5 Tricks using MASKS in Premiere Pro

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[Music] hey folks welcome back to premiere basics now when you select the clip in your timeline head over to the effects controls locate opacity and from here take the pen tool we can draw any kind of shape onto our clip this will make a cutout aka a mask and in this video i've got 5 creative things that you can do with such a mask starting off with the first trick film from a tripod and have yourself jump in the air and then take a super hero pose run out of the frame and keep the camera rolling to have an empty shot as well now make sure to have plenty of room above the talent in your shot because we're gonna make a superhero landing if that wasn't already clear and premiere i'm gonna place that empty shot and a timeline and the talon jumping in the air on the track above where the talent is at its highest point i will add a cut then right click the left part and choose frame hold options and then hit ok then with that clip selected we're gonna draw a mask around the talent it doesn't have to be super precise but do try your best to go nicely around the edges when done the empty background behind him will reveal we're gonna right click that clip and choose nest because the next thing we're gonna do is add the transform effect to it if we wouldn't have nested the clip the transform effect would not work the way we want so anyways we're gonna create a keyframe for the position of the transform effect and animate it so that it seems like the talent is falling from the sky the last thing we have to do is enable motion blur by setting a shutter angle of 180 degree and that's it [Music] the next trick is used for color grading i've got a shot of this girl walking now she seems very happy but that doesn't matter all i want to do is make her pop this is a typical color grading technique used in high end commercials and films i'm gonna duplicate the shot by holding down the alt key and dragging the clip a track higher on that duplicate we're gonna draw a mask around her face when done go to the mask properties and under mask pads we've got the ability to make it track with the movement but before you do that make sure to click the options menu and that preview is enabled when you now hit play forward you can see a preview of the mask getting tracked automatically premiere is gonna place keyframes for the mask animation and it does really well with faces but if you do notice that the mask does something weird you can always hit stop readjust and hit track forward again when it's done it's going to be important to feather the mask enough because we're going to use lumetri to add some exposure to her face and perhaps make it attack warmer with the temperature slider i also like to increase the contrast a little bit for faces and perhaps go to the creative tab to increase the sharpness and really make her face pop if you like you could even select the background layer and add a little bit of blue in there from the temperature slider and even decrease the exposure just make sure that any color correction is subtle you don't want to notice that there's a mask and looking at the before and after this shot looks great now her face is popping a lot more although it's a subtle change and you know what's not subtle the awesome music that you've been hearing in the background so far i downloaded it from lick to are also sponsoring this video now licht is known as the fastest growing shard and stock music library and their vision is to make licensed music available to everyone for a very affordable price you can purchase the correct license to download and use short songs on youtube instagram and facebook that's right you can use songs from charlotte putts david guetta and dua lipa and so many more in your youtube videos without getting a copyright strike their expanding library already have more than a million shard songs and as of now they are introducing over a hundred thousand stock music tracks of the highest quality the licht aims to offer the best stock songs on the market and this makes them a one-stop shop for your music all in one place and stay copyright claim free even when monetizing your videos this new stock music catalog is accessible through a subscription that gives you unlimited access to the entire library and unlimited use without additional costs it's different from shard songs which do need a one license per video so you can go ahead download a couple of songs and go straight back to your edits to try them out and once you're finished you're free to upload your video to any social media platform now you can sign up via the first link in the description down below to get 60 days of free access to the music so go supercharge your content with real music moving on to masking trick number three i've got a beautiful shot of new york city which is going to go in the bottom of the timeline and on top of that is a shot of someone walking past the camera now with that top clip selected create a mask around the edge of the person's leg and back then toggle animation for the mask pad to create keyframes we're going to have to go back a frame adjust the mask pad and you want to continue doing this until the back of the person is all the way out of the frame then go forward in time and continue adjusting your mask until you've completely transitioned to the new york clip underneath you might want to feather the mask a little bit but that's all it takes to create a beautiful walk by or pass by transition and you can do this with a car passing by as well basically anything that covers the frame for the next trick we're gonna go back outside and shoot two people throwing a ball to each other from a tripod let them throw a couple of times and then swap position to throw that ball again a couple of times you then want to search for two shots where the ball matches its throwing pads and you can do this easily by placing the two clips on top of each other and then decreasing the opacity of the top clip to 50 these two shots right here look good to me take a moment to synchronize the two shots as well pay attention to the ball then draw a mask going straight through the shot on the top clip we're basically creating a clone effect but with an extra touch since we've synced the ball movement it now seemed as we're throwing a ball to ourself now if the mask line is visible where the ball comes through you can always animate the mask a couple of frames to wrap better around the ball but that's all it takes to play with yourself what did he say yeah and this brings us to the last masking trick i'm gonna hang the cinecom bear to a wire which goes to a stick now with the camera on a tripod i move that stick around a little bit but make sure that it stays out of the frame you can let someone make magic movements with their hands as if it seems that he's making the bear float when done keep the camera rolling and shoot an empty plane in premiere the empty shot goes in track one and atop the shot where you have the floating teddy bear now this time we're gonna draw a mask around the wire and as we've seen before enable animation for the mask pad and just adjust it frame by frame it takes some time to follow the wire definitely if you wanted to be more precise around the teddy bear when it's done go to the mask properties and click on invert this way the wire becomes the cut out revealing the empty background thus making it seem as if the teddy bear is flying around in the sky and thank you so much for watching guys i really appreciate a like on this video to help spread the video on youtube it doesn't cost you anything and it actually really supports this channel also thank you to licht for the sponsorship on this video and i hope to see you all back next week and as always stay creative now check out the video here on my left for more and don't forget to subscribe to see us every single wednesday and that's all i have for you today goodbye meow a
Channel: Premiere Basics
Views: 469,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro tutorial, beginner tutorial, how to use premiere pro, how to edit, video editing tutorial, masking, superhero landing, color grading, mask, how to mask in premiere pro, mask animation, masking tutorial, masking in premiere pro, visual effects, masking transition, how to mask, premiere pro transitions
Id: _QZBkm4ZzgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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