Edit 3X FASTER in Premiere Pro with These Tips & Tricks

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[Music] [Music] hello good morning my name is valentina v and welcome to tips and tricks tuesdays with me um it is tuesday morning i got my cozy sweater on new sweater from target i got my candle not a fire alarm like some people have said and it is a uh it's called cozy that's what the candle is called and i'm just rejecting cozy vibes because it is cold in los angeles right now and because of the um because of the fact that i can't have my audio all messed up i had to turn my my heater off so it's it's just cold i'm going to pull up myself on behance so if you are watching this on uh youtube on the adobe video and motion youtube channel you can pop over to behance.net live and you can chat along with me uh looks like we got peter beck's here uh steve casaboom is here um mayan gabriel hello everybody where are you watching from let me know uh also let me know if you edit videos what kind of videos you edit and what sorts of things you would like to be faster at doing that's the whole uh idea of today is how do we get faster at doing what we want to do with premiere um so definitely let me know we got peter from chicago uh we got allison parks hey allison we got valentina from los angeles um we got uh paco over in the yay area uh mostafa in gray old uk uh steven says cold in the room i guess her hot shortcuts might help you got it you got it um we got wellington new zealand italy that you know it's all making sense now it's all making sense now why i'm live streaming so early at 7 30 in the morning for california time because there's people in new zealand and there's people in italy and there's people in ecuador and scotland and barcelona hola como so good all right so today we are doing um some tips and tricks for how to edit faster and something that i've noticed in my previous live streams that i've done is that uh people seem to really like when i do it the slow way and then they seem to really like when i you know show how to do it faster so that's exactly what i'm going to be doing today i may be showing you the slow way first so if you are someone who is a self-taught editor someone who like never really learned all the shortcuts you may be used to doing something one way and then i'm gonna show you how to do it uh faster in a completely different way so we got massachusetts baltimore maryland um brazil uh myan says i'm obsessed about automation fast workflow but i'm terrible on premiere pro that's what i'm here for timor says when does it start it starts right now timur let's go let's get in i just like to talk for a little bit so that everyone is in the room so here we are inside of premiere pro and just introduce you to this project a little bit so that you're not like looking around lost um this is my project for a cooking demo oh i gotta get my zoom tool hold on that's important i use this arrow goes me zoom into the screen there we go okay so there we go so we got the footage audio sequences graphics folder we got a stock media folder and then we have a couple of random clips um this is just like just an overall tip is just organized as much as possible because it's gonna save you time later for example uh i don't actually know what are these random clips over here just some random clips so i'm just gonna make a new bin and i'm gonna call it 05 random or maybe misc miscellaneous and i'm gonna put those in just so that everything is clean in the footage bin we have adobe stock videos so these are stock footage that i got from adobe stock from the store and they're in here they are purchased and if i double click on every single one of them you can see that they pull up here these are videos that you know still have the watermark on them but if i want to purchase them i click on the little on the little shopping cart icon so that's so something that's really cool about adobe stock is that you can you know get the watermarked videos in there i have camera a camera b camera c so this is a cooking review demo video and listen i'm not a vlogger by any stretch of the imagination so i pretended like i knew anything about cooking just to make some demo footage for this video uh so this is me cooking this is me trying to review cooking um you know how it goes so this is the the a camera a camera wow look at that face i'm so competent i'm so good at it um i have my b camera which is the side angle over here of whatever i'm doing so it's a completely different camera by the way and then we have our c camera over here which is the top view so um that looks good also inside of the b camera bin over here if you double click it i open it up and all of my thumbnails populate not only do i have the footage the side footage but i also have all of my b-roll footage which is all of this all of that right so let's say that i was actually you know editing this video and the first thing i want to do maybe i'm a little bit too lazy to start editing it right away and i want to procrastinate a little bit um hint i do this always i'm always procrastinating is i want to make a string out sequence because making a string out sequence is easy i don't have to listen to any audio from the video i get i can just listen to music in the background and just be making my string out sequence so um z by hp tech rick says same codec all around uh it's all h.264 as far as i remember all those footage is in the same codec and yeah it's all mp4 anyway so we have this footage and as we look through it uh let's just play it through you see how it plays through in real speed that's fine but it's actually was recorded in 60 frames per second in order to use slow motion so first things first all of this footage is in this bin we want to separate it from the other footage we want to separate it from this side footage and there's also in the same bee camera there's also footage from a different episode entirely from an egg cooker episode or from a um tuna salad episode so there's there's three groups of footage there's this group that has these four in it then there's this group that has these uh 10 items and then there's this group right so one way that you can visually separate them is instead of going to the list view like this or to the icon view you can go to the free form view right here and you might think initially oh it's the same thing but it's not so i'm going to press the tilde key which is the squiggly line on the top left of the keyboard and this is what it looks like in fact let me let me pull up my let me pull up my drawing tool here i use epic pen for for those who want to know oh actually it might not work with zoom right oh yeah it does okay cool so this may look like just a a worse version of the thumbnail view because they're all over here oh you know what it's my shortcuts that don't work with zoom that's what it is um because thumbnail view kind of populates it like this and freeform view populates like this but that is not the case so if i right click i can align to grid or i can reset to grid so when i go to reset to grid i can reset it by whatever i want so i'm going to say i want to reset it by name and now they're in a grid again it's very similar to this view but you're probably again wondering like what's the whole point of this freeform view well think of it like sticky notes on your desktop like literally on top of your desk like little sticky notes right and you're just placing them all over and you're organizing them so in this case check it out i can go okay these are my my tuna salad clips these are the close-ups i'll put them together and these are this is the wide and this is the wide i don't really like so i'm gonna go to um i'm gonna right click it and i'm gonna change the size i'm gonna change the clip size to small so i don't really like the wide but it's fine and out of these two i really like the first one so i'm going to change the clip size to large so that's like visually going to tell me that that's good and then i have the little small one and then i have this one next to it cool and then all of the b-roll clips let me put them over here together like that so that they're visually you know all the food ones i'm gonna put together all of these i'm gonna put together in a little stack you see how i'm organizing this it's like an endless table that you can organize things on um and it's going to you can organize it any way you want so let's see the menu clips are going to be here together the box clips are going to be let's put them over here together yup and then all of these guys over here yeah i'll just keep them and i'll just keep them together like that so now i kind of almost made three categories for myself and i can actu actually zoom out too and like make them even more separate or even more condensed i can group group clips together you know like that so it shows me uh an overall picture of all of my clips in all of my categories that is a lot more organized than something like this where they're all together here they're all sort of in the same little in the same little bubbles and then i can go okay let me let me now that i see everything let me change the label on these so i'm going to right click i'm going to go to label and i'm going to make them purple so you can see the label on them which is this little dot here that's changed to purple so now when i drag them into my timeline they're going to be purple or i can select all of them right click label let's make them yellow these are all yellow now so that's one way to organize it and then i can just press the tilde key so now they're all here for me ready to go and i can just pull them into my timeline i currently don't have a timeline now a lot of people when making timelines they may go okay let me make a new sequence right let me go sequence file new sequence okay let me set my sequence settings and all that jazz you don't have to do that if your sequence is the same as any of your files has the same you know size and dimensions you can just use that file to make a new sequence and it's really easy so in this case i'm going to drag any of these like maybe i'll drag the first one and i'm going to drag it on top of this icon right here which is the new new item icon it looks like a page turn give it a sec to save right here so i'm just going to take this and drag it on top yeah because i'm in freeform view it actually dragged over so one sec let me pop into this drag it on top so it's basically created a sequence in here of uh just this clip in it and maybe i don't want this clip in there initially so i can just delete it it's not in there um but it also named the sequence after the name of the clip c16 so if i don't want it to be named after that clip i can right click and right here it says reveal sequence in project so not only is it going to show me where the sequence is in the project that i've just created but i can then go ahead and like change the name so if i do reveal sequence and project there it is it has revealed it it's called c0016 so i can go ahead and rename it to string out or b-roll string out there we go so this is my sequence that's going to be the b-roll string out and it has the same size and properties as that one clip that i dragged into it earlier and i did it just like that without going to create a new sequence so a lot faster now it is in here now it's inside the footage can be folder right and i want to get it inside my sequences folder so if you remember when i go up to my like organization here my main organization of everything i have my footage folder here and that sequence because i made it off of a clip it got put in the same bin as that original clip so it's over here in can b right and to put it into the sequences bin i have to drag it in but you see how it like all of that i had to go find it and i had to close up all my other bins so let me let me undo that so it's in the b folder but i had my a folder open and i had my c folder open and i had to go ahead and like go into it in full screen but instead of doing any of that you can just use the search bar over here so if you just search what did i call it string out there it is it pulls it up right there and then i can just put it into my sequences bin real easy because uh the search box is you're going to be able to find whatever the clip name is or whatever the sequence name is but it's also going to show you your whole folder organization so you can always just like drop it in there which is super super useful if you are just moving clips around we have to change one setting so just fyi we're gonna be back in five seconds stick around so oh hello everybody we're back we changed one thing and we're back lisa asked um a really good question actually she says what's a string out sequence so a sequence is what premiere calls their timeline so the sequence is your working timeline like something that you are working on so for example this sequences bin is where i keep my sequences and i have all sorts of sequences here i have this sequence called chopping onions which is just consists of one clip of me chopping onions that's it um i have this sequence called show intro one which is just a sequence that contains the intro graphic to the show um i have another sequence called let's say tuna salad first cut and this one has the first cut of my tuna salad video and all of these sequences are all up here as soon as i open it they show up here at the top as tabs so i can go back and forth to different sequences and see the different videos i'm working on it could be a different video entirely it could be a different version of the same video you can also put a sequence within a sequence so for example i have show intro one right so this is my intro sequence to the food show i have three clips um and a little bit of animation and if i render it let's see how fast it'll render oh just a couple seconds if i render it i'm able to show it to you and um then i can just take that sequence and put it inside of another sequence and keep reusing it as my show intro a string out is a sequence that is full of only the usable footage and i will show you how to create a string out in mere moments um a string out is all the usable footage essentially so you're cutting out all of like uh all of the use useless stuff like when someone you know if you're recording yourself for example and you're reaching over to your camera to press record right this whole part of the video when you're reaching over and that you're fixing yourself all of that you don't need so you can cut that out before you even start editing so this is what the intro looks like to this video check it out right and you might think it starts over black but it doesn't it actually starts over transparency there's nothing in this layer so when i put this sequence into another sequence it's gonna be transparent so if i go for example into this sequence called tuna salad first cut right actually let's go into not the tuna salad let's go into egg review first cut there we go so this is my egg review video and let's just say that i want to place that intro sequence uh right here right there so one way that i could do it is i could go to tuna salad first cut which is this oh sorry tuna show intro one this is the sequence highlight everything copy it command c then go into egg review 3 first cut paste it here command v and see what happens number one it pasted over my current footage that was there right so the sequence or the the clips that i pasted are now lodged in here like this right it completely destroyed what i had here um and uh number two it's all of the clips and i don't want all of the clips i just want the sequence right so instead of doing that a faster and more efficient way to do it is you know show intro one we have it right here so if we right click go to reveal sequence and project there it is it's called show intro one that's the sequence so we'll go into review three first cut and we'll just drag the sequence called show intro one into this sequence right because we want the whole show intro as one giant chunk and check it out it drags as one giant chunk and it drags into here but here's the problem is that it has overridden the audio layer down here right because this sequence has its own audio layer um every sequence is gonna have an audio layer even if you don't have any audio in it so here to show intro one we actually don't have any audio at all but when i dragged it over it had audio it has like a blank audio layer so something to do when you're doing that is you can either lock all of the audio tracks so that they're untouchable completely untouchable so that when you drag this in it automatically drags into the third into the fifth um track or you can make sure instead of doing that you can make sure that the uh source patching which is this a1 that's on the left side of each track and track targeting that both of these are enabled for track five and that will tell premiere anytime you're dragging something in drag it onto this layer instead so drag it onto this a5 you could also do the same thing with v4 over here so you can make sure that it always drags into a5 or v4 so let's do that let's make sure that our source patching and track targeting is enabled for those layers and i don't have all of these locked so i'm having them open and then i just drag it in and it automatically drags onto that layer isn't that cool um but now we have to do this thing where we want we want this we want this show intro we want it to be here we want it to be in between these two these two um actually we don't want it in between but if we did if we wanted it in between uh what something people that would what people would normally do is they'll drag it onto v4 and a5 then they'll zoom out of the whole timeline which is a lot of stuff to zoom out on right then they'll select all of this stuff like that then they'll zoom all the way back in then they'll bump this over and then they'll bring this in right that's a lot of work what's another way to do this faster so let me undo this com control z or command z um a much faster way to do it is just hover your mouse over this first area and then press a and that changes your mouse to the track to select forward tool and now wherever you click it's going to select all the clips that are after your mouse so you can select all those clips now then click v to change your mouse back to the selection tool and then move that over like that right so that is one way to do it another way to do it if i delete this entirely is as i'm dragging right i hold down command or control and alt at the same time and that does it for me but it only does it on the um on the track that i'm on right yeah so that's another way to do it if you just have one track but this is this is how i would recommend it but we're not actually we're not actually doing that because remember the very front of the show intro it was transparent so it's meant to go over the end of the previous clip so it's meant to kind of overlap on top of the end and the beginning so something that you can do that is really really helpful is tell yourself or marker for yourself where that end and where that beginning is so if we go into uh the if you know if we just scrub through it i can tell that right right here where this circle where this circle grows and as soon as it touches the edges of the video that's where uh this clip is completely opaque right not no more transparency and that is where i want the um the front end of the intro to end what do i mean by that that's where i want the overlay to happen so first thing i'm going to do i i'm just tired of this uh i'm just tired of this awful um audio like empty audio layer just hanging over so i'm gonna delete it i'm gonna hold down alt to select just the audio layer because it's actually linked right now so i'm just going to hold down alt select just the audio layer delete it then i'm going to bring my show intro onto layer v4 and then overlay it on top of the previous clip like this see but the problem is that i don't know where it starts where it ends you know i could do something like this where it actually might my previous my previous edit point ends before the show intro actually starts so i have this like area of area of black right so i want to tell myself exactly where it is so a cool way to do it is with a clip marker so let me just go to where that is i can go left and right arrows on my keyboard to go one frame at a time right there so right there is where i want that clip to um the previous clip to end so i'm going to press m and as you can see that has introduced a marker on that clip i'm going to do the same thing over here right where the the transparency starts in the middle i'm going to find that doo doo right there i'm going to press m for marker and now because i have snapping enabled which is this uh magnet i can now just it automatically snaps to the end there i can press a select all of that and then bring it over and snap it right there so now you know test out and unbox for you there we go uh yeah i think yeah perfect it's perfectly aligned so this is the everyday but we were talking about earlier we were talking about um how to do that string out sequence so let's go to b-roll string out and remember we had created the string out sequence by just plopping a uh one of these b-roll clips where was it cam it was in cam b and let's go to our yeah so we plopped one of these b-roll clips directly into this the sequence to create the sequence right so let's just make sure that now that we've created it it is at the dimensions frames per second that we want it to be so i'm going to go to sequence and i'm going to go i'm going to go to sequence sequence settings and just check those sequence settings and as you can see they are wrong why are they wrong valentino why well check it out the time base over here is 59.94 frames per second you're probably wondering why is that wrong well because we originally want this footage to play back in slow motion right we want this footage to play back at 23.976 frames per second but it was captured at 60 frames per second so if we drag it if we create a sequence from it it's going to create a sequence that's 54 59.94 frames per second but we want our sequence to be 23.976 so we're just going to change this you could always change it right uh 23.976 frames per second cool and then we press ok so now our b-roll string out sequence is ready and primed for our footage but guess what if i drag it straight in like this and play it look what happens oh actually let me because i already i already prepped a little bit let me undo that clear it out okay drag it in like this so there it is so that's the full clip and guess what it's not in slow motion you can see you can see the jitteriness of it so what the way that a lot of people like to build their string out sequences is they'll do this gosh darn it valentino why did you have to be so prepared and prep everything and then not unprep it you know what i'm saying so let me let me unprep a couple of these so that you can see so what people will do is they'll select all of these clips they'll select all of them and then they will yeah so let's just select all of these they'll bring them in these long clips right they'll bring them in and then they'll start cutting so they'll go like okay where's the point in my video that okay right there i wanna cut out everything at the beginning of that clip and i just wanna start it there because that's where my hand comes in to open the box and i just want that part of the clip so i'm going to cut it like that then i'm going to take that delete it then i'm going to move it forward then i'm going to go to okay there i'm going to cut that i'm going to select the rest of the clip it's garbage it's garbage cysts i'm going to delete it then i'm going to go to the next one um i only want this portion of it so i'm going to go over i'm going to cut it i'm going to select that delete it okay then okay that's it that's the only part i want i'm going to cut it i'm going to select that delete it then i'm going to take this and move it over that oh my god that just took forever right that just took forever listen if you are cutting on your timeline like this instead of using uh in and out and shortcuts and all that even if you're doing this there's a much easier way to do it so let me show you how to do it if you're if you're doing it on your timeline if you insist on doing your editing in your timeline you don't have to but if you insist let me show you how to do it come on undo undo undo undo undo okay so i want to again i want to start right before i open right hmm how how do i do that well there is a shortcut that will insert a cut at your play head and delete everything in front of it to the previous cut and that shortcut is the q button that's all you have to do just queue bam that's it then we go to the end of okay right there and that's that's where we want to cut and we want to delete everything from that cut point to the end of the clip until the next cut point that is the w command that's all we have to do we just gotta go w bam and not only will it delete it but it will ripple the clips after it as well so then we keep going we keep going okay we find okay that's where we want to start we just press q then we keep going okay that's where we want to end and we press w and we move on right q actually this is i think the same clip so i want to delete it so instead of going delete and then moving over all i have to do is command d command d for ripple delete that's it so keep going okay i want now i want multiple sections of this clip i don't just want um to do a q and w and trim off the beginning and trim off the end because in this long clip not only do we do like a overview of the whole egg cooker oh where are you not only do we do an overview of the egg cooker manual but then we go out inside and we show some pages and we go closer up so there's a lot of there's like four or five different things in this clip that i want to use so the first thing i will trim the beginning of it right so i want to trim everything from this start to the playhead so i will be pressing q so i'm going to press q and now instead of w because w will actually get rid of everything trailing right w will get rid of everything if i press w this clip's over bam that's it so instead of doing w i'll do command k command k will insert a cut at the play head right here so do do do so kevin asks can you make in and outs in project window clips yes you can kevin you're like one step ahead of me because that's what i'm going to show you next but i want to show you how to do this first because i feel like a lot of people starting out they want to cut their clips in the timeline instead of using in and out points and i'll show you why in and out points are more beneficial i'll prove it to you in just a sec but we're like you know we're like building up to it you know because some people are new some people never edited before so we're gonna go again to the where the next part of the video is that i want which is you know this portion right here and then we're gonna press q then we're going to the end of that portion press command k keep going okay press q keep going actually press q here command k press q command k and then on the zoom in q command k q command k and then q actually q again command k actually that could just be a w so we'll trim the rest of the clip so you see how we've trimmed this clip really quickly oh i have a message i'm all good thank you for letting me know so that was really easy right q w command k q command k q command k right but what valentina what happened to the slow motion part of this because look at all these clips they're jittery right because they're not in slow motion they're not playing back in slow motion valentina i thought that you had recorded this at 60 frames per second just so that we could have the slow motion what's going on well listen if you want slow motion something that a lot of people do is they'll go ahead and change the speed of now each and every single one of these individual clips so for example this last clip right here if we want it in slow motion it's a little jittery right now right they'll right click and they'll go to speed duration and then they'll change this here so instead of the duration being two seconds they'll change it to like let's do let's do four seconds right so that's 50 speed and i'll click okay so now it's four seconds and because the original clip has all those frames inside of it to play with this is gonna be real slow motion so that's nice actually i'm gonna get rid of all of the audio so it doesn't bother us so like that okay great but now oh oh snap well now i got to change that clip to slow motion and my in and out points are already set so if i go right click speed duration and then i change that to 50 um okay but hello the rest of this clip is gone right the rest of this clip is actually over here so oh no so instead of doing that i'm gonna undo the slow motion i have to scooch every clip now i have to scooch it like this oh my goodness i have to give it room to grow on the side so that it could you know expand by by twice as much that is so much work even if you do like a select all and then speed duration and then do speed 50. even if you do that that's still too much work and then you got to close all these gaps there's a shortcut by the way to close gaps bam it's uh but it's not an automatic shortcut so e that that's another way to that's another like bonus tip that i'm throwing in there if you want to close all gaps uh instead of doing this this nonsense right here um just go to edit keyboard shortcuts type in the word gap and then right here there's a shortcut for close gap i don't think it's it's there by default so i'm i made it ctrl shift g and ctrl alt g i have two shortcuts for closing gaps because i'm extra like that but anyway um this is so much work right because oh my gosh it's so much work why can't the clips just be slow motion in the first place they can they can so let's let's redo this okay so b-roll string out i'm going to right-click i'm going to go reveal sequence in project let me duplicate this and then delete all the clips in there so i can go to right click and say duplicate and it creates that b-roll string out copy sequence or if i want it to be even faster i just hold down control and drag down and that creates a copy so i'm going to do b-roll string out slow-mo right double-click it to open it so now we have the b-roll string out slow-mo and then we have the b-roll string out these two sequences are identical because all i did was copy it but on this slo-mo sequence we're going to delete all the work we've done because we're going to redo it but better this time so we're gonna go to can b um and we're gonna we're gonna go to these clips let's let's take a look at list view because this is really important this one i want you to take a look at our sequence our sequence this sequence that we're dropping everything in here this is 23.976 frames per second these clips they are 59.94 frames per second but all of those frames are going to be hiding when we drag them directly like we did before um so what i suggest for b-roll clips for slow-mo clips is interpret them first before dragging them in so do this select all of the 5994 and if you're not sure like if they're if they if they're all over your project because here for me i mean they're on uh hide floaty meeting angels here for me they're all like lined up like this so that's easy but what if they weren't what if they were like all over the place you know what if one was here and then one was here because this is alphabetical and you shot them all all weird um you could always just uh arrange it by frame rate up here by clicking this button next to frame rate so this will arrange them all by the frame rate so all of this 59.94 frames per second clips are all together so i'm going to select all of them by going to the first one holding down shift and then going to the last one so now they're all selected i'm going to right click go to modify go to interpret footage and then here's where the magic happens right it says you can either use the frame rate from file which is 59.9401 very very obscure number right or you can have it assume a different frame rate from the jump so i'm going to say yeah please assume the frame rate of the sequence and we know that the frame rate of the sequence is 23.976 another very obscured number but it's also the standard frame rate that's why i know it and then we'll press ok and check it out all of these clips are now 23.976 frames per frames per second of course i right clicked for no reason um and we know that they're the right ones because they're the yellow ones remember we labeled all of the b-roll clips with yellow earlier so now check it out if we play through them they'll play back in slow motion already so i mean it's very slow you could hear it too very slow motion so now if we did the same thing like we did before let's arrange these by name and we dragged these in just like we did before look what happens they're like twice as long so even if you are doing the the thing where you're you're cutting it like the q and then the command k and then the q and then the command k etc now at least you're already cutting slow motion footage from the jump instead of trying to turn in slow motion later after the whole fact right um but i still don't like this workflow it's not my favorite workflow my favorite workflow is the in and out workflow and that's what i'm going to show you so the first thing first things first is if we go to this first clip and you hear you see me scrubbing do you hear any noise of me scrubbing no so the first thing is by default if you go into preferences audio by default premiere has this enabled play audio while scrubbing so by default this is enabled so when you open up your premiere press okay one thing that's really annoying for me is when i'm scrubbing through b-roll that has audio that's been recorded on the camera but i don't care about it it's just you know some some it's just audio that was recorded on the camera but i'm scrubbing and i hear this right that's so annoying oh oh you mean okay i probably um disabled the audio option when i did the screen share once one one sec let me uh let me see if i can fix that one okay so i've just been alerted that you can't hear it anyway but like trust me it sounds gross okay it sounds like that's a really good imitation of it so if you don't want to hear all that nonsense especially slow motion nonsense when you're scrubbing just go to uh fi edit preferences or it might be file preferences if you're on a mac i haven't edited on a mac in a few years so i don't know things go to audio and then um uncheck play audio while scrubbing and that's going to not play your audio while scrubbing right so now you're gonna you can just like play your favorite music or whatever so this is the in and out workflow for making string outs and it is so fast so what i'm gonna have you practice if you ever do this is just keep your fingers on the i o and period buttons on your keyboard the i the o and the period period cis so okay i spend too much time on tick-tock um one sec every time i so interestingly enough zoom's shortcuts are the same some of them overlap with the shortcuts that i've made for my uh screen presentation software so sometimes they show up anyway so you're gonna you're gonna pop up each of these clips and you have your own uh scrubber here your own current time indicator cti otherwise known as a playhead otherwise known as this blue thing so that's what you're going to use you're going to just go to the beginning and then start looking for the place that is in in your clip where you want to start and then you press i then go to the place in your clip where you want to end and then you press o and as you can see what has happened is it has highlighted that area of the clip in light gray and then you're just gonna put it into your timeline now a lot of people would just drag it into their timeline like this and then if they keep going let's say keep going next one uh right here i o and then they drag it in like this let's keep going see all this stuff with the hands we don't need any of that okay i and oh and then they would drag it in like this that is so long so much dragging so much dragging instead of dragging just press period that's all you have to do so all you have to do is again i o period and that's it and guess what your playhead jumps to the end of the clip so that clip is put wherever the playhead is so the playhead automatically jumps to the end of that clip so you can go to the next one and you can say okay i o period i o i o period i oh period and uh it might be i don't know if it is for you it might like flicker back and forth for for you that's because um the way that this footage was shot i didn't like don't worry about it um okay then here as well i'm gonna wait until i open it and right there i and oh period and you see how quickly how quickly i am building this sequence with just those three buttons that are already on my keyboard you don't need a fancy schmancy um workstation for any of this you just use your own keyboard and the letters that are on your own keyboard that's it very quickly building a string out okay cool you see that and now now they're all here bam so this is why you know i had that question earlier um why are you making a string out well instead of having hours worth of footage to to look through now i only have a few minutes worth of footage and it's all the best footage it's all the most usable footage so then let me get rid of all this audio so hold down alt dragon marquee block i'll hold down uh alt dragon marquee box delete this audio so then when i'm getting into the edit for example i have here egg review 3 first cut right and i'm trying to get into the edit i'm trying to drop this b-roll footage over here on track v4 on top of my video i'm trying to drop b-roll clips in like a b-roll clip over here and another b-roll clip over here to like supplement what i'm saying all i have to do is pancake these timelines and then just drag one from the other so i'm just going to expand this a little bit and then i'm going to take this egg review 3 first cut i'm going to you know select the name of it and then literally drag this entire panel to the bottom of the screen watch what happens bam so now both timelines are on screen at the same time both sequences so i can then be like oh okay so in this case i'm talking about um the packaging so i can go ahead and just drag this clip from the packaging over over onto this uh the sequence i could drag this and i could start editing right away and it just it makes everything just so much simpler what if i wanted to make it even simpler and i mean this is like like stupid easy editing full proof right because right now i'm listening to myself talk so that i know where to place each b-roll clip right i'm talking about the packaging so this is where i want to place those i'm talking about this but like what if this is a project that i started three months ago and i only got the b-roll now like what if it's something like that right you want to give yourself some little hints of where you want things to be so instead of doing that first before i do that i'm going to help myself and tell myself where these things are and remember how we did a clip marker earlier when we were doing um this the show intro and we placed a little marker we placed a little marker here on the clip to let us know where where things needed to be where things needed to line up to well let's do the same thing but this time on the entire timeline as a whole so if you oh by the way if you go um if you scrub your timeline just normally just like by default if you're scrubbing your timeline look at what happens it's always going to be selecting the top clip right you can see that it selects the top clip so as i move my current time indicator it selects the top clip so say i want to place a marker on my timeline individual of the clip right if i place a marker right now if i press m if i press m it's going to add a clip marker instead of a timeline marker why it's because the clip was selected why it's because i had my indicator over it so instead of having it on the clip i have to click out i have to click somewhere else and then i have to press m and that way and that way the marker shows up here right so again like let's say i want to place a marker around 44 seconds so i want to place that marker here um but uh you know i have so i have my my playhead there and then i press m oops it accidentally shows up on my clip so instead i have to click out of the clip and then press m for that marker to show up there but we can make it even easier because we can just go to sequence and deselect selection follows playhead just deselect it so now whenever i move my playhead it never selects the top clip so it when i press m for marker it's always going to go on the sequence so now i can use these markers markers are not just point markers they're also durational markers and you can also write things in them so for example on this one on the first one here let's say that this is where i want to place my first b-roll clip and i'm maybe i've i'm telling this to myself for later so that i don't forget so while holding down alt i'm going to click on the marker and drag it out and make it durational so that later when i'm editing i'll know that from here to here that's where i want to place that b-roll clip i can also double-click on the marker to pull up the marker menu and i could give it a name so for example packaging packaging right let's make it red i'll click ok so that's where the packaging b-roll goes maybe over here i'm gonna press alt drag that double-click that and this will be for the um this will be for the uh booklet and then press okay and then let's make that a little bit longer yep and uh et cetera et cetera so now when i drag this down and i pancake it right let's get the string out up here and normally you know i have a i have two monitors so and i also have 4k monitors so it's not like so constrained as you can see here it's like there's just more to play with but for the purposes of this demonstration uh it's all here let's open b-roll string out slow-mo and now i'm like oh i know exactly where to place the packaging b-roll because i already labeled it over here and i know exactly where to place the booklet b-roll so i'm like oh heck yeah that's all i have to do is just drop it in here okay that's like one thing let's do another packaging b-roll like in here cool i'm literally editing this without even looking at it because i can see what the thumbnails are here i can see where to put it here easy peasy lemon squeezy so easy done that's it done um roland asks is it better to pancake rather than importing it as a nested sequence very good question roland so if i were to import it as a nested sequence or um like i did before so b-roll string out slo-mo if i go right-click reveal sequence and project there it is and then i drag it onto here like this right i could because that sequence that whole sequence is now in here the thing is now inside this sequence i have to find that clip i think uh what what i use nesting for primarily let's find that booklet clip what i use nesting for primarily is just like i did in that intro if you have several clips that are already in their own little see now i have this but now i have to now i have to split it up again into like shorter chunks there we go so you can you can bring in a nested sequence but the thing is like these clips they're in a string out and the string out um the order of the string out doesn't matter the length of each clip doesn't matter because it's just a sequence of usable footage right whereas this show intro that's an actual that's an actual little build that i've got going on right there's like a little intro animation there's a couple of different layers like this is a fully completed little piece so this fully completed little piece this makes more sense to be dragging this into the the actual project rather than these clips which the whole point of them even being on a separate timeline is just to gather them there together so that we can see the usable clips all in one place if that makes sense let me let me just scroll up to see if there's any other questions we have joshua davis who asks what are your favorite youtube channels about filmmaking and editing really good question joshua um one of my favorite channels for filmmaking is called film riot with ryan connolly uh it's just called film riot but ryan connolly's the guy who runs it he's awesome they have tutorials on everything also um i really love corridor digital they do a lot of like vfx stuff i also really love indie mogul they bring in like professional cinematographers professional gaffers to explain their setups and of course aputure which is the one of the channels i host where i teach cinematography as far as editing um premiere gal is a really great editing channel and we also have leela from youtube um two really great editors so yeah uh definitely check those out just checking more of the chat um [Music] rima asks in order to change the speed does it matter whether it was filmed in slow motion or not that's a really good question so uh filming in slow motion essentially just means filming at more frames per second than your sequence so if your sequence is at say 12 frames per second and you shot at 24 frames per second then that would be essentially slow motion because you shot at more frames per second than your sequence 24 frames per second or 23. 976 frames per second it is a good estimation of what we see in real life and it is a good number to make it look not choppy at the end so here's something here's something that's interesting so let's do let's do one of these clips and i'll show you what what i mean by that let's do one of these clips let's go back to cam b let's do this clip yeah let's do let's do something active um they're all kind of passive oh the active ones are at the back here yeah right here so this where i'm like cutting the egg let's play it right now because it's it was recorded in 60 frames per second and i changed it to 23 976 so see how it's in slow motion now if we were to change it to a lower frame rate so right click modify interpret footage so instead of 23.98 we change it to like 10 for example it would play back super super choppy so let's play that see how it's kind of just like i mean it's still very very slow but it's it's choppier let's try that again no did i not and if i go frame by frame you'll see what i mean so i'm gonna go uh right and left on my keyboard and you'll see i'm gonna tell you when i'm clicking right and left but sometimes you won't see a change of frame so i'm going frame frame frame frame frame oh i think it auto auto puts those in between frames in that's cool another way to kind of see this is let me bring in something that was originally shot at 2398 so something like this okay here we go so here so i'm cutting this egg i'm gonna do i cutting this egg and oh and i'm gonna bring this in just the video not the audio by going over here to drag video only and then dragging it in just to show you what it does drag video only right there oh and another another little tip for you is if you have um if you have a lot of like stuff going on like for example you just want to work with this clip in the timeline for now but you have all these other clips in your timeline and they're all 4k clips and they're all annoying to play back because playing back three rows of 4k with a fourth row of 4k on top of it is just a lot um you can just hide them over here over here in the eyes you just hide them and that way they won't bug you and mute that too so now you can like exclusively work on this one and they won't like make your computer work harder and they won't slow you down so here we go we have this say i want to change the rate of it i want to make it slow motion even though it wasn't recorded in slow motion in the first place right so i can do right click speed duration change that speed to 50 press okay so now it's playing back slower but it wasn't recorded originally in 60 frames per second so it's gonna play back pretty choppy and let's zoom in on that so you can see it a little bit better watch it playback choppy and as i click frame by frame frame frame frame frame frame frame you can see it only has a new frame every second frame because it basically stretched something out that didn't have any in between frames so that's all it has but um there is a way that you can make it less choppy in premiere so if you go to right click speed duration and you select time interpolation over here and you use optical flow instead of frame sampling optical flow and then press ok so that's going to do is it's going to insert it's going to do its best to insert those in between frames so now if i go right right right right right right it just like it helps by making it a little bit smoother so let's play that but it's still pretty choppy and guess what the more stretched out you get the choppier it gets so this time instead of going right click speed duration typing in a speed of like 20 percent clicking okay because you don't want to have to do that for every single thing you can just change your tool so right now i'm on the selection tool i can just change it to a rate stretch tool by going to r and that way as i expand or contract it changes the rate how can you tell well this number right here in the brackets that's the speed so if i'm if i'm stretching it right and left it changes the speed so say i want to make it real slow that is just going to be really really choppy because it wasn't shot at 23.97 or it was shot at 23.976 whereas if i drag in a clip that was originally shot at 60 even if it's not interpolated like this one let's drag now let's drag in the one with the yeah let's drag in this one uh and let's go to interpret and then just use the frame name frame rate from file the original frame rate which is 60 and then go i and o drag that in and then use my rate stretch so right now it's playing back at regular speed but i use my race rush too i go to r and i stretch it out and then i play it see how it plays back in nice smooth motion because it had those frames inside of it to allow it to do that whereas this one didn't because it was originally shot in 2398 so if that makes sense i feel like that was a really long explanation um reverb mike says if it does not spark joy turn off the eyeball very that that is the energy that we're trying to project today so another way to um to do this in and out workflow if you are feeling fancy about it is you don't even have to pull it up in the source monitor over here you can do it straight up from your bins so if you go to your um if you go to your bin organization over here you see how as you scrub through it as you let me actually make these thumbnails a lot bigger yeah let's make it that big why not we're living we're living our life as you hover over them this is called hover scrub it scrubs through it so literally you do not have to like double click on the clip bring it up here then move this indicator go to i move it over to o and then press the the comma or the period um period is uh overwrite so that's actually a good point to talk about too is um the overwrite and insert so i was having you press period when we were building our string out over here because when you're at the end of a sequence instead of somewhere in the middle and you are trying to bring clips in it doesn't matter what you press so pressing period or and pressing comma is going to be the same thing however if you're trying to insert this clip over here in the middle that's going to make a big difference so if you're trying to put it in there and then you press period that's the overwrite command it's going to overwrite whatever is existing there in the first place whereas if you press comma that is going to insert and that is even more important when you are trying to put b-roll straight up from the uh the source monitor into like your fourth row your fourth video row and your fifth audio row because if you press period it's going to go exactly where you want it to go right but because it's going to um over i get them confused it's going to overwrite but if you press comma it's going to insert it's going to shift everything over so just fyi and again for those of you who weren't there earlier the reason that those commands are going into these rows specifically is because i turned on the uh the source patching over here on v1 and and a5 i turned it on here so if i didn't if they stayed at defaults because they're always going to default to you know v1 and a1 tracks and now if i press the comma or the period it's going to go there instead right so i want it to go into v5 and a5 so i'm going to press period there it is but like i was saying before before i got sidetracked because there's i mean this is such a deep program i could just talk about it forever but in order to do this i had to first of all double click on this second of all i had to move this time indicator that's a lot of work why can't we do it quicker well we can so if we just hover scrub over something hover scrub okay then we can just click we can use this indicator here and we can go i and o and then period so we don't even have to if we wanted to and we were building this string out for example and we had all these maybe we have them uh can you hover scrub yeah you can you can do it here so maybe maybe we just make a new layout that is just our bin and just our timeline because right now we have this and we have this but they are useless to us when we're building our string out so we just want more room to play with so what we can do is we can simply close them we can close this panel close this panel close this panel close this panel and close this panel don't need them don't need them and now look at that we have our own little magical situation here where we're we're just seeing our um we're just seeing our thumbnails over here let's make them bigger let's say clip size large or i can just zoom in on the size here so we just have our little thumbnails here we're building our cool little string out here and let's say that we want to save this layout we want to save this whole layout for when we next need to use it for when we're building string outs that's a really easy way to do it we just go over here to the um to the hamburger menu under editing over here and we can go to save as new works hello save as new workspace so if we go to save as new workspace and we're going to type in um let's see string out i'm going to press ok it shows up as a new workspace over here so we can always go back to the editing workspace by going to reset to saved layout so this is back to our editing workspace by the default editing workspace and then if we want to build a string out we just go to the string out layout and there we are we're back we're back at it so we don't have to do anything so we can just go over here okay let's keep building the string out let's go i and o period let's keep going let's go i and o period i and o period okay now over here to this one i and oh period oh somebody just started up a car right outside my window i don't know if you heard that but you might have i o period cool huh um let's see fairy asks wait what no i think i answered all these questions the the chat is about like 40 seconds behind what i'm actually saying so a lot of times if you ask a question in the chat um i won't see it until much later so okay um one thing i also want to talk about because so we talked about hover scrubbing we just talked about it right we talked about in and out points track targeting uh we did some timeline shortcuts if you're trying to edit in the timeline and we talked about how to set durational markers and labels but something that i want to talk about is what if you want to work within the restraints of your edit after it's already mostly done so let's do that let's go back to the editing workspace and let me pull up under sequences over here so this is my final video right oh and by the way um before i before i finish this today i do want to plug this because this is super useful i think for people um i have created if if this is like mind blowing to you and maybe it's a little bit more advanced i have created a beginner's course and i'm talking like you've never opened the program before you don't know what you're doing um i've created a beginner's course and it is on the same youtube channel that this video is on and it was uploaded yesterday so you can go check it out it's called uh what's it called premiere pro for beginners i think hold on i don't remember but essentially it's my it's two and a half hours and the reason i'm mentioning it is because i'm using the same assets today this cooking stuff i'm using the same assets today as i am showing in that video so you can download these exact same assets and you can play around with them i'm giving them away for free and it's in the description of that video so thank you tim for posting it in the chat um so yeah if you want to download all of this footage and play with it yourself it's for free i'm giving it to you so um back to this so let's remember those uh that that row row v4 and those b-roll clips that we place the yellow ones so let's let's let's dive in a little bit more into those right here so let's say for example that i want to use a different portion of this clip so if i double click on it you can see here that this gray area is the portion of the clip that i'm using over here but let's say that instead of the gray i wanted to use like instead of that i wanted to use a clip from over here right i wanted to use a different section of the same clip so this full clip obviously extends a lot and extends a lot there so this is what i think someone would do first right they would expand this clip then they would look for that spot in it that you want to use okay oh now it's too long so i gotta put it on a separate on its own separate thing to expand it further and keep searching okay there there that's what i want so i'm going to bring that over now oh snap i lost it where was it i don't know gosh darn it uh okay well i guess there we go that's what someone would do oh my god that is that takes so much time i mean first of all just to save yourself a little bit of the hassle before if you're gonna do that whole rigmarole instead of doing that at least put a little timeline marker where this clip is supposed to start so you know give yourself like a little marker there m so at least you know where it's supposed to start and then maybe actually maybe give yourself another one for where it's supposed to end so the original clip that's how long it was it's uh um it started here and it ended here so let's place markers where let's place markers there m and then m at the very least so that if you're gonna go through that whole giant process of trying to find that other piece you can at least do that oh my goodness wow but that took so long one way that you can instead of doing all that um with the placing of the markers with the putting it on a different timeline with expanding it you can use the slip tool to just slip inside of that um of that clip to find a different portion of the clip but the beginning and end cut points are going to be retained so instead of doing all that let's undo that undo undo undo undo undo undo all you have to do is use the y command right why why do we use the y because if we select it and then we press y look what happens our cursor changes from the regular uh selection tool to the slip tool this is why this is why we use the y oh my gosh are you tired of my puns yet welcome to living with me by the way anyone who lives with me has to put up with puns anyway so as we uh click and hold and drag to the left or the right what you'll see is you'll see a new you'll see a new monitor pop up here that is the slip tool window and it's going to show you um what the beginning of the clip looks like and what the end of the clip looks like the two thumbnails for the beginning and the end of the clip so you can find new ones so i'm gonna just start holding it and dragging it look at that so then i can slip to oh exactly where i want there it is bam without having to do all that um susan said that was that will be useful to watch for beginners yes definitely go onto the adobe video emotion channel to see that beginner tutorial um athbar says this has to be one of the best adobe lives in a while i have to jump goodbye thank you for being here uh let's see we have just a few more minutes so if anybody has any questions like literally any last-minute questions this would be the time today we have gone through um a lot of stuff oh here's one here's one more right say that you want to maybe use uh two two sections of this clip right you may want to use this one but you may want to use the other one too and you want to duplicate it and one way to duplicate it would be right click reveal in project okay there it is and then drag it back in oh it's too long darn it so now i have to find the new spot in it which is like i and then oh and then drag it in here yeah that's a lot of work right so instead just click on the clip hold down cut sorry hold down alt and then drag and that duplicates the clip so you can duplicate on top of itself if you want um but yeah now it duplicates the clip so now you can go on this clip go y and then slip to whatever other portion of the clip you want you can also go a lot faster with the slipping if you just hold down shift so if you don't hold down shift you see how it just it goes kind of slow but then if you hold down shift it just like zooms it zooms around so there we go now we have the same clip but different portions of it because we just duplicated it really quickly by using the alt command all right everybody well i only have one more minute left so this was really really um fun to be here with you and show you some of my tips for how to edit faster um i hope that you got a lot out of it if you did please let me know in the behance chat if you did next week or two weeks from now we're gonna be talking all about audio um how to sweeten audio we're gonna be using all like literally all of all of my best tips on how to make audio sound better until then i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day afternoon night evening wherever you are and i'll see you later bye everybody [Music] [Music] your living organisms so [Music] you
Channel: Adobe Video & Motion
Views: 47,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe creative cloud, adobe premiere, adobe premiere editing, edit faster adobe premiere, edit faster premiere pro, editing tips premiere pro, Premiere Pro timeline shortcuts, editing tricks premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro masterclass, adobe live, Valentina vee, premiere pro editing tutorial, how to edit a video, edit audio premiere pro, how to remove audio premiere pro, how to edit faster in premiere pro
Id: q0bxy0F3lJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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