THE ALLBRANDS SHOW | Edge to Edge Embroidery Quilting with Christine Conner of Amelie Scott Designs

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[Music] do [Music] good afternoon or morning evening wherever you're watching hi thank you so very much for tuning in to the all brand show today my name is callie um and we've got a really great show for you today everyone so thank you all so much for tuning in with us um let's go ahead and say hello to some folks that are watching um let's see we've got uh tina tina says hello hi tina uh cheryl good afternoon from nevada thank you so much for tuning in uh lynn from connecticut thank you for tuning in deanna is in cooper utah oh my gosh um shirley is in flugerville texas ellen can't wait thank you ellen for tuning in um hope is from woodstock georgia oh my gosh okay that's awesome barbara jones hi it's so great to see you and it's so great to see you in the chat um tamara from newmarket alabama oh awesome y'all thank you all so much for tuning in carla from ohio oh my goodness um i lean from roseville california lynn from wisconsin oh my gosh gene from also wisconsin wow awesome oh wow you guys um becky hello hi to you um karen from oklahoma awesome thank you so much for watching today uh we've got rebecca oh from puerto rico thank you so much for tuning in rebecca oh my gosh um mary from south carolina oh wow sherry from texas also from texas wow you guys oh thank you all so very much for tuning in today i am so so excited about today's show and carolyn from south dakota hi carolyn um i am so excited about today's show we have on our show today uh christine connor from amelie scott designs and we're going to be talking a little bit about edge to edge quilting i'm so excited to learn more about this this is something that i want to know more about i am brand new to the quilting game so i'm really really stoked for this um and tune in or keep keep watching um because at the end we are going to be giving away not just one thing i know we normally give away our one thing we're gonna be giving away three different things at the end of our show today so stay tuned i don't wanna spoil anything just yet um but in the meantime while you're watching go ahead and give us a like uh comment on our video if you haven't already if you have any questions just some comments about how cool we are because we are pretty cool go ahead and drop those in there too and share this video if you're on facebook and please subscribe to our youtube channel and click that bell um so that way you can stay up to date and all of those things will enter you automatically into our three different giveaways so um without further ado um let's go ahead and bring in christine connor amelie scott hi christine hello how are you hello everybody yeah doing all right how are you doing christine oh i'm doing fantastic i can't wait to share some stuff with you guys oh it's your audience so if you don't know christine is tuning in from dublin ohio is that right that's correct not ireland but ohio yes and it sounds like a lot of folks are really really excited about what you've got to show us today so i'm just going to let you hop straight into it and if any of you have any questions for christine throughout the show feel free to drop them down the chat and we will try and get to those live all right so take it by christine okay i will well i'm christine connor and i am the my husband and i are the owners of amelie scott designs um and i'm also the inventor of the edge to edge uh quilting on your embroidery machine technique um and that's what i'm going to talk about mostly today um now um the thing that people always ask is why did you where did this where does this amelie scott name come from well i'm actually the scott in the amelie scott my middle name is scott um and uh the melee part comes from my favorite ancestor and um so she's my favorite ancestor not because she wrote a lot of books in the 1800s and she was born i was born five generations after her i was the first girl born five generations after her but the reason why i love her is because she became a princess and she married a russian prince and um you know not many not many people growing up can say i'm part princess and really be part princess but um uh so anyway but that's that's why i love amelie and um uh i do have a picture mark's gonna bring up a picture he's my producer today he's going to bring up a picture of her and here she is uh here she is with her being presented to the royal court hey mark um i'm sorry i was just getting a little feedback my husband fixed it he's just awesome um and um anyway so that's a picture of her um being presented to the russian court uh when she became a russian princess and she was out of uh lived in virginia now just to make it clear one of the reasons why my logo is a tr is because i never got a tiara i never got a castle i never got anything from her nothing so um you know um i even had to buy her books on ebay no family discount but i still love her nonetheless so what i want to do today well first of all what i want to talk to you today is about four things one is how i came up with the uh edge to edge quilting on your embroidery machine technique because i think it's really important that you know how i came up with it um which is why our designs are so good um and then i want to show you one of the things that people are always asking me about is how do i do this with the monster uh the snap hoop monster hoops from dime the magnetic hoop so i'm going to show you how to do that and i also i'm going to just go ahead and give you some tips on batting and thread and a weightless quilter and just some little tips and tricks like that and then i want to talk to you about our virtual class that we have going on and all brands will be sponsoring it um in august so i'm going to talk to you a little bit about that and of course if you have any questions at all just type them in that chat and somebody will get that question to me and i'll answer it right away um so let's start how did i come up with this technique well first of all i used to be a little worker being a quilt shop and you know and at the same time i was kind of teaching myself on some really horrible digitizing software how to digitize this one thing that's changed and has become a lot easier to use is digitizing software it used to make me cry but the shop owner wanted her quilts to be professionally quilted or the samples that we made and we always made our samples at home and i loved making samples i just because that new fabric would come in and i want that in my house and i would just make that that quilt up and um you know and then you know it would hang in the store and then when everything when she was finished with that fabric that sample became ours we got to keep it so i always wanted to make samples but gosh that long arm quilting was starting to get really expensive and i was having two kids that were going into college at the same time they're not twins they're one year apart but nonetheless two college tuitions at the same time it's a lot of money anyway so i started thinking i knew a lot about the long arm process and i started thinking about you know i could probably digitize a design and do an edge to edge quilting edge to edge quilting look on a quilt so i asked the store owner i said hey if we do that is that okay she goes sure as long as it looks professional i don't care so i went ahead and started doing that with all my quilt samples and i really knew and what i did was i would make one design i'd usually get inspired from the fabric or the sample that i was working on i'd make one design and i would use that one design and quilt the entire quilt with that one design connect everything together and it looked just like a professional like a professional liar had quilted it it looked so much like a professional had done it that this is a funny story one day um in the shop one of my colleagues was uh hollering at me across the store and she wanted to know what design my long arm lady used to quilt my quilt and i just kind of glanced over at her and looked at the quilt and i said oh i did that and she goes no this is not free motion you did not do this and she goes it i said yeah i did i did it with my embroidery machine and she looked at it again and she's like christine it's got a heart it's got a butterfly it's got a flower it's all connected and you didn't do this and i walked over and i said yes i did here's my start point here's the design here's my end point here's where they're all connected and uh you know she used to do the training on machine embroidery and her mouth just dropped and she's like you got to show me how to do that and i thought i went home that night to my husband i said we need to write a book so we did so that's how so i think that's why our designs are so well done because we use them ourselves i use them myself on my quilts and i have one other lady that when her name is jenny when she joined amelie scott designs she didn't even know how to use an embroidery machine and i taught her all that and i taught her how to digitize and she helps me digitize but the one thing she's really good at is she too is an avid quilter so we do some things to our designs to make them very easy to use very forgiving and i think anybody who's done edge to edge and starts using it will realize right off the bat that wow this is just so simple it's got to be simple for me so um so before i move on i want to show you i want to show you two things just so you get an idea i'm going to show you something small just so you can see this is a um this is a seashell design from expansion pack one and what you're looking is probably at least two or three does not maybe two designs connected together but i want to show you a bigger quilt and i'm going to actually show you the back of the quilt because i think if i get back you'll be able to see how it's all connected mark give me a say something is that good looks good and you can see this is a pretty big quilt i mean i've got my hands almost up to the ceiling and it's dragging on the floor so pull back up all right so that as you can see just from looking at that quilt it does look like a long arm quilter thank you sharon it looks just like a long arm quilter uh quilted that quilt and that's the look you get with edged edge um uh designs and thank you judy what a lovely comment to say that just so um but you know what since 2014 when i wrote the book so much has changed one of the things is that hoops have gotten a lot bigger these days um we have really big hoops now this is the hoop from the solaris look how big that is when i um wrote the book the largest hoop on the market was for the fall machine and it it would hold about a 13 and a half inch tall design and that was and no other machine except for maybe husqvarna had a hoop that size on the market but now we've got these just tremendous sizes of hoops so we've also have come up with some jumbo packs jumbo one and two and those have larger designs in them to handle those larger hoops so let me just explain how those sizes work first of all the large files in jumbo one and two are the same large size that you can use in any expansion pack so you know if you're using expansion pack five large designs you can use the large file size in the jumbo one and jumbo 2. then for the oversize we call it oversized those are more for your bernina 800 series and your off icon um the new husqvarna machine which i'm sorry i forget the name of and um then they're um the oversized ones are for the baby lock and brother the brother luminaire and the baby lux solaris the other thing that's changed a whole lot is positioning these new machines today they have just beautiful positioning um six years ago that wasn't the case on all brands you know on all types of machines so those things have gotten a lot better and in fact on the you know the baby lux solaris um you got projectors and cameras and laser lights and it's a lot of fun it's just a lot of fun it makes things really really easy so but one of the things that i really think has just revolutionized what i the edge-to-edge process is a dime snap hoop monster magnetic hoop this has just made quilting so much faster and by the way if you are a bernina owner at my request we now have a maxi size um uh hoop magnetic hoop i talked with eileen roche one of the partners at dime and i said we need a maxi size for the bernina and she said but they have the jumbo and i said but they can't use the jumbo on edged edge in the 700 series because it cuts off part of it so please please make a maxi hoop and so she came through and made one so we have um yay but anyway this this hoop has just revolutionized the entire edge to edge process so what i want to do is show you just a short little video that i put together i'm showing you how i use a standard template with a magnetic hoop i am going to show you how to change the start point on a baby lock or a brother machine and i have to show that because i too watch youtube and i've seen way too many crazy things about advancing to the first stitch there's a really easy way to change the start point on both those machines and it's just going to take a minute for me to show that to you and then i'm going to show you the amelie scott snap hoop slide so when you're doing a long column of quilting you can just slide that hoop down to the next to the next um design so i think we should just go ahead and roll that video right now we'll wait before we do that are there any questions or anything um let's see so we had someone earlier in the chat uh asking what size that quilt was that you held up earlier i think it was shocking it's probably a large twin probably about 60 something by 80 something and then i think so i'm tall and my my quotes have to be a little bit longer because when i'm cuddled up under a clock uh quilt my feet have to be able to tuck under oh me too no no sam and then we have esther over on youtube asking do you have batting on that quilt i do have batting on that quilt and i'm going to talk about batting a little bit later um and yes benay um over on youtube was wondering if uh they'll be able to replay this video later and yes uh for those of you that are curious don't worry if you missed a little bit uh earlier or earlier on or if you have to jump out later that's fine because we will be able to uh you'll be able to watch the whole replay of this show as soon as we go off the air and that's both on facebook and youtube you can do both um and they are not going away they are in our video catalog in perpetuity so don't worry about it um cheryl over on youtube is wondering what is the largest quilt that you recommend for edge to edge so i always recommend a large twin i guess you could go up to a full size and i almost hate to say this because i do every time i say this somebody emails me and says i just did a queen size quilt with edged edge i just did the king-sized quilt and um but i never have so i recommend a large twin maybe a a full-size quilt as my largest and then we've got rocks yeah and yes there is a monster snap hoop for the bernina 800 series i have it too it's over there yeah that should be on our website um robin yeah robin that should be on our website as well so go take a look at our website and uh you can shop everything that we are going to be talking about today on a particular category page that we have uh down in the chat i think some folks have put that down in the chat already um the i had i had a word i had a thought there um the compatibility system is a little different so it's just to be like numbers and letters on our page so if you are curious about you know whether which one will fit your machine we have a compatibility chart online that's a whole go ahead and take a look at it um so yeah christine i'll let you i'll let you keep going okay so we're just going to show this video now in this video i want to show you how to use a magnetic hoop with a regular stitched out template a template and we talk about this in the book on page five a template or in the edge stage quilting quilting on your embroidery machine book page five but basically are you going to restart it you know i want to show you how to use a magnetic hoop with a regular stitched out template a template and we talk about this in the book on page five a template are in the edge stage quilting quilting on your embroidery machine book on page five but basically a template is a stitch out of where the design is going to fall within your hoop you basically take a piece of cloth you stabilize it with some medium weight fusible cutaway so it won't come off and then you stitch out the design in your hoop and then before you take it out of the hoop you just trace around the inside with a ballpoint pen you mark your notches where your horizontal and vertical lines are put a letter a up there if you're using the a file if you're using the b file put a b up there and then you're just going to take it out of the hoop and use a ruler to connect and draw cross hairs in the middle of the template these cross hairs are going to help you keep your template straight on your quilt because quilters are very visual and this makes it very squared up so that when you lay it down next to a line if it is crooked it's very obvious you can see that this template is very crooked when i straighten it out these lines help you to tell if the template is straight or not now oddly enough this is i'm going to show you one more thing about this uh this hoop is 8 by 12 and my magnetic hoop is also an 8 by 12 and it is the one that i'm going to use today but for some reason my template as you can see is larger than my hoop and that is going to be a problem so if you ever encounter that because you do want to make your template in a standard hoop not in the magnetic hoop because sometimes it will curve on the on the inside of the hoop so you want this to be very uh squared up so if it is too big and this one is too big all i did was i took a ruler and i cut off about three quarters of an inch at the top the bottom and both sides you need to do all four sides whatever you do if i cut a half inch on one side i have to do it on all four sides so here i have a little template and you can see it fits really nice inside my hoop now now the way we use a template if there are two ways you can use one one is when you're doing that first column and that's uh the template is going to help you keep that first column really nice and straight so let's assume that this is the center line in my quilt and i have i'm going to have my first design go down that center line so the way i would use a template is i would just fold back the fabric until i can see the stitches place it on there so it's a quarter inch from the top fold back my template pin it in place and then just simply hoop around my template if but today the way i'm going to use the template is i'm actually going to connect the endpoint here to the start point over here so let me zoom in just a bit for you okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my template i'm going to fold it back so i can see where the starting is the knot and i'm just going to place that knot right next to the end point and i'm going to pin it in place how easy is that and now i'm going i can tell that my edge of my because i know it's straight i used a ruler to cut it i can tell that that's a very nice straight line just by looking at it i don't have to measure it and i'm going to go ahead and pin the rest of the template in place pen up at the top pin up the bottom and then one by that starting point now i'm going to take it over to the machine and show you how easy it is to use a magnetic hoop with a standard template i do want to take just a quick second to show you how to move the start point on your design because i'm using the baby luck solaris today and you would need to do this for all baby lock and all brother machines so i'm going to get my design out of my usb drive and it's right here diamond sa small small a file and i'm just going to go ahead and set it okay and then once i've set it i need to bring it into embroidery once it's an embroidery you'll notice down here at the bottom of the screen there is a little piece of fabric with a needle and a plus sign that is your start point icon changing your start point icon you'll also notice over here that my needle is pretty much in the center of my hoop now when i digitize i digitize all these designs to start on the left hand side and you can see that the cross is in the middle for some reason baby lock and brother machines bring the design always in the middle but this is no big deal because you can change the start point to where i had intended it to be to be so you just press that button down here your start point icon you get this little grid right here and you can see the center is highlighted the cross is in the middle and my needle is in the middle as soon as i hit the left side you probably notice that my machine moved over my crosshair moved over so now my start point is in the place where i want it to be and i'm just going to say okay and i am ready to stitch when you're quilting with a magnetic hoop the bottom portion of your hoop is going to stay in your machine the entire time you're quilting only your top part of the hoop will be moved and your fabric so once you place the bottom portion of your hoop in your machine and you want to take your fabric and you want to slide it over the top portion or the bottom portion of the hoop now i now i'm going to try and get my needle over my start point as close as i can and then i'm going to place the top portion of the hoop over the bottom portion i'm going to make sure it's set very important to make sure that magnetic hoop is set because your machine only reads the bottom portion of the hoop so when i check it i'm just kind of pinching the corners to make sure that it is lined up it's real easy to do now my whole i the whole reason why this template is here is to help me get the template the this piece of fabric hoops straight now i know my template is straight on my fabric because i took the time and i pinned it down there and i made sure it was straight so what i like to do is i take these little rulers here and i just measure from the inside of the hoop to the edge of the template and just to see how i look so this is 5 8. if this is not 5 8 so i need to pull it over a little bit and then i just kind of measure all the way down my line is looking a little crooked that blue line is looking a little crooked because i've been tugging on the fabric but i'm more concerned with the edge of the template and then i can measure down below i've got one inch and an eighth one inch and eight that's looking really good then i also have these lines here this one is on the 12 over here on this side and it's sometimes i lay the ruler down just to see it's not quite on the 12 so i'm going to pull it down just a little bit there we go so now it is on the 12 on one side and it's still on the 12 on the other so i use these lines to help make sure that i've got everything in this hoop straight and that's all the template did was help me get the fabric in the hoop straight now i'm going to use the positioning on my machine to get everything precise and you can see how close my needle is to the end point but i am going to need to thread that needle i do not have any thread in it so let me thread it real quick never get tired of watching that okay so i'm going to use my positioning which on this machine the baby lock solaris is the move button and i'm just going to move it just a little bit and i'm going to test to make sure that my needle is precisely on that end point what i want to do is i want to kiss the two points together not overlap them and voila perfect so if i want i can bring that bobbin up i can take my hand i can pull both threads tight and then i'm going to hold them loosely because i don't want to untie any knots and i'm going to start the machine and let it stitch when it stops i'm going to trim away both those top threads you can see how it's connected the design and away we go [Music] so [Music] the second thing is what i really want to show you i'm really excited about this so what i do um when i'm getting ready when i'm when you're quilting a quilt you're going working down in columns you're joining the one design to the design the prior design in front of it or to the to the left of it so what i need to do is i need to move my fabric down to the next spot over here to this connector so i can just go ahead and quilt it and instead of getting up and getting a template and doing all that rigmarole all i do is i lift up my top portion of the hoop and i slide it back to where i have about two inches of this quilting design so i'm slide the top hoop forward and then i'm just gonna grab the fabric on this side and on this side i'm going to grab my fabric and i'm going to i'm going to pull the fabric and i'm just going to pull the fabric back and you can just feel it click into place then what i'm going to do is i'm going to um make sure the hoop is set and um i might need to come down a little bit pull more hoop forward slide it back slide the fabric back make sure that hoop is set again now i do have a few lines here that i'm using to help keep me straight these are my blue lines now on a quilt you have seams but this first blue line i'm going to lay my ruler on it since it doesn't connect all the way down to my hoop and i can see it's on the make it on the seven there so it is right on the edge of the seven now i'm going to walk around to the back of the machine and i'm going to make sure that same line is also on the seven in the back oh and it is it is it is perfect perfect i also had another line way back there i don't know if you can see it but i had another blue line way back here and i checked it and both sides are on the 14 there's a 14 on each side of the ruler you know one on this side and one on this side in the back so i just made sure that that line was on the same on each line so now you can see i'm pretty darn close again so i'm just going to use again my positioning and i'm going to move move the needle so it's pretty darn close again if you have a projector or camera laser light whatever you have on your machine you use all those bells and whistles i'm just not using them right now to show you to show everybody how to do it so i'm not pretty close but i'm not quite there so i'm going to go one that way and one back and i think that has me perfect there we go and the bobbin came up in a new place and i'm just going to again pull the threads tight and then loosen my hand and let it stitch out i'm going to trim away those threads and you can see we've got the next design connected and i have two different colors of blue thread on this but oh well it's just a sample for video taping all right so that is how you do this snap hoop slide you bring the top hoop forward slide the fabric back make sure the hoop is set and you're quilting just like that we say the silly rhyme so it sticks inside your mind the amelie scott snap [Music] so in case you're wondering or do we have sound are we yeah yeah we can hear you just fine oh fantastic okay so just i just want to make sure sorry about that at the beginning um so in case you're wondering that was expansion pack eight that i was using it's a design called diamonds and i thought who doesn't love diamonds so that's why i picked it awesome okay asking uh somebody was asking they have expansion packs one through seven i think it was sharon over on facebook um she's got expansion packs one through seven and was wondering if there are more so i guess that answers your question um how many more are you christine we are up to 14 and 15 will be released in june awesome we got we have um over 100 over 170 designs now to choose from awesome we have a few questions do you mind if if we go through them real quick yeah no no and can i just point out one more thing too um we do have a so jenny um her full-time job is she is a um art registrar and what she does is catalog things that's her thing to catalog things and create little booklets and stuff so on our on our website she has created this um design index so that you can just download it you can peruse through all the different designs she's got them catalog alphabetically she's got them catalogued by and this is what art people do they catalog everything by you know summer sky designs food designs meanders so it's just real helpful i mean i find it to be extremely helpful uh for me so you might find it helpful too definitely yeah so we've got a question from ellen over on youtube and she's wondering i always have trouble keeping my quilt from moving when i'm trying to place the top of my magnetic hoop is there a trick to doing this well i think that slide trick is really going to help you because you're really not moving your quilted at all you're kind of sliding the hoop down while the quilt is still on so the magnet's still holding it in place and then when you slide the fabric up you still have the magnet kind of holding everything in place i think that's going to help you a lot right um and then we have another question from cheryl on youtube wondering won't the thread come undone without burying it um yeah i'm sorry i'm laughing at that because anybody who's had to rip out one of my edged edge uh designs will tell you no it's nothing's gonna come undone it's really hard that's great but we do have yeah we do have knots at the beginning and end there are knots even if i bring up the bob and the machine is still stitching and not but they dude they don't come undone okay um and then marianne was wondering which design pack this one uh the diamonds was in and that was design pack eight you said right yes pack eight that's correct perfect perfect all right questions let's see um i'm seeing a few more um rebecca was wondering what is christine using for marking her lines well now on a real quilt i would never mark lines because i have seams but on this sample here i'm just using a regular mark begone pen i also like the um i also like these little japanese ones they're water soluble pencils by clover and they cut i like them because they come in white pink and blue so if i'm using a um color i use blue and green a lot because those are some of my favorite colors and obviously this doesn't show up really well on blue but the pink or the white will show up really well and then someone on youtube was wondering what happens if you only have enough room for part of a design that is a great question because i can guarantee you on every quilt you do you're going to have to be stitching off the quilt um either at the bottom or on the sides because um and even if you take your quilt to a long arm quilter you'll get it back and you'll notice that sometimes part of the design has stitched off the quilt so what i do what i do or what i used to do a simple way is like when you get to that you always want it quilted so if you have like maybe only four in you know five inches left and you know your design is going to hang off the bottom we'll go ahead and stitch that last uh that last design and when you get down to the bottom what you do is you stitch off and then you just advance forward through the stitches until the needle comes back onto the fabric and then start the machine up and if you don't want to do that you can always take the quilt out of the magnetic hoop take it over to you know if you have a regular sewing machine set up and just kind of edge stitch the bottom of the quilt and the sides of the quilt you know when you get to them don't do it right away but when you get to it baste it or edge stitch it um about eighth of an inch from the edge that way then the presser foot can go off and on very easily it's never a problem for the presser foot to go off but it is a problem when it comes back on because sometimes that low presser foot it likes to slide under the top part portion and you know can be a problem so um and then someone over on youtube was wondering um what are these packs and books being mentioned we're talking about edge to edge quilting on your embroidery machine and our expansion packs these are so the book has all the instructions in it and the expansion packs are just additional designs or expansion to the book awesome um and i think i think these may be all the questions that we've got um yeah mary yes yes i i mary was just saying that you're talking you're speaking our language making everything super easy to understand which i i agree um i am new to all of this and i'm just like well dang all right i gotta get a snap hoop i gotta get a magnet i gotta just get in here and do this because it just looks so much it looks like it's so easy and it's so much fun and you get such a gorgeous finished product oh my gosh thank you yeah we're yeah thank you very much so i'd like to go ahead and just go ahead and address all the uh some issues about not issues but some tips and stuff about threads so first of all when i started quilting the only quilting thread you ever used on a quilt was 100 cotton machine quilting thread and this is you know i still have a spool of it this is what it looks like um and this is a very thick thread because if you took a regular cotton thread like you sew with and you try it's not thick at all it breaks very easily but if i take this thread and try to break it i can guarantee i'm going to slice my hand before this thread breaks but that was what we were told you know to always use on your on your uh for your quilting the problem is is this is a very thick thread and you'd have to go up to like a 90 top stitch needle so if you still want to use that you can but what i have been doing instead is i have been just using embroidery thread because it's beautiful it's just the embroidery thread today is beautiful it's very strong again i'm going to cut my finger before i snap this thread and this is exquisite embroidery thread i put it in the bobbin i put it in the top and it just stitches out beautifully now the one thing you have to be careful about is you want to make sure that you your thread blends together when your your top thread and your bobbin thread blends together so i got a great example here of a one that blends and one that didn't blend so on the picture on the right i took black bobbin thread but i did that just to show you all the little black polka dots that show up on the top of your quilt well it didn't blend well so then i put yellow thread in the bottom and yellow's red on the top for the left side sample and you can see how much more beautiful it is so you have to be kind of careful when you're blending thread so rule of thumb black and white they're not going to blend well red and black red and white you know those combinations are not going to blend well so let's say you're making a black and white quilt before you go buy your backing decide am i going to quilt this with black thread or am i going to quilt it with white thread or am i just going to go crazy and quilt it with hot pink thread and uh and i would probably do the hot pink thread but um but let's say you you decide to use the black thread on top then you should probably get a backing that has a lot of black in it so that you can use black thread on the bobbin or let's say you decide no i want to use a white thread on top then you should get a backing that has a lot of white in the background so that the two threads blend or if you want to do hot pink just to hot pink top and bottom and you know do a black back back backing and have hot pink thread on the back hot pink on the front i mean the designs are pretty i think and and sometimes you just like to really see them um so that's um you know you just have to be careful about that blending and if you ever want and a lot of people ask me well can you use metallic thread for quilting you bet you you can but only one brand you have to use a king star metallic thread because that stuff is specially coated and it just oh my gosh it just stitches out like it just goes through my machine like butter there's no there's no looping you don't have to put the thread across the room to stretch it out you don't have to hold it it just it just goes through like regular embroidery thread and that's the kingstar metallic thread that comes in all kinds of different colors so i mentioned that because sometimes for christmas we like to use the gold thread or fourth of july we like to throw in some silver or metallic you know for this stuff so um needles when i use um the needles i use honestly or just a 75 embroidery needle um i think i use the schmidt brand because i've got i can get them by the hundreds they work beautiful for me i've used the top stitch 80 before but for the embroidery thread and the quilting um i found that the the you know that embroidery 75 needle works great for me if you're going to go with something very thick like a a cotton quilting machine quilting thread then you're probably going to have to go up to a 90 needle 90 top stitch needle so a lot of your needle depends on your thread but i use a 75 embroidery needle the other thing i want to talk to you about is eyelashing because sometimes people get eyelashing on the back of the quilt and we got a great example of two backs of quilts here the one on the right is also the back and the one on the left is also the back but the one on the left looks terrible and the one the right looks great so what is happening when you get eyelashing on the back your quilt is your bobbin tension is just a little bit too tight and it's pulling the top thread to the back side and all you need to do is just kind of loosen up the tension in your bobbin but some people might not be comfortable doing that so they might need to take it into their service department and have them do it for them i'm if you're going to do that just send just take the sample like the sample on the what i would do is i would just take the sample on the left i would take it to my quilt shop and i would say please fix this i don't like it and let them you know figure out what needs to be done um but yeah the back of your quilt should look like the right side should look just like the right side on that side of the screen now another question i get all the time is what batting do i use okay so the batting i like to use the best is a quilter's dream cotton and i like to use the request size basically what that is is it is a low loft batting so here i have a sample of it and i love quilters dream batting because look how perfect that is it's just perfect and it drapes beautifully it's very thin it just quilts beautifully and um you know um you know i have seen batting where you would have a big clump over here and nothing here and just terrible stuff but you want something that's very uniform when your machine is stitching through so i use for the twin size quilts lap size quilts i would use a request if you're first if it's your first quilt ever use the request now sometimes i like to use the poly blend and the when i like to use a poly blend i'm usually quilting a table runner or placemats and it too is is very nice and uniform but it's a little bit thicker it's a mid-loft batting it's about the same size as the select brand in the quilter's dream and it's a beautiful batting it'll puff up a little bit more so it's really nice for placemats and table runners but when you put when you go from thin loft or low loft to a midloft and this always blows my mind because these are the two same sizes they're not that much thicker but you would be stunned at how much heavier it makes the quilt when you go up from low loft to a mid-loft batting and if you're going to do that then you probably are going to need to get a weightless quilter and i got to talk to you about the weightless culture this is a this is a neat little device here it is okay so the people at dime i'm sorry is there a question oh yeah show the world mark's going to show you the weightless closer so here i have it i'm quilting i've got it all set up and i want you to notice that there are small poles in the front i want you to look at the very bottom of the how i've got it kind of set up there's small poles and then there seems to be a tall pole behind me and that's my texas drawl coming out i can't say the word pole hole but the the eileen at dime and i must think exactly alike because when i got my weightless quilter this is part of the base okay and my husband says i said i want to set this up and so he goes let me go get my screwdriver i'm like wait you don't need to go get a screwdriver we got these big huge screws to hook our base together so the base gets all hooked together it's like a like a square and then you'll notice that there are these holes in the base and the holes in the base are where your poles go let me see if i can do this without knocking out the ceiling here they just go right in that pole there's no screw okay and then at the top of the hole goes this little clampy thing that clamps to your quilt okay and like here's one the taller poles i'm going to stick it in mine i've got part of the base set up here and you can see that this is just very flexible okay so initially i was thinking it doesn't screw in place nothing screws in place it's it's this is swirling all over the place and i'm thinking is that going to stay in place it's kind of wobbly i was really concerned but i went ahead and gave it a shot and ladies as soon as i gave it a shot i knew exactly why all that was created that way because let me ask you are you really want when you have to when most of the quilt is on this side you're going to have the tall poles when most of the quilt is on that side you're going to have the short poles over here now do you really want to get up and get down your hands and knees and screw in a pole when you switch them you want to just be able to stick that pole in that bottom and go on your merry way and the reason why these these poles are so flexible because when your embroidery machine is moving left and right those poles are swaying left and right with your quilt so nothing is dragging and in case i may not have told you quilt drag is when your quilt is impeding the flow of your embroidery unit it's either by weight or hanging off the table or it's um you know it's just too much on there and it's impeding the flow so the weightless quilter lifts it up and kind of rocks it above your embroidery unit so it doesn't uh impede the flow of the embroidery machine and you can always tell when your quilt when something is impeding the flow of your embroidery machine going left you know moving because all of a sudden your design will start looking like crap it'll get out of registration it'll start stitching kind of funny so sometimes you know like if you're stitching something it doesn't look right you know people will say are you hitting your hoop somewhere is your hoop hitting the chair is it hitting a wall or is it the weight of the quilts kind of holding it in place that helps with the uh quilt drag um so that is that does anybody have any questions i think we're kind of running starting to run out of time here um so i let's see we'll take a look and see if there are any questions but i did just want to chime in and say that i love the weightless quilter so much i was doing the uh the huge houston quilt festival when eileen unveiled that uh during a broadcast that we did and we actually here at all brands we just finished up a video on a bunch of different ways to use that beyond quilting um beyond like edge to edge quilting and stuff so stay tuned for that it is awesome um and i did just want to tell everyone that we do have it on our website and if you go to right now we have it on our website for 2.99 y'all the weightless filter is totally worth it it yeah it is so you know you know exactly what i'm talking about about changing the polls and just sliding them in there and it's just so easy to switch it around real quick i love the way that eileen talked about it because i think she said something like it's like having three friends hold your quilt for you while you work yeah and it's it's true it's it's so useful i mean it just takes it makes something so easy i don't know i didn't think that that was something that he could do but it's amazing you know what when i first started doing edge to edge i had my husband actually help me we put the the embroidery machine in the middle of the dining room table and he would actually help me move the quilt back and forth and into the machine i had the weightless quilter back then i wouldn't had to do that right and well we gotta get innovative you know i mean i think um i think eileen did help create that invent that because she was having a similar issue and i love that just we gotta make do we gotta get creative we gotta make something work and i think that's so great um and i did just want to let everybody know so yeah we are coming up on about the hour mark um so we're running out of time but please stay tuned we are going to be giving away three different things and i think we can just go ahead and say what they are now um since since we're getting so close so we are going to be giving away our 100 all brands gift card as per usual as we always do but we are going to be giving away two two uh books that christy has written and which ones are they christine so one is the original edge edge quilting on your embroidery machine it has download code in the back with 10 designs so you can get started and the other one is my newest book custom quilting on your embroidery machine i've gone blonde now i'm going gray um but it's got 35 designs in this book there are two table runners four quilt tops um and just to show you just give you an idea i had a picture here let's see so that's like a layout for one quilt you can see all the quilting created this beautiful circle pattern that's one of the projects in here and like here's another one you can just see all the we show you where all the quilting designs are placed and you know if you can find the center of a square or a rectangle you can do that these are incredibly useful tools i mean as you've seen um and as christine has spilled just all of the knowledge that she's got these are incredibly useful tools so i am so excited that we're gonna be giving these away um so someone was asking how they can be entered um to uh entered into this drawing so go ahead and like this video share it on facebook if you're watching on facebook um give us a comment if you're watching on facebook or youtube um and if you are watching this on youtube go ahead and subscribe to our channel and click the bell um and those will all enter you into the running for these three giveaways um i'm trying to see if we have any other questions from folks let's see um so heather heather from queensland was wondering um would a bigger needle leave a bigger hole in your quilting yes a bigger needle would leave a bigger hole in your quilting okay and uh if you missed it we did a live with um oh my goodness i her name i just completely lost it um no it was from schmetz last week rhonda yes we did a live with thank you barbara barbara is here in the background driving the show we did a live with rhonda over at schmetz last week talking about what needles are best for you so if you are curious about digging into some more information about needles please go ahead and check out that video we have a lot of information there so useful callie we forgot to completely talk about the virtual edged edge quilting class you guys are hosting i completely forgot about it that's going to be it's going to be august 20th and 21st um and you're going to learn how to quilt using the edged edge technique and when you're done we can as a bonus we're going to cut everything apart you're going to get to make four uh placemats the book has 75 worth of exclusive embroidery designs and um yeah it's going to be a great day i will be teaching the whole day both days there's a half day to get ready for quilting we'll embroider our fruit marker fabric and then the second day we'll spend the full day quilting together yes and y'all this class is only 90 uh to enroll so please if you haven't already and you want to learn more and you want to delve into this technique please go ahead and sign up for that class on our website um it is going to be so fun it's going to be awesome yes and you can see the projects behind me the little placemats that we'll end up making and pretty quilting pretty pineapple watermelon we're going to do it all but the main thing is you're going to learn this is just bonus having placemats from the class the the main thing is you're going to learn how to edge edge quilt and you will be a pro you will be a pro at the end of the class and y'all i did just want to point out too um in the description of this video whether you're watching on facebook or youtube there's a link down there to go ahead and register for this class so you can just go ahead and scroll down just a little bit and enroll for that class right now you are not going to want to miss it it's going to be so so great it's going to be good i promise so let's see i'm trying to see if we have any other any other questions over on our end um i've got vicki wondering if we've been using the designs will we learn anything new um if you're already doing edge to edge you know you're you're um you know i always learn something new anytime i take a class um but uh i think you just have to make that decision yourself i mean i'm teaching the edge to edge technique um the way it was intended to be used and so i would hope that you would learn something new but yeah and then judy is wondering is it virtual it is virtual but the first link you get from all brands will be a tech check and all you have to do in your emails click on that link and my husband mark who's a wonderful teacher he will definitely keep you awake he will show you how to use zoom zoom is our platform if you don't know how to use it super easy to use yes no mark is very tech savvy he was helping us out with some technical difficulties we had before the show so shout out to mark behind the camera and then brenda on facebook is wondering will this work on all embroidery machines um yes all embroidery machines maybe some of the um multi-needles um it might be a little bit it depends on the multi-needle but yes on all home embroidery machines yes okay um and then someone over on youtube was wondering what's that name brand of that metallic thread that is the star thread from exquisite um y'all that thread is great that thread is awesome um and i believe that that is also on the category page that we have for this show so if you go over to our website go on that category link it should all be down there so you can shop uh all the colors um vicky was also wondering have you used any of the heavier threads like 28 weight for just quilting like a whole cloth no i pretty much stay away from the heavier threads i find my embroidery machine just works better when i use the embroidery thread and and the heavier weight threads i i just don't like them i don't like putting a big 90 top stitch needle and poking big holes in my quilts no i kind of stay away from that yeah barbara was wondering will you be making a baptist fan pattern um i don't have it in slated but you know we're always taking suggestions that's how we got all the edge-to-edge design uh designs people were just people oh and mark's writing it down right now um people would just write in and say hey can we have um cars and construction trucks and we're like we write them down and we create them and then uh janet over on youtube is wondering i love edge to edge um what is that three of my quilting buddies all use these products i did eight christmas quilts this past year it made my life much easier oh wow you're an epic quilter wow um yes king star is the best straight up it is the best it's awesome um and i was actually i was actually gem with metallic thread i'd thrown a bunch of it in the trash can i'm like i'm done i'm done and then ashley jones from dime was telling me you should try king so i'm like no i'm not trying anymore metallic thread i'm done with metallic thread i tried i was like texting her immediately like oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i'm doing a quilt i'm doing a whole email game changer bar none yeah yeah it really works um so i think i think it is time for us to do all three of our all three of our giveaways um so make sure that you have liked this video make sure that you have shared this video if you're watching on facebook leave us a comment um and subscribe to our youtube channel if you have not done that just yet and those will enter you in running for this uh these three giveaways um i'm so excited i'm so excited to see who wins um so i'll give everybody just a quick second to get those comments and everything already in there um and yes uh by just while we're while we're waiting for everybody to do that um if you aren't go ahead and subscribe to our youtube channel barbara and i have been working really really hard on getting some in-house video content ready for you guys um as i mentioned earlier we do have a new video on the weightless quilter from dime that should be coming out fairly soon uh we just finished shooting it and it's so awesome i'm so so excited about it i'm excited for you all to see it and if you are curious about any other sort of quilting education um just sewing tips and tricks we do have some other videos up there as well um we did a video about the uh the cutie frame from grace a quick unboxing of that so awesome setup for beginner free motion quilting totally great thing to use um and yeah i just wanted to plug our youtube channel really quickly if you're not subscribed already please go ahead and subscribe we've got some really awesome things coming some really cool things in the works um so i think we're ready to pull for our 100 gift card winner so let's get a little drumroll here and our winner is cindy summer oh my gosh cindy congratulations you have just won a 100 all brands gift card so if you want me uh please go ahead and email events all brands dot com and give us your name your address and your phone number and we will get that gift card over to you um hundred dollars shop on our website come into one of our stores pick up some of the stuff that we were talking about today totally up to you um so now we are going to pull for our edge to edge quilting book um that christine is going to be giving away um so let's see let's go ahead and see that name up on the screen heather oh my gosh congratulations heather i just won uh christine's you've won her edge to edge quilting book i am so excited for you to have this that's going to be awesome um heather if you would also email events at and get us your information um we will get that book out to you um and now we're pull for our final one our final book here i'm so excited um all right let's see a name c lombard oh my gosh congrats congrats i've been seeing the chat all afternoon congratulations you just won another one of these books oh my gosh um i'm so excited for you guys so go ahead and also email events at and give us your name your phone number and your address and we will get that out to you as well um oh my gosh this has been such an action-packed class i feel like i've learned a whole lot today i've learned of fun a lot of fun thank you thank you so so much christine for coming onto the show um and please go check out uh go oh i'm sorry words words are hard today um but congratulations to all of our winners um go and check out the category page that we have on our website we have all of the products that we talked about today over on that category page um and i am so happy that we were able to have you on the show today christy thank you again well thank you so much for having me it was just a pleasure for me to come on and talk about my products so yes oh my gosh yeah i'm so excited for everyone please go ahead and sign up for that class you're not going to want to miss it um it is only 90 you'll be learning so much and so much more than what we talked about just today it's it's a wealth of information just a found of knowledge um definitely go ahead and sign up for that class and hopefully we will uh we'll see you there so you can learn a little bit more about edge to edge so with all of that said uh that's the end of the all brand show for today uh so thank you all so very much for tuning in and for watching the whole way through if you missed some of this don't worry go ahead and check out the replays of this live both on facebook and youtube they'll be up as soon as we go off the air um and you can go back and watch anything you missed or anything you want to you know really dig into so that said everyone take care have a great rest of your day have a great rest of your week month whatever i i love y'all you're amazing and we will see you very very soon this is y'all brain show signing off bye everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AllBrands Corporate
Views: 9,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M82xXjVVc78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 44sec (4184 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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