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hi welcome back to the crafty author my name is anisa i am the crafty author welcome to my quilting room today we are going to quilt the scraptastic scrap quilt that we have worked on for several weeks we are now getting to the finish line so if you've made it yes give yourself a pat on the back um we are going to be using an embroidery machine to quilt this quilt this will be the first time that i have ever quilted a quilt of this size on an embroidery machine this is the um thread that i have chosen to work with so this is like a cream color it is madeira it is a 100 polyester 40 weight core spun thread and it is on the cone and so um i love this thread it works really really well i am going to use the same thread that in the bobbin that i'm going to use on top um i'm going to do that for the main reason is because i don't want there to be any issues with the thread and there can sometimes be issues if you're not consistent with the thread on the bottom and on the top it can cause tension issues so it's best to stick with the same thread for the top and the bottom and it doesn't matter if you're using thread like this or if you're using cotton thread or if you're using a polyester thread that's 40 weight or 60 weight it really doesn't matter you want to stay consistent that's not to say that you cannot do different threads because you certainly can i have done it and i have done it without any problems before but if you're trying something out for the first time you're going to want to stay consistent because you don't want to mess it up okay so that is what we are going to do i am also going to be working with a design that i purchased from designs by juju it is called end-to-end quilting and it is already put together for you to use um for end-to-end quilting on your quilt tops we are going to be using this a little pattern which is i think so cute these are little gnomes and mushrooms and i love them and so this is what i will do oh and they also have a needle on them do you see the little needle how cute is that so this is what i will be using to position on my quilt i will show you how i'm going to do this i did print this off with my printer i printed this on i believe it's dime sticker paper i will link to it below in the description box so that you can also do the same we are going to be working with a nine and a half by 14 inch hoop i'm going to use a traditional hoop because i could not get my hands on a magnetic hoop soon enough however i will be buying a magnetic hoop so we're just going to jump right into this and get started i want to tell you that i will be showing you how um everything is set up how we quilt i will start the quilting process i will show that to you and then i will go off camera for a little bit and continue to quilt it just because i know you don't want to watch the whole quilt be quilted it would take several hours to do that all right so we need to cut right to the edge of our design here so i'm just going to take my little ruler and i'm just going to cut it here now the reason that we do this is because we want to be able to line up so when our design is done stitching out the first time we want to be able to line it up perfectly when we go to do the second row of stitching i will be working with the camera system my machine has one of those but if you don't it's okay you'll want to use these registration lines right here and you'll want to use the grid that comes with your machine and you will use that when you're hooping it so you should have something that looks like that i'm going to hoop so i'm gonna start in the middle with this design it's a very large hoop as you can see this is the nine and a half by fourteen inch hoop if you don't have a hoop that's this size that's okay you can still do this with a smaller hoop now you don't need batting or um sorry stabilizer because your backing and your batting are going to act as your stabilizer for this i'm going to start in the middle and then i will work my way out i always start in the middle when i quilt um that's just what i do i want to make sure okay make sure i'm hoping this right probably go in a little bit further there okay so we'll start here you'll want to loosen it up because this is going to be a really really thick um it's really thick i have it hooped it was a fight but i got it so i am going to place my little gnome stickers here all right so as you can see i have the entire quilt set up on the machine and i am just going to press this and we are going to start stitching out the design so you can see here how it's stitching everything out perfectly it takes about three minutes to stitch it out each time so so this is what we have so far now this right here i wanted to point out because this is where we started or where i started when i first started quilting this and as you can see right here it lined up perfectly with the other lines that are going through the quilting here so this is awesome in the way that it lines up and you don't have um like missing areas so it looks great so i'm going to flip the camera and i'm going to show you how i'm going to hoop again outwards um the hooping is the most challenging part of this because i'm using a regular hoop i actually had to go and just order a magnetic hoop because the hooping is hurting my hand so much because i have arthritis in my hands so if you have arthritis in your hands you're probably going to want to get a magnetic hoop this hooping through all of these layers is just really really tough that way all right so just gonna pop that out just like you normally would i'm going to loosen up this [Music] so [Music] so okay so i'm going to show you how i get this big quilt on here and um so what i do is i take the excess and i put this through first so i'll straighten that out and then i just put that through here because i need to be able to slide the hoop on and this is why it's important for your hoop to be on here nice and tight because if it's not it will come undone and so i'm just sliding this on here i've got a lot of bulk on this side so i'm gonna careful with that all right so now i can actually get my quilting frame on here with my hoop and i'm just going to go slowly you don't want to try to do this quick because you're working with a lot of bulk here and you will break your machine so you want to be careful and then i'm going to pull this back and drape it over okay now i normally roll this and i should have because i think that will make it easier oh see my hoop came undone this is why i'm saying the magnetic hoops are totally the way to go not this this is a pain in the butt a royal pain in the butt okay so that hoop was too loose apparently i think it is anymore all right real life happens here folks all right so the machine kept giving me the dummy error and telling me to use a larger hoop um and the reason it was doing that was because i didn't have the hoop all the way into the carriage like it needed to be so it wasn't reading it um so that's why that was happening so if that happens to you check and make sure that you have everything in there correctly so every quilter's worst nightmare has happened to me as you can see and so i have spent the last 20 minutes seam ripping and this is clearly my own fault um you can see this mess here is overlapped and that is because when i told the machine to go ahead and start stitching out i did not line it up and so it went over the design and now i have this mess and now i'm going to seam rip so i wanted to show you this because this is what happens in quilting it's um it's inevitable and it happens to the best of us um i know sometimes when you see uh quilting tutorials and such you see you always see the good you always see the the beautiful finished product and you know it looks like it was a flawless um process and whatnot and really the ugly truth of it is is that it's not um a lot of times it's it is involved this is involved with it you you are seam ripping um if you didn't sew something right you know you have to go back and redo it um so that is just the way it is sometimes and you know it's not fun um it's actually quite frustrating it's frustrating for me as well i don't enjoy seam ripping especially when some of the little stitches get pulled too tightly like this here and it's a booger to get them off um [Music] so you know and you just have to keep picking at them and you're hoping that you're not putting a hole in your quilt because you know that's not good either but um you know it's it's the reality of of quilting so and you know life happens i mean it just it just does we all make mistakes and you know nobody is perfect and it doesn't matter if you're using a machine or if you're doing it by hand you know it's still human error we still make mistakes so don't let anybody tell you that everything is perfect because quite frankly it is not and um i like to be honest here on my channel and be real with you so i'm going to be real with you and we are just going to we're going to seam rip together for a little bit because you know that's what we do so i have two spots on this quilt that i actually need to seam rip one of them thank goodness it's not like this it's not a total mess and honestly i was gonna leave this and then i kept looking at it and i looked at it on the back and i just i couldn't do it i just could not do it it was that bad it bothered me the three foot rule did not apply to this one and for those of you who do not know what the three foot rule is that is when you stand three feet away from your quilt and if you cannot see the mistake then it does not exist um this one was pretty pretty noticeable and i think it's probably because it is on the black portion of the border and so you can really see everything and i used a lighter thread um and i used the lighter thread because it's um it goes it's not as uh prevalent on the initial design but you know on black thread of course it is because it's black so you know everything's going to show up on here and so um it looks really neat when it's not all jumbled i can tell you that it looks really really cool but as you can see here it's just it's just a mess um so i will show you another spot where i messed up i do not enjoy showing everybody my mistakes but here you can see that this one turned out like it was supposed to it's beautifully done um you can see the little gnome over here oh no you cannot you can see the little gnome here you can see the little mushroom here so this stitched out absolutely awesome but down here again i have this little gnome and it got a little crazy here so i'm actually gonna have to rip out this half of my stitching the rest of it's fine and then i still have all of the rest of this to quilt so this quilt is taking me a little bit to do here you can see this is the back side of the quilt by the way this is not the front side um i didn't do my needle up needle down and so that caused that knotting right there i don't like it but i'm going to leave it it's going to be fine in the end it'll be fine but i need to remember to you know do the needle up needle down all right so i hope you're enjoying part one of part two so i will be doing an additional video um on quilting with the embroidery machine i have a couple of thoughts right now that i want to share with you so the first thing is i do not recommend quilting um really big quilts on an embroidery machine i was listening to emily scott and she recommended that twin size is the biggest that you should do on there and i have to agree with her and the reason i say this is because the weight of the quilt starts to become a factor when you're quilting it on your embroidery machine so it's perfect for baby quilts it's perfect for throw and for a twin size um i think this is maybe a little bit bigger than a twin size um so i wanted to throw that out there also i have had to seam rip because i wasn't paying attention to what i was doing when i was quilting it on there and i had the designs overlap so now i am seam ripping so there's that but it happens to everybody so you know we just go along with it and we do what we can we just do the best that we can if you have a smaller machine and you have a hoop size i would recommend that you um you would do a much smaller quilt you wouldn't want to do something of this size i'm working with a nine and a half by 14 inch hoop and that is pretty large and this has been it's fun but it is a little bit time-consuming so it does take about three minutes to stitch out the design but you're working in sections and you're moving that quilt around and you're hooping and you're doing all these things and it does get to be um a bit taxing and so you need to you need to pay attention to that my body is extremely sore right now so i'm going to take i'm going to have to take the rest of the night off um i had hoped that i could quilt it all in one day because that's how i am i want to just get in there and do it um but it's too much so break it up into sections if you're gonna do this that's my recommendation don't try to be super woman or or superman and try and and do that so um also i wanted to say that my hands are really really sore so i have arthritis in my hands really bad this one especially um my thumb here is so messed up i i've broken both of my thumbs as a child um and this one as an adult so but this one for some reason is really bad like i can move it but it gets real stiff and it just it just hurts from here all the way down so um that is from hooping i cannot physically hoop this many layers of fabric um so i did have to stop and i had to go to amazon and i bought the monster hoop um for my machine and because i've seen those magnetic hoops and they're just so much easier i called every sewing machine store in my area and nobody has them so i was like oh what am i gonna do well amazon will deliver it next wednesday so there's that um let's see what else um so i would recommend that if you have arthritis or you have issues with your hands or anything like that that you might want to consider getting one of those hoops they're not cheap but they will save you they will save your hands and your arms a lot and believe me when i tell you it is a lot of work to hoop this and i think you see it on the video that i'm going to show you that's before this where you can actually see where i'm hooping this and the hoop does not want to go down and i i just don't have the strength to do it because it just hurts so much so i just wanted to throw that out there um and i'm just like you i mean i'm not a i'm not a professional quilter or anything like that i'm just uh i'm just a regular lady who loves to quilt and you know shares my love of it with all of you and we learn together so we are learning together this is new for me as well and so i'm sharing with you what i'm finding out and i hope that you're really finding it really really helpful and if you are please give this video a like and i think that's really it for this week i'm going to take a step back i'm going to finish picking out these stitches the ones that i've shown you because my eyes are starting to whack out now too um so i'm going to do that then i'm going to take a break from this until wednesday when the hoop comes in the magnetic hoop and then i will do part two of this and we will i will come back and give you my thoughts on that so stay tuned it's gonna get even more interesting it's never a dull moment around here is it never ever ever so um if you would like to follow me on social media the links are down below in the description box do not forget to give this video a like and click the little bell and subscribe you'll get notified each and every time that i upload a new video and i upload some pretty cool content here and if you would like to share that would be great because sharing is caring and keep on crafting and i hope you have a wonderful rest of your week i'll see you next friday bye you
Channel: The Crafty Author
Views: 20,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ADVANCED QUILTING, CRICUT, CRICUT MAKER, FMQ, FREE MOTION QUILTING, HOW TO MAKE A QUILT, HOW TO QUILT, JANOME MC 9400, QUILT, QUILT BINDING, QUILT PATTERNS, QUILTING, QUILTING FOR BEGINNERS, QUILTING TUTORIAL, QUILTING VIDEOS, SEWING, SEWING TUTORIAL, THE CRAFTY AUTHOR, block of the month, brother embroidery, edge to edge quilting on your embroidery machine, learn to quilt, patchwork, quilt as you go technique, sew along, sew along 2020, sew along with the crafty author
Id: MxaeMkuwkk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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