows who to [ __ ] wait I can Nano okay let's Nano yeah from far away I will not hit a single of these shots telling you it's so hard to hit those no stops far away [Music] uh my mouse I ran out of mouse pad [Music] my holidays no no no no no no so close no I missed every shot [Music] what is this guy doing here why is there somewhere here oh he wasn't moving [Music] okay the C9 from inano Mercy that's great [Music] what is that what what is he doing here there's an ant over here okay what excuse me how did that Miss oh that was good that was good I'm gonna bait the wrist where are the wrists I'm gonna go flank the soldier okay can I hit the game they actually kill me if I run in front of their face will they be able to kill me no I don't know why you're even hiding I don't think they'll be able to kill me all right let's do Fair on the ground Fair no flying oh they have a pharaoh oh so close oh let's go I I bet you never ever saw a fair walk to The High Ground this guy's not even looking at me okay I'm actually Gonna Fly but I'm not gonna shoot [ __ ] it's going in punching only can I kill this guy with punches no I can't I shoot this guy one time yeah [Music] what's this guy doing goodbye I have no shift it's a problem no I missed what oh no no come on yeah it might be a little bit too much trolling okay so I go back to the shooting from the ground I had to fly I had to fly here or whatever would have died no okay now I need to actually to shoot that was not okay that was trolling what is that I knew it was gonna go there he probably would have grabbed the mega I'm going for a quick flank let's see how that goes where's the fair Iran Farah no like God I got destroyed they smoked me [Music] interesting okay one time one HP one HP come on okay that's good [Music] no no but they're one HP that we should be able to win this can I hit a shot I hid Affair like this right now no I need to live tried tried my best here with the barrage yeah this is a GG you know I'm gonna play Moira but I'm not actually gonna do any crazy damage I'm just gonna distract with no damage or only healing orb I just walked into everyone's face and slapped him look at this guy yeah you guys are telling me that you lose because of your team just walk in their face let's walk interesting I'm gonna let's see how long it takes him to kill me if if he will at all okay let's see how I can distract this Moira [Music] [Laughter] ah look at her look at her she's so pissed no no I thought I could live what oh Genji don't die slap slap slap boom destroyed what is going on no are they real what is this oh yeah I messed up with my oh that's so funny to me boom slap let's go gotta help my Anna somehow he doesn't he lives but I live as well this guy's dead my Reinhardt missed okay I almost lived through a grab I almost lived through a solo grab in front of five people this guy doesn't even understand what is going on I gotta slap him here Moira diff yeah I had to dip him like this right I couldn't I wonder when somebody's gonna be trying to Turret I really wonder [Applause] ful okay Reaper no abilities that's what I'm gonna put I'm gonna give you an educational disclaimer tip which I always give in my ranking Champs pay attention that even when I'm just shooting from enough angle it's distracting which means that it helps my team capitalizing the people that are not looking at them that is why our fingerling is so strong okay we got this yeah off angles [Music] okay just running in my face makes no sense and off finger look at this happening they're not looking they're not looking you're dead bye bye gotta go from behind because they're not looking what does it mean but they're dead you're not looking off angle you're telling me that it requires good mechanics to be able to move around from enough angle like I know what abilities I can't get out of there I don't know even why I went there in the first place all fingerly flanking surprise I got a kill because she wasn't paying attention mechanics cover that's why not die why am I not dead because I use cover look I'm in front of four people and they can't even do anything to me what I gotta live no no assassination let's go boom wow mechanics again mechanics whoa and she's not paying attention must be mechanics surprise now I'm stuck here but I'm okay with it I'm not okay with it I'm not okay with anything I'm not okay I don't know what I'm doing there Richard there's a reason why I pulled you Richard there's a reason why I pulled you Richard oh man uh Richard what is Richard doing Richard from the off angle cover not dying going to the off angle why did I kill the Pharaoh because I'm on and off angle why did I kill Richard is dead notice how they don't pay attention to me half the time tell me it's mechanics in conclusion guys I've played around 15 games not a single lever somehow everyone has a liver in some some type of way they lose because they have liver not a single thrower the only one who was arguably throwing is me so I can only blame myself regardless so not a single thrower not a single bad teammate actually I did have bad teammates they were literally dying in spawn and I still managed to win easily awkwardly your top 500 that's why you win yes so basically what you're asking is that you want to rank up without having the skill for it don't you think that sounds a little bit ridiculous I think that's how everything works you want to be better you want to do better be better everything is a skill issue has nothing to do with your teammates and next time that you blame your teammates for your losses keep that in mind you really are a loser well even when I die here I don't see me blaming my teammates I always say it's my fault oh my bad I messed up even in bronze 5 I say that I'm a rank one player who are you to blame anybody else but yourself what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go to the gym I'm gonna work up my back gonna work some biceps and I must encourage every single one of you go to the gym go to physical exercises there's no nobility in being good at the video game when you're bad at everything else but it's pretty epic when you're pretty good at the video game and you're good at everything else if you are in an amazing shape and you look good and you're a capable person and you play video games all of a sudden you're a nerd anymore you're a cool dude who plays video games they're two different things so I'm gonna wish every single one of you the greatest a day where does the night and if you don't go to the gym you should watch me go watch the negative people go watch negative streamers go watch negative YouTubers because you're not the part of the audience that I want to have but I'm sure most of you are great people and you guys are trying to do your best in the game and outside of the game [Music] foreign
Channel: Awkward
Views: 325,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qXouqEsa498
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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