Edge to Edge Quilting Using The Embroidery Module

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today we're gonna work on learning how to do edge to edge quilting and you can see that i have a small quilt out on my work surface here i think this is about 30 by 30 or something like that but i have it sandwiched I've got the back on it and I don't have it pinned or anything it's not really big enough to worry about pinning it although uh once we get going if it looks like it's going to shift at all well I will secure it one of the things that I like to kind of decide as I'm getting ready to go into doing a full quilt a full size quilt especially with edge to edge quilting is what size of hoop I want to use and the designs that I use are from Emily Scott there are others Oh es D I think has some and you know I think they're all good my favorite just happens to be the edge to edge from Emily Scott I think that's because that's what I first used when I first started doing this and it seems like it was 2016 when I first did edge to edge quilting and I've done I think six full size quilts and many many many table toppers and table runners you know in smaller quilted projects and I'm kind of a rogue so you guys know that so I sometimes will come at it from a little bit different perspective than the book teaches this is Emily's book and you can certainly go to her website and check this out see if it's something that you would want to have in your library comes with a CD and then there are add-on packs so this is a single purchase and then I've purchased several more add-on packs and when I get ready to do a quilting project I've printed off my designs for each each pack and I can go through and see which you know make a selection see which one I want to use and you'll see here that I have some templates I use templates and mine are kind of they're not fancy at all you'll always have two templates a and B so here is B and the way you can tell your right side up is that if your letter is right side it so here it says B at the top and this fits in my jumbo and even though I have the 770 I do use my jumbo hoop a lot and this is the a template and you'll see you'll see when we get going on my little quilt how these things line up you'll line up and you'll start the next row of stitching or the next design of stitching right where your other one left off and since I this is one of my older templates and since I have done this one I've picked up a couple of other better ideas on how to keep things straight and even as you're going along on your quilt sometimes I quilt in columns but not very often and that's how she teaches in the book as to quilt in columns I quite often quilt in rows and I'm going to stitch off the templates for this quilt because I don't have them this is a a different design than I've used before what I've decided on for today and so we'll lay those on the quilt and we'll we'll see what we think about how they work we'll see which hoop looks like I want to use you know you'll be going across or if you want to go in columns you can and we'll see which who my design works in the best maybe I'll want to put two designs you know if I'm going in a column you're going to be using I think you're going to be using all the same design in the column but maybe not you might have to alternate but you know I'll check it out and see that's one of the things you'll want to be sure you're doing correctly is alternating the designs you'll do a then B then a then B it it might be along this next row that it'll be the same thing but let's say I wanted to enlarge or elongate I could use my mega hoop for that you know I could just do it in my software and just take a look sometimes it takes an hour or so just to plan things out and see you know where you want to go with your quilting so I've made a decision on which quilting design I'm going to use and the one that I'm going to use is going to fit in the mega hoop I haven't quite decided yet if I'm going to start in the middle and go up and then down or the middle and then over and over the way I usually do it is from left to right and I almost always go in rows columns but be sure and learn it the correct way I'm sure that there's I mean what this works for me and it might work for you too but there is some math involved if you want to start in the middle and go to either side and do it in columns and I don't mind the math I've done that before especially on very large quilts like Queen size but so many times I have opted to just go in rows from left to right and I get along just fine doing it that way and nothing is I mean you could never know any different when my quilt is all quilted it still looks just like it has been professionally quilted on a long arm and that's the whole point of edge to edge quilting is that it end up looking like it's been done freehand on a long arm so let's get hooped up for to make my template we're gonna make a template and or two and then we will get started doing some quilting on our machine edge to edge using the embroidery module the way I make my templates is by actually hooping up something I usually use a piece of medium weight garment interfacing but over the years since I started doing this a long time ago you know different things come to mind as you're working along and sometimes other people give you ideas but I decided that it especially if I had an involved quilting design I had better luck keeping everything straight and aligned perfectly if I used this this if you I don't know if you can see it let me fold it and see if you can see that it has a grid on it and this is called true grid and it's used in the garment sewing industry for copying off patterns and doing alterations on patterns so that you have a custom fit on your dress or your blouse or whatever so what I'm gonna do is at the bottom of my hoop I've got my little Center arrow right here and there's another one on the inner hoop but I'm gonna line up a line and kind of you know guesstimate the top but when I get this in then I can really line the top focus this the inner hoop has a center marking on it so you can see I'm just kind of working with it it's easier if there's not a camera but we can't help it we got to have it so we can you can see me working so there we go with that I got to turn it this way so I won't be able to reach it with the camera in there so up here you can see my line is off so I'm gonna scooch it over so that it lines right up with well the center marking on my inner hoop whoops sorry and sometimes you have to do a little bit of wrangling but there it is and now I'm going to adjust this very gently I don't like pulling on anything once you get something in the hoop you shouldn't pull on it you should hoop on a nice flat surface and not worry about pulling on you because if you're doing a this is just an extra a bonus if you're doing an embroidery design and you pull your inner your stabilizer really tight and then you do your embroidery and you take it out and it pops back you'll have some puckering so the best idea I'm going to I'm using my little screwdriver with the hole in the end you know we've talked about that lots of times on my videos where there's a little screw driver that goes with your 97 D foot and some other feet it's got a nice little soft hole in the end and you can put that over the twisty screw on your hoop and tighten the hoop down so I'm going to tighten the hoop down and I'm going to keep checking all the time that everything is looking good and get this down pretty and tight and another thing about hooping is to remember that the there's kind of a sweet spot for every hooping that you do so it's not a good idea to just crank it down until you can't turn the screw anymore because the tighter that you move these in the farther these push out so find that sweet spot you can kind of feel it in tell and you're good to go so I like this I'm nice and centered top and bottom I don't care really if I'm centered in the middle because my design is going to be a little different on here so let's go over to the Machine and we'll stitch out the B side the B template there's a a template and a B templates and we'll stitch out the B template and then I'll show you how I mark it so that I can line it up every time okay we are at my machine and I have my USB stick pulled up and you can see that I have got lots of stuff on it which is a big no-no do as I say and not as I do because one or two things on a USB stick is enough for your machine to try to look at but and I keep saying one of these days I'm gonna I have three USB sticks that are full and they're 32 gig so that tells you what a naughty Bernina person I am so since I have my USB stick up here here is my a template it says stiple small a and this one says stiple small B so I know that these are the two templates that go together and I've already stitched out a so we're gonna stitch out B so you can see it and I am going to use my mega hoop like we talked about and I'm not going to change anything I'm not going to enlarge reduce rotate nothing I'm just going to take it just the way it is so we're going to send it now to the Machine and my arm moves and you see that it's an arrow going down and arrows going in so it's asking me to pinch and put down and put on my hoop so we'll do that I've got my hoop right here and remember how we hooked up our true grid yeah and now the hoop wants to calibrate just a second and get into position so we'll let it do that so now it's at the beginning and I'm using red thread so you can see it and if you use actually a dark thread when you're stitching out your templates it makes it so much easier no matter what color your quilt top is or how much multicolored or busyness there is in the prints that you've used a bright color on your template is very helpful so let's bring up my bobbin thread I want to bring that up and now I'm only stitching the template right now I'm not stitching on my quilt and I'm looking up here and I see that my scissors are on so I'm going to turn those off now because if I don't I'll get to chatting with you guys and I'll forget to turn it off later and I don't want my scissors to cut the thread if I can help it I might have to go into settings and turn it off but at least I've turned it off on the design let's see let me see how do you get into there and do that I want to do something with the machine mm no no not that No mm-hmm anyway you can go into settings somewhere and you can turn the cutter off so we're gonna turn it off all the way off all the way good good okay we should be good to go all right so now we have it turned off both here and in the settings and here we go to stitch out our template you always want to remember to keep your fingers well away and completely out of this dish field whoops oh we got major troubles here let's see what our trouble is let's cut it it'll still cut if I ask it to oh my goodness we are in big trouble look what happened see sometimes things go wrong let's check it out ah we've got a thread problem on the back little thread troubles on the back it just didn't get off on the right foot so let's go put I'll go put a little patch on this and we'll come back and try it again but I just taped a little patch on this is only a template it'll be just fine I don't want to waste all this true grid and my machine tells me it'll take two minutes and stitch this out doing edge-to-edge quilting is a wonderful tool for finishing your own quilts I realize that some filters and scuse me want have their profession like wealth in you know it's fine it's always up to the the soloist to how they want to finish their work off one thing to remember though is you are going to enter your quilting competition don't use the tiny stitches to begin and end you would need to leave tails and not and Barry otherwise your quilt is really going downgraded on the judging one minute left have this all stitched out in you know a lot of times I'll decide on my quilting designs often based on the pattern that the quilt is if it has curves I would probably I might do a curving curvy kind of quilting design and this quilt that I'm going to do today has many straight and right and ninety angles but I looked through all my patterns and ultimately ended up want with a stipple and wanting to to finish it that way okay so our template is done so now I'm going to take it back over to my work area and we'll show you how I get it to where I know I can line things up so to turn this into a template that has some distinct edges that you know you'll be able to line them up I'm going to use a water soluble marker and I won't ever wash this out or let it go out in fact sometimes I press it to make it permanent but I am just going to trace along the inside of the inner who I'll have to do my little patch a little better but I'm just gonna trace and it's leaving a nice line for me to use so now let me see about my yeah okay you've got that and now let me get my little screwdriver so I can loosen it and I always pull mine off the edge of the table so that I can get my hand under there and and we'll loosen this it won't take our template out of the hoop and then we're done with that because I already stitched to the other template which one was it help me remember was it be that we did first yeah I think was be nope it was a I did a first and this one was be there we go okay so since I already forgot it and this is the small all the designs and Emily Scott's packs come in three sizes small medium large and this is the the small so it is called s - a don't be I'm gonna get this messed up yep small SM B and here is my other one already cut out and down here I have put medium well must be medium high this would be interesting wanted to see how this all turns out so here's medium B and medium and so this is the medium size all right so now I'm gonna cut this out and it'll look just like this one except it'll be the absolute reverse but this one and this and this will line up and this and this will line up so that when I'm done you just keep sort of leapfrogging the designs and then I'll stitch this one out and then this one will come over to the other side of that one and line up I'll trim my patch so that it's not as wild and crazy looking and then you'll stitch this one and that's how we will leapfrog them across and or up and down it depends if you want to do columns you can you know some if you've learned it the correct way which is columns you might want to just keep up with that I can pretty much tell already that I'm going to end up doing this one in rows but the point is to give it quilted so I'll just do it whichever way works and they both probably do I have quilted huge huge quilts doing doing it by rows because it's easier for me to control the weight or drag the part of the quilt that's not in the hoop it is very heavy and let's do it like this and see if we can make it work a little bit on this side and a little bit on the other side and that'll kind of hold it down see because this isn't going to be sewn through anymore I think I'll take that - this is just scotch tape I'm using get it kind of so if it doesn't catch it on a concentrator there all right there we go so medium a medium B and we're just about ready to start quilting our hood so I'm kind of looking at this making a decision about where I want to start and I have this right in the middle of the quilt this is my a template and I've used the grid lines on my true grid to come down right at the point of my patchwork there and right at the point of my patchwork up there so I know that's the middle so let's say that I want you let me see this a minute here I think this goes this way yeah this goes this way because they are the opposite of each other as you go along with your temples so yeah there we go and you can see they come and fit right into each other and you start right where the other one left off with your new line of stitching and it's easy to see when you're lined up here oops so I'm not gonna worry about any kind of positioning through the middle this way as long as I have every single one of these lined up north and south top-to-bottom the right way then I'll be good cuz nice if I line up here then I know I'm right so it looks like it would take if I did it this way it looks like it would take three and two so then let's say I want to go the next row so we'll come in the line that kind of nestled in here looks like it's all one piece so I'm going to fall over a little bit it's gonna go off the quilt a little bit on that end but not very much just about mention 3/4 and same thing down here at this end yeah only about yeah about an inch down at this end so I may change my mind I was going to start up here in the upper left hand corner and do rose and go across but I guess I'm gonna change my mind because I think I will have the least trouble with overhang if I do it this way so let me get this pinned in place and hooped and we'll go to the machine and I will tell you what kind of thread I'm gonna use a needle and all the information on that and I hope that's exactly over my template I even have a couple of little registration marks at the top and the bottom there we go usually just down here and I slide my poop under mark out where I'm at here there is a little helper thing you can get see I'm pushing it a little bit with my fingers under there but there is a little helper thing you can get that's helps you hoop this I don't own one I think I own everything else but that we get this first one going and we will be in good shape here I'm going to need to loosen my hoop it's a lot easier if you don't have a camera and you're not working with your arms around a camera I just moved the hoop around and under there with my fingers I get it just where I wanted and woman let's see I'm gonna have to go around you I think I'm not gonna be able to get my other end of the hoop down my arms aren't long enough tighten up my hoop here we go and I did have to loosen the other end of my mega hoop so I'll tighten that one up too because we don't want the quilt popping out on us and so there we go so I'm gonna burp it always want to burp your hoop a little bit that'll help protect the bed of your machine and I don't know it's a little better for your embroidery - this is sliding through they're just really good I'm just burping it just a little bit not much all right now let's see I don't know you probably can't see but there's a little ledge along here that so the inner hoop is down below that outer hoop just a little bit and sure my quilt right side up so my brain is going the right direction - and I'm ready to do my first hooping so now we'll go over to the Machine and get threaded up and work on that okay so we're at the Machine we're getting ready to do our very first hooping so we want to start with the a template so and I've got my quilt in there right side up so gonna go to a and send it to the machine and it's asking for me to put the hoop down so turn you a little bit so you can see and [Music] here we go and I think I better move you back it might get bumped and now it wants me to do a little calibration so let us do that now bring it over to the first spot and you can see that I'm not quite on where the very beginning of the stitching starts so let me see if I can pull you in I have the 770 and it does not have pinpoint placement so you can see here's the beginning of my stitching and here's part my needles gonna come down clear over here so on my front of my machine I am going to Shh which one that one oh maybe nope not that one let's try this okay let's see if I can move the needle you sure that I'm still in my stitch field because if you get out of your stitch field you're your screen will go with a red line I'm gonna move it down just a little bit now so I can get right on top where I want to start and there I am right on target so let's get out of here and let's do a little down come on oh it wants me to raise my uptake lever okay I want these threads to be under my presser and not on top so on the top I'm using kind of a pretty green color this is kind of Christmasy and it's black and burgundy and then I have black fabric on the back so I'm using black on the back and green on the top and now that we're all lined up even though I have my bobbin thread brought through I'm gonna take off my template because you don't want to saw your template on you're just using your template for placement so we'll take it off I've got a done pan and I've got my cutter shut off so if I want to put this little quilt in the fair I can I'm going to I don't know for sure quite why but I have a red light why am i okay I have to send it back okay okay come on there we go okay here we go it's gonna do a little toomai often here or you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and do the next one so I'm hoping you can see this but back over at the work station getting ready to hoop the next row next design and the back stitching on the back it's just perfect by using my yellow high tension bobbin case which is great for embroidery and free motion quilting and this is kind of like embroidery and it's kind of like free motion quilting so good time to use it so I'm going to turn this over get get my hoop off get my other template my opposite template the B and line up to where I just left off here Oh got my more laid out flat again nice and flat I'm pretty and I have my next template the B and I'm going to start right where I left off so I want to line up right here to right here so and something I did and I do this with every hooping I don't bury all my threads until I'm done but I do keep them on the top so instead of you know a lot of times you can pull the top thread and the bobbin thread will pop up through well I'm using 40 weight thread in my top thread and 60 weight in my bobbin and I don't want to take any chances on this pretty green thread getting a snag so I'm not going to pull up I thread a needle on the backside with the bobbin thread and bring the needle up through and get my bobbin thread on top that way and that keeps it nice and neat and all your threads are safe and there's no breakage or struggle or snags when you're just trying to get your bobbin thread to the top there we go so I'm going to put a pin in there right on and and remember I don't really I'm not really worried about the left-to-right I know that if I had the top to bottom lined up with something I'll use one of these lines on the grid and something on the quilt and line it up so that it's nice and straight and you better have good patchwork I think you can probably get by but whoops but good patchwork good measuring measuring and stitching with your patchwork so that looks pretty good to me so I'm gonna go ahead and pin this in place and hoop it up and we'll go back and then we'll stitch this next segment I guess we'll call them segments there we go now I have an extra pin from oh maybe right here I'm using the same pins I used the first time so I must have been back to this whoops this goes on the bottom it's kind of like the blind leading the blind for you guys today I had biologics treatment day before yesterday so I'm having a little brain fog but I guess we'll get along we'll get along I mean what do you do you don't want to just sit around do you and say oh dear oh dear yeah whiney and then so get up and get go and do something fun okay alright so I'm gonna get this in so long I don't have to bring on the camera it's too much for me to do that I can't get up right and with what I'm trying to show you but you get the picture so I'll be right back alrighty I made it I'm gonna tighten my hoop using my little screwdriver end and I'll burp it up a little bit and we're all set to go and do the next segment be right back we'll go over to the machine so when you're finished with any kind of embroidery design or anything that goes through the embroidery module when the design finishes it comes up and it tells you it's all done there's nowhere else to go and gives you a little green check mark so we'll check that and this is from my last hooping so this is a so there we are back to this and let's see if it'll let me go let's go back up here and we want B so we're gonna do B and we're gonna send it to the machine cuz we're not gonna change anything and it's asking me for the hoop there we go yeah and we're gonna come to the beginning Oh what I'm close this time let me get you down or you can see here we go here we go now let's try that I think you can see it better now get all my threads out of the way and my top thread pulled up let's see how close we are I'm gonna see how close we are oh we're like one stitch oh if I'm gonna zoom you in there we go so let me go and fix it over just a couple stitches here one more there we go oh nice very nice okay so I'm gonna take out my pins take out my template hey pull up my bobbin thread whoops let's see oops it's want me to put my machine back up to the top okay here we go my bobbin thread up give me so much trouble my machine just wants to be contrary today I don't know why alright okay let's see oh we're right on [Music] our other stitching which is good well it might be one stitch down why don't I fix that I think um one stitch down let's go let's go back here couple stitches it's that way I'm knowing that I'm going to start right right exactly where the other stitches ended let's go this way all right okay I think that's close enough let's go I'd get up here where it will let me go all right here we go attention and show you this but I demolished pants we haven't we're done with B so now we're gonna take it back over to my work surface and we're gonna put a back on so we're gonna go a B a a B a like that and we'll quilt the whole quote that way all right we're back we're gonna do our third hooping and lining this up and I have piece a so we started with a then we did B now we're gonna do a again cuz you leapfrog these every time and here's my beginning I've got my template right side up and my quilt right size that so I'm just gonna line it up and do just like I did before I'm gonna line my template up with some straight place on the quilt so that and look I'm just about I just worked out this way but I'm not gonna go over into the batting very much okay let's see we need to be let's use this line and this so we need to be gonna kind of eyeball this three-eighths yeah that's about right so we'll pin it down here and I'll pin it up here there we go so now I'm finished pinning this and I'll poop it nicely put this one up here it is and we'll be all set to do the next next design so I think you can kind of see now how this works just want to get this one done then I'll come back to the middle and I'll just since this is a then I'll do B over here and again on that side and then I'll come to the center and go across this way and back this way when I do the upper part of the quilt and the same with the lower part of the quilt and it looks like it's gonna take about twelve or so hooping which isn't a bad deal when you consider that if you hired somebody to quilt this you could probably buy another hoop for your machine and if your quilting a full size quilt you would be rolling this top and bottom to keep the drag off like I said before and you'd be able to quilt just fine on a full size quilt I've done five or six full size quilts and I never had any trouble with any of them they all turned out great and so I know you can do it so I'm gonna go ahead and finish quilting this and then I'll be back when I'm done and I'll show you the finished product so I was watching my video back and I realized that I was doing a lot of positioning and you couldn't really see how I was doing that so I decided to show you on this this is the third hooping and I'm here at the machine my hoop is attached and I pulled up the correct design this one's a and so I have a and I'm a little bit off so to get where I want to go I'm gonna take this pin out so that you can I hope you can see what my needles gonna come down clear over here and here is where my stitching should start so I'm going to touch this icon this positioning icon on my screen and I'm going to use the top and bottom knobs to move my hoop to get into position so I need to go up so I'll go up and then I'm going to come over a little bit to my right and then I'll I'll check and see where I'm at I need to come another stitch or two that wants me to be here we go now let's check it again and I'm gonna go I want to go up and there you go this is how you would get to where you want to go and here's your green light flashing so now I'm gonna take my template off and finish stitching this out and it's gonna line up perfectly and when I take my template off if I need to readjust it a little more and really fine-tune it I can so I'll take my template off and looks like I'm just about I am about to stitches too far to the left so we'll do it again we'll touch my icon I gotta get my I'll touch my icon and I'm gonna use my left and right knob and come over to the right just a little more check it I want to come up a couple stitches check it and there we go I am ready to go once my I don't have my okay so I'm ready to take off and start stitching I'm gonna do my bring my bobbin thread up keep things out of the way and away we go [Music] [Music] okay so I've finished stitching the third hooping over here and I'm done not all the way to the right hand side so now I have to come back to the middle and head for the left hand side in an order for my templates to line up and to be able to get my hoop on correctly so that my machine will stitch in the right direction I have to turn the quilt and put my template on this so and then I will line this up get my my stitches lined up just like we did before and I think I can use this straight edge with this border edge on the quilt this time I'll pin this and hoop it and I'll do that I'll just keep going the same one more over this way okay there's my little quilt all done and I've got my threads all knotted and buried and here's the back back looks nice and I'm gonna go ahead and trim it now and put a binding on it and it'll be all ready for the holidays so I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial on edge to edge quilting I do want to encourage you to buy the book there is a lot of information in there that is probably maybe a little bit better techniques than what I've showed you today you know I'm kind of out there when it comes to doing things and I want you to know more than one way to do something so I hope this tutorial will give you some ideas and some encouragement and I hope you'll try edge to edge quilting with your embroidery module
Channel: Fiddlestix And Stitches
Views: 20,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 61min 43sec (3703 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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