How to Edit Videos for Instagram in Premiere Pro | Tips & Tricks With Valentina Vee

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they're so loud so if you hear banging uh that stuff how are you this morning where are you tuning in from let me know today's topic is video editing for instagram specifically if you have a video that you have made for some other social network um how do you make it for instagram how do you do a re-edit or a recut a reframe and very exciting i will be showing you the captioning workflow that is brand new inside of premiere pro and auto captioning as well i mean my mind is blown every day when i use these ai tools so i hope your mind will be blown to i hope that you will be able to use them and save a lot of time with having diversion things for different social medias we got steve we got tim um hello everybody tim says he thinks he missed that intro the intro was basically just saying that i got new neighbors and they are very loud and they're upstairs and they're right above me so that's the situation um that's the whole intro robzilla says no intros she's famous i am not all right so if you go over and uh see my screen here i have a video pulled up in premiere pro um it's copyrighted music so i can't really play too much of it if you actually want to see it go to my youtube channel but essentially let me just mute it and i'll play it for you so you have an idea of what it looks like this is a travel video from toronto and um it's it's a little over a minute long and i wanted it to be pretty short so that i could put it on instagram i could put it on igtv um and all that how did i make it this short so that the music would match this so the music would line up because this music has lyrics and it's not just something that you can like fade out at the end personally i like when i'm looking for music tracks i'm looking for music tracks that are like this so this is the full track here and as you can see it sort of has these chapters right it has an intro then it has this chapter over here then it has this like lower sort of chapter then it has another one then it has a little break here it has a more intense chapter then it dips completely and then there's like four more chapters here this is what i like because then what i do is i take a little sliver of this a little sliver of that a little sliver of each i put it all together in that one minute and that creates peaks and valleys for me in my music tracks so that i can have some contemplative moments i can have some moments of like really intense action and it's not just doing this right it's not just dragging that to the end and then adding a um like a constant power effect to to fade it out at the end so i want to show you how i do this very simply very quickly um very easily without even necessarily having to play it but i will play the first 10 seconds so let's just play the first 10 seconds that you can hear what it sounds like [Applause] [Music] so essentially it has the same phrase that repeats twice i'm not a musician okay so maybe it's melody or maybe that's the wrong word but for me it's it's the same phrase and i can almost read it so i can see if i zoom in here into the timeline i can see where that dip is and then it's that bounce up right and i can see it's the same thing here it's that dip and it's that bounce up so i know that this spot and this spot are meant to be the same so i can insert the cuts right there and right there and line them up so something that maybe a lot of people would do is maybe they'll do like a cut here oh my shortcuts there we go they'll do a cut here so c change that to the blade tool a cut here and then they'll move it over right but then it just it doesn't sound exactly correct let's play it i mean actually i did a pretty good job because i'm really good at this but it's usually not going to line up perfectly so the way that i do this is i place that second cut that i know where it needs to be and then i move that onto the second track so that i can zoom in and really see it and really line it up and you can see right away i have these like six little hills one two three four five six and i have six little hills here one two three four five six right so i can use those to line up my track but guess what it doesn't zoom in any farther than that and the hills if i press alt left and right they're never gonna exactly line up look at this they're either going to jump from in front or from behind i did alt down instead of all side to side with the arrows so how do i make it line up perfectly so that there's no you know dissonance there's no incongruence in it well just go up here because right now i'm looking at this in frames right 24 frames per second that's how i've set my timeline if you go over here to sequence sequence settings you can see that my time base is 24 frames per second technically 23.976 but who's counting so instead i'm going to click right in this area over here and i'm going to go to show audio time units and that is going to allow me to not only refine my music cut but zoom in even further and show you what's really going on here because without doing this if i try to zoom in it it can't go any farther like this is the farthest it can go this is the most it can show me so if i do show audio time units now all of a sudden i can go in and like really really see it to to the like very detailed waveform if i want and the now i see those six hills very clearly i can actually see that each of these six hills one two three four five six is comprised of a bunch of hills themselves right so now i can like really refine it and scooch this over as much as possible to really really line it up perfectly so that that edit is just on point as much as possible now sometimes when you scooch it doesn't budge because it is uh snapping to something on the timeline so i don't know what it's snapping to might be snapping to the end here it might be snapping to maybe you have markers up here who knows right so just turn snapping off you can either go up here to the magnet or you can just press s and that turns snapping off and that allows you to just really grab that second layer or second track and scooch it infinitesimally and like really line it up you can see now these are like the sub the sub hills within the six hills and they're all lined up and now i zoom out everything is lined up now if i want to then put this up on the first track instead of just dragging it up because as soon as i start dragging it up it's going to lose its place because i have snapping turned off right and because i'm on audio time unit so instead of just dragging it up i select it i press alt and up on the arrow and that just punches it up directly and now i can use something like the constant power transition it's here in my favorites under the effects window but if you don't have a favorites you can just type in constant power constant power and there it is or you can create a favorites by going over here creating a new favorites bin and then dragging your most used effects so i have constant power here i'll just put it in there and shablam now it's a very smooth transition so i've basically cut out that entire intro to make it a lot shorter and this is how i edit everything i do for instagram for myself and for my clients if you don't know i forgot to introduce myself i'm valentina v i'm a freelance filmmaker who lives in los angeles i direct shoot and edit for brands campaigns um all over the world i've directed a show for discovery i've directed a travel show for flickr and fujifilm i've directed a lot of different campaigns for like mtv and dell and nike and apple and what have you so that's my intro that i completely forgot about you're welcome anyway so that's how i would cut up a um a sequence right or a a music track and i would go ahead and do the same thing basically throughout this whole thing here it is you can see i've inserted one two three four five six seven cuts in here to make the track feel um like it still has those chapters but a little bit more condensed and right now it is you know it is 16 by nine right that's the aspect ratio this is 16 long and nine tall right so aka this is 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall but say i want to make something that is square right uh if i wanted to make this square the first thing i think people would do is they would right click they would go to reveal sequence and project so that you find it here then you would duplicate it so you can either go to right click duplicate or you can just press alt and drag down to duplicate and then i'm going to rename this square and then open that up obviously nothing's changed because it's just a duplicate right so i would go to sequence sequence settings and change it to you know a square aspect ratio so right now it's 1920 by 1080 16x9 just like we talked about i would do 1080 by 1080 and make it a square so now it's one by one and i press ok and it's like are you sure because you have a bunch of rendered clips on this timeline uh and making them square will make them unrendered and i'm like yeah yeah that's fine i get it so as you can see that that green line up top change to yellow because it was all rendered before well mostly i don't know why it's red now but it was and now it's all yellow but the thing that it's done essentially is it's taken all of those clips that are actually like this size and it's just cut the middle out so if i for example select a clip uh like let's just select um let's select a clip with a face in it maybe let's see zoom in so i can see the the thumbnails in my timeline a little bit oh no is it okay there we go if i go to effect controls motion i can see the bounding box around it [Music] and i can see that this is the actual size of the clip and it is just cut out the center right but sometimes the action isn't in the center sometimes the point of interest is off center like here i have this lady and she is with the umbrella and she's slightly off center right so i have to go into my motion controls if i select the word motion i can now move it side to side obviously it moves freely so if i select hold down shift then it just moves side to side and it it's a little bit easier for me to reframe or i can literally hover my mouse over the position controls and reframe it that way and i can go through and reframe things so that they make sense for the square and then i'm you know say i've done all my reframing when my client comes to me and is like oh you know what valentina um this all looks great but now i want you to do it in a four by five because honestly that is the most for instagram for the feed that makes the most sense because that covers the most screen space right a four by five so i'm like okay well let me just let me just duplicate this sequence because obviously i want to preserve this just in case my client comes back and is like i want it to be square again so i go over here to chameleon square toronto travel video chameleon is the song by the way that's why i called it that i say duplicate um chameleon by mitra gims tall tall rectangle so instead of square i'll do tall rectangle then i'll go over here sequence settings i'll try to figure out those sequence settings blah blah blah right and then each and every single one of them i have to readjust boring and long all of that not necessary literally you get rid of it so instead of doing all that jazz instead let's just go back to the original one 16x9 right and uh we're gonna right click we're gonna go to reveal sequence and project so there it is in our little project there and then we're just going to right click and go to auto reframe sequence you guessed it you guessed it folks auto reframe what do you think that does it auto reframes it for us so we're going to go to auto reframe sequence and it will literally ask us how do you want to auto reframe it what is your target aspect ratio do you want it to be square do you want it to be a vertical rectangle do you want to be like full vertical or do you have like a custom thing in mind maybe you know you're auto reframing this for like a website banner or something i'm gonna say let's do four by five um and i'm just gonna call it uh toronto travel video chameleon tall square auto reframed and then it also asks you about the motion tracking now this isn't telling you how how it will track the motion it's literally asking you the motion in your video is it fast or slow because that it wants to analyze it properly so for example if you have a lot of like action sports you're gonna want to select faster motion if your entire video is filmed on tripods you're going to want to select slower motion i'm going to select default because i'm just going to let it do what it does and then i'm going to press create and bada bing bada boom that's it that's it it's done there we go so now it has gone ahead and auto reframed every single clip in my timeline and to um this new aspect ratio which is pretty wild now it gets it right most of the time but sometimes it doesn't like it got it right on this wide clip of this guy eating poutine don't worry i asked him for permission i didn't just and and i got his like i got his john hancock don't worry about it i'm not just coming up to people and stealing their identities um but this one's off off center right so even with auto reframe because maybe it was looking at this or maybe it was looking at the relationship between his face and what he's eating but i really want his face in the middle so what you can do over here under motion is you can disable the auto reframe you see how it says motion disabled when auto reframe is applied so when you deselect that it actually goes back to normal and normal was better in this case because he was already centered in the normal frame so same thing like over here we have this pigeon but the thing is this entire clip was already had some warp stabilizer on it so you can see that warp stabilizer kind of peeking in at the bottom over here the edge of the frame is kind of creeping in right so i don't want that auto reframe i just want it to stay steady and i want it to kind of be exactly as it was in the previous clip this one too you know i can disable the auto reframe move it a little bit around so there is some finagling that goes on but much much less than if you were to do every single clip from scratch um this one too like it you know it doesn't end up on the leaf like this so maybe a good idea would be to reframe it um or to turn the motion controls off here to redo the auto reframe to reframe it yourself so yeah another thing i just want to have you note and this is something that i learned from the editors of uh at world of wonder they do an amazing show with drag queens trixie mattel and katya so shout out to as if they're as if they're ever gonna watch this but anyway ron and jeff shout out they do this thing where um they if they put their own motion controls on something they do it on an adjustment layer and i'll show you why so here for example we have this clip of this biker and the clip itself has a speed ramp on it as you can see this white line represents the speed tim says hmm i wish there was also some way to automatically remix the audio track to the desired length well tim there is right it's called remix thank you for cueing that it's called remix and it's in audition but uh that is not what we're doing today because the auto remix in audition doesn't sort of take into account all the chapters that you want right so if you want to do it custom i showed you the way to do it custom the auto the remix in audition is good for if you just have like a solid background track so anyway back to this so you can see that the um the speed of it has actually adjusted like mid shot this has a speed ramp here at the top and the problem with creating keyframes and adjusting position with something that is speed ramped is that it's very hard to do um because the speed has changed right so if i were to want to this biker to start on the left side of the screen and end up on the right side of the screen throughout this clip so to start there and then to end there you know i could potentially like try to try to move the position but then the next position keyframe would be off you know it would be like really hard to do so instead of keyframing it up here on the clip itself something that i learned from the the world of wonder editors thank you so much is do it on an adjustment layer so you can go to your uh you can go to your main sort of bins over here the you can you know you can create these the way that you want them i created them as zero one sequences zero two footage where i put all my footage and all my footage is um color coded and organized by the the location because it's a travel video so fairy jazz festival at night footage parks footage all that um i have my music folder my time lapses folder i'll make another folder so another bin i'll call it o5 graphics and inside of there i'll put an adjustment layer so an adjustment layer is a layer that affects everything underneath it and then i'll put that adjustment layer just on top of the clip with the bike so now i can use a uh a transform effect so if i go into effects over here i can do transform video effects distort transform put that on there and now with the transform effect i can move it but obviously it's cropped so i would still have to go inside of the um [Music] inside of the nest this is a nested sequence so i can take that adjustment layer copy it command c delete it go inside the nest by double clicking and then here is that clip and then if i want i could still do the adjustment layer here so there's that adjustment layer and then i can do that that oh the adjustment layer is the size of the previous sequence duh so i'd have to create a new adjustment layer one sec let me go back to this is you know when you're doing it live it's really it's really obvious so adjustment layer tall square i'll call that one adjustment layer tall square i'll create another adjustment layer that is 4k put it here i can put the transform control on it but also to be honest because it's in the nest um i can also adjust the actual clip in the nest so either or but if i don't want to mess with the clip because it has like some sort of it has warp stabilizer on it or uh it has warp stabilizer on it or something then this would be the way to move it so i could i could do this position keyframe [Music] position keyframe and then go back to the auto reframed and then see how it does it doesn't quite get to that end here by the end so i'll do that other position keyframe a little bit more intense you know and i'll adjust it we don't have like all the time in the world for me to be adjusting this little thing back and forth but you get it i've basically moved it inside the nest using an adjustment layer that has a transform control on it ah right um let's see if anyone has any questions i'm checking the behance chat tom says what are the four by five values exactly so you can go to sequence settings and you can see here it is 864 by 1080 those are the frame sizes that is the frame size for you know your standard instagram situation so um another way that you can do this because say maybe that this is like too zoomed in you have some clips that are just you know that are just like um cut off like not enough is showing essentially so here let me show you like for example this dog statue right or maybe for you it's like you have an interview and there's two people and they're at either side of the screen so if you cut off any bit any slice down the middle you can't see it or maybe you're putting this on igtv and instead of a tall square you have to do it vertical like so if we wanted to do this video vertically for example instead of a tall square i mean a tall square already is hiding the statue dog's eye right and this isn't just this isn't well framed the whole point of this entire shot is it's supposed to transition us from the real dog right the real dog with the fountain to the fake dog which is part of the fountain to the wide of the fountain directly behind that fake dog right so it's a match on the um it's a match on content but it's hard to tell what that is because it's so zoomed in and if we auto reframe the sequence so if we go to reveal sequence in project it's already an auto reframe sequence tall square but if we right click do auto reframe sequence again and instead of tall square we say vertical and we try to make it um vertical and we press create you see how it's going to be even more difficult for us to get that dog in the shot because maybe you initially made this video in a way where it was meant for 16 by nine there's no way to like make it vertical elegantly there's no way to cut a center out so something that you can do is um letterbox it right so letterboxing super super easy what i would do this is how i want to do it okay there's like a million ways to do this but i have my main sequence which is the chameleon short travel video chameleon short right the our original sequence that we were working with the 16x9 i would go into my main sequences i'd make a new sequence new item sequence and i'd make it vertical so i'd go into settings i'd do 1080 by 1920 and you can actually make it a preset so if you have everything set here that you want uh time base 23.976 editing mode it doesn't really matter because we're already living in like the custom space um i think this has custom as an option perhaps yeah editing mode custom time based 23.976 frame size 1080 by 1920 all this is good you can actually make this a preset so safe preset call it a vertical vertical ig and then say okay and now it'll just show up on the bottom of the list under custom hello what there we go custom so right here uh what did we do vertical ig there it is call it um chameleon travel video uh letterboxed say okay and then all we do is we drag that entire sequence the entire thing over here into our new sequence and obviously it's cut off at the sides so we'll scale it a little bit so now it's it's very very much letterbox right so something that i like to do is i'll duplicate it on top of itself by holding down uh command and then dragging up so now i've duplicated the sequence on top of itself and again this is a nested sequence so if we click into it double click it we go into the actual full sequence so i haven't like burned anything in this isn't a video clip that i'm working with it's a sequence within a sequence then i take the bottom one i'll scale it up more and then i'll take the opacity down slightly and i'll go ahead i'll go into effects and i'll throw on a gaussian blur make sure repeat edge pixels is on and blur it so that's one way to do it so now we we do see the full effect sometimes you know maybe maybe i'm like okay there's some stuff that i don't mind that it's cut off so i just want a little bit more real estate on screen so let me let me scale it up and now i can scale it up to any non-standard size i don't have to stick with four by three or four by five or one by one [Music] and all that jazz okay but and then i can reframe things too so if i want to reframe i can always go inside of it right double click and then reframe any particular clip let me go back to the letterbox version so let's say i want to reframe um let's see i want to reframe this lady right because the she is the actual like center of the shot and say i wanted this to be a little bit more punched in so there's a little bit more real estate all i have to do is double click at the playhead and that goes inside and now i can adjust her and then go back to my letterboxed version and there she is in the center right but that's lucky for me that i have that ability to do that because it's a sequence right what if i don't have the ability because it's a clip it's already a burned-in sequence what happens then well this happens a lot too right say that you don't have access to the original files and you don't have access to the original clips and you all you have is one video there's still a way to do it so let's go over here to um this other project and i believe that maybe my hard drive got disconnected because i feel like it definitely did so give me just a sec i think no it should be fine let's go over here let me just relink this right click link media locate i think my hard drive just wasn't used for a while and it decided to just like crap out on me it's totally fine okay so here is that clip it is a full video it's everything right in that video and if i want to say i want to um i have this video this is from the aputure youtube channel i host a cinematography show on there but i want to advertise this video on my instagram and tell people hey i'm funny and i want to take a funny section of it and put it on my instagram now rule of thumb is on instagram everything has to work silently so not only do i have to caption it but also i have to make sure that it takes up as much screen real estate as humanly possible on that instagram feed right so the first thing one thing that i can do like say i was making this for igtv and i wanted to post a whole video on ig right all i would do is i will go over here to footage i'll take the clip itself the full clip and i'll drag it over here onto new item so if i drag the full clip onto new item it creates a sequence that is just that one clip and the size and dimensions are exactly the same now on the back end of youtube after you upload any video it takes a little bit of time but it creates auto-generated captions youtube does by default right every youtube video has auto-generated captions did you know that you could download that caption file so yeah so premiere has this captions um workflow this captions workspace so if i go into the captions workspace and i just have this big old fat file here there's options there's transcribe sequence create a new caption track or import captions from file so i have gone ahead and downloaded the caption track from youtube i'm going to say import captions from file and it's right here captions it's in my documents folder i'll open that up and it asks me what format do i want it do i want it as a subtitle yes it asks me what style do i want it i'll say none for now it'll just be the default style that premiere has and where do i want to start it i want to start it at the timeline start because that's how the caption track was generated from the timeline start and i'll say okay and there it is those are the subtitles right up here they've been generated already now and they've been broken up into the proper length because that's how it was from the youtube auto-generated subtitles so let's take a look at these hey it's valentina v and today we will attempt to shoot one location with two different styles we're gonna go from this to this and this now you can see that the captions are super tiny right so what we can do is we can go to edit and we just select any of the captions up here in the caption track and okay maybe not the one that says music let's go to this one standing set something that kind of there we go so we'll select this one and we'll increase the size that's a little too much that's fine yep let's make it a bold let's give it a little bit of space kerning letting i know this is behance i know that you people know whether this is kerning or letting i do have a degree in graphic design and i keep that forgetting okay so um perfect so now that i've applied it to that one right it hasn't applied to everything but i can make a track style here so right now it says none but if i go to create style and i rename it so i'm going to say big subtitle black box now it is a style and now that style has been applied to every single one of the captions say i wanted to change the aspect ratio of this right maybe i want to make it a square now i'll go right click reveal sequence and project and take a look because i dragged my original clip remember this was my original clip and i dragged it into new sequence that sequence has appeared in my footage folder right next to it that's what happens whenever you take a clip and drag it into a sequence i have my sequences folder here so let me rename it first and i'll say visual style 16 9 16 by nine so i know i'll drag it into sequences just to make sure that i'm all organized i will uh right click i'll go to auto reframe sequence let's say i want to make it a square right so instead of 16 9 one by one i'll say create so there we go and you can see that the subtitles have updated right they've updated to the size of the sequence they're not like running past the edges they are now still very much on screen and if i want to now i'm like wow that's that's pretty intense the size of these subtitles uh that's pretty crazy how can i adjust that in a way that is not gonna like look so wild um i'll just go ahead i'll select any of these right select it and right now it says track style big subtitle black box right but i can change the size of the text i can even you know i can even change the location a little bit because i know that there's going to be like i know i'm going to tag someone in this and i know that that tag is going to appear here on the bottom left of the screen it's going to block it i know that here it's going to say something i don't know what but it's definitely going to say something so i want to keep it a little higher and you can see that now um i can create a new style with that so i'm going to say create style smaller subs higher okay and now all the subs are smaller and higher but here's the problem that happened as i did this this entire thing was just one big block right so it auto reframed the sequence but the sequence only had one clip in it so essentially it just auto reframes the clip and that's no bueno because all it did was essentially still cut out the middle so all of this stuff that like maybe i'm not centered i mean i'm centered in a lot of it but let's say that this one for example i'm not centered it doesn't recognize it because it's not different cuts so you would almost have to let's go back to visual style 16x9 you would almost have to go back and go okay where is the cut you'd have to go back to editing right let's hide the subtitles for now you'd have to go back and say oh okay where's the cut there it is so let's get my blade tool to see let's click c now i'm on my my razor tool thank you it's called razor tool not blade tool valentino what are you doing then i'll go right right right frame by frame there's the cut the cut is usually on the first frame of the next uh cut or of the next clip that's where you place the cut so here okay that's that's the cut except now i have snapping on and it's snapping to the subtitles so let me let me track lock that so it's not snapping it's still snapping whatever okay then okay next cut is here that's the next cut okay oh that's the next cut there cut okay um this is gonna take forever right or is it no it's not it's not going to take forever at all because all i have to do is right click it and go to scene edit detection this is going to save your actual life so i'm going to click scene edit detection and it's going to say what do you want and i'm going to say please apply a cut at each detected cut point now it's also going to say do you want me to create a bin of sub clips from each cut point which is awesome right because say that this is a um a string out and you want each clip by itself as a sub clip so that then you can like put them into other things totally a great way to do that um and then if you want markers at each cut point you can also do that too but for me i just need this that i can reframe it right so that each of those uh cut points creates a new little clip that then premiere can go and say oh i know what this is let me auto reframe it so i'm gonna say analyze gonna take a hot second to do but guess what i already did it so we can just go to that bada bing bada boom it takes you know it takes like a minute or two but i didn't want to waste our time so this is what that looks like it inserted like a bajillion cut points because this is a a 17 minute video um let's see paco's in the chat taco when do you have time to be in the chat paco's doing everything if you have just come here hello welcome i'm valentino we're talking about editing for instagram okay so we have this situash situation and we have our subtitles added um but i don't want to put the whole video on right i just want to put a small cut of it let's say and let's say that i also don't have access to the back end of this youtube channel i mean i do which is how i got the srt file in the first place that i used to generate my captions earlier i went to the back end of the youtube channel i downloaded the srt file it's very easy you just go next to the video click on the three three button menu and it's like do you want to download the subtitles and i'm like yeah but say i don't have any of that okay so how what do i do how do i do this is how let's uh let's go back to the visual style 16x9 let's find actually let's go back to the original video here double click it it pulls up in our source monitor and let's find the section that i want to actually use for my instagram preview so that i can put it on instagram and be like hey look everyone i'm so funny you should go watch the full video because obviously you should so let's find the funniest section where i'm being silly should be around here there we go we have a blue light off to the left and a purple practical light over here last light i decided that she needs a little pop of a key light over here so right when i say last light and i could probably play this in full light we have a blue light off to the left and a purple practical light over here so right there i'll start there i'll press i that's in point i and as you can see it is now highlighted the latter half of that entire video clip and i'm going to listen through to it until it's a logical ending and then i'm going to press o last light i decided that she needs a little pop of a key light over here i wanted it to be quite directional the og120d from my personal collection i have the reflector here i have these barn doors that actually you can put a gel into so i have a bunch of gels and i think you'll see the theme of this episode is gels if you have gels you'll be well okay right there at that um right there and i'll press o and now that little section is selected so i can if i drag this into new item again it won't be the full clip it'll be just that so i'll do that so it'll just be that section so now i have a timeline a sequence that just has that section of the clip and it has it's it's still called whatever that clip was called so let me rename that and ig preview let's call it ig preview right drag that into sequences now with this i want to auto reframe it right so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do that all those cuts so i'm going to right click and i'm going to say scene edit detection apply a cut at each detected cut point analyze obviously it's going to go a lot faster because it's not a 17 minute video so those are all the cuts then i'm going to right click go to auto reframe sequence and let's auto reframe it as a square so ig preview square create there we go let's take a look at this um framing to make sure it's right last light i decided that she needs a little pop of a so this right it has um it's it's very cropped in because it has all these other controls like the white balance and all of that it's not showing up so this one i can turn off the auto reframing and i can actually scale it down a little bit there we go key light over here i wanted it to be quite directional the og120d this one too i'm going to turn off the motion and make sure that you can read what it says in the actual um in the actual text that was burned into the video g120d from my personal collection i have the reflector here this one i can either sort of yeah i can i can adjust it so you can see what that says i have these barn doors that actually you can put a gel into so i have a bunch of gels and i think you'll see the theme of this episode is this too i'll change their framing so that you can see him walking across the screen so it is gels if you have gels you'll be well and then these as well and i'll actually make them a little bit more like that and that's fine that's fine so i've now reframed this entire clip for square but the issue is if i start adding subtitles they will not only overlay on top of some of this these burned in graphics but they'll detract from the actual video so i'm going to letterbox the square inside of a tall rectangle if that makes sense right so remember our um our tall rectangle when we did our tall rectangle over here with the toronto travel video those nope it was over here the sequence settings were 8 64 by 1080 right so over here when i'm in my visual style i'll go into sequences i'll do a new sequence settings and it's going to be 8 864 by 1080. not apostrophe 80 1080. i'll press ok and i'll call it um ig cut tall square press okay then i'll put the ig preview square inside of it so now i have the top and bottom to play with and that's where i will be putting my subtitles i'll put my subtitles along the bottom and i'll put a little maybe a little header at the top if it decides that it wants to play nice with me if not then we will wrap or something maybe paco you can cut back to me so that we're not watching uh this screen and i can maybe do some stuff with it let's see do yeah i'm gonna give it another like 30 seconds and if it doesn't work then it doesn't work but i really wanted to show you the auto captioning so let me just restart it and i'll just show you the auto captioning because you get it i've already done the pillar boxing or the the letterboxing before letterboxing is no letterboxing is like this pillar boxing's like this or pillar boxing letterboxing either or i got it hold on what's the right one pillar box pillar box no i was right pillar boxing is the side and then the letterboxing is the top and bottom okay so um here we are back in premiere and let me go to okay so this is our let's just do this real quick we'll find the the part where i was trying to be funny there we go 120 deep eight purple graphical light over here last light i decided i pressed uh l to go faster you'll be well okay so i have that i'm putting it on to a new timeline let's go let's do sequence uh sequence settings let's just do square for just for time sake right and then let's add those subtitles so all you have to do is go to the captioning workflow text and then you can just click transcribe sequence and then it's going to say what do you want just all the audio or if you have multiple tracks you can select only the stuff that you have tagged as dialogue you say yes yes yes and then transcribe and then it's going to literally listen to what it says to what you're saying in the clip on your timeline and it's going to transcribe it and create captions for you um and that is the last thing that i wanted to show you before we we dip out so hopefully it'll go fast enough that i can show it to you chris says pretty much master class just now thanks me okay so this is really cool because now you can you can kind of like see what it says and it's going to highlight as it goes i decided that she needs a little pop of a key light over here i wanted it to be quite directional the og120d from my personal collection i have the reflector here i so as you can see there are some things that it got wrong but what's super impressive is that it got the punctuation the capitalizations right which not all captioning softwares do so if i click create captions it's gonna say what format do i want it in and what style do i want it in so now i can choose those styles that i did before which of course got deleted because the computer crashed but it's fine you can choose one of those styles and you can say okay and now that's there so instead of eight i can go ahead and i can type all right all right i decided that she needs a little pop of light over here i decided that she needs a little pop of a key light over top of a key light over here a little pop of a key light over here i wanted it to be quite directional the og120d from my personal collection i have the reflector here so very minimal i mean when i tell you i've worked with a lot of captioning auto captioning softwares and this is so good please check it out it is in the new version of premiere pro i hope you enjoyed this uh class today on like some tips and tricks that you can do for instagram like auto reframing edit scene detection automatic caption transcriptions i hope this makes your life a lot easier for you and your clients until two weeks from now i do this every two weeks on tuesdays happy editing and i'll see you later bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Adobe Video & Motion
Views: 6,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe premiere pro, premiere pro tips, premiere pro tutorial, how to use premiere pro, how to edit videos for instagram, editing for instagram, instagram reels, how to make instagram reels, how to edit videos for Tiktok, how to make tiktoks, how to edit for social media, tiktok editing tips, instagram editing tips, premiere pro for instagram, edit for social media on premiere pro, Valentina vee, adobe live tips and tricks
Id: jrx3zq4BXvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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