Edge to Edge Quilting using Templates

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action that wasn't very enthusiastic it is hump day hi everybody it's wednesday already i can't believe it i put that in our description how fast these days go it's crazy how are you today jake i know it's jake from steak farm day so what are you guys wearing so um we are going to finish our mystery table runner that's gone on for like six and a half months so we're kind of pushing it out that's right exactly so that we can show you different ways to do edge to edge it's because it was so well sewn we just don't want it to end we're just trying all different methods to make it look better so um welcome back and oh today's last day of convention two that's kind of crazy yeah so tomorrow again we we've been trying to take classes it's been weird but normally when we're at convention it is literally that's all our focus is and of course now we've got the store to run exactly so it's been kind of crazy but um we are going to finish our classes i'm going to be determined to try to finish mine today and have some more information for you on all the fun stuff tomorrow starting tomorrow remember we still have um uh the new products launch on september 9th which we better start stressing out about huh yes you had that's good so we have something to give away what are we giving away we are giving away this huge christmas door hanger oh that's really cute that's super cute isn't it we did this for the anita great design event oh did we really yeah some of us did i like this thing that's right it's very appropriate for the store by the way so and we are giving this to june junebug hey so congratulations she's only been in like twice a day so oh good well see that's it's almost like a dating trip that's true exactly um we have jokes too i've got a couple yes um i don't know if we've already said this one but it's kind of cute what do you get from a pampered cow spoiled milk [Music] well i cracked myself up so what's the first rule of alzheimer's club what are we doing again oh goodness stupid go ahead how does nasa organize a party [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the planet yeah we need a new joke it's hard to find long story jokes it is hard to find a story no that's true that's okay we're doing good with these one lines so you got some new product to show um where do you want to do it we we have a little fabric bundle to show them but we um but we're actually going to do the edge to edge okay okay that sounds we're going to get started straight away with that so again tomorrow um we all we will uh go over some of the new products i think i'm going to try to focus on a little bit of some of the new stuff we got in too so if you tune in you can see a little bit of the new stuff i hope that just sort of ruins everything yeah that's right okay so ready yeah okay all right let me take over yeah okay ladies and gentlemen so last week we did edge to edge quilting using the technology so we used the camera scanning technology and we also use the projection technology okay um but during the time that we were doing that a lot of you were asking well how do i do it on my machine i don't have camera technology you buy a baby lock i keep on telling ya so what we're gonna learn today is the original way that emilia scott teaches in her book okay so we are going to go back to the basics and we are going to teach directly from her book and kathy just to let you know how you get in on the prize drawings um food always works for me so just uh letting you know but no we actually just randomly pick and we try to we try to pick from people that share that's right yeah rich says it's rigged so it's cuz yes he is yeah and it's just because rich hasn't uh won anything yet so that's why he thinks it's rigged so okay so we are going to go ahead and we are going to do the basic method for edge to edge so we've actually got a lot of sewing to get done today better get going okay so again this is if you want to do edged edge without camera technology [Music] and i'm going further away from kate so i can get a chair here okay so more alcohol would work too debbie you're right so how the template method works is obviously it's template based so you have to create your templates so the first thing is to create your templates now you all know from watching last week that we have i understood never understood what you meant by template method now i know it just all it hit me go ahead i know it is i'm quick on the uptake as usual i'm glad somebody's landing something today so the first thing we're going to do is sew out our templates okay so we need to bring up our file now if you remember from last week you have an a and a b file so we're going to bring up our a file okay now in the book she talks about using a tear away stabilizer for your template a tow away stabilizer these templates are a permanent template for you to put into a filing cabinet so that you can pull them out each time you're going to use that particular design for edge to edge quilting and a tear away or a um a tearaway template if you were to sew on to tear away stabilizer it creases okay so i don't necessarily think that a tear away is the easiest um or the best um stabilizer to use two reasons wanna tear away is not um see-through okay so it makes it harder for you to see through your template and number two a tear-away stabilizer will crease so if you um the templates are going to be large remember because we're using big size hoops so you're probably going to need to fold your template up and if you fold your template up you're going to create a lot of creases in there so my choice for sewing the templates out is a no show mesh it's semi-translucent so you can see through it and it doesn't create a crease so you can fold this up as many times as you want you can scrunch it up into a ball but when you lay it out it will lay out nice and flat there's a whole bunch of questions by the way ladies we got slammed yesterday after live and so we did not have time to get the um to get the bags up on the website is that it's on oh it's on there now oh yay yay so it's up there now so that's a good news so they will be up now for those of you who are inquiring about them okay so and do you use the snap hoop to create the template that was the other one no yes and no you need to create the template in the hoop you plan to use i am choosing to use the standard hoops the old-fashioned way with the template method today okay um but if you are planning on using the template method with a monster hoop then your template needs to be your template needs to reflect the hoop that you're using for the particular sew out and you'll see why in just a few minutes okay so this is what i like to use for my template okay of course the hoops are so large now as you can see um that you the little 12 inch rolls of stabilizer aren't normally big enough your template has to obviously be one piece so these are the 20 inch rolls of no show mesh it could be fusible or it can be non-fusible okay you obviously don't why would you want to use fusible if you if that's the only thing you have at home oh i see okay so make a template out of it but you're absolutely right you don't you don't really want the fusible okay okay so i've got my template a up on my screen and i'm going to go ahead and attach my hoop and you want to use a thread color that you can see pretty easily good idea so don't use a pastel color for this okay go ahead and use a darker color i'm using like a rust color um as long as you can see it well that's all that needs to happen so we're going to go ahead and we're going to sew this out how much is the no-show mesh that 20 inch it is 34.99 34.99 for the 20-inch roll charlene and it's a 10-yard put up okay rich is approving he said good choice on your stabilizer all right i'm making sure i got everybody's questions here i like the big bribe good idea you don't take drives says who [Laughter] hi lynn you're not too late we just started so again the template and that's the only disadvantage with using the template method is there's more preparation so your template has to be sewn out in the size you're going to use and the hoop that you are using it with and she's using the 9 by 14 hoop today ladies so it's one of the larger hoops all right you know you could have made the template ahead of time i'm gonna hurt you [Laughter] so how's everybody doing out there it is the no show mesh that she's using for the stabilizer by the way um and again you want something that you can see through and something that will withstand multiple uses hi cindy from california um i sent you like i think like 18 packages in the last two days do you want good i'm doing great that's right listen to how quiet our machine is that's why we're not talking so you guys can it's just so quiet and the book um again is what is it twenty dollars no so i'm sorry i'm lying yeah i was gonna say i've been charging the wrong price this whole time the book is 35 and the book has 10 starter designs on it okay so you get like a baby design a basic stipple a little bit of salsa flowers stars some autumn christmas summer so you get a really nice collection so for those of you that have never done edge to edge quilting before basically it is a method of the designs connect left to right so you will see a open stitch point on the left and an open stitch point on the right and you have an a file and you have a b file and then those files will join together at that um start and end point and so ladies um again we're doing the template method here i i have a question this isn't coming from anybody except me um do you have to if you do a template for each one of these can you reuse it over and over again oh cool but it is based on the hoop you're using yeah so you're always going to want to use the same hoop when you're doing this technique and the same so every template has to be done for the size of the design and the hoop that you're using and you probably need to make sure you have sufficient thread in your bobbin for this too so we just run out of bottom thread real quick nice and easy to change that yeah so again the the book um comes with all the instructions for the template method and again a whole bunch of designs also to um to start you off on and then of course she has as we were saying last week she has a whole bunch of um add-on packs that are twenty dollars we'll go through those again for you when we are sewing the first design out on our quilt talk today but the book is really where you get all the information about how to do the math that is involved with deciding on the size of the design and how to position your first design and know where your first design is going um it's always the positioning of that first design that is very important um and do you make a template for both the a and the b you do okay um and debbie had a good idea use pants hangers and put them in the closet to keep them from getting destroyed oh there you go yeah see that would mean you'd have extra closet space in your home so was there a cd to get the template to download to your machine it yes when you buy the so when you buy the book um she is actually this particular book um has the cd in it that she is actually in the process of going electronic downloads so she gives you a code to go get oh i see okay and this was my question why do you need template a because you're going to use those on top of each other right correct and then when you move over to the side you use template b template a and b are two different templates so you do need a template for each uh okay so that's just to line up up and down on template a template a is to line up up and down and then template b would be for joining your endpoint and your style okay and she has a theory on the template method that close is good enough pdc pretty darn close that's perfect yeah so pdc is her pretty damn close message and the name of the author is emily scott it's with an a and again emily scott designs and she has a whole bunch of the um of these designs okay so if you're stitching with me today do not do not take this out of the hoop okay we're gonna go over to the cutting table you want to leave this in the hoop remember this template is for this hoop so we need to get some markings so that we know where we're at let's go over to the cutting table it's just our floor model okay let me get rid of this stabilizer here so it's not in the way you can see we got plenty of it excuse me i'm going through puberty ladies so okay moving along to our template ladies okay the first thing you're going to do is you want to draw around the inner edge of your hoop okay so we want to draw around you really don't need to follow me with that who was it yesterday said she needed to take some sickness pills yeah i think it was marquita okay so draw around these can be permanent marks okay now this is file a so we're gonna put an a up here [Music] okay when i take this out of the hoop i'm not gonna know which was top which was bottom better do that too so we're gonna put an arrow so we know which is top which is bottom okay um some people like to measure or mark it so that they know whether it was the small medium or large design okay so you could put small medium or large the other thing i like to do is i like to put an s where the design started so i put an s where it started and an e where it ends just in case you don't know what s means yes okay okay because when you look at this you'll be like oh did it start here and end here or you know you just don't know okay the other thing you need to do is you need to mark your vertical and horizontal lines so we're going to put the ruler on there to mark that's a lot of work here yes [Music] so we're going to do a vertical and telling you ladies you just need a machine with a camera on it this is convincing me all the more okay so if you have start and end horizontal vertical your inner area of your hoop you've got your top and you know if it's your a or your b template should you mark one in squares too no you can then take this out of the hoop sorry ladies i'm having fun today and here is my template okay and just because patrick was being honoree oh look you did look at that good job that is my b template already done so you don't have to um don't have to wait and watch me do that except she used um uh heat away ink right no i did not i'm just using a regular felt tip pen oh good okay the next thing you're going to do you can stay right there [Music] is you want to cut this template on the line [Music] michelle yes would you cut my other template on around the outer edge for me so this truly is a temp i mean it's a exact template isn't it okay i'm still kind of curious how you're going to make this work but i guess that's why everybody's watching [Music] so there's definitely a lot of preparation work to do this [Music] so if i use this on the enterprise would i use the center point of my start point for the snowman you know you really don't need to use this method on the enterprise though debbie you can actually use your camera and and use that camera method and scan in your fabric and lay it over or work it that way so you'd um you re-hoop where the camera can see your end point and then you'll be able to match it up that way so i hope that makes sense to you but you would use your camera i wouldn't even use this template method if you have an enterprise okay so here's the project from last week and last week we did two a's and we did two b's okay so we're actually going to do our a template right here and then our b template over here okay are you sure i'm 100 sure okay good now if you're not using a monster hoop you're probably going to see me struggle with this a little bit okay i'm not going to say it's going to be easy because it's not hooping a quilt in a standard hoop can be a little bit more challenging i'm going to release my hoop as open as it will go without the screw falling out okay that's a good call by the way okay so what we do is we take our template okay this is my a template this is the top now you can understand why it was important to put the top on there because once you take it out you don't know which is top and bottom so here's my top okay now if you watch the video last week you know that we want about three quarters of an inch below the last design before the top of the next design so what we're going to do is we're going to scoot this up [Music] and we're looking at where the top of this design now you'll understand why a see-through template is very important okay and we're going to position this up here now you can just tuck this under for just a moment if you want so that you can see where that template is okay okay so this is where i want my template right here i would recommend a couple of straight pins and just pin the template in place whilst you are doing your hooping [Music] yeah because it can move really easy couldn't it yeah now what we're going to do and yes lynn you could still use the magnetic hoop so would it make it easier to make why are you using the regular hoop because a lot of people don't have the magnetic hoops oh i see okay if you were if you were doing this and you had the magnetic hoop would you prefer that method though i thought there might have been a difference there it is a little bit different because the magnetic hoop it's easier to move your fabric in there right so you need to move your fabric in there but the way she i wanted to teach it per the book and with a magnetic hoop that isn't per the book okay i see okay so when you see what i'm going to do with my inner hoop now you could not do that with the magnetic hoop i see okay so watch what i'm going to do so remember this template has been cut to fit the inside edge of my hoop so now i know exactly where my hoop needs to go because i'm going to lay it down directly so it fits within that hoop okay did you just get the uh-hum i just i'm i'm i'm catching on here i'm telling you okay but now the challenge is we need to move this over to this hoop okay so we're going to pick this up and we're going to bring this over and we are going to position it in place now she does talk about um she does talk about using double-sided sticky on the back of the hoop oh yeah that's a great idea i don't think it works okay terrible terrible idea never mind um realistically she's saying that a double-sided sticky tape is going to hold your quilt in place whilst you are trying to get this hooped okay and i'm going to tell you it doesn't or at least it never has for me four hands works ladies okay so i got that in there so you would not want to float this by the way ladies you're gonna have to hoop this just because it if you floated it it would be um it's going to move too easy on you so and pretty darn close is going to go away really quick so this placement is not connecting to another stitch we just want it roughly three quarters of an inch below the previous design okay so we're going to go ahead and we're going to stitch this one out no but that's a good question lynn and yes you could do this with the with the magnetic hoop you're just gonna have a different way of positioning that [Music] okay and i am just going to go ahead and change my thread to the black so that it matches the rest of our quilt very good idea that would have been funny [Laughter] [Music] oh and used double-sided sided scotch tape that worked a little better yeah actually i would imagine that probably does work a little bit better i mean it just it's not a perfect science it's not a perfect solution yeah okay okay so i'm not gonna use camera technology yeah do you have a black and a bobbin too yes i do when i when i run out of bottoms good good call anne okay so i'm purposely not using technology that is on our top of the line machines because i want to be able to show you how she does it okay so what i need to do now is i need my needle is sitting center needle but i need my machine to show me where the top of the design is okay so if you want to come over here patrick we're going to go to this little icon right here you can see right in the middle of the screen it's got the green crosshair that's where my needle is sitting and i want it to position to the top center of the hoop so here's the top center icon [Music] and now my needle is going to go up to the top center i'm going to see if it is about three quarters of an inch below it is i'm going to take the needle over yes you're doing a standard embroidery foot here pamela and um just for those of you with some of the older machines kate went into the trial key on this some of the older machines go ahead and touch okay for me don't if you go into your trial it's just going to do a movement trial on there let yeah well i want to show them most of the machines are going to have the go ahead and touch okay one more time most of your machines no matter how old are going to have a box with a little needle on it that looks like this um so that sometimes on like the elegantes all the trial would do is is a continuous movement trial if you wanted to do what kate's doing you touch this button and you're going to have that same little box template there okay so um so whilst we're in here we're also going to take a look at the top left corner to make sure that we're okay on the left edge of the design remember our left after left edge of the design is about a quarter of an inch off the fabric and it looks like we're going to be about perfect okay so we are going to say okay and we're going to start sewing look at that good work so we've positioned our first a but of course a is a little bit easier to position because there's no connecting point we're just making sure that we have it centered underneath the previous design and that it's not going to overlap or have a big space between it um whilst this is showing i know we showed these to you last week laters but i know some of you may be joining us that did not watch it last week so let's go ahead and show them the design packs you got it and actually before i do that patrick um we're gonna go in and move our presser foot up a little bit anytime you have a lot of bulk underneath your needle where your points are you've got a lot of layers of fabric in there and sometimes the foot might just be sitting just a little bit too low and catch on that so when i do edge to edge i do generally bump my presser foot height up just a couple of notches so we're going to go into our settings key we're going to go to presser foot height the default is at set at .06 if you're set to inches and i'm just going to set it two um two notches up um so yes we've had a lot of question on threads you can use a regular quilting thread just because you're doing embroidery does not mean you have to use an embroidery thread so you can actually use a regular quilting thread in your or an embroidery thread whatever you want to use okay let's go take a look at the design packs whilst this is sewing out so also once this is soldered yes claudetta that button is on the destiny both styles are on the destiny so you can do them either way that kate's showing you there okay so i don't have all of them left in stock because we did sell a lot of them last week um but i am going to show you what i do have so um this is expansion pack number one um it's got a little bit of um coastal some southwestern christmas just kind of a little bit snow the snowflake one's really cute too we had somebody ask about halloween or any of them have halloween in them let's look i guess we're going to go through them all halloween oh look at that next one yep just like i knew that spiders this one would be so cool on the twilight pillow oh yeah yeah yeah um this one's got some sports so if you've got any little boys in your life kittens got pumpkins on there it's got a built-in stipple so number three has got airplanes back to school this was a kind of cute one for back to school i your mind jumps to weird things apples apples is back to school right that's i guess sure number four wait it has rats that's back to school too oh it's a dinosaur never mind they look like rats oh my so ladies about an hour ago patrick came to me and asked me to read numbers off on a receipt so yeah please excuse what he's saying right now um this one is perfect for my grandson christine did you know they had an ice hockey one on here yeah so here's an ice hockey one um this is number what number are we at this is number four um number i don't have number five in stock at the moment yes all of the expansion packs can be used ex on the destiny and all the ones we're showing can honestly be used on any embroidery machine do that go down as low as five by seven right oh no you need okay no you have to need a six by ten hoop at least ladies so again six by ten or bigger is what your hoop size is going to need to be so this one is design pack number six i really like the bees on this one look how cute that is that is cute yeah number seven is this one so we got fishes and pineapples and baby feet and little feet i like the feet yeah the feet are cute and the little trains hang ten number eight has jigsaw puzzles and um where are there jigsaw puzzles oh yeah look at that open your eyes look at the bugs oh bambi look at bambi wildlife look at the wildlife that one's cute too that's bambi it's not wildlife or whatever number nine i really like this unique stipple look at that stipple isn't that one cute i like that one um golf camping number 10 is a good one it's got some kind of a lot of geometric on this one huh yeah but it's got like camping and bears and trees number 11 has beer i love the christmas one here yes you can use this on your sixth needle jolita so it would do just fine on your six needle number 12 has the citrus one on it it has the the guy the tool one this one's kind of cute i like the turtles too those are cute it's got the stars it's got the unicorns unicorns are huge right now and then they go then they go to a jumbo pack and they have two different jumbo packs they have jumbo pack one and jumbo pack two i don't have a number two to show you today but i do have a number one to show to you today um and this is actually the one that we're using on the project okay this one right here this nice curly q one but we got bows what do they say about resizing these are you're able to resize them right so no um according to her instructions she recommends that you do not resize her designs okay i really can't find a reason why she tells you that other than she doesn't want to be responsible for you resizing an a and maybe not resizing the same to the exact same size i see yeah i have resized her designs but i'm not going to tell you that that's okay because in her book she clearly states no resizing so it's actually okay but we're just not going to tell you that yeah good um let's go back and see where we're at i think we're getting close um jumbo will work on the elysium or no no it won't yeah it it needs a 9 by 14 or bigger on the jumbo designs and they're 20 each everybody so but yes it would work on the destiny but not on the elysimo okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to remove this from the machine and we're going to go back over to the cutting table you sat down too soon i guess so what you're doing now well oh we only have one one b not two b right what no i mean we only have to do one of these how are you gonna finish the end that's what we're gonna discuss so what what i am gonna do is i'm going to we've just done the a file so what we're going to do is we are going to get the b template okay here is our b template we've got the arrow pointing up this is the way it's going to go here is my start point right here my start point needs to connect and it's on blue so you can see it really well okay my start point needs to connect with my end point you guys see that okay can you see that look at that okay [Music] oh this is kind of cool what you're going to do now we if you paid attention the first time you would know we're now going to take the inner part of our hoop we're going to fit it around our template okay put a pin in there to hold it just in case sometimes these hoops go in easier than others we're going to double check it with the machine okay just making sure how far off i mean like an inch and a half like a millimeter okay we're going to take our outer hoop we're going to put it underneath here oh that was tricky that time okay um did somebody call you yesterday above and beyond a vacuum did you loosen that screw again okay [Music] so we're going to remove the template look at that that was fast too good work thanks [Music] and you know that you've got enough room there because the template fit right yep good deal okay but let's talk about this what have we got going on here we have the potential of a disaster okay ask us how we know um so even though i'm using fusible batting this has been on this fusible batting for about a week and a half at this point i'm going to tape this edge down okay because i don't want that foot to come in and catch because it will okay and it will ladies so listen to her on this because it happened to me yes and it's pretty nasty when it happens okay so we're going to go ahead and we're going to take this okay if quilt was wider would you still do an a and then on the right of it do a b and then another a on the right of that correct okay yes so you're going to alternate pamela so the one thing you need to make sure when you are moving over to the next column is that you bring up your b file so i am bringing up my b file and now i'm going to attach my hoop yeah i can't imagine you guys getting all the way through all of this and then your foot catching on the edge of your quilt that would not be fun okay so another thing are her designs when they match up are they right in the middle are they in the middle of the design yes they are so there's an easy way to do this this is cool okay so i'm having fun with this one this is kind of fun i am taping this down did you get that from girlfriend yeah girl and i'm just using the kimbell tape that is correct going left and right you alternate going up and down you use the same panel the whole length [Music] okay okay so this time we're not as concerned with the top of the design what we are concerned with is this stitch point right here okay and we know this is stitch number one so we're going to go down to this icon and we are going to advance to the first stitch okay now not even close not even close look where we're at ladies so and i'm trying not to use new technology here okay so for those of you ladies that don't have cameras or you don't have lasers okay you would hand crank your needle down and you're going to see where that needle drop is going to be i'm trying to show you guys we're off real close not even close okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna say i'm gonna put my needle back to zero stitches remember if you've advanced to the first stitch you cannot move your design so we need to take it back to zero and we're gonna say okay we're gonna go to layout we're gonna go to move and we need to move this to the right and i think we needed to move it down just a little bit too and this is the game you play so can i show you an easier way to do that um when you don't have camera technology this is the game that you play okay if you ladies really quick i'm gonna teach kate something here real not really but oh did you already put it to stitch one um oh you did okay you can take me back out okay so if you go to zero where it goes to center and then you use that method that i was telling you about where you're gonna go to this icon here why because it doesn't always be in the center point it's roughly in the center of the design but it's not always when you're moving it when you're moving it now if you go to move it's going to move it based on that and you'd be able to correct oh okay so let me explain to you the difference here so patrick is being annoying bring this to you so that you understand the difference okay this that position point that patrick went to was the midpoint down the center of the hoop on the left hand side of the hoop okay that doesn't necessarily mean that is stitch one yeah okay so it's more imperative that you use stitch one for your positioning than the center of the left side of the hoop okay in this case that design does look like she is starting right in the center but that is not the case with all of her designs okay so you need to if you do it the way that patrick just showed you just double check that that needle is going to drop on stitch one right where you want it to drop okay [Music] so if you have it in that point you can at least check and see if you're in the general vicinity and that way now you can go back in and double check it right yes okay okay so what we've done is we and we've done it twice okay we moved to stitch number one to see if it was going to be aligned remember it's pretty darn close okay and then if it wasn't you have to take it back to zero stitches so that you can move the design because once you have advanced forward into stitch position number one your machine will not allow you to move i'm doing a lousy job answering questions can i answer a couple yeah i'm actually going to start the machine in a way so okay good so she's got it aligned now so um and patty this just gives you a different way of zoom in on that so they can see look at how perfect again oh let's go check where our bobbin thread is [Laughter] um so she had it all aligned um and again this just gives you an alternative the designs that you have built into the machine are not um aligned for edge to edge so it's a lot of them might be but you really have to be careful on what um what designs you pick because they're not going to have a start and an end point and they're not going to have two an a and a b side to them so wait there's more with the new upgrade there is an edge to edge built into the solaris oh is there really oh cool somebody needs to remind me because i'll probably forget somebody needs to remind me and i'll show you where it is okay and jolita the pattern would the pattern work on the long arm um i don't know the answer yeah i don't know the answer that either i have to look into that and lorraine you would go to stitch one because you want to know where the first stitch is going to be coming down in the design so you can make sure that it's aligning with the other uh with what you ended at and yes you could actually pull the bobbin thread up to make sure that well and i was just gonna go over that there's a lot of things that she talks about in her book that i'm not covering okay i'm talking i'm trying to teach more the basic method for positioning here in her book she does talk about um turning off your automatic cutter going in and pulling up your bobbin thread so that you can tie off your threads etc so there's a lot more to this than what i am covering in this life what nothing they're telling me that you know what you're doing so stop giving suggestions i've done a lot of edge to eggs that she has that's for sure but we are gonna run into a problem on the bottom here um which is good because it's gonna teach it's gonna show me an opportunity to teach you how to do this so whilst this is sewing out real quick i'm gonna let patrick um look at this and i'm gonna grab a couple of things that i'm gonna need for the next step okay okay um now we are using the 9x14 hoop in this instance again the larger hoops are better so and and that's correct judy i think you're right that long arm you're only going to have you're only going to have access to pes files and i'm not sure if i have a conversion program that would qli is the normal long arm format so i'm not sure if we could find these designs in a qli format did you get everything yep okay so let's talk about this overlapping yeah let's do that where are you getting questions on that no okay so if it's only overlapping by an inch or so i would just let it sew okay but if your quilt was finishing here and you were only using about half of the design what you would do when you get to that point is you would just stop the machine and advance it forward and like 100 stitches at a time to let it track through the design oh so you're not wasting threads so you're not wasting fridge you're not wasting time um and um so that's what you're going to do down here that is what i'm going to do down at the bottom but this one with it only being an inch or two off i would just let it run so the baby lock version of the handy quilter is um is the regalia uh patty so and again handy quilter actually makes baby locks long arm machines so they literally are identical and the software forum is identical also does anybody have any questions for me that we have not covered so far a ton of questions i hope you're paying attention i'm not so just ask again ladies because yeah i'm done answering them if patrick did not answer your question um it is hard sometimes to watch through the camera to make sure that you have the camera pointing something that um you're supposed to have it and watch all the comments so if we have missed a comment please feel free to ask again i'm sure he is not purposely ignoring questions that's right um and yes it does read pes files paddy um the i'm saying the embroidery machine reads pes files the long arm does not it reads a again a format called qli so yeah judy do you know what's what software you could even use to convert those files because it's not on embroidery or digitizing software and i'm not sure on that that's right am i putting you all to sleep by letting you watch it so our kit didn't come with enough backing fabric what do we do that's not good your backing fabric should have been 55 inches long by about 16 inches wide so if you can please measure that um you may um i don't think anybody else has told me that so give me a call here at the store and i'll take care of you but make sure you have it should be 12 rows by four across um so that was good suggestion i did not know that floriani would actually do that that's very cool um it'll convert a pes to a qli i didn't know that yeah um can you use insulbrite if yes would you used to need sharps needles and cotton thread i would use a quilting needle yeah i would definitely use a quilting needle on that too amy so um if since the solaris i would have used the 10 by 16 hoop becky the biggest hoop that you can use is is the best for the most part right or does that depend on the math um no you you definitely want to have play boom because you could see how even using oh that's a good point yeah it was about half an inch off that i needed to wiggle that a little bit and you can you can't even see where she started that's really cool and um what was i gonna say oh yeah she wants suggestions on how to take the weight off on a bigger project okay we'll talk about that here in just a minute let's go ahead and um get ready to do our next two things because our next two thing is going to be a problem [Music] so my next hooping so i'm going back to my a template my next hooping is going to be right about here okay and we are going to have a problem with this okay this has i think yeah i like to push the barrier but i wouldn't even attempt something like this okay this has way too much um leeway in the hoop and it's just you're just asking for trouble okay so my next file for my a column and my next file for my b column is running into a problem because i only have about five inches of area to quilt but of course i need the top part of the design here which means that i have nothing in the hoop down here okay so this is where we have to go in and use a filler piece of fabric okay so we are going to take a field trip over to the crescendo michelle they're saying thank you for cutting their kits they can see you working right i love cutting fabric keep asking for kits so what are we doing what are we doing so what we're doing is we're putting a fake piece of fabric on the bottom that will just be taken off afterwards doesn't matter what it is and you're going to just baste it on i'm just going to baste it across the bottom oh sorry yeah we thought that the um backing was cut right ladies so i hope not too many of you had that problem more than one person yeah somebody else said they just borrowed from another kit and used another fabric for the backing on the second one i don't know okay so what i'm going to do here is just and kat she's going to go over that with a with you so i'm just going to put this on here i'm going to use a long stitch length i'm stitching within a quarter of an inch do you can you just put on the batting or no put in would can you just put it on the batting you can just put it onto the batting but then you have that raw edge and then you need to tape that raw edge down oh yeah that's right okay so i'm trying to take care of two problems at the same time here okay so all i've done is put a fake piece on the bottom here ladies okay so we've got more to hoop they said it was exactly the same size as the front that's okay hopefully you got through it ladies okay so this should be 48 inches and no i'm sorry let me measure it real quick we have lots of hoops going on here don't we yeah yeah so this is measuring 48 inches and your backing pieces were cut 55. i wonder if some of you use those extra blocks because remember there was extra blocks that you weren't going to use oh i see those on that may have affected your backing okay so what we're going to do at this point is we are going to stitch file a so we're using our template we're looking for the top of the a to be about three quarters of an inch below the bottom of the previous file and then this is where our hoop placement is where the inner hoop placement so we're going to take our inner hoop we're going to place it right here i'm going to pop a pin in here just to hold it for me and now i don't know where my hoop is whoops just barely off not bad yeah that's a good idea with that little scrap fabric huh [Music] good job thanks patrick okay so we're going to remove the template now whilst this is on the table you might be able to see this a little bit easier so here's my start point it starts in the orange okay i don't need to sew this right but when it comes up and goes around and goes up into here i do need to sew this oh i see what you're saying okay so we'll advance to get to here we'll sew this and it'll track back around we'll sew this little piece right here but then we've got all of this stitching that we will not do all of this stitching that we will not do that's funny i wasn't quite following her lady sorry [Laughter] [Music] they knew what you meant yeah three quarters of an inch is that right kate is that what you normally have to yeah you really don't want it much closer than about half an inch and you don't want much more of a gap than about an inch and a half and it's all to do with the math there's math involved yeah i don't do math all right get that ready so we need to go out and we need to get our a file remember [Music] and we're going to go to our placement we're going to do upper center we're going to make sure it is about three quarters of an inch below the last design i'm going to bring it down just a little bit and we're going to get ready to start now remember it's going to come down and sew in this orange and i don't need it to stitch there so here's where i'm going to be tracking okay this is not going to be a start your button and walk away i need to track this design so i'm going to go 10 stitches at a time until i get close to the wait do that again [Laughter] until i get close to the yellow fabric or your quilt top whatever that is let it start to stitch and then it's going to come up and do a curlicue up here how do you know that because i'm watching it over on the screen oh i see okay now i can do probably a hundred stitches at a time and i'm going to let it scroll all the way through so this is becomes a little bit more tricky here ladies so she's just using her plus minus there and now she's going to back it up to make sure she's got everything covered okay so we're going to start it right around here [Laughter] billy said she was trying to pour herself a coke while she was watching and she overflowed her coke i guess it was really interesting huh billy okay and now it can pretty much sew the rest of the design out for me whilst this is stitching i'm gonna go grab those fabric bundles in fact i'll just take you over there and you want to come over there sure i need it so these are some new fabric that we just got in we only have a limited quantity on these um so it's oh wow that's beautiful those are really cool i know look at these fabrics ladies this is awesome so these are half yard bundles so there's two and a half yards so they're 25 okay is this going to be regular fabric or is this specialty stuff it's a specialty line is it really oh wow that's beautiful it's a quilting treasures line that we just got in i think day before yesterday it's really pretty and yes we are worried about thread but fabrics are nesting underneath there kathy but fabric's way more important oh are they concerned about our embroidery yeah fabric's way more important that'll be just fine okay so let us know if you want one of these bundles we will be taking them obviously in the order that they get ordered and that's what michelle's over there busy cutting you can see over there yep yeah the purple's awesome yes we do okay so we have one more hooping to do after this one and finally we will have we'll have a completed and then um and we just have to bind it and then yeah no i'm not doing that ladies by the way i think i've been taken permanently off of um off of mystery duty no you're doing mystery tomorrow i am don't look at me like that no ladies i'm doing a mystery tomorrow never mind and it's a really special technique is it can i put in the embroidery machine no well nope yeah we're going to start mystery number seven tomorrow and here we are we're getting there this is cool yep we're just about done we're done so even though it doesn't quite finish the rest of the design is just over here and we don't need that okay so how do we don't have any points to match though we don't have any points to match oh let's sew it out you're right patrick was right i'm so proud of myself you should see yeah we're sewing that remains of ten stitches oh she would have been so mad i would have been mad because now we need that point okay last whooping today ladies and gentlemen if there is any gentleman watching so we're going to take this back over here and we're going to use our b template [Music] one um a row that's funny i was right i got one in a row so here's our b template right side up we want to look at where the start point is and we want to match that up to the end point right here okay that i saved the day on we would have had no end point that would have been horrible yeah [Music] yeah edge to edge is fun this is kind of cool and really when we look at this whole template the only part we need is this yes we are having two exactly we're having to re-hoop a lot of extra fabric right here to do this with so you can really scroll through this then if you want [Music] yeah but sometimes when you mess around scrolling too much you actually kind of lose where you were at yeah that's a good point huh better to just let it sew sometimes okay [Music] are the different blacks in the new mystery like tone on tone or what that didn't show up well on monday the so the fabrics that you're using for the new mystery i'll go over that with you here again in just a second um so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go in and we're going to pull up our b [Music] file [Music] okay and remember we want to advance to the first stitch so it's the stitch point we're using to align so we're going to use our needle plus minus we're going to go to one stitch and once again and we are just a little bit high okay not too bad at all okay but i'm gonna take it back to zero um patricia um you can just call the store you can order right on the facebook live here and we do ship so we would be able to get that out to you whatever you [Music] want so we're right on right there look at that okay she's so good now the first part of the design is it tracks in a different order okay so when we look at the screen right over here okay i can see the green arrow i know it's gonna sew all of this part here first and then it's gonna come up and i don't need it to start sewing till it's somewhere up in here okay so i'm going to watch the green crosshair after i get the machine ready i'm going to watch the green crosshair do you see it on the screen tracking around it's moving my hoop so i know where i am within the hoop and it's tracking around the design i'm going to switch over to the hoop now so you can sort of see where we're at so you can see what she's doing and now she's all of a sudden made it up to the and now she's backing up to make sure that she gets everything set everybody got that so my stitch my phone oh tape sides they say oh yeah thanks and renee um kate do you know where the edge to edge is in the solaris too i'm gonna show them yeah we will do that for you renee if i remember i only looked one time so hopefully i remember this is only going to take about a minute to sew out because we literally have just the tail end of the design here really so like here i could have stopped and restarted but it's really not worth it just for that one little curlicue i may as well just let it stitch onto the fabric so is that make it harder to get that fake fabric off yeah does it that's why i stitched it out into the quarter inch seam allowance i see okay so we're starting mystery tomorrow right and then christine has a project planned for friday for you for me no for them [Laughter] um and yes there still are kits available for mystery number seven suanne we're limited in the colors a little bit right or what do we have left yeah the orange grunge is beautiful isn't it even our um throwaway fabric that's funny okay so the next mystery kits um are a black and white kit and then they have a pop of color and your choice on the colour pops that we've got left are lime green red and yellow hold on perfect so it is see see look what happened that's scary so you can see even when we taped it it caught that tape so you have to be really careful on the edges ladies good thing you have the tape on there ah it's just my fingers i guess that's like a phobia of mine yeah we need to give kate an award i don't know that was a close one we'll put that aside for you suanne okay so somebody just asked about the fabric that was in these kits so i'm going to open up one of these first of all you have a large chunk of black fabric the tape wasn't such a good idea huh is it because of that batting actually i finished oh no i haven't you've got a little bit more to go i mean you just need to be careful now you're pretty much done no it's going to go back up and around so we'll let it go back up and around it caught on that tape again ladies by the way so i i would when you're on the edges there i would really make okay so it's finished so the um kits are a black and white fabric you get a large chunk of black fabric that was all one fabric and it's different than what is inside these little plastic bags okay so what is inside and the large isn't tone on tone right it's a regular black it's a mode okay it's a motor oh it is it's a a grunge it's one of the two okay so the tone on tones that we talked about are a patterned fabric so you've got an eight inch square of three can they see those patrick can they see that there's a pattern to them okay so you got three different blacks and with those you then got four squares that match each one of those so your little squares the fabric should match your big squares okay so it is a tone on tone print and then you got a pop of color so whichever colors and now again you've got four small squares and one large square i wonder if anyone's figured out what the new mystery is yet beth is really good at figuring yeah she is already got it okay so i hope that answered your question on the mystery that's a 12. um let's go in and i'm going to remove this hoop from the machine that's very sweet of you guys they said the best award they can give is by telling everybody what we're doing for the customers it is very [Music] nice all right so here it is isn't my table runner done yet [Laughter] and it's completely edge to edge we will just basically unpick the basting stitches along here cut where we need to and then we will trim it completely even and then we will um bind it won't we patrick yes we will yeah can't wait for that okay so i just found out just a couple of days ago oh yeah yeah with the upgrade babylock has put in a so they've always had a quilting tab that has quilting designs but they don't connect together so it's not an edge to edge pattern but we now have an edge to edge design built into the solaris and you ladies are going to love it i believe it is in here so it's in category number two and give me just a second laters yes so it's in category number two and it's under that third icon right here and wait wait because everybody's gonna want this are you ready you're just gonna die when you see it who's ready anybody anybody ready watch this watch it drum roll i'll bring it up nice and clean it's a sewing edge to edge oh yeah that's awesome isn't that cool now the difference here ladies is there is no a and b so your um you will use the same file in each column okay um but i think this is going to be an amazing edge is that the only edge stitch no there's two there's two and different one yeah um that's kind of fun and you can certainly use the yeah this is cool so it's in category number two then you can use your technology and all the way to the bottom all the way to the bottom and then this one is also edge to edge it's kind of a flavor one it's really pretty yeah it is that's almost like what you did here cool okay do we have any more questions that we haven't responded to i don't think so okay i think we're out of here ladies again keep in mind we figured out a way i'm not sure if we got these up on our web page do you know if matt did or not no i need to talk to you about that uh oh never mind forget what i just said so we'll talk to you more about it tomorrow and with that i think we're out of here um you can use the jumbo edged edge on the destiny yes and i think that's it bye everybody
Channel: Above & Beyond Sewing
Views: 9,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HRvZ3qjXJvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 50sec (4790 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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